def process(self, dumpdir): print "[%s] Processing %s" % (time.asctime(), dumpdir) extrafd = open(os.path.join(dumpdir, 'extra.json')) extra = json.load(extrafd) extrafd.close() dumps = ['plugin'] if 'additional_minidumps' in extra: dumps.extend(extra['additional_minidumps'].split(',')) waitfuncs = [self.processsingle(os.path.join(dumpdir, 'minidump_%s.dmp' % dump)) for dump in dumps] for f in waitfuncs: f() reportFile = os.path.join(dumpdir, 'report.html') fd = open(reportFile, 'w') fd.write(generateReport(dumpdir)) fd.close() if self.config.reporting_server and self.config.reporting_directory: uuid = os.path.basename(dumpdir) year = uuid[3:7] month = uuid[7:9] day = uuid[9:11] remoteDir = os.path.join(self.config.reporting_directory, year, '%s-%s' % (month, day)) remoteFile = os.path.join(remoteDir, uuid + '.html') fd = open(reportFile) subprocess.check_call(['ssh', self.config.reporting_server, 'mkdir', '-p', remoteDir, '&&', 'cat', '>', remoteFile], stdin=fd) fd.close()
def main(): # clears the output of the testCaseEvaluations.txt and # testCaseOutputs.txt files os.system('cat /dev/null > temp/testCaseEvaluations.txt') os.system('cat /dev/null > temp/testCaseOutputs.txt') # list for the test case files testFiles = [] # loop for grabbing the directory info with the testcase # files for f in os.walk('testCases'): testFiles.append(f) # this takes the output of the list which is first a # tuple, and then takes the third argument (the list of # the files), casts them to a list, and then sorts them testFiles = sorted(list(testFiles[0][2])) # helper file that parses the testcases and then returns # a dictionary with the following format: # {'testCaseID': [testcaseID, requirement tested, driver name, # class being tested, function being tested, parameters, # expected oracle]} tests = parser.parse(len(testFiles) + 1) # generates a list of the testcases as keys for running individual # tests testCases = list(tests.keys()) # loop to run the testcases for i in range(len(testCases)): tester.runTest(tests[testCases[i]]) # generate a professional grade report based on the testcases that # have been run report.generateReport(tests, testCases)
option_xss = "xss" in confActions option_backup = "backup" in confActions option_include = "include" in confActions option_js = "javascript" in confActions option_crystal = "crystal" in confActions option_session = "session" in confActions # default to localhost ? archives_url = "http://localhost" if option_url: archives_url = option_url root = archives_url createStructure() depth = 1 generateReport(archives_url, False) filename = "file:///Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/htdocs/grabber/results/report.html" webbrowser.get('macosx').open(filename, 0, False) definition_headers(option_cookie) if option_cookie != None: appendToReport( archives_url, "<h4><div class='label label-default'>Cookie: " + escape(option_cookie) + "</div></h4>") try: depth = int(option_spider.strip().split()[0]) except (ValueError, IndexError, AttributeError): depth = 0 try: try:
def __init__(self, *args): Qt.QMainWindow.__init__(self, *args) self.resize(800, 600) self.setWindowTitle("PlotMeNow") centralWidget = QtGui.QWidget(self) gridLayout = QtGui.QGridLayout(centralWidget) gridLayout.setMargin(0) plot = CartesianPlot(centralWidget) gridLayout.addWidget(plot, 0, 0, 1, 1) self.setCentralWidget(centralWidget) def addToolBar(parent, name): toolBar = QtGui.QToolBar(parent) toolBar.setWindowTitle(name) parent.addToolBar(QtCore.Qt.TopToolBarArea, toolBar) return toolBar toolBar = addToolBar(self, u'Сессия') def genButton(name, res, *args): return toolBar.addAction(QtGui.QIcon(QtGui.QPixmap(":/image/%s.png" % res)), name, *args) def projSaveAs(): print 'projSaveAs()', pc.isChanged() fileName = QtGui.QFileDialog.getSaveFileName(self, u'Сохранить сессию', '.', 'PlotMeNow (*.pmn)') if not fileName.isNull(): return return False def projSave(): print 'projSave()', pc.isChanged() if not pc.onDisk(): return projSaveAs() return def projNew(): print 'projNew()', pc.isChanged() if pc.isChanged(): reply = QtGui.QMessageBox.question(self, u'Несохраненные изменения', u'Сохранить текущую сессию?', QtGui.QMessageBox.Save | QtGui.QMessageBox.Discard | QtGui.QMessageBox.Cancel, QtGui.QMessageBox.Cancel) if reply == QtGui.QMessageBox.Save: projSave() elif reply == QtGui.QMessageBox.Cancel: return self.e.setAB(None, None) print '1', pc.getElements() ret = print '2', pc.getElements() if ret: for i in xrange(comboBoxF.count()): comboBoxF.setItemData(i, None) print '3', pc.getElements() print 'comboBoxF.clear()' comboBoxF.clear() print '4', pc.getElements() self.l.destroy() del self.l self.l = None print '5', pc.getElements() self.l = pc.create(Lagrange.__name__) self.l.setEditing() print '6', pc.getElements() self.e.setAB(None, self.l) print 'Control elems', pc.getElements() self.e.reconnect() self.e.setB(self.l) plot.replot() else: if comboBoxF.count() > 0: index = comboBoxF.currentIndex() obj = comboBoxF.itemData(index).toPyObject() self.e.setAB(obj, self.l) return ret def projOpen(): print 'projOpen()', pc.isChanged() fileName = QtGui.QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(self, u'Открыть сессию', '.', 'PlotMeNow (*.pmn)') if not fileName.isNull(): if pc.isChanged() and QtGui.QMessageBox.Save == QtGui.QMessageBox.question(self, u'Несохраненные изменения', u'Сохранить текущую сессию?', QtGui.QMessageBox.Save | QtGui.QMessageBox.Discard, QtGui.QMessageBox.Save): projSave() #return pc.load(unicode(fileName)) self.e.setAB(None, None) print '1', pc.getElements() ret = pc.load(unicode(fileName)) print '2', pc.getElements() if ret: """ self.l.destroy() self.ep.destroy() pc.detach(self.l) pc.detach(self.ep) del self.l del self.ep self.l = None self.ep = None self.l = pc.getElementsByClassName(Lagrange.__name__).pop() self.ep = pc.getElementsByClassName(EvalPlot.__name__).pop() self.e.setAB(self.ep, self.l) plot.replot() """ """ for ep in pc.getElementsByClassName(EvalPlot.__name__): pc.detach(ep) ep.destroy() del ep ep = None self.l.destroy() pc.detach(self.l) del self.l self.l = None """ self.l = pc.getElementsByClassName(Lagrange.__name__).pop() print '3', pc.getElements() print 'comboBoxF.clear()' comboBoxF.clear() print '4', pc.getElements() print 'for ep in pc.getElementsByClassName(EvalPlot.__name__)' for ep in pc.getElementsByClassName(EvalPlot.__name__): f = ep.getExpression() if f is None: print 'Warning!', ep, 'has None function' else: comboBoxF.addItem(f, ep) print '5', pc.getElements() if comboBoxF.count() > 0: index = comboBoxF.currentIndex() obj = comboBoxF.itemData(index).toPyObject() self.e.setA(obj) self.e.reconnect() self.e.setB(self.l).replot() return ret return False projectNew = genButton(u"Новый", "new", projNew) projectOpen = genButton(u"Открыть", "open", projOpen) projectSave = genButton(u"Сохранить", "fileSave", projSave) projectSaveAs = genButton(u"Сохранить как", "fileSaveAs", projSaveAs) toolBar = addToolBar(self, u'Навигация') #toolBar.addSeparator() editUndo = genButton(u"Отменить действие", "editUndo", lambda: pc.undo()) editRedo = genButton(u"Вернуть действие", "editRedo", lambda: pc.redo()) toolBar = addToolBar(self, u'Выражения') #toolBar.addSeparator() comboBoxF = QtGui.QComboBox(toolBar) comboBoxF.setMinimumSize(QtCore.QSize(220, 0)) #comboBoxF.addItems(['4*pi*sin(x)*cos(x)^2', 'x^2', 'e^(-x^2)']) comboBoxF.setEditable(True) comboBoxF.setIconSize(QtCore.QSize(16, 16)) toolBar.addAction("f(x):") toolBar.addWidget(comboBoxF) #QtCore.QObject.connect(comboBoxF, QtCore.SIGNAL("editTextChanged(QString)"), lambda x: self.ep.setExpression(x)) #QtCore.QObject.connect(comboBoxF, QtCore.SIGNAL("currentIndexChanged(QString)"), lambda x: self.ep.setExpression(x)) #QtCore.QObject.connect(comboBoxF, QtCore.SIGNAL("currentIndexChanged(int)"), lambda i: self.e.setA(comboBoxF.itemData(i).toPyObject()).replot()) def currentIndexChanged(index): print 'currentIndexChanged', index if index > -1: obj = comboBoxF.itemData(index).toPyObject() if obj is None: obj = pc.create(EvalPlot.