def test_24_PieCharts(self): from reportlab.lib.styles import getSampleStyleSheet from reportlab.lib import colors from reportlab.lib.units import inch from reportlab.platypus import SimpleDocTemplate, Spacer, Paragraph from reportlab.pdfbase import pdfmetrics from import Drawing from reportlab.pdfbase.ttfonts import TTFont from import Pie pdfmetrics.registerFont(TTFont('chsFont', 'STHeiti Light.ttc')) stylesheet = getSampleStyleSheet() elements = [] doc = SimpleDocTemplate("demo.pdf") elements.append(Paragraph('<font name="chsFont"> - 俊毅</font>', stylesheet['Title'])) elements.append(Spacer(1,1*inch)) d = Drawing(400,200) data = [13,5,20,22,37,45] pc = Pie() pc.x = 65 pc.y = 15 pc.width = 150 pc.height = 150 = data pc.labels = ['a','b','c','d','e','f'] d.add(pc) elements.append(d)
def get_pie_image(width, height, x, y, datas, lables, _colors): """ ��ɱ�״ͼ @param width: ͼƬ��� @param height: ͼƬ�Ŀ�� @param x: ͼƬ��x��� @param y: ͼƬ��y��� @param datas: ���ͼƬ����� @param lables: ��״ͼ��������� """ from import Pie drawing = Drawing(width, height) pc = Pie() pc.width = 80 pc.height = 80 pc.x = x pc.y = y = datas pc.labels = lables pc.slices.strokeWidth = 0.5 pc.startAngle = 90 pc.checkLabelOverlap = True pc.sideLabels = True pc.sideLabelsOffset = 0.1 pc.direction = 'clockwise' for i in range(len(lables)): pc.slices[i].fontName = "msyh" pc.slices[i].fontSize = 3 pc.slices[i].labelRadius = 3 pc.slices[i].popout = 5 pc.slices[i].fillColor = _colors[i] drawing.add(pc) return drawing
def test_24_PieCharts(self): from reportlab.lib.styles import getSampleStyleSheet from reportlab.lib import colors from reportlab.lib.units import inch from reportlab.platypus import SimpleDocTemplate, Spacer, Paragraph from reportlab.pdfbase import pdfmetrics from import Drawing from reportlab.pdfbase.ttfonts import TTFont from import Pie pdfmetrics.registerFont(TTFont('chsFont', 'STHeiti Light.ttc')) stylesheet = getSampleStyleSheet() elements = [] doc = SimpleDocTemplate("demo.pdf") elements.append( Paragraph('<font name="chsFont"> - 俊毅</font>', stylesheet['Title'])) elements.append(Spacer(1, 1 * inch)) d = Drawing(400, 200) data = [13, 5, 20, 22, 37, 45] pc = Pie() pc.x = 65 pc.y = 15 pc.width = 150 pc.height = 150 = data pc.labels = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f'] d.add(pc) elements.append(d)
def __add_graph(self): drawing = Drawing(200, 100) data = list() labels = list() self.c.drawString(370, 730, 'Distribucion en pesos'.encode('utf-8')) for acc in self.accounts: balance = acc.balance if acc.currency == 'USD': balance = balance * self.dolar data.append(balance) labels.append( pie = Pie() pie.x = 280 pie.y = 630 pie.height = 100 pie.width = 100 = data pie.labels = labels pie.simpleLabels = 1 pie.slices.strokeWidth = 1 pie.slices.strokeColor = black pie.slices.label_visible = 0 legend = Legend() legend.x = 400 legend.y = 680 legend.dx = 8 legend.dy = 8 legend.fontName = 'Helvetica' legend.fontSize = 7 legend.boxAnchor = 'w' legend.columnMaximum = 10 legend.strokeWidth = 1 legend.strokeColor = black legend.deltax = 75 legend.deltay = 10 legend.autoXPadding = 5 legend.yGap = 0 legend.dxTextSpace = 5 legend.alignment = 'right' legend.dividerLines = 1|2|4 legend.dividerOffsY = 4.5 legend.subCols.rpad = 30 n = len( self.__setItems(n,pie.slices, 'fillColor',self.pdf_chart_colors) legend.colorNamePairs = [(pie.slices[i].fillColor, (pie.labels[i][0:20],'$%0.2f' %[i])) for i in xrange(n)] drawing.add(pie) drawing.add(legend) x, y = 0, 0 renderPDF.draw(drawing, self.c, x, y, showBoundary=False)
def __init__(self, drawing=None, data=None, x=70, y=25, width=115, height=115): pie = Pie() pie.strokeColor = white pie.slices.strokeColor = white pie.slices.popout = 1 pie.width = width pie.height = height pie.y = y pie.x = x pie.sideLabels = 1 pie.slices.fontName = 'Lato' pie.slices.fontSize = 9 colors = get_n_random_colors(len(data)) for i in range(0, len(data)): pie.slices[i].fillColor = toColor(colors[i]) = [value for (_, value) in data] pie.labels = [key for (key, _) in data] drawing.add(pie)
def draw_time_repartition(mandate): drawing = Drawing(width=180*mm, height=120*mm) pdf_chart_colors = [HexColor("#fa9d00"), HexColor("#006884"), HexColor("#00909e"), HexColor("#ffd08d"), ] pie = Pie() pie.x = 60*mm pie.y = 35*mm pie.width = 60*mm pie.height = 60*mm pie.slices.strokeWidth = 0.5 pie.slices.fontName = 'Helvetica' pie.slices.fontSize = 8 = [] pie.labels = [] titles = [] add_data_and_titles_to_pie(pie, titles, mandate.research_percent, 'research_percent') add_data_and_titles_to_pie(pie, titles, mandate.tutoring_percent, 'tutoring_percent') add_data_and_titles_to_pie(pie, titles, mandate.service_activities_percent, 'service_activities_percent') add_data_and_titles_to_pie(pie, titles, mandate.formation_activities_percent, 'formation_activities_percent') if len( > 0: drawing.add(pie) add_legend_to_pie(drawing) n = len( set_items(n, pie.slices, 'fillColor', pdf_chart_colors) drawing.legend.colorNamePairs = \ [(pie.slices[i].fillColor, (titles[i], '%0.f' %[i] + '%')) for i in range(n)] return drawing
def overview_month_spending_breakdown_pie(c, h, w): categories = [ 'Clothing', 'Transport', 'Insurance', 'Food', 'Medical and Dental', 'Housing', 'Utilities', 'Education', 'Gifts', 'Entertainment' ] d = Drawing() pie = Pie() pie.sideLabels = 1 pie._seriesCount = 10 my_data = [] for x in categories: my_data.append(data.category_data(x.lower(), month, 2019)) pie.x = 0 pie.y = 0 pie.width = 100 pie.height = pie.width = my_data pie.slices.fontName = serif_font pie.slices.fontSize = 11 pie.labels = tuple(categories) pie.slices.strokeWidth = 0.5 #pie.slices[3].popout = 20 d.add(pie) d.drawOn(c, h, w)
def create_pie_chart(data, labels, legend=False): from import Pie from import Drawing d = Drawing(250, 275) pie = Pie() # required by Auto pie._seriesCount = len(data) pie.x = 175 pie.y = 100 pie.width = 150 pie.height = 150 = data pie.labels = labels pie.simpleLabels = 0 pie.sideLabels = True pie.slices.strokeWidth = 0.5 for i in range(0, len(colores)): pie.slices[i].fillColor = colores[i] if legend: add_legend(d, pie, data) d.add(pie)['pdf'], outDir='.', fnRoot='test-pie') return d
def monthly_spending_breakdown_pie(c, category, h, w, v=False): d = Drawing() pie = Pie() pie.sideLabels = 1 pie._seriesCount = 10 output = [] my_data = [] output = data.cat_ind_data(category, month, year) my_data = output[1] labels = output[0] if sum(my_data) == 0: return pie.x = 0 pie.y = 0 pie.width = 100 pie.height = pie.width = my_data pie.slices.fontName = serif_font pie.slices.fontSize = 11 pie.labels = labels pie.slices.strokeWidth = 0.5 #pie.slices[3].popout = 20 d.add(pie) d.drawOn(c, h, w)
def category_budget_left_pie(c, category, h, w): my_data = [] for x in range(1, month + 1): my_data.append(data.category_data(category, x, year)) labels = month_name[1:month + 1] labels.append('Budget') my_data.append(data.category_budget(category) - sum(my_data)) d = Drawing() pie = Pie() pie.sideLabels = 1 pie._seriesCount = 10 #if legend: # add_legend(d, pie, data) pie.x = 0 pie.y = 0 pie.width = 100 pie.height = pie.width = my_data pie.slices.fontName = serif_font pie.slices.fontSize = 11 pie.labels = labels pie.slices.strokeWidth = 0.5 #pie.slices[3].popout = 20 d.add(pie) d.drawOn(c, h, w)
def monthly_spending_cat_pie(c, category, h, w, v=False): d = Drawing() pie = Pie() pie.sideLabels = 1 pie._seriesCount = 10 spent = 0 my_data = [] for i in range(1, month + 1): spent += int(data.month_code(category, i, year)) print(spent, category) my_data.append(spent) my_data.append(data.code_budget(category) - spent) labels = [f'{category} spending', 'budget left'] if sum(my_data) == 0: return pie.x = 0 pie.y = 0 pie.width = 50 pie.height = pie.width = my_data pie.slices.fontName = serif_font pie.slices.fontSize = 11 pie.labels = labels pie.slices.strokeWidth = 0.5 #pie.slices[3].popout = 20 d.add(pie) d.drawOn(c, h, w)
def draw_pie(data=[], labels=[], use_colors=[], width=360, Height=150): '''更多属性请查询''' pie = Pie() pie.x = 60 # x,y饼图在框中的坐标 pie.y = 20 pie.slices.label_boxStrokeColor = colors.white #标签边框的颜色 = data # 饼图上的数据 pie.labels = labels # 数据的标签 pie.simpleLabels = 0 # 0 标签在标注线的右侧;1 在线上边 pie.sameRadii = 1 # 0 饼图是椭圆;1 饼图是圆形 pie.slices.strokeColor = # 圆饼的边界颜色 pie.strokeWidth = 1 # 圆饼周围空白区域的宽度 pie.strokeColor = colors.white # 整体饼图边界的颜色 pie.slices.label_pointer_piePad = 10 # 圆饼和标签的距离 pie.slices.label_pointer_edgePad = 25 # 标签和外边框的距离 pie.width = width pie.height = Height pie.direction = 'clockwise' pie.pointerLabelMode = 'LeftRight' # for i in range(len(labels)): # pie.slices[i].fontName = 'song' #设置中文 for i, col in enumerate(use_colors): pie.slices[i].fillColor = col return pie
