def api_download(url, type, headers=None, data=None, json_data=True, return_json=True, allow_redirects=True, auth=None): session = Session(cookies_key='cookies') if headers: session.headers = headers if type == "post" and data: if json_data: resp =, json=data, allow_redirects=allow_redirects, auth=auth) else: resp =, data=data, allow_redirects=allow_redirects, auth=auth) else: resp = getattr(session, type)(url, allow_redirects=allow_redirects, auth=auth) if return_json: try: returned_data = json.loads(resp.json().decode('utf-8'), object_pairs_hook=OrderedDict) except: try: returned_data = resp.json(object_pairs_hook=OrderedDict) except: returned_data = resp.text else: returned_data = resp.text return { 'code': resp.status_code, 'data': returned_data, 'headers': resp.headers }
def proxy_get_session(proxy): HEADERS = CONST_BASE_HEADERS for header in proxy.headers: if proxy.headers[header] is not None and header in CONST_ALLOWED_HEADERS: HEADERS[header] = proxy.headers[header] return Session(headers=HEADERS)
def api_get_series_nfo(): type = 'seriesnfo' type = encode32(txt=type) vod_url = '{dut_epg_url}/{type}.zip'.format(dut_epg_url=CONST_DUT_EPG, type=type) file = os.path.join("cache", "{type}.json".format(type=type)) tmp = os.path.join(ADDON_PROFILE, 'tmp', "{type}.zip".format(type=type)) if not is_file_older_than_x_days(file=os.path.join(ADDON_PROFILE, file), days=0.45): data = load_file(file=file, isJSON=True) else: resp = Session().get(vod_url, stream=True) if resp.status_code != 200: resp.close() return None with open(tmp, 'wb') as f: for chunk in resp.iter_content(chunk_size=SESSION_CHUNKSIZE): f.write(chunk) resp.close() extract_zip(file=tmp, dest=os.path.join(ADDON_PROFILE, "cache", ""))
def api_get_vod_by_type(type, character, genre, subscription_filter): if not os.path.isdir(ADDON_PROFILE + 'tmp'): os.makedirs(ADDON_PROFILE + 'tmp') encodedBytes = base64.b32encode(type.encode("utf-8")) type = str(encodedBytes, "utf-8") vod_url = '{dut_epg_url}/{type}.zip'.format(dut_epg_url=CONST_DUT_EPG, type=type) file = "cache" + os.sep + "{type}.json".format(type=type) tmp = ADDON_PROFILE + 'tmp' + os.sep + "{type}.zip".format(type=type) if not is_file_older_than_x_days(file=ADDON_PROFILE + file, days=0.5): data = load_file(file=file, isJSON=True) else: resp = Session().get(vod_url, stream=True) if resp.status_code != 200: resp.close() return None with open(tmp, 'wb') as f: for chunk in resp.iter_content(chunk_size=SESSION_CHUNKSIZE): f.write(chunk) resp.close() if os.path.isfile(tmp): from zipfile import ZipFile try: with ZipFile(tmp, 'r') as zipObj: zipObj.extractall(ADDON_PROFILE + "cache" + os.sep) except: try: fixBadZipfile(tmp) with ZipFile(tmp, 'r') as zipObj: zipObj.extractall(ADDON_PROFILE + "cache" + os.sep) except: try: from resources.lib.base.l1.zipfile import ZipFile as ZipFile2 with ZipFile2(tmp, 'r') as zipObj: zipObj.extractall(ADDON_PROFILE + "cache" + os.sep) except: return None if os.path.isfile(ADDON_PROFILE + file): data = load_file(file=file, isJSON=True) else: return None else: return None data2 = OrderedDict() for currow in data: row = data[currow] id = row['id'] if genre and row['category']: if not genre in row['category']: continue if character: if not row['first'] == character: continue if subscription_filter and not int(id) in subscription_filter: continue data2[currow] = row return data2
def api_get_list_by_first(first, start, end, channels): if not os.path.isdir(ADDON_PROFILE + 'tmp'): os.makedirs(ADDON_PROFILE + 'tmp') list_url = '{dut_epg_url}/'.format(dut_epg_url=CONST_DUT_EPG) tmp = ADDON_PROFILE + 'tmp' + os.sep + '' file = "cache" + os.sep + "list.json" if not is_file_older_than_x_days(file=ADDON_PROFILE + file, days=0.5): data = load_file(file=file, isJSON=True) else: resp = Session().get(list_url, stream=True) if resp.status_code != 200: resp.close() return None with open(tmp, 'wb') as f: for chunk in resp.iter_content(chunk_size=SESSION_CHUNKSIZE): f.write(chunk) resp.close() if os.path.isfile(tmp): from zipfile import ZipFile try: with ZipFile(tmp, 'r') as zipObj: zipObj.extractall(ADDON_PROFILE + "cache" + os.sep) except: try: fixBadZipfile(tmp) with ZipFile(tmp, 'r') as zipObj: zipObj.extractall(ADDON_PROFILE + "cache" + os.sep) except: try: from resources.lib.base.l1.zipfile import ZipFile as ZipFile2 with ZipFile2(tmp, 'r') as zipObj: zipObj.extractall(ADDON_PROFILE + "cache" + os.sep) except: return None if os.path.isfile(ADDON_PROFILE + file): data = load_file(file=file, isJSON=True) else: return None else: return None data2 = OrderedDict() data = data[str(first)] for currow in data: row = data[currow] try: if not int(row['startl']) < start or not int(row['starth']) > end: continue except: pass try: found = False for station in row['channels']: if station in channels: found = True break if found == False: continue except: pass data2[currow] = row return data2
def proxy_get_session(proxy): return Session(cookies_key='cookies', save_cookies=False)
