Example #1
def showfiles(args):
    """Writes out the input and output files.

    Works both for a pack file and for an extracted directory.
    pack = Path(args.pack[0])

    if not pack.exists():
        logging.critical("Pack or directory %s does not exist", pack)

    if pack.is_dir():
        # Reads info from an unpacked directory
        runs, packages, other_files = load_config_file(pack / 'config.yml',
        # The '.reprounzip' file is a pickled dictionary, it contains the name
        # of the files that replaced each input file (if upload was used)
        with pack.open('rb', '.reprounzip') as fp:
            unpacked_info = pickle.load(fp)
        input_files = unpacked_info.get('input_files', {})

        print("Input files:")
        for i, run in enumerate(runs):
            if len(runs) > 1:
                print("  Run %d:" % i)
            for input_name, path in iteritems(run['input_files']):
                print("    %s (%s)" % (input_name, path))
                if input_files.get(input_name) is not None:
                    assigned = PosixPath(input_files[input_name])
                    assigned = "(original)"
                print("      %s" % assigned)

        print("Output files:")
        for i, run in enumerate(runs):
            if len(runs) > 1:
                print("  Run %d:" % i)
            for output_name, path in iteritems(run['output_files']):
                print("    %s (%s)" % (output_name, path))

    else:  # pack.is_file()
        # Reads info from a pack file
        runs, packages, other_files = load_config(pack)

        print("Input files:")
        for i, run in enumerate(runs):
            if len(runs) > 1:
                print("  Run %d:" % i)
            for input_name, path in iteritems(run['input_files']):
                print("    %s (%s)" % (input_name, path))

        print("Output files:")
        for i, run in enumerate(runs):
            if len(runs) > 1:
                print("  Run %d:" % i)
            for output_name, path in iteritems(run['output_files']):
                print("    %s (%s)" % (output_name, path))
Example #2
def showfiles(args):
    """Writes out the input and output files.

    Works both for a pack file and for an extracted directory.
    pack = Path(args.pack[0])

    if not pack.exists():
        logging.critical("Pack or directory %s does not exist", pack)

    if pack.is_dir():
        # Reads info from an unpacked directory
        config = load_config_file(pack / 'config.yml',
        # The '.reprounzip' file is a pickled dictionary, it contains the name
        # of the files that replaced each input file (if upload was used)
        with pack.open('rb', '.reprounzip') as fp:
            unpacked_info = pickle.load(fp)
        assigned_input_files = unpacked_info.get('input_files', {})

        print("Input files:")
        for input_name, f in iteritems(config.inputs_outputs):
            if not f.read_runs:
            print("    %s (%s)" % (input_name, f.path))
            if assigned_input_files.get(input_name) is not None:
                assigned = assigned_input_files[input_name]
                assigned = "(original)"
            print("      %s" % assigned)

        print("Output files:")
        for output_name, f in iteritems(config.inputs_outputs):
            if f.write_runs:
                print("    %s (%s)" % (output_name, f.path))

    else:  # pack.is_file()
        # Reads info from a pack file
        config = load_config(pack)

        print("Input files:")
        for input_name, f in iteritems(config.inputs_outputs):
            if f.read_runs:
                print("    %s (%s)" % (input_name, f.path))

        print("Output files:")
        for output_name, f in iteritems(config.inputs_outputs):
            if f.write_runs:
                print("    %s (%s)" % (output_name, f.path))
Example #3
def installpkgs(args):
    """Installs the necessary packages on the current machine.
        logger.critical("Not running on Linux")

    pack = args.pack[0]
    missing = args.missing

    # Loads config
    runs, packages, other_files = load_config(pack)

        installer = select_installer(pack, runs)
    except CantFindInstaller as e:
        logger.error("Couldn't select a package installer: %s", e)

    if args.summary:
        # Print out a list of packages with their status
        if missing:
            print("Packages not present in pack:")
            packages = [pkg for pkg in packages if not pkg.packfiles]
            print("All packages:")
        pkgs = installer.get_packages_info(packages)
        for pkg in packages:
            print("    %s (required version: %s, status: %s)" %
                  (pkg.name, pkg.version, pkgs[pkg.name][1]))
        if missing:
            # With --missing, ignore packages whose files were packed
            packages = [pkg for pkg in packages if not pkg.packfiles]

