Example #1
def test_jobs_deleted_local_directory(context):
    path = context["directory"]
    run = context["run_fn"]
    jobs = context["jobs_fn"]

    run(command=["touch", "ok"], outputs=["ok"], resref="myshell")
    with swallow_logs(new_level=logging.ERROR) as log:
        jobs(queries=[], status=True)
        assert "no longer exists" in log.out
Example #2
def test_jobs_show(context):
    run = context["run_fn"]
    jobs = context["jobs_fn"]
    registry = context["registry"]

    run(command=["touch", "ok"], outputs=["ok"], resref="myshell")
    assert len(registry.find_job_files()) == 1

    with swallow_outputs() as output:
        jobs(queries=[], action="show", status=True)
        # `show`, as opposed to `list`, is detailed, multiline display.
        assert len(output.out.splitlines()) > 1
        assert "myshell" in output.out
        assert "status:" in output.out
Example #3
def test_jobs_query_unknown(context):
    run = context["run_fn"]
    jobs = context["jobs_fn"]
    registry = context["registry"]

    run(command=["doesntmatter"], resref="myshell")

    jobfiles = registry.find_job_files()
    assert len(jobfiles) == 1
    jobid = list(jobfiles.keys())[0]
    with swallow_logs(new_level=logging.WARNING) as log:
        jobs(queries=[jobid + "-trailing-garbage"])
        assert "No jobs matched" in log.out
    assert len(registry.find_job_files()) == 1
Example #4
def test_run_and_follow(context):
    path = context["directory"]
    run = context["run_fn"]
    jobs = context["jobs_fn"]
    registry = context["registry"]

    run(command=["touch", "ok"], outputs=["ok"], resref="myshell", follow=True)

    with swallow_logs(new_level=logging.INFO) as log:
        assert len(registry.find_job_files()) == 0
        assert "No jobs" in log.out

    assert op.exists(op.join(path, "ok"))
Example #5
def test_jobs_auto_fetch_with_query(context):
    path = context["directory"]
    run = context["run_fn"]
    jobs = context["jobs_fn"]
    registry = context["registry"]

    run(command=["touch", "ok"], outputs=["ok"], resref="myshell")

    jobfiles = registry.find_job_files()
    assert len(jobfiles) == 1
    jobid = list(jobfiles.keys())[0]
    with swallow_outputs():
    assert len(registry.find_job_files()) == 0
    assert op.exists(op.join(path, "ok"))
Example #6
def test_recursive_transfer(context):
    run = context["run_fn"]
    path = context["directory"]
    jobs = context["jobs_fn"]

    # Our script takes an inventory of the execute directory so we can be
    # sure that all of the files have transferred.  It then creates a tree
    # that we verify is returned.

        path, {
            "find . > out_file ; mkdir out_dir ; touch out_dir/subfile",
            "in_dir": {
                "subfile": ""

    with swallow_outputs() as output:
        run(command=["sh", "-e", "script"],
            inputs=["script", "in_dir"],
            outputs=["out_file", "out_dir"],
        try_fetch(lambda: jobs(queries=[], action="fetch", all_=True))
        assert op.exists(op.join(path, "out_file"))
        with open(op.join(path, "out_file")) as fo:
            lines = [line.strip() for line in fo]
        assert "./in_dir/subfile" in lines
        assert op.exists(op.join(path, "out_dir", "subfile"))
Example #7
def test_jobs_ambig_id_match(context):
    run = context["run_fn"]
    jobs = context["jobs_fn"]
    registry = context["registry"]

    run(command=["doesntmatter0"], resref="myshell")
    run(command=["doesntmatter1"], resref="myshell")

    jobfiles = registry.find_job_files()
    assert len(jobfiles) == 2
    jobid0, jobid1 = jobfiles.keys()

    # Start of ID is year, so first characters should be the same.
    assert jobid0[0] == jobid1[0], "test assumption is wrong"

    with pytest.raises(ValueError) as exc:
        jobs(queries=[jobid0[0], jobid1[0]])
    assert "matches multiple jobs" in str(exc.value)
Example #8
def test_jobs_delete(context):
    path = context["directory"]
    run = context["run_fn"]
    jobs = context["jobs_fn"]
    registry = context["registry"]

    run(command=["touch", "ok"], outputs=["ok"], resref="myshell")

    # Must explicit specify jobs to delete.
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        jobs(queries=[], action="delete")

    jobfiles = registry.find_job_files()
    assert len(jobfiles) == 1
    jobid = list(jobfiles.keys())[0]
    with swallow_outputs():
        jobs(queries=[jobid[3:]], action="delete")
    assert len(registry.find_job_files()) == 0
    assert not op.exists(op.join(path, "ok"))
Example #9
def test_jobs_orc_error(context):
    run = context["run_fn"]
    jobs = context["jobs_fn"]
    registry = context["registry"]

    run(command=["doesntmatter1"], resref="myshell")

    jobfiles = registry.find_job_files()
    assert len(jobfiles) == 1

    with swallow_outputs() as output:
        with swallow_logs(new_level=logging.ERROR) as log:
            def die_orc(*args, **kwargs):
                raise OrchestratorError("resurrection failed")

            with patch("reproman.interface.jobs.show_oneline",
                jobs(queries=[], status=True)
            assert "myshell" not in output.out
            assert "resurrection failed" in log.out
Example #10
def test_run_and_fetch(context):
    path = context["directory"]
    run = context["run_fn"]
    jobs = context["jobs_fn"]
    registry = context["registry"]

                    "js0.yaml": ("resource_name: myshell\n"
                                 "command_str: 'touch ok'\n"
                                 "outputs: ['ok']")


    with swallow_logs(new_level=logging.INFO) as log:
        with swallow_outputs() as output:
            jobs(queries=[], status=True)
            assert "myshell" in output.out
            assert len(registry.find_job_files()) == 1
            jobs(queries=[], action="fetch", all_=True)
            assert len(registry.find_job_files()) == 0
            jobs(queries=[], status=True)
            assert "No jobs" in log.out

    assert op.exists(op.join(path, "ok"))
Example #11
def test_jobs_deleted_resource(context):
    run = context["run_fn"]
    jobs = context["jobs_fn"]
    registry = context["registry"]
    resman = context["resource_manager"]

    resman.create("todelete", resource_type="shell")

    run(command=["doesntmatter0"], resref="todelete")
    run(command=["doesntmatter1"], resref="myshell")


    jobfiles = registry.find_job_files()
    assert len(jobfiles) == 2

    with swallow_outputs() as output:
        with swallow_logs(new_level=logging.ERROR) as log:
            jobs(queries=[], status=True)
            assert "todelete" in log.out
            # The deleted resource won't be there
            assert "todelete" not in output.out
            # ... but the alive one will.
            assert "myshell" in output.out
Example #12
def test_jobs_unknown_action(context):
    run = context["run_fn"]
    jobs = context["jobs_fn"]
    run(command=["doesntmatter"], resref="myshell")
    with pytest.raises(RuntimeError):
        jobs(queries=[], action="you don't know me")
Example #13
 def jobs_fn(*args, **kwargs):
     with patch("reproman.interface.jobs.get_manager",
         with patch("reproman.interface.jobs.LREG", registry):
             return jobs(*args, **kwargs)