def test17(self):
     self.myAssertRaisesRegex(AttributeError,r"asUnicode\(.*'list' object has no attribute 'decode'", asUnicode,['abc'])
     self.myAssertRaisesRegex(AttributeError,"asBytes\(.*'list' object has no attribute 'encode'", asBytes,['abc'])
Example #2
 def __unicode__(self):
     if self.value is not None: return self.value
     L = [asUnicodeEx(l) for l in self.L]
     self.value = result = self.s.join(L)
     # eliminate possible reference loops
     self.L = None
     return result
Example #3
 def normalize(self, x):
     if self._test(x):
         return x
         return asUnicodeEx(x)
     except UnicodeError:
         raise ValueError("Can't convert to unicode: %r" % x)
Example #4
 def normalize(self, x):
     if self._test(x):
         return x
         return asUnicodeEx(x)
     except UnicodeError:
         raise ValueError("Can't convert to unicode: %r" % x)
Example #5
def fix(tag):
    "Apply fixes to their descriptive markup"
    src = asUnicodeEx(tag)
    step1 = src.replace(u'\x82', u'é')
    step2 = unescape(step1)
    step3 = step2.encode('utf-8')
    return step3
Example #6
 def processParsed(self, elts): # added to allow messing with the parsed input if needed
     D = self.topDict = {}
     D["__prefix__"] = ""
     elts = self.clean_elts(elts)
     textout = self.processContent(elts, top_level=1)
     T = asUnicodeEx(textout)
     result = self.topLevelSubstitution % T
     # clean out the topDict
     for k in list(D.keys()):
         del D[k] # possible self reference
     self.topDict = {}
     return result
Example #7
    def translate(self, nodetuple, controller, overrides, containerdict=None):

        #we want to leave this node unchanged, but let children through
        (tagName, attrs, content, extra) = nodetuple

        chunks = ['<%s' % tagName]
        if attrs is not None:
            for key, value in list(attrs.items()):
                chunks.append('%s="%s"' % (key, value))
        if content is None:
            #must do children
            processedContent = self.MyProcessContent(content, controller, overrides, containerdict)
            chunks.append('</%s>' % tagName)
        return ''.join(chunks)
Example #8
 def translate(self, nodetuple, controller, overrides, containerdict=None):
     # add own overrides if present
     if self.nodemappers:
         overrides = overrides.copy()
     (tagname, attdict, content, extra) = nodetuple
     #tagname = nodedict[0]
     #content = nodedict.get(1, None)
     if not attdict: attdict = {}
     sdict = attdict.copy() # for modification
     prefix = tagname
     # prefix must be set before processing children
     #print "processing", tagname
     #print containerdict
     if containerdict is not None:
         cprefix = containerdict["__prefix__"]
         if cprefix:
             prefix = "%s.%s" % (cprefix, prefix)
         cprefix = ''
     sdict['__prefix__'] = prefix
     sdict['__parent_prefix__'] = cprefix
     sdict['__depth__'] = prefix.count('.')
     sdict['__parent_depth__'] = sdict['__depth__']-1
     sdict['__tag_depth__'] = (prefix+'.').count(tagname+'.')
     sdict['__mapnode__'] = self
     sdict['__controller__'] = controller
     sdict['__overrides__'] = overrides
     sdict['__containerdict__'] = containerdict
     sdict['__nodetuple__'] = nodetuple
     sdict["__tagname__"] = tagname
     sdict["__attrs__"] = LazyAttrs(attdict)
     defaults = self.defaults
     for name in list(defaults.keys()):
         if name not in sdict:
             sdict[name] = defaults[name]
     shadow = ShadowDict(tagname, sdict, containerdict)
     sdict['__shadow__'] = shadow
     #if content is None: stop
     if content is not None:
         pcontent = self.MyProcessContent(content, controller, overrides, shadow)
         sdict["__content__"] = pcontent
         # you can refer to TITLE.__content__
         top = controller.topDict
         if containerdict is not None:
             containerdict[tagname+".__content__"] = pcontent
         # you can refer to PLAY.TITLE.__content__
         top[prefix+".__content__"] = pcontent
         sstring = self.full_substitution_string
         if sstring is None:
             raise ValueError("no content allowed for %s" % ascii(tagname))
         sstring = self.empty_substitution_string
         if sstring is None:
             raise ValueError("content required for %s" % ascii(tagname))
     transforms = self.transforms
     for name in list(transforms.keys()):
         if name in sdict:
             t = transforms[name]
             if isinstance(t,SpecialTransform) or name=='__attrs__':
                 sdict[name] = t(sdict,name)
                 oldvalue = asUnicodeEx(sdict[name]) # IS STRING CONVERSION ALWAYS RIGHT?
                 if isinstance(t,ExtendedTransform):
                     sdict[name] = t(oldvalue, sdict)
                     sdict[name] = t(oldvalue)
         result = shadow.substitute(sstring) #sstring % sdict
         raise ValueError("for tagname %s bad string %s for dict %s" % (
             ascii(tagname), ascii(sstring), ascii(list(sdict.keys()))))
     return result
Example #9
 def __call__(self, sdict, name):
     return asUnicodeEx(sdict[name])
Example #10
def preProcess(tree, nameSpace, caller=None):
    """Expands the parsed tree in the namespace and return new one.
    Returns a single tag-tuple in most cases, but a list of them
    if processing a loop node.