        # Installs packages
        r, pkgs = installer.install(packages, assume_yes=args.assume_yes)
        for pkg in packages:
            req = pkg.version
            real = pkgs[pkg.name][1]
            if real == PKG_NOT_INSTALLED:
                logger.warning("package %s was not installed", pkg.name)
                    "version %s of %s was installed, instead of "
                    "%s", real, pkg.name, req)
        if r != 0:
            logger.critical("Installer exited with %d", r)
Example #4
def installpkgs(args):
    """Installs the necessary packages on the current machine.
        logging.critical("Not running on Linux")

    pack = args.pack[0]
    missing = args.missing

    # Loads config
    runs, packages, other_files = load_config(pack)

        installer = select_installer(pack, runs)
    except CantFindInstaller as e:
        logging.error("Couldn't select a package installer: %s", e)

    if args.summary:
        # Print out a list of packages with their status
        if missing:
            print("Packages not present in pack:")
            packages = [pkg for pkg in packages if not pkg.packfiles]
            print("All packages:")
        pkgs = installer.get_packages_info(packages)
        for pkg in packages:
            print("    %s (required version: %s, status: %s)" % (
                  pkg.name, pkg.version, pkgs[pkg.name][1]))
        if missing:
            # With --missing, ignore packages whose files were packed
            packages = [pkg for pkg in packages if not pkg.packfiles]

        # Installs packages
        r, pkgs = installer.install(packages, assume_yes=args.assume_yes)
        for pkg in packages:
            req = pkg.version
            real = pkgs[pkg.name][1]
            if real == PKG_NOT_INSTALLED:
                logging.warning("package %s was not installed", pkg.name)
                logging.warning("version %s of %s was installed, instead of "
                                "%s", real, pkg.name, req)
        if r != 0:
            logging.critical("Installer exited with %d", r)
Example #5
def get_package_info(pack, read_data=False):
    """Get information about a package.
    runs, packages, other_files = config = load_config(pack)
    inputs_outputs = config.inputs_outputs

    information = {}

    if read_data:
        total_size = 0
        total_paths = 0
        files = 0
        dirs = 0
        symlinks = 0
        hardlinks = 0
        others = 0

        rpz_pack = RPZPack(pack)
        for m in rpz_pack.list_data():
            total_size += m.size
            total_paths += 1
            if m.isfile():
                files += 1
            elif m.isdir():
                dirs += 1
            elif m.issym():
                symlinks += 1
            elif hasattr(m, 'islnk') and m.islnk():
                hardlinks += 1
                others += 1

        information['pack'] = {
            'total_size': total_size,
            'total_paths': total_paths,
            'files': files,
            'dirs': dirs,
            'symlinks': symlinks,
            'hardlinks': hardlinks,
            'others': others,

    total_paths = 0
    packed_packages_files = 0
    unpacked_packages_files = 0
    packed_packages = 0
    for package in packages:
        nb = len(package.files)
        total_paths += nb
        if package.packfiles:
            packed_packages_files += nb
            packed_packages += 1
            unpacked_packages_files += nb
    nb = len(other_files)
    total_paths += nb

    information['meta'] = {
        'total_paths': total_paths,
        'packed_packages_files': packed_packages_files,
        'unpacked_packages_files': unpacked_packages_files,
        'packages': len(packages),
        'packed_packages': packed_packages,
        'packed_paths': packed_packages_files + nb,

    if runs:
        architecture = runs[0]['architecture']
        if any(r['architecture'] != architecture for r in runs):
            logger.warning("Runs have different architectures")
        information['meta']['architecture'] = architecture
        distribution = runs[0]['distribution']
        if any(r['distribution'] != distribution for r in runs):
            logger.warning("Runs have different distributions")
        information['meta']['distribution'] = distribution

        information['runs'] = [
            dict((k, run[k]) for k in [
                'id', 'binary', 'argv', 'environ', 'workingdir', 'signal',
            ] if k in run) for run in runs

    information['inputs_outputs'] = {
        name: {
            'path': str(iofile.path),
            'read_runs': iofile.read_runs,
            'write_runs': iofile.write_runs
        for name, iofile in inputs_outputs.items()