def _download(url, dst, dst_path, arch, md5=None): filename = url.split('/')[-1] tmp = ADDON_PROFILE + "tmp" + os.sep + "widevine" downloaded = 0 if os.path.exists(dst_path): if md5 and md5sum(dst_path) == md5: #log.debug('MD5 of local file {} same. Skipping download'.format(filename)) return True elif not gui.yes_no(_.NEW_IA_VERSION): return False else: if os.path.exists(dst_path): os.remove(dst_path) with gui.progress(_(_.IA_DOWNLOADING_FILE, url=filename), heading=_.IA_WIDEVINE_DRM) as progress: resp = Session().get(url, stream=True) if resp.status_code != 200: raise InputStreamError( _(_.ERROR_DOWNLOADING_FILE, filename=filename)) total_length = float(resp.headers.get('content-length', 1)) with open(tmp, 'wb') as f: for chunk in resp.iter_content(chunk_size=SESSION_CHUNKSIZE): f.write(chunk) downloaded += len(chunk) downloadperc = int(downloaded) * 100 downloadperc2 = int(downloadperc) // int(total_length) percent = int(downloadperc2) if progress.iscanceled(): progress.close() resp.close() progress.update(percent) if os.path.isfile(tmp): if 'arm' in arch: with open(tmp, "rb") as encoded_file: import base64 decoded_string = base64.b64decode( with open(dst_path, "wb") as decoded_file: decoded_file.write(decoded_string) else: from zipfile import ZipFile with ZipFile(tmp, 'r') as zipObj: zipObj.extractall(ADDON_PROFILE + "tmp" + os.sep) if os.path.isfile(ADDON_PROFILE + "tmp" + os.sep + dst): shutil.copy(ADDON_PROFILE + "tmp" + os.sep + dst, dst_path) for file in glob.glob(ADDON_PROFILE + "tmp" + os.sep + "*"): os.remove(file) if progress.iscanceled(): return False checksum = md5sum(dst_path) if checksum != md5: if os.path.exists(dst_path): os.remove(dst_path) raise InputStreamError( _(_.MD5_MISMATCH, filename=filename, local_md5=checksum, remote_md5=md5)) return True
def api_test_channels(tested=False, channel=None): profile_settings = load_profile(profile_id=1) if channel: channel = unicode(channel) try: if not profile_settings['last_login_success'] == 1 or not settings.getBool(key='run_tests') or not api_get_session(): return 5 query = "UPDATE `vars` SET `test_running`={test_running} WHERE profile_id={profile_id}".format(test_running=1,profile_id=1) query_settings(query=query, return_result=False, return_insert=False, commit=True) query = "SELECT * FROM `channels`" channels = query_epg(query=query, return_result=True, return_insert=False, commit=False) results = load_tests(profile_id=1) count = 0 first = True last_tested_found = False test_run = False user_agent = profile_settings['user_agent'] if not results: results = {} for row in channels: if count == 5 or (count == 1 and tested): if test_run: update_prefs() query = "UPDATE `vars` SET `test_running`={test_running} WHERE profile_id={profile_id}".format(test_running=0,profile_id=1) query_settings(query=query, return_result=False, return_insert=False, commit=True) return count id = unicode(row['id']) if len(id) > 0: if channel: if not id == channel: continue elif tested: if unicode(profile_settings['last_tested']) == id: last_tested_found = True continue elif last_tested_found: pass else: continue if check_key(results, id) and not tested and not first: continue livebandwidth = 0 replaybandwidth = 0 live = 0 replay = 0 epg = 0 guide = 0 profile_settings = load_profile(profile_id=1) if profile_settings['last_playing'] > int(time.time() - 300): if test_run: update_prefs() query = "UPDATE `vars` SET `test_running`={test_running} WHERE profile_id={profile_id}".format(test_running=0,profile_id=1) query_settings(query=query, return_result=False, return_insert=False, commit=True) return 5 playdata = api_play_url(type='channel', channel=id, id=None, test=True) if first and not profile_settings['last_login_success']: if test_run: update_prefs() query = "UPDATE `vars` SET `test_running`={test_running} WHERE profile_id={profile_id}".format(test_running=0,profile_id=1) query_settings(query=query, return_result=False, return_insert=False, commit=True) return 5 if len(playdata['path']) > 0: CDMHEADERS = { 'User-Agent': user_agent, 'X_CSRFToken': profile_settings['csrf_token'], 'Cookie': playdata['license']['cookie'], } if check_key(playdata, 'license') and check_key(playdata['license'], 'triggers') and check_key(playdata['license']['triggers'][0], 'licenseURL'): if check_key(playdata['license']['triggers'][0], 'customData'): CDMHEADERS['AcquireLicense.CustomData'] = playdata['license']['triggers'][0]['customData'] CDMHEADERS['CADeviceType'] = 'Widevine OTT client' session = Session(headers=CDMHEADERS) resp = session.get(playdata['path']) if resp.status_code == 200: livebandwidth = find_highest_bandwidth(xml=resp.text) live = 1 if check_key(results, id) and first and not tested: first = False if live == 1: continue else: if test_run: update_prefs() query = "UPDATE `vars` SET `test_running`={test_running} WHERE profile_id={profile_id}".format(test_running=0,profile_id=1) query_settings(query=query, return_result=False, return_insert=False, commit=True) return 5 first = False counter = 0 while not xbmc.Monitor().abortRequested() and counter < 5: if xbmc.Monitor().waitForAbort(1): break counter += 1 profile_settings = load_profile(profile_id=1) if profile_settings['last_playing'] > int(time.time() - 300): if test_run: update_prefs() query = "UPDATE `vars` SET `test_running`={test_running} WHERE profile_id={profile_id}".format(test_running=0,profile_id=1) query_settings(query=query, return_result=False, return_insert=False, commit=True) return 5 if xbmc.Monitor().abortRequested(): return 5 militime = int(int(time.time() - 86400) * 1000) session_post_data = { 'needChannel': '0', 'queryChannel': { 'channelIDs': [ id, ], 'isReturnAllMedia': '1', }, 'queryPlaybill': { 'count': '1', 'endTime': militime, 'isFillProgram': '1', 'offset': '0', 'startTime': militime, 'type': '0', } } headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'X_CSRFToken': profile_settings['csrf_token']} channel_url = '{base_url}/VSP/V3/QueryPlaybillListStcProps?SID=queryPlaybillListStcProps3&DEVICE=PC&DID={deviceID}&from=throughMSAAccess'.format(base_url=CONST_BASE_URL, deviceID=profile_settings['devicekey']) download = api_download(url=channel_url, type='post', headers=headers, data=session_post_data, json_data=True, return_json=True) data = download['data'] code = download['code'] if code and code == 200 and data and check_key(data, 'channelPlaybills') and check_key(data['channelPlaybills'][0], 'playbillLites') and check_key(data['channelPlaybills'][0]['playbillLites'][0], 'ID'): profile_settings = load_profile(profile_id=1) if profile_settings['last_playing'] > int(time.time() - 300): if test_run: update_prefs() query = "UPDATE `vars` SET `test_running`={test_running} WHERE profile_id={profile_id}".format(test_running=0,profile_id=1) query_settings(query=query, return_result=False, return_insert=False, commit=True) return 5 playdata = api_play_url(type='program', channel=id, id=data['channelPlaybills'][0]['playbillLites'][0]['ID'], test=True) if len(playdata['path']) > 0: CDMHEADERS = { 'User-Agent': user_agent, 'X_CSRFToken': profile_settings['csrf_token'], 'Cookie': playdata['license']['cookie'], } if check_key(playdata, 'license') and check_key(playdata['license'], 'triggers') and check_key(playdata['license']['triggers'][0], 'licenseURL'): if check_key(playdata['license']['triggers'][0], 'customData'): CDMHEADERS['AcquireLicense.CustomData'] = playdata['license']['triggers'][0]['customData'] CDMHEADERS['CADeviceType'] = 'Widevine OTT client' session = Session(headers=CDMHEADERS) resp = session.get(playdata['path']) if resp.status_code == 200: replaybandwidth = find_highest_bandwidth(xml=resp.text) replay = 1 query = "SELECT id FROM `epg` WHERE channel='{channel}' LIMIT 1".format(channel=id) data = query_epg(query=query, return_result=True, return_insert=False, commit=False) if len(data) > 0: guide = 1 if live == 1: epg = 1 if not xbmc.Monitor().abortRequested(): query = "UPDATE `vars` SET `last_tested`='{last_tested}' WHERE profile_id={profile_id}".format(last_tested=id,profile_id=1) query_settings(query=query, return_result=False, return_insert=False, commit=True) query = "REPLACE INTO `tests_{profile_id}` VALUES ('{id}', '{live}', '{livebandwidth}', '{replay}', '{replaybandwidth}', '{epg}', '{guide}')".format(profile_id=1, id=id, live=live, livebandwidth=livebandwidth, replay=replay, replaybandwidth=replaybandwidth, epg=epg, guide=guide) query_settings(query=query, return_result=False, return_insert=False, commit=True) test_run = True counter = 0 while not xbmc.Monitor().abortRequested() and counter < 15: if xbmc.Monitor().waitForAbort(1): break counter += 1 profile_settings = load_profile(profile_id=1) if profile_settings['last_playing'] > int(time.time() - 300): if test_run: update_prefs() query = "UPDATE `vars` SET `test_running`={test_running} WHERE profile_id={profile_id}".format(test_running=0,profile_id=1) query_settings(query=query, return_result=False, return_insert=False, commit=True) return 5 if xbmc.Monitor().abortRequested(): return 5 count += 1 except: if test_run: update_prefs() count = 5 query = "UPDATE `vars` SET `test_running`={test_running} WHERE profile_id={profile_id}".format(test_running=0,profile_id=1) query_settings(query=query, return_result=False, return_insert=False, commit=True) return count
def api_test_channels(tested=False, channel=None): profile_settings = load_profile(profile_id=1) if channel: channel = unicode(channel) try: if not profile_settings['last_login_success'] == 1 or not settings.getBool(key='run_tests') or not api_get_session(): return 5 query = "UPDATE `vars` SET `test_running`={test_running} WHERE profile_id={profile_id}".format(test_running=1,profile_id=1) query_settings(query=query, return_result=False, return_insert=False, commit=True) query = "SELECT * FROM `channels`" channels = query_epg(query=query, return_result=True, return_insert=False, commit=False) results = load_tests(profile_id=1) count = 0 first = True last_tested_found = False test_run = False user_agent = profile_settings['user_agent'] if not results: results = {} for row in channels: if count == 5 or (count == 1 and tested): if test_run: update_prefs() query = "UPDATE `vars` SET `test_running`={test_running} WHERE profile_id={profile_id}".format(test_running=0,profile_id=1) query_settings(query=query, return_result=False, return_insert=False, commit=True) return count id = unicode(row['id']) if len(id) > 0: if channel: if not id == channel: continue elif tested: if unicode(profile_settings['last_tested']) == id: last_tested_found = True continue elif last_tested_found: pass else: continue if check_key(results, id) and not tested and not first: continue livebandwidth = 0 replaybandwidth = 0 live = 0 replay = 0 epg = 0 guide = 0 profile_settings = load_profile(profile_id=1) if profile_settings['last_playing'] > int(time.time() - 300): if test_run: update_prefs() query = "UPDATE `vars` SET `test_running`={test_running} WHERE profile_id={profile_id}".format(test_running=0,profile_id=1) query_settings(query=query, return_result=False, return_insert=False, commit=True) return 5 playdata = api_play_url(type='channel', channel=id, id=None, test=True) if first and not profile_settings['last_login_success']: if test_run: update_prefs() query = "UPDATE `vars` SET `test_running`={test_running} WHERE profile_id={profile_id}".format(test_running=0,profile_id=1) query_settings(query=query, return_result=False, return_insert=False, commit=True) return 5 if len(playdata['path']) > 0: CDMHEADERS = {} if check_key(playdata, 'license') and check_key(playdata['license'], 'drmConfig') and check_key(playdata['license']['drmConfig'], 'widevine'): if '' in playdata['license']['drmConfig']['widevine']['drmServerUrl']: if xbmc.Monitor().waitForAbort(1): return 5 if check_key(playdata['license']['drmConfig']['widevine'], 'customHeaders'): for row in playdata['license']['drmConfig']['widevine']['customHeaders']: CDMHEADERS[row] = playdata['license']['drmConfig']['widevine']['customHeaders'][row] session = Session(headers=CDMHEADERS) resp = session.get(playdata['path']) if resp.status_code == 200: livebandwidth = find_highest_bandwidth(xml=resp.text) live = 1 if check_key(results, id) and first and not tested: first = False if live == 1: continue else: if test_run: update_prefs() query = "UPDATE `vars` SET `test_running`={test_running} WHERE profile_id={profile_id}".format(test_running=0,profile_id=1) query_settings(query=query, return_result=False, return_insert=False, commit=True) return 5 first = False counter = 0 while not xbmc.Monitor().abortRequested() and counter < 5: if xbmc.Monitor().waitForAbort(1): break counter += 1 profile_settings = load_profile(profile_id=1) if profile_settings['last_playing'] > int(time.time() - 300): if test_run: update_prefs() query = "UPDATE `vars` SET `test_running`={test_running} WHERE profile_id={profile_id}".format(test_running=0,profile_id=1) query_settings(query=query, return_result=False, return_insert=False, commit=True) return 5 if xbmc.Monitor().abortRequested(): return 5 yesterday = - datetime.timedelta(1) fromtime = datetime.datetime.strftime(yesterday, "%Y-%m-%dT%H%M%S") channel_url = '{base_url}/v6/epg/locations/{friendly}/live/1?fromDate={date}'.format(base_url=CONST_API_URL, friendly=channeldata['channel_friendly'], date=fromtime) download = api_download(url=channel_url, type='get', headers=None, data=None, json_data=False, return_json=True) data = download['data'] code = download['code'] if code and code == 200 and data: for row in data: if check_key(row, 'Channel') and check_key(row, 'Locations'): for row2 in row['Locations']: program_id = row2['LocationId'] if program_id: profile_settings = load_profile(profile_id=1) if profile_settings['last_playing'] > int(time.time() - 300): if test_run: update_prefs() query = "UPDATE `vars` SET `test_running`={test_running} WHERE profile_id={profile_id}".format(test_running=0,profile_id=1) query_settings(query=query, return_result=False, return_insert=False, commit=True) return 5 playdata = api_play_url(type='program', channel=id, id=program_id, test=True) if len(playdata['path']) > 0: CDMHEADERS = {} if check_key(playdata, 'license') and check_key(playdata['license'], 'drmConfig') and check_key(playdata['license']['drmConfig'], 'widevine'): if '' in playdata['license']['drmConfig']['widevine']['drmServerUrl']: if xbmc.Monitor().waitForAbort(1): return 5 if check_key(playdata['license']['drmConfig']['widevine'], 'customHeaders'): for row in playdata['license']['drmConfig']['widevine']['customHeaders']: CDMHEADERS[row] = playdata['license']['drmConfig']['widevine']['customHeaders'][row] session = Session(headers=CDMHEADERS) resp = session.get(playdata['path']) if resp.status_code == 200: replaybandwidth = find_highest_bandwidth(xml=resp.text) replay = 1 query = "SELECT id FROM `epg` WHERE channel='{channel}' LIMIT 1".format(channel=id) data = query_epg(query=query, return_result=True, return_insert=False, commit=False) if len(data) > 0: guide = 1 if live == 1: epg = 1 if not xbmc.Monitor().abortRequested(): query = "UPDATE `vars` SET `last_tested`='{last_tested}' WHERE profile_id={profile_id}".format(last_tested=id,profile_id=1) query_settings(query=query, return_result=False, return_insert=False, commit=True) query = "REPLACE INTO `tests_{profile_id}` VALUES ('{id}', '{live}', '{livebandwidth}', '{replay}', '{replaybandwidth}', '{epg}', '{guide}')".format(profile_id=1, id=id, live=live, livebandwidth=livebandwidth, replay=replay, replaybandwidth=replaybandwidth, epg=epg, guide=guide) query_settings(query=query, return_result=False, return_insert=False, commit=True) test_run = True counter = 0 while not xbmc.Monitor().abortRequested() and counter < 15: if xbmc.Monitor().waitForAbort(1): break counter += 1 profile_settings = load_profile(profile_id=1) if profile_settings['last_playing'] > int(time.time() - 300): if test_run: update_prefs() query = "UPDATE `vars` SET `test_running`={test_running} WHERE profile_id={profile_id}".format(test_running=0,profile_id=1) query_settings(query=query, return_result=False, return_insert=False, commit=True) return 5 if xbmc.Monitor().abortRequested(): return 5 count += 1 except: if test_run: update_prefs() count = 5 query = "UPDATE `vars` SET `test_running`={test_running} WHERE profile_id={profile_id}".format(test_running=0,profile_id=1) query_settings(query=query, return_result=False, return_insert=False, commit=True) return count