def __init__(self, width, height, labels, data): IRender.__init__(self, width, height, labels, data) #self.w = self.width #self.h = self.height #data = {} #for value in # data[value[0]] = int(value[1]) #plot = cairoplot.PiePlot('/tmp/tmp.png', data, self.w*2, self.h*2, gradient=True) ##plot.font_size *= 2 #plot.render() #plot.commit() #with open('/tmp/tmp.png') as f: # self.image = Image(StringIO(, self.w, self.h) pc = Pie() pc.width = min(self.height,self.width - 150) pc.height = min(self.height - 50,self.width) pc.width = pc.height = min(pc.height, pc.width) pc.x = self.width / 2 - pc.width / 2 pc.y = self.height / 2 - pc.height / 2 = [int(line[1]) for line in] pc.labels = [line[0] for line in] for i in xrange(len( pc.slices[i].fillColor = COLORS[i % len(COLORS)] pc.slices[i].strokeColor = COLORS[i % len(COLORS)] self.drawing = Drawing(self.width, self.height) self.drawing.add(pc)
def build_pdf(): fruit = {"elderberries": 1,"figs": 1,"apples": 2,"durians": 3,"bananas": 5,"cherries": 8,"grapes": 13} report = SimpleDocTemplate("/home/scottdavis/eclipse-workspace/module1/report.pdf") styles = getSampleStyleSheet() report_title = Paragraph("A Complete Inventory of My Fruit", styles["h1"]) table_data = [] for k, v in fruit.items(): table_data.append([k, v]) table_style = [('GRID', (0,0), (-1,-1), 1,] report_table = Table(data=table_data, style=table_style, hAlign="LEFT") report_pie = Pie() #width=3*inch, height=3*inch report_pie.width = 180 report_pie.height = 180 = [] report_pie.labels = [] for fruit_name in sorted(fruit):[fruit_name]) report_pie.labels.append(fruit_name) report_chart = Drawing() report_chart.add(report_pie)[report_title, report_table, report_chart])
def overview_budget_spent(c, w, h): my_data = data.monthly_total(year) my_data = my_data[0:month] budget = data.budget() - sum(my_data) my_data.append(budget) my_label = [] label = [ 'January', 'Febuary', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July', 'August', 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December' ] for j in range(0, month): my_label.append(label[j]) my_label.append('Budget remaining') d = Drawing() pie = Pie() pie.sideLabels = 1 pie._seriesCount = 10 pie.x = 0 pie.y = 0 pie.width = 100 pie.height = pie.width = my_data pie.slices.fontName = serif_font pie.slices.fontSize = 11 pie.labels = my_label pie.slices.strokeWidth = 0.5 pie.slices[-1].popout = 20 d.add(pie) d.drawOn(c, w, h)
def on_btnInforme_clicked(self, boton): """ Función que controla el comportamiento del botón "btnInforme". Genera un informe general sobre cuantos clientes hay registrados en cada servicio usando ReportLab. :param boton: :return: """ # añadimos un nuevo dibujo d2 = Drawing(300, 200) tarta = Pie() tarta.x = 65 tarta.y = 15 tarta.height = 170 tarta.width = 170 # = [10.456, 20.234, 30.567, 40, 50] tarta.labels = ['Seguro Coche', 'Seguro Moto', 'Sin Seguro'] # porciones # tarta.slices.strokeWidth = 0.5 # tarta.slices[3].popout = 50 # tarta.slices[3].strokeWidth = 5 # tarta.slices[3].strokeDashArray = [5, 2] # pixels de la linea (tamaño) # tarta.slices[3].labelRadius = 1.75 # tarta.slices[3].fontColor = tarta.sideLabels = 0 cores = [,,] # coge cada elemento y le asigna un numero for i, color in enumerate(cores): tarta.slices[i].fillColor = color d2.add(tarta) lenda = Legend() lenda.x = 270 lenda.y = 0 lenda.dx = 8 lenda.dy = 8 # espacio entre lineas (?) lenda.fontName = "Helvetica" lenda.fontSize = 8 lenda.boxAnchor = 'n' lenda.columnMaximum = 3 lenda.strokeColor = lenda.deltax = 75 lenda.deltay = 10 lenda.autoXPadding = 5 lenda.yGap = 0 lenda.dxTextSpace = 5 lenda.alignment = 'right' lenda.dividerLines = 1 | 2 | 4 # lenda.dividerOffsY = 4.5 lenda.subCols.rpad = 30 d2.add(lenda) doc = SimpleDocTemplate("informeGrafica.pdf", pagesize=A4)[d2])
def readings_and_mix_table(reading_data, mix_data, breakdown, state_emission, location, Elements): ''' Creates 2 tables that are then embedded as the columns of 1 bigger table ''' no_rows = 1 # not used no_cols = 1 col_size = 4.5 readings_table = Table(reading_data, no_cols*[col_size/2*inch], 5*[0.25*inch] + [0.3*inch], hAlign="LEFT") readings_table.setStyle(TableStyle([('FONT', (0,0), (-1,-1), "Times-Roman"), ('FONT', (0,0), (-1,0), "Times-Bold"), ('FONTSIZE', (0,0), (-1,-1), 12), ('FONTSIZE', (0,0), (-1,0), 13), ('ALIGN', (0,0), (0,-1), "RIGHT"), ('VALIGN', (-1,-1), (-1,-1), "TOP")])) d = Drawing(100, 100) pc = Pie() data = [] if state_emission: data = ["Coal", "Oil", "Natural Gas", "Low Carbon"] else: data = ["Coal", "Petroleum", "Natural Gas", "Low Carbon"] for i in range(4): data[i] += ": " + str(round(breakdown[i], 1)) + "%" pc.x = 45 pc.y = 0 pc.width = 55 pc.height = 55 = breakdown[:4] pc.slices[0].fillColor = colors.Color(202.0/255, 0.0/255, 32.0/255) pc.slices[1].fillColor = colors.Color(244.0/255, 165.0/255, 130.0/255) pc.slices[2].fillColor = colors.Color(5.0/255, 113.0/255, 176.0/255) pc.slices[3].fillColor = colors.Color(146.0/255, 197.0/255, 222.0/255) pc.labels = data pc.slices.strokeWidth=0.5 pc.sideLabels = True d.add(pc) mix_data = [['Energy Mix Data'], [d], ['Location: ' + location]] mix_table = Table(mix_data, no_cols*[col_size/2*inch], [.25*inch, 1*inch, .3*inch], hAlign="RIGHT") mix_table.setStyle(TableStyle([('FONT', (0,0), (-1,-1), "Times-Roman"), ('FONT', (0,0), (0,0), "Times-Bold"), ('FONTSIZE', (0,0), (0,0), 13), ('FONTSIZE', (-1,-1), (-1,-1), 12), ('ALIGN', (0,0), (0,0), "LEFT")])) table_data = [(readings_table, mix_table)] t = Table(table_data, [4.25*inch, 3*inch], hAlign='CENTER') t.setStyle(TableStyle([('VALIGN', (-1,-1), (-1,-1), "TOP")])) Elements.append(t)
def pie_chart(data_for_pie): d = Drawing(400, 400) pc = Pie() pc.x = 100 pc.y = 210 pc.width = 170 pc.height = 170 pc.sideLabels = True pc.sideLabelsOffset = 0.05 car_name_lst = [] car_sales_lst = [] car_price_lst = [] data_for_pie = data_for_pie[1:] data_for_pie = sorted(data_for_pie, key=itemgetter(3), reverse=True) # so i can show 10 most popular cars for i in data_for_pie: car_name = i[1] car_name_lst.append(car_name) car_sales = i[3] car_sales_lst.append(car_sales) car_price = float(i[2].strip( "$")) #by default all the prices are in '', for example '18731.76' car_price_lst.append(car_price) = car_sales_lst[:10] pc.labels = list(set( car_name_lst[:10])) # by using set i wont have similar items in list d.add(pc, '') """have to done this because in task i have to calculate revenue on Xaxis and car name on Yaxis""" revenue_calculation_1 = car_sales_lst[:10] revenue_calculation_2 = car_price_lst[:10] car_revenue_list = [] for i in range(len(car_price_lst[:10])): reven = revenue_calculation_1[i] * revenue_calculation_2[i] car_revenue_list.append( int(reven)) #using int because its many digits after "," """bar chart """ data = [tuple(car_revenue_list) ] #for some reason bar chart accepts only [[]] or [()] bc = VerticalBarChart() bc.x = 50 bc.y = 0 bc.height = 125 bc.width = 300 = data bc.strokeColor = bc.valueAxis.valueMin = 7000000 bc.valueAxis.valueMax = 23000000 bc.valueAxis.valueStep = 1000000 bc.categoryAxis.labels.boxAnchor = 'ne' bc.categoryAxis.labels.dx = 8 bc.categoryAxis.labels.dy = -2 bc.categoryAxis.labels.angle = 30 bc.categoryAxis.categoryNames = list(set(car_name_lst[:10])) d.add(bc) return d
def draw_Pie(story, ProjectID): d = Drawing(140, 180) pie = Pie() pie.sideLabels = 1 pie.labels = get_story_name_list(ProjectID) = get_story_count_list(ProjectID) pie.width = 140 pie.height = 140 pie.y = 0 pie.x = 150 d.add(pie) story.append(d)
