Example #1
    def __init__(self):
        self.kb = ResourcePool().ontology_server

        # Store the list of subproperties of 'hasFeature'
        # used in create_nominal_group_with_object()
            self.features_properties = self.kb[
                "* rdfs:subPropertyOf hasFeature"]
        except TypeError:
            # No ontology server?
            self.features_properties = []
Example #2
    def create_w_question_answer(self, w_question, w_answer, current_speaker,
        """Create the answer of a W-Question
            w_question is the current question
            w_answer is the response found in the ontology
            query_on_field is the part of the W_question to fill with the answer. it takes the following values:
                - None :
                - QUERY_ON_INDIRECT_OBJ
                - QUERY_ON_DIRECT_OBJ
        #Nominal group holding the answer
        nominal_groupL = []

        #if "me", "you", "us"
        myself = False
        yourself = False

        #Return. I am sorry. I don't know
        if not w_answer:
            return [
                Sentence(STATEMENT, "", [NominalGroup([], ['I'], [], [], [])],
                             VerbalGroup(['be'], [], "present simple", [
                                 NominalGroup([], [], [['sorry', []]], [], [])
                             ], [], [], [], "affirmative", [])
                Sentence(STATEMENT, "", [NominalGroup([], ['I'], [], [], [])],
                             VerbalGroup(['know'], [], "present simple", [],
                                         [], [], [], "negative", [])

        # Case of adjectives only
        if w_question.aim in ResourcePool().adjectives_ontology_classes:
            ng = NominalGroup([], [], [[w_answer[0][1][0], []]], [], [])
            preposition = w_answer[0][0]
            ng._resolved = True
            nominal_groupL = [[preposition, [ng]]]

            for [preposition, response] in w_answer:
                ngL = []
                for resp in response:
                    if resp == "myself":
                        myself = True
                    if resp == current_speaker:
                        yourself = True

                    ng = self.create_nominal_group_with_object(
                        resp, current_speaker)
                    if ng:
                        ng.id = resp
                        ng._resolved = True

                #Arraging preposition
                if preposition and preposition[0] in ResourcePool(
                    if preposition[0] == 'front':
                        preposition[0] = "in+front+of"

                    elif preposition[0] == "back":
                        preposition[0] == "behind"

                    elif preposition[0] == "bottom":
                        preposition[0] == "underneath"

                    elif preposition[0] == "top":
                        prepsosition[0] = "above"

                        # Here we try to output something similar to My left, or Your left or at the left of ACHILLE
                        # Case of "my and your"
                        if myself and yourself:
                            ngL = [
                                NominalGroup(["our"], preposition, [], [], [])
                        elif myself:
                            ngL = [
                                NominalGroup(["my"], preposition, [], [], [])
                        elif yourself:
                            ngL = [
                                NominalGroup(["your"], preposition, [], [], [])

                            ngL = [
                                NominalGroup(["the"], preposition, [], ngL, [])

                        preposition = ["at"]

                nominal_groupL.append([preposition, ngL])

        #Sentence holding the answer
        # work on a new sentence, so that changes made here do not affect the original w_question
        sentence = Sentence(STATEMENT, w_question.aim, w_question.sn,

        sentence = self.reverse_personal_pronoun(sentence)

        if not query_on_field:  #Default case on sentence.sn
            sentence.sn = [ng for [prep, ngL] in nominal_groupL for ng in ngL]
            sentence.sv = []

        elif query_on_field == 'QUERY_ON_DIRECT_OBJ':
            sentence.sv[0].d_obj = [
                ng for [prep, ngL] in nominal_groupL for ng in ngL

        elif query_on_field == 'QUERY_ON_INDIRECT_OBJ':
            sentence.sv[0].i_cmpl = [
                IndirectComplement(ng[0], ng[1]) for ng in nominal_groupL

        sentence.aim = ""

        return [sentence]