Example #1
class Node:
    Represents node of *R*-tree.

    Can be subclassed for custom metrics definition.

    __slots__ = 'index', 'box', 'children'

    def __init__(self, index: int, box: Box,
                 children: Optional[Sequence['Node']]) -> None:
        self.index = index
        self.box = box
        self.children = children

    __repr__ = _generate_repr(__init__)

    def is_leaf(self) -> bool:
        """Checks whether the node is a leaf."""
        return self.children is None

    def item(self) -> Item:
        """Returns underlying index with box."""
        return self.index, self.box

    def distance_to_point(self, point: Point) -> Coordinate:
        """Calculates distance to given point."""
        return _box.distance_to_point(self.box, point)
Example #2
class Tree:
    Represents packed 2-dimensional segmental Hilbert *R*-tree.

    __slots__ = '_context', '_max_children', '_root', '_segments'

    def __init__(self,
                 segments: _Sequence[_Segment],
                 max_children: int = 16,
                 context: _Optional[_Context] = None) -> None:
        Initializes tree from segments.

        Time complexity:
            ``O(size * log size)``
        Memory complexity:

        where ``size = len(segments)``.
        if context is None:
            context = _get_context()
        box_cls = context.box_cls
        self._context, self._max_children, self._root, self._segments = (
            context, max_children,
                         [box_cls(*((segment.start.x, segment.end.x)
                                    if segment.start.x < segment.end.x
                                    else (segment.end.x, segment.start.x)),
                                  *((segment.start.y, segment.end.y)
                                    if segment.start.y < segment.end.y
                                    else (segment.end.y, segment.start.y)))
                          for segment in segments], max_children,

    __repr__ = _generate_repr(__init__)

    def context(self) -> _Context:
        Returns context of the tree.

        Time complexity:
        Memory complexity:
        return self._context

    def max_children(self) -> int:
        Returns maximum number of children in each node.

        Time complexity:
        Memory complexity:

        >>> from ground.base import get_context
        >>> context = get_context()
        >>> Point, Segment = context.point_cls, context.segment_cls
        >>> segments = [Segment(Point(0, index), Point(index, index))
        ...             for index in range(1, 11)]
        >>> tree = Tree(segments)
        >>> tree.max_children == 16
        return self._max_children

    def segments(self) -> _Sequence[_Segment]:
        Returns underlying segments.

        Time complexity:
        Memory complexity:

        >>> from ground.base import get_context
        >>> context = get_context()
        >>> Point, Segment = context.point_cls, context.segment_cls
        >>> segments = [Segment(Point(0, index), Point(index, index))
        ...             for index in range(1, 11)]
        >>> tree = Tree(segments)
        >>> tree.segments == segments
        return self._segments

    def n_nearest_indices(self, n: int, segment: _Segment) -> _Sequence[int]:
        Searches for indices of segments in the tree
        the nearest to the given segment.

        Time complexity:
            ``O(n * max_children * log size)`` if ``n < size``,
            ``O(1)`` otherwise
        Memory complexity:
            ``O(n * max_children * log size)`` if ``n < size``,
            ``O(1)`` otherwise

        where ``size = len(self.segments)``,
        ``max_children = self.max_children``.

        :param n: positive upper bound for number of result indices.
        :param segment: input segment.
            indices of segments in the tree the nearest to the input segment.

        >>> from ground.base import get_context
        >>> context = get_context()
        >>> Point, Segment = context.point_cls, context.segment_cls
        >>> segments = [Segment(Point(0, index), Point(index, index))
        ...             for index in range(1, 11)]
        >>> tree = Tree(segments)
        >>> (tree.n_nearest_indices(2, Segment(Point(0, 0), Point(10, 0)))
        ...  == [0, 1])
        >>> (tree.n_nearest_indices(10, Segment(Point(0, 0), Point(10, 0)))
        ...  == range(len(segments)))
        return ([index for index, _ in self._n_nearest_items(n, segment)]
                if n < len(self._segments)
                else range(len(self._segments)))

    def n_nearest_items(self, n: int, segment: _Segment) -> _Sequence[_Item]:
        Searches for indices with segments in the tree
        the nearest to the given segment.

        Time complexity:
            ``O(n * max_children * log size)`` if ``n < size``,
            ``O(size)`` otherwise
        Memory complexity:
            ``O(n * max_children * log size)`` if ``n < size``,
            ``O(size)`` otherwise

        where ``size = len(self.segments)``,
        ``max_children = self.max_children``.

        :param n:
            positive upper bound for number of result indices with segments.
        :param segment: input segment.
            indices with segments in the tree the nearest to the input segment.

        >>> from ground.base import get_context
        >>> context = get_context()
        >>> Point, Segment = context.point_cls, context.segment_cls
        >>> segments = [Segment(Point(0, index), Point(index, index))
        ...             for index in range(1, 11)]
        >>> tree = Tree(segments)
        >>> (tree.n_nearest_items(2, Segment(Point(0, 0), Point(10, 0)))
        ...  == [(0, Segment(Point(0, 1), Point(1, 1))),
        ...      (1, Segment(Point(0, 2), Point(2, 2)))])
        >>> (tree.n_nearest_items(10, Segment(Point(0, 0), Point(10, 0)))
        ...  == list(enumerate(segments)))
        return list(self._n_nearest_items(n, segment)
                    if n < len(self._segments)
                    else enumerate(self._segments))

    def n_nearest_segments(self, n: int, segment: _Segment
                           ) -> _Sequence[_Segment]:
        Searches for segments in the tree the nearest to the given segment.

        Time complexity:
            ``O(n * max_children * log size)`` if ``n < size``,
            ``O(1)`` otherwise
        Memory complexity:
            ``O(n * max_children * log size)`` if ``n < size``,
            ``O(1)`` otherwise

        where ``size = len(self.segments)``,
        ``max_children = self.max_children``.

        :param n: positive upper bound for number of result segments.
        :param segment: input segment.
        :returns: segments in the tree the nearest to the input segment.

        >>> from ground.base import get_context
        >>> context = get_context()
        >>> Point, Segment = context.point_cls, context.segment_cls
        >>> segments = [Segment(Point(0, index), Point(index, index))
        ...             for index in range(1, 11)]
        >>> tree = Tree(segments)
        >>> (tree.n_nearest_segments(2, Segment(Point(0, 0), Point(10, 0)))
        ...  == [Segment(Point(0, 1), Point(1, 1)),
        ...      Segment(Point(0, 2), Point(2, 2))])
        >>> (tree.n_nearest_segments(10, Segment(Point(0, 0), Point(10, 0)))
        ...  == segments)
        return ([segment for _, segment in self._n_nearest_items(n, segment)]
                if n < len(self._segments)
                else self._segments)

    def n_nearest_to_point_indices(self, n: int, point: _Point
                                   ) -> _Sequence[int]:
        Searches for indices of segments in the tree
        the nearest to the given point.