def __init__(self, drawing=None, data=None): #Drawing.__init__(self, width=100, height=175) pie = Pie() pie.strokeColor = white pie.slices.strokeColor = white pie.slices.popout = 1 pie.width = 100 pie.height = 100 pie.y = 50 pie.x = 80 legend = Legend() legend.columnMaximum = 99 legend.alignment = 'right' legend.boxAnchor = 'c' legend.dx = 6 legend.dy = 6 legend.dxTextSpace = 5 legend.deltay = 10 legend.strokeWidth = 0 legend.strokeColor = white legend.subCols[0].minWidth = 75 legend.subCols[0].align = 'left' legend.subCols[1].minWidth = 25 legend.subCols[1].align = 'right' legend.y = 20 legend.x = 128 legend.fontName = 'Lato' legend.fontSize = 9 = data pie.slices[0].fillColor = lightgrey pie.slices[1].fillColor = limegreen pie.slices[1].popout = 6 pie.slices[2].fillColor = red #pie.slices[2].popout = 1 neutral_pct = positive_pct = negative_pct = 0 total = sum(data) if total > 0: neutral_pct = (data[0] / total) * 100.0 positive_pct = (data[1] / total) * 100.0 negative_pct = (data[2] / total) * 100.0 legend.colorNamePairs = [ (limegreen, ('Positive', '%.1f%%' % positive_pct)), (lightgrey, ('Neutral', '%.1f%%' % neutral_pct)), (red, ('Negative', '%.1f%%' % negative_pct)) ] drawing.add(pie) drawing.add(legend)
def __drawPage2LeftPie(self, c): totalHigh = len(self.scanParams['results']['HIGH']) totalMed = len(self.scanParams['results']['MED']) totalLow = len(self.scanParams['results']['LOW']) total = totalHigh + totalMed + totalLow # 第二页,左侧饼图,所有内容书写范围为Pleft:10mm Pright:100mm Pheader:247mm Pfooter:80mm Pleft = START_X + 10 * mm Pright = START_X + 100 * mm Pheader = START_Y + 247 * mm Pfooter = START_Y + 80 * mm #矩形框 c.rect(Pleft, Pheader - 80 * mm, 80 * mm, 80 * mm, fill=0) c.setFont("song", 15) c.drawString(Pleft + 2 * mm, Pheader - 10 * mm, "漏洞等级分布") #饼图 d = Drawing(400, 200) pc = Pie() pc.x = 65 pc.y = 15 pc.width = 70 pc.height = 70 = [totalHigh, totalMed, totalLow] pc.labels = ['高危', '中危', '低危'] pc.sideLabels = 1 pc.slices.strokeWidth = 0.5 for i in range(3): pc.slices[i].fontName = 'song' #pc.slices[1].fontColor = pc.slices[1].fillColor = d.add(pc) #添加饼图到画布 renderPDF.draw(d, c, Pleft + 6 * mm, Pheader - 55 * mm) #底部标注 c.rect(Pleft + 5 * mm, Pheader - 75 * mm, 70 * mm, 8 * mm, fill=0) c.setFont("song", 7) + 8 * mm, Pheader - 71 * mm, 2 * mm, fill=1) c.drawString( Pleft + 11 * mm, Pheader - 72 * mm, "高危(" + str(round((totalHigh / float(total)) * 100, 1)) + "%)") + 28 * mm, Pheader - 71 * mm, 2 * mm, fill=1) c.drawString( Pleft + 31 * mm, Pheader - 72 * mm, "中危(" + str(round((totalMed / float(total)) * 100, 1)) + "%)") + 48 * mm, Pheader - 71 * mm, 2 * mm, fill=1) c.drawString( Pleft + 51 * mm, Pheader - 72 * mm, "低危(" + str(round((totalLow / float(total)) * 100, 1)) + "%)")
def draw_Pie(story, ProjectID): d = Drawing(140, 180) pie = Pie() pie.sideLabels = 1 pie.labels= get_story_name_list(ProjectID) = get_story_count_list(ProjectID) pie.width = 140 pie.height = 140 pie.y = 0 pie.x = 150 d.add(pie) story.append(d)
def makePie(pdf, SeBAz_contents, total): pdf.saveState() d = Drawing(A4[0] * 6 / 12, A4[1] * 5 / 17) pc = Pie() pc.x = A4[0] * 4 / 12 pc.y = A4[1] * 5 / 17 pc.width = A4[0] * 4 / 12 pc.height = A4[0] * 4 / 12 passd = len([s for s in SeBAz_contents if len(s) > 3 and s[2] == 'PASS']) faild = len([s for s in SeBAz_contents if len(s) > 3 and s[2] == 'FAIL']) check = len([s for s in SeBAz_contents if len(s) > 3 and s[2] == 'CHEK']) excluded = total - (passd + faild + check) = [passd, faild, excluded, check] pc.simpleLabels = 0 pc.slices.strokeWidth = 0.5 pc.slices.fontName = 'SF-Pro-Rounded-Heavy' pc.slices.fontSize = 8 pc.slices.labelRadius = 1.1 pc.slices[0].popout = 10 pc.slices[0].fillColor = Color(colorPass[0] / 256, colorPass[1] / 256, colorPass[2] / 256, 1) pc.slices[0].fontColor = Color(colorPass[0] / 256, colorPass[1] / 256, colorPass[2] / 256, 1) pc.slices[ 0].label_text = 'which is {:.3f}% of all tests\n{} of {} tests ({:.3f}%) Passed,'.format( (passd / total) * 100, passd, (passd + faild + check), (passd / (passd + faild + check)) * 100) pc.slices[1].fillColor = Color(colorFail[0] / 256, colorFail[1] / 256, colorFail[2] / 256, 1) pc.slices[1].fontColor = Color(colorFail[0] / 256, colorFail[1] / 256, colorFail[2] / 256, 1) pc.slices[ 1].label_text = 'which is {:.3f}% of all tests\n{} of {} tests ({:.3f}%) Failed,'.format( (faild / total) * 100, faild, (passd + faild + check), (faild / (passd + faild + check)) * 100) pc.slices[2].fillColor = darkgray pc.slices[2].fontColor = darkgray pc.slices[2].label_text = '{} of {} tests ({:.0f}%) Excluded'.format( excluded, total, (excluded / total) * 100) pc.slices[3].fillColor = Color(colorWarn[0] / 256, colorWarn[1] / 256, colorWarn[2] / 256, 1) pc.slices[3].fontColor = Color(colorWarn[0] / 256, colorWarn[1] / 256, colorWarn[2] / 256, 1) pc.slices[ 3].label_text = 'which is {:.3f}% of all tests\n{} of {} tests ({:.3f}%) are to be Checked,'.format( (check / total) * 100, check, (passd + faild + check), (check / (passd + faild + check)) * 100) d.add(pc) renderPDF.draw(d, pdf, -A4[0] / 52, -A4[1] / 6) pdf.restoreState()
def graphout(prod_catnames, data): drawing = Drawing(500, 200) pie = Pie() pie.sideLabels = 1 pie.labels = prod_catnames = data[0] pie.width = 140 pie.height = 140 pie.y = 35 pie.x = 125 pie.slices.popout = 5 drawing.add(pie) return drawing
def pie_chart(car_data): report_pie = Pie() report_pie.width = 380 report_pie.height = 380 report_pie.x = 42 report_pie.y = -230 = [] report_pie.labels = [] car_make = {} for item in car_data: car_info = format_car(item["car"])["total_sales"]) report_pie.labels.append(car_info) report_chart = Drawing() report_chart.add(report_pie) return (report_chart)
def __init__(self, data, labels): super(PieChart, self).__init__(400,200) colors = [ HexColor("#0000e5"), HexColor("#ff0011"), HexColor("#800000"), HexColor("#e05897"), HexColor("#a08ff7"), HexColor("#8f8ff5"), HexColor("#c7c7fa"), HexColor("#800000"), HexColor("#eb8585"), HexColor("#d60a0a"), HexColor("#ffff00"), HexColor("#1f1feb"), ] # Create pie chart pieChart = Pie() pieChart.x = 40 pieChart.y = 30 pieChart.width = 120 pieChart.height = 120 pieChart.slices.strokeWidth=0.5 data = json.loads(data) = data pieChart.labels = [] labels = json.loads(labels.replace("'",'"')) for d in data: pieChart.labels.append(str(d)) # Create legend legend = Legend() legend.x = 380 legend.y = 60 legend.boxAnchor = 'se' legend.subCols[1].align = 'right' legend.colorNamePairs = [] len_data = len(data) for i in range(0,len_data): pieChart.slices[i].fillColor = colors[i] legend.colorNamePairs.append((colors[i],labels[i])) self.add(pieChart, "pie chart") self.add(legend, "legend")
def __init__(self, data, labels): super(PieChart, self).__init__(400, 200) colors = [ HexColor("#0000e5"), HexColor("#ff0011"), HexColor("#800000"), HexColor("#e05897"), HexColor("#a08ff7"), HexColor("#8f8ff5"), HexColor("#c7c7fa"), HexColor("#800000"), HexColor("#eb8585"), HexColor("#d60a0a"), HexColor("#ffff00"), HexColor("#1f1feb"), ] # Create pie chart pieChart = Pie() pieChart.x = 40 pieChart.y = 30 pieChart.width = 120 pieChart.height = 120 pieChart.slices.strokeWidth = 0.5 data = json.loads(data) = data pieChart.labels = [] labels = json.loads(labels.replace("'", '"')) for d in data: pieChart.labels.append(str(d)) # Create legend legend = Legend() legend.x = 380 legend.y = 60 legend.boxAnchor = 'se' legend.subCols[1].align = 'right' legend.colorNamePairs = [] len_data = len(data) for i in range(0, len_data): pieChart.slices[i].fillColor = colors[i] legend.colorNamePairs.append((colors[i], labels[i])) self.add(pieChart, "pie chart") self.add(legend, "legend")
def create_pie(pie_data): pie_chart = Drawing(400, 200) pc = Pie() pc.x = 65 pc.y = 15 pc.width = 100 pc.height = 100 = pie_data["data"] pc.labels = list(pie_data["label"][0]) pc.slices.strokeWidth=0.5 pc.slices[3].popout = 10 pc.slices[3].strokeWidth = 2 pc.slices[3].strokeDashArray = [2,2] pc.slices[3].labelRadius = 1.75 pc.slices[3].fontColor = pie_chart.add(pc) return pie_chart
def generate(filename, title, additional_info, table_data): styles = getSampleStyleSheet() report = SimpleDocTemplate(filename) report_title = Paragraph(title, styles["h1"]) report_info = Paragraph(additional_info, styles["BodyText"]) table_style = [('GRID', (0, 0), (-1, -1), 1,, ('FONTNAME', (0, 0), (-1, 0), 'Helvetica-Bold'), ('ALIGN', (0, 0), (-1, -1), 'CENTER')] report_table = Table(data=table_data, style=table_style, hAlign="LEFT") empty_line = Spacer(1, 20) sale_per_model = {} #print(table_data) for data in table_data[1:]: #print(data) if data[1].split()[0] not in sale_per_model: sale_per_model[data[1].split()[0]] = data[3] else: sale_per_model[data[1].split()[0]] += int(data[3]) #print(sale_per_model) sorted_sales = sorted(sale_per_model.items(), key=lambda kv: (kv[1], kv[0])) report_pie = Pie() report_pie.sideLabels = 1 report_pie.checkLabelOverlap = 0 report_pie.width = 300 report_pie.height = 200 report_pie.x = 120 report_pie.y = 100 = [] report_pie.labels = [] #print('sorted_sale '*20) #print(sorted_sales) for item in sorted_sales:[1]) report_pie.labels.append(item[0]) print(len(set(report_pie.labels))) report_chart = Drawing(500, 500) report_chart.add(report_pie)[ report_title, empty_line, report_info, empty_line, report_table, report_chart ])
