Example #1
def trim(args):
    # Define region to be trimmed
    y0, y1, x0, x1 = args.region

    # args.output should be a list of output names. If they do not exist, the outputs should be the same as the
    # inputs with whatever suffix, if any, the user gave
    if not args.output:
        args.output = [utilities.add_suffix_prefix(im_name, suffix=args.suffix) for im_name in args.input]

    # Do the actual trimming. We will do it first into a temporary file, then copy it into args.output. This is just
    # in case the output and input filenames are the same, or if the output exists. IRAF will not overwrite!
    for im_name, new_name in zip(args.input, args.output):
        basename = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(im_name))[0]
        _, temp_output = tempfile.mkstemp(prefix=basename, suffix=".fits")
        os.unlink(temp_output )
        with utilities.tmp_mute():
            imcopy(im_name + "[{0}:{1}, {2}:{3}]".format(x0, x1, y0, y1), temp_output)
            shutil.move(temp_output, new_name)

            # If a mask exists, trim exactly equally
            if args.mask_key:
                maskname = fits.getheader(im_name)[args.mask_key]
                with fits.open(maskname, 'readonly') as mask_im:
                    mask_im[0].data = mask_im[0].data[y0:y1+1, x0:x1+1]
                    mask_output = utilities.replace_extension(new_name, ".fits.msk")
                    fits.writeto(mask_output, mask_im[0].data, mask_im[0].header, clobber=True)
                utilities.header_update_keyword(new_name, "MASK", os.path.abspath(mask_output),
                                                comment="Name of mask image. ")

    return args.output
Example #2
def mask(args):
    for image, output in zip(args.image, args.output):
        im = astroim.Astroim(image)

        # If mask does not exist
        if not im.mask_name:
            im.HDUList_mask = build_mask(im)
            im.mask_name = utils.replace_extension(im.im_name, ".fits.msk")
            im.chips = im._get_chips()

        im = minmax_mask(im, min_val=args.minval, max_val=args.maxval, mask_value=args.false_val)

        # If circular field of view within rectangular image:
        if args.circular:
            im = mask_circular(im, mask_value=args.outside_val, margin=args.margin)

        # Star masking fitting sky
        if args.stars:  # if stars in the image
            im = max_sigma_clip(im, n_sigma=3, mask_value=args.false_val)

        # Save mask image
        im.HDUList_mask[0].header.add_comment("Mask for image {0}".format(image))
        im.HDUList_mask.writeto(output, clobber=True)

        # Include comment in the header
        im.primary_header.hdr["MASK"] = output

    return None
Example #3
def main(im_name, ra=None, dec=None, FoV=None):

    if ra == None or dec == None:
        if FoV == None:
            FoV = 20  # Largest image I've seen, 20 degrees, just in case

        # User passed the keywords?
            ra, dec = utilities.get_from_header(im_name, ra, dec)
            argunents = ["--ra", ra, "--dec", dec, "--radius", float(FoV)/2.]
        except KeyError:
            arguments = []

        # User passed the numbers
            ra, dec = float(ra), float(dec)
            argunents = ["--ra", ra, "--dec", dec, "--radius", float(FoV)/2.]
        except ValueError:
            arguments = []

    arguments = arguments + ["solve-field", "--no-plots", "--no-fits2fits",
                             "--use-sextractor", "--code-tolerance", "0.01",
                             "--overwrite", im_name]

    # Sort things out, clean up...
    solved = utilities.replace_extension(im_name, "solved")
    output_name = utilities.replace_extension(im_name, "new")
    assert os.path.exists(output_name)
    shutil.move(output_name, im_name)

