def api_vod_seasons(id): seasons = [] for entry in CONST_VOD_CAPABILITY: sql_query = "SELECT * FROM `{table}` WHERE id='{id}'".format( table=entry['file'], id=id) sql_data = query_epg(query=sql_query, return_result=True, return_insert=False, commit=False) if len(sql_data) > 0: for row in sql_data: sql_seasons = json.loads(row['seasons']) for season in sql_seasons: seasons.append({ 'id': season['id'], 'seriesNumber': season['seriesNumber'], 'description': row['description'], 'image': row['icon'] }) break return {'type': 'seasons', 'seasons': seasons, 'watchlist': id}
def plugin_process_info(playdata): info = { 'label1': '', 'label2': '', 'description': '', 'image': '', 'image_large': '', 'duration': 0, 'credits': [], 'cast': [], 'director': [], 'writer': [], 'genres': [], 'year': '', } if playdata['info']: if check_key(playdata['info'], 'params'): if check_key(playdata['info']['params'], 'start') and check_key( playdata['info']['params'], 'end'): startT = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp( time.mktime( time.strptime(playdata['info']['params']['start'], "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ"))) endT = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp( time.mktime( time.strptime(playdata['info']['params']['end'], "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ"))) info['duration'] = int((endT - startT).total_seconds()) if xbmc.getLanguage(xbmc.ISO_639_1) == 'nl': info[ 'label1'] = '{weekday} {day} {month} {yearhourminute} '.format( weekday=date_to_nl_dag(startT), day=startT.strftime("%d"), month=date_to_nl_maand(startT), yearhourminute=startT.strftime("%Y %H:%M")) else: info['label1'] = startT.strftime( "%A %d %B %Y %H:%M ").capitalize() info['label1'] += " - " if playdata['title']: info['label1'] += playdata['title'] + ' - ' if check_key(playdata['info'], 'title'): info['label1'] += playdata['info']['title'] if check_key(playdata['info'], 'descriptiondescription'): info['description'] = playdata['info']['description'] if check_key(playdata['info'], 'images') and check_key( playdata['info']['images'][0], 'url'): info['image'] = playdata['info']['images'][0]['url'] info['image_large'] = playdata['info']['images'][0]['url'] if check_key(playdata['info'], 'params'): if check_key(playdata['info']['params'], 'credits'): for castmember in playdata['info']['params']['credits']: if castmember['role'] == "Actor": info['cast'].append(castmember['person']) elif castmember['role'] == "Director": info['director'].append(castmember['person']) elif castmember['role'] == "Writer": info['writer'].append(castmember['person']) if check_key(playdata['info']['params'], 'genres'): for genre in playdata['info']['params']['genres']: info['genres'].append(genre['title']) if check_key(playdata['info']['params'], 'duration'): info['duration'] = playdata['info']['params']['duration'] epcode = '' if check_key(playdata['info']['params'], 'seriesSeason'): epcode += 'S' + unicode( playdata['info']['params']['seriesSeason']) if check_key(playdata['info']['params'], 'seriesEpisode'): epcode += 'E' + unicode( playdata['info']['params']['seriesEpisode']) if check_key(playdata['info']['params'], 'episodeTitle'): info['label2'] = playdata['info']['params']['episodeTitle'] if len(epcode) > 0: info['label2'] += " (" + epcode + ")" elif check_key(playdata['info'], 'title'): info['label2'] = playdata['info']['title'] if check_key(playdata['info']['params'], 'channelId'): query = "SELECT name FROM `channels` WHERE id='{channel}'".format( channel=playdata['info']['params']['channelId']) data = query_epg(query=query, return_result=True, return_insert=False, commit=False) if data: for row in data: info['label2'] += " - " + row['name'] return info
def plugin_process_info(playdata): info = { 'label1': '', 'label2': '', 'description': '', 'image': '', 'image_large': '', 'duration': 0, 'credits': [], 'cast': [], 'director': [], 'writer': [], 'genres': [], 'year': '', } if playdata['info'] and check_key(playdata['info'], 'resultObj'): for row in playdata['info']['resultObj']['containers']: if check_key(row, 'metadata'): if check_key(row['metadata'], 'airingStartTime') and check_key( row['metadata'], 'airingEndTime'): startT = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp( int(int(row['metadata']['airingStartTime']) / 1000)) startT = convert_datetime_timezone(startT, "UTC", "UTC") endT = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp( int(int(row['metadata']['airingEndTime']) / 1000)) endT = convert_datetime_timezone(endT, "UTC", "UTC") info['duration'] = int((endT - startT).total_seconds()) if xbmc.getLanguage(xbmc.ISO_639_1) == 'nl': info[ 'label1'] = '{weekday} {day} {month} {yearhourminute} '.format( weekday=date_to_nl_dag(startT), day=startT.strftime("%d"), month=date_to_nl_maand(startT), yearhourminute=startT.strftime("%Y %H:%M")) else: info['label1'] = startT.strftime( "%A %d %B %Y %H:%M ").capitalize() info['label1'] += " - " if playdata['title']: info['label1'] += playdata['title'] + ' - ' if check_key(row['metadata'], 'title'): info['label1'] += row['metadata']['title'] if check_key(row['metadata'], 'longDescription'): info['description'] = row['metadata']['longDescription'] if playdata['type'] == 'VOD': imgtype = 'vod' else: imgtype = 'epg' if check_key(row['metadata'], 'pictureUrl'): info[ 'image'] = "{image_url}/{imgtype}/{image}/1920x1080.jpg?blurred=false".format( image_url=CONST_IMAGE_URL, imgtype=imgtype, image=row['metadata']['pictureUrl']) info[ 'image_large'] = "{image_url}/{imgtype}/{image}/1920x1080.jpg?blurred=false".format( image_url=CONST_IMAGE_URL, imgtype=imgtype, image=row['metadata']['pictureUrl']) if check_key(row['metadata'], 'actors'): for castmember in row['metadata']['actors']: info['cast'].append(castmember) if check_key(row['metadata'], 'directors'): for directormember in row['metadata']['directors']: info['director'].append(directormember) if check_key(row['metadata'], 'authors'): for writermember in row['metadata']['authors']: info['writer'].append(writermember) if check_key(row['metadata'], 'genres'): for genre in row['metadata']['genres']: info['genres'].append(genre) if check_key(row['metadata'], 'duration'): info['duration'] = row['metadata']['duration'] epcode = '' if check_key(row['metadata'], 'season'): epcode += 'S' + unicode(row['metadata']['season']) if check_key(row['metadata'], 'episodeNumber'): epcode += 'E' + unicode(row['metadata']['episodeNumber']) if check_key(row['metadata'], 'episodeTitle'): info['label2'] = row['metadata']['episodeTitle'] if len(epcode) > 0: info['label2'] += " (" + epcode + ")" elif check_key(row['metadata'], 'title'): info['label2'] = row['metadata']['title'] if check_key(row, 'channel'): if check_key(row['channel'], 'channelName'): info['label2'] += " - " + row['channel']['channelName'] else: nowstamp = int(time.time()) query = "SELECT a.*, FROM `epg` as a JOIN `channels` as b ON WHERE'{channel}' AND a.start < {nowstamp} AND a.end > {nowstamp}".format( channel=playdata['channel'], nowstamp=nowstamp) data = query_epg(query=query, return_result=True, return_insert=False, commit=False) for row in data: startT = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(int(row['start'])) startT = convert_datetime_timezone(startT, "UTC", "UTC") endT = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(int(row['end'])) endT = convert_datetime_timezone(endT, "UTC", "UTC") info['duration'] = int((endT - startT).total_seconds()) if xbmc.getLanguage(xbmc.ISO_639_1) == 'nl': info[ 'label1'] = '{weekday} {day} {month} {yearhourminute} '.format( weekday=date_to_nl_dag(startT), day=startT.strftime("%d"), month=date_to_nl_maand(startT), yearhourminute=startT.strftime("%Y %H:%M")) else: info['label1'] = startT.strftime( "%A %d %B %Y %H:%M ").capitalize() info['label1'] += " - " if playdata['title']: info['label1'] += playdata['title'] + ' - ' info['label1'] += row['title'] info['description'] = row['description'] info['image'] = row['icon'] info['image_large'] = row['icon'] info['label2'] = row['title'] info['label2'] += " - " + row['name'] return info
