def movieDirectory(self, items): if items == None or len(items) == 0: control.idle() ; sys.exit() sysaddon = sys.argv[0] syshandle = int(sys.argv[1]) addonPoster, addonBanner = control.addonPoster(), control.addonBanner() addonFanart, settingFanart = control.addonFanart(), control.setting('fanart') traktCredentials = trakt.getTraktCredentialsInfo() try: isOld = False ; control.item().getArt('type') except: isOld = True isEstuary = True if 'estuary' in else False isPlayable = 'true' if not 'plugin' in control.infoLabel('Container.PluginName') else 'false' indicators = playcount.getMovieIndicators(refresh=True) if action == 'movies' else playcount.getMovieIndicators() playbackMenu = control.lang(32063).encode('utf-8') if control.setting('hosts.mode') == '2' else control.lang(32064).encode('utf-8') watchedMenu = control.lang(32068).encode('utf-8') if trakt.getTraktIndicatorsInfo() == True else control.lang(32066).encode('utf-8') unwatchedMenu = control.lang(32069).encode('utf-8') if trakt.getTraktIndicatorsInfo() == True else control.lang(32067).encode('utf-8') queueMenu = control.lang(32065).encode('utf-8') traktManagerMenu = control.lang(32070).encode('utf-8') nextMenu = control.lang(32053).encode('utf-8') for i in items: try: label = '%s (%s)' % (i['title'], i['year']) imdb, title, year = i['imdb'], i['originaltitle'], i['year'] sysname = urllib.quote_plus('%s (%s)' % (title, year)) systitle = urllib.quote_plus(title) poster, banner, fanart = i['poster'], i['banner'], i['fanart'] if banner == '0' and not fanart == '0': banner = fanart elif banner == '0' and not poster == '0': banner = poster if poster == '0': poster = addonPoster if banner == '0': banner = addonBanner meta = dict((k,v) for k, v in i.iteritems() if not v == '0') meta.update({'mediatype': 'movie'}) #meta.update({'trailer': '%s?action=trailer&name=%s' % (sysaddon, sysname)}) meta.update({'trailer': 'plugin://script.extendedinfo/?info=playtrailer&&id=%s' % imdb}) if i['duration'] == '0': meta.update({'duration': '120'}) try: meta.update({'duration': str(int(meta['duration']) * 60)}) except: pass try: meta.update({'genre': cleangenre.lang(meta['genre'], self.lang)}) except: pass if isEstuary == True: try: del meta['cast'] except: pass sysmeta = urllib.quote_plus(json.dumps(meta)) url = '%s?action=play&title=%s&year=%s&imdb=%s&meta=%s&t=%s' % (sysaddon, systitle, year, imdb, sysmeta, self.systime) sysurl = urllib.quote_plus(url) path = '%s?action=play&title=%s&year=%s&imdb=%s' % (sysaddon, systitle, year, imdb) cm = [] cm.append((queueMenu, 'RunPlugin(%s?action=queueItem)' % sysaddon)) try: overlay = int(playcount.getMovieOverlay(indicators, imdb)) if overlay == 7: cm.append((unwatchedMenu, 'RunPlugin(%s?action=moviePlaycount&imdb=%s&query=6)' % (sysaddon, imdb))) meta.update({'playcount': 1, 'overlay': 7}) else: cm.append((watchedMenu, 'RunPlugin(%s?action=moviePlaycount&imdb=%s&query=7)' % (sysaddon, imdb))) meta.update({'playcount': 0, 'overlay': 6}) except: pass if traktCredentials == True: cm.append((traktManagerMenu, 'RunPlugin(%s?action=traktManager&name=%s&imdb=%s&content=movie)' % (sysaddon, sysname, imdb))) cm.append((playbackMenu, 'RunPlugin(%s?action=alterSources&url=%s&meta=%s)' % (sysaddon, sysurl, sysmeta))) if isOld == True: cm.append((control.lang2(19033).encode('utf-8'), 'Action(Info)')) item = control.item(label=label) item.setArt({'icon': poster, 'thumb': poster, 'poster': poster, 'banner': banner}) if settingFanart == 'true' and not fanart == '0': item.setProperty('Fanart_Image', fanart) elif not addonFanart == None: item.setProperty('Fanart_Image', addonFanart) item.addContextMenuItems(cm) item.setProperty('IsPlayable', isPlayable) item.setInfo(type='Video', infoLabels = meta) control.addItem(handle=syshandle, url=url, listitem=item, isFolder=False) except: pass try: url = items[0]['next'] if url == '': raise Exception() icon = control.addonNext() url = '%s?action=moviePage&url=%s' % (sysaddon, urllib.quote_plus(url)) item = control.item(label=nextMenu) item.setArt({'icon': icon, 'thumb': icon, 'poster': icon, 'banner': icon}) if not addonFanart == None: item.setProperty('Fanart_Image', addonFanart) control.addItem(handle=syshandle, url=url, listitem=item, isFolder=True) except: pass control.content(syshandle, 'movies') #control.do_block_check(False), cacheToDisc=True) views.setView('movies', {'skin.confluence': 500})
def channelDirectory(self, items): if items == None or len(items) == 0: control.idle() ; sys.exit() sysaddon = sys.argv[0] syshandle = int(sys.argv[1]) addonPoster, addonBanner = control.addonPoster(), control.addonBanner() addonFanart, settingFanart = control.addonFanart(), control.setting('fanart') try: isOld = False ; control.item().getArt('type') except: isOld = True isPlayable = 'true' if not 'plugin' in control.infoLabel('Container.PluginName') else 'false' playbackMenu = control.lang(32063).encode('utf-8') if control.setting('hosts.mode') == '2' else control.lang(32064).encode('utf-8') queueMenu = control.lang(32065).encode('utf-8') refreshMenu = control.lang(32072).encode('utf-8') for i in items: try: label = '[B]%s[/B] : %s (%s)' % (i['channel'].upper(), i['title'], i['year']) sysname = urllib.quote_plus('%s (%s)' % (i['title'], i['year'])) systitle = urllib.quote_plus(i['title']) imdb, tmdb, year = i['imdb'], i['tmdb'], i['year'] meta = dict((k,v) for k, v in i.iteritems() if not v == '0') meta.update({'code': imdb, 'imdbnumber': imdb, 'imdb_id': imdb}) meta.update({'tmdb_id': tmdb}) meta.update({'mediatype': 'movie'}) meta.update({'trailer': '%s?action=trailer&name=%s' % (sysaddon, sysname)}) #meta.update({'trailer': 'plugin://script.extendedinfo/?info=playtrailer&&id=%s' % imdb}) meta.update({'playcount': 0, 'overlay': 6}) try: meta.update({'genre': cleangenre.lang(meta['genre'], self.lang)}) except: pass sysmeta = urllib.quote_plus(json.dumps(meta)) url = '%s?action=play&title=%s&year=%s&imdb=%s&meta=%s&t=%s' % (sysaddon, systitle, year, imdb, sysmeta, self.systime) sysurl = urllib.quote_plus(url) cm = [] cm.append((queueMenu, 'RunPlugin(%s?action=queueItem)' % sysaddon)) cm.append((refreshMenu, 'RunPlugin(%s?action=refresh)' % sysaddon)) cm.append((playbackMenu, 'RunPlugin(%s?action=alterSources&url=%s&meta=%s)' % (sysaddon, sysurl, sysmeta))) if isOld == True: cm.append((control.lang2(19033).encode('utf-8'), 'Action(Info)')) item = control.item(label=label) art = {} if 'poster2' in i and not i['poster2'] == '0': art.update({'icon': i['poster2'], 'thumb': i['poster2'], 'poster': i['poster2']}) elif 'poster' in i and not i['poster'] == '0': art.update({'icon': i['poster'], 'thumb': i['poster'], 'poster': i['poster']}) else: art.update({'icon': addonPoster, 'thumb': addonPoster, 'poster': addonPoster}) art.update({'banner': addonBanner}) if settingFanart == 'true' and 'fanart' in i and not i['fanart'] == '0': item.setProperty('Fanart_Image', i['fanart']) elif not addonFanart == None: item.setProperty('Fanart_Image', addonFanart) item.setArt(art) item.addContextMenuItems(cm) item.setProperty('IsPlayable', isPlayable) item.setInfo(type='Video', infoLabels = meta) video_streaminfo = {'codec': 'h264'} item.addStreamInfo('video', video_streaminfo) control.addItem(handle=syshandle, url=url, listitem=item, isFolder=False) except: pass control.content(syshandle, 'files'), cacheToDisc=True)