def api_get_vod_by_type(type, character, genre, subscription_filter, menu=0): menu = int(menu) if not os.path.isdir(os.path.join(ADDON_PROFILE, 'tmp')): os.makedirs(os.path.join(ADDON_PROFILE, 'tmp')) if check_key(CONST_MOD_CACHE, str(type)): days = CONST_MOD_CACHE[str(type)] else: days = 0.5 type = encode32(txt=type) vod_url = '{dut_epg_url}/{type}.zip'.format(dut_epg_url=CONST_DUT_EPG, type=type) file = os.path.join("cache", "{type}.json".format(type=type)) tmp = os.path.join(ADDON_PROFILE, 'tmp', "{type}.zip".format(type=type)) if not is_file_older_than_x_days(file=os.path.join(ADDON_PROFILE, file), days=days): data = load_file(file=file, isJSON=True) else: resp = Session().get(vod_url, stream=True) if resp.status_code != 200: resp.close() return None with open(tmp, 'wb') as f: for chunk in resp.iter_content(chunk_size=SESSION_CHUNKSIZE): f.write(chunk) resp.close() if not extract_zip(file=tmp, dest=os.path.join(ADDON_PROFILE, "cache", "")): return None else: data = load_file(file=file, isJSON=True) if menu == 1: return data data2 = OrderedDict() for currow in data: row = data[currow] id = row['id'] if genre and genre.startswith('C') and genre[1:].isnumeric(): if not row['vidcollection'] or not genre in row['vidcollection']: continue elif genre: if not row['category'] or not genre in row['category']: continue if character: if not row['first'] == character: continue if subscription_filter and not int(id) in subscription_filter: continue data2[currow] = row return data2
def api_get_list_by_first(first, start, end, channels, movies=False): if not os.path.isdir(os.path.join(ADDON_PROFILE, 'tmp')): os.makedirs(os.path.join(ADDON_PROFILE, 'tmp')) list_url = '{dut_epg_url}/'.format(dut_epg_url=CONST_DUT_EPG) tmp = os.path.join(ADDON_PROFILE, 'tmp', '') if movies == True: file = os.path.join("cache", "list_movies.json") else: file = os.path.join("cache", "list.json") if check_key(CONST_MOD_CACHE, 'list'): days = CONST_MOD_CACHE['list'] else: days = 0.5 if not is_file_older_than_x_days(file=os.path.join(ADDON_PROFILE, file), days=days): data = load_file(file=file, isJSON=True) else: resp = Session().get(list_url, stream=True) if resp.status_code != 200: resp.close() return None with open(tmp, 'wb') as f: for chunk in resp.iter_content(chunk_size=SESSION_CHUNKSIZE): f.write(chunk) resp.close() if not extract_zip(file=tmp, dest=os.path.join(ADDON_PROFILE, "cache", "")): return None else: data = load_file(file=file, isJSON=True) data2 = OrderedDict() try: data = data[str(first)] except: data = [] for currow in data: row = data[currow] try: if not int(row['startl']) < start or not int(row['starth']) > end: continue except: pass try: found = False for station in row['channels']: if station in channels: found = True break if found == False: continue except: pass data2[currow] = row return data2
def api_test_channels(tested=False, channel=None): profile_settings = load_profile(profile_id=1) if channel: channel = unicode(channel) try: if not profile_settings[ 'last_login_success'] == 1 or not settings.getBool( key='run_tests') or not api_get_session(): return 5 query = "UPDATE `vars` SET `test_running`={test_running} WHERE profile_id={profile_id}".format( test_running=1, profile_id=1) query_settings(query=query, return_result=False, return_insert=False, commit=True) query = "SELECT * FROM `channels`" channels = query_epg(query=query, return_result=True, return_insert=False, commit=False) results = load_tests(profile_id=1) count = 0 first = True last_tested_found = False test_run = False user_agent = profile_settings['user_agent'] if not results: results = {} for row in channels: if count == 5 or (count == 1 and tested): if test_run: update_prefs() query = "UPDATE `vars` SET `test_running`={test_running} WHERE profile_id={profile_id}".format( test_running=0, profile_id=1) query_settings(query=query, return_result=False, return_insert=False, commit=True) return count id = unicode(row['id']) if len(id) > 0: if channel: if not id == channel: continue elif tested: if unicode(profile_settings['last_tested']) == id: last_tested_found = True continue elif last_tested_found: pass else: continue if check_key(results, id) and not tested and not first: continue livebandwidth = 0 replaybandwidth = 0 live = 0 replay = 0 epg = 0 guide = 0 profile_settings = load_profile(profile_id=1) if profile_settings['last_playing'] > int(time.time() - 300): if test_run: update_prefs() query = "UPDATE `vars` SET `test_running`={test_running} WHERE profile_id={profile_id}".format( test_running=0, profile_id=1) query_settings(query=query, return_result=False, return_insert=False, commit=True) return 5 playdata = api_play_url(type='channel', channel=id, id=id, test=True) if first and not profile_settings['last_login_success']: if test_run: update_prefs() query = "UPDATE `vars` SET `test_running`={test_running} WHERE profile_id={profile_id}".format( test_running=0, profile_id=1) query_settings(query=query, return_result=False, return_insert=False, commit=True) return 5 if len(playdata['path']) > 0: CDMHEADERS = CONST_BASE_HEADERS CDMHEADERS['User-Agent'] = user_agent session = Session(headers=CDMHEADERS) resp = session.get(playdata['path']) if resp.status_code == 200: livebandwidth = find_highest_bandwidth(xml=resp.text) live = 1 if check_key(results, id) and first and not tested: first = False if live == 1: continue else: if test_run: update_prefs() query = "UPDATE `vars` SET `test_running`={test_running} WHERE profile_id={profile_id}".format( test_running=0, profile_id=1) query_settings(query=query, return_result=False, return_insert=False, commit=True) return 5 first = False counter = 0 while not xbmc.Monitor().abortRequested() and counter < 5: if xbmc.Monitor().waitForAbort(1): break counter += 1 profile_settings = load_profile(profile_id=1) if profile_settings['last_playing'] > int(time.time() - 300): if test_run: update_prefs() query = "UPDATE `vars` SET `test_running`={test_running} WHERE profile_id={profile_id}".format( test_running=0, profile_id=1) query_settings(query=query, return_result=False, return_insert=False, commit=True) return 