def __setitem__(self, item, value): if isinstance(value,strTypes): # very simple case, no defaults, no empty case value = MapNode(asUnicode(value)) if isinstance(item,strTypes): item = asUnicode(item) self.nodemappers[item] = value
def test17(self): self.assertEqual(asUnicode(u'abc'),u'abc') self.assertEqual(asUnicode(b'abc'),u'abc') self.assertRaises(AttributeError,asUnicode,['abc']) self.myAssertRaisesRegex(AttributeError,r"asUnicode\(.*'list' object has no attribute 'decode'", asUnicode,['abc']) self.assertEqual(asUnicodeEx(u'abc'),u'abc') self.assertEqual(asUnicodeEx(b'abc'),u'abc') self.assertEqual(asUnicodeEx(123),u'123') self.assertEqual(asBytes(u'abc'),b'abc') self.assertEqual(asBytes(b'abc'),b'abc') self.assertRaises(AttributeError,asBytes,['abc']) self.myAssertRaisesRegex(AttributeError,"asBytes\(.*'list' object has no attribute 'encode'", asBytes,['abc'])
def draw(self): # general widget bits s = float(self.size) # abbreviate as we will use this a lot g = shapes.Group() ig = self.innerGap x = self.x + self.dx y = self.y + self.dy hsize = 0.5 * self.size if not ig: L = [(x - hsize, y, x + hsize, y), (x, y - hsize, x, y + hsize)] else: if isStr(ig): ig = asUnicode(ig) if ig.endswith(u'%'): gs = hsize * float(ig[:-1]) / 100.0 else: gs = float(ig) * 0.5 else: gs = ig * 0.5 L = [(x - hsize, y, x - gs, y), (x + gs, y, x + hsize, y), (x, y - hsize, x, y - gs), (x, y + gs, x, y + hsize)] P = shapes.Path(strokeWidth=self.strokeWidth, strokeColor=self.strokeColor) for x0, y0, x1, y1 in L: P.moveTo(x0, y0) P.lineTo(x1, y1) g.add(P) return g
def addParas(words): words = [asUnicode(w) for w in words] txt = u' '.join([(len(w) > 5 and u'<index item=%s/>%s' % (quoteattr(commajoin([w[:2], w[:3], w])), w) or w) for w in words]) para = Paragraph(txt, makeBodyStyle()) story.append(para)
def xhtmlDocFromXhtmlFragment(xhtmlFrag,enc='utf8'): r = [] #r.append('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">') r.append('<html><head><title></title></head><body>') xhtmlFrag=xhtmlFrag.replace('<p><table>','<table>').replace('</table></p>','</table>') r.append(asUnicode(xhtmlFrag,enc=enc)) r.append('</body></html>') r = ''.join(r) return r
def findImages(xml): "Returns lists of all images referred to in markup" xml = asUnicode(xml) validDoc = xhtmlDocFromXhtmlFragment(xml) #adds 'html','head etc. to our fragment parser = pyRXPU.Parser(ReturnUTF8=1, ExpandCharacterEntities=0, ExpandGeneralEntities=0) tree = parser.parse(validDoc) walker = ImageFinder(tree) walker.go() return walker.images
def _build(self,availWidth,availHeight): _tempEntries = [(tuple(asUnicode(t) for t in texts),pageNumbers) for texts, pageNumbers in self._getlastEntries()] def getkey(seq): return [''.join((c for c in unicodedata.normalize('NFD', x.upper()) if unicodedata.category(c) != 'Mn')) for x in seq[0]] _tempEntries.sort(key=getkey) leveloffset = self.headers and 1 or 0 def drawIndexEntryEnd(canvas, kind, label): '''Callback to draw dots and page numbers after each entry.''' style = self.getLevelStyle(leveloffset) pages = [(p[1],k) for p,k in sorted(decode_label(label))] drawPageNumbers(canvas, style, pages, availWidth, availHeight, self.canv.drawIndexEntryEnd = drawIndexEntryEnd alpha = '' tableData = [] lastTexts = [] alphaStyle = self.getLevelStyle(0) for texts, pageNumbers in _tempEntries: texts = list(texts) #track when the first character changes; either output some extra #space, or the first letter on a row of its own. We cannot do #widow/orphan control, sadly. nalpha = ''.join((c for c in unicodedata.normalize('NFD', texts[0][0].upper()) if