def add_pie_chart(self, width, height, labels, data, side_labels=False): pad = 15 pc = Pie() pc.x = pad * mm pc.y = pad * mm pc.width = (width - 2 * pad) * mm pc.height = (height - 2 * pad) * mm pc.labels = labels = data pc.sideLabels = side_labels drawing = Drawing(width * mm, height * mm) drawing.hAlign = "CENTER" drawing.add(pc) self.story.append(drawing)
def graphout_pie(data, labels, sizeOfDrawing): # data and labels are both lists of same size drawing = Drawing(sizeOfDrawing*inch, sizeOfDrawing*inch) pc = Pie() pc.x = .125*inch pc.y = .125*inch pc.width = (sizeOfDrawing-0.25)*inch pc.height = (sizeOfDrawing-0.25)*inch = data pc.labels = None pc.slices.strokeWidth = 0.5 # ensure pie chart and legend coloring matches for i in range(len(labels)): pc.slices[i].fillColor = colorList[i] drawing.add(pc) return drawing
def pie_graph(data, elements): drawing = Drawing(100, 350) pc = Pie() pc.x = 65 pc.y = 15 pc.width = 300 pc.height = 300 = data pc.labels = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f'] pc.slices.strokeWidth = 0.5 pc.slices[3].popout = 10 pc.slices[3].strokeWidth = 2 pc.slices[3].strokeDashArray = [2, 2] pc.slices[3].labelRadius = 1.75 pc.slices[3].fontColor = drawing.add(pc) elements.append(drawing)
def piegraph(elements): drawing = Drawing(100, 350) pc = Pie() pc.x = 65 pc.y = 15 pc.width = 300 pc.height = 300 = [10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60] pc.labels = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f'] pc.slices.strokeWidth = 0.5 pc.slices[3].popout = 10 pc.slices[3].strokeWidth = 2 pc.slices[3].strokeDashArray = [2, 2] pc.slices[3].labelRadius = 1.75 pc.slices[3].fontColor = drawing.add(pc) elements.append(drawing) elements.append(Spacer(1, 0.7 * inch))
def pie_chart_with_legend(doc, FI, Equity): data = ['Bond (' + str(FI[-1]) + '%)', 'Equity (' + str(Equity[-1]) + '%)'] drawing = Drawing(width=doc.width / 2, height=250) my_title = String(140, -70, 'Asset-wise Allocation', fontSize=14) pie = Pie() pie.sideLabels = False pie.slices.label_visible = False pie.x = 100 pie.y = -40 pie.width = 200 pie.height = 200 = [FI[-1], Equity[-1]] pie.labels = data pie.slices.strokeWidth = 0.5 drawing.add(my_title) drawing.add(pie) add_legend(drawing, pie, data, doc) return drawing
def _graphout(doc, category_names, data): drawing = Drawing(doc.width, 150) graph = Pie() graph.x = doc.width / 2 - 50 graph.y = 0 graph.height = 100 graph.width = 100 graph.labels = category_names = data graph.slices[0].fillColor = colors.darkcyan graph.slices[1].fillColor = colors.blueviolet graph.slices[2].fillColor = graph.slices[3].fillColor = colors.cyan graph.slices[4].fillColor = colors.aquamarine graph.slices[5].fillColor = colors.cadetblue graph.slices[6].fillColor = colors.lightcoral drawing.add(graph) return drawing
def makePieChart(self, context, width, height, data, backColors): content=[] drawing = Drawing(width, height) pie=Pie() = data pie.x = 0 pie.y = 0 pie.width = width pie.height = height if len(data) == len(backColors): for i in range(len(data)) : pie.slices[i].fillColor = colors.HexColor(backColors[i]) drawing.add(pie) content.append( drawing ) return content
def draw_pass_fail_piechart(passed_data: List[int]) -> Drawing: passed_data_labels = ['Passed', 'Failed', 'Not run'] d = Drawing(width=200, height=200) pc = Pie() pc.x = 50 pc.y = 50 pc.width = 80 pc.height = 80 pc.slices[0].fillColor = COLOR_GREEN pc.slices[1].fillColor = COLOR_RED pc.slices[2].fillColor = COLOR_GRAY pc.direction = 'anticlockwise' = passed_data pc.labels = passed_data_labels pc.sideLabels = True pc.slices.fontName = MAIN_FONT_NAME pc.slices.fontSize = AXIS_FONT_SIZE d.add(pc) return d
def _add_pie_chart( self, expense_stats: Dict[str, Tuple], size: int, padding: int, ): if expense_stats: figure = Drawing(self.width, min(size + 2 * padding, self.height)) pie_chart = Pie() pie_chart.x = (self.width - size) / 2 pie_chart.y = padding pie_chart.width = size pie_chart.height = size = [i[0] for i in expense_stats.values()] pie_chart.labels = list(expense_stats.keys()) pie_chart.slices.strokeWidth = 0.5 pie_chart.sideLabels = True figure.add(pie_chart) self.report_elements.append(figure)
def pdf_drawPie(self, pie_data, pie_lable=[], colors=[], x=805, y=1650, width=900, height=900, innerRadiusFraction=0.5): ''' @example: chart_data = [1212,66,585,225,36] lable = ['dfd','sdd','trtr','rrrr','ytytyt'] self.pdf_drawPie(chart_data,lable) ''' if len(pie_data) == 0 or sum(pie_data) == 0: return d = Drawing(200, 100) pc = Pie() pc.x = 65 pc.y = 65 pc.width = width pc.height = height = pie_data pc.labels = pie_lable pc.startAngle = 0 pc.sideLabels = 1 pc.simpleLabels = 0 if len(colors) != len(pie_data): colors = [] for i in range(len(pie_data)): colors.append(HexColor(self.randomcolor())) for i in range(0, len(pie_data)): pc.slices[i].fontSize = 40 pc.slices[i].fontName = FONT pc.slices[i].fillColor = colors[i] pc.slices[i].strokeColor = colors[i] pc.innerRadiusFraction = innerRadiusFraction d.add(pc) d.drawOn(self.pdf_page_object, x, y)
def generate_pie_charts(self): self.elements.append( Paragraph( "<u><font color=green>CHARTS</font></u><br/><br/>", ReportPDF.styleH) ) # pie chart for categories pc_cat = Pie() pc_cat.x = 0 pc_cat.width = ReportPDF.pie_charts_w pc_cat.height = ReportPDF.pie_charts_h = [] pc_cat.labels = [] pc_cat.sideLabels = 1 # pie chart for subcategories pc_subcat = Pie() pc_subcat.x = 250 pc_subcat.width = ReportPDF.pie_charts_w pc_subcat.height = ReportPDF.pie_charts_h = [] pc_subcat.labels = [] pc_subcat.sideLabels = 1 # get data for charts for stat, value in self.payments_stat_data.items(): stat_vars = stat.split('_') if stat_vars[1] == 'category': pc_cat.labels.append( get_object_or_404(Category, id=stat_vars[2]) ) elif stat_vars[1] == 'subcategory': pc_subcat.labels.append( get_object_or_404(Subcategory, id=stat_vars[2]) ) elif stat_vars[1] == 'time': self.lc_data.append(float(value)) self.cat_names.append(stat_vars[2]) # PIE CHARTS IN DRAWING if len(pc_cat.labels) > 1: self.elements.append( Paragraph( "<u><b><font color=green>" "Pie charts for categories and subcategories." "</font></b></u>", ReportPDF.styleN) ) d_pie = Drawing(350, 240) d_pie.add(pc_cat) d_pie.add(pc_subcat) # add charts to PDF self.elements.append(d_pie) float_left = True counter = 0 for category in pc_cat.labels: counter += 1 pc_category = Pie() if float_left: pc_category.x = 0 float_left = False else: pc_category.x = 250 float_left = True pc_category.width = ReportPDF.pie_charts_w pc_category.height = ReportPDF.pie_charts_h = [] pc_category.labels = [] pc_category.sideLabels = 1 subcategories = Subcategory.objects.filter(category=category) for sc_id in list(map(lambda sc:, subcategories)): # stats for subcategories subcategory_key = 'all_subcategory_{}'.format(sc_id) if self.payments_stat_data.get(subcategory_key, 0): # self.payments_stat_data[subcategory_key] += p_value pc_category.labels.append( get_object_or_404(Subcategory, id=sc_id) ) if counter % 2 == 0: d_pie_categories.add(pc_category) if len(pc_cat.labels) % 2 == 0: self.elements.append( Paragraph( "<br/><br/><br/><u><b><font color=green>" "Pie chart for {} and {}." "</font></b></u>".format( last_category, category ), ReportPDF.styleN) ) self.elements.append(d_pie_categories) else: last_category = category d_pie_categories = Drawing(350, 240) d_pie_categories.add(pc_category) if len(pc_cat.labels) % 2 != 0: self.elements.append( Paragraph( "<br/><br/><br/><u><b><font color=green>" "Pie chart for {}." "</font></b></u>".format(category), ReportPDF.styleN) ) self.elements.append(d_pie_categories)