5 if xbmc.Monitor().abortRequested(): return 5 headers = { 'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + profile_settings['session_token'] } yesterday = - datetime.timedelta(1) fromtime = datetime.datetime.strftime( yesterday, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.000Z') tilltime = datetime.datetime.strftime( yesterday, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:59.999Z') program_url = "{api_url}/schedule?channels={id}&from={fromtime}&until={tilltime}".format( api_url=CONST_DEFAULT_API, id=id, fromtime=fromtime, tilltime=tilltime) download = api_download(url=program_url, type='get', headers=headers, data=None, json_data=False, return_json=True) data = download['data'] code = download['code'] if code and code == 200 and data and check_key( data, 'epg') and check_key(data['epg'][0], 'id'): profile_settings = load_profile(profile_id=1) if profile_settings['last_playing'] > int(time.time() - 300): if test_run: update_prefs() query = "UPDATE `vars` SET `test_running`={test_running} WHERE profile_id={profile_id}".format( test_running=0, profile_id=1) query_settings(query=query, return_result=False, return_insert=False, commit=True) return 5 playdata = api_play_url(type='program', channel=id, id=data['epg'][0]['id'], test=True) if len(playdata['path']) > 0: CDMHEADERS = CONST_BASE_HEADERS CDMHEADERS['User-Agent'] = user_agent session = Session(headers=CDMHEADERS) resp = session.get(playdata['path']) if resp.status_code == 200: replaybandwidth = find_highest_bandwidth( xml=resp.text) replay = 1 query = "SELECT id FROM `epg` WHERE channel='{channel}' LIMIT 1".format( channel=id) data = query_epg(query=query, return_result=True, return_insert=False, commit=False) if len(data) > 0: guide = 1 if live == 1: epg = 1 if not xbmc.Monitor().abortRequested(): query = "UPDATE `vars` SET `last_tested`='{last_tested}' WHERE profile_id={profile_id}".format( last_tested=id, profile_id=1) query_settings(query=query, return_result=False, return_insert=False, commit=True) query = "REPLACE INTO `tests_{profile_id}` VALUES ('{id}', '{live}', '{livebandwidth}', '{replay}', '{replaybandwidth}', '{epg}', '{guide}')".format( profile_id=1, id=id, live=live, livebandwidth=livebandwidth, replay=replay, replaybandwidth=replaybandwidth, epg=epg, guide=guide) query_settings(query=query, return_result=False, return_insert=False, commit=True) test_run = True counter = 0 while not xbmc.Monitor().abortRequested() and counter < 15: if xbmc.Monitor().waitForAbort(1): break counter += 1 profile_settings = load_profile(profile_id=1) if profile_settings['last_playing'] > int(time.time() - 300): if test_run: update_prefs() query = "UPDATE `vars` SET `test_running`={test_running} WHERE profile_id={profile_id}".format( test_running=0, profile_id=1) query_settings(query=query, return_result=False, return_insert=False, commit=True) return 5 if xbmc.Monitor().abortRequested(): return 5 count += 1 except: if test_run: update_prefs() count = 5 query = "UPDATE `vars` SET `test_running`={test_running} WHERE profile_id={profile_id}".format( test_running=0, profile_id=1) query_settings(query=query, return_result=False, return_insert=False, commit=True) return count
def api_test_channels(tested=False, channel=None): profile_settings = load_profile(profile_id=1) if channel: channel = unicode(channel) try: if not profile_settings[ 'last_login_success'] == 1 or not settings.getBool( key='run_tests') or not api_get_session(): return 5 query = "UPDATE `vars` SET `test_running`={test_running} WHERE profile_id={profile_id}".format( test_running=1, profile_id=1) query_settings(query=query, return_result=False, return_insert=False, commit=True) query = "SELECT * FROM `channels`" channels = query_epg(query=query, return_result=True, return_insert=False, commit=False) results = load_tests(profile_id=1) count = 0 first = True last_tested_found = False test_run = False user_agent = profile_settings['user_agent'] listing_url = profile_settings['listings_url'] if not results: results = {} for row in channels: if count == 5 or (count == 1 and tested): if test_run: update_prefs() query = "UPDATE `vars` SET `test_running`={test_running} WHERE profile_id={profile_id}".format( test_running=0, profile_id=1) query_settings(query=query, return_result=False, return_insert=False, commit=True) return count id = unicode(row['id']) if len(id) > 0: if channel: if not id == channel: continue elif tested: if unicode(profile_settings['last_tested']) == id: last_tested_found = True continue elif last_tested_found: pass else: continue if check_key(results, id) and not tested and not first: continue livebandwidth = 0 replaybandwidth = 0 live = 0 replay = 0 epg = 0 guide = 0 profile_settings = load_profile(profile_id=1) if profile_settings['last_playing'] > int(time.time() - 300): if test_run: update_prefs() query = "UPDATE `vars` SET `test_running`={test_running} WHERE profile_id={profile_id}".format( test_running=0, profile_id=1) query_settings(query=query, return_result=False, return_insert=False, commit=True) return 5 playdata = api_play_url(type='channel', id=row['id'], test=True) if first and not profile_settings['last_login_success']: if test_run: update_prefs() query = "UPDATE `vars` SET `test_running`={test_running} WHERE profile_id={profile_id}".format( test_running=0, profile_id=1) query_settings(query=query, return_result=False, return_insert=False, commit=True) return 5 if