unicodedata.category(c) != 'Mn')) if alpha != nalpha: alpha = nalpha if self.headers: header = alpha else: header = ' ' tableData.append([Spacer(1, alphaStyle.spaceBefore),]) tableData.append([Paragraph(header, alphaStyle),]) tableData.append([Spacer(1, alphaStyle.spaceAfter),]) i, diff = listdiff(lastTexts, texts) if diff: lastTexts = texts texts = texts[i:] label = encode_label(list(pageNumbers)) texts[-1] = '%s<onDraw name="drawIndexEntryEnd" label="%s"/>' % (texts[-1], label) for text in texts: #Platypus and RML differ on how parsed XML attributes are escaped. #e.g. <index item="M&S"/>. The only place this seems to bite us is in #the index entries so work around it here. text = escapeOnce(text) style = self.getLevelStyle(i+leveloffset) para = Paragraph(text, style) if style.spaceBefore: tableData.append([Spacer(1, style.spaceBefore),]) tableData.append([para,]) i += 1 self._flowable = Table(tableData, colWidths=[availWidth], style=self.tableStyle)
def parse(self, text, style): "attempt replacement for parse" self._setup_for_parse(style) text = asUnicode(text) if not(len(text)>=6 and text[0]=='<' and _re_para.match(text)): text = u"<para>"+text+u"</para>" try: self.feed(text) except: annotateException('paragraph text %s caused exception' % ascii(text)) return self._complete_parse()
def processContent(self, elts, overrides=None, containerdict=None, top_level=1): if containerdict is None: containerdict = self.topDict if overrides is None: overrides = {} # no overrides yet if isinstance(elts,strTypes): return self.processString(asUnicode(elts)) if isinstance(elts,tuple): return self.processTuple(elts, overrides, containerdict) else: L = [] for e in elts: if isinstance(e,strTypes): e2 = self.processString(asUnicode(e)) else: if not isinstance(e,tuple): raise ValueError("bad content type %s" % type(e)) e2 = self.processTuple(e, overrides, containerdict) L.append(e2) return self.joinTranslatedContent(L)
def xhtmlDocFromXhtmlFragment(xhtmlFrag, enc='utf8'): r = [] #r.append('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">') r.append('<html><head><title></title></head><body>') xhtmlFrag = xhtmlFrag.replace('<p><table>', '<table>').replace('</table></p>', '</table>') r.append(asUnicode(xhtmlFrag, enc=enc)) r.append('</body></html>') r = ''.join(r) return r
def text_decode(source): """ try decoding ``source`` with various known codepoints to unicode for more information on the various codepoints, see :see: :see: """ return asUnicode(source)
def run(pagesize=None, verbose=0, outDir=None): import sys, os from reportlab.lib.utils import open_and_read, asUnicode cwd = os.getcwd() docsDir = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0]) or cwd) topDir = os.path.dirname(docsDir) if not outDir: outDir = docsDir G = {} sys.path.insert(0, topDir) from reportlab.pdfbase.pdfmetrics import registerFontFamily from reportlab.pdfbase import pdfmetrics from reportlab.pdfbase.ttfonts import TTFont pdfmetrics.registerFont(TTFont('Vera', 'Vera.ttf')) pdfmetrics.registerFont(TTFont('VeraBd', 'VeraBd.ttf')) pdfmetrics.registerFont(TTFont('VeraIt', 'VeraIt.ttf')) pdfmetrics.registerFont(TTFont('VeraBI', 'VeraBI.ttf')) registerFontFamily('Vera', normal='Vera', bold='VeraBd', italic='VeraIt', boldItalic='VeraBI') from tools.docco.rl_doc_utils import setStory, getStory, RLDocTemplate, defaultPageSize, H1, H2, H3, H4 from tools.docco import rl_doc_utils exec('from tools.docco.rl_doc_utils import *', G, G) destfn = os.path.join(outDir, 'reportlab-userguide.pdf') doc = RLDocTemplate(destfn, pagesize=pagesize or defaultPageSize) #this builds the story setStory() for f in ( 'ch1_intro', 'ch2_graphics', 'ch2a_fonts', 'ch3_pdffeatures', 'ch4_platypus_concepts', 'ch5_paragraphs', 'ch6_tables', 'ch7_custom', 'graph_intro', 'graph_concepts', 'graph_charts', 'graph_shapes', 'graph_widgets', 'app_demos', ): #python source is supposed to be utf8 these days exec(asUnicode(open_and_read(f + '.py')), G, G) del G story = getStory() if verbose: print('Built story contains %d flowables...' % len(story)) doc.multiBuild(story) if verbose: print('Saved "%s"' % destfn)
