Example #1
 def test_query(self):
     all_result = graphql_query_resources(self.client)
     assert not R.has('errors', all_result), R.dump_json(R.prop('errors', all_result))
     results = graphql_query_resources(self.client, dict(name='String'), variable_values=dict(name='Minerals'))
     # Check against errors
     assert not R.has('errors', results), R.dump_json(R.prop('errors', results))
     assert 1 == R.length(R.item_path(['data', 'resources'], results))
def quiz_model_query(client,
        Tests a query for a model with variables that produce exactly one result
    :param client: Apollo client
    :param model_query_function: Query function expecting the client and variables
    :param result_name: The name of the result object in the data object
    :param variables: key value variables for the query
    :param expect_length: Default 1. Optional number items to expect
    :return: returns the result for further assertions
    all_result = model_query_function(client)
    assert not R.has('errors', all_result), R.dump_json(
        R.map(lambda e: format_error(e), R.prop('errors', all_result)))
    result = model_query_function(client, variables=variables)
    # Check against errors
    assert not R.has('errors', result), R.dump_json(
        R.map(lambda e: format_error(e), R.prop('errors', result)))
    # Simple assertion that the query looks good
    assert expect_length == R.length(R.item_path(['data', result_name],
    return result
Example #3
 def test_query_foo_with_null_geojson(self):
     # Query using for foos based on the related User
     foo_results = graphql_query_foos(self.client,
     assert not R.prop('errors', foo_results), R.dump_json(R.map(lambda e: format_error(e), R.prop('errors', foo_results)))
     assert 1 == R.length(R.map(R.omit_deep(omit_props), R.item_path(['data', 'foos'], foo_results)))
def validate_and_mutate_scope_instances(scope_instances_config, data):
        Inspect the data and find all scope instances within data
        For UserState, for instance, this includes userRegions[*].region, userProject[*].project and within
        userRegions and userProjects userSearch.userSearchLocations[*].search_location and whatever the implementing
        libraries define in addition
    :param scope_instances_config: See user_state_schema.user_state_scope_instances_config for an example
    :param data: The instance data field containing the scope instances
    :return: The updated data with scope instances possibly created/updated if allowed. If creates occur
    then the scope instance will now have an id. Otherwise no changes are visible

    validated_scope_objs_instances_and_ids_sets = R.map(
        lambda scope_instance_config: find_scope_instances(
            scope_instance_config, data), scope_instances_config)

    # Some scope instances can be created or modified when embedded in the data. This helps
    # make mutation of the instance, such as UserState,
    # a one step process, so that new Projects, SearchLocations, etc. can
    # be created without having to call mutation for them separately ahead of times, which would create
    # a series of mutations that weren't failure-protected as a single transaction
    for i, validated_scope_objs_instances_and_ids in enumerate(
        scope = R.merge(

        # If any scope instances with an id specified in new_data don't exist, throw an error
        if R.length(validated_scope_objs_instances_and_ids['scope_ids']
                    ) != R.length(
            ids = R.join(', ',
            instances_string = R.join(
                ', ',
                R.map(lambda instance: str(instance),
            raise Exception(
                f"For scope {dumps(scope)} Some scope ids among ids:[{ids}] being saved in user state do not exist. Found the following instances in the database: {instances_string or 'None'}. UserState.data is {dumps(data)}"

        # Create/Update any scope instances that permit it
        model = scope_instances_config[i]['model']
        data = handle_can_mutate_related(
            model, scope, data, validated_scope_objs_instances_and_ids)
    return data
Example #5
    def resolve(self, next, root, info, **args):
        result = next(root, info, **args)
        if is_thenable(result):
            # Top level only
            if R.length(info.path) == 1:
                result.then(lambda response: log_request_body(info, response))

        return result
Example #6
    def test_query(self):
        user_results = graphql_query_users(self.client)
        format_error(R.prop('errors', user_results)[0])
        assert not R.prop('errors', user_results), R.dump_json(R.map(lambda e: format_error(e), R.prop('errors', user_results)))
        assert 2 == R.length(R.map(R.omit_deep(omit_props), R.item_path(['data', 'users'], user_results)))

        # Query using for foos based on the related User
        foo_results = graphql_query_foos(
                user=R.pick(['id'], self.lion.__dict__),
                # Test filters
        assert not R.prop('errors', foo_results), R.dump_json(R.map(lambda e: format_error(e), R.prop('errors', foo_results)))
        assert 1 == R.length(R.map(R.omit_deep(omit_props), R.item_path(['data', 'foos'], foo_results)))
        # Make sure the Django instance in the json blob was resolved
        assert self.cat.id == R.item_path(['data', 'foos', 0, 'data', 'friend', 'id'], foo_results)
Example #7
            def fetch_and_merge(modified_user_state_data, props):
                existing = UserState.objects.filter(**props)
                # If the user doesn't have a user state yet
                if not R.length(existing):
                    return modified_user_state_data

                return merge_data_fields_on_update(
                    # Merge existing's id in case it wasn't in user_state_data
                    R.merge(modified_user_state_data, R.pick(['id'], existing))
Example #8
def create_sample_projects(cls, users, regions):
        Create sample projects
    :param cls: The Project class
    :param users: Users to own the projects
    :param regions: Assign a region to each project
    # Convert all sample project dicts to persisted Project instances
    # Give each reach an owner
    return R.map(
        lambda kv: create_sample_project(cls, regions[R.modulo(kv[0], R.length(regions))], kv[1]),
def find_scope_instances(user_state_scope, new_data):
        Retrieve the scope instances to verify the Ids.
        Scope instances must have ids unless they are allowed to be created/updated
        during the userState mutation (such as searchLocations)
    :param new_data: The data to search
    :param user_state_scope Dict with 'pick' in the shape of the instances we are looking for in new_data,
    e.g. dict(userRegions={region: True}) to search new_data.userRegions[] for all occurrences of {region:...}
     and 'key' which indicates the actually key of the instance (e.g. 'region' for regions)
    :return: dict(
        instances=Instances actually in the database,
    def until(key, value):
        return key != R.prop('key', user_state_scope)

    return R.compose(
        lambda scope_dict: dict(
            # See which instances with ids are actually in the database
            # If any are missing we have an invalid update or need to create those instances if permitted
                find_scope_instances_by_id(R.prop('model', user_state_scope),
            # The path from userRegions or userProjects to the scope instances, used to replace
            # a null update value with the existing values
            user_scope_path=list(R.keys(R.flatten_dct(user_state_scope, '.')))[
        lambda scope_objs: dict(
            # Unique by id or accept if there is no id, this loses data, but it's just for validation
                lambda obj: R.prop_or(str(now()), 'id', obj['value']),
                        lambda scope_obj: R.prop_or(None, 'id', scope_obj[
                            'value']), scope_objs)))),
        # Use the pick key property to find the scope instances in the data
        # If we don't match anything we can get null or an empty item. Filter/compact these out
        R.filter(lambda obj: obj['value'] and (not isinstance(
            obj['value'], list) or R.length(obj['value']) != 0)),
        R.map(lambda pair: dict(key=pair[0], value=pair[1])),
        lambda flattened_data: R.to_pairs(flattened_data),
        lambda data: R.flatten_dct_until(
            R.pick_deep_all_array_items(R.prop('pick', user_state_scope), data
                                        ), until, '.'))(new_data)
    def process_stage(stage, i):
        # Get the current stage as the source if there are any in nodes_by_stage
        sources = R.prop_or(None, R.prop('key', stage), nodes_by_stages)
        if not sources:
            return []
        # Iterate through the stages until one with nodes is found
        target_stage = None
            target_stage = R.find(
                # Try to find nodes matching this potential target stage. There might not be any
                lambda stage: nodes_by_stages[R.prop('key', stage)]
                if R.has(R.prop('key', stage), nodes_by_stages) else None,
                stages[i + 1:R.length(stages)])
        except ValueError:
            # It's coo, find errors if none is found. We really need R.first

        # If no more stages contain nodes, we're done
        if not target_stage:
            return []
        targets = nodes_by_stages[R.prop('key', target_stage)]

        def prop_lookup(node, prop):
            return R.prop(
                prop, dict(zip(node['properties'], node['property_values'])))

        # Create the link with the source_node and target_node. Later we'll add
        # in source and target that points to the nodes overall index in the graph,
        # but we don't want to compute the overall indices yet
        return R.chain(
            lambda source: R.map(
                lambda target: dict(source_node=source,
                                        prop_lookup(source, value_key))),
                targets), sources)
def handle_can_mutate_related(model, related_model_scope_config, data,
        Mutates the given related models of an instance if permitted
        See rescape-region's UserState for a working usage
    :param model: The related model
    :param related_model_scope_config: Configuration of the related model relative to the referencing instance
    :param data: The data containing thphee related models dicts to possibly mutate with
    :param validated_scope_objs_instances_and_ids: Config of the related objects that have been validated as
    existing in the database for objects not being created
    :return: Possibly mutates instances, returns data with newly created ids set
    def make_fields_unique_if_needed(scope_obj):
        # If a field needs to be unique, like a key, call it's unique_with method
        return R.map_with_obj(
            lambda key, value: R.item_str_path_or(
                R.identity, f'field_config.{key}.unique_with',
                related_model_scope_config)(scope_obj), scope_obj)

    def convert_foreign_key_to_id(scope_obj):
        # Find ForeignKey attributes and map the class field name to the foreign key id field
        # E.g. region to region_id, user to user_id, etc
        converters = R.compose(
            R.from_pairs, R.map(lambda field: [field.name, field.attname]),
            R.filter(lambda field: R.isinstance(ForeignKey, field)))(
        # Convert scopo_obj[related_field] = {id: x} to scope_obj[related_field_id] = x
        return R.from_pairs(
                lambda key, value: [converters[key],
                                    R.prop('id', value)]
                if R.has(key, converters) else [key, value], scope_obj))

    def omit_to_many(scope_obj):
        return R.omit(R.map(R.prop('attname'), model._meta.many_to_many),

    # This indicates that scope_objs were submitted that didn't have ids
    # This is allowed if those scope_objs can be created/updated when the userState is mutated
    if R.prop_or(False, 'can_mutate_related', related_model_scope_config):
        for scope_obj_key_value in validated_scope_objs_instances_and_ids[

            scope_obj = scope_obj_key_value['value']
            scope_obj_path = scope_obj_key_value['key']
            if R.length(R.keys(R.omit(['id'], scope_obj))):
                modified_scope_obj = R.compose(
                    convert_foreign_key_to_id, omit_to_many,
                if R.prop_or(False, 'id', scope_obj):
                    # Update, we don't need the result since it's already in user_state.data
                    instance, created = model.objects.update_or_create(
                        defaults=R.omit(['id'], modified_scope_obj),
                        **R.pick(['id'], scope_obj))
                    # Create
                    instance = model(**modified_scope_obj)
                    # We need to replace the object
                    # passed in with an object containing the id of the instance
                    data = R.fake_lens_path_set(scope_obj_path.split('.'),
                                                R.pick(['id'], instance), data)

                for to_many in model._meta.many_to_many:
                    if to_many.attname in R.keys(scope_obj):
                        # Set existing related values to the created/updated instances
                        getattr(instance, to_many.attname).set(
                            R.map(R.prop('id'), scope_obj[to_many.attname]))
    return data