len(playdata['path']) > 0: CDMHEADERS = { 'User-Agent': user_agent, 'X-Client-Id': profile_settings['client_id'] + '||' + user_agent, 'X-OESP-Token': profile_settings['access_token'], 'X-OESP-Username': profile_settings['username'], 'X-OESP-License-Token': profile_settings['drm_token'], 'X-OESP-DRM-SchemeIdUri': 'urn:uuid:edef8ba9-79d6-4ace-a3c8-27dcd51d21ed', 'X-OESP-Content-Locator': playdata['locator'], } session = Session(headers=CDMHEADERS) resp = session.get(playdata['path']) if resp.status_code == 200: livebandwidth = find_highest_bandwidth(xml=resp.text) live = 1 if check_key(results, id) and first and not tested: first = False if live == 1: continue else: if test_run: update_prefs() query = "UPDATE `vars` SET `test_running`={test_running} WHERE profile_id={profile_id}".format( test_running=0, profile_id=1) query_settings(query=query, return_result=False, return_insert=False, commit=True) return 5 first = False counter = 0 while not xbmc.Monitor().abortRequested() and counter < 5: if xbmc.Monitor().waitForAbort(1): break counter += 1 profile_settings = load_profile(profile_id=1) if profile_settings['last_playing'] > int(time.time() - 300): if test_run: update_prefs() query = "UPDATE `vars` SET `test_running`={test_running} WHERE profile_id={profile_id}".format( test_running=0, profile_id=1) query_settings(query=query, return_result=False, return_insert=False, commit=True) return 5 if xbmc.Monitor().abortRequested(): return 5 listing_url = '{listings_url}?byEndTime={time}~&byStationId={channel}&range=1-1&sort=startTime'.format( listings_url=listing_url, time=int(int(time.time() - 86400) * 1000), channel=id) download = api_download(url=listing_url, type='get', headers=api_get_headers(), data=None, json_data=False, return_json=True) data = download['data'] code = download['code'] program_id = None if code and code == 200 and data and check_key( data, 'listings'): for row in data['listings']: program_id = row['id'] if program_id: profile_settings = load_profile(profile_id=1) if profile_settings['last_playing'] > int(time.time() - 300): if test_run: update_prefs() query = "UPDATE `vars` SET `test_running`={test_running} WHERE profile_id={profile_id}".format( test_running=0, profile_id=1) query_settings(query=query, return_result=False, return_insert=False, commit=True) return 5 playdata = api_play_url(type='program', id=program_id, test=True) if len(playdata['path']) > 0: CDMHEADERS = { 'User-Agent': user_agent, 'X-Client-Id': profile_settings['client_id'] + '||' + user_agent, 'X-OESP-Token': profile_settings['access_token'], 'X-OESP-Username': profile_settings['username'], 'X-OESP-License-Token': profile_settings['drm_token'], 'X-OESP-DRM-SchemeIdUri': 'urn:uuid:edef8ba9-79d6-4ace-a3c8-27dcd51d21ed', 'X-OESP-Content-Locator': playdata['locator'], } session = Session(headers=CDMHEADERS) resp = session.get(playdata['path']) if resp.status_code == 200: replaybandwidth = find_highest_bandwidth( xml=resp.text) replay = 1 query = "SELECT id FROM `epg` WHERE channel='{channel}' LIMIT 1".format( channel=id) data = query_epg(query=query, return_result=True, return_insert=False, commit=False) if len(data) > 0: guide = 1 if live == 1: epg = 1 if not xbmc.Monitor().abortRequested(): query = "UPDATE `vars` SET `last_tested`='{last_tested}' WHERE profile_id={profile_id}".format( last_tested=id, profile_id=1) query_settings(query=query, return_result=False, return_insert=False, commit=True) query = "REPLACE INTO `tests_{profile_id}` VALUES ('{id}', '{live}', '{livebandwidth}', '{replay}', '{replaybandwidth}', '{epg}', '{guide}')".format( profile_id=1, id=id, live=live, livebandwidth=livebandwidth, replay=replay, replaybandwidth=replaybandwidth, epg=epg, guide=guide) query_settings(query=query, return_result=False, return_insert=False, commit=True) test_run = True counter = 0 while not xbmc.Monitor().abortRequested() and counter < 15: if xbmc.Monitor().waitForAbort(1): break counter += 1 profile_settings = load_profile(profile_id=1) if profile_settings['last_playing'] > int(time.time() - 300): if test_run: update_prefs() query = "UPDATE `vars` SET `test_running`={test_running} WHERE profile_id={profile_id}".format( test_running=0, profile_id=1) query_settings(query=query, return_result=False, return_insert=False, commit=True) return 5 count += 1 except: if test_run: update_prefs() count = 5 query = "UPDATE `vars` SET `test_running`={test_running} WHERE profile_id={profile_id}".format( test_running=0, profile_id=1) query_settings(query=query, return_result=False, return_insert=False, commit=True) return count
def api_test_channels(tested=False, channel=None): profile_settings = load_profile(profile_id=1) if channel: channel = unicode(channel) try: if not profile_settings[ 'last_login_success'] == 1 or not settings.getBool( key='run_tests') or not api_get_session(): return 5 query = "UPDATE `vars` SET `test_running`={test_running} WHERE profile_id={profile_id}".format( test_running=1, profile_id=1) query_settings(query=query, return_result=False, return_insert=False, commit=True) query = "SELECT * FROM `channels`" channels = query_epg(query=query, return_result=True, return_insert=False, commit=False) results = load_tests(profile_id=1) count = 0 first = True last_tested_found = False test_run = False user_agent = profile_settings['user_agent'] if not results: results = {} for row in channels: if count == 5 or (count == 1 and tested): if test_run: update_prefs() query = "UPDATE `vars` SET `test_running`={test_running} WHERE