def prepare_first_page(canvas, document): p1 = Paragraph(presentation.title, styles['Heading']) p2 = Paragraph( presentation.owner.get_full_name(), styles['SubHeading']) avail_width = width - inch avail_height = height - inch w1, h1 = p1.wrap(avail_width, avail_height) w2, h2 = p2.wrap(avail_width, avail_height) f = Frame( inch / 2, inch / 2, width - inch, height - inch, leftPadding=0, bottomPadding=0, rightPadding=0, topPadding=0 ) f.addFromList([p1, p2], canvas) document.pageTemplate.frames[0].height -= h1 + h2 + inch / 2 document.pageTemplate.frames[1].height -= h1 + h2 + inch / 2 canvas.saveState() canvas.setStrokeColorRGB(0, 0, 0) canvas.line( width / 2, inch / 2, width / 2, height - inch - h1 - h2) canvas.restoreState()
def drawCard(index, item): p.saveState() p.translate(0, height / 3 * (2 - index % 3)) # retrieve record while making sure it's accessible to presentation owner record = Record.filter_one_by_access(presentation.owner, if record: image = get_image_for_record(record, presentation.owner, 800, 800, passwords) if image: p.drawImage(image, inch / 2, inch / 2, width=width / 2 - inch, height=height / 3 - inch, preserveAspectRatio=True) f = Frame(width / 2 + inch / 2, inch / 2, width=width / 2 - inch, height=height / 3 - inch, leftPadding=0, bottomPadding=0, rightPadding=0, topPadding=0) data = [] data.append(getParagraph('%s/%s' % (index + 1, len(items)), styles['SlideNumber'])) values = item.get_fieldvalues(owner=request.user) for value in values: v = value.value if len(value.value) < 100 else value.value[:100] + '...' v = remove_rels_from_a_tags(v) data.append(getParagraph('<b>%s:</b> %s' % (value.resolved_label, v), styles['Data'])) annotation = item.annotation if annotation: data.append(getParagraph('<b>%s:</b> %s' % ('Annotation', annotation), styles['Data'])) data = filter(None, data) f.addFromList(data, p) if data: p.setFont('Helvetica', 8) p.setFillColorRGB(0, 0, 0) p.drawRightString(width - inch / 2, inch / 2, '...') p.restoreState()
def run(): styles = getSampleStyleSheet() styleN = styles['Normal'] styleH = styles['Heading1'] story = [] #for codeNames in code story.append(Paragraph('I2of5', styleN)) story.append(I2of5(1234, barWidth = inch*0.02, checksum=0)) story.append(Paragraph('MSI', styleN)) story.append(MSI(1234)) story.append(Paragraph('Codabar', styleN)) story.append(Codabar("A012345B", barWidth = inch*0.02)) story.append(Paragraph('Code 11', styleN)) story.append(Code11("01234545634563")) story.append(Paragraph('Code 39', styleN)) story.append(Standard39("A012345B%R")) story.append(Paragraph('Extended Code 39', styleN)) story.append(Extended39("A012345B}")) story.append(Paragraph('Code93', styleN)) story.append(Standard93("CODE 93")) story.append(Paragraph('Extended Code93', styleN)) story.append(Extended93("L@@K! Code 93 :-)")) #, barWidth=0.005 * inch)) story.append(Paragraph('Code 128', styleN)) c=Code128("AB-12345678") #, barWidth=0.005 * inch) #print 'WIDTH =', (c.width / inch), 'barWidth =', (c.barWidth / inch) #print 'LQ =', (c.lquiet / inch), 'RQ =', (c.rquiet / inch) story.append(c) story.append(Paragraph('USPS FIM', styleN)) story.append(FIM("A")) story.append(Paragraph('USPS POSTNET', styleN)) story.append(POSTNET('78247-1043')) story.append(Paragraph('USPS 4 State', styleN)) story.append(USPS_4State('01234567094987654321','01234567891')) from import createBarcodeDrawing story.append(Paragraph('EAN13', styleN)) bcd = createBarcodeDrawing('EAN13', value='123456789012') story.append(bcd) story.append(Paragraph('EAN8', styleN)) bcd = createBarcodeDrawing('EAN8', value='1234567') story.append(bcd) story.append(Paragraph('UPCA', styleN)) bcd = createBarcodeDrawing('UPCA', value='03600029145') story.append(bcd) story.append(Paragraph('USPS_4State', styleN)) bcd = createBarcodeDrawing('USPS_4State', value='01234567094987654321',routing='01234567891') story.append(bcd) story.append(Paragraph('Label Size', styleN)) story.append(XBox((2.0 + 5.0/8.0)*inch, 1 * inch, '1x2-5/8"')) story.append(Paragraph('Label Size', styleN)) story.append(XBox((1.75)*inch, .5 * inch, '1/2x1-3/4"')) c = Canvas('out.pdf') f = Frame(inch, inch, 6*inch, 9*inch, showBoundary=1) f.addFromList(story, c) print('saved out.pdf')
def __init__(self, filename, context, **kw): BaseDocTemplate.__init__(self, filename, **kw) self.toc_index = 0 self.main_frame_attr = {'x1': self.leftMargin, 'y1': self.bottomMargin, 'width': self.width, 'height': self.height, 'id':'normal', 'showBoundary': self.showBoundary} # We keep the main frame reference to resize it during the build self.main_frame = Frame(**self.main_frame_attr) self.main_frame_change = False template_attrs = {'id': 'now', 'frames': [self.main_frame], 'pagesize': kw['pagesize']} page_template = PageTemplate(**template_attrs) self.platypus_header_calculate = False self.platypus_header_height = None self.platypus_footer = None self.context = context self.addPageTemplates([page_template]) self.toc_high_level = self.context.toc_high_level self.frame_attr = {'leftPadding': 0, 'bottomPadding': 6, 'rightPadding': 0, 'topPadding': 6, 'showBoundary': 0} self.context = context # calculate width available self.width_available = self.width self.width_available -= self.frame_attr['leftPadding'] self.width_available -= self.frame_attr['rightPadding']
def write(self, canvas): """Writes the frame to the given canvas. @param canvas: reportlab.pdfgen.canvas.Canvas object that represents the canvas that the container should write the frame to. @return: None """ self._check_canvas(canvas) self._check_start_point() frame = Frame(self._x, self._y, self._width, self._height, topPadding=0, bottomPadding=0) frame.addFromList(self._components, canvas)
def __init__(self, pageSize=A3): id = 'simplepage' #frames = Frame(0, 0, pageSize[0], pageSize[1]) pw = pageSize[0] ph = pageSize[1] frames = Frame(page_margin_left, page_margin_bottom, pw - page_margin_left - page_margin_right, ph - page_margin_top - page_margin_bottom) PageTemplate.__init__(self, id=id, frames=frames, pagesize=pageSize)
def __init__(self, filename, **kw): self.allowSplitting = 0 kw['showBoundary']=1 BaseDocTemplate.__init__(self, filename, **kw) self.addPageTemplates( [ PageTemplate('normal', [Frame(inch, inch, 6.27*inch, 9.69*inch, id='first',topPadding=0,rightPadding=0,leftPadding=0,bottomPadding=0,showBoundary=ShowBoundaryValue(color="red"))], ), ])
def __init__( self, container, x1, y1, width, height, leftPadding=6, bottomPadding=6, rightPadding=6, topPadding=6, id=None, showBoundary=0, overlapAttachedSpace=None, _debug=None, ): self.container = container self.onSidebar = False self.__s = '[%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s,]' % ( x1, y1, width, height, leftPadding, bottomPadding, rightPadding, topPadding, ) Frame.__init__( self, x1, y1, width, height, leftPadding, bottomPadding, rightPadding, topPadding, id, showBoundary, overlapAttachedSpace, _debug, )
def __init__(self, filename, **kw): self.allowSplitting = 0 BaseDocTemplate.__init__(self, filename, **kw) self.addPageTemplates( [ PageTemplate('normal', [Frame(inch, inch, 6.27*inch, 9.69*inch, id='first',topPadding=0,rightPadding=0,leftPadding=0,bottomPadding=0,showBoundary=ShowBoundaryValue(color="red"))], onPage = onPage('normal'), ), PageTemplate('auto', [Frame(inch, inch, 6.27*inch, 9.69*inch, id='first',topPadding=0,rightPadding=0,leftPadding=0,bottomPadding=0,showBoundary=ShowBoundaryValue(color="red"))], onPage = onPage('auto'), autoNextPageTemplate = 'autoFollow', ), PageTemplate('autoFollow', [Frame(inch, inch, 6.27*inch, 9.69*inch, id='first',topPadding=0,rightPadding=0,leftPadding=0,bottomPadding=0,showBoundary=ShowBoundaryValue(color="red"))], onPage = onPage('autoFollow'), ), ])
def _build(self, doc, positions, component, meta): n = len(positions) idx = int(round(n / 2.)) p1 = positions[:idx] p2 = positions[idx:] # m = self._make_meta_table(meta) t1 = self._make_table(p1) t2 = self._make_table(p2) t3 = self._make_notes_table(component) flowables = [ m, Spacer(0, 5 * mm), ComponentFlowable(component=component), FrameBreak(), Spacer(0, 5 * mm), t1, FrameBreak(), Spacer(0, 5 * mm), t2, FrameBreak(), t3 ] # make 3 frames top, lower-left, lower-right lm = doc.leftMargin bm = doc.bottomMargin + doc.height * .333 fw = doc.width fh = doc.height * 0.666 top = Frame(lm, bm, fw, fh) fw = doc.width / 2. fh = doc.height * 0.333 bm = doc.bottomMargin lbottom = Frame(lm, bm, fw, fh) rbottom = Frame(lm + doc.width / 2., bm, fw, fh) frames = [top, lbottom, rbottom] template = self._new_page_template(frames) return flowables, (template, )
def __init__(self, filename, **kw): frame1 = Frame(1 * cm, 1 * cm, 18.5 * cm, 27 * cm, id='F1', showBoundary=False) self.allowSplitting = 0 apply(BaseDocTemplate.__init__, (self, filename), kw) self.addPageTemplates(PageTemplate('normal', [frame1]))
def column_frame(left): return Frame(left, inch / 2, width=width / 2 - 0.75 * inch, height=height - inch, leftPadding=0, bottomPadding=0, rightPadding=0, topPadding=0, showBoundary=False)
def make_doc_template(page_size, filename, document_title, title: str, supervisor: str, document_header: str, client: str, document_subheader: str, left_margin=0.5 * inch, fonts: List[TTFont] = []) -> ADRDocTemplate: right_margin = top_margin = bottom_margin = 0.5 * inch page_box = GRect(0., 0., page_size[0], page_size[1]) _, page_box = page_box.split_x(left_margin, direction='l') _, page_box = page_box.split_x(right_margin, direction='r') _, page_box = page_box.split_y(bottom_margin, direction='u') _, page_box = page_box.split_y(top_margin, direction='d') footer_box, page_box = page_box.split_y(0.25 * inch, direction='u') header_box, page_box = page_box.split_y(0.75 * inch, direction='d') title_box, report_box = header_box.split_x(3.5 * inch, direction='r') on_page_lambda = ( lambda c, _: draw_header_footer(c, report_box, title_box, footer_box, title=title, supervisor=supervisor, document_subheader=document_subheader, client=client, doc_title=document_header)) frames = [ Frame(page_box.min_x, page_box.min_y, page_box.width, page_box.height) ] page_template = PageTemplate(id="Main", frames=frames, onPage=on_page_lambda) for font in fonts: pdfmetrics.registerFont(font) doc = ADRDocTemplate(filename, title=document_title, author=supervisor, pagesize=page_size, leftMargin=left_margin, rightMargin=right_margin, topMargin=top_margin, bottomMargin=bottom_margin) doc.addPageTemplates([page_template]) return doc
def draw(self): # set position for the frame self.pos_x, self.pos_y = self._get_current_position(self.canv) # XXX This is false, height=drawHeigh and drawHeight should take into # account the frame padding height = (self.drawHeight + self.frame_attrs['leftPadding'] + self.frame_attrs['rightPadding']) width = (self.drawWidth + self.frame_attrs['topPadding'] + self.frame_attrs['bottomPadding']) self.frame = Frame(self.pos_x, self.pos_y, width, height, **self.frame_attrs) if self.overflow: # Hack, We lie by setting the new created frame as default frame # of the doc template # To avoid problems when calling keep_in_frame.wrap # See platypus.flowables "def _listWrapOn" _doctemplate = self.canv._doctemplate # save state current_frame = getattr(_doctemplate, 'frame', None) _doctemplate.frame = self.frame # Check if PTO is defined if self.pto_trailer or self.pto_header: ptocontainer = PTOContainer(self.div_story[:], self.pto_trailer, self.pto_header) ptocontainer.canv = self.canv pto_size = ptocontainer.wrap(self.drawWidth, self.drawHeight) # XXX Round the height to avoid problems with decimal if int(pto_size[1]) > int(self.drawHeight): pto_story = ptocontainer.split(self.drawWidth, self.drawHeight) self.frame.addFromList(pto_story, self.canv) else: self.frame.addFromList([self.keep_in_frame], self.canv) else: self.frame.addFromList([self.keep_in_frame], self.canv) # restore state if current_frame: _doctemplate.frame = current_frame else: self.frame.addFromList(self.div_story[:], self.canv)
def prepare_first_page(canvas, document): p1 = Paragraph(presentation.title, styles['Heading']) p2 = Paragraph(presentation.owner.get_full_name(), styles['SubHeading']) avail_width = width - inch # TODO: determine if the complaint about height being undeclared is just pycharm or if its a problem # if it is possibly a problem "it's better to be explicit" so refactor avail_height = height - inch w1, h1 = p1.wrap(avail_width, avail_height) w2, h2 = p2.wrap(avail_width, avail_height) f = Frame(inch / 2, inch / 2, width - inch, height - inch, leftPadding=0, bottomPadding=0, rightPadding=0, topPadding=0) f.addFromList([p1, p2], canvas) document.pageTemplate.frames[0].height -= h1 + h2 + inch / 2 document.pageTemplate.frames[1].height -= h1 + h2 + inch / 2 canvas.saveState() canvas.setStrokeColorRGB(0, 0, 0) canvas.line(width / 2, inch / 2, width / 2, height - inch - h1 - h2) canvas.restoreState()
def __init__(self, filename, **kw): BaseDocTemplate.__init__(self, filename, **kw) self.addPageTemplates( [ PageTemplate(id='plain', frames=[Frame(2.5*cm, 2.5*cm, 16*cm, 25*cm, id='F1')] ), LeftPageTemplate(), RightPageTemplate() ] )
def multiBuild(self, flowables, onFirstPage=_doNothing, onLaterPages=_doNothing): self._calc() #in case we changed margins sizes etc frameFirst = Frame(2 * cm, 2 * cm, 17 * cm, 23 * cm, id='F1') frameLater = Frame(2.5 * cm, 2 * cm, 16 * cm, 24.5 * cm, id='F2') self.addPageTemplates([ PageTemplate(id='First', frames=frameFirst, onPage=onFirstPage, pagesize=self.pagesize), PageTemplate(id='Later', frames=frameLater, onPage=onLaterPages, pagesize=self.pagesize) ]) BaseDocTemplate.multiBuild(self, flowables)
def HeaderFooter(canvas, doc): canvas.saveState() styleN = PS('nomal', fontName='Times-Roman', leading=9, fontSize=9) P = Paragraph("This is a multi-line footer or header", styleN) w, h = P.wrap(doc.width, doc.bottomMargin) #print doc.width, doc.bottomMargin #print w, h #print dir(doc) #print dir(canvas) global pageNum if < pageNum: global ChapterName ChapterName = 'Table of contents' #print #print ChapterName pageNum = if == 1: footerMsg = [] footerMsg.append(Paragraph("Lei Yang", styleN)) footerMsg.append(Paragraph("Wei Gao", styleN)) footerMsg.append(Paragraph("XiangYu Dong", styleN)) footerMsg.append(Paragraph("Liang Chi", styleN)) footerMsg.append(Paragraph("Beijing ChaoYang, China", styleN)) canvas.line(2.5*cm, h+50, w+2.5*cm, h+50) f = Frame(70, 2, 16*cm, 2.1*cm, showBoundary=0) f.addFromList(footerMsg,canvas) else: P = Paragraph("User Guide", styleN) w, h = P.wrap(doc.width, doc.bottomMargin) P.drawOn(canvas, doc.leftMargin, h+789) P = Paragraph(ChapterName, PS('nomal', fontName='Times-Roman', fontSize=9, alignment = TA_RIGHT, leading=9)) w, h = P.wrap(doc.width, doc.bottomMargin) P.drawOn(canvas, doc.rightMargin, h+789) P = Paragraph("Page %d" %, PS('nomal', fontName='Times-Roman', fontSize=9, alignment = 1)) w, h = P.wrap(doc.width, doc.bottomMargin) P.drawOn(canvas, doc.leftMargin, h) canvas.line(2.5*cm, h+780, w+2.5*cm, h+780) canvas.restoreState()
def myFirstPage(canvas, doc): canvas.saveState() canvas.setFont('Times-Bold', 16) canvas.drawCentredString(PAGE_WIDTH/2.0, PAGE_HEIGHT-108, title) canvas.setFont('Times-Roman', 9) canvas.drawString(inch, 0.75 * inch, "Page %d - %s" % (, title)) frame_width = PAGE_WIDTH-200 hr = HRFlowable() space = Spacer(frame_width, 20) style = styles["Normal"] qr_info = """<para rightIndent=10 leftIndent=20 alignment=right>This document is signed with the QR code shown on the right. Validate it using a Barcode Scanner.""" par = Paragraph(qr_info, style) im = Image("qrcode.png", 101, 101) pandi = ParagraphAndImage(par, im, xpad=3, ypad=30, side='right') frame = Frame(100, 0, frame_width, 200, showBoundary=1) frame.add(hr, canvas) frame.add(space, canvas) frame.add(pandi, canvas) canvas.restoreState()
def __init__(self, filename, **kw): frame1 = Frame(inch, inch, A4[0] - 2 * inch, A4[1] - 2 * inch, id='F1') self.allowSplitting = 0 BaseDocTemplate.__init__(self, filename, **kw) template = PageTemplate('normal', [frame1], myMainPageFrame) self.addPageTemplates(template) top_margin = A4[1] - inch bottom_margin = inch left_margin = inch right_margin = A4[0] - inch frame_width = right_margin - left_margin
def __init__(self, filename, **kw): frame1 = Frame(2.5 * cm, 2.5 * cm, 15 * cm, 25 * cm, id='F1') self.allowSplitting = 0 BaseDocTemplate.__init__(self, filename, **kw) template1 = PageTemplate('normal', [frame1], myMainPageFrame) frame2 = Frame(2.5 * cm, 16 * cm, 15 * cm, 10 * cm, id='F2', showBoundary=1) frame3 = Frame(2.5 * cm, 2.5 * cm, 15 * cm, 10 * cm, id='F3', showBoundary=1) template2 = PageTemplate('updown', [frame2, frame3]) self.addPageTemplates([template1, template2])
def drawHeader(self): self.drawLogo() styles = getSampleStyleSheet() sN = styles['Normal'] sH = styles['Heading1'] sH.fontName = "OldEngMT" sH.textColor = red sH.leading = 18 sH.fontSize = 16 sN.fontSize = 9 sN.leading = 10 sN.alignment = sH.alignment = TA_CENTER sN.spaceBefore = sH.spaceBefore = 0 sN.spaceAfter = sH.spaceAfter = 0 story = [] story.append(Paragraph("Holy Child Colleges of Butuan - Hospital", sH)) story.append(Paragraph("<b>(JP Esteves Clinical Laboratory)</b>", sN)) story.append( Paragraph("2nd St., Guingona Subd., " + "Butuan City, Philippines", sN)) story.append(Paragraph("Tel. No.: +63 (85) 342-5186", sN)) story.append(Paragraph("Telefax No.: +63 (95) 342-397/225-6872", sN)) story.append(Paragraph("email: [email protected]", sN)) w, h = self.pagesize f = Frame(0, h - self.topMargin, w, self.topMargin, showBoundary=False) f.addFromList(story, self.canv) self.canv.setStrokeColor(red) self.canv.setLineWidth(3) self.canv.line( 0.15 * cm, h - self.topMargin, w - 0.15 * cm, h - self.topMargin, )
def __init__(self, filename, context, **kw): BaseDocTemplate.__init__(self, filename, **kw) self.toc_index = 0 self.main_frame_attr = { 'x1': self.leftMargin, 'y1': self.bottomMargin, 'width': self.width, 'height': self.height, 'id': 'normal', 'showBoundary': self.showBoundary } # We keep the main frame reference to resize it during the build self.main_frame = Frame(**self.main_frame_attr) self.main_frame_change = False template_attrs = { 'id': 'now', 'frames': [self.main_frame], 'pagesize': kw['pagesize'] } page_template = PageTemplate(**template_attrs) self.platypus_header_calculate = False self.platypus_header_height = None self.platypus_footer = None self.context = context self.addPageTemplates([page_template]) self.toc_high_level = self.context.toc_high_level self.frame_attr = { 'leftPadding': 0, 'bottomPadding': 6, 'rightPadding': 0, 'topPadding': 6, 'showBoundary': 0 } self.context = context # calculate width available self.width_available = self.width self.width_available -= self.frame_attr['leftPadding'] self.width_available -= self.frame_attr['rightPadding']
def set_basic_templates(doc): from reportlab.platypus.frames import Frame from reportlab.platypus.doctemplate import PageTemplate from reportlab.lib.units import cm doc._calc() #taken from reportlab source code (magic) templates = [] #the front page framing cover_frame = Frame(doc.leftMargin, doc.bottomMargin, doc.width, doc.height, leftPadding=0, rightPadding=10, topPadding=3 * cm, bottomPadding=5 * cm) templates.append( PageTemplate(id='Cover', frames=cover_frame, onPage=_cover_page, pagesize=doc.pagesize)) #normal frame, for the TOC frame = Frame(doc.leftMargin, doc.bottomMargin, doc.width, doc.height, id='normal', rightPadding=0, leftPadding=0) templates.append( PageTemplate(id='TOC', frames=frame, onPage=toc_page, pagesize=doc.pagesize)) doc.addPageTemplates(templates)
def __init__(self, id=-1, pageSize=TAILLE_PAGE, doc=None): self.pageWidth = pageSize[0] self.pageHeight = pageSize[1] ## # Récupère les coordonnées du cadre principal ## cadre_principal = doc.modeleDoc.FindObjet("cadre_principal") ## x, y, l, h = doc.modeleDoc.GetCoordsObjet(cadre_principal) ## global CADRE_CONTENU ## CADRE_CONTENU = (x, y, l, h) x, y, l, h = 0, 0, self.pageWidth, self.pageHeight frame1 = Frame(x, y, l, h, id='F1', leftPadding=0, topPadding=0, rightPadding=0, bottomPadding=0) PageTemplate.__init__(self, id, [frame1], Template)
def __init__(self, filename, **kw): frame1 = Frame(2.5 * cm, 2.5 * cm, 15 * cm, 25 * cm, id='F1') self.allowSplitting = 0 BaseDocTemplate.__init__(self, filename, **kw) template1 = PageTemplate('normal', [frame1], myMainPageFrame) frame2 = Frame(2.5 * cm, 16 * cm, 15 * cm, 10 * cm, id='F2', showBoundary=1) frame3 = Frame(2.5 * cm, 2.5 * cm, 15 * cm, 10 * cm, id='F3', showBoundary=1) greenBoundary = ShowBoundaryValue(color=toColor('darkgreen'), width=0.5) templateX = PageTemplate('templateX', [ Frame(3 * cm, 7.5 * cm, 14 * cm, 4 * cm, id='XF4', showBoundary=greenBoundary), Frame(3 * cm, 2.5 * cm, 14 * cm, 4 * cm, id='XF5', showBoundary=greenBoundary) ]) template2 = PageTemplate('updown', [frame2, frame3]) self.addPageTemplates([template1, template2, templateX])
def build(self, flowables, onFirstPage=_doNothing, onLaterPages=_doNothing, canvasmaker=Canvas): #Override the build method self._calc() #in case we changed margins sizes etc self.canvas = canvasmaker firstFrame = Frame( 10, # X 0, # Y A4[0] - 20, # width A4[1] - 106, # height id='normal') secondFrame = Frame( 10, # X 0, # Y A4[0] - 20, # width A4[1] - 46, # height #showBoundary=True, id='normal') self.addPageTemplates([ PageTemplate(id='First', frames=[firstFrame], pagesize=self.pagesize, onPage=onFirstPage), PageTemplate(id='Later', frames=[secondFrame], pagesize=self.pagesize, onPage=onLaterPages), ]) if onFirstPage is _doNothing and hasattr(self, 'onFirstPage'): self.pageTemplates[0].beforeDrawPage = self.onFirstPage if onLaterPages is _doNothing and hasattr(self, 'onLaterPages'): self.pageTemplates[1].beforeDrawPage = self.onLaterPages, flowables, canvasmaker=canvasmaker)
def build(self, flowables): self._calc() #in case we changed margins sizes etc frameT = Frame(self.leftMargin, self.bottomMargin, self.width, self.height, id='normal', leftPadding=0, bottomPadding=0, rightPadding=0, topPadding=0) self.addPageTemplates( [PageTemplate(id='First', frames=frameT, pagesize=self.pagesize)]), flowables, canvasmaker=self._canvasMaker)
def multiBuild(self, story, filename=None, canvasMaker=Canvas, maxPasses=10, onFirstPage=_doNothing, onLaterPages=_doNothing): self._calc() #in case we changed margins sizes etc frameT = Frame(self.leftMargin, self.bottomMargin, self.width, self.height, id='normal') self.addPageTemplates([ PageTemplate(id='Later', frames=frameT, onPageEnd=onLaterPages, pagesize=self.pagesize) ]) if onLaterPages is _doNothing and hasattr(self, 'onLaterPages'): self.pageTemplates[0].beforeDrawPage = self.onLaterPages SimpleDocTemplate.multiBuild(self, story, maxPasses, canvasmaker=canvasMaker) self._prepareTOC() contentFile = self.filename self.filename = FileDummy() self.pageTemplates = [] self.addPageTemplates([ PageTemplate(id='First', frames=frameT, onPage=onFirstPage, pagesize=self.pagesize) ]) if onFirstPage is _doNothing and hasattr(self, 'onFirstPage'): self.pageTemplates[0].beforeDrawPage = self.onFirstPage self.addPageTemplates([ PageTemplate(id='Later', frames=frameT, onPageEnd=self.laterPages, pagesize=self.pagesize) ]) if onLaterPages is _doNothing and hasattr(self, 'onLaterPages'): self.pageTemplates[1].beforeDrawPage = self.onLaterPages SimpleDocTemplate.multiBuild(self, self._tocStory, maxPasses, canvasmaker=canvasMaker) self.mergePDFs(self.filename, contentFile)
def drawHeader(self): self.drawLogo() styles = getSampleStyleSheet() sN = styles['Normal'] sH = styles['Heading1'] sH.fontName = "OldEngMT" sH.textColor = red sH.leading = 18 sH.fontSize = 16 sN.fontSize = 9 sN.leading = 10 sN.alignment = sH.alignment = TA_CENTER sN.spaceBefore = sH.spaceBefore = 0 sN.spaceAfter = sH.spaceAfter = 0 story = [] story.append(Paragraph("Holy Child Colleges of Butuan - Hospital", sH)) story.append(Paragraph("<b>(JP Esteves Clinical Laboratory)</b>", sN)) story.append(Paragraph("2nd St., Guingona Subd., " + "Butuan City, Philippines", sN)) story.append(Paragraph("Tel. No.: +63 (85) 342-5186", sN)) story.append(Paragraph("Telefax No.: +63 (95) 342-397/225-6872", sN)) story.append(Paragraph("email: [email protected]", sN)) w, h = self.pagesize f = Frame(0, h-self.topMargin, w, self.topMargin, showBoundary=False) f.addFromList(story, self.canv) self.canv.setStrokeColor(red) self.canv.setLineWidth(3) self.canv.line(0.15*cm, h-self.topMargin, w-0.15*cm, h-self.topMargin, )
def createFrame(self, frame_id="Portrait", x1=0., y1=0., width=0., height=0., left_padding=0., bottom_padding=0., right_padding=0., top_padding=0., overlap=None): """ Frame reportlab internal signature:: width x2,y2 +---------------------------------+ | l top_padding r | h | e +-------------------------+ i | e | f | | g | i | t | | h | g | | | t | h | p | | | t | a | | p | | d | | a | | | | d | | +-------------------------+ | | bottom padding | +---------------------------------+ (x1,y1) <-- lower left corner """ def makeRandomId(length=3, chars=string.ascii_lowercase): """ create a file id of lower case ascii characters with length """ return ''.join(random.choice(chars) for _ in range(length)) return Frame(x1, y1, width, height, leftPadding=left_padding, bottomPadding=bottom_padding, rightPadding=right_padding, topPadding=top_padding, id=f"{frame_id}_{makeRandomId()}", showBoundary=self.showBoundary, overlapAttachedSpace=overlap, _debug=None)
def __init__(self, filename, **kw): BaseDocTemplate.__init__(self, filename, **kw) template = PageTemplate('normal', [ Frame(0, 0, A4[0], A4[1], leftPadding=31.8 * mm, bottomPadding=25.4 * mm, rightPadding=31.8 * mm, topPadding=25.4 * mm) ], onPageEnd=self.footer) # 定义页面模版,页脚可有可无 self.addPageTemplates(template) # 加入页面模版
def __init__(self, filename, **kw): self.allowSplitting = 0 BaseDocTemplate.__init__(self, filename, **kw) frameT = Frame(self.leftMargin, self.bottomMargin, self.width, self.height, id='F1') template_title_page = PageTemplate('title_page', frames=frameT, onPage=title_page) template_later_pages = PageTemplate('later_pages', frames=frameT, onPage=later_pages) self.addPageTemplates(template_title_page) self.addPageTemplates(template_later_pages)
def __init__(self, cover=None, id=None, onPage=_doNothing, onPageEnd=_doNothing, pagesize=(page_width, page_height)): id = 'TitlePage' frames = Frame(page_margin_left, page_margin_bottom, print_width, print_height) PageTemplate.__init__(self, id=id, frames=frames, onPage=onPage, onPageEnd=onPageEnd, pagesize=pagesize) self.cover = cover
def test5(self): '''extreme test inspired by Moritz Pfeiffer''' with self.assertRaises(LayoutError): text = """ Clearly, the natural general principle that will subsume this case is not subject to a parasitic gap construction. Presumably, most of the methodological work in modern linguistics can be defined in such a way as to impose the system of base rules exclusive of the lexicon. In the discussion of resumptive pronouns following (81), the fundamental error of regarding functional notions as categorial is to be regarded as a descriptive <span color="red">fact</span>.<br/>So far, the earlier discussion of deviance is not quite equivalent to a parasitic gap construction. To characterize a linguistic level L, a case of semigrammaticalness of a different sort may remedy and, at the same time, eliminate irrelevant intervening contexts in selectional <span color="red">rules</span>.<br/> Summarizing, then, we assume that the descriptive power of the base component can be defined in such a way as to impose nondistinctness in the sense of distinctive feature theory. """ styleSheet = getSampleStyleSheet() story = [] story.append(Paragraph(text, styleSheet['Normal'])) doc = BaseDocTemplate( outputfile('test_platypus_much_too_large.pdf'), pagesize=portrait(A4), pageTemplates=[ PageTemplate( 'page_template', [ Frame(0, 0, 0, 0, leftPadding=0, rightPadding=0, topPadding=0, bottomPadding=0, id='DUMMY_FRAME') ], ) ], )
def __init__(self, filename, cfgparser, **kw): self.allowSplitting = 0 # Inch graph size (width, height) self.graph_size = (float(cfgparser.get("page", "graph_width")), float(cfgparser.get("page", "graph_height"))) self.x_axis = ('Time', 12, '%m-%d %H:%M', 20) self.tablestyle = [ ('ROWBACKGROUNDS', (0, 0), (-1, -1), (colors.lightgrey, colors.white)), ('GRID', (0, 0), (-1, -1), 1, colors.toColor(cfgparser.get("string_table", "color"))), ('ALIGN', (0, 0), (-1, -1), cfgparser.get("string_table", "align")), ('LEFTPADDING', (0, 0), (-1, -1), int(cfgparser.get("string_table", "leftPadding"))), ('RIGHTPADDING', (0, 0), (-1, -1), int(cfgparser.get("string_table", "rightPadding"))), ('FONTSIZE', (0, 0), (-1, -1), int(cfgparser.get("string_table", "fontSize"))), ('FONTNAME', (0, 0), (-1, 0), cfgparser.get("string_table", "font")), ] BaseDocTemplate.__init__(self, filename, **kw) template = PageTemplate('normal', [Frame( float(cfgparser.get("page", "x1")) * inch, float(cfgparser.get("page", "y1")) * inch, float(cfgparser.get("page", "width")) * inch, float(cfgparser.get("page", "height")) * inch, id='F1')]) self.addPageTemplates(template) font_list = ["centered", "centered_index", "small_centered", "heading1", "heading1_centered", "heading1_invisible", "heading2", "heading2_centered", "heading2_invisible", "mono", "mono_centered", "normal", "front_title", "axes"] int_fields = ["fontSize", "leading", "alignment", "spaceAfter"] self.fonts = {} for font in font_list: sheet = getSampleStyleSheet() text = sheet['BodyText'] section = "font_%s" % font items = dict(cfgparser.items(section)) for i in int_fields: if i in items: items[i] = int(items[i]) tmp_ps = PS(font, parent=text) tmp_ps.__dict__.update(items) self.fonts[font] = tmp_ps
def __init__(self, cover=None, id=None, onPage=_doNothing, onPageEnd=_doNothing, pagesize=(page_width, page_height)): id = 'TitlePage' p = pdfstyles frames = Frame( p.title_margin_left, p.title_margin_bottom, p.page_width - p.title_margin_left - p.title_margin_right, p.page_height - p.title_margin_top - p.title_margin_bottom) PageTemplate.__init__(self, id=id, frames=frames, onPage=onPage, onPageEnd=onPageEnd, pagesize=pagesize) self.cover = cover
def pdfgen(relevant_extracts, sector, keywords): today = today.replace(second=0, microsecond=0) outputdir = join('..', 'output') if not exists(outputdir): mkdir(outputdir) chdir(outputdir) doc = SimpleDocTemplate('%s_%s.pdf' % (sector, today.strftime("%Y-%m-%d_%H.%M"))) template = PageTemplate( 'normal', [Frame(2.5 * cm, 2.5 * cm, 15 * cm, 25 * cm, id='F1')]) doc.addPageTemplates(template) Story = [Spacer(1, 0.5 * inch)] styleSheet = getSampleStyleSheet() style = styleSheet['BodyText'] title = Paragraph( '<para align=center><b>%s Industry Earnings Call Transcripts Report</b></para>' % sector, style) Story.append(title) subtitle = Paragraph( '<para align=center>Keywords: %s</para>' % ", ".join(keywords), style) Story.append(subtitle) Story.append(Spacer(1, 0.5 * inch)) for extract in relevant_extracts: Story.append(Paragraph("From %s" % extract["title"], h1)) Story.append( Paragraph( "Published on %s at %s" % (extract["date"], extract["time"]), h1)) text = Preformatted(extract["bodyContent"].encode('utf8'), style, maxLineLength=100) Story.append(text) Story.append(Spacer(1, 0.2 * inch))
def build(self,flowables,onFirstPage=_doNothing, onLaterPages=_doNothing, canvasmaker=canvas.Canvas): """build the document using the flowables. Annotate the first page using the onFirstPage function and later pages using the onLaterPages function. The onXXX pages should follow the signature def myOnFirstPage(canvas, document): # do annotations and modify the document ... The functions can do things like draw logos, page numbers, footers, etcetera. They can use external variables to vary the look (for example providing page numbering or section names). """ self._calc() #in case we changed margins sizes etc frameT = Frame(self.leftMargin, self.bottomMargin, self.width, self.height, id='normal') self.addPageTemplates([PageTemplate(id='First',frames=frameT, onPage=onFirstPage,pagesize=self.pagesize), PageTemplate(id='Later',frames=frameT, onPage=onLaterPages,pagesize=self.pagesize)]) if onFirstPage is _doNothing and hasattr(self,'onFirstPage'): self.pageTemplates[0].beforeDrawPage = self.onFirstPage if onLaterPages is _doNothing and hasattr(self,'onLaterPages'): self.pageTemplates[1].beforeDrawPage = self.onLaterPages,flowables, canvasmaker=canvasmaker)
def build_pdf(self, response): cleaned_data = self.filterset.form.cleaned_data impresso = cleaned_data['impresso'] fs = int(impresso.fontsize) if cleaned_data['fontsize']: fs = int(cleaned_data['fontsize']) stylesheet = StyleSheet1() stylesheet.add(ParagraphStyle(name='pronome_style', fontName="Helvetica", fontSize=fs * 0.8, leading=fs)) stylesheet.add(ParagraphStyle(name='nome_style', fontName="Helvetica-Bold", fontSize=fs, leading=fs * 1.3)) stylesheet.add(ParagraphStyle(name='endereco_style', fontName="Helvetica", fontSize=fs * 0.9, leading=fs)) pagesize = (float(impresso.largura_pagina) * cm, float(impresso.altura_pagina) * cm) ms = pagesize[1] - float(impresso.margem_superior) * cm me = float(impresso.margem_esquerda) * cm ae = float(impresso.alturaetiqueta) * cm le = float(impresso.larguraetiqueta) * cm el = float(impresso.entre_linhas) * cm ec = float(impresso.entre_colunas) * cm col = float(impresso.colunasfolha) row = float(impresso.linhasfolha) cr = int(col * row) p = canvas.Canvas(response, pagesize=pagesize) if impresso.rotate: p.translate(pagesize[1], 0) p.rotate(90) i = -1 for contato in self.object_list.all(): i += 1 if i != 0 and i % cr == 0: p.showPage() if impresso.rotate: p.translate(pagesize[1], 0) p.rotate(90) q = floor(i / col) % row r = i % int(col) l = me + r * ec + r * le b = ms - (q + 1) * ae - q * el f = Frame(l, b, le, ae, leftPadding=fs / 3, bottomPadding=fs / 3, topPadding=fs / 3, rightPadding=fs / 3, showBoundary=0) # f.drawBoundary(p) f.addFromList(self.createParagraphs(contato, stylesheet), p) p.showPage()
def atPage(self, name, pseudopage, declarations): c = self.c data = {} name = name or "body" pageBorder = None if declarations: result = self.ruleset([self.selector('*')], declarations) if declarations: data = list(result[0].values())[0] pageBorder = data.get("-pdf-frame-border", None) if name in c.templateList: log.warning(self.c.warning("template '%s' has already been defined", name)) if "-pdf-page-size" in data: c.pageSize = xhtml2pdf.default.PML_PAGESIZES.get(str(data["-pdf-page-size"]).lower(), c.pageSize) isLandscape = False if "size" in data: size = data["size"] if type(size) is not list: size = [size] sizeList = [] for value in size: valueStr = str(value).lower() if type(value) is tuple: sizeList.append(getSize(value)) elif valueStr == "landscape": isLandscape = True elif valueStr in xhtml2pdf.default.PML_PAGESIZES: c.pageSize = xhtml2pdf.default.PML_PAGESIZES[valueStr] else: log.warning(c.warning("Unknown size value for @page")) if len(sizeList) == 2: c.pageSize = tuple(sizeList) if isLandscape: c.pageSize = landscape(c.pageSize) padding_top = self._getFromData(data, 'padding-top', 0, getSize) padding_left = self._getFromData(data, 'padding-left', 0, getSize) padding_right = self._getFromData(data, 'padding-right', 0, getSize) padding_bottom = self._getFromData(data, 'padding-bottom', 0, getSize) border_color = self._getFromData(data, ('border-top-color', 'border-bottom-color',\ 'border-left-color', 'border-right-color'), None, getColor) border_width = self._getFromData(data, ('border-top-width', 'border-bottom-width',\ 'border-left-width', 'border-right-width'), 0, getSize) for prop in ("margin-top", "margin-left", "margin-right", "margin-bottom", "top", "left", "right", "bottom", "width", "height"): if prop in data: c.frameList.append(self._pisaAddFrame(name, data, first=True, border=pageBorder, size=c.pageSize)) break # Frames have to be calculated after we know the pagesize frameList = [] staticList = [] for fname, static, border, x, y, w, h, fdata in c.frameList: fpadding_top = self._getFromData(fdata, 'padding-top', padding_top, getSize) fpadding_left = self._getFromData(fdata, 'padding-left', padding_left, getSize) fpadding_right = self._getFromData(fdata, 'padding-right', padding_right, getSize) fpadding_bottom = self._getFromData(fdata, 'padding-bottom', padding_bottom, getSize) fborder_color = self._getFromData(fdata, ('border-top-color', 'border-bottom-color',\ 'border-left-color', 'border-right-color'), border_color, getColor) fborder_width = self._getFromData(fdata, ('border-top-width', 'border-bottom-width',\ 'border-left-width', 'border-right-width'), border_width, getSize) if border or pageBorder: frame_border = ShowBoundaryValue() else: frame_border = ShowBoundaryValue(color=fborder_color, width=fborder_width) #fix frame sizing problem. if static: x, y, w, h = getFrameDimensions(fdata, c.pageSize[0], c.pageSize[1]) x, y, w, h = getCoords(x, y, w, h, c.pageSize) if w <= 0 or h <= 0: log.warning(self.c.warning("Negative width or height of frame. Check @frame definitions.")) frame = Frame( x, y, w, h, id=fname, leftPadding=fpadding_left, rightPadding=fpadding_right, bottomPadding=fpadding_bottom, topPadding=fpadding_top, showBoundary=frame_border) if static: frame.pisaStaticStory = [] c.frameStatic[static] = [frame] + c.frameStatic.get(static, []) staticList.append(frame) else: frameList.append(frame) background = data.get("background-image", None) if background: #should be relative to the css file background = self.c.getFile(background, relative=self.c.cssParser.rootPath) if not frameList: log.warning(c.warning("missing explicit frame definition for content or just static frames")) fname, static, border, x, y, w, h, data = self._pisaAddFrame(name, data, first=True, border=pageBorder, size=c.pageSize) x, y, w, h = getCoords(x, y, w, h, c.pageSize) if w <= 0 or h <= 0: log.warning(c.warning("Negative width or height of frame. Check @page definitions.")) if border or pageBorder: frame_border = ShowBoundaryValue() else: frame_border = ShowBoundaryValue(color=border_color, width=border_width) frameList.append(Frame( x, y, w, h, id=fname, leftPadding=padding_left, rightPadding=padding_right, bottomPadding=padding_bottom, topPadding=padding_top, showBoundary=frame_border)) pt = PmlPageTemplate( id=name, frames=frameList, pagesize=c.pageSize, ) pt.pisaStaticList = staticList pt.pisaBackground = background pt.pisaBackgroundList = c.pisaBackgroundList if isLandscape: pt.pageorientation = pt.LANDSCAPE c.templateList[name] = pt c.template = None c.frameList = [] c.frameStaticList = [] return {}, {}
def beforePage(self): self.context.current_page += 1 if self.context.has_header(): # HEADER header = self.context.get_header() self.canv.saveState() # calculate height if self.platypus_header_calculate is False: element = header[0] height = element.wrap(self.width_available, self.pagesize[1])[1] height += self.frame_attr['topPadding'] height += self.frame_attr['bottomPadding'] self.platypus_header_height = height height = self.platypus_header_height # calculate coordinates x = self.leftMargin y = self.pagesize[1] - height # resize margin if the frame is too big if self.platypus_header_calculate is False: if self.topMargin < height: self.platypus_header_calculate = True self.topMargin = height # calculate self.width and self.height self._calc() # reset the main frame with new margin self.main_frame_attr['x1'] = self.leftMargin self.main_frame_attr['y1'] = self.bottomMargin self.main_frame_attr['width'] = self.width self.main_frame_attr['height'] = self.height self.main_frame.__init__(**self.main_frame_attr) else: # frame is centered in top margin y -= (self.topMargin - height) / 2 else: # frame is centered in top margin y -= (self.topMargin - height) / 2 # create a frame which will contain all platypus objects defined # in the footer fh = Frame(x, y, self.width_available, height, **self.frame_attr) fh.addFromList(self.context.get_header_copy(), self.canv) self.canv.restoreState() if self.context.has_footer(): # FOOTER footer = self.context.get_footer() self.canv.saveState() # calculate height element = footer[0] height = element.wrap(self.width_available, self.pagesize[1])[1] height += self.frame_attr['topPadding'] height += self.frame_attr['bottomPadding'] # calculate coordinates x = self.leftMargin y = 0 # resize margin if the frame is too big if self.bottomMargin < height: self.bottomMargin = height # calculate self.width and self.height self._calc() # reset the main frame with new margin self.main_frame_attr['x1'] = self.leftMargin self.main_frame_attr['y1'] = self.bottomMargin self.main_frame_attr['width'] = self.width self.main_frame_attr['height'] = self.height self.main_frame.__init__(**self.main_frame_attr) else: # frame is centered in bottom margin y = (self.bottomMargin - height) / 2 # create a frame which will contain all platypus objects defined # in the footer ff = Frame(x, y, self.width_available, height, **self.frame_attr) ff.addFromList(self.context.get_footer_copy(), self.canv) self.canv.restoreState()
class MySimpleDocTemplate(BaseDocTemplate): """ The document template used for all PDF documents. """ def __init__(self, filename, context, **kw): BaseDocTemplate.__init__(self, filename, **kw) self.toc_index = 0 self.main_frame_attr = {'x1': self.leftMargin, 'y1': self.bottomMargin, 'width': self.width, 'height': self.height, 'id':'normal', 'showBoundary': self.showBoundary} # We keep the main frame reference to resize it during the build self.main_frame = Frame(**self.main_frame_attr) self.main_frame_change = False template_attrs = {'id': 'now', 'frames': [self.main_frame], 'pagesize': kw['pagesize']} page_template = PageTemplate(**template_attrs) self.platypus_header_calculate = False self.platypus_header_height = None self.platypus_footer = None self.context = context self.addPageTemplates([page_template]) self.toc_high_level = self.context.toc_high_level self.frame_attr = {'leftPadding': 0, 'bottomPadding': 6, 'rightPadding': 0, 'topPadding': 6, 'showBoundary': 0} self.context = context # calculate width available self.width_available = self.width self.width_available -= self.frame_attr['leftPadding'] self.width_available -= self.frame_attr['rightPadding'] def beforePage(self): self.context.current_page += 1 if self.context.has_header(): # HEADER header = self.context.get_header() self.canv.saveState() # calculate height if self.platypus_header_calculate is False: element = header[0] height = element.wrap(self.width_available, self.pagesize[1])[1] height += self.frame_attr['topPadding'] height += self.frame_attr['bottomPadding'] self.platypus_header_height = height height = self.platypus_header_height # calculate coordinates x = self.leftMargin y = self.pagesize[1] - height # resize margin if the frame is too big if self.platypus_header_calculate is False: if self.topMargin < height: self.platypus_header_calculate = True self.topMargin = height # calculate self.width and self.height self._calc() # reset the main frame with new margin self.main_frame_attr['x1'] = self.leftMargin self.main_frame_attr['y1'] = self.bottomMargin self.main_frame_attr['width'] = self.width self.main_frame_attr['height'] = self.height self.main_frame.__init__(**self.main_frame_attr) else: # frame is centered in top margin y -= (self.topMargin - height) / 2 else: # frame is centered in top margin y -= (self.topMargin - height) / 2 # create a frame which will contain all platypus objects defined # in the footer fh = Frame(x, y, self.width_available, height, **self.frame_attr) fh.addFromList(self.context.get_header_copy(), self.canv) self.canv.restoreState() if self.context.has_footer(): # FOOTER footer = self.context.get_footer() self.canv.saveState() # calculate height element = footer[0] height = element.wrap(self.width_available, self.pagesize[1])[1] height += self.frame_attr['topPadding'] height += self.frame_attr['bottomPadding'] # calculate coordinates x = self.leftMargin y = 0 # resize margin if the frame is too big if self.bottomMargin < height: self.bottomMargin = height # calculate self.width and self.height self._calc() # reset the main frame with new margin self.main_frame_attr['x1'] = self.leftMargin self.main_frame_attr['y1'] = self.bottomMargin self.main_frame_attr['width'] = self.width self.main_frame_attr['height'] = self.height self.main_frame.__init__(**self.main_frame_attr) else: # frame is centered in bottom margin y = (self.bottomMargin - height) / 2 # create a frame which will contain all platypus objects defined # in the footer ff = Frame(x, y, self.width_available, height, **self.frame_attr) ff.addFromList(self.context.get_footer_copy(), self.canv) self.canv.restoreState()
def atPage(self, name, pseudopage, declarations): c = self.c data = {} name = name or "body" pageBorder = None if declarations: result = self.ruleset([self.selector('*')], declarations) # print "@PAGE", name, pseudopage, declarations, result if declarations: data = result[0].values()[0] pageBorder = data.get("-pdf-frame-border", None) if name in c.templateList: log.warn(self.c.warning("template '%s' has already been defined", name)) if "-pdf-page-size" in data: c.pageSize = xhtml2pdf.default.PML_PAGESIZES.get(str(data["-pdf-page-size"]).lower(), c.pageSize) isLandscape = False if "size" in data: size = data["size"] # print size, c.pageSize if type(size) is not types.ListType: size = [size] sizeList = [] for value in size: valueStr = str(value).lower() if type(value) is types.TupleType: sizeList.append(getSize(value)) elif valueStr == "landscape": isLandscape = True elif valueStr in xhtml2pdf.default.PML_PAGESIZES: c.pageSize = xhtml2pdf.default.PML_PAGESIZES[valueStr] else: log.warn(c.warning("Unknown size value for @page")) if len(sizeList) == 2: c.pageSize = sizeList if isLandscape: c.pageSize = landscape(c.pageSize) for prop in ("margin-top", "margin-left", "margin-right", "margin-bottom", "top", "left", "right", "bottom", "width", "height"): if prop in data: c.frameList.append(self._pisaAddFrame(name, data, first=True, border=pageBorder, size=c.pageSize)) break # self._drawing = PmlPageDrawing(self._pagesize) #if not c.frameList: # c.warning("missing frame definitions for template") # return {}, {} # Frames have to be calculated after we know the pagesize frameList = [] staticList = [] for fname, static, border, x, y, w, h, fdata in c.frameList: #fix frame sizing problem. if static: x, y, w, h = getFrameDimensions(fdata, c.pageSize[0], c.pageSize[1]) x, y, w, h = getCoords(x, y, w, h, c.pageSize) if w <= 0 or h <= 0: log.warn(self.c.warning("Negative width or height of frame. Check @frame definitions.")) frame = Frame( x, y, w, h, id=fname, leftPadding=0, rightPadding=0, bottomPadding=0, topPadding=0, showBoundary=border or pageBorder) if static: frame.pisaStaticStory = [] c.frameStatic[static] = [frame] + c.frameStatic.get(static, []) staticList.append(frame) else: frameList.append(frame) background = data.get("background-image", None) if background: background = self.c.getFile(background) # print background # print frameList if not frameList: # print 999 log.warn(c.warning("missing explicit frame definition for content or just static frames")) fname, static, border, x, y, w, h, data = self._pisaAddFrame(name, data, first=True, border=pageBorder, size=c.pageSize) x, y, w, h = getCoords(x, y, w, h, c.pageSize) if w <= 0 or h <= 0: log.warn(c.warning("Negative width or height of frame. Check @page definitions.")) frameList.append(Frame( x, y, w, h, id=fname, leftPadding=0, rightPadding=0, bottomPadding=0, topPadding=0, showBoundary=border or pageBorder)) pt = PmlPageTemplate( id=name, frames=frameList, pagesize=c.pageSize, ) pt.pisaStaticList = staticList pt.pisaBackground = background pt.pisaBackgroundList = c.pisaBackgroundList if isLandscape: pt.pageorientation = pt.LANDSCAPE # self._pagesize) # pt.pml_statics = self._statics # pt.pml_draw = self._draw # pt.pml_drawing = self._drawing # pt.pml_background = attrs.background # pt.pml_bgstory = self._bgstory c.templateList[name] = pt c.template = None c.frameList = [] c.frameStaticList = [] return {}, {}
class Div(Flowable): def __init__(self, story, height=None, width=None, pos_x=None, pos_y=None, frame_attrs=freeze({}), attributes=freeze({}), pto_trailer=None, pto_header=None): Flowable.__init__(self) # get on story self.div_story = story # set frame style self.frame_attrs = {'leftPadding': 0, 'bottomPadding': 0, 'rightPadding': 0, 'topPadding': 0, 'showBoundary': 0} # PTO initialisation self.pto_trailer = pto_trailer self.pto_header = pto_header if frame_attrs is not None: self.frame_attrs.update(frame_attrs) for margin in ('topMargin', 'bottomMargin', 'leftMargin', 'rightMargin'): if margin in self.frame_attrs: del self.frame_attrs[margin] border = self.frame_attrs['showBoundary'] if isinstance(border, ShowBoundaryValue): border = border.width if border: for padding_attr in FRAME_PADDINGS_KEYS: self.frame_attrs[padding_attr] += border self.frame_width = width # Overflow # TODO to improve self.keep_in_frame = None style = attribute_style_to_dict(attributes.get((None, 'style'), '')) self.overflow = style.get('overflow-y', None) if self.overflow == 'hidden': self.overflow = 'truncate' else: self.overflow = None def draw(self): # set position for the frame self.pos_x, self.pos_y = self._get_current_position(self.canv) # XXX This is false, height=drawHeigh and drawHeight should take into # account the frame padding height = (self.drawHeight + self.frame_attrs['leftPadding'] + self.frame_attrs['rightPadding']) width = (self.drawWidth + self.frame_attrs['topPadding'] + self.frame_attrs['bottomPadding']) self.frame = Frame(self.pos_x, self.pos_y, width, height, **self.frame_attrs) if self.overflow: # Hack, We lie by setting the new created frame as default frame # of the doc template # To avoid problems when calling keep_in_frame.wrap # See platypus.flowables "def _listWrapOn" _doctemplate = self.canv._doctemplate # save state current_frame = getattr(_doctemplate, 'frame', None) _doctemplate.frame = self.frame # Check if PTO is defined if self.pto_trailer or self.pto_header: ptocontainer = PTOContainer(self.div_story[:], self.pto_trailer, self.pto_header) ptocontainer.canv = self.canv pto_size = ptocontainer.wrap(self.drawWidth, self.drawHeight) # XXX Round the height to avoid problems with decimal if int(pto_size[1]) > int(self.drawHeight): pto_story = ptocontainer.split(self.drawWidth, self.drawHeight) self.frame.addFromList(pto_story, self.canv) else: self.frame.addFromList([self.keep_in_frame], self.canv) else: self.frame.addFromList([self.keep_in_frame], self.canv) # restore state if current_frame: _doctemplate.frame = current_frame else: self.frame.addFromList(self.div_story[:], self.canv) def wrap(self, availWidth, availHeight): canv = self.canv if self.overflow: if self.keep_in_frame is None: # FIXME if the availHeight is very small # We consider that there is no enough space # and we calculate the real size of the flowables if availHeight <= 0: width, height = self._get_real_size(availWidth) else: width, height = availWidth, availHeight # Dirty hack, get the current frame height and use it # if height is too small main_frame_height = self._get_main_frame_height(availHeight, 0.8) if height == -1e-06: height = main_frame_height else: height = min(height, main_frame_height) self.keep_in_frame = KeepInFrame(width, height, self.div_story[:], mode=self.overflow) else: width, height = availWidth, availHeight # FIXME Usefull ? # Dirty hack, get the current frame height and use it # if height is too small main_frame_height = self._get_main_frame_height(availHeight, 0.8) if height == -1e-06: height = main_frame_height else: height = min(height, main_frame_height) # Set the canva self.keep_in_frame.canv = canv # Hack, We remove the attribute _doctemplate of the canv # To avoid problems when calling keep_in_frame.wrap # See platypus.flowables "def _listWrapOn" if hasattr(canv, '_doctemplate'): _doctemplate = canv._doctemplate # Remove _doctemplate canv._doctemplate = None w, h = self.keep_in_frame.wrap(width, height) if hasattr(canv, '_doctemplate'): # Restore _doctemplate canv._doctemplate = _doctemplate self.drawWidth, self.drawHeight = w, h else: width, height = self._get_real_size(availWidth) self.drawWidth, self.drawHeight = width, height return self.drawWidth, self.drawHeight def getSpaceBefore(self): if self.overflow and self.keep_in_frame: return self.keep_in_frame.getSpaceBefore() # XXX default value return 0 def getSpaceAfter(self): if self.overflow and self.keep_in_frame: return self.keep_in_frame.getSpaceAfter() # XXX default value return 0 def _get_real_size(self, availWidth, availHeight=10000000): """By default we use a fake height to calculate the real height of the flowables""" self.drawWidth = self.width or availWidth self.drawWidth -= self.frame_attrs['leftPadding'] self.drawWidth -= self.frame_attrs['rightPadding'] self.drawHeight = 0 at_top = True for element in self.div_story[:]: if at_top: at_top = False else: self.drawHeight += element.getSpaceBefore() flowHeight = element.wrap(availWidth, availHeight-self.drawHeight)[1] self.drawHeight += flowHeight self.drawHeight += element.getSpaceAfter() self.drawHeight += self.frame_attrs['topPadding'] self.drawHeight += self.frame_attrs['bottomPadding'] return (self.drawWidth, self.drawHeight) def _align_frame(self, available_width, hAlign): if hAlign == 'CENTER': self.pox_x = (available_width - self.frame_width) / 2 + self.pos_x elif hAlign == 'RIGHT': self.pos_x = available_width - self.frame_width + self.pox_x def _get_current_position(self, canv): return (canv._x, canv._y) def _get_current_absolute_position(self, canv): return canv.absolutePosition(canv._x, canv._y) def _get_main_frame_height(self, default, ratio=0.9): if self.canv is None: return default value = self.canv._doctemplate.main_frame_attr.get('height', default) return value * ratio
def run(): styles = getSampleStyleSheet() styleN = styles["Normal"] styleH = styles["Heading1"] story = [] # for codeNames in code story.append(Paragraph("I2of5", styleN)) story.append(I2of5(1234, barWidth=inch * 0.02, checksum=0)) story.append(Paragraph("MSI", styleN)) story.append(MSI(1234)) story.append(Paragraph("Codabar", styleN)) story.append(Codabar("A012345B", barWidth=inch * 0.02)) story.append(Paragraph("Code 11", styleN)) story.append(Code11("01234545634563")) story.append(Paragraph("Code 39", styleN)) story.append(Standard39("A012345B%R")) story.append(Paragraph("Extended Code 39", styleN)) story.append(Extended39("A012345B}")) story.append(Paragraph("Code93", styleN)) story.append(Standard93("CODE 93")) story.append(Paragraph("Extended Code93", styleN)) story.append(Extended93("L@@K! Code 93 :-)")) # , barWidth=0.005 * inch)) story.append(Paragraph("Code 128", styleN)) c = Code128("AB-12345678") # , barWidth=0.005 * inch) # print 'WIDTH =', (c.width / inch), 'barWidth =', (c.barWidth / inch) # print 'LQ =', (c.lquiet / inch), 'RQ =', (c.rquiet / inch) story.append(c) story.append(Paragraph("USPS FIM", styleN)) story.append(FIM("A")) story.append(Paragraph("USPS POSTNET", styleN)) story.append(POSTNET("78247-1043")) story.append(Paragraph("USPS 4 State", styleN)) story.append(USPS_4State("01234567094987654321", "01234567891")) from import createBarcodeDrawing story.append(Paragraph("EAN13", styleN)) bcd = createBarcodeDrawing("EAN13", value="123456789012") story.append(bcd) story.append(Paragraph("EAN8", styleN)) bcd = createBarcodeDrawing("EAN8", value="1234567") story.append(bcd) story.append(Paragraph("UPCA", styleN)) bcd = createBarcodeDrawing("UPCA", value="03600029145") story.append(bcd) story.append(Paragraph("USPS_4State", styleN)) bcd = createBarcodeDrawing("USPS_4State", value="01234567094987654321", routing="01234567891") story.append(bcd) story.append(Paragraph("Label Size", styleN)) story.append(XBox((2.0 + 5.0 / 8.0) * inch, 1 * inch, '1x2-5/8"')) story.append(Paragraph("Label Size", styleN)) story.append(XBox((1.75) * inch, 0.5 * inch, '1/2x1-3/4"')) c = Canvas("out.pdf") f = Frame(inch, inch, 6 * inch, 9 * inch, showBoundary=1) f.addFromList(story, c) print "saved out.pdf"