    # Unpacker compatibility
    unpacker_status = {}
    for name, upk in unpackers.items():
        if 'test_compatibility' in upk:
            compat = upk['test_compatibility']
            if callable(compat):
                compat = compat(pack, config=config)
            if isinstance(compat, (tuple, list)):
                compat, msg = compat
                msg = None
            unpacker_status.setdefault(compat, []).append((name, msg))
            unpacker_status.setdefault(None, []).append((name, None))
    information['unpacker_status'] = unpacker_status

    return information
Example #6
def showfiles(args):
    """Writes out the input and output files.

    Works both for a pack file and for an extracted directory.
    def parse_run(runs, s):
        for i, run in enumerate(runs):
            if run['id'] == s:
                return i
            r = int(s)
        except ValueError:
            logger.critical("Error: Unknown run %s", s)
            raise UsageError
        if r < 0 or r >= len(runs):
            logger.critical("Error: Expected 0 <= run <= %d, got %d",
                            len(runs) - 1, r)
        return r

    show_inputs = args.input or not args.output
    show_outputs = args.output or not args.input

    def file_filter(fio):
        if file_filter.run is None:
            return ((show_inputs and fio.read_runs)
                    or (show_outputs and fio.write_runs))
            return ((show_inputs and file_filter.run in fio.read_runs)
                    or (show_outputs and file_filter.run in fio.write_runs))

    file_filter.run = None

    pack = Path(args.pack[0])

    if not pack.exists():
        logger.critical("Pack or directory %s does not exist", pack)

    if pack.is_dir():
        # Reads info from an unpacked directory
        config = load_config_file(pack / 'config.yml', canonical=True)

        # Filter files by run
        if args.run is not None:
            file_filter.run = parse_run(config.runs, args.run)

        # The '.reprounzip' file is a pickled dictionary, it contains the name
        # of the files that replaced each input file (if upload was used)
        unpacked_info = metadata_read(pack, None)
        assigned_input_files = unpacked_info.get('input_files', {})

        if show_inputs:
            shown = False
            for input_name, f in sorted(config.inputs_outputs.items()):
                if f.read_runs and file_filter(f):
                    if not shown:
                        print("Input files:")
                        shown = True
                    if args.verbosity >= 2:
                        print("    %s (%s)" % (input_name, f.path))
                        print("    %s" % input_name)

                    assigned = assigned_input_files.get(input_name)
                    if assigned is None:
                        assigned = "(original)"
                    elif assigned is False:
                        assigned = "(not created)"
                    elif assigned is True:
                        assigned = "(generated)"
                        assert isinstance(assigned, (bytes, str))
                    print("      %s" % assigned)
            if not shown:
                print("Input files: none")

        if show_outputs:
            shown = False
            for output_name, f in sorted(config.inputs_outputs.items()):
                if f.write_runs and file_filter(f):
                    if not shown:
                        print("Output files:")
                        shown = True
                    if args.verbosity >= 2:
                        print("    %s (%s)" % (output_name, f.path))
                        print("    %s" % output_name)
            if not shown:
                print("Output files: none")

    else:  # pack.is_file()
        # Reads info from a pack file
        config = load_config(pack)

        # Filter files by run
        if args.run is not None:
            file_filter.run = parse_run(config.runs, args.run)

        if any(f.read_runs for f in config.inputs_outputs.values()):
            print("Input files:")
            for input_name, f in sorted(config.inputs_outputs.items()):
                if f.read_runs and file_filter(f):
                    if args.verbosity >= 2:
                        print("    %s (%s)" % (input_name, f.path))
                        print("    %s" % input_name)
            print("Input files: none")

        if any(f.write_runs for f in config.inputs_outputs.values()):
            print("Output files:")
            for output_name, f in sorted(config.inputs_outputs.items()):
                if f.write_runs and file_filter(f):
                    if args.verbosity >= 2:
                        print("    %s (%s)" % (output_name, f.path))
                        print("    %s" % output_name)
            print("Output files: none")
Example #7
def print_info(args):
    """Writes out some information about a pack file.
    pack = Path(args.pack[0])

    # Loads config
    runs, packages, other_files = config = load_config(pack)
    inputs_outputs = config.inputs_outputs

    pack_total_size = 0
    pack_total_paths = 0
    pack_files = 0
    pack_dirs = 0
    pack_symlinks = 0
    pack_others = 0
    rpz_pack = RPZPack(pack)
    for m in rpz_pack.list_data():
        pack_total_size += m.size
        pack_total_paths += 1
        if m.isfile():
            pack_files += 1
        elif m.isdir():
            pack_dirs += 1
        elif m.issym():
            pack_symlinks += 1
            pack_others += 1

    meta_total_paths = 0
    meta_packed_packages_files = 0
    meta_unpacked_packages_files = 0
    meta_packages = len(packages)
    meta_packed_packages = 0
    for package in packages:
        nb = len(package.files)
        meta_total_paths += nb
        if package.packfiles:
            meta_packed_packages_files += nb
            meta_packed_packages += 1
            meta_unpacked_packages_files += nb
    nb = len(other_files)
    meta_total_paths += nb
    meta_packed_paths = meta_packed_packages_files + nb

    if runs:
        meta_architecture = runs[0]['architecture']
        if any(r['architecture'] != meta_architecture
               for r in runs):
            logging.warning("Runs have different architectures")
        meta_distribution = runs[0]['distribution']
        if any(r['distribution'] != meta_distribution
               for r in runs):
            logging.warning("Runs have different distributions")
        meta_distribution = ' '.join(t for t in meta_distribution if t)

    current_architecture = platform.machine().lower()
    current_distribution = platform.linux_distribution()[0:2]
    current_distribution = ' '.join(t for t in current_distribution if t)

    print("Pack file: %s" % pack)
    print("\n----- Pack information -----")
    print("Compressed size: %s" % hsize(pack.size()))
    print("Unpacked size: %s" % hsize(pack_total_size))
    print("Total packed paths: %d" % pack_total_paths)
    if args.verbosity >= 3:
        print("    Files: %d" % pack_files)
        print("    Directories: %d" % pack_dirs)
        print("    Symbolic links: %d" % pack_symlinks)
    if pack_others:
        print("    Unknown (what!?): %d" % pack_others)
    print("\n----- Metadata -----")
    if args.verbosity >= 3:
        print("Total paths: %d" % meta_total_paths)
        print("Listed packed paths: %d" % meta_packed_paths)
    if packages:
        print("Total software packages: %d" % meta_packages)
        print("Packed software packages: %d" % meta_packed_packages)
        if args.verbosity >= 3:
            print("Files from packed software packages: %d" %
            print("Files from unpacked software packages: %d" %
    if runs:
        print("Architecture: %s (current: %s)" % (meta_architecture,
        print("Distribution: %s (current: %s)" % (
              meta_distribution, current_distribution or "(not Linux)"))
        print("Executions (%d):" % len(runs))
        for i, run in enumerate(runs):
            cmdline = ' '.join(shell_escape(a) for a in run['argv'])
            if len(runs) > 1:
                print("    %d: %s" % (i, cmdline))
                print("    %s" % cmdline)
            if args.verbosity >= 2:
                print("        wd: %s" % run['workingdir'])
                if 'signal' in run:
                    print("        signal: %d" % run['signal'])
                    print("        exitcode: %d" % run['exitcode'])

    if inputs_outputs:
        if args.verbosity < 2:
            print("Inputs/outputs files (%d) :%s" % (
                  len(inputs_outputs), ", ".join(inputs_outputs)))
            print("Inputs/outputs files (%d):" % len(inputs_outputs))
            for name, f in iteritems(inputs_outputs):
                t = []
                if f.read_runs:
                if f.write_runs:
                print("    %s (%s): %s" % (name, ' '.join(t), f.path))