        Time complexity:
            ``O(n * max_children * log size)`` if ``n < size``,
            ``O(1)`` otherwise
        Memory complexity:
            ``O(n * max_children * log size)`` if ``n < size``,
            ``O(1)`` otherwise

        where ``size = len(self.segments)``,
        ``max_children = self.max_children``.

        :param n: positive upper bound for number of result indices.
        :param point: input point.
            indices of segments in the tree the nearest to the input point.

        >>> from ground.base import get_context
        >>> context = get_context()
        >>> Point, Segment = context.point_cls, context.segment_cls
        >>> segments = [Segment(Point(0, index), Point(index, index))
        ...             for index in range(1, 11)]
        >>> tree = Tree(segments)
        >>> tree.n_nearest_to_point_indices(2, Point(0, 0)) == [0, 1]
        >>> (tree.n_nearest_to_point_indices(10, Point(0, 0))
        ...  == range(len(segments)))
        return ([index
                 for index, _ in self._n_nearest_to_point_items(n, point)]
                if n < len(self._segments)
                else range(len(self._segments)))

    def n_nearest_to_point_items(self, n: int, point: _Point
                                 ) -> _Sequence[_Item]:
        Searches for indices with segments in the tree
        the nearest to the given point.

        Time complexity:
            ``O(n * max_children * log size)`` if ``n < size``,
            ``O(size)`` otherwise
        Memory complexity:
            ``O(n * max_children * log size)`` if ``n < size``,
            ``O(size)`` otherwise

        where ``size = len(self.segments)``,
        ``max_children = self.max_children``.

        :param n:
            positive upper bound for number of result indices with segments.
        :param point: input point.
            indices with segments in the tree the nearest to the input point.

        >>> from ground.base import get_context
        >>> context = get_context()
        >>> Point, Segment = context.point_cls, context.segment_cls
        >>> segments = [Segment(Point(0, index), Point(index, index))
        ...             for index in range(1, 11)]
        >>> tree = Tree(segments)
        >>> (tree.n_nearest_to_point_items(2, Point(0, 0))
        ...  == [(0, Segment(Point(0, 1), Point(1, 1))),
        ...      (1, Segment(Point(0, 2), Point(2, 2)))])
        >>> (tree.n_nearest_to_point_items(10, Point(0, 0))
        ...  == list(enumerate(segments)))
        return list(self._n_nearest_to_point_items(n, point)
                    if n < len(self._segments)
                    else enumerate(self._segments))

    def n_nearest_to_point_segments(self, n: int, point: _Point
                                    ) -> _Sequence[_Segment]:
        Searches for segments in the tree the nearest to the given point.

        Time complexity:
            ``O(n * max_children * log size)`` if ``n < size``,
            ``O(1)`` otherwise
        Memory complexity:
            ``O(n * max_children * log size)`` if ``n < size``,
            ``O(1)`` otherwise

        where ``size = len(self.segments)``,
        ``max_children = self.max_children``.

        :param n: positive upper bound for number of result segments.
        :param point: input point.
        :returns: segments in the tree the nearest to the input point.

        >>> from ground.base import get_context
        >>> context = get_context()
        >>> Point, Segment = context.point_cls, context.segment_cls
        >>> segments = [Segment(Point(0, index), Point(index, index))
        ...             for index in range(1, 11)]
        >>> tree = Tree(segments)
        >>> (tree.n_nearest_to_point_segments(2, Point(0, 0))
        ...  == [Segment(Point(0, 1), Point(1, 1)),
        ...      Segment(Point(0, 2), Point(2, 2))])
        >>> tree.n_nearest_to_point_segments(10, Point(0, 0)) == segments
        return ([segment
                 for _, segment in self._n_nearest_to_point_items(n, point)]
                if n < len(self._segments)
                else self._segments)

    def nearest_index(self, segment: _Segment) -> int:
        Searches for index of segment in the tree
        the nearest to the given segment.

        Time complexity:
            ``O(max_children * log size)``
        Memory complexity:
            ``O(max_children * log size)``

        where ``size = len(self.segments)``,
        ``max_children = self.max_children``.

        :param segment: input segment.
            index of segment in the tree the nearest to the input segment.

        >>> from ground.base import get_context
        >>> context = get_context()
        >>> Point, Segment = context.point_cls, context.segment_cls
        >>> segments = [Segment(Point(0, index), Point(index, index))
        ...             for index in range(1, 11)]
        >>> tree = Tree(segments)
        >>> tree.nearest_index(Segment(Point(0, 0), Point(10, 0))) == 0
        result, _ = self.nearest_item(segment)
        return result

    def nearest_item(self, segment: _Segment) -> _Item:
        Searches for index with segment in the tree
        the nearest to the given segment.

        Time complexity:
            ``O(max_children * log size)``
        Memory complexity:
            ``O(max_children * log size)``

        where ``size = len(self.segments)``,
        ``max_children = self.max_children``.

        :param segment: input segment.
            index with segment in the tree the nearest to the input segment.

        >>> from ground.base import get_context
        >>> context = get_context()
        >>> Point, Segment = context.point_cls, context.segment_cls
        >>> segments = [Segment(Point(0, index), Point(index, index))
        ...             for index in range(1, 11)]
        >>> tree = Tree(segments)
        >>> (tree.nearest_item(Segment(Point(0, 0), Point(10, 0)))
        ...  == (0, Segment(Point(0, 1), Point(1, 1))))
        queue = [(0, 0, self._root)]
        while queue:
            _, _, node = _heappop(queue)
            for child in node.children:
                           child.index if child.is_leaf else -child.index - 1,
            if queue and queue[0][1] >= 0:
                _, _, node = _heappop(queue)
                return node.item

    def nearest_segment(self, segment: _Segment) -> _Segment:
        Searches for segment in the tree the nearest to the given segment.

        Time complexity:
            ``O(max_children * log size)``
        Memory complexity:
            ``O(max_children * log size)``

        where ``size = len(self.segments)``,
        ``max_children = self.max_children``.

        :param segment: input segment.
        :returns: segment in the tree the nearest to the input segment.