def movieDirectory(self, items): if items == None or len(items) == 0: control.idle() ; sys.exit() sysaddon = sys.argv[0] syshandle = int(sys.argv[1]) addonPoster, addonBanner = control.addonPoster(), control.addonBanner() addonFanart, settingFanart = control.addonFanart(), control.setting('fanart') traktCredentials = trakt.getTraktCredentialsInfo() try: isOld = False ; control.item().getArt('type') except: isOld = True isPlayable = 'true' if not 'plugin' in control.infoLabel('Container.PluginName') else 'false' indicators = playcount.getMovieIndicators(refresh=True) if action == 'movies' else playcount.getMovieIndicators() playbackMenu = control.lang(32063).encode('utf-8') if control.setting('hosts.mode') == '2' else control.lang(32064).encode('utf-8') watchedMenu = control.lang(32068).encode('utf-8') if trakt.getTraktIndicatorsInfo() == True else control.lang(32066).encode('utf-8') unwatchedMenu = control.lang(32069).encode('utf-8') if trakt.getTraktIndicatorsInfo() == True else control.lang(32067).encode('utf-8') queueMenu = control.lang(32065).encode('utf-8') traktManagerMenu = control.lang(32070).encode('utf-8') nextMenu = control.lang(32053).encode('utf-8') addToLibrary = control.lang(32551).encode('utf-8') for i in items: try: label = '%s (%s)' % (i['title'], i['year']) imdb, tmdb, title, year = i['imdb'], i['tmdb'], i['originaltitle'], i['year'] sysname = urllib.quote_plus('%s (%s)' % (title, year)) systitle = urllib.quote_plus(title) meta = dict((k,v) for k, v in i.iteritems() if not v == '0') meta.update({'code': imdb, 'imdbnumber': imdb, 'imdb_id': imdb}) meta.update({'tmdb_id': tmdb}) meta.update({'mediatype': 'movie'}) meta.update({'trailer': '%s?action=trailer&name=%s' % (sysaddon, urllib.quote_plus(label))}) #meta.update({'trailer': 'plugin://script.extendedinfo/?info=playtrailer&&id=%s' % imdb}) if not 'duration' in i: meta.update({'duration': '120'}) elif i['duration'] == '0': meta.update({'duration': '120'}) try: meta.update({'duration': str(int(meta['duration']) * 60)}) except: pass try: meta.update({'genre': cleangenre.lang(meta['genre'], self.lang)}) except: pass poster = [i[x] for x in ['poster3', 'poster', 'poster2'] if i.get(x, '0') != '0'] poster = poster[0] if poster else addonPoster meta.update({'poster': poster}) sysmeta = urllib.quote_plus(json.dumps(meta)) url = '%s?action=play&title=%s&year=%s&imdb=%s&meta=%s&t=%s' % (sysaddon, systitle, year, imdb, sysmeta, self.systime) sysurl = urllib.quote_plus(url) path = '%s?action=play&title=%s&year=%s&imdb=%s' % (sysaddon, systitle, year, imdb) cm = [] cm.append(('Find similar', 'ActivateWindow(10025,%s?action=movies&url=,return)' % ( sysaddon, imdb))) cm.append((queueMenu, 'RunPlugin(%s?action=queueItem)' % sysaddon)) try: overlay = int(playcount.getMovieOverlay(indicators, imdb)) if overlay == 7: cm.append((unwatchedMenu, 'RunPlugin(%s?action=moviePlaycount&imdb=%s&query=6)' % (sysaddon, imdb))) meta.update({'playcount': 1, 'overlay': 7}) else: cm.append((watchedMenu, 'RunPlugin(%s?action=moviePlaycount&imdb=%s&query=7)' % (sysaddon, imdb))) meta.update({'playcount': 0, 'overlay': 6}) except: pass if traktCredentials == True: cm.append((traktManagerMenu, 'RunPlugin(%s?action=traktManager&name=%s&imdb=%s&content=movie)' % (sysaddon, sysname, imdb))) cm.append((playbackMenu, 'RunPlugin(%s?action=alterSources&url=%s&meta=%s)' % (sysaddon, sysurl, sysmeta))) if isOld == True: cm.append((control.lang2(19033).encode('utf-8'), 'Action(Info)')) cm.append((addToLibrary, 'RunPlugin(%s?action=movieToLibrary&name=%s&title=%s&year=%s&imdb=%s&tmdb=%s)' % (sysaddon, sysname, systitle, year, imdb, tmdb))) item = control.item(label=label) art = {} art.update({'icon': poster, 'thumb': poster, 'poster': poster}) if 'banner' in i and not i['banner'] == '0': art.update({'banner': i['banner']}) else: art.update({'banner': addonBanner}) if 'clearlogo' in i and not i['clearlogo'] == '0': art.update({'clearlogo': i['clearlogo']}) if 'clearart' in i and not i['clearart'] == '0': art.update({'clearart': i['clearart']}) if settingFanart == 'true' and 'fanart2' in i and not i['fanart2'] == '0': item.setProperty('Fanart_Image', i['fanart2']) elif settingFanart == 'true' and 'fanart' in i and not i['fanart'] == '0': item.setProperty('Fanart_Image', i['fanart']) elif not addonFanart == None: item.setProperty('Fanart_Image', addonFanart) item.setArt(art) item.addContextMenuItems(cm) item.setProperty('IsPlayable', isPlayable) item.setInfo(type='Video', infoLabels = meta) video_streaminfo = {'codec': 'h264'} item.addStreamInfo('video', video_streaminfo) control.addItem(handle=syshandle, url=url, listitem=item, isFolder=False) except: pass try: url = items[0]['next'] if url == '': raise Exception() icon = control.addonNext() url = '%s?action=moviePage&url=%s' % (sysaddon, urllib.quote_plus(url)) item = control.item(label=nextMenu) item.setArt({'icon': icon, 'thumb': icon, 'poster': icon, 'banner': icon}) if not addonFanart == None: item.setProperty('Fanart_Image', addonFanart) control.addItem(handle=syshandle, url=url, listitem=item, isFolder=True) except: pass control.content(syshandle, 'movies'), cacheToDisc=True) views.setView('movies', {'skin.estuary': 55, 'skin.confluence': 500})
def channelDirectory(self, items): if items == None or len(items) == 0: control.idle() ; sys.exit() sysaddon = sys.argv[0] syshandle = int(sys.argv[1]) addonPoster, addonBanner = control.addonPoster(), control.addonBanner() addonFanart, settingFanart = control.addonFanart(), tools.Settings.getBoolean('interface.fanart') try: isOld = False ; control.item().getArt('type') except: isOld = True isPlayable = 'true' if not 'plugin' in control.infoLabel('Container.PluginName') else 'false' playbackMenu = control.lang(32063).encode('utf-8') if control.setting('playback.automatic.enabled') == 'true' else control.lang(32064).encode('utf-8') queueMenu = control.lang(32065).encode('utf-8') refreshMenu = control.lang(32072).encode('utf-8') for i in items: try: # [BUBBLESCODE] #label = '[B]%s[/B] : %s (%s)' % (i['channel'].upper(), i['title'], i['year']) label = '[B]%s[/B][CR]%s (%s)' % (i['channel'].upper(), i['title'], i['year']) # [/BUBBLESCODE] sysname = urllib.quote_plus('%s (%s)' % (i['title'], i['year'])) systitle = urllib.quote_plus(i['title']) imdb, year = i['imdb'], i['year'] meta = dict((k,v) for k, v in i.iteritems() if not v == '0') meta.update({'mediatype': 'movie'}) meta.update({'trailer': '%s?action=trailer&name=%s' % (sysaddon, sysname)}) #meta.update({'trailer': 'plugin://script.extendedinfo/?info=playtrailer&&id=%s' % imdb}) meta.update({'playcount': 0, 'overlay': 6}) try: meta.update({'genre': cleangenre.lang(meta['genre'], self.lang)}) except: pass sysmeta = urllib.quote_plus(json.dumps(meta)) url = self.parameterize('%s?action=play&title=%s&year=%s&imdb=%s&meta=%s&t=%s' % (sysaddon, systitle, year, imdb, sysmeta, self.systime)) sysurl = urllib.quote_plus(url) cm = [] cm.append((queueMenu, 'RunPlugin(%s?action=queueItem)' % sysaddon)) cm.append((refreshMenu, 'RunPlugin(%s?action=refresh)' % sysaddon)) if not self.kidsOnly() and control.setting('downloads.manual.enabled') == 