__name__, comboBoxF.itemText(index)) comboBoxF.setItemData(index, obj) self.e.reconnect() self.e.setA(obj) else: self.e.setA(None) self.e.replot() #def editTextChanged(text): QtCore.QObject.connect(comboBoxF, QtCore.SIGNAL("currentIndexChanged(int)"), currentIndexChanged) #QtCore.QObject.connect(comboBoxF, QtCore.SIGNAL("editTextChanged(QString)"), editTextChanged) deleteButtonF = QtGui.QPushButton(QtGui.QIcon(QtGui.QPixmap(":/image/editDelete.png")), '', toolBar) deleteButtonF.setIconSize(QtCore.QSize(12, 12)) deleteButtonF.setMaximumSize(QtCore.QSize(22, 22)) #QtCore.QObject.connect(deleteButtonF, QtCore.SIGNAL("clicked()"), lambda: comboBoxF.removeItem(comboBoxF.currentIndex())) def deleteEP(): if comboBoxF.count() == 0: return index = comboBoxF.currentIndex() obj = comboBoxF.itemData(index).toPyObject() pc.detach(obj) obj.destroy() del obj comboBoxF.removeItem(index) QtCore.QObject.connect(deleteButtonF, QtCore.SIGNAL("clicked()"), deleteEP) toolBar.addWidget(deleteButtonF) toolBar = addToolBar(self, u'Отчет') #toolBar.addSeparator() #generateReportAction = genButton(u"Составить отчет", "fileResource", lambda: generateReport(self, plot, [unicode(comboBoxF.itemText(i)) for i in xrange(comboBoxF.count())], [l])) generateReportAction = genButton(u"Составить отчет", "fileResource", lambda: generateReport(self, plot, pc.getElementsByClassName(EvalPlot.__name__), pc.getElementsByClassName(Lagrange.__name__))) toolBar = addToolBar(self, u'Справка') #toolBar.addSeparator() helpAction = genButton(u"Справка", "help", lambda: HelpDialog(self).show()) aboutAction = genButton(u"О программе", "helpAbout", lambda: AboutDialog(self).show()) pc = PlotControl(plot, editUndo.setEnabled, editRedo.setEnabled) #self.ep = EvalPlot(plot, '4*pi*sin(x)*cos(x)^2') self.l = Lagrange(plot) #self.e = Epsilon(plot, self.ep, self.l) self.l.setEditing() self.e = Epsilon(plot, None, self.l) func = ['4*pi*sin(x)*cos(x)^2', 'x^2', 'e^(-x^2)'] for f in func: comboBoxF.addItem(f, pc.create(EvalPlot.__name__, f)) self.e.reconnect() pc.attach(self.l) #pc.attach(self.ep) picker = Qwt.QwtPlotPicker(Qwt.QwtPlot.xBottom, Qwt.QwtPlot.yLeft, Qwt.QwtPicker.DragSelection, Qwt.QwtPlotPicker.CrossRubberBand, Qwt.QwtPicker.AlwaysOn, plot.canvas())
def main(): ip_ranges_final = [] alteredSessions_final = [] hosts = [] db_h_final = defaultdict() sessions_final = defaultdict() attacks_final = defaultdict() hierarchy_final = defaultdict() host_list_final = defaultdict() db_s_final = defaultdict() exploitsRun_final = defaultdict() existing = 0 shared_util.defineGlobals() prop_file_gen = False if "-init" in sys.argv else True ## user prompt (server_ip, server_passwd, ip_ranges, target_ip, severity) = \ user_input_handler.prompt_user(prop_file_gen) exploit_file_gen = 0 ## service startup if len(sys.argv) > 1: for arg in sys.argv: if arg == "-init": service_startup.init(server_ip, server_passwd) exploit_file_gen = 1 if arg == "-update": service_startup.update() exploit_file_gen = 1 if arg == "-h" or arg == "--help": user_input_handler.print_header() quit() print "Prop file name: " + str(shared_util.prop_file_name) scan = nmap_scan.scan_location_setup() if scan == "y" or scan == "Y": host_list = nmap_scan.scan(ip_ranges, [], []) else: host_list = shared_util.parseIPRanges(ip_ranges); #print host_list ## exploit gathering db_e = exploit_db_gen.determine_db(exploit_file_gen) #exploit_db_gen.print_db(db_e) user_input_ranges = ip_ranges while True: ## service gathering db_s = service_db_gen.generate_db(host_list) #service_db_gen.print_db(db_s) ## host gathering (db_h, host_list) = host_db_gen.generate_db(host_list) #host_db_gen.print_db(db_h) ## attack generation attacks = atk_gen.determineAttackVectors(db_e, db_s, db_h, host_list, severity) #atk_gen.print_attacks(attacks) (session_db, exploitsRun, existing) = atk_gen.generate_attacks(attacks, server_ip, severity, existing) #print session_db #print "-------------------------------------" #print exploitsRun ## privilege escalation module (combine with pivoting) #session_db = shared_util.parseSessionData(sessions) #print session_db (session_db, new_networks, hierarchy, alteredSessions, exclude) = post_exploit.searchForTarget(session_db, db_h, host_list) #copy data into