        >>> from ground.base import get_context
        >>> context = get_context()
        >>> Point, Segment = context.point_cls, context.segment_cls
        >>> segments = [Segment(Point(0, index), Point(index, index))
        ...             for index in range(1, 11)]
        >>> tree = Tree(segments)
        >>> (tree.nearest_segment(Segment(Point(0, 0), Point(10, 0)))
        ...  == Segment(Point(0, 1), Point(1, 1)))
        _, result = self.nearest_item(segment)
        return result

    def nearest_to_point_index(self, point: _Point) -> int:
        Searches for index of segment in the tree
        the nearest to the given point.

        Time complexity:
            ``O(max_children * log size)``
        Memory complexity:
            ``O(max_children * log size)``

        where ``size = len(self.segments)``,
        ``max_children = self.max_children``.

        :param point: input point.
        :returns: index of segment in the tree the nearest to the input point.

        >>> from ground.base import get_context
        >>> context = get_context()
        >>> Point, Segment = context.point_cls, context.segment_cls
        >>> segments = [Segment(Point(0, index), Point(index, index))
        ...             for index in range(1, 11)]
        >>> tree = Tree(segments)
        >>> tree.nearest_to_point_index(Point(0, 0)) == 0
        result, _ = self.nearest_to_point_item(point)
        return result

    def nearest_to_point_item(self, point: _Point) -> _Item:
        Searches for index with segment in the tree
        the nearest to the given point.

        Time complexity:
            ``O(max_children * log size)``
        Memory complexity:
            ``O(max_children * log size)``

        where ``size = len(self.segments)``,
        ``max_children = self.max_children``.

        :param point: input point.
            index with segment in the tree the nearest to the input point.

        >>> from ground.base import get_context
        >>> context = get_context()
        >>> Point, Segment = context.point_cls, context.segment_cls
        >>> segments = [Segment(Point(0, index), Point(index, index))
        ...             for index in range(1, 11)]
        >>> tree = Tree(segments)
        >>> (tree.nearest_to_point_item(Point(0, 0))
        ...  == (0, Segment(Point(0, 1), Point(1, 1))))
        queue = [(0, 0, self._root)]
        while queue:
            _, _, node = _heappop(queue)
            for child in node.children:
                           child.index if child.is_leaf else -child.index - 1,
            if queue and queue[0][1] >= 0:
                _, _, node = _heappop(queue)
                return node.item

    def nearest_to_point_segment(self, point: _Point) -> _Segment:
        Searches for segment in the tree the nearest to the given point.

        Time complexity:
            ``O(max_children * log size)``
        Memory complexity:
            ``O(max_children * log size)``

        where ``size = len(self.segments)``,
        ``max_children = self.max_children``.

        :param point: input point.
        :returns: segment in the tree the nearest to the input point.

        >>> from ground.base import get_context
        >>> context = get_context()
        >>> Point, Segment = context.point_cls, context.segment_cls
        >>> segments = [Segment(Point(0, index), Point(index, index))
        ...             for index in range(1, 11)]
        >>> tree = Tree(segments)
        >>> (tree.nearest_to_point_segment(Point(0, 0))
        ...  == Segment(Point(0, 1), Point(1, 1)))
        _, result = self.nearest_to_point_item(point)
        return result

    def _n_nearest_items(self, n: int, segment: _Segment) -> _Iterator[_Item]:
        queue = [(0, 0, self._root)]
        while n and queue:
            _, _, node = _heappop(queue)
            for child in node.children:
                           child.index if child.is_leaf else -child.index - 1,
            while n and queue and queue[0][1] >= 0:
                _, _, node = _heappop(queue)
                yield node.item
                n -= 1

    def _n_nearest_to_point_items(self, n: int, point: _Point
                                  ) -> _Iterator[_Item]:
        queue = [(0, 0, self._root)]
        while n and queue:
            _, _, node = _heappop(queue)
            for child in node.children:
                           child.index if child.is_leaf else -child.index - 1,
            while n and queue and queue[0][1] >= 0:
                _, _, node = _heappop(queue)
                yield node.item
                n -= 1
Example #3
class Tree:
    Represents packed 2-dimensional Hilbert *R*-tree.

    __slots__ = '_boxes', '_context', '_max_children', '_root'

    def __init__(self,
                 boxes: _Sequence[_Box],
                 max_children: int = 16,
                 context: _Optional[_Context] = None) -> None:
        Initializes tree from boxes.

        Time complexity:
            ``O(size * log size)``
        Memory complexity:

        where ``size = len(boxes)``.
        if context is None:
            context = _get_context()
        self._boxes, self._context, self._max_children, self._root = (
            boxes, context, max_children,
            _create_root(boxes, max_children, context.merged_box,

    __repr__ = _generate_repr(__init__)

    def boxes(self) -> _Sequence[_Box]:
        Returns underlying boxes.

        Time complexity:
        Memory complexity:

        >>> from ground.base import get_context
        >>> context = get_context()
        >>> Box = context.box_cls
        >>> boxes = [Box(-index, index, 0, index) for index in range(1, 11)]
        >>> tree = Tree(boxes)
        >>> tree.boxes == boxes
        return self._boxes

    def context(self) -> _Context:
        Returns context of the tree.

        Time complexity:
        Memory complexity:
        return self._context

    def max_children(self) -> int:
        Returns maximum number of children in each node.

        Time complexity:
        Memory complexity:

        >>> from ground.base import get_context
        >>> context = get_context()
        >>> Box = context.box_cls
        >>> boxes = [Box(-index, index, 0, index) for index in range(1, 11)]
        >>> tree = Tree(boxes)
        >>> tree.max_children == 16
        return self._max_children

    def find_subsets(self, box: _Box) -> _List[_Box]:
        Searches for boxes that lie inside the given box.

        Time complexity:
            ``O(max_children * log size + hits_count)``
        Memory complexity:
            ``O(max_children * log size + hits_count)``

        where ``size = len(self.boxes)``,
        ``max_children = self.max_children``,
        ``hits_count`` --- number of found boxes.

        :param box: input box.
        :returns: boxes that lie inside the input box.

