Example #1
 def _send_request_safe_mode(self, method, url, **kwargs):
     Send an HTTP request, and catch any exception that might occur due to connection problems.
     This is equivalent of python-requests' safe_mode, which due to a bug, does currently *not*
     work together with Sessions. Once the issue is fixed in python-requests, this method should 
     be removed. See: https://github.com/kennethreitz/requests/issues/888
         return super(HttpSession, self).request(method, url, **kwargs)
     except (RequestException, ConnectionError, HTTPError,
             socket.timeout, socket.gaierror) as e:
         r = Response()
         r.error = e
         r.raw = HTTPResponse()  # otherwise, tests fail
         r.status_code = 0  # with this status_code, content returns None
         return r
Example #2
 def _send_request_safe_mode(self, method, url, **kwargs):
     Send an HTTP request, and catch any exception that might occur due to connection problems.
     This is equivalent of python-requests' safe_mode, which due to a bug, does currently *not*
     work together with Sessions. Once the issue is fixed in python-requests, this method should 
     be removed. See: https://github.com/kennethreitz/requests/issues/888
         return super(HttpSession, self).request(method, url, **kwargs)
     except (MissingSchema, InvalidSchema, InvalidURL):
     except (RequestException, ConnectionError, HTTPError, socket.timeout,
             socket.gaierror) as e:
         r = Response()
         r.error = e
         r.raw = HTTPResponse()  # otherwise, tests fail
         r.status_code = 0  # with this status_code, content returns None
         return r