    # Update old WCS system PC matrices and so on to avoid confusion
    utilities.update_WCS(im_name, im_name)

    # Build a catalogue with the coordinates of the stars found in
    # X and Y, RA and DEC and the flux of the stars
    corr_file = utilities.replace_extension(im_name, "corr")
    table = fits.open(corr_file)[1]
    cat_radec = utilities.replace_extension(im_name, "radec")
    f = open(cat_radec, "w")
    for line in table.data:
        f.write(str(line[2]) + " " + str(line[3]) + "\n")
Example #4
def main(arguments = None):
  # Pass arguments to variable args
  if arguments == None:
      arguments = sys.argv[1:]
  args = parser.parse_args(arguments)

  if not args.output:
      args.output = [utils.replace_extension(im, ".fits.msk") for im in args.image]
  # True_val and false_val can not be the same
  if args.true_val == args.false_val:
      sys.exit("\n\n ERROR: true_val and false_val are the same value: " + \
               str(args.false_val) + " Use --true_val and --false_val \n\n")

  # Call combine, keep name of the file created
  masknames = mask(args)
  return masknames   
Example #5
def main(arguments = None):
  # Pass arguments to variable args
  if arguments == None:
      arguments = sys.argv[1:]

  args = parser.parse_args(arguments)

  # Option 1: the user did not provide any catalogues, because they are named like the images, but with '.radec' extension
  # Option 2: the user provided a single catalogue, because all the images contain the same object
  # Option 3: the user provided an invalid number of catalogues for the number of images.
  if args.cat is None:
      args.cat = [utilities.replace_extension(im_name, ".radec") for im_name in args.input]
      if not all([os.path.exists(cat_name) for cat_name in args.cat]):
          sys.exit("Catalogues not found! Check the --cat option in the description: type estimate_seeing.py -h")
  elif len(args.cat) == 1:
      args.cat *= len(args.input)
  elif len(args.input) != len(args.cat):
      sys.exit("\n\n number of star catalogues and input images do not coincide \n ")

  return None
Example #6
def main(Ha_name, rgunn_name, scaling_factor, zp_Ha, T_Ha, T_rGunn):
    # Tell the user to load regions for the galaxy
    galaxy_messg = "\n Create/load region(s) in ds9 to enclose the galaxy. "+\
              " Save it for latter use. Then hit the 'OK' button!"
    galaxy_region = mask_from_ds9(rgunn_name, galaxy_messg)

    # Sky regions
    sky_messg = "\n Now do the same for sky region (or regions!) "
    sky_region =   mask_from_ds9(rgunn_name, sky_messg)

    # Stars to model PSF
    mod_stars_catalogue = utils.replace_extension(rgunn_name, ".model_stars")
    mod_stars_messg = "\n Select nice isolated non-saturated stars to model the PSF. "
    mod_stars_region = positions_of_stars_from_ds9(rgunn_name, mod_stars_messg, mod_stars_catalogue)

    # Stars to be subtracted
    subt_stars_catalogue = utils.replace_extension(rgunn_name, ".subt_stars")
    subt_stars_messg = "\n Finally, select the stars to be subtracted from the images"
    subt_stars_region = positions_of_stars_from_ds9(rgunn_name, subt_stars_messg, subt_stars_catalogue)

    # Now remove the stars from the images
    output_Ha = utils.add_suffix_prefix(Ha_name, suffix='-s')
    extract_stars.main(arguments=['--model_stars', mod_stars_catalogue,
                                  "--subt_stars", subt_stars_catalogue,
                                  '--coords', 'world',
                                  '--output', output_Ha,
    output_rgunn = utils.add_suffix_prefix(rgunn_name, suffix='-s')
    extract_stars.main(arguments=['--model_stars', mod_stars_catalogue,
                                  "--subt_stars", subt_stars_catalogue,
                                  '--coords', 'world',
                                  '--output', output_rgunn,

    # Read images
    image_Ha = fits.open(output_Ha)
    Ha_data = np.array(image_Ha[0].data, dtype=np.float64)
    Ha_header = image_Ha[0].header
    Ha_shape = Ha_data.shape

    image_R = fits.open(output_rgunn)
    R_data = np.array(image_R[0].data, dtype=np.float64)
    R_header  = image_R[0].header
    R_shape = R_data.shape

    # Halpha image: get galaxy mask, sky mask, subtract sky from galaxy flux
    Ha_gal_mask = galaxy_region.as_imagecoord(Ha_header).get_mask(shape=Ha_shape)
    Ha_sky_mask = sky_region.as_imagecoord(Ha_header).get_mask(shape=Ha_shape)
    Ha_sky_flux = np.median(Ha_data[Ha_sky_mask == 1])
    Ha_data_nosky = Ha_data - Ha_sky_flux
    Ha_and_R_counts = np.sum( Ha_data_nosky[Ha_gal_mask == 1])
    print "Narrow Ha filter counts: ", Ha_and_R_counts

    # Same for R image: get galaxy mask, sky mask, subtract sky from galaxy flux
    R_gal_mask = galaxy_region.as_imagecoord(R_header).get_mask(shape=R_shape)
    R_sky_mask = sky_region.as_imagecoord(R_header).get_mask(shape=R_shape)
    R_sky_flux = np.median(R_data[R_sky_mask == 1])
    R_data_nosky = R_data - R_sky_flux
    R_counts = np.sum( R_data_nosky[R_gal_mask == 1])
    print "R filter counts: ", R_counts

    # Halpha is basically the subtractiong of the counts in Halpha filter minus the scaled R counts
    # but more precisely, the contrinbution of Halpha line to the filter rGunn should be corrected.
    # For:
    #   - a transmittance T(Gunn) of redshifted Halpha in the rGunn filter
    #   - T(Ha_filter) the transmittance of redshifted Halpha in the Halpha narrow filter
    #   - scaling_factor the factor of scale between counts in filter rGunn and in the Ha filter (typically from stars)
    #   - rgunn_scaled the number of counts in the Gunn filter, already scaled to match Halpha
    #   - Ha_filter is the counts in the narrow Ha filter, which obviously contain a contribution from R.
    #   - Halpha the number of counts of the Halpha line in the Halpha filter (the contribution of Halpha alone)
    # we would need to subtract the Halpha contribution to rGunn before we scale it, but since we are starting
    # already from a scaled version of rGunn, we need to divide the contribution from Halpha by the scaling factor.
    # The system of equations would be:
    #  R_counts = rgunn_scaled - Halpha * T(Gunn)/T(Ha_filter) / scaling_factor
    #  Halpha = Ha_filter - R_counts
    # with solution:
    #  Halpha = (Ha_filter - rgunn_scaled) * scaling_factor/(scaling_factor - T(Gunn)/T(Halpha)
    # which gives, for a typical scaling factor of ~11 and similar transmittances in both filters a correction
    # of the order of ~10%.

    Halpha = (Ha_and_R_counts - R_counts * scaling_factor) / (1 - scaling_factor * T_rGunn / T_Ha)
    print "Halpha counts: ", Halpha
    print Halpha  / T_Ha * 10**(-zp_Ha/2.5)

    mask = np.logical_or(Ha_gal_mask, Ha_sky_mask)
    d = ds9.ds9()
    d.set_np2arr(Ha_data * mask, dtype=np.float64)
Example #7
for index, image in enumerate(list_images["filename"]):
    if list_images["type"][index] in ("cig", "standards", "clusters"):
        # Victor Terron has promissed changing dirs will soon be unnecessary 
        curdir = os.path.abspath(os.curdir)
        import lemon.seeing as seeing
        seeing.main(arguments=["--margin", "0", "--filename", '', "--suffix",
                               "-s", image, os.path.split(image)[0] ])
        newname = utilities.add_suffix_prefix(image, suffix = "-s")

        list_images["filename"][index] = newname
        # While running lemon.seeing a sextractor catalogue is produced. 
        catalog = fits.getheader(newname)["SEX CATALOG"]
        catalog_newname = utilities.replace_extension(newname, ".cat")
        shutil.copy(catalog, catalog_newname)
        # Damn FITS format and its constraints!
        short_name = os.path.split(catalog_newname)[1]
        utilities.header_update_keyword(newname, "SEX CATALOG", short_name)