    # Unpacker compatibility
    print("\n----- Unpackers -----")
    unpacker_status = {}
    for name, upk in iteritems(unpackers):
        if 'test_compatibility' in upk:
            compat = upk['test_compatibility']
            if callable(compat):
                compat = compat(pack, config=config)
            if isinstance(compat, (tuple, list)):
                compat, msg = compat
                msg = None
            unpacker_status.setdefault(compat, []).append((name, msg))
            unpacker_status.setdefault(None, []).append((name, None))
    for s, n in [(COMPAT_OK, "Compatible"), (COMPAT_MAYBE, "Unknown"),
                 (COMPAT_NO, "Incompatible")]:
        if s != COMPAT_OK and args.verbosity < 2:
        if s not in unpacker_status:
        upks = unpacker_status[s]
        print("%s (%d):" % (n, len(upks)))
        for upk_name, msg in upks:
            if msg is not None:
                print("    %s (%s)" % (upk_name, msg))
                print("    %s" % upk_name)
Example #8
def showfiles(args):
    """Writes out the input and output files.

    Works both for a pack file and for an extracted directory.
    def parse_run(runs, s):
        for i, run in enumerate(runs):
            if run['id'] == s:
                return i
            r = int(s)
        except ValueError:
            logging.critical("Error: Unknown run %s", s)
            raise UsageError
        if r < 0 or r >= len(runs):
            logging.critical("Error: Expected 0 <= run <= %d, got %d",
                             len(runs) - 1, r)
        return r

    show_inputs = args.input or not args.output
    show_outputs = args.output or not args.input

    def file_filter(fio):
        if file_filter.run is None:
            return ((show_inputs and fio.read_runs) or
                    (show_outputs and fio.write_runs))
            return ((show_inputs and file_filter.run in fio.read_runs) or
                    (show_outputs and file_filter.run in fio.write_runs))

    file_filter.run = None

    pack = Path(args.pack[0])

    if not pack.exists():
        logging.critical("Pack or directory %s does not exist", pack)

    if pack.is_dir():
        # Reads info from an unpacked directory
        config = load_config_file(pack / 'config.yml',

        # Filter files by run
        if args.run is not None:
            file_filter.run = parse_run(config.runs, args.run)

        # The '.reprounzip' file is a pickled dictionary, it contains the name
        # of the files that replaced each input file (if upload was used)
        unpacked_info = metadata_read(pack, None)
        assigned_input_files = unpacked_info.get('input_files', {})

        if show_inputs:
            shown = False
            for input_name, f in sorted(iteritems(config.inputs_outputs)):
                if f.read_runs and file_filter(f):
                    if not shown:
                        print("Input files:")
                        shown = True
                    if args.verbosity >= 2:
                        print("    %s (%s)" % (input_name, f.path))
                        print("    %s" % input_name)

                    assigned = assigned_input_files.get(input_name)
                    if assigned is None:
                        assigned = "(original)"
                    elif assigned is False:
                        assigned = "(not created)"
                    elif assigned is True:
                        assigned = "(generated)"
                        assert isinstance(assigned, (bytes, unicode_))
                    print("      %s" % assigned)
            if not shown:
                print("Input files: none")

        if show_outputs:
            shown = False
            for output_name, f in sorted(iteritems(config.inputs_outputs)):
                if f.write_runs and file_filter(f):
                    if not shown:
                        print("Output files:")
                        shown = True
                    if args.verbosity >= 2:
                        print("    %s (%s)" % (output_name, f.path))
                        print("    %s" % output_name)
            if not shown:
                print("Output files: none")

    else:  # pack.is_file()
        # Reads info from a pack file
        config = load_config(pack)

        # Filter files by run
        if args.run is not None:
            file_filter.run = parse_run(config.runs, args.run)

        if any(f.read_runs for f in itervalues(config.inputs_outputs)):
            print("Input files:")
            for input_name, f in sorted(iteritems(config.inputs_outputs)):
                if f.read_runs and file_filter(f):
                    if args.verbosity >= 2:
                        print("    %s (%s)" % (input_name, f.path))
                        print("    %s" % input_name)
            print("Input files: none")

        if any(f.write_runs for f in itervalues(config.inputs_outputs)):
            print("Output files:")
            for output_name, f in sorted(iteritems(config.inputs_outputs)):
                if f.write_runs and file_filter(f):
                    if args.verbosity >= 2:
                        print("    %s (%s)" % (output_name, f.path))
                        print("    %s" % output_name)
            print("Output files: none")
Example #9
def get_package_info(pack, read_data=False):
    """Get information about a package.
    runs, packages, other_files = config = load_config(pack)
    inputs_outputs = config.inputs_outputs

    information = {}

    if read_data:
        total_size = 0
        total_paths = 0
        files = 0
        dirs = 0
        symlinks = 0
        hardlinks = 0
        others = 0

        rpz_pack = RPZPack(pack)
        for m in rpz_pack.list_data():
            total_size += m.size
            total_paths += 1
            if m.isfile():
                files += 1
            elif m.isdir():
                dirs += 1
            elif m.issym():
                symlinks += 1
            elif hasattr(m, 'islnk') and m.islnk():
                hardlinks += 1
                others += 1

        information['pack'] = {
            'total_size': total_size,
            'total_paths': total_paths,
            'files': files,
            'dirs': dirs,
            'symlinks': symlinks,
            'hardlinks': hardlinks,
            'others': others,

    total_paths = 0
    packed_packages_files = 0
    unpacked_packages_files = 0
    packed_packages = 0
    for package in packages:
        nb = len(package.files)
        total_paths += nb
        if package.packfiles:
            packed_packages_files += nb
            packed_packages += 1
            unpacked_packages_files += nb
    nb = len(other_files)
    total_paths += nb

    information['meta'] = {
        'total_paths': total_paths,
        'packed_packages_files': packed_packages_files,
        'unpacked_packages_files': unpacked_packages_files,
        'packages': len(packages),
        'packed_packages': packed_packages,
        'packed_paths': packed_packages_files + nb,

    if runs:
        architecture = runs[0]['architecture']
        if any(r['architecture'] != architecture
               for r in runs):
            logger.warning("Runs have different architectures")
        information['meta']['architecture'] = architecture
        distribution = runs[0]['distribution']
        if any(r['distribution'] != distribution
               for r in runs):
            logger.warning("Runs have different distributions")
        information['meta']['distribution'] = distribution

        information['runs'] = [
            dict((k, run[k])
                 for k in ['id', 'binary', 'argv', 'environ',
                           'workingdir', 'signal', 'exitcode']
                 if k in run)
            for run in runs]

    information['inputs_outputs'] = {
        name: {'path': str(iofile.path),
               'read_runs': iofile.read_runs,
               'write_runs': iofile.write_runs}
        for name, iofile in iteritems(inputs_outputs)}

    # Unpacker compatibility
    unpacker_status = {}
    for name, upk in iteritems(unpackers):
        if 'test_compatibility' in upk:
            compat = upk['test_compatibility']
            if callable(compat):
                compat = compat(pack, config=config)
            if isinstance(compat, (tuple, list)):
                compat, msg = compat
                msg = None
            unpacker_status.setdefault(compat, []).append((name, msg))
            unpacker_status.setdefault(None, []).append((name, None))
    information['unpacker_status'] = unpacker_status

    return information