def findImages(xml): "Returns lists of all images referred to in markup" xml = asUnicode(xml) validDoc = xhtmlDocFromXhtmlFragment( xml) #adds 'html','head etc. to our fragment parser = pyRXPU.Parser(ReturnUTF8=1, ExpandCharacterEntities=0, ExpandGeneralEntities=0) tree = parser.parse(validDoc) walker = ImageFinder(tree) walker.go() return walker.images
def run(pagesize=None, verbose=0, outDir=None): import sys,os from reportlab.lib.utils import open_and_read, asUnicode cwd = os.getcwd() docsDir=os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0]) or cwd) topDir=os.path.dirname(docsDir) if not outDir: outDir=docsDir G = {} sys.path.insert(0,topDir) from reportlab.pdfbase.pdfmetrics import registerFontFamily from reportlab.pdfbase import pdfmetrics from reportlab.pdfbase.ttfonts import TTFont pdfmetrics.registerFont(TTFont('Vera', 'Vera.ttf')) pdfmetrics.registerFont(TTFont('VeraBd', 'VeraBd.ttf')) pdfmetrics.registerFont(TTFont('VeraIt', 'VeraIt.ttf')) pdfmetrics.registerFont(TTFont('VeraBI', 'VeraBI.ttf')) registerFontFamily('Vera',normal='Vera',bold='VeraBd',italic='VeraIt',boldItalic='VeraBI') from tools.docco.rl_doc_utils import setStory, getStory, RLDocTemplate, defaultPageSize, H1, H2, H3, H4 from tools.docco import rl_doc_utils exec('from tools.docco.rl_doc_utils import *', G, G) destfn = os.path.join(outDir,'reportlab-userguide.pdf') doc = RLDocTemplate(destfn,pagesize = pagesize or defaultPageSize) #this builds the story setStory() for f in ( 'ch1_intro', 'ch2_graphics', 'ch2a_fonts', 'ch3_pdffeatures', 'ch4_platypus_concepts', 'ch5_paragraphs', 'ch6_tables', 'ch7_custom', 'graph_intro', 'graph_concepts', 'graph_charts', 'graph_shapes', 'graph_widgets', 'app_demos', ): #python source is supposed to be utf8 these days exec(asUnicode(open_and_read(f+'.py')), G, G) del G story = getStory() if verbose: print('Built story contains %d flowables...' % len(story)) doc.multiBuild(story) if verbose: print('Saved "%s"' % destfn)
def normalizeName(self, name): if not isUnicode(name): for enc in ('utf8', 'latin1'): try: name = asUnicode(name, enc) break except: pass else: raise ValueError('Cannot normalize name %r' % name) r = name.strip().lower() nns = getattr(self, 'normalizeNameSpaces', None) if isStr(nns): r = nns.join(filter(None, r.split())) return r
def drawString(self, x, y, s, angle=0): if self._fillColor != None: fontSize = self._fontSize fontObj = getFont(self._font) dynamicFont = fontObj._dynamicFont embedding = self._ttf_embed and dynamicFont if not embedding and not self.code[self._fontCodeLoc]: psName = self.code[ self. _fontCodeLoc] = '(%s) findfont %s scalefont setfont' % ( psName, fp_str(fontSize)) if psName not in self._fontsUsed: self._fontsUsed.append(psName) self.setColor(self._fillColor) if angle != 0: self.code_append('gsave %s translate %s rotate' % (fp_str(x, y), fp_str(angle))) x = y = 0 if embedding: i = 0 s = asUnicode(s) for subset, t in fontObj.splitString(s, self): if subset != self._curSubset: psName = fontObj.getSubsetInternalName(subset, self)[1:] sf = '(%s) findfont %s scalefont setfont' % ( psName, fp_str(fontSize)) if not self.code[self._fontCodeLoc]: self.code[self._fontCodeLoc] = sf else: self.code_append(sf) self._curSubset = subset self.code_append('%s m (%s) show ' % (fp_str(x, y), self._escape(t))) j = i + len(t) x += fontObj.stringWidth(s[i:j], fontSize) i = j elif dynamicFont: s = self._escape(s) self.code_append('%s m (%s) show ' % (fp_str(x, y), s)) else: self._issueT1String(fontObj, x, y, s) if angle != 0: self.code_append('grestore')
def textLines(self, stuff, trim=1): """prints multi-line or newlined strings, moving down. One comon use is to quote a multi-line block in your Python code; since this may be indented, by default it trims whitespace off each line and from the beginning; set trim=0 to preserve whitespace.""" if isStr(stuff): lines = asUnicode(stuff).strip().split(u'\n') if trim == 1: lines = [s.strip() for s in lines] elif isinstance(stuff, (tuple, list)): lines = stuff else: assert 1 == 0, "argument to textlines must be string,, list or tuple" # Output each line one at a time. This used to be a long-hand # copy of the textLine code, now called as a method. for line in lines: self.textLine(line)
def textLines(self, stuff, trim=1): """prints multi-line or newlined strings, moving down. One comon use is to quote a multi-line block in your Python code; since this may be indented, by default it trims whitespace off each line and from the beginning; set trim=0 to preserve whitespace.""" if isStr(stuff): lines = asUnicode(stuff).strip().split(u'\n') if trim==1: lines = [s.strip() for s in lines] elif isinstance(stuff,(tuple,list)): lines = stuff else: assert 1==0, "argument to textlines must be string,, list or tuple" # Output each line one at a time. This used to be a long-hand # copy of the textLine code, now called as a method. for line in lines: self.textLine(line)
def drawString(self, x, y, s, angle=0): if self._fillColor != None: fontSize = self._fontSize fontObj = getFont(self._font) dynamicFont = fontObj._dynamicFont embedding = self._ttf_embed and dynamicFont if not embedding and not self.code[self._fontCodeLoc]: psName = self.code[self._fontCodeLoc]='(%s) findfont %s scalefont setfont' % (psName,fp_str(fontSize)) if psName not in self._fontsUsed: self._fontsUsed.append(psName) self.setColor(self._fillColor) if angle!=0: self.code_append('gsave %s translate %s rotate' % (fp_str(x,y),fp_str(angle))) x = y = 0 if embedding: i = 0 s = asUnicode(s) for subset, t in fontObj.splitString(s, self): if subset!=self._curSubset: psName = fontObj.getSubsetInternalName(subset, self)[1:] sf = '(%s) findfont %s scalefont setfont' % (psName,fp_str(fontSize)) if not self.code[self._fontCodeLoc]: self.code[self._fontCodeLoc] = sf else: self.code_append(sf) self._curSubset = subset self.code_append('%s m (%s) show ' % (fp_str(x,y),self._escape(t))) j = i + len(t) x += fontObj.stringWidth(s[i:j],fontSize) i = j elif dynamicFont: s = self._escape(s) self.code_append('%s m (%s) show ' % (fp_str(x,y),s)) else: self._issueT1String(fontObj,x,y,s) if angle!=0: self.code_append('grestore')
def __init__(self, target="block", breaksAllowed=True, stripComments=False, stripUnknownEntities=True, allowImages=True, allowTables=True, allowAtags=True, allowStyleAttr=True, #passed through to para and headings allowAlignAttr=True, #passed through to para and headings aHrefTr=None, imgSrcTr=None, substitutions=[], maxLines=None, lineWidth=40, entities = known_entities.keys(), encoding = None, ): """Initialising defines your language options. You can re-use the same parser many times. if breaksAllowed, they will be written to output. if not, in inline mode they vanish, and in block mode they end the block. substitutions is a a singleton or list containing pat pat --> '' (pat,str) pat --> str callable c(src) --> src pat may be a str or a compiled pattern. These substitutions are done before parsing. """ target = self.asUnicode(target) self.stripUnknownEntities = stripUnknownEntities self.allowImages = allowImages self.allowTables = allowTables self.allowAtags = allowAtags self.aHrefTr = aHrefTr self.imgSrcTr = imgSrcTr self.encoding = encoding self.allowAlignAttr = allowAlignAttr self.allowStyleAttr = allowStyleAttr self._setupGrammar() assert target in (u"block", u"inline"), "unexpected block '%s', must be 'block' or 'inline'" % target = target HTMLParser.__init__(self) self.breaksAllowed = breaksAllowed self.stripComments = stripComments self.entities = set(entities).union(('lt', 'gt', 'amp')) #prefix up the substitutions list if not isinstance(substitutions,(list,tuple)): substitutions = (substitutions,) S=[].append for s in substitutions: if isinstance(s,strTypes): s = lambda x,pat=re.compile(asUnicode(s)): pat.sub('',x) elif hasattr(s,'sub'): s = lambda x,pat=s: pat.sub('',x) elif isinstance(s,(tuple,list)) and len(s)==2: p=s[0] if isinstance(p,str): s = lambda x,pat=re.compile(p),s=s[1]: pat.sub(s,x) elif hasattr(p,'sub'): s = lambda x,pat=p,s=s[1]: pat.sub(s,x) else: raise ValueError('Invalid value %r in substitions list' % s) elif not isinstance(s, collections.Callable): raise ValueError('Invalid value %r in substitions list' % s) S(s) self.substitutions = S.__self__ self.remainingLines = maxLines self.lineWidth = lineWidth self.textLength = 0
def equalStrings(a,b,enc='utf8'): return a==b if type(a)==type(b) else asUnicode(a,enc)==asUnicode(b,enc)
def bullet(text): text = u'<bullet><font name="Symbol">\u2022</font></bullet>' + asUnicode(quickfix(text)) P = Paragraph(text, BU) getStory().append(P)
def uniDict(d): r = {} for k in d: r[asUnicode(k)] = d[k] return r
def _processLine(line, sep=',', conv=0): if isUnicode(line): space = u' ' dquot = u'"' empty = u'' speol = u' \r\n' sep = asUnicode(sep) else: space = b' ' dquot = b'"' empty = b'' speol = b' \r\n' sep = asBytes(sep) fields = [] p = 0 ll = len(line) ls = len(sep) line += space while (ll > 0 and (line[ll-1] in speol)): ll -= 1 while p < ll: #Skip unquoted space at the start of a field while p<ll and line[p]==space: p += 1 field = empty ql = 0 while p < ll: #Skip unquoted space at the end of a field if ql == 0 and line[p] == space: q = p while q < ll and line[q] == space: q += 1 if q >= ll: break elif line[q:q+ls] == sep: p = q if ql == 0 and line[p:p+ls] == sep: break elif line[p:p+1] == dquot: if ql == 0: ql = 1 elif line[p+1:p+2]==dquot: field += dquot p += 1 else: ql = 0 else: field += line[p:p+1] p += 1 p += ls if conv: try: fields.append(int(field)) except ValueError: try: fields.append(float(field)) except ValueError: fields.append(field) else: fields.append(field) if line[ll-ls:ll]==sep: fields.append(empty) #extra field when there's a separator at the end return fields
def __dict_replace(s, d): # This is grabbed from xml.sax.saxutils """Replace substrings of a string using a dictionary.""" for key, value in list(d.items()): s = s.replace(asUnicode(key), asUnicode(value)) return s
def bullet(text): text = u'<bullet><font name="Symbol">\u2022</font></bullet>' + asUnicode( quickfix(text)) P = Paragraph(text, BU) getStory().append(P)
def equalStrings(a, b, enc='utf8'): return a == b if type(a) == type(b) else asUnicode(a, enc) == asUnicode( b, enc)