    from reportPackages.rlextra.radxml import xmlutils
    #expand this into a class with methods for each tag it handles.
    #then I can put logic tags in one and data access in another.
    tagName, attrs, children, extraStuff = tree

    #any attribute as $name becomes th value of name
    #tags might be nested in a loop, and if so then
    #each dictionary must be a fresh copy rather than
    # a pointer to the same dict
    newAttrs = attrs.copy() if attrs is not None else {}
    for key, value in list(newAttrs.items()):
        if isinstance(value,str) and value[0:1] == '$':
            newValue = eval(value[1:], nameSpace)
            newAttrs[key] = newValue
    attrs = newAttrs

    if tagName in TAG_LOOP:
        innerTxt = attrs[TAG_LOOP_INNER]
        outer = eval(attrs[TAG_LOOP_OUTER], nameSpace)
        dataSet = []
        for row in outer:
            nameSpace['__loop_inner__'] = row
            rl_exec((innerTxt + " = __loop_inner__\n"), nameSpace)
            #at this point we're making lots of child nodes.
            # the attribute dictionary of each shold be a copy, not
            # a reference
            newChildren = processChildren(children, nameSpace)
            if newChildren is not None:
        return dataSet

    elif tagName in TAG_ASSIGN:
        name = attrs[TAG_ASSIGN_NAME]
        valueStr = attrs[TAG_ASSIGN_VALUE]
            value = eval(valueStr, nameSpace)
        except SyntaxError:  #must be a string
            value = valueStr
        nameSpace[name] = value
        return None

    elif tagName in TAG_SCRIPT:
        code = children[0]
        if not code.endswith('\n'): code += '\n'
            rl_exec(code, nameSpace)
        except SyntaxError:
            raise SyntaxError("Error with following script in xpreppy:\n\n%s" % code)
        return None

    elif tagName in TAG_EXPR:
        exprText = children[0]
        assert isinstance(exprText,strTypes), "expr can only contain strings"

        #attributes may affect escaping
        escape = attrs.get(u'escape', None)
        encoding = attrs.get(u'encoding',u'utf8')

        exprValue = eval(exprText, nameSpace)
        if isBytes(exprValue):
            exprValue = exprValue.decode(encoding)
        elif isUnicode(exprValue):
            exprValue = asUnicodeEx(exprValue)

        if escape in (u'CDATA',u'CDATAESCAPE'):
            exprValue = u'<![CDATA[%s]]>' % exprValue
            if escape==u'CDATA': return [exprValue]
        elif escape == u'off':
            return [asUnicodeEx(exprValue)]
        elif escape == u'unescape':
            return [xmlutils.unescape(exprValue, ENTITY_SUBSTITUTIONS_DRAWSTRING_DICT)]
        return [xmlEscape(exprValue)]