'true': cm.append((control.lang(33585).encode('utf-8'), 'Container.Update(%s?action=downloadsManager)' % (sysaddon))) cm.append((playbackMenu, 'RunPlugin(%s?action=alterSources&url=%s&meta=%s)' % (sysaddon, sysurl, sysmeta))) if isOld == True: cm.append((control.lang2(19033).encode('utf-8'), 'Action(Info)')) item = control.item(label=label) art = {} poster = '0' if poster == '0' and 'poster3' in i: poster = i['poster3'] if poster == '0' and 'poster2' in i: poster = i['poster2'] if poster == '0' and 'poster' in i: poster = i['poster'] icon = '0' if icon == '0' and 'icon3' in i: icon = i['icon3'] if icon == '0' and 'icon2' in i: icon = i['icon2'] if icon == '0' and 'icon' in i: icon = i['icon'] thumb = '0' if thumb == '0' and 'thumb3' in i: thumb = i['thumb3'] if thumb == '0' and 'thumb2' in i: thumb = i['thumb2'] if thumb == '0' and 'thumb' in i: thumb = i['thumb'] banner = '0' if banner == '0' and 'banner3' in i: banner = i['banner3'] if banner == '0' and 'banner2' in i: banner = i['banner2'] if banner == '0' and 'banner' in i: banner = i['banner'] fanart = '0' if settingFanart: if fanart == '0' and 'fanart3' in i: fanart = i['fanart3'] if fanart == '0' and 'fanart2' in i: fanart = i['fanart2'] if fanart == '0' and 'fanart' in i: fanart = i['fanart'] clearlogo = '0' if clearlogo == '0' and 'clearlogo' in i: clearlogo = i['clearlogo'] clearart = '0' if clearart == '0' and 'clearart' in i: clearart = i['clearart'] if poster == '0': poster = addonPoster if icon == '0': icon = poster if thumb == '0': thumb = poster if banner == '0': banner = addonBanner if fanart == '0': fanart = addonFanart if not poster == '0' and not poster == None: art.update({'poster' : poster}) if not icon == '0' and not icon == None: art.update({'icon' : icon}) if not thumb == '0' and not thumb == None: art.update({'thumb' : thumb}) if not banner == '0' and not banner == None: art.update({'banner' : banner}) if not clearlogo == '0' and not clearlogo == None: art.update({'clearlogo' : clearlogo}) if not clearart == '0' and not clearart == None: art.update({'clearart' : clearart}) if not fanart == '0' and not fanart == None: item.setProperty('Fanart_Image', fanart) item.setArt(art) item.addContextMenuItems(cm) item.setProperty('IsPlayable', isPlayable) item.setInfo(type='Video', infoLabels = meta) control.addItem(handle=syshandle, url=url, listitem=item, isFolder=False) except: pass control.content(syshandle, 'files'), cacheToDisc=True)
def episodeDirectory(self, items): if items == None or len(items) == 0: control.idle() sys.exit() sysaddon = sys.argv[0] syshandle = int(sys.argv[1]) addonPoster, addonBanner = control.addonPoster(), control.addonBanner() addonFanart, settingFanart = control.addonFanart(), tools.Settings.getBoolean('interface.fanart') traktCredentials = trakt.getTraktCredentialsInfo() try: isOld = False ; control.item().getArt('type') except: isOld = True isPlayable = 'true' if not 'plugin' in control.infoLabel('Container.PluginName') else 'false' indicators = playcount.getTVShowIndicators(refresh=True) try: multi = [i['tvshowtitle'] for i in items] except: multi = [] multi = len([x for y,x in enumerate(multi) if x not in multi[:y]]) multi = True if multi > 1 else False try: sysaction = items[0]['action'] except: sysaction = '' isFolder = False if not sysaction == 'episodes' else True playbackMenu = control.lang(32063).encode('utf-8') if control.setting('playback.automatic.enabled') == 'true' else control.lang(32064).encode('utf-8') traktHas = trakt.getTraktIndicatorsInfo() == True watchedMenu = control.lang(32068).encode('utf-8') if traktHas else control.lang(32066).encode('utf-8') unwatchedMenu = control.lang(32069).encode('utf-8') if traktHas else control.lang(32067).encode('utf-8') unwatchedEnabled = tools.Settings.getBoolean('interface.tvshows.unwatched.enabled') unwatchedLimit = tools.Settings.getBoolean('interface.tvshows.unwatched.limit') airEnabled = tools.Settings.getBoolean('interface.tvshows.air.enabled') if airEnabled: airZone = tools.Settings.getInteger('') airLocation = tools.Settings.getInteger('interface.tvshows.air.location') airFormat = tools.Settings.getInteger('interface.tvshows.air.format') airAbbreviation = tools.Settings.getBoolean('interface.tvshows.air.abbreviation') airBold = tools.Settings.getBoolean('interface.tvshows.air.bold') airLabel = interface.Format.bold(interface.Translation.string(35032) + ': ') queueMenu = control.lang(32065).encode('utf-8') traktManagerMenu = control.lang(32070).encode('utf-8') tvshowBrowserMenu = control.lang(32071).encode('utf-8') media = tools.Media() for i in items: try: if not 'label' in i: i['label'] = i['title'] if i['label'] == None or i['label'] == '' or i['label'] == '0': i['label'] = '%s %d' % (layoutEpisodeLong, int(i['episode'])) label = None try: label = media.title(tools.Media.TypeEpisode, title = i['label'], season = i['season'], episode = i['episode']) except: pass if label == None: label = i['label'] if multi == True and not label in i['tvshowtitle'] and not i['tvshowtitle'] in label: label = '%s - %s' % (i['tvshowtitle'], label) imdb, tvdb, year, season, episode, premiered = i['imdb'], i['tvdb'], i['year'], i['season'], i['episode'], i['premiered'] # Make new episodes italicself. date = tools.Time.datetime(premiered, format = '%Y-%m-%d') current = if current <= date or == label = '[I]' + label + '[/I]' systitle = urllib.quote_plus(i['title']) systvshowtitle = urllib.quote_plus(i['tvshowtitle']) syspremiered = urllib.quote_plus(i['premiered']) meta = dict((k,v) for k, v in i.iteritems() if not v == '0') meta.update({'mediatype': 'episode'}) meta.update({'trailer': '%s?action=trailer&name=%s' % (sysaddon, systvshowtitle)}) # Bubbles # Remove default time, since this might mislead users. Rather show no time. #if not 'duration' in i: meta.update({'duration': '60'}) #elif i['duration'] == '0': meta.update({'duration': '60'}) try: meta.update({'duration': str(int(meta['duration']) * 60)}) except: pass try: meta.update({'genre': cleangenre.lang(meta['genre'], self.lang)}) except: pass try: meta.update({'title': i['label']}) except: pass try: meta.update({'year': date.year}) # Kodi uses the year (the year the show started) as the year for the episode. Change it from the premiered date. except: pass if airEnabled: air = [] airday = None airtime = None if 'airday' in meta and not meta['airday'] == None and not meta['airday'] == '': airday = meta['airday'] if 'airtime' in meta and not meta['airtime'] == None and not meta['airtime'] == '': airtime = meta['airtime'] if 'airzone' in meta and not meta['airzone'] == None and not meta['airzone'] == '': if airLocation == 1: zoneTo = meta['airzone'] elif airLocation == 2: zoneTo = tools.Time.ZoneUtc else: zoneTo = tools.Time.ZoneLocal airtime = tools.Time.local(stringTime = meta['airtime'], stringDay = airday, zoneFrom = meta['airzone'], zoneTo = zoneTo) if airday: airday = airtime[1] airtime = airtime[0] if airday: if airAbbreviation: try: airday = airday[:3] except: pass air.append(airday) if airtime: air.append(airtime) if len(air) > 0: if airFormat == 0: air = airtime elif airFormat == 1: air = airday elif airFormat == 2: air = air = ' '.join(air) if airLocation == 0 or