final structures ip_ranges_final = copy.copyIPRanges(ip_ranges_final, ip_ranges) db_h_final = copy.copyHosts(db_h_final, db_h) sessions_final = copy.copySessions(sessions_final, session_db) attacks_final = copy.copyAttacks(attacks_final, attacks) hierarchy_final = copy.copyHierarchy(hierarchy_final, hierarchy) alteredSessions_final = copy.copyAlteredSessions(alteredSessions_final, alteredSessions) db_s_final = copy.copyServices(db_s_final, db_s) exploitsRun_final = copy.copyExploitsRun(exploitsRun_final, exploitsRun) # conduct new scan or quit if len(new_networks) > 0: ip_ranges = new_networks hosts = copy.copyHostsForScanning(hosts, host_list, exclude) temp_host_list = nmap_scan.use_scanners(ip_ranges, hosts) #temp_host_list = nmap_scan.scan(ip_ranges, exclude, host_list_final) host_list_final = copy.copyHostList(host_list_final, host_list, temp_host_list, hierarchy) host_list = temp_host_list else: host_list_final = copy.copyHostList(host_list_final, host_list, [], hierarchy) break ## exploit db updater exploit_db_gen.update_db(db_e, db_h_final, sessions_final, exploitsRun_final) ## reporting module targetTree = target.getTargetTree(host_list_final, target_ip) report.generateReport(ip_ranges_final, host_list_final, db_h_final, sessions_final, hierarchy_final, alteredSessions_final, targetTree, user_input_ranges, target_ip, severity, db_e, db_s_final, attacks_final) ## close all open sessions post_exploit.closeSessions() print "Done"
age = model_class(maxBin, maxBin2) print('model: {}'.format( # train model print('train model...') start = time.time() training_history =, trainy, epochs=epochcnt, batch_size=batch) print(type(training_history)) training_time = (time.time() - start) / 60 print('training time taken: {} minutes'.format(training_time)) results, acc = generateReport(age.model, testx, testy, targetNames, training_history, training_time, crop_time, age.params) notify.mail('{} Finished: {}'.format(acc * 100,, results) with open('{}-results.txt'.format(, 'w') as f: f.write(results) # Test pictures result = age.model.evaluate(kx, ky) r = '' for i, value in enumerate(result): r += ' - {} \t: {}\n'.format(age.model.metrics_names[i], value) notify.mail('results', r) #except Exception as e: # print('Error!') # print(e)
print(""" Bienvenido a la pizzería 1. Para subir archivo 2. Para generar reporte 0. Salir""") menuOption = int(input("Elija una opción: ")) if menuOption == 0: break elif menuOption == 1: pizzaList = fileToObject(searchForFilePath()) if pizzaList is None: print("Archivo no válido") else: showOrders(pizzaList) elif menuOption == 2: generateReport(searchForReportPath()) """ myPizza = Pizza([10, 15, 20], 'Familiar') jamon = Ingredient([1.5, 1.75, 2], 'jamón') champinones = Ingredient([1.75, 2.05, 2.5], 'champiñones') pimenton = Ingredient([1.5, 1.75, 2], 'pimentón') myPizza = Decorator(myPizza, jamon) myPizza = Decorator(myPizza, jamon) myPizza = Decorator(myPizza, jamon) myPizza = Decorator(myPizza, pimenton) myPizza = Decorator(myPizza, pimenton) myPizza = Decorator(myPizza, pimenton) myPizza = Decorator(myPizza, pimenton) myPizza = Decorator(myPizza, pimenton) myPizza = Decorator(myPizza, champinones) myPizza = Decorator(myPizza, champinones)
option_xss = "xss" in confActions option_backup = "backup" in confActions option_include = "include" in confActions option_js = "javascript" in confActions option_crystal = "crystal" in confActions option_session = "session" in confActions # default to localhost ? archives_url = "http://localhost" if option_url: archives_url = option_url root = archives_url createStructure() depth = 1 generateReport(archives_url, False) filename = "file:///Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/htdocs/grabber/results/report.html" webbrowser.get("macosx").open(filename, 0, False) definition_headers(option_cookie) if option_cookie != None: appendToReport( archives_url, "<h4><div class='label label-default'>Cookie: " + escape(option_cookie) + "</div></h4>" ) try: depth = int(option_spider.strip().split()[0]) except (ValueError, IndexError, AttributeError): depth = 0 try: try: