Example #1
    def addRepo(self, group, root, row=-1):
        grp = group
        if grp == None:
            grp = self.allreposIndex()
        rgi = grp.internalPointer()
        if row < 0:
            row = rgi.childCount()

        # make sure all paths are properly normalized
        root = os.path.normpath(root)

        # Check whether the repo that we are adding is a subrepo
        # This check could be expensive, particularly for network repositories
        # Thus, only perform this check on network repos if the showNetworkSubrepos
        # flag is set
        itemIsSubrepo = False
        if self.showNetworkSubrepos \
                or not paths.netdrive_status(root):
            outerrepopath = paths.find_root(os.path.dirname(root))
            if outerrepopath:
                # Check whether repo we are adding is a subrepo of
                # its containing (outer) repo
                # This check is currently quite imperfect, since it
                # only checks the current repo revision
                outerrepo = hg.repository(ui.ui(), path=outerrepopath)
                relroot = util.normpath(root[len(outerrepopath) + 1:])
                if relroot in outerrepo['.'].substate:
                    itemIsSubrepo = True

        self.beginInsertRows(grp, row, row)
        if itemIsSubrepo:
            ri = SubrepoItem(root)
            ri = RepoItem(root)
        rgi.insertChild(row, ri)

        if not self.showSubrepos \
                or (not self.showNetworkSubrepos and paths.netdrive_status(root)):

        invalidRepoList = ri.appendSubrepos()


        if invalidRepoList:
            if invalidRepoList[0] == root:
                    _('Could not get subrepository list'),
                    _('It was not possible to get the subrepository list for '
                      'the repository in:<br><br><i>%s</i>') % root)
                    _('Could not open some subrepositories'),
                    _('It was not possible to fully load the subrepository '
                      'list for the repository in:<br><br><i>%s</i><br><br>'
                      'The following subrepositories may be missing, broken or '
                      'on an inconsistent state and cannot be accessed:'
                      '<br><br><i>%s</i>') %
                    (root, "<br>".join(invalidRepoList)))
    def addRepo(self, group, root, row=-1):
        grp = group
        if grp == None:
            grp = self.allreposIndex()
        rgi = grp.internalPointer()
        if row < 0:
            row = rgi.childCount()

        # make sure all paths are properly normalized
        root = os.path.normpath(root)

        # Check whether the repo that we are adding is a subrepo
        # This check could be expensive, particularly for network repositories
        # Thus, only perform this check on network repos if the showNetworkSubrepos
        # flag is set
        itemIsSubrepo = False
        if self.showNetworkSubrepos \
                or not paths.netdrive_status(root):
            outerrepopath = paths.find_root(os.path.dirname(root))
            if outerrepopath:
                # Check whether repo we are adding is a subrepo of
                # its containing (outer) repo
                # This check is currently quite imperfect, since it
                # only checks the current repo revision
                outerrepo = hg.repository(ui.ui(), path=outerrepopath)
                relroot = util.normpath(root[len(outerrepopath)+1:])
                if relroot in outerrepo['.'].substate:
                    itemIsSubrepo = True

        self.beginInsertRows(grp, row, row)
        if itemIsSubrepo:
            ri = SubrepoItem(root)
            ri = RepoItem(root)
        rgi.insertChild(row, ri)

        if not self.showSubrepos \
                or (not self.showNetworkSubrepos and paths.netdrive_status(root)):

        invalidRepoList = ri.appendSubrepos()


        if invalidRepoList:
            if invalidRepoList[0] == root:
                qtlib.WarningMsgBox(_('Could not get subrepository list'),
                    _('It was not possible to get the subrepository list for '
                    'the repository in:<br><br><i>%s</i>') % root)
                qtlib.WarningMsgBox(_('Could not open some subrepositories'),
                    _('It was not possible to fully load the subrepository '
                    'list for the repository in:<br><br><i>%s</i><br><br>'
                    'The following subrepositories may be missing, broken or '
                    'on an inconsistent state and cannot be accessed:'
                    '<br><br><i>%s</i>')  %
                    (root, "<br>".join(invalidRepoList)))
Example #3
    def addRepo(self, group, root, row=-1):
        grp = group
        if grp == None:
            grp = self.allreposIndex()
        rgi = grp.internalPointer()
        if row < 0:
            row = rgi.childCount()

        # Is the root of the repo that we want to add a subrepo contained
        # within a repo or subrepo? If so, assume it is an hg subrepo
        itemIsSubrepo = not paths.find_root(os.path.dirname(root)) is None
        self.beginInsertRows(grp, row, row)
        if itemIsSubrepo:
            ri = SubrepoItem(root)
            ri = RepoItem(root)
        rgi.insertChild(row, ri)

        if not self.showSubrepos \
                or (not self.showNetworkSubrepos and paths.netdrive_status(root)):

        invalidRepoList = ri.appendSubrepos()


        if invalidRepoList:
            if invalidRepoList[0] == root:
                qtlib.WarningMsgBox(_('Could not get subrepository list'),
                    _('It was not possible to get the subrepository list for '
                    'the repository in:<br><br><i>%s</i>') % root)
                qtlib.WarningMsgBox(_('Could not open some subrepositories'),
                    _('It was not possible to fully load the subrepository '
                    'list for the repository in:<br><br><i>%s</i><br><br>'
                    'The following subrepositories may be missing, broken or '
                    'on an inconsistent state and cannot be accessed:'
                    '<br><br><i>%s</i>')  %
                    (root, "<br>".join(invalidRepoList)))