        >>> from ground.base import get_context
        >>> context = get_context()
        >>> Box = context.box_cls
        >>> boxes = [Box(-index, index, 0, index) for index in range(1, 11)]
        >>> tree = Tree(boxes)
        >>> tree.find_subsets(Box(-1, 1, 0, 1)) == [Box(-1, 1, 0, 1)]
        >>> (tree.find_subsets(Box(-2, 2, 0, 2))
        ...  == [Box(-1, 1, 0, 1), Box(-2, 2, 0, 2)])
        >>> (tree.find_subsets(Box(-3, 3, 0, 3))
        ...  == [Box(-1, 1, 0, 1), Box(-2, 2, 0, 2), Box(-3, 3, 0, 3)])
        return [box for _, box in self._find_subsets_items(box)]

    def find_subsets_indices(self, box: _Box) -> _List[int]:
        Searches for indices of boxes that lie inside the given box.

        Time complexity:
            ``O(max_children * log size + hits_count)``
        Memory complexity:
            ``O(max_children * log size + hits_count)``

        where ``size = len(self.boxes)``,
        ``max_children = self.max_children``,
        ``hits_count`` --- number of found indices.

        :param box: input box.
        :returns: indices of boxes that lie inside the input box.

        >>> from ground.base import get_context
        >>> context = get_context()
        >>> Box = context.box_cls
        >>> boxes = [Box(-index, index, 0, index) for index in range(1, 11)]
        >>> tree = Tree(boxes)
        >>> tree.find_subsets_indices(Box(-1, 1, 0, 1)) == [0]
        >>> tree.find_subsets_indices(Box(-2, 2, 0, 2)) == [0, 1]
        >>> tree.find_subsets_indices(Box(-3, 3, 0, 3)) == [0, 1, 2]
        return [index for index, _ in self._find_subsets_items(box)]

    def find_subsets_items(self, box: _Box) -> _List[_Item]:
        Searches for indices with boxes that lie inside the given box.

        Time complexity:
            ``O(max_children * log size + hits_count)``
        Memory complexity:
            ``O(max_children * log size + hits_count)``

        where ``size = len(self.boxes)``,
        ``max_children = self.max_children``,
        ``hits_count`` --- number of found indices with boxes.

        :param box: input box.
        :returns: indices with boxes that lie inside the input box.

        >>> from ground.base import get_context
        >>> context = get_context()
        >>> Box = context.box_cls
        >>> boxes = [Box(-index, index, 0, index) for index in range(1, 11)]
        >>> tree = Tree(boxes)
        >>> (tree.find_subsets_items(Box(-1, 1, 0, 1))
        ...  == [(0, Box(-1, 1, 0, 1))])
        >>> (tree.find_subsets_items(Box(-2, 2, 0, 2))
        ...  == [(0, Box(-1, 1, 0, 1)), (1, Box(-2, 2, 0, 2))])
        >>> (tree.find_subsets_items(Box(-3, 3, 0, 3))
        ...  == [(0, Box(-1, 1, 0, 1)), (1, Box(-2, 2, 0, 2)),
        ...      (2, Box(-3, 3, 0, 3))])
        return list(self._find_subsets_items(box))

    def find_supersets(self, box: _Box) -> _List[_Box]:
        Searches for boxes that contain the given box.

        Time complexity:
            ``O(max_children * log size + hits_count)``
        Memory complexity:
            ``O(max_children * log size + hits_count)``

        where ``size = len(self.boxes)``,
        ``max_children = self.max_children``,
        ``hits_count`` --- number of found boxes.

        :param box: input box.
        :returns: boxes that contain the input box.

        >>> from ground.base import get_context
        >>> context = get_context()
        >>> Box = context.box_cls
        >>> boxes = [Box(-index, index, 0, index) for index in range(1, 11)]
        >>> tree = Tree(boxes)
        >>> tree.find_supersets(Box(-10, 10, 0, 10)) == [Box(-10, 10, 0, 10)]
        >>> (tree.find_supersets(Box(-9, 9, 0, 9))
        ...  == [Box(-9, 9, 0, 9), Box(-10, 10, 0, 10)])
        >>> (tree.find_supersets(Box(-8, 8, 0, 8))
        ...  == [Box(-8, 8, 0, 8), Box(-9, 9, 0, 9), Box(-10, 10, 0, 10)])
        return [box for _, box in self._find_supersets_items(box)]

    def find_supersets_indices(self, box: _Box) -> _List[int]:
        Searches for indices of boxes that contain the given box.

        Time complexity:
            ``O(max_children * log size + hits_count)``
        Memory complexity:
            ``O(max_children * log size + hits_count)``

        where ``size = len(self.boxes)``,
        ``max_children = self.max_children``,
        ``hits_count`` --- number of found indices.

        :param box: input box.
        :returns: indices of boxes that contain the input box.

        >>> from ground.base import get_context
        >>> context = get_context()
        >>> Box = context.box_cls
        >>> boxes = [Box(-index, index, 0, index) for index in range(1, 11)]
        >>> tree = Tree(boxes)
        >>> tree.find_supersets_indices(Box(-10, 10, 0, 10)) == [9]
        >>> tree.find_supersets_indices(Box(-9, 9, 0, 9)) == [8, 9]
        >>> tree.find_supersets_indices(Box(-8, 8, 0, 8)) == [7, 8, 9]
        return [index for index, _ in self._find_supersets_items(box)]

    def find_supersets_items(self, box: _Box) -> _List[_Item]:
        Searches for indices with boxes
        that contain the given box.

        Time complexity:
            ``O(max_children * log size + hits_count)``
        Memory complexity:
            ``O(max_children * log size + hits_count)``

        where ``size = len(self.boxes)``,
        ``max_children = self.max_children``,
        ``hits_count`` --- number of found indices with boxes.

        :param box: input box.
        :returns: indices with boxes that contain the input box.

        >>> from ground.base import get_context
        >>> context = get_context()
        >>> Box = context.box_cls
        >>> boxes = [Box(-index, index, 0, index) for index in range(1, 11)]
        >>> tree = Tree(boxes)
        >>> (tree.find_supersets_items(Box(-10, 10, 0, 10))
        ...  == [(9, Box(-10, 10, 0, 10))])
        >>> (tree.find_supersets_items(Box(-9, 9, 0, 9))
        ...  == [(8, Box(-9, 9, 0, 9)), (9, Box(-10, 10, 0, 10))])
        >>> (tree.find_supersets_items(Box(-8, 8, 0, 8))
        ...  == [(7, Box(-8, 8, 0, 8)), (8, Box(-9, 9, 0, 9)),
        ...      (9, Box(-10, 10, 0, 10))])
        return list(self._find_supersets_items(box))

    def _find_subsets_items(self, box: _Box) -> _Iterator[_Item]:
        yield from (enumerate(self._boxes) if _box.is_subset_of(
            self._root.box, box) else _find_node_box_subsets_items(
                self._root, box))

    def _find_supersets_items(self, box: _Box) -> _Iterator[_Item]:
        yield from _find_node_box_supersets_items(self._root, box)

    def n_nearest_indices(self, n: int, point: _Point) -> _Sequence[int]:
        Searches for indices of boxes in the tree
        the nearest to the given point.