print "Estimate sky for images of CIG(s), standard(s) and cluster(s) "
for index, image in enumerate(list_images["filename"]):
    if list_images["type"][index] in ["cig","standards","clusters"]:

print "Detecting objects for images of CIG(s), standard(s) and cluster(s)"
# This part follows the example in the webpage:
for index, image in enumerate(list_images["filename"]):
    if list_images["type"][index] in ["cig","standards","clusters"]:
Example #8
def include_wcs(args):
    # Copy input names into output names
    output_names = args.input[:]
    for ii, im_name in enumerate(args.input):
        # If it is a domeflat, skyflat or bias image, calculating the astrometry makes little sense
        im = astroim.Astroim(im_name)
        if im.target.objtype in ["bias", "domeflat", "skyflat", "flat"]:

        # Prepare my output file  for the resulting image
        if args.suffix:
            new_file = utilities.add_suffix_prefix(im_name, suffix=args.suffix)
        elif args.overwrite:
            new_file = im_name

        # Copy input image into a temporary file, so that we can modify it freely, for example, remove cosmics
        # or filter it (to be done).
        basename = get_basename(im_name)
        _, input_image = tempfile.mkstemp(prefix=basename, suffix=".fits")
        shutil.copy2(im_name, input_image)

        # Remove cosmics
        if args.cosmics:

        # The output of the WCS process of astrometry.net will go to a .new file, the coordinates to a .coor
        output_wcs = utilities.replace_extension(input_image, ".new")
        solved_file = utilities.replace_extension(input_image, ".solved")
        corrfile = utilities.replace_extension(input_image, ".cor")

        # Try first with the defaults of astrometry
        arguments_def = ["solve-field", "--no-plots", "--no-fits2fits", "--dir", "/tmp", "--overwrite",
                      "--new-fits", output_wcs, "--corr", corrfile, "--cpulimit", "1", input_image]
        try:  # Try to add the RA, DEC, Radius options to constrain the search
            ra, dec = im.primary_header.get(im.primary_header.RAk, im.primary_header.DECk)
            ra, dec = utilities.sex2deg(ra, dec)
            arguments = arguments_def + ["--ra", str(ra), "--dec", str(dec), "--radius", str(args.radius),
                                      "--cpulimit", "20"]
            arguments = arguments_def
        print "Trying to find WCS with astrometry standard keywords. "
        with utilities.tmp_mute():

        # Now we will try using sextractor
        # To avoid having too much residual crap in the folder, the output of astrometry will go to tmp (--dir /tmp).
        arguments0 = ["solve-field", "--no-plots", "--no-fits2fits", "--use-sextractor", "--dir", "/tmp",
                      "--x-column", "X_IMAGE", "--y-column", "Y_IMAGE", "--sort-column", "MAG_AUTO",
                      "--sort-ascending", "--sextractor-config", os.path.join(repipy_path, "default.sex"),
                      "--overwrite", "--new-fits", output_wcs, "--corr", corrfile, input_image]
        arguments0 += args.extras

        try:  # Try to add the RA, DEC, Radius options to constrain the search
            ra, dec = im.primary_header.get(im.primary_header.RAk, im.primary_header.DECk)
            ra, dec = utilities.sex2deg(ra, dec)
            arguments = arguments0 + ["--ra", str(ra), "--dec", str(dec), "--radius", str(args.radius),
                                      "--cpulimit", "20"]
            arguments = arguments0

        # Run astrometry, in case of not solving it on the first attempt, try fitting freely (no RA, DEC used)
        if not os.path.exists(solved_file):

        if not os.path.exists(solved_file):

        # Only if we have a solution
        if os.path.exists(solved_file):
            # copy the input file into the new file if they are not the same
            if os.path.abspath(im_name) != os.path.abspath(new_file):
                shutil.copy2(im_name, new_file)

            # get WCS from the resulting file, only the part added by astrometry.net
            with fits.open(output_wcs) as file_wcs:
                hdr_wcs = file_wcs[0].header
                ind = hdr_wcs.values().index('Original key: "END"')  # new part added by astrometry
                hdr_wcs = hdr_wcs[ind:]