    elif tagName in TAG_IF:
        condText = attrs[u'cond']
        yesOrNo = eval(condText, nameSpace)
        if yesOrNo:
            return processChildren(children, nameSpace)
    elif tagName in TAG_SWITCH:
        #two modes, with and without top level variable
        exprText = attrs.get(u'expr',u'')

        if exprText:
            expr = eval(exprText, nameSpace)

        selected = None
        for child in children:
            if isinstance(child,tuple):
                (childTagName, childAttrs, grandChildren, stuff) = child
                if childTagName in TAG_CASE:
                    condition = childAttrs[u'condition']
                    if exprText:
                        #check if it equals the value
                            value = eval(condition, nameSpace)
                        except NameError:
                            value = condition # assume a string
                        if (expr == value):
                            selected = processChildren(grandChildren, nameSpace)
                        #they gave us a full condition, evaluate it
                        yes = eval(condition, nameSpace)
                        if yes:
                            selected = processChildren(grandChildren, nameSpace)
                elif childTagName in TAG_DEFAULT:
                    selected = processChildren(grandChildren, nameSpace)
                    raise ValueError('%s tag may only contain these tags: ' % (TAG_SWITCH, ', '.join(TAG_CASE+TAG_DEFAULT)))

        return selected

    elif tagName in TAG_ACQUIRE:
        #all children will be data fetchers
        xacquire.acquireData(children, nameSpace)
        return None

    elif tagName in TAG_DOCLET:
        #pull out args needed to initialize
        dirName = attrs.get(u"baseDir", None)
        moduleName = attrs[u"module"]
        className = attrs[u"class"]
        dataStr = attrs.get(u"data", None)

        #load module, import and create it
        if caller == 'rml':
            from reportPackages.rlextra.rml2pdf.rml2pdf import _rml2pdf_locations
            locations = _rml2pdf_locations(dirName)
            locations = dirName
        m = recursiveImport(moduleName, locations)
        klass = getattr(m, className)
        docletObj = klass()

        #give it the data model
        if dataStr:
            dataObj = eval(dataStr, nameSpace)
            dataObj = nameSpace


        #hide it in the tree so RML can see the object
        attrs[u'__doclet__'] = docletObj

        #return the tag otherwise unmodified        
        return (tagName, attrs, children, extraStuff)
        newChildren = processChildren(children, nameSpace)
        return (tagName, attrs, newChildren, extraStuff)
Example #11
def preProcess(tree, nameSpace, caller=None):
    """Expands the parsed tree in the namespace and return new one.
    Returns a single tag-tuple in most cases, but a list of them
    if processing a loop node.

    from rlextra.radxml import xmlutils
    #expand this into a class with methods for each tag it handles.
    #then I can put logic tags in one and data access in another.
    tagName, attrs, children, extraStuff = tree

    #any attribute as $name becomes th value of name
    #tags might be nested in a loop, and if so then
    #each dictionary must be a fresh copy rather than
    # a pointer to the same dict
    newAttrs = attrs.copy() if attrs is not None else {}
    for key, value in list(newAttrs.items()):
        if isinstance(value,str) and value[0:1] == '$':
            newValue = eval(value[1:], nameSpace)
            newAttrs[key] = newValue
    attrs = newAttrs

    if tagName in TAG_LOOP:
        innerTxt = attrs[TAG_LOOP_INNER]
        outer = eval(attrs[TAG_LOOP_OUTER], nameSpace)
        dataSet = []
        for row in outer:
            nameSpace['__loop_inner__'] = row
            rl_exec((innerTxt + " = __loop_inner__\n"), nameSpace)
            #at this point we're making lots of child nodes.
            # the attribute dictionary of each shold be a copy, not
            # a reference
            newChildren = processChildren(children, nameSpace)
            if newChildren is not None:
        return dataSet