        Time complexity:
            ``O(n * max_children * log size)`` if ``n < size``,
            ``O(1)`` otherwise
        Memory complexity:
            ``O(n * max_children * log size)`` if ``n < size``,
            ``O(1)`` otherwise

        where ``size = len(self.boxes)``,
        ``max_children = self.max_children``.

        :param n: positive upper bound for number of result indices.
        :param point: input point.
            indices of boxes in the tree the nearest to the input point.

        >>> from ground.base import get_context
        >>> context = get_context()
        >>> Box, Point = context.box_cls, context.point_cls
        >>> boxes = [Box(-index, index, 0, index) for index in range(1, 11)]
        >>> tree = Tree(boxes)
        >>> tree.n_nearest_indices(2, Point(0, 0)) == [9, 8]
        >>> (tree.n_nearest_indices(len(boxes), Point(0, 0))
        ...  == range(len(boxes)))
        return ([index for index, _ in self._n_nearest_items(n, point)]
                if n < len(self._boxes) else range(len(self._boxes)))

    def n_nearest_boxes(self, n: int, point: _Point) -> _Sequence[_Box]:
        Searches for boxes in the tree the nearest to the given point.

        Time complexity:
            ``O(n * max_children * log size)`` if ``n < size``,
            ``O(1)`` otherwise
        Memory complexity:
            ``O(n * max_children * log size)`` if ``n < size``,
            ``O(1)`` otherwise

        where ``size = len(self.boxes)``,
        ``max_children = self.max_children``.

        :param n: positive upper bound for number of result boxes.
        :param point: input point.
        :returns: boxes in the tree the nearest to the input point.

        >>> from ground.base import get_context
        >>> context = get_context()
        >>> Box, Point = context.box_cls, context.point_cls
        >>> boxes = [Box(-index, index, 0, index) for index in range(1, 11)]
        >>> tree = Tree(boxes)
        >>> (tree.n_nearest_boxes(2, Point(0, 0))
        ...  == [Box(-10, 10, 0, 10), Box(-9, 9, 0, 9)])
        >>> tree.n_nearest_boxes(len(boxes), Point(0, 0)) == boxes
        return ([box for _, box in self._n_nearest_items(n, point)]
                if n < len(self._boxes) else self._boxes)

    def n_nearest_items(self, n: int, point: _Point) -> _Sequence[_Item]:
        Searches for indices with boxes in the tree
        the nearest to the given point.

        Time complexity:
            ``O(n * max_children * log size)`` if ``n < size``,
            ``O(size)`` otherwise
        Memory complexity:
            ``O(n * max_children * log size)`` if ``n < size``,
            ``O(size)`` otherwise

        where ``size = len(self.boxes)``,
        ``max_children = self.max_children``.

        :param n:
            positive upper bound for number of result indices with boxes.
        :param point: input point.
            indices with boxes in the tree the nearest to the input point.

        >>> from ground.base import get_context
        >>> context = get_context()
        >>> Box, Point = context.box_cls, context.point_cls
        >>> boxes = [Box(-index, index, 0, index) for index in range(1, 11)]
        >>> tree = Tree(boxes)
        >>> (tree.n_nearest_items(2, Point(0, 0))
        ...  == [(9, Box(-10, 10, 0, 10)), (8, Box(-9, 9, 0, 9))])
        >>> (tree.n_nearest_items(len(boxes), Point(0, 0))
        ...  == list(enumerate(boxes)))
        return list(
            self._n_nearest_items(n, point)
            if n < len(self._boxes) else enumerate(self._boxes))

    def nearest_index(self, point: _Point) -> int:
        Searches for index of box in the tree
        the nearest to the given point.

        Time complexity:
            ``O(max_children * log size)``
        Memory complexity:
            ``O(max_children * log size)``

        where ``size = len(self.boxes)``,
        ``max_children = self.max_children``.

        :param point: input point.
        :returns: index of box in the tree the nearest to the input point.

        >>> from ground.base import get_context
        >>> context = get_context()
        >>> Box, Point = context.box_cls, context.point_cls
        >>> boxes = [Box(-index, index, 0, index) for index in range(1, 11)]
        >>> tree = Tree(boxes)
        >>> tree.nearest_index(Point(0, 0)) == 9
        result, _ = self.nearest_item(point)
        return result

    def nearest_box(self, point: _Point) -> _Box:
        Searches for box in the tree the nearest to the given point.

        Time complexity:
            ``O(max_children * log size)``
        Memory complexity:
            ``O(max_children * log size)``

        where ``size = len(self.boxes)``,
        ``max_children = self.max_children``.

        :param point: input point.
        :returns: box in the tree the nearest to the input point.

        >>> from ground.base import get_context
        >>> context = get_context()
        >>> Box, Point = context.box_cls, context.point_cls
        >>> boxes = [Box(-index, index, 0, index) for index in range(1, 11)]
        >>> tree = Tree(boxes)
        >>> tree.nearest_box(Point(0, 0)) == Box(-10, 10, 0, 10)
        _, result = self.nearest_item(point)
        return result

    def nearest_item(self, point: _Point) -> _Item:
        Searches for index with box in the tree
        the nearest to the given point.

        Time complexity:
            ``O(max_children * log size)``
        Memory complexity:
            ``O(max_children * log size)``

        where ``size = len(self.boxes)``,
        ``max_children = self.max_children``.

        :param point: input point.
            index with box in the tree the nearest to the input point.