def __per_account_statistic(self): for acc in self.accounts: p = PageBreak() p.drawOn(self.c, 0, 1000) self.c.showPage() self.l = 760 self.c.setFont('Courier', 14) self.c.drawString(30, 800, 'Cuenta: %s' % \ header = ['Fecha', 'Tipo', 'Monto', 'Description'] data = [header] g_data = list() g_labe = list() total = 0 for tra in self.transactions: if tra.account == if tra.t_type in ['expense', 'transfer']: tipo = self.__translate_type(tra.t_type) data.append([, tipo.upper(), '$%2.f' % tra.amount, tra.description]) total += tra.amount g_data.append(tra.amount) g_labe.append(tra.description.encode('utf-8')) data.append(['TOTAL', '', '$%.2f' % total, '']) if len(g_data) == 0 or len(g_labe) == 0: self.c.setFont('Courier', 12) self.c.drawString(30, 770, 'Sin movimientos negativos') continue from_title = 35 if len(data) != 2: self.l -= ((len(data) * len(data)) + len(data)) + from_title t = Table(data) t.setStyle(TableStyle([('INNERGRID', (0,0), (-1,-1), 0.25, black), ('BOX', (0,0), (-1,-1), 0.25, black), ('FONTNAME', (0,0), (-1,0), 'Courier-Bold'), ('BACKGROUND', (0,0), (-1,0), HexColor('#efeded')), ('BACKGROUND', (0,0), (0,-1), HexColor('#efeded')), ('FONTSIZE', (0,0), (-1,0), 12), ('FONTSIZE', (0,1), (-1,-1), 8), ('FONTNAME', (0,1), (-1,-1), 'Courier'), ('BACKGROUND', (0,-1), (-1,-1), red), ('TEXTCOLOR', (0,-1), (-1,-1), white)])) t.wrapOn(self.c, 30, self.l) t.drawOn(self.c, 30, self.l) drawing = Drawing(200, 100) pie = Pie() pie.x = 30 pie.y = self.l - 300 pie.height = 200 pie.width = 200 = g_data pie.labels = g_labe pie.simpleLabels = 1 pie.slices.strokeWidth = 1 pie.slices.strokeColor = black pie.slices.label_visible = 0 pie.slices.popout = 1 #pie.labels = map(str, legend = Legend() legend.x = 250 legend.y = self.l - 250 legend.dx = 8 legend.dy = 8 legend.fontName = 'Helvetica' legend.fontSize = 7 legend.boxAnchor = 'w' legend.columnMaximum = 10 legend.strokeWidth = 1 legend.strokeColor = black legend.deltax = 75 legend.deltay = 10 legend.autoXPadding = 5 legend.yGap = 0 legend.dxTextSpace = 5 legend.alignment = 'right' legend.dividerLines = 1|2|4 legend.dividerOffsY = 4.5 legend.subCols.rpad = 30 n = len( self.__setItems(n,pie.slices, 'fillColor',self.pdf_chart_colors) legend.colorNamePairs = [(pie.slices[i].fillColor, (pie.labels[i][0:20],'$%0.2f' %[i])) for i in xrange(n)] drawing.add(pie) drawing.add(legend) x, y = 0, 10 renderPDF.draw(drawing, self.c, x, y, showBoundary=False)
def generate_certificate(elements): style = TableStyle([('TEXTALIGN', (0, 0), (-1, -1), 'CENTER'), ('TEXTCOLOR', (0, 0), (-1, -1),, ('VALIGN', (0, 0), (0, -1), 'TOP'), ('INNERGRID', (0, 0), (-1, -1), 0.50,, ('BOX', (0, 0), (-1, -1), 0.50,, ('BACKGROUND', (0, 0), (-1, -1),, ]) s = getSampleStyleSheet() s = s["BodyText"] s.wordWrap = "RGB" styles = ParagraphStyle( name='Normal', fontName='Helvetica-Bold', fontSize=15, alignment=1, ) elements.append(Spacer(1, 0.5 * inch)) i = Paragraph(str("candidate performance vs average performance"), styles) elements.append(i) elements.append(Spacer(1, 0.1 * inch)) drawing = Drawing(0, 200) # for indices data = [ (13, 5, 20, 22, 37, 45, 19, 4), (14, 6, 21, 23, 38, 46, 20, 5) ] # data for drawing bar graphs bc = VerticalBarChart() bc.x = 0 # x,y define the left bottom of graph bc.y = 0 bc.height = 150 bc.width = 300 = data bc.strokeColor = bc.valueAxis.valueMin = 0 bc.valueAxis.valueMax = 50 bc.valueAxis.valueStep = 10 bc.categoryAxis.labels.boxAnchor = 'ne' bc.categoryAxis.labels.dx = 6 # next 3 lines is for naming indices bc.categoryAxis.labels.dy = -2 bc.categoryAxis.labels.angle = 60 bc.categoryAxis.categoryNames = ['Jan-99', 'Feb-99', 'Mar-99', 'Apr-99', 'May-99', 'Jun-99', 'Jul-99', 'Aug-99'] drawing.add(bc) elements.append(drawing) elements.append(Spacer(1, 0.5 * inch)) drawing = Drawing(0, 175) # for indices lc = HorizontalLineChart() lc.x = 0 lc.y = 10 lc.height = 150 lc.width = 300 = data lc.joinedLines = 1 catNames = 'Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug'.split(' ') lc.categoryAxis.categoryNames = catNames lc.categoryAxis.labels.boxAnchor = 'n' lc.valueAxis.valueMin = 0 lc.valueAxis.valueMax = 60 lc.valueAxis.valueStep = 15 lc.lines[0].strokeWidth = 2 lc.lines[1].strokeWidth = 1.5 drawing.add(lc) elements.append(drawing) drawing = Drawing(0, 400) # for indices data = [ ((1, 1), (2, 2), (2.5, 1), (3, 3), (4, 5)), ((1, 2), (2, 3), (2.5, 2), (3.5, 5), (4, 6)) ] elements.append(Spacer(1, 0.1 * inch)) i = Paragraph(str("candidate performance vs average performance"), styles) elements.append(i) elements.append(Spacer(1, 0.1 * inch)) lp = LinePlot() lp.x = 0 lp.y = 50 lp.height = 300 lp.width = 600 = data lp.joinedLines = 1 lp.lines[0].symbol = makeMarker('FilledCircle') lp.lines[1].symbol = makeMarker('Circle') lp.lineLabelFormat = '%2.0f' lp.strokeColor = lp.xValueAxis.valueMin = 0 lp.xValueAxis.valueMax = 5 lp.xValueAxis.valueSteps = [1, 2, 2.5, 3, 4, 5] lp.xValueAxis.labelTextFormat = '%2.1f' lp.yValueAxis.valueMin = 0 lp.yValueAxis.valueMax = 7 lp.yValueAxis.valueSteps = [1, 2, 3, 5, 6] drawing.add(lp) elements.append(drawing) elements.append(Spacer(1, 0.1 * inch)) drawing = Drawing(100, 350) pc = Pie() pc.x = 65 pc.y = 15 pc.width = 300 pc.height = 300 = [10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60] pc.labels = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f'] pc.slices.strokeWidth = 0.5 pc.slices[3].popout = 10 pc.slices[3].strokeWidth = 2 pc.slices[3].strokeDashArray = [2, 2] pc.slices[3].labelRadius = 1.75 pc.slices[3].fontColor = drawing.add(pc) elements.append(drawing) elements.append(Spacer(1, 0.5 * inch)) return elements
pc.slices[3].strokeDashArray = [2,2] pc.slices[3].labelRadius = 1.75 pc.slices[3].fontColor = d.add(pc) """) from import Pie d = Drawing(200, 100) pc = Pie() pc.x = 65 pc.y = 15 pc.width = 70 pc.height = 70 = [10,20,30,40,50,60] pc.labels = ['a','b','c','d','e','f'] pc.slices.strokeWidth=0.5 pc.slices[3].popout = 10 pc.slices[3].strokeWidth = 2 pc.slices[3].strokeDashArray = [2,2] pc.slices[3].labelRadius = 1.75 pc.slices[3].fontColor = d.add(pc) draw(d, 'A bare bones pie chart') disc("""
def ListadoUsos(request): response = HttpResponse(mimetype='application/pdf') response['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment; filename=num_aprobados_reprobados.pdf; pagesize=A4;' #Esta lista contendra todos los elementos que se dibujaran en el pdf elementos = [] doc = SimpleDocTemplate(response) styleSheet = getSampleStyleSheet() #---> Estilo Titulo el_titulo = styleSheet['Heading1'] el_titulo.alignment = TA_CENTER el_titulo.spaceBefore = 15 el_titulo.fontSize = 12 el_titulo.fontName = 'Helvetica' txtInfo = u'<br />A.C.C.E.M.A:' # Estilo txtInfo info = styleSheet['Normal'] info.fontSize = 12 info.alignment = TA_LEFT info.fontName = 'Helvetica' infoV = Paragraph(txtInfo, info) #-->Estilo tabla x = [ ('ALIGN', (0,0), (-1,-1), 'CENTER'), ('TOPPADDING', (0,0), (-1,-1), 1), ('BOTTOMPADDING', (0,0), (-1,-1), 2), ('GRID', (0,0), (-1,-1), 0.80,, ('FONT', (0,0), (-1,-1), "Helvetica", 10), ('FONT', (0,0), (1,0), "Helvetica-Bold", 12), ] tabla = [] #--> Titulo de la constancia elementos.append(Spacer(1,5)) Titulo = Paragraph('<b>Estadisticas de usos</b>', el_titulo) elementos.append(Titulo) elementos.append(Spacer(1,5)) #--> Añadiendo la Informción antes del cuadro elementos.append(infoV) elementos.append(Spacer(1,10)) usuarios = User.objects.all() usos = UsosDisp.objects.all() tabla.append([' CANTIDAD DE USUARIOS', u'NÚMERO DE USOS']) tabla.append(['%s'%(usuarios.__len__()), u'%s'%(usos.__len__())]) t1 = Table(tabla, colWidths=('', '')) t1.setStyle(TableStyle(x)) elementos.append(t1) #--> Calculando los porcentajes total = usos.__len__() #--> Frame del gráfico frame = Drawing(350,200) torta = Pie() torta.x = 125 torta.y = 35 torta.width = 120 torta.height = 120 torta.labels = [] contador = 0 for i in usuarios: #import ipdb;ipdb.set_trace() uso_actual = usos.filter(Usuario=i).count() porcen_usuario = (float(uso_actual) * 100) / total torta.labels.append('%3.2f%% %s'%(porcen_usuario, i.username)) #--> Estilos del gráfico torta.slices.labelRadius = 1 torta.sideLabels = 1 torta.slices.fontSize = 8 torta.slices.fontName = 'Helvetica-Bold' torta.slices.strokeWidth = 2 torta.slices.popout = 10 frame.add(torta) elementos.append(frame), canvasmaker=NumeroDePagina ) return response