            # Add that header to the original one of the image
            with fits.open(new_file, 'update') as new_im:
                new_im[0].header += hdr_wcs

            # Build a catalogue of RA, DEC for the stars found
            with fits.open(corrfile) as table:
                cat_radec = utilities.replace_extension(new_file, "radec")
                with open(cat_radec, "w") as f:
                    for ra, dec in zip(table[1].data["field_ra"], table[1].data["field_dec"]):
                        f.write(str(ra) + " " + str(dec) + "\n")
            output_names[ii] = new_file

            # If --remove_original is True
            if args.remove_orig and not args.overwrite:

    return output_names
Example #9
    if list_images["type"][index] in ["cig", "standards", "clusters"]:
        # Get date, RA, DEC from images. 
        time, RA_current, DEC_current = utilities.get_from_header(im, datek,
        RA, DEC = utilities.precess_to_2000(RA_current, DEC_current, time)
        RA, DEC, radius = str(RA), str(DEC), str(FoV/2.5)   
        # Calculate WCS using sextractor
        subprocess.call(["solve-field", "--no-plots", "--no-fits2fits", 
                         "--ra", RA, "--dec", DEC, "--radius", radius,
                         "--depth", "1-30", "--depth", "1-50", "--depth", 
                         "1-100", "--depth", "10,20,30,40,50,60,70,80,90,100",
                         "--use-sextractor", "--code-tolerance", "0.01",
                         "--overwrite", im])                         

        solved = utilities.replace_extension(im, "solved")
        # Case sextractor couldn't do it, try with astrometry.net's own routine
        if not os.path.exists(solved):
            subprocess.call(["solve-field", "--no-plots", "--no-fits2fits", 
                             "--ra", RA, "--dec", DEC, "--radius", radius,
                             "--depth", "1-30", "--depth", "1-50", "--depth", 
                             "1-100", "--depth", "10,20,30,40,50,60,70,80,90,100",
                             "--code-tolerance", "0.002", "--overwrite",
        output_name = utilities.replace_extension(im, "new")
        shutil.move(output_name, im)

        # Update old WCS system PC matrices and so on to avoid confusion
        utilities.update_WCS(im, im)
    in_pattern["blanks"] = "^(?P<name>blank)_(?P<date>\d{8})_(?P<filt>.*)_" +\
    list_images = utilities.locate_images2(dir, in_pattern)
    return list_images

list_images = search_images(directory)

print "For each object and filter, do photometry on all images"
AllObj_set = set(x for x,t in zip(list_images["objname"], list_images["type"]) if t in ["standards", "cig", "clusters"])
for obj in AllObj_set: # for each of the standards
    obj_images = list(list_images["filename"][np.where( (list_images["objname"] == obj))])
    output_db = os.path.join(directory, obj+".db")
    coord_file = utilities.replace_extension(obj_images[0], "radec")
    photometry.main(arguments=["--maximum", str(max_counts), "--uik", "", "--margin", "20", "--gaink", gaink,
                              "--aperture", "4.", "--annulus", "6", "--dannulus", "2", "--individual-fwhm", "--objectk", objectk,
                              "--filterk", filterk, "--datek", datek, "--expk", exptimek, "--fwhmk", seeingk, "--airmk", airmassk,
                              "--coordinates", coord_file, obj_images[0]] + obj_images + [output_db])

print "Find extinction coefficient from photometry of standards"
standards_set = set(x for x,t in zip(list_images["objname"], list_images["type"]) if t == "standards")
coefficient_list = []
for obj in standards_set:
    input_db = os.path.join(directory, obj+".db")
    airmasses, magnitudes, filters, SNR = extract.main(input_db)
    magnitude_errors_minus, magnitude_errors_plus = snr.snr_to_error(SNR)
    mag_errors = (-magnitude_errors_minus + magnitude_errors_plus) / 2.
    for filt in set(filters.flatten()):
        # find columns with the current filter