        >>> from ground.base import get_context
        >>> context = get_context()
        >>> Box, Point = context.box_cls, context.point_cls
        >>> boxes = [Box(-index, index, 0, index) for index in range(1, 11)]
        >>> tree = Tree(boxes)
        >>> tree.nearest_item(Point(0, 0)) == (9, Box(-10, 10, 0, 10))
        >>> tree.nearest_item(Point(-10, 0)) == (9, Box(-10, 10, 0, 10))
        >>> tree.nearest_item(Point(-10, 10)) == (9, Box(-10, 10, 0, 10))
        >>> tree.nearest_item(Point(10, 0)) == (9, Box(-10, 10, 0, 10))
        >>> tree.nearest_item(Point(10, 10)) == (9, Box(-10, 10, 0, 10))
        queue = [(0, 0, self._root)]
        while queue:
            _, _, node = _heappop(queue)
            for child in node.children:
                          (child.distance_to_point(point), -child.index -
                           1 if child.is_leaf else child.index, child))
            if queue and queue[0][1] < 0:
                _, _, node = _heappop(queue)
                return node.item

    def _n_nearest_items(self, n: int, point: _Point) -> _Iterator[_Item]:
        queue = [(0, 0, self._root)]
        while n and queue:
            _, _, node = _heappop(queue)
            for child in node.children:
                          (child.distance_to_point(point), -child.index -
                           1 if child.is_leaf else child.index, child))
            while n and queue and queue[0][1] < 0:
                _, _, node = _heappop(queue)
                yield node.item
                n -= 1
Example #4
class Context:
    __slots__ = ('_box_cls', '_centroidal', '_contour_cls', '_incircle',
                 '_linear', '_mode', '_multipoint_cls', '_multipolygon_cls',
                 '_multisegment_cls', '_point_cls', '_polygon_cls',
                 '_segment_cls', '_vector')

    def __init__(self,
                 box_cls: _Type[_hints.Box] = _geometries.Box,
                 contour_cls: _Type[_hints.Contour] = _geometries.Contour,
                 multipoint_cls: _Type[
                     _hints.Multipoint] = _geometries.Multipoint,
                 multipolygon_cls: _Type[
                     _hints.Multipolygon] = _geometries.Multipolygon,
                 multisegment_cls: _Type[
                     _hints.Multisegment] = _geometries.Multisegment,
                 point_cls: _Type[_hints.Point] = _geometries.Point,
                 polygon_cls: _Type[_hints.Polygon] = _geometries.Polygon,
                 segment_cls: _Type[_hints.Segment] = _geometries.Segment,
                 mode: Mode = Mode.EXACT) -> None:
        self._box_cls = box_cls
        self._contour_cls = contour_cls
        self._multipoint_cls = multipoint_cls
        self._multipolygon_cls = multipolygon_cls
        self._multisegment_cls = multisegment_cls
        self._point_cls = point_cls
        self._polygon_cls = polygon_cls
        self._segment_cls = segment_cls
        self._mode = mode
        self._centroidal, self._incircle, self._linear, self._vector = (
            (_centroidal.exact_context, _incircle.exact_context,
             _vector.exact_context) if mode is Mode.EXACT else
            ((_centroidal.plain_context, _incircle.plain_context,
              _vector.plain_context) if mode is Mode.PLAIN else
             (_centroidal.robust_context, _incircle.robust_context,
              _linear.exact_context, _vector.robust_context)))

    __repr__ = _generate_repr(__init__)

    def box_cls(self) -> _Type[_hints.Box]:
        return self._box_cls

    def contour_cls(self) -> _Type[_hints.Contour]:
        return self._contour_cls

    def cross_product(self) -> _QuaternaryFunction:
        return self._vector.cross_product

    def dot_product(self) -> _QuaternaryFunction:
        return self._vector.dot_product

    def mode(self) -> Mode:
        return self._mode

    def multipoint_cls(self) -> _Type[_hints.Multipoint]:
        return self._multipoint_cls

    def multipolygon_cls(self) -> _Type[_hints.Multipolygon]:
        return self._multipolygon_cls

    def multisegment_cls(self) -> _Type[_hints.Multisegment]:
        return self._multisegment_cls

    def point_cls(self) -> _Type[_hints.Point]:
        return self._point_cls

    def point_point_point_incircle_test(self) -> _QuaternaryFunction:
        return self._incircle.point_point_point_test

    def polygon_cls(self) -> _Type[_hints.Polygon]:
        return self._polygon_cls

    def segment_cls(self) -> _Type[_hints.Segment]:
        return self._segment_cls

    def angle_kind(self, vertex: _hints.Point, first_ray_point: _hints.Point,
                   second_ray_point: _hints.Point) -> Kind:
        return _angular.kind(self.dot_product, vertex, first_ray_point,

    def angle_orientation(self, vertex: _hints.Point,
                          first_ray_point: _hints.Point,
                          second_ray_point: _hints.Point) -> Orientation:
        return _angular.orientation(self.cross_product, vertex,
                                    first_ray_point, second_ray_point)

    def contour_centroid(self,
                         vertices: _Sequence[_hints.Point]) -> _hints.Point:
        Constructs centroid of a contour given its vertices.

        Time complexity:
        Memory complexity:

        >>> context = get_context()
        >>> Point = context.point_cls
        >>> context.contour_centroid([Point(0, 0), Point(2, 0), Point(2, 2),
        ...                           Point(0, 2)]) == Point(1, 1)
        return self._centroidal.contour_centroid(self.point_cls, vertices)

    def merged_box(self, first_box: _hints.Box,
                   second_box: _hints.Box) -> _hints.Box:
        return _boxed.merge(self.box_cls, first_box, second_box)

    def multipoint_centroid(self,
                            points: _Sequence[_hints.Point]) -> _hints.Point:
        Constructs centroid of a multipoint given its points.

        Time complexity:
        Memory complexity:

        >>> context = get_context()
        >>> Point = context.point_cls
        >>> context.multipoint_centroid([Point(0, 0), Point(2, 0), Point(2, 2),
        ...                              Point(0, 2)]) == Point(1, 1)
        return self._centroidal.multipoint_centroid(self.point_cls, points)

    def points_convex_hull(
            self, points: _Sequence[_hints.Point]) -> _Sequence[_hints.Point]:
        Constructs convex hull of points.

        Time complexity:
            ``O(points_count * log(points_count))``
        Memory complexity:
        where ``points_count = len(points)``.

        >>> context = get_context()
        >>> Point = context.point_cls
        >>> (context.points_convex_hull([Point(0, 0), Point(2, 0), Point(2, 2),
        ...                              Point(0, 2)])
        ...  == [Point(0, 0), Point(2, 0), Point(2, 2), Point(0, 2)])
        return _discrete.to_convex_hull(self.angle_orientation, points)

    def segment_contains_point(self, start: _hints.Point, end: _hints.Point,
                               point: _hints.Point) -> bool:
        Checks if a segment given by its endpoints contains given point.