def generar_pdf_busquedas_view(request): print "Genero el PDF" fecha_m = "" resultados=[] fecha_a = "" b=[] t=[] fecha_inicio = x fecha_final = y c=0 r=[] #story =[] response = HttpResponse(content_type='application/pdf') pdf_name = "reporte_busqueda.pdf" # llamado clientes # la linea 26 es por si deseas descargar el pdf a tu computadora response['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment; filename=%s' % pdf_name buff = BytesIO() doc = SimpleDocTemplate(buff, pagesize=letter, rightMargin=40, leftMargin=40, topMargin=60, bottomMargin=18, ) reportes = [] styles = getSampleStyleSheet() fichero_imagen="biblioteca/media/images/Reports-banner.jpg" imagen_logo=Image(os.path.realpath(fichero_imagen),width=400,height=100) reportes.append(imagen_logo) header = Paragraph("Fecha del reporte: "+str(, styles['Heading1']) header2 = Paragraph("Reporte de las busquedas realizadas entre la fecha "+str(fecha_inicio)+" hasta la fecha "+str(fecha_final) + "\n", styles['Normal']) salto_linea = Paragraph("\n\n", styles["Normal"]) reportes.append(header) reportes.append(header2) reportes.append(Spacer(1, 12)) headings = ('Busqueda', 'Resultado',)# 'Cantidad_Veces_Buscadas') lista=[] t = Busqueda.objects.all() b = Busqueda.objects.filter(fecha__range=(fecha_inicio, fecha_final)).values('busqueda', 'resultados').distinct() listar=[] for r in b: print "llllllllllllllllll",r,"\n" if r['resultados'] == False: r['resultados']="No se encontró" listar.append(r) else: r['resultados']="Se encontró" listar.append(r) print "lisygyujgyjgjhbjh", listar #GRAFICAS BARRA total_busquedas=Busqueda.objects.all().count() #TOTAL BUSQUEDAS si=Busqueda.objects.filter(resultados=True).count() #BUSUEDAS ENCONTRADAS (SI) no=total_busquedas-si #BUSQUEDAS NO ENCONTRADAS (NO) #GRAFICAS PASTEL for i in b: print "________________",i.get("busqueda") for j in t: print "===============",j.busqueda if j.busqueda == i.get("busqueda") and j.fecha >= fecha_inicio and j.fecha <= fecha_final: c = c + 1 print c lista.append(c) c=0 print lista , len(lista) li = zip(b,lista) ''' for i in b: print "________________",i.get("busqueda") for j in t: print "===============",j.busqueda if j.busqueda == i.get("busqueda"): c = c + 1 print c lista.append(c) c=0 li = zip(b,lista) ''' #allreportes = [ (i.busqueda, i.resultados) for i in Busqueda.objects.filter(fecha__range=(fecha_inicio, fecha_final)).values('busqueda', 'resultados').distinct()] # allreportes = [ i.values() for i in Busqueda.objects.filter(fecha__range=(fecha_inicio, fecha_final)).values('busqueda', 'resultados').distinct()] b=listar allreportes = [ i.values() for i in b] print allreportes t = Table([headings] + allreportes) t.setStyle(TableStyle( [ ('GRID', (0, 0), (3, -1), 1, colors.dodgerblue), ('LINEBELOW', (0, 0), (-1, 0), 2, colors.darkblue), ('BACKGROUND', (0, 0), (-1, 0), colors.dodgerblue) ] )) #GRAFICA DE BARRAS titulo = Paragraph("Busquedas encontradas y no encontradas en el sistema", estilo['title']) drawing = Drawing(400, 200) data = [(si, no)] bc = VerticalBarChart() bc.x = 50 bc.y = 50 bc.height = 125 bc.width = 300 = data bc.bars[0].fillColor = bc.bars[1].fillColor = bc.strokeColor = bc.fillColor = colors.silver bc.valueAxis.valueMin = 0 bc.valueAxis.valueMax = total_busquedas+30 try: r = total_busquedas/2 if type(r) == 'float': bc.valueAxis.valueStep = total_busquedas+0.5 if type(r) == 'int': bc.valueAxis.valueStep = r except: "Nos se puede" bc.categoryAxis.labels.boxAnchor = 'ne' bc.categoryAxis.labels.dx = 8 bc.categoryAxis.labels.dy = -2 bc.categoryAxis.labels.angle = 0 bc.categoryAxis.categoryNames = ['Encontradas', 'No Encontradas'] drawing.add(bc) bc.barLabels.nudge = 20 bc.barLabelFormat = '%0.0f' bc.barLabels.dx = 0 bc.barLabels.dy = 0 bc.barLabels.boxAnchor = 'n' # irrelevant (becomes 'c') bc.barLabels.fontName = 'Helvetica' bc.barLabels.fontSize = 14 #GRAFICAS DE PASTEL titulo2 = Paragraph("Busquedas y número de veces realizadas", estilo['title']) d = Drawing(400, 200) pc = Pie() pc.x = 125 pc.y = 25 = lista print lista = [7, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2] #pc.labels = [ str(i.values()) for i in Busqueda.objects.filter(fecha__range=(fecha_inicio, fecha_final)).values('busqueda').distinct()] lista_labels = [ str(i.values()) for i in Busqueda.objects.filter(fecha__range=(fecha_inicio, fecha_final)).values('busqueda').distinct()] #pc.labels = ['example1', 'example2', 'example3', 'example4', 'example5', 'example6'] pc.sideLabels = 1 pc.width = 150 pc.height = 150 pc.slices.strokeWidth=1#0.5 pc.slices[0].fillColor = colors.yellow pc.slices[1].fillColor = colors.thistle pc.slices[2].fillColor = colors.cornflower pc.slices[3].fillColor = colors.lightsteelblue pc.slices[4].fillColor = colors.aquamarine pc.slices[5].fillColor = colors.cadetblue d.add(pc) legend = Legend() legend.x = 370 legend.y = 0 legend.dx = 10 legend.dy = 10 legend.fontName = 'Helvetica' legend.fontSize = 10 legend.boxAnchor = 'n' legend.columnMaximum = 10 legend.strokeWidth = 1 legend.strokeColor = legend.deltax = 75 legend.deltay = 10 legend.autoXPadding = 5 legend.yGap = 0 legend.dxTextSpace = 5 legend.alignment = 'right' legend.dividerLines = 1|2|4 legend.dividerOffsY = 4.5 legend.subCols.rpad = 30 #Insertemos nuestros propios colores colores = [,,, colors.yellow,, colors.white, colors.silver,, colors.brown,, colors.purple] for i, color in enumerate(colores): pc.slices[i].fillColor = color legend.colorNamePairs = [( pc.slices[i].fillColor, (lista_labels[i][0:200], '%0.0f' %[i]) ) for i in xrange(len(] d.add(pc) reportes.append(t) reportes.append(Spacer(0, inch*.1)) reportes.append(Spacer(0, inch*.1)) reportes.append(Spacer(0, inch*.1)) reportes.append(titulo) reportes.append(drawing) reportes.append(Spacer(0, inch*.1)) reportes.append(Spacer(0, inch*.1)) reportes.append(titulo2) d.add(legend) reportes.append(d) response.write(buff.getvalue()) buff.close() return response
chart.lines[1].strokeColor = PCMYKColor(0,100,100,40,alpha=100) chart.xValueAxis.xLabelFormat = '{mm}/{YY}' = [[('20120101', 100), ('20120102', 100), ('20120103', 101), ('20120104', 101), ('20120105', 102), ('20120106', 101), ('20120107', 101), ('20120108', 101), ('20120109', 102), ('20120110', 103), ('20120111', 103), ('20120112', 104), ('20120113', 103), ('20120114', 103), ('20120115', 103), ('20120116', 103), ('20120117', 103), ('20120118', 105), ('20120119', 106), ('20120120', 106), ('20120121', 106), ('20120122', 106), ('20120123', 106), ('20120124', 107), ('20120125', 108), ('20120126', 107), ('20120127', 107), ('20120128', 107), ('20120129', 107), ('20120130', 107), ('20120131', 107), ('20120201', 109), ('20120202', 109), ('20120203', 111), ('20120204', 111), ('20120205', 111), ('20120206', 111), ('20120207', 111), ('20120208', 111), ('20120209', 110), ('20120210', 109), ('20120211', 109), ('20120212', 109), ('20120213', 110), ('20120214', 110), ('20120215', 109), ('20120216', 111), ('20120217', 111), ('20120218', 111), ('20120219', 111), ('20120220', 111), ('20120221', 111), ('20120222', 111), ('20120223', 112), ('20120224', 111), ('20120225', 111), ('20120226', 111), ('20120227', 111), ('20120228', 111), ('20120229', 110), ('20120301', 111), ('20120302', 109), ('20120303', 109), ('20120304', 109), ('20120305', 109), ('20120306', 106), ('20120307', 108), ('20120308', 109), ('20120309', 111), ('20120310', 111), ('20120311', 111), ('20120312', 110), ('20120313', 113), ('20120314', 112), ('20120315', 113), ('20120316', 112), ('20120317', 112), ('20120318', 112), ('20120319', 113), ('20120320', 112), ('20120321', 112), ('20120322', 110), ('20120323', 111), ('20120324', 111), ('20120325', 111), ('20120326', 113), ('20120327', 113), ('20120328', 112), ('20120329', 112), ('20120330', 112), ('20120331', 112), ('20120401', 112), ('20120402', 113), ('20120403', 112), ('20120404', 110), ('20120405', 110), ('20120406', 110), ('20120407', 110), ('20120408', 110), ('20120409', 108), ('20120410', 106), ('20120411', 107), ('20120412', 109), ('20120413', 107), ('20120414', 107), ('20120415', 107), ('20120416', 107), ('20120417', 109), ('20120418', 108), ('20120419', 108), ('20120420', 108), ('20120421', 108), ('20120422', 108), ('20120423', 106), ('20120424', 107), ('20120425', 109), ('20120426', 110), ('20120427', 111), ('20120428', 111), ('20120429', 111), ('20120430', 110), ('20120501', 110), ('20120502', 110), ('20120503', 108), ('20120504', 106), ('20120505', 106), ('20120506', 106), ('20120507', 106), ('20120508', 