profile_id={profile_id}".format( test_running=0, profile_id=1) query_settings(query=query, return_result=False, return_insert=False, commit=True) return count id = unicode(row['id']) if len(id) > 0: if channel: if not id == channel: continue elif tested: if unicode(profile_settings['last_tested']) == id: last_tested_found = True continue elif last_tested_found: pass else: continue if check_key(results, id) and not tested and not first: continue livebandwidth = 0 replaybandwidth = 0 live = 0 replay = 0 epg = 0 guide = 0 profile_settings = load_profile(profile_id=1) if profile_settings['last_playing'] > int(time.time() - 300): if test_run: update_prefs() query = "UPDATE `vars` SET `test_running`={test_running} WHERE profile_id={profile_id}".format( test_running=0, profile_id=1) query_settings(query=query, return_result=False, return_insert=False, commit=True) return 5 playdata = api_play_url(type='channel', channel=id, id=row['assetid'], test=True) if first and not profile_settings['last_login_success']: if test_run: update_prefs() query = "UPDATE `vars` SET `test_running`={test_running} WHERE profile_id={profile_id}".format( test_running=0, profile_id=1) query_settings(query=query, return_result=False, return_insert=False, commit=True) return 5 if len(playdata['path']) > 0: CDMHEADERS = CONST_BASE_HEADERS CDMHEADERS['User-Agent'] = user_agent playdata['path'] = playdata['path'].split("&", 1)[0] session = Session(headers=CDMHEADERS) resp = session.get(playdata['path']) if resp.status_code == 200: livebandwidth = find_highest_bandwidth(xml=resp.text) live = 1 if check_key(results, id) and first and not tested: first = False if live == 1: continue else: if test_run: update_prefs() query = "UPDATE `vars` SET `test_running`={test_running} WHERE profile_id={profile_id}".format( test_running=0, profile_id=1) query_settings(query=query, return_result=False, return_insert=False, commit=True) return 5 first = False counter = 0 while not xbmc.Monitor().abortRequested() and counter < 5: if xbmc.Monitor().waitForAbort(1): break counter += 1 profile_settings = load_profile(profile_id=1) if profile_settings['last_playing'] > int(time.time() - 300): if test_run: update_prefs() query = "UPDATE `vars` SET `test_running`={test_running} WHERE profile_id={profile_id}".format( test_running=0, profile_id=1) query_settings(query=query, return_result=False, return_insert=False, commit=True) return 5 if xbmc.Monitor().abortRequested(): return 5 program_url = '{api_url}/TRAY/AVA/TRENDING/YESTERDAY?maxResults=1&filter_channelIds={channel}'.format( api_url=profile_settings['api_url'], channel=channeldata['channel_id']) download = api_download(url=program_url, type='get', headers=None, data=None, json_data=False, return_json=True) data = download['data'] code = download['code'] if code and code == 200 and data and check_key( data, 'resultCode' ) and data['resultCode'] == 'OK' and check_key( data, 'resultObj') and check_key( data['resultObj'], 'containers') and check_key( data['resultObj']['containers'][0], 'id'): profile_settings = load_profile(profile_id=1) if profile_settings['last_playing'] > int(time.time() - 300): if test_run: update_prefs() query = "UPDATE `vars` SET `test_running`={test_running} WHERE profile_id={profile_id}".format( test_running=0, profile_id=1) query_settings(query=query, return_result=False, return_insert=False, commit=True) return 5 playdata = api_play_url( type='program', channel=id, id=data['resultObj']['containers'][0]['id'], test=True) if len(playdata['path']) > 0: CDMHEADERS = CONST_BASE_HEADERS CDMHEADERS['User-Agent'] = user_agent playdata['path'] = playdata['path'].split( "&min_bitrate", 1)[0] session = Session(headers=CDMHEADERS) resp = session.get(playdata['path']) if resp.status_code == 200: replaybandwidth = find_highest_bandwidth( xml=resp.text) replay = 1 query = "SELECT id FROM `epg` WHERE channel='{channel}' LIMIT 1".format( channel=id) data = query_epg(query=query, return_result=True, return_insert=False, commit=False) if len(data) > 0: guide = 1 if live == 1: epg = 1 if not xbmc.Monitor().abortRequested(): query = "UPDATE `vars` SET `last_tested`='{last_tested}' WHERE profile_id={profile_id}".format( last_tested=id, profile_id=1) query_settings(query=query, return_result=False, return_insert=False, commit=True) query = "REPLACE INTO `tests_{profile_id}` VALUES ('{id}', '{live}', '{livebandwidth}', '{replay}', '{replaybandwidth}', '{epg}', '{guide}')".format( profile_id=1, id=id, live=live, livebandwidth=livebandwidth, replay=replay, replaybandwidth=replaybandwidth, epg=epg, guide=guide) query_settings(query=query, return_result=False, return_insert=False, commit=True) test_run = True counter = 0 while not xbmc.Monitor().abortRequested() and counter < 15: if xbmc.Monitor().waitForAbort(1): break counter += 1 profile_settings = load_profile(profile_id=1) if profile_settings['last_playing'] > int(time.time() - 300): if test_run: update_prefs() query = "UPDATE `vars` SET `test_running`={test_running} WHERE profile_id={profile_id}".format( test_running=0, profile_id=1) query_settings(query=query, return_result=False, return_insert=False, commit=True) return 5 if xbmc.Monitor().abortRequested(): return 5 count += 1 except: if test_run: update_prefs() count = 5 query = "UPDATE `vars` SET `test_running`={test_running} WHERE profile_id={profile_id}".format( test_running=0, profile_id=1) query_settings(query=query, return_result=False, return_insert=False, commit=True) return count