    elif tagName in TAG_ASSIGN:
        name = attrs[TAG_ASSIGN_NAME]
        valueStr = attrs[TAG_ASSIGN_VALUE]
            value = eval(valueStr)
        except SyntaxError:  #must be a string
            value = valueStr
        nameSpace[name] = value
        return None

    elif tagName in TAG_SCRIPT:
        code = children[0]
        if not code.endswith('\n'): code += '\n'
            rl_exec(code, nameSpace)
        except SyntaxError:
            raise SyntaxError("Error with following script in xpreppy:\n\n%s" % code)
        return None

    elif tagName in TAG_EXPR:
        exprText = children[0]
        assert isinstance(exprText,strTypes), "expr can only contain strings"

        #attributes may affect escaping
        escape = attrs.get(u'escape', None)
        encoding = attrs.get(u'encoding',u'utf8')

        exprValue = eval(exprText, nameSpace)
        if isBytes(exprValue):
            exprValue = exprValue.decode(encoding)
        elif isUnicode(exprValue):
            exprValue = asUnicodeEx(exprValue)

        if escape in (u'CDATA',u'CDATAESCAPE'):
            exprValue = u'<![CDATA[%s]]>' % exprValue
            if escape==u'CDATA': return [exprValue]
        elif escape == u'off':
            return [asUnicodeEx(exprValue)]
        elif escape == u'unescape':
            return [xmlutils.unescape(exprValue, ENTITY_SUBSTITUTIONS_DRAWSTRING_DICT)]
        return [xmlEscape(exprValue)]

    elif tagName in TAG_IF:
        condText = attrs[u'cond']
        yesOrNo = eval(condText, nameSpace)
        if yesOrNo:
            return processChildren(children, nameSpace)
    elif tagName in TAG_SWITCH:
        #two modes, with and without top level variable
        exprText = attrs.get(u'expr',u'')

        if exprText:
            expr = eval(exprText, nameSpace)

        selected = None
        for child in children:
            if isinstance(child,tuple):
                (childTagName, childAttrs, grandChildren, stuff) = child
                if childTagName in TAG_CASE:
                    condition = childAttrs[u'condition']
                    if exprText:
                        #check if it equals the value
                            value = eval(condition, nameSpace)
                        except NameError:
                            value = condition # assume a string
                        if (expr == value):
                            selected = processChildren(grandChildren, nameSpace)
                        #they gave us a full condition, evaluate it
                        yes = eval(condition, nameSpace)
                        if yes:
                            selected = processChildren(grandChildren, nameSpace)
                elif childTagName in TAG_DEFAULT:
                    selected = processChildren(grandChildren, nameSpace)
                    raise ValueError('%s tag may only contain these tags: ' % (TAG_SWITCH, ', '.join(TAG_CASE+TAG_DEFAULT)))

        return selected

    elif tagName in TAG_ACQUIRE:
        #all children will be data fetchers
        xacquire.acquireData(children, nameSpace)
        return None

    elif tagName in TAG_DOCLET:
        #pull out args needed to initialize
        dirName = attrs.get(u"baseDir", None)
        moduleName = attrs[u"module"]
        className = attrs[u"class"]
        dataStr = attrs.get(u"data", None)

        #load module, import and create it
        if caller == 'rml':
            from rlextra.rml2pdf.rml2pdf import _rml2pdf_locations
            locations = _rml2pdf_locations(dirName)
            locations = dirName
        m = recursiveImport(moduleName, locations)
        klass = getattr(m, className)
        docletObj = klass()

        #give it the data model
        if dataStr:
            dataObj = eval(dataStr, nameSpace)
            dataObj = nameSpace


        #hide it in the tree so RML can see the object
        attrs[u'__doclet__'] = docletObj

        #return the tag otherwise unmodified        
        return (tagName, attrs, children, extraStuff)
        newChildren = processChildren(children, nameSpace)
        return (tagName, attrs, newChildren, extraStuff)