106), ('20120509', 105), ('20120510', 106), ('20120511', 105), ('20120512', 105), ('20120513', 105), ('20120514', 104), ('20120515', 103), ('20120516', 103), ('20120517', 101), ('20120518', 100), ('20120519', 100), ('20120520', 100), ('20120521', 102), ('20120522', 102), ('20120523', 102), ('20120524', 102), ('20120525', 102), ('20120526', 102), ('20120527', 102), ('20120528', 102), ('20120529', 104), ('20120530', 102), ('20120531', 101), ('20120601', 98), ('20120602', 98), ('20120603', 98), ('20120604', 98), ('20120605', 99), ('20120606', 102), ('20120607', 101), ('20120608', 102), ('20120609', 102), ('20120610', 102), ('20120611', 100), ('20120612', 101), ('20120613', 99), ('20120614', 100), ('20120615', 101), ('20120616', 101), ('20120617', 101), ('20120618', 102), ('20120619', 103), ('20120620', 103), ('20120621', 100), ('20120622', 101), ('20120623', 101), ('20120624', 101), ('20120625', 99), ('20120626', 99), ('20120627', 100), ('20120628', 100), ('20120629', 103), ('20120630', 103), ('20120701', 103), ('20120702', 104), ('20120703', 106), ('20120704', 106), ('20120705', 106), ('20120706', 104), ('20120707', 104), ('20120708', 104), ('20120709', 104), ('20120710', 102), ('20120711', 102), ('20120712', 102), ('20120713', 103), ('20120714', 103), ('20120715', 103), ('20120716', 102), ('20120717', 103), ('20120718', 104), ('20120719', 104), ('20120720', 102), ('20120721', 102), ('20120722', 102), ('20120723', 101), ('20120724', 99), ('20120725', 100), ('20120726', 101), ('20120727', 104), ('20120728', 104), ('20120729', 104), ('20120730', 103), ('20120731', 103), ('20120801', 101), ('20120802', 101), ('20120803', 103), ('20120804', 103), ('20120805', 103), ('20120806', 104), ('20120807', 105), ('20120808', 105), ('20120809', 106), ('20120810', 106), ('20120811', 106), ('20120812', 106), ('20120813', 105), ('20120814', 105), ('20120815', 106), ('20120816', 107), ('20120817', 108), ('20120818', 108), ('20120819', 108), ('20120820', 107), ('20120821', 107), ('20120822', 107), ('20120823', 106), ('20120824', 106), ('20120825', 106), ('20120826', 106), ('20120827', 106), ('20120828', 107), ('20120829', 107), ('20120830', 106), ('20120831', 106), ('20120901', 106), ('20120902', 106), ('20120903', 106), ('20120904', 107), ('20120905', 107), ('20120906', 110), ('20120907', 110), ('20120908', 110), ('20120909', 110), ('20120910', 110), ('20120911', 110), ('20120912', 111), ('20120913', 112), 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110), ('20121106', 111), ('20121107', 108), ('20121108', 107), ('20121109', 107), ('20121110', 107), ('20121111', 107), ('20121112', 107), ('20121113', 106), ('20121114', 104), ('20121115', 104), ('20121116', 105), ('20121117', 105), ('20121118', 105), ('20121119', 107), ('20121120', 107), ('20121121', 108), ('20121122', 108), ('20121123', 109), ('20121124', 109), ('20121125', 109), ('20121126', 109), ('20121127', 109), ('20121128', 109), ('20121129', 110), ('20121130', 110), ('20121201', 110), ('20121202', 110), ('20121203', 110), ('20121204', 110), ('20121205', 110), ('20121206', 110), ('20121207', 110), ('20121208', 110), ('20121209', 110), ('20121210', 111), ('20121211', 112), ('20121212', 112), ('20121213', 111), ('20121214', 111), ('20121215', 111), ('20121216', 111), ('20121217', 112), ('20121218', 114), ('20121219', 114), ('20121220', 114), ('20121221', 113), ('20121222', 113), ('20121223', 113), ('20121224', 113), ('20121225', 113), ('20121226', 112), ('20121227', 112), ('20121228', 112), ('20121229', 112), ('20121230', 112), ('20121231', 114)], [('20120101', 100), ('20120102', 100), ('20120103', 101), ('20120104', 100), ('20120105', 101), ('20120106', 101), ('20120107', 101), ('20120108', 101), ('20120109', 101), ('20120110', 103), ('20120111', 103), ('20120112', 104), ('20120113', 103), ('20120114', 103), ('20120115', 103), ('20120116', 103), ('20120117', 103), ('20120118', 105), ('20120119', 105), ('20120120', 105), ('20120121', 105), ('20120122', 105), ('20120123', 105), ('20120124', 106), ('20120125', 107), ('20120126', 107), ('20120127', 107), ('20120128', 107), ('20120129', 107), ('20120130', 107), ('20120131', 107), ('20120201', 109), ('20120202', 109), ('20120203', 112), ('20120204', 112), ('20120205', 112), ('20120206', 111), ('20120207', 111), ('20120208', 111), ('20120209', 111), ('20120210', 109), ('20120211', 109), ('20120212', 109), ('20120213', 111), ('20120214', 110), ('20120215', 109), ('20120216', 112), ('20120217', 111), ('20120218', 111), ('20120219', 111), ('20120220', 111), ('20120221', 111), ('20120222', 110), ('20120223', 112), ('20120224', 111), ('20120225', 111), ('20120226', 111), ('20120227', 111), ('20120228', 111), ('20120229', 109), ('20120301', 110), ('20120302', 108), ('20120303', 108), ('20120304', 108), ('20120305', 108), ('20120306', 106), ('20120307', 107), ('20120308', 109), ('20120309', 110), ('20120310', 110), ('20120311', 110), ('20120312', 110), ('20120313', 112), ('20120314', 111), ('20120315', 112), ('20120316', 112), ('20120317', 112), ('20120318', 112), ('20120319', 113), ('20120320', 112), ('20120321', 112), ('20120322', 111), ('20120323', 112), ('20120324', 112), ('20120325', 112), ('20120326', 114), ('20120327', 113), ('20120328', 112), ('20120329', 112), ('20120330', 112), ('20120331', 112), ('20120401', 112), ('20120402', 113), ('20120403', 113), ('20120404', 111), ('20120405', 110), ('20120406', 110), ('20120407', 110), ('20120408', 110), ('20120409', 108), ('20120410', 106), ('20120411', 107), ('20120412', 109), ('20120413', 107), ('20120414', 107), ('20120415', 107), ('20120416', 108), ('20120417', 109), ('20120418', 108), ('20120419', 108), ('20120420', 108), ('20120421', 108), ('20120422', 108), ('20120423', 107), ('20120424', 108), ('20120425', 110), ('20120426', 110), ('20120427', 111), ('20120428', 111), ('20120429', 111), ('20120430', 110), ('20120501', 110), ('20120502', 110), ('20120503', 109), ('20120504', 107), ('20120505', 107), ('20120506', 107), ('20120507', 107), ('20120508', 107), ('20120509', 106), ('20120510', 107), ('20120511', 107), ('20120512', 107), ('20120513', 107), ('20120514', 105), ('20120515', 105), ('20120516', 104), ('20120517', 102), ('20120518', 101), ('20120519', 101), ('20120520', 101), ('20120521', 103), ('20120522', 103), ('20120523', 103), ('20120524', 103), ('20120525', 103), ('20120526', 103), ('20120527', 103), ('20120528', 103), ('20120529', 105), ('20120530', 103), ('20120531', 103), ('20120601', 100), ('20120602', 100), ('20120603', 100), ('20120604', 100), ('20120605', 101), ('20120606', 103), ('20120607', 103), ('20120608', 104), ('20120609', 104), ('20120610', 104), ('20120611', 101), ('20120612', 103), ('20120613', 102), ('20120614', 103), ('20120615', 104), ('20120616', 104), ('20120617', 104), ('20120618', 104), ('20120619', 106), ('20120620', 106), ('20120621', 103), ('20120622', 105), ('20120623', 105), ('20120624', 105), ('20120625', 103), ('20120626', 103), ('20120627', 105), ('20120628', 105), ('20120629', 108), ('20120630', 108), ('20120701', 108), ('20120702', 109), ('20120703', 111), ('20120704', 111), ('20120705', 111), ('20120706', 109), ('20120707', 109), ('20120708', 109), ('20120709', 109), ('20120710', 108), ('20120711', 107), ('20120712', 107), ('20120713', 108), ('20120714', 108), ('20120715', 108), ('20120716', 108), ('20120717', 108), ('20120718', 109), ('20120719', 109), ('20120720', 107), ('20120721', 107), ('20120722', 107), ('20120723', 105), ('20120724', 104), ('20120725', 104), ('20120726', 105), ('20120727', 108), ('20120728', 108), ('20120729', 108), ('20120730', 107), ('20120731', 107), ('20120801', 104), ('20120802', 104), ('20120803', 107), ('20120804', 107), ('20120805', 107), ('20120806', 108), ('20120807', 109), ('20120808', 108), ('20120809', 109), ('20120810', 109), ('20120811', 109), ('20120812', 109), ('20120813', 108), ('20120814', 108), ('20120815', 109), ('20120816', 110), ('20120817', 111), ('20120818', 111), ('20120819', 111), ('20120820', 111), ('20120821', 110), ('20120822', 110), ('20120823', 109), ('20120824', 110), ('20120825', 110), ('20120826', 110), ('20120827', 110), ('20120828', 110), ('20120829', 111), ('20120830', 110), ('20120831', 110), ('20120901', 110), ('20120902', 110), ('20120903', 110), ('20120904', 111), ('20120905', 111), ('20120906', 