airLocation == 1: air = '[%s]' % air if airBold: air = interface.Format.bold(air) if airLocation == 0: label = '%s %s' % (air, label) elif airLocation == 1: label = '%s %s' % (label, air) elif airLocation == 2: meta['plot'] = '%s%s\r\n%s' % (airLabel, air, meta['plot']) elif airLocation == 3: meta['plot'] = '%s%s\r\n%s' % (airLabel, meta['plot'], air) airEnabled = tools.Settings.getBoolean('interface.tvshows.air.enabled') if airEnabled: airZone = tools.Settings.getInteger('') airLocation = tools.Settings.getInteger('interface.tvshows.air.location') airFormat = tools.Settings.getInteger('interface.tvshows.air.format') airAbbreviation = tools.Settings.getBoolean('interface.tvshows.air.abbreviation') airBold = tools.Settings.getBoolean('interface.tvshows.air.bold') sysmeta = urllib.quote_plus(json.dumps(meta)) url = self.parameterize('%s?action=play&title=%s&year=%s&imdb=%s&tvdb=%s&season=%s&episode=%s&tvshowtitle=%s&premiered=%s&meta=%s&t=%s' % (sysaddon, systitle, year, imdb, tvdb, season, episode, systvshowtitle, syspremiered, sysmeta, self.systime)) sysurl = urllib.quote_plus(url) path = self.parameterize('%s?action=play&title=%s&year=%s&imdb=%s&tvdb=%s&season=%s&episode=%s&tvshowtitle=%s&premiered=%s' % (sysaddon, systitle, year, imdb, tvdb, season, episode, systvshowtitle, syspremiered)) if isFolder == True: url = self.parameterize('%s?action=episodes&tvshowtitle=%s&year=%s&imdb=%s&tvdb=%s&season=%s&episode=%s' % (sysaddon, systvshowtitle, year, imdb, tvdb, season, episode)) cm = [] cm.append((queueMenu, 'RunPlugin(%s?action=queueItem)' % sysaddon)) if multi == True: link = self.parameterize('%s?action=seasons&tvshowtitle=%s&year=%s&imdb=%s&tvdb=%s' % (sysaddon, systvshowtitle, year, imdb, tvdb)) cm.append((tvshowBrowserMenu, 'Container.Update(%s,return)' % link)) try: overlay = int(playcount.getEpisodeOverlay(indicators, imdb, tvdb, season, episode)) if overlay == 7: if not traktHas: link = self.parameterize('%s?action=episodePlaycount&imdb=%s&tvdb=%s&season=%s&episode=%s&query=6' % (sysaddon, imdb, tvdb, season, episode)) cm.append((unwatchedMenu, 'RunPlugin(%s)' % link)) meta.update({'playcount': 1, 'overlay': 7}) else: if not traktHas: link = self.parameterize('%s?action=episodePlaycount&imdb=%s&tvdb=%s&season=%s&episode=%s&query=7' % (sysaddon, imdb, tvdb, season, episode)) cm.append((watchedMenu, 'RunPlugin(%s)' % link)) meta.update({'playcount': 0, 'overlay': 6}) except: overlay = None if traktCredentials == True: link = self.parameterize('%s?action=traktManager&tvdb=%s&season=%s&episode=%s' % (sysaddon, tvdb, season, episode)) cm.append((traktManagerMenu, 'RunPlugin(%s)' % link)) if not self.kidsOnly() and control.setting('downloads.manual.enabled') == 'true': cm.append((control.lang(33585).encode('utf-8'), 'Container.Update(%s?action=downloadsManager)' % (sysaddon))) if isFolder == False: cm.append((playbackMenu, 'RunPlugin(%s?action=alterSources&url=%s&meta=%s)' % (sysaddon, sysurl, sysmeta))) if isOld == True: cm.append((control.lang2(19033).encode('utf-8'), 'Action(Info)')) item = control.item(label=label) if multi and unwatchedEnabled and not overlay == None and not overlay == 7: try: count = playcount.getShowCount(indicators, tvdb, unwatchedLimit) if count: item.setProperty('TotalEpisodes', str(count['total'])) item.setProperty('WatchedEpisodes', str(count['watched'])) item.setProperty('UnWatchedEpisodes', str(count['unwatched'])) except: pass art = {} poster = '0' if poster == '0' and 'poster3' in i: poster = i['poster3'] if poster == '0' and 'poster2' in i: poster = i['poster2'] if poster == '0' and 'poster' in i: poster = i['poster'] icon = '0' if icon == '0' and 'icon3' in i: icon = i['icon3'] if icon == '0' and 'icon2' in i: icon = i['icon2'] if icon == '0' and 'icon' in i: icon = i['icon'] thumb = '0' if thumb == '0' and 'thumb3' in i: thumb = i['thumb3'] if thumb == '0' and 'thumb2' in i: thumb = i['thumb2'] if thumb == '0' and 'thumb' in i: thumb = i['thumb'] banner = '0' if banner == '0' and 'banner3' in i: banner = i['banner3'] if banner == '0' and 'banner2' in i: banner = i['banner2'] if banner == '0' and 'banner' in i: banner = i['banner'] fanart = '0' if settingFanart: if fanart == '0' and 'fanart3' in i: fanart = i['fanart3'] if fanart == '0' and 'fanart2' in i: fanart = i['fanart2'] if fanart == '0' and 'fanart' in i: fanart = i['fanart'] clearlogo = '0' if clearlogo == '0' and 'clearlogo' in i: clearlogo = i['clearlogo'] clearart = '0' if clearart == '0' and 'clearart' in i: clearart = i['clearart'] if poster == '0': poster = addonPoster if icon == '0': icon = poster if thumb == '0': thumb = poster if banner == '0': banner = addonBanner if fanart == '0': fanart = addonFanart if not poster == '0' and not poster == None: art.update({'poster' : poster, 'tvshow.poster' : poster, 'season.poster' : poster}) if not icon == '0' and not icon == None: art.update({'icon' : icon}) if not thumb == '0' and not thumb == None: art.update({'thumb' : thumb}) if not banner == '0' and not banner == None: art.update({'banner' : banner}) if not clearlogo == '0' and not clearlogo == None: art.update({'clearlogo' : clearlogo}) if not clearart == '0' and not clearart == None: art.update({'clearart' : clearart}) if not fanart == '0' and not fanart == None: item.setProperty('Fanart_Image', fanart) item.setArt(art) item.addContextMenuItems(cm) item.setProperty('IsPlayable', isPlayable) item.setInfo(type='Video', infoLabels = meta) control.addItem(handle=syshandle, url=url, listitem=item, isFolder=isFolder) except: tools.Logger.error pass # Bubbles # Show multi as show, in order to display unwatched count. if multi: control.content(syshandle, 'tvshows'), cacheToDisc=True) views.setView('shows', {'skin.estuary': 55, 'skin.confluence': 500}) else: control.content(syshandle, 'episodes'), cacheToDisc=True) views.setView('episodes', {'skin.estuary': 55, 'skin.confluence': 504})
def tvshowDirectory(self, items): if items == None or len(items) == 0: control.idle() ; sys.exit() sysaddon = sys.argv[0] syshandle = int(sys.argv[1]) addonPoster, addonBanner = control.addonPoster(), control.addonBanner() addonFanart, settingFanart = control.addonFanart(), control.setting('fanart') traktCredentials = trakt.getTraktCredentialsInfo() try: isOld = False ; control.item().getArt('type') except: isOld = True isEstuary = True if 'estuary' in else False indicators = playcount.getTVShowIndicators(refresh=True) if action == 'tvshows' else playcount.getTVShowIndicators() watchedMenu = control.lang(32068).encode('utf-8') if trakt.getTraktIndicatorsInfo() == True else control.lang(32066).encode('utf-8') unwatchedMenu = control.lang(32069).encode('utf-8') if trakt.getTraktIndicatorsInfo() == True else control.lang(32067).encode('utf-8') queueMenu = control.lang(32065).encode('utf-8') traktManagerMenu = control.lang(32070).encode('utf-8') nextMenu = control.lang(32053).encode('utf-8') for i in items: try: label = i['title'] systitle = sysname = urllib.quote_plus(i['originaltitle']) sysimage = urllib.quote_plus(i['poster']) imdb, tvdb, year = i['imdb'], i['tvdb'], i['year'] poster, banner, fanart = i['poster'], i['banner'], i['fanart'] if banner == '0' and not fanart == '0': banner = fanart elif banner == '0' and not