def api_test_channels(tested=False, channel=None): profile_settings = load_profile(profile_id=1) if channel: channel = unicode(channel) try: if not profile_settings['last_login_success'] == 1 or not settings.getBool(key='run_tests') or not api_get_session(): return 5 query = "UPDATE `vars` SET `test_running`={test_running} WHERE profile_id={profile_id}".format(test_running=1,profile_id=1) query_settings(query=query, return_result=False, return_insert=False, commit=True) query = "SELECT * FROM `channels`" channels = query_epg(query=query, return_result=True, return_insert=False, commit=False) results = load_tests(profile_id=1) count = 0 first = True last_tested_found = False test_run = False user_agent = profile_settings['user_agent'] if not results: results = {} for row in channels: if count == 5 or (count == 1 and tested): if test_run: update_prefs() query = "UPDATE `vars` SET `test_running`={test_running} WHERE profile_id={profile_id}".format(test_running=0,profile_id=1) query_settings(query=query, return_result=False, return_insert=False, commit=True) return count id = unicode(row['id']) if len(id) > 0: if channel: if not id == channel: continue elif tested: if unicode(profile_settings['last_tested']) == id: last_tested_found = True continue elif last_tested_found: pass else: continue if check_key(results, id) and not tested and not first: continue livebandwidth = 0 replaybandwidth = 0 live = 0 replay = 0 epg = 0 guide = 0 profile_settings = load_profile(profile_id=1) if profile_settings['last_playing'] > int(time.time() - 300): if test_run: update_prefs() query = "UPDATE `vars` SET `test_running`={test_running} WHERE profile_id={profile_id}".format(test_running=0,profile_id=1) query_settings(query=query, return_result=False, return_insert=False, commit=True) return 5 playdata = api_play_url(type='channel', channel=id, id=None, test=True) if first and not profile_settings['last_login_success']: if test_run: update_prefs() query = "UPDATE `vars` SET `test_running`={test_running} WHERE profile_id={profile_id}".format(test_running=0,profile_id=1) query_settings(query=query, return_result=False, return_insert=False, commit=True) return 5 if len(playdata['path']) > 0: CDMHEADERS = { 'User-Agent': user_agent, 'X_CSRFToken': profile_settings['csrf_token'], 'Cookie': playdata['license']['cookie'], } if check_key(playdata, 'license') and check_key(playdata['license'], 'triggers') and check_key(playdata['license']['triggers'][0], 'licenseURL'): if check_key(playdata['license']['triggers'][0], 'customData'): CDMHEADERS['AcquireLicense.CustomData'] = playdata['license']['triggers'][0]['customData'] CDMHEADERS['CADeviceType'] = 'Widevine OTT client' session = Session(headers=CDMHEADERS) resp = session.get(playdata['path']) if resp.status_code == 200: livebandwidth = find_highest_bandwidth(xml=resp.text) live = 1 if check_key(results, id) and first and not tested: first = False if live == 1: continue else: if test_run: update_prefs() query = "UPDATE `vars` SET `test_running`={test_running} WHERE profile_id={profile_id}".format(test_running=0,profile_id=1) query_settings(query=query, return_result=False, return_insert=False, commit=True) return 5 first = False counter = 0 while not xbmc.Monitor().abortRequested() and counter < 5: if xbmc.Monitor().waitForAbort(1): break counter += 1 profile_settings = load_profile(profile_id=1) if profile_settings['last_playing'] > int(time.time() - 300): if test_run: update_prefs() query = "UPDATE `vars` SET `test_running`={test_running} WHERE profile_id={profile_id}".format(test_running=0,profile_id=1) query_settings(query=query, return_result=False, return_insert=False, commit=True) return 5 if xbmc.Monitor().abortRequested(): return 5 militime = int(int(time.time() - 86400) * 1000) session_post_data = { 'needChannel': '0', 'queryChannel': { 'channelIDs': [ id, ], 'isReturnAllMedia': '1', }, 'queryPlaybill': { 'count': '1', 'endTime': militime, 'isFillProgram': '1', 'offset': '0', 'startTime': militime, 'type': '0', } } headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'X_CSRFToken': profile_settings['csrf_token']} channel_url = '{base_url}/VSP/V3/QueryPlaybillListStcProps?SID=queryPlaybillListStcProps3&DEVICE=PC&DID={deviceID}&from=throughMSAAccess'.format(base_url=CONST_BASE_URL, deviceID=profile_settings['devicekey']) download = api_download(url=channel_url, type='post', headers=headers, data=session_post_data, json_data=True, return_json=True) data = download['data'] code = download['code'] if code and code == 200 and data and check_key(data, 'channelPlaybills') and check_key(data['channelPlaybills'][0], 'playbillLites') and check_key(data['channelPlaybills'][0]['playbillLites'][0], 'ID'): profile_settings = load_profile(profile_id=1) if profile_settings['last_playing'] > int(time.time() - 300): if test_run: update_prefs() query = "UPDATE `vars` SET `test_running`={test_running} WHERE profile_id={profile_id}".format(test_running=0,profile_id=1) query_settings(query=query, return_result=False, return_insert=False, commit=True) return 5 playdata = api_play_url(type='program', channel=id, id=data['channelPlaybills'][0]['playbillLites'][0]['ID'], test=True) if len(playdata['path']) > 0: CDMHEADERS = { 'User-Agent': user_agent, 'X_CSRFToken': profile_settings['csrf_token'], 'Cookie': playdata['license']['cookie'], } if check_key(playdata, 'license') and check_key(playdata['license'], 'triggers') and check_key(playdata['license']['triggers'][0], 'licenseURL'): if check_key(playdata['license']['triggers'][0], 'customData'): CDMHEADERS['AcquireLicense.CustomData'] = playdata['license']['triggers'][0]['customData'] CDMHEADERS['CADeviceType'] = 'Widevine OTT client' session = Session(headers=CDMHEADERS) resp = session.get(playdata['path']) if resp.status_code == 200: replaybandwidth = find_highest_bandwidth(xml=resp.text) replay = 1 query = "SELECT id FROM `epg` WHERE channel='{channel}' LIMIT 1".format(channel=id) data = query_epg(query=query, return_result=True, return_insert=False, commit=False) if len(data) > 0: guide = 1 if live == 1: epg = 1 if not xbmc.Monitor().abortRequested(): query = "UPDATE `vars` SET `last_tested`='{last_tested}' WHERE profile_id={profile_id}".format(last_tested=id,profile_id=1) query_settings(query=query, return_result=False, return_insert=False, commit=True) query = "REPLACE INTO `tests_{profile_id}` VALUES ('{id}', '{live}', '{livebandwidth}', '{replay}', '{replaybandwidth}', '{epg}', '{guide}')".format(profile_id=1, id=id, live=live, livebandwidth=livebandwidth, replay=replay, replaybandwidth=replaybandwidth, epg=epg, guide=guide) query_settings(query=query, return_result=False, return_insert=False, commit=True) test_run = True counter = 0 while not xbmc.Monitor().abortRequested() and counter < 15: if xbmc.Monitor().waitForAbort(1): break counter += 1 profile_settings = load_profile(profile_id=1) if profile_settings['last_playing'] > int(time.time() - 300): if test_run: update_prefs() query = "UPDATE `vars` SET `test_running`={test_running} WHERE profile_id={profile_id}".format(test_running=0,profile_id=1) query_settings(query=query, return_result=False, return_insert=False, commit=True) return 5 if xbmc.Monitor().abortRequested(): return 5 count += 1 except: if test_run: update_prefs() count = 5 query = "UPDATE `vars` SET `test_running`={test_running} WHERE profile_id={profile_id}".format(test_running=0,profile_id=1) query_settings(query=query, return_result=False, return_insert=False, commit=True) return count
def api_play_url(type, channel=None, id=None, video_data=None, test=False, from_beginning=0, pvr=0): playdata = {'path': '', 'license': '', 'info': '', 'alt_path': '', 'alt_license': ''} if not api_get_session(): return playdata alt_path = '' alt_license = '' from_beginning = int(from_beginning) pvr = int(pvr) profile_settings = load_profile(profile_id=1) headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'X_CSRFToken': profile_settings['csrf_token']} mediaID = None info = {} if not type or not len(unicode(type)) > 0: return playdata if not test: counter = 0 while not xbmc.Monitor().abortRequested() and counter < 5: profile_settings = load_profile(profile_id=1) if profile_settings['test_running'] == 0: break counter += 1 query = "UPDATE `vars` SET `last_playing`={last_playing} WHERE profile_id={profile_id}".format(last_playing=int(time.time()),profile_id=1) query_settings(query=query, return_result=False, return_insert=False, commit=True) if xbmc.Monitor().waitForAbort(1): break if xbmc.Monitor().abortRequested(): return playdata militime = int(time.time() * 1000) if not type == 'vod': if video_data: try: video_data = json.loads(video_data) mediaID = int(video_data['media_id']) + 1 except: pass query = "SELECT assetid FROM `channels` WHERE id='{channel}'".format(channel=channel) data = query_epg(query=query, return_result=True, return_insert=False, commit=False) if data: for row in data: mediaID = row['assetid'] if type == 'channel' and channel: if test: pass elif not pvr == 1 or settings.getBool(key='ask_start_from_beginning') or from_beginning == 1: session_post_data = { 'needChannel': '0', 'queryChannel': { 'channelIDs': [ channel, ], 'isReturnAllMedia': '1', }, 'queryPlaybill': { 'count': '1', 'endTime': militime, 'isFillProgram': '1', 'offset': '0', 'startTime': militime, 'type': '0', } } channel_url = '{base_url}/VSP/V3/QueryPlaybillListStcProps?SID=queryPlaybillListStcProps3&DEVICE=PC&DID={deviceID}&from=throughMSAAccess'.format(base_url=CONST_BASE_URL, deviceID=profile_settings['devicekey']) download = api_download(url=channel_url, type='post', headers=headers, data=session_post_data, json_data=True, return_json=True) data = download['data'] code = download['code'] if not code or not code == 200 or not data or not check_key(data, 'result') or not check_key(data['result'], 'retCode') or not data['result']['retCode'] == '000000000' or not check_key(data, 'channelPlaybills') or not check_key(data['channelPlaybills'][0], 'playbillLites') or not check_key(data['channelPlaybills'][0]['playbillLites'][0], 'ID'): return playdata id = data['channelPlaybills'][0]['playbillLites'][0]['ID'] session_post_data = { 'playbillID': id, 'channelNamespace': '310303', 'isReturnAllMedia': '1', } program_url = '{base_url}/VSP/V3/QueryPlaybill?from=throughMSAAccess'.format(base_url=CONST_BASE_URL) download = api_download(url=program_url, type='post', headers=headers, data=session_post_data, json_data=True, return_json=True) data = download['data'] code = download['code'] if not code or not code == 200 or not data or not check_key(data, 'result') or not check_key(data['result'], 'retCode') or not data['result']['retCode'] == '000000000' or not check_key(data, 'playbillDetail'): info = {} else: info = data['playbillDetail'] if settings.getBool(key='ask_start_from_beginning') or from_beginning == 1: session_post_data = { "businessType": "PLTV", "channelID": channel, "checkLock": { "checkType": "0", }, "isHTTPS": "1", "isReturnProduct": "1", "mediaID": mediaID, 'playbillID': id, } play_url_path = '{base_url}/VSP/V3/PlayChannel?from=throughMSAAccess'.format(base_url=CONST_BASE_URL) download = api_download(url=play_url_path, type='post', headers=headers, data=session_post_data, json_data=True, return_json=True) data = download['data'] code = download['code'] if not code or not code == 200 or not data or not check_key(data, 'result') or not check_key(data['result'], 'retCode') or not data['result']['retCode'] == '000000000' or not check_key(data, 'playURL'): pass else: alt_path = data['playURL'] if check_key(data, 'authorizeResult'): profile_settings = load_profile(profile_id=1) data['authorizeResult']['cookie'] = api_getCookies(profile_settings['cookies'], '') alt_license = data['authorizeResult'] session_post_data = { "businessType": "BTV", "channelID": channel, "checkLock": { "checkType": "0", }, "isHTTPS": "1", "isReturnProduct": "1", "mediaID": mediaID, } elif type == 'program' and id: if not test and not pvr == 1: session_post_data = { 'playbillID': id, 'channelNamespace': '310303', 'isReturnAllMedia': '1', } program_url = '{base_url}/VSP/V3/QueryPlaybill?from=throughMSAAccess'.format(base_url=CONST_BASE_URL) download = api_download(url=program_url, type='post', headers=headers, data=session_post_data, json_data=True, return_json=True) data = download['data'] code = download['code'] if not code or not code == 200 or not data or not check_key(data, 'result') or not check_key(data['result'], 'retCode') or not data['result']['retCode'] == '000000000' or not check_key(data, 'playbillDetail'): info = {} else: info = data['playbillDetail'] session_post_data = { "businessType": "CUTV", "channelID": channel, "checkLock": { "checkType": "0", }, "isHTTPS": "1", "isReturnProduct": "1", "mediaID": mediaID, "playbillID": id, } elif type == 'vod' and id: session_post_data = { 'VODID': id } program_url = '{base_url}/VSP/V3/QueryVOD?from=throughMSAAccess'.format(base_url=CONST_BASE_URL) download = api_download(url=program_url, type='post', headers=headers, data=session_post_data, json_data=True, return_json=True) data = download['data'] code = download['code'] if not code or not code == 200 or not data or not check_key(data, 'result') or not check_key(data['result'], 'retCode') or not data['result']['retCode'] == '000000000' or not check_key(data, 'VODDetail') or not check_key(data['VODDetail'], 'VODType'): return playdata info = data['VODDetail'] session_post_data = { "VODID": id, "checkLock": { "checkType": "0", }, "isHTTPS": "1", "isReturnProduct": "1", "mediaID": '', } if not check_key(info, 'mediaFiles') or not check_key(info['mediaFiles'][0], 'ID'): return playdata if check_key(info, 'series') and check_key(info['series'][0], 'VODID'): session_post_data["seriesID"] = info['series'][0]['VODID'] session_post_data["mediaID"] = info['mediaFiles'][0]['ID'] if not len(unicode(session_post_data["mediaID"])) > 0: return playdata if type == 'vod': play_url_path = '{base_url}/VSP/V3/PlayVOD?from=throughMSAAccess'.format(base_url=CONST_BASE_URL) else: play_url_path = '{base_url}/VSP/V3/PlayChannel?from=throughMSAAccess'.format(base_url=CONST_BASE_URL) if xbmc.Monitor().abortRequested(): return playdata download = api_download(url=play_url_path, type='post', headers=headers, data=session_post_data, json_data=True, return_json=True) data = download['data'] code = download['code'] if not code or not code == 200 or not data or not check_key(data, 'result') or not check_key(data['result'], 'retCode') or not data['result']['retCode'] == '000000000' or not check_key(data, 'playURL'): return playdata path = data['playURL'] if check_key(data, 'authorizeResult'): profile_settings = load_profile(profile_id=1) data['authorizeResult']['cookie'] = api_getCookies(profile_settings['cookies'], '') license = data['authorizeResult'] playdata = {'path': path, 'license': license, 'info': info, 'alt_path': alt_path, 'alt_license': alt_license} return playdata
def api_test_channels(tested=False, channel=None): profile_settings = load_profile(profile_id=1) if channel: channel = unicode(channel) try: if not profile_settings['last_login_success'] == 1 or not settings.getBool(key='run_tests') or not api_get_session(): return 5 query = "UPDATE `vars` SET `test_running`={test_running} WHERE profile_id={profile_id}".format(test_running=1,profile_id=1) query_settings(query=query, return_result=False, return_insert=False, commit=True) query = "SELECT * FROM `channels`" channels = query_epg(query=query, return_result=True, return_insert=False, commit=False) results = load_tests(profile_id=1) count = 0 first = True last_tested_found = False test_run = False user_agent = profile_settings['user_agent'] if not results: results = {} for row in channels: if count == 5 or (count == 1 and tested): if test_run: update_prefs() query = "UPDATE `vars` SET `test_running`={test_running} WHERE profile_id={profile_id}".format(test_running=0,profile_id=1) query_settings(query=query, return_result=False, return_insert=False, commit=True) return count id = unicode(row['id']) if len(id) > 0: if channel: if not id == channel: continue elif tested: if unicode(profile_settings['last_tested']) == id: last_tested_found = True continue elif last_tested_found: pass else: continue if check_key(results, id) and not tested and not first: continue livebandwidth = 0 replaybandwidth = 0 live = 0 replay = 0 epg = 0 guide = 0 profile_settings = load_profile(profile_id=1) if profile_settings['last_playing'] > int(time.time() - 300): if test_run: update_prefs() query = "UPDATE `vars` SET `test_running`={test_running} WHERE profile_id={profile_id}".format(test_running=0,profile_id=1) query_settings(query=query, return_result=False, return_insert=False, commit=True) return 5 playdata = api_play_url(type='channel', channel=id, id=None, test=True) if first and not profile_settings['last_login_success']: if test_run: update_prefs() query = "UPDATE `vars` SET `test_running`={test_running} WHERE profile_id={profile_id}".format(test_running=0,profile_id=1) query_settings(query=query, return_result=False, return_insert=False, commit=True) return 5 if len(playdata['path']) > 0: CDMHEADERS = {} if check_key(playdata, 'license') and check_key(playdata['license'], 'drmConfig') and check_key(playdata['license']['drmConfig'], 'widevine'): if '' in playdata['license']['drmConfig']['widevine']['drmServerUrl']: if xbmc.Monitor().waitForAbort(1): return 5 if check_key(playdata['license']['drmConfig']['widevine'], 'customHeaders'): for row in playdata['license']['drmConfig']['widevine']['customHeaders']: CDMHEADERS[row] = playdata['license']['drmConfig']['widevine']['customHeaders'][row] session = Session(headers=CDMHEADERS) resp = session.get(playdata['path']) if resp.status_code == 200: livebandwidth = find_highest_bandwidth(xml=resp.text) live = 1 if check_key(results, id) and first and not tested: first = False if live == 1: continue else: if test_run: update_prefs() query = "UPDATE `vars` SET `test_running`={test_running} WHERE profile_id={profile_id}".format(test_running=0,profile_id=1) query_settings(query=query, return_result=False, return_insert=False, commit=True) return 5 first = False counter = 0 while not xbmc.Monitor().abortRequested() and counter < 5: if xbmc.Monitor().waitForAbort(1): break counter += 1 profile_settings = load_profile(profile_id=1) if profile_settings['last_playing'] > int(time.time() - 300): if test_run: update_prefs() query = "UPDATE `vars` SET `test_running`={test_running} WHERE profile_id={profile_id}".format(test_running=0,profile_id=1) query_settings(query=query, return_result=False, return_insert=False, commit=True) return 5 if xbmc.Monitor().abortRequested(): return 5 yesterday = - datetime.timedelta(1) fromtime = datetime.datetime.strftime(yesterday, "%Y-%m-%dT%H%M%S") channel_url = '{base_url}/v6/epg/locations/{friendly}/live/1?fromDate={date}'.format(base_url=CONST_API_URL, friendly=channeldata['channel_friendly'], date=fromtime) download = api_download(url=channel_url, type='get', headers=None, data=None, json_data=False, return_json=True) data = download['data'] code = download['code'] if code and code == 200 and data: for row in data: if check_key(row, 'Channel') and check_key(row, 'Locations'): for row2 in row['Locations']: program_id = row2['LocationId'] if program_id: profile_settings = load_profile(profile_id=1) if profile_settings['last_playing'] > int(time.time() - 300): if test_run: update_prefs() query = "UPDATE `vars` SET `test_running`={test_running} WHERE profile_id={profile_id}".format(test_running=0,profile_id=1) query_settings(query=query, return_result=False, return_insert=False, commit=True) return 5 playdata = api_play_url(type='program', channel=id, id=program_id, test=True) if len(playdata['path']) > 0: CDMHEADERS = {} if check_key(playdata, 'license') and check_key(playdata['license'], 'drmConfig') and check_key(playdata['license']['drmConfig'], 'widevine'): if '' in playdata['license']['drmConfig']['widevine']['drmServerUrl']: if xbmc.Monitor().waitForAbort(1): return 5 if check_key(playdata['license']['drmConfig']['widevine'], 'customHeaders'): for row in playdata['license']['drmConfig']['widevine']['customHeaders']: CDMHEADERS[row] = playdata['license']['drmConfig']['widevine']['customHeaders'][row] session = Session(headers=CDMHEADERS) resp = session.get(playdata['path']) if resp.status_code == 200: replaybandwidth = find_highest_bandwidth(xml=resp.text) replay = 1 query = "SELECT id FROM `epg` WHERE channel='{channel}' LIMIT 1".format(channel=id) data = query_epg(query=query, return_result=True, return_insert=False, commit=False) if len(data) > 0: guide = 1 if live == 1: epg = 1 if not xbmc.Monitor().abortRequested(): query = "UPDATE `vars` SET `last_tested`='{last_tested}' WHERE profile_id={profile_id}".format(last_tested=id,profile_id=1) query_settings(query=query, return_result=False, return_insert=False, commit=True) query = "REPLACE INTO `tests_{profile_id}` VALUES ('{id}', '{live}', '{livebandwidth}', '{replay}', '{replaybandwidth}', '{epg}', '{guide}')".format(profile_id=1, id=id, live=live, livebandwidth=livebandwidth, replay=replay, replaybandwidth=replaybandwidth, epg=epg, guide=guide) query_settings(query=query, return_result=False, return_insert=False, commit=True) test_run = True counter = 0 while not xbmc.Monitor().abortRequested() and counter < 15: if xbmc.Monitor().waitForAbort(1): break counter += 1 profile_settings = load_profile(profile_id=1) if profile_settings['last_playing'] > int(time.time() - 300): if test_run: update_prefs() query = "UPDATE `vars` SET `test_running`={test_running} WHERE profile_id={profile_id}".format(test_running=0,profile_id=1) query_settings(query=query, return_result=False, return_insert=False, commit=True) return 5 if xbmc.Monitor().abortRequested(): return 5 count += 1 except: if test_run: update_prefs() count = 5 query = "UPDATE `vars` SET `test_running`={test_running} WHERE profile_id={profile_id}".format(test_running=0,profile_id=1) query_settings(query=query, return_result=False, return_insert=False, commit=True) return count
def api_play_url(type, channel=None, id=None, video_data=None, test=False, from_beginning=0, pvr=0): playdata = {'path': '', 'license': '', 'info': '', 'alt_path': '', 'alt_license': ''} if not api_get_session(): return None alt_path = '' alt_license = '' found_alt = False from_beginning = int(from_beginning) pvr = int(pvr) profile_settings = load_profile(profile_id=1) friendly = '' query = "SELECT assetid FROM `channels` WHERE id='{channel}'".format(channel=channel) data = query_epg(query=query, return_result=True, return_insert=False, commit=False) if data: for row in data: friendly = row['assetid'] if not test: counter = 0 while not xbmc.Monitor().abortRequested() and counter < 5: profile_settings = load_profile(profile_id=1) if profile_settings['test_running'] == 0: break counter += 1 query = "UPDATE `vars` SET `last_playing`={last_playing} WHERE profile_id={profile_id}".format(last_playing=int(time.time()),profile_id=1) query_settings(query=query, return_result=False, return_insert=False, commit=True) if xbmc.Monitor().waitForAbort(1): break if xbmc.Monitor().abortRequested(): return playdata if test: pass elif not type == 'vod' and (pvr == 0 or settings.getBool(key='ask_start_from_beginning') or from_beginning == 1): if type == 'channel' and friendly: channel_url = '{base_url}/v6/epg/locations/{friendly}/live/1?fromDate={date}'.format(base_url=CONST_API_URL, friendly=friendly,"%Y-%m-%dT%H%M%S")) download = api_download(url=channel_url, type='get', headers=None, data=None, json_data=False, return_json=True) data = download['data'] code = download['code'] if not code or not code == 200 or not data: return playdata for row in data: if not check_key(row, 'Channel') or not check_key(row, 'Locations'): return playdata for row2 in row['Locations']: id = row2['LocationId'] if not id: return playdata token_url_base = '{base_url}/v6/epg/location/{location}'.format(base_url=CONST_API_URL, location=id) token_parameter = 'oauth_token={token}&oauth_consumer_key=key&oauth_signature_method=HMAC-SHA1&oauth_version=1.0&oauth_timestamp={timestamp}&oauth_nonce={nonce}' url_encoded = api_oauth_encode(type="GET", base_url=token_url_base, parameters=token_parameter) download = api_download(url=url_encoded, type='get', headers=None, data=None, json_data=False, return_json=True) data = download['data'] code = download['code'] if not code or not code == 200 or not data: return playdata info = data timeshift = '' if check_key(info, 'VodContentId') and len(unicode(info['VodContentId'])) > 0: token_url_base = '{base_url}/v6/stream/handshake/Widevine/dash/VOD/{id}'.format(base_url=CONST_API_URL, id=info['VodContentId']) timeshift = info['VodContentId'] token_parameter = 'oauth_token={token}&oauth_consumer_key=key&oauth_signature_method=HMAC-SHA1&playerName=NLZIET%20Meister%20Player%20Web&profile=default&maxResolution=×hift=' + unicode(timeshift) + '&oauth_version=1.0&oauth_timestamp={timestamp}&oauth_nonce={nonce}' url_encoded = api_oauth_encode(type="GET", base_url=token_url_base, parameters=token_parameter) download = api_download(url=url_encoded, type='get', headers=None, data=None, json_data=False, return_json=True) data = download['data'] code = download['code'] if not code or not code == 200 or not data or not check_key(data, 'uri'): pass else: alt_license = data alt_path = data['uri'] found_alt = True elif type == 'channel' and channel and friendly: token_url_base = '{base_url}/v6/stream/handshake/Widevine/dash/Restart/{id}'.format(base_url=CONST_API_URL, id=id) timeshift = 'false' token_parameter = 'oauth_token={token}&oauth_consumer_key=key&oauth_signature_method=HMAC-SHA1&playerName=NLZIET%20Meister%20Player%20Web&profile=default&maxResolution=×hift=' + unicode(timeshift) + '&oauth_version=1.0&oauth_timestamp={timestamp}&oauth_nonce={nonce}' url_encoded = api_oauth_encode(type="GET", base_url=token_url_base, parameters=token_parameter) download = api_download(url=url_encoded, type='get', headers=None, data=None, json_data=False, return_json=True) data = download['data'] code = download['code'] if not code or not code == 200 or not data or not check_key(data, 'uri'): pass else: alt_license = data alt_path = data['uri'] found_alt = True if type == 'vod': token_url_base = '{base_url}/v6/playnow/ondemand/0/{location}'.format(base_url=CONST_API_URL, location=id) token_parameter = 'oauth_token={token}&oauth_consumer_key=key&oauth_signature_method=HMAC-SHA1&oauth_version=1.0&oauth_timestamp={timestamp}&oauth_nonce={nonce}' url_encoded = api_oauth_encode(type="GET", base_url=token_url_base, parameters=token_parameter) download = api_download(url=url_encoded, type='get', headers=None, data=None, json_data=False, return_json=True) data = download['data'] code = download['code'] if not code or not code == 200 or not data or not check_key(data, 'VideoInformation'): return playdata info = data['VideoInformation'] token_url_base = '{base_url}/v6/stream/handshake/Widevine/dash/VOD/{id}'.format(base_url=CONST_API_URL, id=info['Id']) timeshift = info['Id'] elif type == 'channel' and channel and friendly: token_url_base = '{base_url}/v6/stream/handshake/Widevine/dash/Live/{friendly}'.format(base_url=CONST_API_URL, friendly=friendly) timeshift = 'false' else: if len(unicode(alt_path)) == 0: token_url_base = '{base_url}/v6/stream/handshake/Widevine/dash/Replay/{id}'.format(base_url=CONST_API_URL, id=id) timeshift = id else: license = alt_license = data path = alt_path alt_license = '' alt_path = '' if not type == 'program' or found_alt == False: token_parameter = 'oauth_token={token}&oauth_consumer_key=key&oauth_signature_method=HMAC-SHA1&playerName=NLZIET%20Meister%20Player%20Web&profile=default&maxResolution=×hift=' + unicode(timeshift) + '&oauth_version=1.0&oauth_timestamp={timestamp}&oauth_nonce={nonce}' url_encoded = api_oauth_encode(type="GET", base_url=token_url_base, parameters=token_parameter) download = api_download(url=url_encoded, type='get', headers=None, data=None, json_data=False, return_json=True) data = download['data'] code = download['code'] if not code or not code == 200 or not data or not check_key(data, 'uri'): return playdata license = data path = data['uri'] if not len(unicode(license)) > 0: return playdata playdata = {'path': path, 'license': license, 'info': info, 'alt_path': alt_path, 'alt_license': alt_license} return playdata
def plugin_process_watchlist_listing(data, id=None): items = [] if check_key(data, 'listings'): for row in data['listings']: context = [] if not check_key(row, 'program'): continue currow = row['program'] if not check_key(currow, 'title') or not check_key(row, 'id'): continue duration = 0 if check_key(row, 'endTime') and check_key(row, 'startTime'): startsplit = int(row['startTime']) // 1000 endsplit = int(row['endTime']) // 1000 duration = endsplit - startsplit startT = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(startsplit) startT = convert_datetime_timezone(startT, "UTC", "UTC") endT = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(endsplit) endT = convert_datetime_timezone(endT, "UTC", "UTC") if endT < ("UTC")) - datetime.timedelta(days=7)): continue if xbmc.getLanguage(xbmc.ISO_639_1) == 'nl': label = '{weekday} {day} {month} {yearhourminute} '.format(weekday=date_to_nl_dag(startT), day=startT.strftime("%d"), month=date_to_nl_maand(startT), yearhourminute=startT.strftime("%Y %H:%M")) else: label = startT.strftime("%A %d %B %Y %H:%M ").capitalize() label += currow['title'] else: label = currow['title'] query = "SELECT name FROM `channels` WHERE id='{channel}'".format(channel=currow['stationId']) data2 = query_epg(query=query, return_result=True, return_insert=False, commit=False) if data2: for row2 in data2: label += ' ({station})'.format(station=row2['name']) if id: context.append((_.ADD_TO_WATCHLIST, 'RunPlugin({context_url})'.format(context_url=plugin.url_for(func_or_url=add_to_watchlist, id=id, type="group")), )) channel = '' description = '' program_image = '' program_image_large = '' if check_key(currow, 'description'): description = currow['description'] if check_key(currow, 'duration'): duration = int(currow['duration']) if check_key(currow, 'images'): program_image = get_image("boxart", currow['images']) program_image_large = get_image("HighResLandscape", currow['images']) if program_image_large == '': program_image_large = program_image else: program_image_large += '?w=1920&mode=box' items.append(plugin.Item( label = label, info = { 'plot': description, 'duration': duration, 'mediatype': 'video', 'sorttitle': label.upper(), }, art = { 'thumb': program_image, 'fanart': program_image_large }, path = plugin.url_for(func_or_url=play_video, type="program", channel=channel, id=row['id']), playable = True, context = context )) return items
def plugin_process_info(playdata): info = { 'label1': '', 'label2': '', 'description': '', 'image': '', 'image_large': '', 'duration': 0, 'credits': [], 'cast': [], 'director': [], 'writer': [], 'genres': [], 'year': '', } if check_key(playdata, 'info'): if check_key(playdata['info'], 'latestBroadcastEndTime') and check_key(playdata['info'], 'latestBroadcastStartTime'): startsplit = int(playdata['info']['latestBroadcastStartTime']) // 1000 endsplit = int(playdata['info']['latestBroadcastEndTime']) // 1000 duration = endsplit - startsplit startT = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(startsplit) startT = convert_datetime_timezone(startT, "UTC", "UTC") endT = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(endsplit) endT = convert_datetime_timezone(endT, "UTC", "UTC") if xbmc.getLanguage(xbmc.ISO_639_1) == 'nl': info['label1'] = '{weekday} {day} {month} {yearhourminute} '.format(weekday=date_to_nl_dag(startT), day=startT.strftime("%d"), month=date_to_nl_maand(startT), yearhourminute=startT.strftime("%Y %H:%M")) else: info['label1'] = startT.strftime("%A %d %B %Y %H:%M ").capitalize() if playdata['title']: info['label1'] += playdata['title'] + ' - ' + playdata['info']['title'] else: info['label1'] += playdata['info']['title'] if check_key(playdata['info'], 'duration'): info['duration'] = int(playdata['info']['duration']) elif check_key(playdata['info'], 'latestBroadcastStartTime') and check_key(playdata['info'], 'latestBroadcastEndTime'): info['duration'] = int(int(playdata['info']['latestBroadcastEndTime']) - int(playdata['info']['latestBroadcastStartTime'])) // 1000 if check_key(playdata['info'], 'description'): info['description'] = playdata['info']['description'] if check_key(playdata['info'], 'duration'): info['duration'] = int(playdata['info']['duration']) if check_key(playdata['info'], 'year'): info['year'] = int(playdata['info']['year']) if check_key(playdata['info'], 'images'): info['image'] = get_image("boxart", playdata['info']['images']) info['image_large'] = get_image("HighResLandscape", playdata['info']['images']) if info['image_large'] == '': info['image_large'] = info['image'] else: info['image_large'] += '?w=1920&mode=box' if check_key(playdata['info'], 'categories'): for categoryrow in playdata['info']['categories']: info['genres'].append(categoryrow['title']) if check_key(playdata['info'], 'cast'): for castrow in playdata['info']['cast']: info['cast'].append(castrow) if check_key(playdata['info'], 'directors'): for directorrow in playdata['info']['directors']: info['director'].append(directorrow) epcode = '' if check_key(playdata['info'], 'seriesNumber'): epcode += 'S' + unicode(playdata['info']['seriesNumber']) if check_key(playdata['info'], 'seriesEpisodeNumber'): epcode += 'E' + unicode(playdata['info']['seriesEpisodeNumber']) if check_key(playdata['info'], 'secondaryTitle'): info['label2'] = playdata['info']['secondaryTitle'] if len(epcode) > 0: info['label2'] += " (" + epcode + ")" else: info['label2'] = playdata['info']['title'] query = "SELECT name FROM `channels` WHERE id='{channel}'".format(channel=playdata['channel']) data = query_epg(query=query, return_result=True, return_insert=False, commit=False) if data: for row in data: info['label2'] += " - " + row['name'] return info
def plugin_process_info(playdata): info = { 'label1': '', 'label2': '', 'description': '', 'image': '', 'image_large': '', 'duration': 0, 'credits': [], 'cast': [], 'director': [], 'writer': [], 'genres': [], 'year': '', } if check_key(playdata['info'], 'startTime') and check_key( playdata['info'], 'endTime'): startT = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp( (int(playdata['info']['startTime']) / 1000)) startT = convert_datetime_timezone(startT, "UTC", "UTC") endT = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp( (int(playdata['info']['endTime']) / 1000)) endT = convert_datetime_timezone(endT, "UTC", "UTC") info['duration'] = int((endT - startT).total_seconds()) if xbmc.getLanguage(xbmc.ISO_639_1) == 'nl': info[ 'label1'] = '{weekday} {day} {month} {yearhourminute} '.format( weekday=date_to_nl_dag(startT), day=startT.strftime("%d"), month=date_to_nl_maand(startT), yearhourminute=startT.strftime("%Y %H:%M")) else: info['label1'] = startT.strftime("%A %d %B %Y %H:%M ").capitalize() info['label1'] += " - " if check_key(playdata['info'], 'name'): info['label1'] += playdata['info']['name'] info['label2'] = playdata['info']['name'] if check_key(playdata['info'], 'introduce'): info['description'] = playdata['info']['introduce'] if check_key(playdata['info'], 'picture'): info['image'] = playdata['info']['picture']['posters'][0] info['image_large'] = playdata['info']['picture']['posters'][0] query = "SELECT name FROM `channels` WHERE id='{channel}'".format( channel=playdata['channel']) data = query_epg(query=query, return_result=True, return_insert=False, commit=False) if data: for row in data: info['label2'] += " - " + row['name'] return info
def api_test_channels(tested=False, channel=None): profile_settings = load_profile(profile_id=1) if channel: channel = unicode(channel) try: if not profile_settings[ 'last_login_success'] == 1 or not settings.getBool( key='run_tests') or not api_get_session(): return 5 query = "UPDATE `vars` SET `test_running`={test_running} WHERE profile_id={profile_id}".format( test_running=1, profile_id=1) query_settings(query=query, return_result=False, return_insert=False, commit=True) query = "SELECT * FROM `channels`" channels = query_epg(query=query, return_result=True, return_insert=False, commit=False) results = load_tests(profile_id=1) count = 0 first = True last_tested_found = False test_run = False user_agent = profile_settings['user_agent'] if not results: results = {} for row in channels: if count == 5 or (count == 1 and tested): if test_run: update_prefs() query = "UPDATE `vars` SET `test_running`={test_running} WHERE profile_id={profile_id}".format( test_running=0, profile_id=1) query_settings(query=query, return_result=False, return_insert=False, commit=True) return count id = unicode(row['id']) if len(id) > 0: if channel: if not id == channel: continue elif tested: if unicode(profile_settings['last_tested']) == id: last_tested_found = True continue elif last_tested_found: pass else: continue if check_key(results, id) and not tested and not first: continue livebandwidth = 0 replaybandwidth = 0 live = 0 replay = 0 epg = 0 guide = 0 profile_settings = load_profile(profile_id=1) if profile_settings['last_playing'] > int(time.time() - 300): if test_run: update_prefs() query = "UPDATE `vars` SET `test_running`={test_running} WHERE profile_id={profile_id}".format( test_running=0, profile_id=1) query_settings(query=query, return_result=False, return_insert=False, commit=True) return 5 playdata = api_play_url(type='channel', channel=id, id=id, test=True) if first and not profile_settings['last_login_success']: if test_run: update_prefs() query = "UPDATE `vars` SET `test_running`={test_running} WHERE profile_id={profile_id}".format( test_running=0, profile_id=1) query_settings(query=query, return_result=False, return_insert=False, commit=True) return 5 if len(playdata['path']) > 0: CDMHEADERS = CONST_BASE_HEADERS CDMHEADERS['User-Agent'] = user_agent session = Session(headers=CDMHEADERS) resp = session.get(playdata['path']) if resp.status_code == 200: livebandwidth = find_highest_bandwidth(xml=resp.text) live = 1 if check_key(results, id) and first and not tested: first = False if live == 1: continue else: if test_run: update_prefs() query = "UPDATE `vars` SET `test_running`={test_running} WHERE profile_id={profile_id}".format( test_running=0, profile_id=1) query_settings(query=query, return_result=False, return_insert=False, commit=True) return 5 first = False counter = 0 while not xbmc.Monitor().abortRequested() and counter < 5: if xbmc.Monitor().waitForAbort(1): break counter += 1 profile_settings = load_profile(profile_id=1) if profile_settings['last_playing'] > int(time.time() - 300): if test_run: update_prefs() query = "UPDATE `vars` SET `test_running`={test_running} WHERE profile_id={profile_id}".format( test_running=0, profile_id=1) query_settings(query=query, return_result=False, return_insert=False, commit=True) return 5 if xbmc.Monitor().abortRequested(): return 5 headers = { 'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + profile_settings['session_token'] } yesterday = - datetime.timedelta(1) fromtime = datetime.datetime.strftime( yesterday, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.000Z') tilltime = datetime.datetime.strftime( yesterday, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:59.999Z') program_url = "{api_url}/schedule?channels={id}&from={fromtime}&until={tilltime}".format( api_url=CONST_DEFAULT_API, id=id, fromtime=fromtime, tilltime=tilltime) download = api_download(url=program_url, type='get', headers=headers, data=None, json_data=False, return_json=True) data = download['data'] code = download['code'] if code and code == 200 and data and check_key( data, 'epg') and check_key(data['epg'][0], 'id'): profile_settings = load_profile(profile_id=1) if profile_settings['last_playing'] > int(time.time() - 300): if test_run: update_prefs() query = "UPDATE `vars` SET `test_running`={test_running} WHERE profile_id={profile_id}".format( test_running=0, profile_id=1) query_settings(query=query, return_result=False, return_insert=False, commit=True) return 5 playdata = api_play_url(type='program', channel=id, id=data['epg'][0]['id'], test=True) if len(playdata['path']) > 0: CDMHEADERS = CONST_BASE_HEADERS CDMHEADERS['User-Agent'] = user_agent session = Session(headers=CDMHEADERS) resp = session.get(playdata['path']) if resp.status_code == 200: replaybandwidth = find_highest_bandwidth( xml=resp.text) replay = 1 query = "SELECT id FROM `epg` WHERE channel='{channel}' LIMIT 1".format( channel=id) data = query_epg(query=query, return_result=True, return_insert=False, commit=False) if len(data) > 0: guide = 1 if live == 1: epg = 1 if not xbmc.Monitor().abortRequested(): query = "UPDATE `vars` SET `last_tested`='{last_tested}' WHERE profile_id={profile_id}".format( last_tested=id, profile_id=1) query_settings(query=query, return_result=False, return_insert=False, commit=True) query = "REPLACE INTO `tests_{profile_id}` VALUES ('{id}', '{live}', '{livebandwidth}', '{replay}', '{replaybandwidth}', '{epg}', '{guide}')".format( profile_id=1, id=id, live=live, livebandwidth=livebandwidth, replay=replay, replaybandwidth=replaybandwidth, epg=epg, guide=guide) query_settings(query=query, return_result=False, return_insert=False, commit=True) test_run = True counter = 0 while not xbmc.Monitor().abortRequested() and counter < 15: if xbmc.Monitor().waitForAbort(1): break counter += 1 profile_settings = load_profile(profile_id=1) if profile_settings['last_playing'] > int(time.time() - 300): if test_run: update_prefs() query = "UPDATE `vars` SET `test_running`={test_running} WHERE profile_id={profile_id}".format( test_running=0, profile_id=1) query_settings(query=query, return_result=False, return_insert=False, commit=True) return 5 if xbmc.Monitor().abortRequested(): return 5 count += 1 except: if test_run: update_prefs() count = 5 query = "UPDATE `vars` SET `test_running`={test_running} WHERE profile_id={profile_id}".format( test_running=0, profile_id=1) query_settings(query=query, return_result=False, return_insert=False, commit=True) return count
def api_test_channels(tested=False, channel=None): profile_settings = load_profile(profile_id=1) if channel: channel = unicode(channel) try: if not profile_settings[ 'last_login_success'] == 1 or not settings.getBool( key='run_tests') or not api_get_session(): return 5 query = "UPDATE `vars` SET `test_running`={test_running} WHERE profile_id={profile_id}".format( test_running=1, profile_id=1) query_settings(query=query, return_result=False, return_insert=False, commit=True) query = "SELECT * FROM `channels`" channels = query_epg(query=query, return_result=True, return_insert=False, commit=False) results = load_tests(profile_id=1) count = 0 first = True last_tested_found = False test_run = False user_agent = profile_settings['user_agent'] listing_url = profile_settings['listings_url'] if not results: results = {} for row in channels: if count == 5 or (count == 1 and tested): if test_run: update_prefs() query = "UPDATE `vars` SET `test_running`={test_running} WHERE profile_id={profile_id}".format( test_running=0, profile_id=1) query_settings(query=query, return_result=False, return_insert=False, commit=True) return count id = unicode(row['id']) if len(id) > 0: if channel: if not id == channel: continue elif tested: if unicode(profile_settings['last_tested']) == id: last_tested_found = True continue elif last_tested_found: pass else: continue if check_key(results, id) and not tested and not first: continue livebandwidth = 0 replaybandwidth = 0 live = 0 replay = 0 epg = 0 guide = 0 profile_settings = load_profile(profile_id=1) if profile_settings['last_playing'] > int(time.time() - 300): if test_run: update_prefs() query = "UPDATE `vars` SET `test_running`={test_running} WHERE profile_id={profile_id}".format( test_running=0, profile_id=1) query_settings(query=query, return_result=False, return_insert=False, commit=True) return 5 playdata = api_play_url(type='channel', id=row['id'], test=True) if first and not profile_settings['last_login_success']: if test_run: update_prefs() query = "UPDATE `vars` SET `test_running`={test_running} WHERE profile_id={profile_id}".format( test_running=0, profile_id=1) query_settings(query=query, return_result=False, return_insert=False, commit=True) return 5 if len(playdata['path']) > 0: CDMHEADERS = { 'User-Agent': user_agent, 'X-Client-Id': profile_settings['client_id'] + '||' + user_agent, 'X-OESP-Token': profile_settings['access_token'], 'X-OESP-Username': profile_settings['username'], 'X-OESP-License-Token': profile_settings['drm_token'], 'X-OESP-DRM-SchemeIdUri': 'urn:uuid:edef8ba9-79d6-4ace-a3c8-27dcd51d21ed', 'X-OESP-Content-Locator': playdata['locator'], } session = Session(headers=CDMHEADERS) resp = session.get(playdata['path']) if resp.status_code == 200: livebandwidth = find_highest_bandwidth(xml=resp.text) live = 1 if check_key(results, id) and first and not tested: first = False if live == 1: continue else: if test_run: update_prefs() query = "UPDATE `vars` SET `test_running`={test_running} WHERE profile_id={profile_id}".format( test_running=0, profile_id=1) query_settings(query=query, return_result=False, return_insert=False, commit=True) return 5 first = False counter = 0 while not xbmc.Monitor().abortRequested() and counter < 5: if xbmc.Monitor().waitForAbort(1): break counter += 1 profile_settings = load_profile(profile_id=1) if profile_settings['last_playing'] > int(time.time() - 300): if test_run: update_prefs() query = "UPDATE `vars` SET `test_running`={test_running} WHERE profile_id={profile_id}".format( test_running=0, profile_id=1) query_settings(query=query, return_result=False, return_insert=False, commit=True) return 5 if xbmc.Monitor().abortRequested(): return 5 listing_url = '{listings_url}?byEndTime={time}~&byStationId={channel}&range=1-1&sort=startTime'.format( listings_url=listing_url, time=int(int(time.time() - 86400) * 1000), channel=id) download = api_download(url=listing_url, type='get', headers=api_get_headers(), data=None, json_data=False, return_json=True) data = download['data'] code = download['code'] program_id = None if code and code == 200 and data and check_key( data, 'listings'): for row in data['listings']: program_id = row['id'] if program_id: profile_settings = load_profile(profile_id=1) if profile_settings['last_playing'] > int(time.time() - 300): if test_run: update_prefs() query = "UPDATE `vars` SET `test_running`={test_running} WHERE profile_id={profile_id}".format( test_running=0, profile_id=1) query_settings(query=query, return_result=False, return_insert=False, commit=True) return 5 playdata = api_play_url(type='program', id=program_id, test=True) if len(playdata['path']) > 0: CDMHEADERS = { 'User-Agent': user_agent, 'X-Client-Id': profile_settings['client_id'] + '||' + user_agent, 'X-OESP-Token': profile_settings['access_token'], 'X-OESP-Username': profile_settings['username'], 'X-OESP-License-Token': profile_settings['drm_token'], 'X-OESP-DRM-SchemeIdUri': 'urn:uuid:edef8ba9-79d6-4ace-a3c8-27dcd51d21ed', 'X-OESP-Content-Locator': playdata['locator'], } session = Session(headers=CDMHEADERS) resp = session.get(playdata['path']) if resp.status_code == 200: replaybandwidth = find_highest_bandwidth( xml=resp.text) replay = 1 query = "SELECT id FROM `epg` WHERE channel='{channel}' LIMIT 1".format( channel=id) data = query_epg(query=query, return_result=True, return_insert=False, commit=False) if len(data) > 0: guide = 1 if live == 1: epg = 1 if not xbmc.Monitor().abortRequested(): query = "UPDATE `vars` SET `last_tested`='{last_tested}' WHERE profile_id={profile_id}".format( last_tested=id, profile_id=1) query_settings(query=query, return_result=False, return_insert=False, commit=True) query = "REPLACE INTO `tests_{profile_id}` VALUES ('{id}', '{live}', '{livebandwidth}', '{replay}', '{replaybandwidth}', '{epg}', '{guide}')".format( profile_id=1, id=id, live=live, livebandwidth=livebandwidth, replay=replay, replaybandwidth=replaybandwidth, epg=epg, guide=guide) query_settings(query=query, return_result=False, return_insert=False, commit=True) test_run = True counter = 0 while not xbmc.Monitor().abortRequested() and counter < 15: if xbmc.Monitor().waitForAbort(1): break counter += 1 profile_settings = load_profile(profile_id=1) if profile_settings['last_playing'] > int(time.time() - 300): if test_run: update_prefs() query = "UPDATE `vars` SET `test_running`={test_running} WHERE profile_id={profile_id}".format( test_running=0, profile_id=1) query_settings(query=query, return_result=False, return_insert=False, commit=True) return 5 count += 1 except: if test_run: update_prefs() count = 5 query = "UPDATE `vars` SET `test_running`={test_running} WHERE profile_id={profile_id}".format( test_running=0, profile_id=1) query_settings(query=query, return_result=False, return_insert=False, commit=True) return count
def api_search(query): if not api_get_session(): return None profile_settings = load_profile(profile_id=1) if profile_settings['base_v3'] == 1: return False end = int(time.time() * 1000) start = end - (7 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000) enable_cache = settings.getBool(key='enable_cache') vodstr = '' file = "cache" + os.sep + "search_" + clean_filename(query) + ".json" search_url = '{search_url}?byBroadcastStartTimeRange={start}~{end}&numItems=25&byEntitled=true&personalised=true&q={query}'.format( search_url=profile_settings['search_url'], start=start, end=end, query=quote(query)) if enable_cache and not is_file_older_than_x_minutes( file=ADDON_PROFILE + file, minutes=10): data = load_file(file=file, isJSON=True) else: download = api_download(url=search_url, type='get', headers=api_get_headers(), data=None, json_data=False, return_json=True) data = download['data'] code = download['code'] if code and code == 200 and data and ( check_key(data, 'tvPrograms') or check_key(data, 'moviesAndSeries')) and enable_cache: write_file(file=file, data=data, isJSON=True) if not data or (not check_key(data, 'tvPrograms') and not check_key(data, 'moviesAndSeries')): return False items = [] items_vod = [] items_program = [] vod_links = {} if not settings.getBool('showMoviesSeries'): try: data.pop('moviesAndSeries', None) except: pass else: for entry in CONST_VOD_CAPABILITY: sql_query = "SELECT * FROM `{table}`".format(table=entry['file']) sql_data = query_epg(query=sql_query, return_result=True, return_insert=False, commit=False) for row in sql_data: vod_links[row['id']] = {} vod_links[row['id']]['seasons'] = row['seasons'] vod_links[row['id']]['duration'] = row['duration'] vod_links[row['id']]['desc'] = row['description'] vod_links[row['id']]['type'] = row['type'] for currow in list(data): if currow == "moviesAndSeries": type = 'vod' else: type = 'program' for row in data[currow]['entries']: if not check_key(row, 'id') or not check_key(row, 'title'): continue item = {} id = row['id'] label = row['title'] description = '' duration = 0 program_image = '' program_image_large = '' start = '' if check_key(row, 'images'): program_image = get_image("boxart", row['images']) program_image_large = get_image("HighResLandscape", row['images']) if program_image_large == '': program_image_large = program_image else: program_image_large += '?w=1920&mode=box' if type == 'vod': if check_key(vod_links, row['id']): description = vod_links[row['id']]['desc'] item_type = vod_links[row['id']]['type'] else: item_type = 'Vod' label += " (Movies and Series)" else: item_type = 'Epg' label += " (ReplayTV)" if check_key(row, 'groupType') and row['groupType'] == 'show': if check_key(row, 'episodeMatch') and check_key( row['episodeMatch'], 'seriesEpisodeNumber') and check_key( row['episodeMatch'], 'secondaryTitle'): if len(description) == 0: description += label season = '' if check_key(row, 'seriesNumber'): season = "S" + row['seriesNumber'] description += " Episode Match: {season}E{episode} - {secondary}".format( season=season, episode=row['episodeMatch']['seriesEpisodeNumber'], secondary=row['episodeMatch']['secondaryTitle']) else: if check_key(row, 'duration'): duration = int(row['duration']) elif check_key(row, 'episodeMatch') and check_key( row['episodeMatch'], 'startTime') and check_key( row['episodeMatch'], 'endTime'): duration = int( int(row['episodeMatch']['endTime']) - int(row['episodeMatch']['startTime'])) // 1000 id = row['episodeMatch']['id'] elif check_key(vod_links, row['id']) and check_key( vod_links[row['id']], 'duration'): duration = vod_links[row['id']]['duration'] item['id'] = id item['title'] = label item['description'] = description item['duration'] = duration item['type'] = item_type item['icon'] = program_image_large item['start'] = start if type == "vod": items_vod.append(item) else: items_program.append(item) num = min(len(items_program), len(items_vod)) items = [None] * (num * 2) items[::2] = items_program[:num] items[1::2] = items_vod[:num] items.extend(items_program[num:]) items.extend(items_vod[num:]) return items
def api_play_url(type, channel=None, id=None, video_data=None, test=False, from_beginning=0, pvr=0): playdata = { 'path': '', 'license': '', 'token': '', 'locator': '', 'type': '', 'alt_path': '', 'alt_license': '', 'alt_locator': '' } if not api_get_session(): return playdata from_beginning = int(from_beginning) pvr = int(pvr) profile_settings = load_profile(profile_id=1) if type == "channel": id = channel alt_path = '' alt_license = '' alt_locator = '' info = {} base_listing_url = profile_settings['listings_url'] urldata = None urldata2 = None path = None locator = None if not type or not len(unicode(type)) > 0 or not id or not len( unicode(id)) > 0: return playdata if not test: counter = 0 while not xbmc.Monitor().abortRequested() and counter < 5: profile_settings = load_profile(profile_id=1) if profile_settings['test_running'] == 0: break counter += 1 query = "UPDATE `vars` SET `last_playing`={last_playing} WHERE profile_id={profile_id}".format( last_playing=int(time.time()), profile_id=1) query_settings(query=query, return_result=False, return_insert=False, commit=True) if xbmc.Monitor().waitForAbort(1): break if xbmc.Monitor().abortRequested(): return playdata if type == 'channel': query = "SELECT assetid FROM `channels` WHERE id='{channel}'".format( channel=id) data = query_epg(query=query, return_result=True, return_insert=False, commit=False) if data: for row in data: split = row['assetid'].rsplit('&%%&', 1) if len(split) == 2: urldata = {'play_url': split[0], 'locator': split[1]} else: return playdata listing_url = '{listings_url}?byEndTime={time}~&byStationId={channel}&range=1-1&sort=startTime'.format( listings_url=base_listing_url, time=int(time.time() * 1000), channel=id) download = api_download(url=listing_url, type='get', headers=api_get_headers(), data=None, json_data=False, return_json=True) data = download['data'] code = download['code'] if code and code == 200 and data and check_key(data, 'listings'): for row in data['listings']: if check_key(row, 'program'): info = row['program'] elif type == 'program': listings_url = "{listings_url}/{id}".format( listings_url=base_listing_url, id=id) download = api_download(url=listings_url, type='get', headers=api_get_headers(), data=None, json_data=False, return_json=True) data = download['data'] code = download['code'] if not code or not code == 200 or not data or not check_key( data, 'program'): return playdata info = data['program'] elif type == 'vod': mediaitems_url = '{mediaitems_url}/{id}'.format( mediaitems_url=profile_settings['mediaitems_url'], id=id) download = api_download(url=mediaitems_url, type='get', headers=api_get_headers(), data=None, json_data=False, return_json=True) data = download['data'] code = download['code'] if not code or not code == 200 or not data: return playdata info = data if check_key(info, 'videoStreams'): urldata2 = get_play_url(content=info['videoStreams']) if not type == 'channel' and ( not urldata2 or not check_key(urldata2, 'play_url') or not check_key(urldata2, 'locator') or urldata2['play_url'] == 'http://Playout/using/Session/Service' ) and profile_settings['base_v3'] == 1: urldata2 = {} if type == 'program': playout_str = 'replay' elif type == 'vod': playout_str = 'vod' else: return playdata playout_url = '{base_url}/playout/{playout_str}/{id}?abrType=BR-AVC-DASH'.format( base_url=profile_settings['base_url'], playout_str=playout_str, id=id) download = api_download(url=playout_url, type='get', headers=api_get_headers(), data=None, json_data=False, return_json=True) data = download['data'] code = download['code'] if not code or not code == 200 or not data or not check_key( data, 'url') or not check_key(data, 'contentLocator'): return playdata urldata2['play_url'] = data['url'] urldata2['locator'] = data['contentLocator'] if urldata and urldata2 and check_key(urldata, 'play_url') and check_key( urldata, 'locator') and check_key( urldata2, 'play_url') and check_key(urldata2, 'locator'): path = urldata['play_url'] locator = urldata['locator'] alt_path = urldata2['play_url'] alt_locator = urldata2['locator'] else: if urldata and check_key(urldata, 'play_url') and check_key( urldata, 'locator'): path = urldata['play_url'] locator = urldata['locator'] elif urldata2 and check_key(urldata2, 'play_url') and check_key( urldata2, 'locator'): path = urldata2['play_url'] locator = urldata2['locator'] if not locator or not len(unicode(locator)) > 0: return playdata license = profile_settings['widevine_url'] alt_license = profile_settings['widevine_url'] if xbmc.Monitor().abortRequested(): return playdata token = api_get_play_token(locator=locator, path=path, force=1) if not token or not len(unicode(token)) > 0: if not test: gui.ok(message=_.NO_STREAM_AUTH, heading=_.PLAY_ERROR) return playdata if not test: token = 'WIDEVINETOKEN' token_regex ="(?<=;vxttoken=)(.*?)(?=/)", path) if token_regex and and len( > 0: path = path.replace(, token) else: if 'sdash/' in path: spliturl = path.split('sdash/', 1) if len(spliturl) == 2: if profile_settings['base_v3'] == 1: path = '{urlpart1}sdash;vxttoken={token}/{urlpart2}'.format( urlpart1=spliturl[0], token=token, urlpart2=spliturl[1]) else: path = '{urlpart1}sdash;vxttoken={token}/{urlpart2}?device=Orion-Replay-DASH'.format( urlpart1=spliturl[0], token=token, urlpart2=spliturl[1]) else: spliturl = path.rsplit('/', 1) if len(spliturl) == 2: path = '{urlpart1};vxttoken={token}/{urlpart2}'.format( urlpart1=spliturl[0], token=token, urlpart2=spliturl[1]) playdata = { 'path': path, 'license': license, 'token': token, 'locator': locator, 'info': info, 'type': type, 'alt_path': alt_path, 'alt_license': alt_license, 'alt_locator': alt_license } return playdata
def api_test_channels(tested=False, channel=None): profile_settings = load_profile(profile_id=1) if channel: channel = unicode(channel) try: if not profile_settings[ 'last_login_success'] == 1 or not settings.getBool( key='run_tests') or not api_get_session(): return 5 query = "UPDATE `vars` SET `test_running`={test_running} WHERE profile_id={profile_id}".format( test_running=1, profile_id=1) query_settings(query=query, return_result=False, return_insert=False, commit=True) query = "SELECT * FROM `channels`" channels = query_epg(query=query, return_result=True, return_insert=False, commit=False) results = load_tests(profile_id=1) count = 0 first = True last_tested_found = False test_run = False user_agent = profile_settings['user_agent'] if not results: results = {} for row in channels: if count == 5 or (count == 1 and tested): if test_run: update_prefs() query = "UPDATE `vars` SET `test_running`={test_running} WHERE profile_id={profile_id}".format( test_running=0, profile_id=1) query_settings(query=query, return_result=False, return_insert=False, commit=True) return count id = unicode(row['id']) if len(id) > 0: if channel: if not id == channel: continue elif tested: if unicode(profile_settings['last_tested']) == id: last_tested_found = True continue elif last_tested_found: pass else: continue if check_key(results, id) and not tested and not first: continue livebandwidth = 0 replaybandwidth = 0 live = 0 replay = 0 epg = 0 guide = 0 profile_settings = load_profile(profile_id=1) if profile_settings['last_playing'] > int(time.time() - 300): if test_run: update_prefs() query = "UPDATE `vars` SET `test_running`={test_running} WHERE profile_id={profile_id}".format( test_running=0, profile_id=1) query_settings(query=query, return_result=False, return_insert=False, commit=True) return 5 playdata = api_play_url(type='channel', channel=id, id=row['assetid'], test=True) if first and not profile_settings['last_login_success']: if test_run: update_prefs() query = "UPDATE `vars` SET `test_running`={test_running} WHERE profile_id={profile_id}".format( test_running=0, profile_id=1) query_settings(query=query, return_result=False, return_insert=False, commit=True) return 5 if len(playdata['path']) > 0: CDMHEADERS = CONST_BASE_HEADERS CDMHEADERS['User-Agent'] = user_agent playdata['path'] = playdata['path'].split("&", 1)[0] session = Session(headers=CDMHEADERS) resp = session.get(playdata['path']) if resp.status_code == 200: livebandwidth = find_highest_bandwidth(xml=resp.text) live = 1 if check_key(results, id) and first and not tested: first = False if live == 1: continue else: if test_run: update_prefs() query = "UPDATE `vars` SET `test_running`={test_running} WHERE profile_id={profile_id}".format( test_running=0, profile_id=1) query_settings(query=query, return_result=False, return_insert=False, commit=True) return 5 first = False counter = 0 while not xbmc.Monitor().abortRequested() and counter < 5: if xbmc.Monitor().waitForAbort(1): break counter += 1 profile_settings = load_profile(profile_id=1) if profile_settings['last_playing'] > int(time.time() - 300): if test_run: update_prefs() query = "UPDATE `vars` SET `test_running`={test_running} WHERE profile_id={profile_id}".format( test_running=0, profile_id=1) query_settings(query=query, return_result=False, return_insert=False, commit=True) return 5 if xbmc.Monitor().abortRequested(): return 5 program_url = '{api_url}/TRAY/AVA/TRENDING/YESTERDAY?maxResults=1&filter_channelIds={channel}'.format( api_url=profile_settings['api_url'], channel=channeldata['channel_id']) download = api_download(url=program_url, type='get', headers=None, data=None, json_data=False, return_json=True) data = download['data'] code = download['code'] if code and code == 200 and data and check_key( data, 'resultCode' ) and data['resultCode'] == 'OK' and check_key( data, 'resultObj') and check_key( data['resultObj'], 'containers') and check_key( data['resultObj']['containers'][0], 'id'): profile_settings = load_profile(profile_id=1) if profile_settings['last_playing'] > int(time.time() - 300): if test_run: update_prefs() query = "UPDATE `vars` SET `test_running`={test_running} WHERE profile_id={profile_id}".format( test_running=0, profile_id=1) query_settings(query=query, return_result=False, return_insert=False, commit=True) return 5 playdata = api_play_url( type='program', channel=id, id=data['resultObj']['containers'][0]['id'], test=True) if len(playdata['path']) > 0: CDMHEADERS = CONST_BASE_HEADERS CDMHEADERS['User-Agent'] = user_agent playdata['path'] = playdata['path'].split( "&min_bitrate", 1)[0] session = Session(headers=CDMHEADERS) resp = session.get(playdata['path']) if resp.status_code == 200: replaybandwidth = find_highest_bandwidth( xml=resp.text) replay = 1 query = "SELECT id FROM `epg` WHERE channel='{channel}' LIMIT 1".format( channel=id) data = query_epg(query=query, return_result=True, return_insert=False, commit=False) if len(data) > 0: guide = 1 if live == 1: epg = 1 if not xbmc.Monitor().abortRequested(): query = "UPDATE `vars` SET `last_tested`='{last_tested}' WHERE profile_id={profile_id}".format( last_tested=id, profile_id=1) query_settings(query=query, return_result=False, return_insert=False, commit=True) query = "REPLACE INTO `tests_{profile_id}` VALUES ('{id}', '{live}', '{livebandwidth}', '{replay}', '{replaybandwidth}', '{epg}', '{guide}')".format( profile_id=1, id=id, live=live, livebandwidth=livebandwidth, replay=replay, replaybandwidth=replaybandwidth, epg=epg, guide=guide) query_settings(query=query, return_result=False, return_insert=False, commit=True) test_run = True counter = 0 while not xbmc.Monitor().abortRequested() and counter < 15: if xbmc.Monitor().waitForAbort(1): break counter += 1 profile_settings = load_profile(profile_id=1) if profile_settings['last_playing'] > int(time.time() - 300): if test_run: update_prefs() query = "UPDATE `vars` SET `test_running`={test_running} WHERE profile_id={profile_id}".format( test_running=0, profile_id=1) query_settings(query=query, return_result=False, return_insert=False, commit=True) return 5 if xbmc.Monitor().abortRequested(): return 5 count += 1 except: if test_run: update_prefs() count = 5 query = "UPDATE `vars` SET `test_running`={test_running} WHERE profile_id={profile_id}".format( test_running=0, profile_id=1) query_settings(query=query, return_result=False, return_insert=False, commit=True) return count