114), ('20120907', 114), ('20120908', 114), ('20120909', 114), ('20120910', 114), ('20120911', 114), ('20120912', 115), ('20120913', 116), ('20120914', 117), ('20120915', 117), ('20120916', 117), ('20120917', 117), ('20120918', 116), ('20120919', 116), ('20120920', 116), ('20120921', 116), ('20120922', 116), ('20120923', 116), ('20120924', 116), ('20120925', 114), ('20120926', 113), ('20120927', 115), ('20120928', 114), ('20120929', 114), ('20120930', 114), ('20121001', 114), ('20121002', 114), ('20121003', 114), ('20121004', 115), ('20121005', 114), ('20121006', 114), ('20121007', 114), ('20121008', 114), ('20121009', 112), ('20121010', 112), ('20121011', 113), ('20121012', 112), ('20121013', 112), ('20121014', 112), ('20121015', 113), ('20121016', 113), ('20121017', 114), ('20121018', 114), ('20121019', 112), ('20121020', 112), ('20121021', 112), ('20121022', 111), ('20121023', 111), ('20121024', 111), ('20121025', 111), ('20121026', 110), ('20121027', 110), ('20121028', 110), ('20121029', 110), ('20121030', 110), ('20121031', 111), ('20121101', 113), ('20121102', 111), ('20121103', 111), ('20121104', 111), ('20121105', 111), ('20121106', 112), ('20121107', 109), ('20121108', 108), ('20121109', 108), ('20121110', 108), ('20121111', 108), ('20121112', 108), ('20121113', 107), ('20121114', 105), ('20121115', 105), ('20121116', 106), ('20121117', 106), ('20121118', 106), ('20121119', 108), ('20121120', 108), ('20121121', 109), ('20121122', 109), ('20121123', 110), ('20121124', 110), ('20121125', 110), ('20121126', 110), ('20121127', 110), ('20121128', 111), ('20121129', 112), ('20121130', 112), ('20121201', 112), ('20121202', 112), ('20121203', 112), ('20121204', 112), ('20121205', 112), ('20121206', 112), ('20121207', 112), ('20121208', 112), ('20121209', 112), ('20121210', 112), ('20121211', 114), ('20121212', 113), ('20121213', 112), ('20121214', 112), ('20121215', 112), ('20121216', 112), ('20121217', 114), ('20121218', 115), ('20121219', 116), ('20121220', 116), ('20121221', 116), ('20121222', 116), ('20121223', 116), ('20121224', 115), ('20121225', 115), ('20121226', 114), ('20121227', 114), ('20121228', 113), ('20121229', 113), ('20121230', 113), ('20121231', 116)]] chartCanvas.add(chart) renderPDF.draw(chartCanvas, c, 50, 400) pieChartCanvas = Drawing() pieChart = Pie() = [30.0, 21.0, 21.0, 14.0, 14.0] pieChart.slices[0].fillColor = PCMYKColor(100,0,90,50,alpha=85) pieChart.slices[1].fillColor = PCMYKColor(0,100,100,40,alpha=85) pieChart.slices[2].fillColor = PCMYKColor(100,60,0,50,alpha=85) pieChart.slices[3].fillColor = PCMYKColor(23,51,0,4,alpha=85) pieChart.slices[4].fillColor = PCMYKColor(66,13,0,22,alpha=85) pieChart.width = 100 pieChart.height = 100 pieChart.slices.popout = 5 pieChart.slices.strokeColor = PCMYKColor(0,0,0,0) pieChart.slices.strokeWidth = 0.5 pieChartCanvas.add(pieChart) renderPDF.draw(pieChartCanvas, c, 100, 100) pieChartLegendCanvas = Drawing() pieChartLegend = Legend() pieChartLegend.x = 100 pieChartLegend.y = 100 pieChartLegend.alignment = "right" pieChartLegend.columnMaximum = 5 pieChartLegend.colorNamePairs = [(PCMYKColor(100,0,90,50,alpha=100), ('BP', '30%')), (PCMYKColor(0,100,100,40,alpha=100), ('Shell Transport & Trading', '21%')), (PCMYKColor(100,60,0,50,alpha=100), ('Liberty International', '21%')), (PCMYKColor(23,51,0,4,alpha=100), ('Persimmon', '14%')), (PCMYKColor(66,13,0,22,alpha=100), ('Royal Bank of Scotland', '14%'))] pieChartLegendCanvas.add(pieChartLegend) renderPDF.draw(pieChartLegendCanvas, c, 100, 100)
def __get_tags_statistics(self): monto_categorias = dict() for tra in self.transactions: if len(tra.tags) > 0: for tag in tra.tags: if tag in monto_categorias.keys(): monto_categorias[tag] += tra.amount else: monto_categorias[tag] = tra.amount labels = [lab.encode('utf-8') for lab in monto_categorias.keys()] data = monto_categorias.values() p = PageBreak() p.drawOn(self.c, 0, 1000) self.c.showPage() self.l = 600 self.c.setFont('Courier', 14) self.c.drawString(30, 800, 'Categorias') drawing = Drawing(200, 200) pie = Pie() pie.x = 30 pie.y = self.l - 130 pie.height = 300 pie.width = 300 = data pie.labels = labels pie.simpleLabels = 1 pie.slices.strokeWidth = 1 pie.slices.strokeColor = black pie.slices.label_visible = 0 legend = Legend() legend.x = 400 legend.y = self.l legend.dx = 8 legend.dy = 8 legend.fontName = 'Helvetica' legend.fontSize = 7 legend.boxAnchor = 'w' legend.columnMaximum = 10 legend.strokeWidth = 1 legend.strokeColor = black legend.deltax = 75 legend.deltay = 10 legend.autoXPadding = 5 legend.yGap = 0 legend.dxTextSpace = 5 legend.alignment = 'right' legend.dividerLines = 1|2|4 legend.dividerOffsY = 4.5 legend.subCols.rpad = 30 n = len( self.__setItems(n,pie.slices, 'fillColor',self.pdf_chart_colors) legend.colorNamePairs = [(pie.slices[i].fillColor, (pie.labels[i][0:20],'$%0.2f' %[i])) for i in xrange(n)] drawing.add(pie) drawing.add(legend) x, y = 0, 10 renderPDF.draw(drawing, self.c, x, y, showBoundary=False)
def generate_certificate(elements): styles = ParagraphStyle( name='Normal', fontName='Helvetica-Bold', fontSize=15, alignment=1, ) elements.append(Spacer(1, 0.5 * inch)) i = Paragraph(str("candidate performance vs average performance"), styles) elements.append(i) elements.append(Spacer(1, 0.1 * inch)) drawing = Drawing(0, 200) # for indices data = [ (13, 5, 20, 22, 37, 45, 19, 4), (14, 6, 21, 23, 38, 46, 20, 5) ] # data for drawing bar graphs bc = VerticalBarChart() bc.x = 0 # x,y define the left bottom of graph bc.y = 0 bc.height = 150 bc.width = 300 = data bc.strokeColor = bc.valueAxis.valueMin = 0 bc.valueAxis.valueMax = 50 bc.valueAxis.valueStep = 10 bc.categoryAxis.labels.boxAnchor = 'ne' bc.categoryAxis.labels.dx = 6 # next 3 lines is for naming indices bc.categoryAxis.labels.dy = -2 bc.categoryAxis.labels.angle = 60 bc.categoryAxis.categoryNames = ['Jan-99', 'Feb-99', 'Mar-99', 'Apr-99', 'May-99', 'Jun-99', 'Jul-99', 'Aug-99'] drawing.add(bc) elements.append(drawing) elements.append(Spacer(1, 0.5 * inch)) drawing = Drawing(0, 175) # for indices lc = HorizontalLineChart() lc.x = 0 lc.y = 10 lc.height = 150 lc.width = 300 = data lc.joinedLines = 1 catnames = 'Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug'.split(' ') lc.categoryAxis.categoryNames = catnames lc.categoryAxis.labels.boxAnchor = 'n' lc.valueAxis.valueMin = 0 lc.valueAxis.valueMax = 60 lc.valueAxis.valueStep = 15 lc.lines[0].strokeWidth = 2 lc.lines[1].strokeWidth = 1.5 drawing.add(lc) elements.append(drawing) drawing = Drawing(0, 400) # for indices data = [ ((1, 1), (2, 2), (2.5, 1), (3, 3), (4, 5)), ((1, 2), (2, 3), (2.5, 2), (3.5, 5), (4, 6)) ] elements.append(Spacer(1, 0.1 * inch)) i = Paragraph(str("candidate performance vs average performance"), styles) elements.append(i) elements.append(Spacer(1, 0.1 * inch)) lp = LinePlot() lp.x = 0 lp.y = 50 lp.height = 300 lp.width = 600 = data lp.joinedLines = 1 lp.lines[0].symbol = makeMarker('FilledCircle') lp.lines[1].symbol = makeMarker('Circle') lp.lineLabelFormat = '%2.0f' lp.strokeColor = lp.xValueAxis.valueMin = 0 lp.xValueAxis.valueMax = 5 lp.xValueAxis.valueSteps = [1, 2, 2.5, 3, 4, 5] lp.xValueAxis.labelTextFormat = '%2.1f' lp.yValueAxis.valueMin = 0 lp.yValueAxis.valueMax = 7 lp.yValueAxis.valueSteps = [1, 2, 3, 5, 6] drawing.add(lp) elements.append(drawing) elements.append(Spacer(1, 0.1 * inch)) drawing = Drawing(100, 350) pc = Pie() pc.x = 65 pc.y = 15 pc.width = 300 pc.height = 300 = [10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60] pc.labels = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f'] pc.slices.strokeWidth = 0.5 pc.slices[3].popout = 10 pc.slices[3].strokeWidth = 2 pc.slices[3].strokeDashArray = [2, 2] pc.slices[3].labelRadius = 1.75 pc.slices[3].fontColor = drawing.add(pc) elements.append(drawing) elements.append(Spacer(1, 0.7 * inch)) styles = ParagraphStyle( name='Normal', fontName='Helvetica', fontSize=15, alignment=0, ) elements.append(Spacer(1, 0.5* inch)) i = Paragraph(str("Please click on black square to play the video."), styles) elements.append(i) elements.append(platypus.flowables.Macro('canvas.saveState()')) elements.append(platypus.flowables.Macro('canvas.linkURL("fun.mp4",(400,510,410,500),relative=0,thickness=10)')) elements.append(platypus.flowables.Macro('canvas.restoreState()')) return elements