poster == '0': banner = poster if poster == '0': poster = addonPoster if banner == '0': banner = addonBanner meta = dict((k,v) for k, v in i.iteritems() if not v == '0') meta.update({'mediatype': 'tvshow'}) meta.update({'trailer': '%s?action=trailer&name=%s' % (sysaddon, sysname)}) if i['duration'] == '0': meta.update({'duration': '60'}) try: meta.update({'duration': str(int(meta['duration']) * 60)}) except: pass try: meta.update({'genre': cleangenre.lang(meta['genre'], self.lang)}) except: pass if isEstuary == True: try: del meta['cast'] except: pass try: overlay = int(playcount.getTVShowOverlay(indicators, tvdb)) if overlay == 7: meta.update({'playcount': 1, 'overlay': 7}) else: meta.update({'playcount': 0, 'overlay': 6}) except: pass url = '%s?action=seasons&tvshowtitle=%s&year=%s&imdb=%s&tvdb=%s' % (sysaddon, systitle, year, imdb, tvdb) cm = [] cm.append((queueMenu, 'RunPlugin(%s?action=queueItem)' % sysaddon)) cm.append((watchedMenu, 'RunPlugin(%s?action=tvPlaycount&name=%s&imdb=%s&tvdb=%s&query=7)' % (sysaddon, systitle, imdb, tvdb))) cm.append((unwatchedMenu, 'RunPlugin(%s?action=tvPlaycount&name=%s&imdb=%s&tvdb=%s&query=6)' % (sysaddon, systitle, imdb, tvdb))) if traktCredentials == True: cm.append((traktManagerMenu, 'RunPlugin(%s?action=traktManager&name=%s&tvdb=%s&content=tvshow)' % (sysaddon, sysname, tvdb))) if isOld == True: cm.append((control.lang2(19033).encode('utf-8'), 'Action(Info)')) item = control.item(label=label) item.setArt({'icon': poster, 'thumb': poster, 'poster': poster, 'tvshow.poster': poster, 'season.poster': poster, 'banner': banner, 'tvshow.banner': banner, 'season.banner': banner}) if settingFanart == 'true' and not fanart == '0': item.setProperty('Fanart_Image', fanart) elif not addonFanart == None: item.setProperty('Fanart_Image', addonFanart) item.addContextMenuItems(cm) item.setInfo(type='Video', infoLabels = meta) control.addItem(handle=syshandle, url=url, listitem=item, isFolder=True) except: pass try: url = items[0]['next'] if url == '': raise Exception() icon = control.addonNext() url = '%s?action=tvshowPage&url=%s' % (sysaddon, urllib.quote_plus(url)) item = control.item(label=nextMenu) item.setArt({'icon': icon, 'thumb': icon, 'poster': icon, 'tvshow.poster': icon, 'season.poster': icon, 'banner': icon, 'tvshow.banner': icon, 'season.banner': icon}) if not addonFanart == None: item.setProperty('Fanart_Image', addonFanart) control.addItem(handle=syshandle, url=url, listitem=item, isFolder=True) except: pass control.content(syshandle, 'tvshows') #control.do_block_check(False), cacheToDisc=True) views.setView('tvshows', {'skin.confluence': 500})
def channelDirectory(self, items): if items == None or len(items) == 0: control.idle() sys.exit() sysaddon = sys.argv[0] syshandle = int(sys.argv[1]) addonPoster, addonBanner = control.addonPoster(), control.addonBanner() addonFanart, settingFanart = control.addonFanart(), control.setting( 'fanart') try: isOld = False control.item().getArt('type') except: isOld = True isPlayable = 'true' if not 'plugin' in control.infoLabel( 'Container.PluginName') else 'false' playbackMenu = control.lang(32063).encode('utf-8') if control.setting( 'hosts.mode') == '2' else control.lang(32064).encode('utf-8') queueMenu = control.lang(32065).encode('utf-8') refreshMenu = control.lang(32072).encode('utf-8') for i in items: try: label = '[B]%s[/B] : %s (%s)' % (i['channel'].upper(), i['title'], i['year']) sysname = urllib.quote_plus('%s (%s)' % (i['title'], i['year'])) systitle = urllib.quote_plus(i['title']) imdb, tmdb, year = i['imdb'], i['tmdb'], i['year'] meta = dict((k, v) for k, v in i.iteritems() if not v == '0') meta.update({ 'code': imdb, 'imdbnumber': imdb, 'imdb_id': imdb }) meta.update({'tmdb_id': tmdb}) meta.update({'mediatype': 'movie'}) meta.update({ 'trailer': '%s?action=trailer&name=%s' % (sysaddon, sysname) }) #meta.update({'trailer': 'plugin://script.extendedinfo/?info=playtrailer&&id=%s' % imdb}) meta.update({'playcount': 0, 'overlay': 6}) try: meta.update( {'genre': cleangenre.lang(meta['genre'], self.lang)}) except: pass sysmeta = urllib.quote_plus(json.dumps(meta)) url = '%s?action=play&title=%s&year=%s&imdb=%s&meta=%s&t=%s' % ( sysaddon, systitle, year, imdb, sysmeta, self.systime) sysurl = urllib.quote_plus(url) cm = [] cm.append( (queueMenu, 'RunPlugin(%s?action=queueItem)' % sysaddon)) cm.append( (refreshMenu, 'RunPlugin(%s?action=refresh)' % sysaddon)) cm.append((playbackMenu, 'RunPlugin(%s?action=alterSources&url=%s&meta=%s)' % (sysaddon, sysurl, sysmeta))) if isOld == True: cm.append( (control.lang2(19033).encode('utf-8'), 'Action(Info)')) item = control.item(label=label) art = {} if 'poster2' in i and not i['poster2'] == '0': art.update({ 'icon': i['poster2'], 'thumb': i['poster2'], 'poster': i['poster2'] }) elif 'poster' in i and not i['poster'] == '0': art.update({ 'icon': i['poster'], 'thumb': i['poster'], 'poster': i['poster'] }) else: art.update({ 'icon': addonPoster, 'thumb': addonPoster, 'poster': addonPoster }) art.update({'banner': addonBanner}) if settingFanart == 'true' and 'fanart' in i and not i[ 'fanart'] == '0': item.setProperty('Fanart_Image', i['fanart']) elif not addonFanart == None: item.setProperty('Fanart_Image', addonFanart) item.setArt(art) item.addContextMenuItems(cm) item.setProperty('IsPlayable', isPlayable) item.setInfo(type='Video', infoLabels=meta) video_streaminfo = {'codec': 'h264'} item.addStreamInfo('video', video_streaminfo) control.addItem(handle=syshandle, url=url, listitem=item, isFolder=False) except: pass control.content(syshandle, 'files'), cacheToDisc=True)
def tvshowDirectory(self, items): if items == None or len(items) == 0: control.idle() ; sys.exit() sysaddon = sys.argv[0] syshandle = int(sys.argv[1]) addonPoster, addonBanner = control.addonPoster(), control.addonBanner() addonFanart, settingFanart = control.addonFanart(), control.setting('fanart') traktCredentials = trakt.getTraktCredentialsInfo() try: isOld = False ; control.item().getArt('type') except: isOld = True indicators = playcount.getTVShowIndicators(refresh=True) if action == 'tvshows' else playcount.getTVShowIndicators() flatten = True if control.setting('flatten.tvshows') == 'true' else False watchedMenu = control.lang(32068).encode('utf-8') if trakt.getTraktIndicatorsInfo() == True else control.lang(32066).encode('utf-8') unwatchedMenu = control.lang(32069).encode('utf-8') if trakt.getTraktIndicatorsInfo() == True else control.lang(32067).encode('utf-8') queueMenu = control.lang(32065).encode('utf-8') traktManagerMenu = control.lang(32070).encode('utf-8') nextMenu = control.lang(32053).encode('utf-8') playRandom = control.lang(32535).encode('utf-8') for i in items: try: label = i['title'] systitle = sysname = urllib.quote_plus(i['originaltitle']) sysimage = urllib.quote_plus(i['poster']) imdb, tvdb, year = i['imdb'], i['tvdb'], i['year'] meta = dict((k,v) for k, v in i.iteritems() if not v == '0') meta.update({'code': imdb, 'imdbnumber': imdb, 'imdb_id': imdb}) meta.update({'tvdb_id': tvdb}) meta.update({'mediatype': 'tvshow'}) meta.update({'trailer': '%s?action=trailer&name=%s' % (sysaddon, sysname)}) if not 'duration' in i: meta.update({'duration': '60'}) elif i['duration'] == '0': meta.update({'duration': '60'}) try: meta.update({'duration': str(int(meta['duration']) * 60)}) except: pass try: meta.update({'genre': cleangenre.lang(meta['genre'], self.lang)}) except: pass try: overlay = int(playcount.getTVShowOverlay(indicators, tvdb)) if overlay == 7: meta.update({'playcount': 1, 'overlay': 7}) else: meta.update({'playcount': 0, 'overlay': 6}) except: pass if flatten == True: url = '%s?action=episodes&tvshowtitle=%s&year=%s&imdb=%s&tvdb=%s' % (sysaddon, systitle, year, imdb, tvdb) else: url = '%s?action=seasons&tvshowtitle=%s&year=%s&imdb=%s&tvdb=%s' % (sysaddon, systitle, year, imdb, tvdb) cm = [] cm.append((playRandom, 'RunPlugin(%s?action=random&rtype=season&tvshowtitle=%s&year=%s&imdb=%s&tvdb=%s)' % (sysaddon, urllib.quote_plus(systitle), urllib.quote_plus(year), urllib.quote_plus(imdb), urllib.quote_plus(tvdb)))) cm.append((queueMenu, 'RunPlugin(%s?action=queueItem)' % sysaddon)) #cm.append((watchedMenu, 'RunPlugin(%s?action=tvPlaycount&name=%s&imdb=%s&tvdb=%s&query=7)' % (sysaddon, systitle, imdb, tvdb))) #cm.append((unwatchedMenu, 'RunPlugin(%s?action=tvPlaycount&name=%s&imdb=%s&tvdb=%s&query=6)' % (sysaddon, systitle, imdb, tvdb))) if traktCredentials == True: cm.append((traktManagerMenu, 'RunPlugin(%s?action=traktManager&name=%s&tvdb=%s&content=tvshow)' % (sysaddon, sysname, tvdb))) if isOld == True: cm.append((control.lang2(19033).encode('utf-8'), 'Action(Info)')) item = control.item(label=label) art = {} if 'poster' in i and not i['poster'] == '0': art.update({'icon': i['poster'], 'thumb': i['poster'], 'poster': i['poster']}) #elif 'poster2' in i and not i['poster2'] == '0': #art.update({'icon': i['poster2'], 'thumb': i['poster2'], 'poster': i['poster2']}) else: art.update({'icon': addonPoster, 'thumb': addonPoster, 'poster': addonPoster}) if 'banner' in i and not i['banner'] == '0': art.update({'banner': i['banner']}) #elif 'banner2' in i and not i['banner2'] == '0': #art.update({'banner': i['banner2']}) elif 'fanart' in i and not i['fanart'] == '0': art.update({'banner': i['fanart']}) else: art.update({'banner': addonBanner}) if 'clearlogo' in i and not i['clearlogo'] == '0': art.update({'clearlogo': i['clearlogo']}) if 'clearart' in i and not i['clearart'] == '0': art.update({'clearart': i['clearart']}) if settingFanart == 'true' and 'fanart' in i and not i['fanart'] == '0': item.setProperty('Fanart_Image', i['fanart']) #elif settingFanart == 'true' and 'fanart2' in i and not i['fanart2'] == '0': #item.setProperty('Fanart_Image', i['fanart2']) elif not addonFanart == None: item.setProperty('Fanart_Image', addonFanart) item.setArt(art) item.addContextMenuItems(cm) item.setInfo(type='Video', infoLabels = meta) video_streaminfo = {'codec': 'h264'} item.addStreamInfo('video', video_streaminfo) control.addItem(handle=syshandle, url=url, listitem=item, isFolder=True) except: pass try: url = items[0]['next'] if url == '': raise Exception() icon = control.addonNext() url = '%s?action=tvshowPage&url=%s' % (sysaddon, urllib.quote_plus(url)) item = control.item(label=nextMenu) item.setArt({'icon': icon, 'thumb': icon, 'poster': icon, 'banner': icon}) if not addonFanart == None: item.setProperty('Fanart_Image', addonFanart) control.addItem(handle=syshandle, url=url, listitem=item, isFolder=True) except: pass control.content(syshandle, 'tvshows'), cacheToDisc=True) views.setView('tvshows', {'skin.estuary': 55, 'skin.confluence': 500})
def movieDirectory(self, items): if items == None or len(items) == 0: control.idle() ; sys.exit() sysaddon = sys.argv[0] syshandle = int(sys.argv[1]) addonPoster, addonBanner = control.addonPoster(), control.addonBanner() addonFanart, settingFanart = control.addonFanart(), control.setting('fanart') traktCredentials = trakt.getTraktCredentialsInfo() try: isOld = False ; control.item().getArt('type') except: isOld = True isPlayable = 'true' if not 'plugin' in control.infoLabel('Container.PluginName') else 'false' indicators = playcount.getMovieIndicators(refresh=True) if action == 'movies' else playcount.getMovieIndicators() playbackMenu = control.lang(32063).encode('utf-8') if control.setting('hosts.mode') == '2' else control.lang(32064).encode('utf-8') watchedMenu = control.lang(32068).encode('utf-8') if trakt.getTraktIndicatorsInfo() == True else control.lang(32066).encode('utf-8') unwatchedMenu = control.lang(32069).encode('utf-8') if trakt.getTraktIndicatorsInfo() == True else control.lang(32067).encode('utf-8') queueMenu = control.lang(32065).encode('utf-8') traktManagerMenu = control.lang(32070).encode('utf-8') nextMenu = control.lang(32053).encode('utf-8') addToLibrary = control.lang(32551).encode('utf-8') for i in items: try: label = '%s (%s)' % (i['title'], i['year']) imdb, tmdb, title, year = i['imdb'], i['tmdb'], i['originaltitle'], i['year'] sysname = urllib.quote_plus('%s (%s)' % (title, year)) systitle = urllib.quote_plus(title) meta = dict((k,v) for k, v in i.iteritems() if not v == '0') meta.update({'code': imdb, 'imdbnumber': imdb, 'imdb_id': imdb}) meta.update({'tmdb_id': tmdb}) meta.update({'mediatype': 'movie'}) meta.update({'trailer': '%s?action=trailer&name=%s' % (sysaddon, urllib.quote_plus(label))}) #meta.update({'trailer': 'plugin://script.extendedinfo/?info=playtrailer&&id=%s' % imdb}) if not 'duration' in i: meta.update({'duration': '120'}) elif i['duration'] == '0': meta.update({'duration': '120'}) try: meta.update({'duration': str(int(meta['duration']) * 60)}) except: pass try: meta.update({'genre': cleangenre.lang(meta['genre'], self.lang)}) except: pass poster = [i[x] for x in ['poster3', 'poster', 'poster2'] if i.get(x, '0') != '0'] poster = poster[0] if poster else addonPoster meta.update({'poster': poster}) sysmeta = urllib.quote_plus(json.dumps(meta)) url = '%s?action=play&title=%s&year=%s&imdb=%s&meta=%s&t=%s' % (sysaddon, systitle, year, imdb, sysmeta, self.systime) sysurl = urllib.quote_plus(url) path = '%s?action=play&title=%s&year=%s&imdb=%s' % (sysaddon, systitle, year, imdb) cm = [] cm.append((queueMenu, 'RunPlugin(%s?action=queueItem)' % sysaddon)) try: overlay = int(playcount.getMovieOverlay(indicators, imdb)) if overlay == 7: cm.append((unwatchedMenu, 'RunPlugin(%s?action=moviePlaycount&imdb=%s&query=6)' % (sysaddon, imdb))) meta.update({'playcount': 1, 'overlay': 7}) else: cm.append((watchedMenu, 'RunPlugin(%s?action=moviePlaycount&imdb=%s&query=7)' % (sysaddon, imdb))) meta.update({'playcount': 0, 'overlay': 6}) except: pass if traktCredentials == True: cm.append((traktManagerMenu, 'RunPlugin(%s?action=traktManager&name=%s&imdb=%s&content=movie)' % (sysaddon, sysname, imdb))) cm.append((playbackMenu, 'RunPlugin(%s?action=alterSources&url=%s&meta=%s)' % (sysaddon, sysurl, sysmeta))) if isOld == True: cm.append((control.lang2(19033).encode('utf-8'), 'Action(Info)')) cm.append((addToLibrary, 'RunPlugin(%s?action=movieToLibrary&name=%s&title=%s&year=%s&imdb=%s&tmdb=%s)' % (sysaddon, sysname, systitle, year, imdb, tmdb))) item = control.item(label=label) art = {} art.update({'icon': poster, 'thumb': poster, 'poster': poster}) if 'banner' in i and not i['banner'] == '0': art.update({'banner': i['banner']}) else: art.update({'banner': addonBanner}) if 'clearlogo' in i and not i['clearlogo'] == '0': art.update({'clearlogo': i['clearlogo']}) if 'clearart' in i and not i['clearart'] == '0': art.update({'clearart': i['clearart']}) if settingFanart == 'true' and 'fanart2' in i and not i['fanart2'] == '0': item.setProperty('Fanart_Image', i['fanart2']) elif settingFanart == 'true' and 'fanart' in i and not i['fanart'] == '0': item.setProperty('Fanart_Image', i['fanart']) elif not addonFanart == None: item.setProperty('Fanart_Image', addonFanart) item.setArt(art) item.addContextMenuItems(cm) item.setProperty('IsPlayable', isPlayable) item.setInfo(type='Video', infoLabels = meta) video_streaminfo = {'codec': 'h264'} item.addStreamInfo('video', video_streaminfo) control.addItem(handle=syshandle, url=url, listitem=item, isFolder=False) except: pass try: url = items[0]['next'] if url == '': raise Exception() icon = control.addonNext() url = '%s?action=moviePage&url=%s' % (sysaddon, urllib.quote_plus(url)) item = control.item(label=nextMenu) item.setArt({'icon': icon, 'thumb': icon, 'poster': icon, 'banner': icon}) if not addonFanart == None: item.setProperty('Fanart_Image', addonFanart) control.addItem(handle=syshandle, url=url, listitem=item, isFolder=True) except: pass control.content(syshandle, 'movies'), cacheToDisc=True) views.setView('movies', {'skin.estuary': 55, 'skin.confluence': 500})
elif action == 'channels': channels.channels().get() elif action == 'clearCache': navigator.navigator().clearCache() elif action == 'clearProgress': progressFile = os.path.join(datapath, 'progress.db') if os.path.exists(progressFile): if control.yesnoDialog(control.lang(32056).encode('utf-8'), '', ''): try: os.remove(progressFile) dialog.ok('Clear Progress', 'Clear Progress Complete', '', '') except: dialog.ok('Clear Progress', 'There was an error Deleting the Database', '', '') else: control.infoDialog(control.lang2(161).encode('utf-8'), heading='"Progress Database"', sound=False, icon=thumbnail) elif action == 'clearSources': import universalscrapers universalscrapers.clear_cache() elif action == 'deleteFavourite': favourites.deleteFavourite(meta, content) elif action == 'deleteProgress': favourites.deleteProgress(meta, content) elif action == 'download': try: name, image, sources().sourcesResolve(json.loads(source)[0], True))
xbmc.executebuiltin('RunPlugin(%s?action=openSettings&query=7.0)' % sys.argv[0]) elif action == 'calendar' : episodes.episodes().calendar(url) elif action == 'calendars' : episodes.episodes().calendars() elif action == 'channels' : channels.channels().get() elif action == 'clearCache' : navigator.navigator().clearCache() elif action == 'clearProgress': progressFile = os.path.join(datapath, 'progress.db') if os.path.exists(progressFile): if control.yesnoDialog(control.lang(32056).encode('utf-8'), '', ''): try: os.remove(progressFile) dialog.ok('Clear Progress', 'Clear Progress Complete', '', '') except: dialog.ok('Clear Progress', 'There was an error Deleting the Database', '', '') else: control.infoDialog(control.lang2(161).encode('utf-8'), heading='"Progress Database"', sound=False, icon=thumbnail) elif action == 'clearSources' : import nanscrapers nanscrapers.clear_cache() elif action == 'deleteFavourite' : favourites.deleteFavourite(meta, content) elif action == 'deleteProgress' : favourites.deleteProgress(meta, content) elif action == 'download': try :, image, sources().sourcesResolve(json.loads(source)[0], True)) except: pass elif action == 'downloadNavigator' : navigator.navigator().downloads() elif action == 'episodePlaycount' : playcount.episodes(imdb, tvdb, season, episode, query) elif action == 'episodes' : episodes.episodes().get(tvshowtitle, year, imdb, tvdb, season, episode) elif action == 'episodeUserlists' : episodes.episodes().userlists() elif action == 'get_similar_movies' : movies.movies().get_similar_movies(imdb) elif action == 'get_similar_shows' : tvshows.tvshows().get_similar_shows(imdb) elif action == 'lists_navigator' : navigator.navigator().lists_navigator()
def seasonDirectory(self, items): if items == None or len(items) == 0: control.idle() ; sys.exit() sysaddon = sys.argv[0] syshandle = int(sys.argv[1]) addonPoster, addonBanner = control.addonPoster(), control.addonBanner() addonFanart, settingFanart = control.addonFanart(), tools.Settings.getBoolean('interface.fanart') traktCredentials = trakt.getTraktCredentialsInfo() try: isOld = False ; control.item().getArt('type') except: isOld = True try: indicators = playcount.getSeasonIndicators(items[0]['imdb']) except: pass traktHas = trakt.getTraktIndicatorsInfo() == True watchedMenu = control.lang(32068).encode('utf-8') if traktHas else control.lang(32066).encode('utf-8') unwatchedMenu = control.lang(32069).encode('utf-8') if traktHas else control.lang(32067).encode('utf-8') unwatchedEnabled = tools.Settings.getBoolean('interface.tvshows.unwatched.enabled') unwatchedLimit = tools.Settings.getBoolean('interface.tvshows.unwatched.limit') queueMenu = control.lang(32065).encode('utf-8') traktManagerMenu = control.lang(32070).encode('utf-8') media = tools.Media() try: multi = [i['tvshowtitle'] for i in items] except: multi = [] multi = len([x for y,x in enumerate(multi) if x not in multi[:y]]) multi = True if multi > 1 else False for i in items: try: label = None try: label = media.title(tools.Media.TypeSeason, season = i['season']) except: pass if label == None: label = i['season'] if multi == True and not label in i['tvshowtitle'] and not i['tvshowtitle'] in label: label = '%s - %s' % (i['tvshowtitle'], label) systitle = sysname = urllib.quote_plus(i['tvshowtitle']) imdb, tvdb, year, season = i['imdb'], i['tvdb'], i['year'], i['season'] meta = dict((k,v) for k, v in i.iteritems() if not v == '0') meta.update({'mediatype': 'tvshow'}) meta.update({'trailer': '%s?action=trailer&name=%s' % (sysaddon, sysname)}) # Bubbles # Remove default time, since this might mislead users. Rather show no time. #if not 'duration' in i: meta.update({'duration': '60'}) #elif i['duration'] == '0': meta.update({'duration': '60'}) try: meta.update({'duration': str(int(meta['duration']) * 60)}) except: pass try: meta.update({'genre': cleangenre.lang(meta['genre'], self.lang)}) except: pass try: meta.update({'tvshowtitle': i['label']}) except: pass try: # Year is the shows year, not the seasons year. Extract the correct year frpm the premier date. yearNew = i['premiered'] yearNew = re.findall('(\d{4})', yearNew)[0] yearNew = yearNew.encode('utf-8') meta.update({'year': yearNew}) except: pass try: if season in indicators: meta.update({'playcount': 1, 'overlay': 7}) overlay = 7 else: meta.update({'playcount': 0, 'overlay': 6}) overlay = 6 except: overlay = None url = self.parameterize('%s?action=episodes&tvshowtitle=%s&year=%s&imdb=%s&tvdb=%s&season=%s' % (sysaddon, systitle, year, imdb, tvdb, season)) cm = [] cm.append((queueMenu, 'RunPlugin(%s?action=queueItem)' % sysaddon)) if not traktHas: link = self.parameterize('%s?action=tvPlaycount&name=%s&imdb=%s&tvdb=%s&season=%s&query=7' % (sysaddon, systitle, imdb, tvdb, season)) cm.append((watchedMenu, 'RunPlugin(%s)' % link)) link = self.parameterize('%s?action=tvPlaycount&name=%s&imdb=%s&tvdb=%s&season=%s&query=6' % (sysaddon, systitle, imdb, tvdb, season)) cm.append((unwatchedMenu, 'RunPlugin(%s)' % link)) if traktCredentials == True: link = self.parameterize('%s?action=traktManager&tvdb=%s&season=%s' % (sysaddon, tvdb, season)) cm.append((traktManagerMenu, 'RunPlugin(%s)' % link)) if not self.kidsOnly() and control.setting('downloads.manual.enabled') == 'true': cm.append((control.lang(33585).encode('utf-8'), 'RunPlugin(%s?action=downloadsManager)' % (sysaddon))) if isOld == True: cm.append((control.lang2(19033).encode('utf-8'), 'Action(Info)')) item = control.item(label=label) if unwatchedEnabled and not overlay == None and not overlay == 7: try: count = playcount.getSeasonCount(imdb, season, unwatchedLimit) if count: item.setProperty('TotalEpisodes', str(count['total'])) item.setProperty('WatchedEpisodes', str(count['watched'])) item.setProperty('UnWatchedEpisodes', str(count['unwatched'])) except: pass art = {} # First check thumbs, since they typically contains the seasons poster. The normal poster contains the show poster. poster = '0' if poster == '0' and 'poster3' in i: poster = i['thumb3'] if poster == '0' and 'poster2' in i: poster = i['thumb2'] if poster == '0' and 'poster' in i: poster = i['thumb'] if poster == '0' and 'poster3' in i: poster = i['poster3'] if poster == '0' and 'poster2' in i: poster = i['poster2'] if poster == '0' and 'poster' in i: poster = i['poster'] icon = '0' if icon == '0' and 'icon3' in i: icon = i['icon3'] if icon == '0' and 'icon2' in i: icon = i['icon2'] if icon == '0' and 'icon' in i: icon = i['icon'] thumb = '0' if thumb == '0' and 'thumb3' in i: thumb = i['thumb3'] if thumb == '0' and 'thumb2' in i: thumb = i['thumb2'] if thumb == '0' and 'thumb' in i: thumb = i['thumb'] banner = '0' if banner == '0' and 'banner3' in i: banner = i['banner3'] if banner == '0' and 'banner2' in i: banner = i['banner2'] if banner == '0' and 'banner' in i: banner = i['banner'] fanart = '0' if settingFanart: if fanart == '0' and 'fanart3' in i: fanart = i['fanart3'] if fanart == '0' and 'fanart2' in i: fanart = i['fanart2'] if fanart == '0' and 'fanart' in i: fanart = i['fanart'] clearlogo = '0' if clearlogo == '0' and 'clearlogo' in i: clearlogo = i['clearlogo'] clearart = '0' if clearart == '0' and 'clearart' in i: clearart = i['clearart'] if poster == '0': poster = addonPoster if icon == '0': icon = poster if thumb == '0': thumb = poster if banner == '0': banner = addonBanner if fanart == '0': fanart = addonFanart if not poster == '0' and not poster == None: art.update({'poster' : poster, 'tvshow.poster' : poster, 'season.poster' : poster}) if not icon == '0' and not icon == None: art.update({'icon' : icon}) if not thumb == '0' and not thumb == None: art.update({'thumb' : thumb}) if not banner == '0' and not banner == None: art.update({'banner' : banner}) if not clearlogo == '0' and not clearlogo == None: art.update({'clearlogo' : clearlogo}) if not clearart == '0' and not clearart == None: art.update({'clearart' : clearart}) if not fanart == '0' and not fanart == None: item.setProperty('Fanart_Image', fanart) item.setArt(art) item.addContextMenuItems(cm) item.setInfo(type='Video', infoLabels = meta) control.addItem(handle=syshandle, url=url, listitem=item, isFolder=True) except: pass try:, 'showplot', items[0]['plot']) except: pass control.content(syshandle, 'seasons'), cacheToDisc=True) views.setView('seasons', {'skin.estuary': 55, 'skin.confluence': 500})
def channel_directory(self, items): if items == None or len(items) == 0: control.idle() sys.exit() sysaddon = sys.argv[0] syshandle = int(sys.argv[1]) try: isOld = False control.item().getArt('type') except: isOld = True refreshMenu = control.lang(32072).encode('utf-8') list_items = [] for order, channel in enumerate(items): label = channel['name'] meta = channel meta.update( { 'mediatype': channel['mediatype'] if 'mediatype' in channel else 'tvshow' } ) # string - "video", "movie", "tvshow", "season", "episode" or "musicvideo" meta.update({'playcount': 0, 'overlay': 6}) meta.update({'duration': channel['duration'] }) if 'duration' in channel else None meta.update({'title': channel['title'] }) if 'title' in channel else None meta.update({'tagline': channel['tagline'] }) if 'tagline' in channel else None sysmeta = urllib.quote_plus(json.dumps(meta)) id_globo_videos = channel['id'] brplayprovider = channel[ 'brplayprovider'] if 'brplayprovider' in channel else None isFolder = channel[ 'isFolder'] == 'true' if 'isFolder' in channel else False isPlayable = channel[ 'playable'] == 'true' if 'playable' in channel else False url = channel[ 'url'] if 'url' in channel else '%s?action=playlive&provider=%s&id_globo_videos=%s&isFolder=%s&meta=%s&t=%s' % ( sysaddon, brplayprovider, id_globo_videos, isFolder, sysmeta, self.systime) cm = [] cm.append((refreshMenu, 'RunPlugin(%s?action=refresh)' % sysaddon)) if isOld == True: cm.append( (control.lang2(19033).encode('utf-8'), 'Action(Info)')) item = control.item(label=label) fanart = channel['fanart'] art = {'icon': channel['logo'], 'fanart': fanart} if 'poster' in channel: art.update({'poster': channel['poster']}) if 'banner' in channel: art.update({'banner': channel['banner']}) if 'clearart' in channel: art.update({'clearart': channel['clearart']}) if 'clearlogo' in channel: art.update({'clearlogo': channel['clearlogo']}) if 'landscape' in channel: art.update({'landscape': channel['landscape']}) if 'thumb' in channel: art.update({'thumb': channel['thumb']}) item.setArt(art) if 'logo' in channel and 'logo2' in channel: item.setProperty('Logo1', channel['logo']) item.setProperty('Logo2', channel['logo2']) item.setProperty('Initials1', channel['initials1']) item.setProperty('Initials2', channel['initials2']) if 'live' in channel: item.setProperty('Live', str(channel['live'])) if 'gamedetails' in channel: item.setProperty('GameDetails', channel['gamedetails']) item.setProperty('Fanart_Image', fanart) if 'hd' not in channel or channel['hd'] == True: video_info = {'aspect': 1.78, 'width': 1280, 'height': 720} else: video_info = {'aspect': 1.78, 'width': 720, 'height': 480} item.addStreamInfo('video', video_info) item.addContextMenuItems(cm) item.setProperty('IsPlayable', 'false' if isFolder or not isPlayable else 'true') item.setInfo(type='video', infoLabels=meta) item.setContentLookup(False) if 'duration' in channel and channel['duration'] is not None: duration = float(meta['duration']) startdate = util.strptime_workaround( channel['dateadded'], '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') if 'dateadded' in channel else None offset = float( util.get_total_seconds( - startdate)) if startdate else 0 item.setProperty( 'Progress', str((offset / duration) * 100) if duration else str(0)) item.setProperty('totaltime', str(duration)) if not isFolder: item.setMimeType("application/") list_items.append((url, item, isFolder)) # control.addSortMethod(int(sys.argv[1]), control.SORT_METHOD_DATEADDED) # control.addSortMethod(int(sys.argv[1]), control.SORT_METHOD_VIDEO_SORT_TITLE) # control.addSortMethod(int(sys.argv[1]), control.SORT_METHOD_LABEL_IGNORE_FOLDERS) control.addItems(syshandle, list_items) control.category(handle=syshandle, category="Live") content = 'LiveTV' if control.isJarvis else 'tvshows' control.content(syshandle, content), cacheToDisc=False)