        Time complexity:
        Memory complexity:

        >>> context = get_context()
        >>> Point = context.point_cls
        >>> context.segment_contains_point(Point(0, 0), Point(2, 0),
        ...                                Point(0, 0))
        >>> context.segment_contains_point(Point(0, 0), Point(2, 0),
        ...                                Point(0, 2))
        >>> context.segment_contains_point(Point(0, 0), Point(2, 0),
        ...                                Point(1, 0))
        >>> context.segment_contains_point(Point(0, 0), Point(2, 0),
        ...                                Point(1, 1))
        >>> context.segment_contains_point(Point(0, 0), Point(2, 0),
        ...                                Point(2, 0))
        >>> context.segment_contains_point(Point(0, 0), Point(2, 0),
        ...                                Point(3, 0))
        return self._linear.containment_checker(self.cross_product, start, end,

    def segments_intersection(self, first_start: _hints.Point,
                              first_end: _hints.Point,
                              second_start: _hints.Point,
                              second_end: _hints.Point) -> _hints.Point:
        return self._linear.intersector(self.cross_product, self.point_cls,
                                        first_start, first_end, second_start,

    def segments_relation(self, test_start: _hints.Point,
                          test_end: _hints.Point, goal_start: _hints.Point,
                          goal_end: _hints.Point) -> Relation:
        return self._linear.relater(self.cross_product, test_start, test_end,
                                    goal_start, goal_end)
Example #5
class Tree:
    Represents `k`-dimensional (aka *kd*) tree.


    __slots__ = '_context', '_points', '_root'

    def __init__(self,
                 points: _Sequence[_Point],
                 context: _Optional[_Context] = None) -> None:
        Initializes tree from points.

        Time complexity:
            ``O(dimension * size * log size)``
        Memory complexity:
            ``O(dimension * size)``

        where ``dimension = len(points[0])``, ``size = len(points)``.
        if context is None:
            context = _get_context()
        self._context, self._points, self._root = (
            context, points, _create_node(range(len(points)), points, False,

    __repr__ = _generate_repr(__init__)

    def context(self) -> _Context:
        Returns context of the tree.

        Time complexity:
        Memory complexity:
        return self._context

    def points(self) -> _Sequence[_Point]:
        Returns underlying points.

        Time complexity:
        Memory complexity:

        >>> from ground.base import get_context
        >>> context = get_context()
        >>> Point = context.point_cls
        >>> points = list(map(Point, range(-5, 6), range(10)))
        >>> tree = Tree(points)
        >>> tree.points == points
        return self._points

    def n_nearest_indices(self, n: int, point: _Point) -> _Sequence[int]:
        Searches for indices of points in the tree
        that are the nearest to the given point.

        Time complexity:
            ``O(min(n, size) * log size)``
        Memory complexity:
            ``O(min(n, size) * log size)``

        where ``size = len(self.points)``.


        :param n: positive upper bound for number of result indices.
        :param point: input point.
        :returns: indices of points in the tree the nearest to the input point.

        >>> from ground.base import get_context
        >>> context = get_context()
        >>> Point = context.point_cls
        >>> points = list(map(Point, range(-5, 6), range(10)))
        >>> tree = Tree(points)
        >>> tree.n_nearest_indices(2, Point(0, 0)) == [2, 3]
        >>> (tree.n_nearest_indices(len(points), Point(0, 0))
        ...  == range(len(points)))
        return ([index for index, _ in self._n_nearest_items(n, point)]
                if n < len(self._points)
                else range(len(self._points)))

    def n_nearest_points(self, n: int, point: _Point) -> _Sequence[_Point]:
        Searches for points in the tree the nearest to the given point.

        Time complexity:
            ``O(min(n, size) * log size)``
        Memory complexity:
            ``O(min(n, size) * log size)``

        where ``size = len(self.points)``.


        :param n: positive upper bound for number of result points.
        :param point: input point.
        :returns: points in the tree the nearest to the input point.

        >>> from ground.base import get_context
        >>> context = get_context()
        >>> Point = context.point_cls
        >>> points = list(map(Point, range(-5, 6), range(10)))
        >>> tree = Tree(points)
        >>> (tree.n_nearest_points(2, Point(0, 0))
        ...  == [Point(-3, 2), Point(-2, 3)])
        >>> tree.n_nearest_points(len(points), Point(0, 0)) == points
        return ([point for _, point in self._n_nearest_items(n, point)]
                if n < len(self._points)
                else self._points)

    def n_nearest_items(self, n: int, point: _Point) -> _Sequence[_Item]:
        Searches for indices with points in the tree
        that are the nearest to the given point.

        Time complexity:
            ``O(min(n, size) * log size)``
        Memory complexity:
            ``O(min(n, size) * log size)``

        where ``size = len(self.points)``.


        :param n: positive upper bound for number of result indices.
        :param point: input point.
            indices with points in the tree the nearest to the input point.

        >>> from ground.base import get_context
        >>> context = get_context()
        >>> Point = context.point_cls
        >>> points = list(map(Point, range(-5, 6), range(10)))
        >>> tree = Tree(points)
        >>> (tree.n_nearest_items(2, Point(0, 0))
        ...  == [(2, Point(-3, 2)), (3, Point(-2, 3))])
        >>> (tree.n_nearest_items(len(points), Point(0, 0))
        ...  == list(enumerate(points)))
        return (self._n_nearest_items(n, point)
                if n < len(self._points)
                else list(enumerate(self._points)))

    def _n_nearest_items(self, n: int, point: _Point) -> _List[_Item]:
        candidates = []  # type: _List[_Tuple[_Scalar, _Item]]
        queue = [self._root]
        push, pop = queue.append, queue.pop
        while queue:
            node = pop()  # type: _Node
            distance_to_point = node.distance_to_point(point)
            candidate = -distance_to_point, node.item
            if len(candidates) < n:
                _heappush(candidates, candidate)
            elif distance_to_point < -candidates[0][0]:
                _heapreplace(candidates, candidate)
            coordinate = node.projector(point)
            point_is_on_the_left = coordinate < node.projection
            if point_is_on_the_left:
                if node.left is not _NIL:
            elif node.right is not _NIL:
            if (len(candidates) < n
                    or (node.distance_to_coordinate(coordinate)
                        < -candidates[0][0])):
                if point_is_on_the_left:
                    if node.right is not _NIL:
                elif node.left is not _NIL:
        return [item for _, item in candidates]

    def nearest_index(self, point: _Point) -> int:
        Searches for index of a point in the tree
        that is the nearest to the given point.

        Time complexity:
            ``O(log size)``
        Memory complexity:
            ``O(log size)``

        where ``size = len(self.points)``.


        :param point: input point.
        :returns: index of a point in the tree the nearest to the input point.

        >>> from ground.base import get_context
        >>> context = get_context()
        >>> Point = context.point_cls
        >>> points = list(map(Point, range(-5, 6), range(10)))
        >>> tree = Tree(points)
        >>> tree.nearest_index(Point(0, 0)) == 2
        >>> tree.nearest_index(Point(-3, 2)) == 2
        result, _ = self.nearest_item(point)
        return result

    def nearest_point(self, point: _Point) -> _Point:
        Searches for point in the tree that is the nearest to the given point.

        Time complexity:
            ``O(log size)``
        Memory complexity:
            ``O(log size)``

        where ``size = len(self.points)``.


        :param point: input point.
        :returns: point in the tree the nearest to the input point.

        >>> from ground.base import get_context
        >>> context = get_context()
        >>> Point = context.point_cls
        >>> points = list(map(Point, range(-5, 6), range(10)))
        >>> tree = Tree(points)
        >>> tree.nearest_point(Point(0, 0)) == Point(-3, 2)
        >>> tree.nearest_point(Point(-3, 2)) == Point(-3, 2)
        _, result = self.nearest_item(point)
        return result

    def nearest_item(self, point: _Point) -> _Item:
        Searches for index with point in the tree
        that is the nearest to the given point.

        Time complexity:
            ``O(log size)``
        Memory complexity:
            ``O(log size)``

        where ``size = len(self.points)``.


        :param point: input point.
        :returns: index with point in the tree the nearest to the input point.

        >>> from ground.base import get_context
        >>> context = get_context()
        >>> Point = context.point_cls
        >>> points = list(map(Point, range(-5, 6), range(10)))
        >>> tree = Tree(points)
        >>> tree.nearest_item(Point(0, 0)) == (2, Point(-3, 2))
        >>> tree.nearest_item(Point(-3, 2)) == (2, Point(-3, 2))
        node = self._root
        result, min_distance = node.item, node.distance_to_point(point)
        queue = [node]
        push, pop = queue.append, queue.pop
        while queue:
            node = pop()  # type: _Node
            distance_to_point = node.distance_to_point(point)
            if distance_to_point < min_distance:
                result, min_distance = node.item, distance_to_point
            coordinate = node.projector(point)
            point_is_on_the_left = coordinate < node.projection
            if point_is_on_the_left:
                if node.left is not _NIL:
            elif node.right is not _NIL:
            if node.distance_to_coordinate(coordinate) < min_distance:
                if point_is_on_the_left:
                    if node.right is not _NIL:
                elif node.left is not _NIL:
        return result

    def find_box_indices(self, box: _Box) -> _List[int]:
        Searches for indices of points that lie inside the given box.

        Time complexity:
            ``O(dimension * size ** (1 - 1 / dimension) + hits_count)``
        Memory complexity:
            ``O(dimension * size ** (1 - 1 / dimension) + hits_count)``

        where ``dimension = len(self.points[0])``, ``size = len(self.points)``,
        ``hits_count`` --- number of found indices.


        :param box: box to search in.
        :returns: indices of points that lie inside the box.

        >>> from ground.base import get_context
        >>> context = get_context()
        >>> Box, Point = context.box_cls, context.point_cls
        >>> points = list(map(Point, range(-5, 6), range(10)))
        >>> tree = Tree(points)
        >>> tree.find_box_indices(Box(-3, 3, 0, 1)) == []
        >>> tree.find_box_indices(Box(-3, 3, 0, 2)) == [2]
        >>> tree.find_box_indices(Box(-3, 3, 0, 3)) == [2, 3]
        return [index for index, _ in self._find_box_items(box)]

    def find_box_points(self, box: _Box) -> _List[_Point]:
        Searches for points that lie inside the given box.

        Time complexity:
            ``O(dimension * size ** (1 - 1 / dimension) + hits_count)``
        Memory complexity:
            ``O(dimension * size ** (1 - 1 / dimension) + hits_count)``

        where ``dimension = len(self.points[0])``, ``size = len(self.points)``,
        ``hits_count`` --- number of found points.


        :param box: box to search in.
        :returns: points that lie inside the box.

        >>> from ground.base import get_context
        >>> context = get_context()
        >>> Box, Point = context.box_cls, context.point_cls
        >>> points = list(map(Point, range(-5, 6), range(10)))
        >>> tree = Tree(points)
        >>> tree.find_box_points(Box(-3, 3, 0, 1)) == []
        >>> tree.find_box_points(Box(-3, 3, 0, 2)) == [Point(-3, 2)]
        >>> (tree.find_box_points(Box(-3, 3, 0, 3))
        ...  == [Point(-3, 2), Point(-2, 3)])
        return [point for _, point in self._find_box_items(box)]

    def find_box_items(self, box: _Box) -> _List[_Item]:
        Searches for indices with points in the tree
        that lie inside the given box.

        Time complexity:
            ``O(dimension * size ** (1 - 1 / dimension) + hits_count)``
        Memory complexity:
            ``O(dimension * size ** (1 - 1 / dimension) + hits_count)``

        where ``dimension = len(self.points[0])``, ``size = len(self.points)``,
        ``hits_count`` --- number of found indices with points.


        :param box: box to search in.
        :returns: indices with points in the tree that lie inside the box.

        >>> from ground.base import get_context
        >>> context = get_context()
        >>> Box, Point = context.box_cls, context.point_cls
        >>> points = list(map(Point, range(-5, 6), range(10)))
        >>> tree = Tree(points)
        >>> tree.find_box_items(Box(-3, 3, 0, 1)) == []
        >>> tree.find_box_items(Box(-3, 3, 0, 2)) == [(2, Point(-3, 2))]
        >>> (tree.find_box_items(Box(-3, 3, 0, 3))
        ...  == [(2, Point(-3, 2)), (3, Point(-2, 3))])
        return list(self._find_box_items(box))

    def _find_box_items(self, box: _Box) -> _Iterator[_Item]:
        queue = [self._root]
        push, pop = queue.append, queue.pop
        while queue:
            node = pop()  # type: _Node
            if _box.contains_point(box, node.point):
                yield node.item
            min_coordinate, max_coordinate = ((box.min_y, box.max_y)
                                              if node.is_y_axis
                                              else (box.min_x, box.max_x))
            coordinate = node.projector(node.point)
            if node.left is not _NIL and min_coordinate <= coordinate:
            if node.right is not _NIL and coordinate <= max_coordinate: