Example #1
async def test_pass_through(client, parameters, expected):
    async with respx.HTTPXMock() as httpx_mock:
        request = httpx_mock.request(**parameters)

        with asynctest.mock.patch(
            side_effect=ConnectionRefusedError("test request blocked"),
        ) as open_connection:
            with pytest.raises(NetworkError):
                await client.get("https://example.org/")

        assert open_connection.called is True
        assert request.called is True
        assert request.pass_through is expected


        with asynctest.mock.patch(
            "urllib3.PoolManager.urlopen", side_effect=SSLError("test request blocked"),
        ) as urlopen:
            with pytest.raises(NetworkError):

        assert urlopen.called is True
        assert request.called is True
        assert request.pass_through is expected
Example #2
async def test_url_match(client, url):
    async with respx.HTTPXMock(assert_all_mocked=False) as httpx_mock:
        request = httpx_mock.get(url, content="baz")
        response = await client.get("https://foo.bar/baz/")
        assert request.called is True
        assert response.status_code == 200
        assert response.text == "baz"
Example #3
async def test_assert_all_mocked(client, assert_all_mocked, raises):
    with raises:
        async with respx.HTTPXMock(assert_all_mocked=assert_all_mocked) as httpx_mock:
            response = await client.get("https://foo.bar/")
            assert httpx_mock.stats.call_count == 1
            assert response.status_code == 200
    assert httpx_mock.stats.call_count == 0
Example #4
async def test_request_callback(client):
    def callback(request, response):
        if request.url.host == "foo.bar":
            response.headers["X-Foo"] = "bar"
            response.content = lambda request, name: f"hello {name}"
            response.context["name"] = "lundberg"
            return response

    async with respx.HTTPXMock(assert_all_called=False) as httpx_mock:
        request = httpx_mock.request(
            callback, status_code=202, headers={"X-Ham": "spam"}
        response = await client.get("https://foo.bar/")

        assert request.called is True
        assert request.pass_through is None
        assert response.status_code == 202
        assert response.headers == httpx.Headers(
            {"Content-Type": "text/plain", "X-Ham": "spam", "X-Foo": "bar"}
        assert response.text == "hello lundberg"

        with pytest.raises(ValueError):
            httpx_mock.request(lambda req, res: "invalid")
            await client.get("https://ham.spam/")
Example #5
async def test_headers(client, headers, content_type, expected):
    async with respx.HTTPXMock() as httpx_mock:
        url = "https://foo.bar/"
        request = httpx_mock.get(url, content_type=content_type, headers=headers)
        response = await client.get(url)
        assert request.called is True
        assert response.headers == httpx.Headers(expected)
Example #6
async def test_text_content(client, content, expected):
    async with respx.HTTPXMock() as httpx_mock:
        url = "https://foo.bar/"
        content_type = "text/plain; charset=utf-8"  # TODO: Remove once respected
        request = httpx_mock.post(url, content=content, content_type=content_type)
        response = await client.post(url)
        assert request.called is True
        assert response.text == expected
Example #7
async def test_status_code(client):
    async with respx.HTTPXMock() as httpx_mock:
        url = "https://foo.bar/"
        request = httpx_mock.get(url, status_code=404)
        response = await client.get(url)

    assert request.called is True
    assert response.status_code == 404
Example #8
async def test_alias():
    async with respx.HTTPXMock(assert_all_called=False) as httpx_mock:
        url = "https://foo.bar/"
        request = httpx_mock.get(url, alias="foobar")
        assert "foobar" not in respx.aliases
        assert "foobar" in httpx_mock.aliases
        assert httpx_mock.aliases["foobar"].url == request.url
        assert httpx_mock["foobar"].url == request.url
Example #9
def test_deprecated():
    url = "https://foo.bar/"
    with respx.mock:
        respx.request("POST", url, status_code=201)
        with respx.HTTPXMock() as httpx_mock:
            httpx_mock.request("GET", url)
            response = httpx.post(url)
            assert response.status_code == 201
            response = httpx.get(url)
            assert response.status_code == 200
Example #10
async def test_raising_content(client):
    async with respx.HTTPXMock() as httpx_mock:
        url = "https://foo.bar/"
        request = httpx_mock.get(url, content=httpx.ConnectTimeout())
        with pytest.raises(httpx.ConnectTimeout):
            await client.get(url)

        assert request.called is True
        _request, _response = request.calls[-1]
        assert _request is not None
        assert _response is None
Example #11
async def test_assert_all_called(client, assert_all_called, do_post, raises):
    with raises:
        async with respx.HTTPXMock(assert_all_called=assert_all_called) as httpx_mock:
            request1 = httpx_mock.get("https://foo.bar/1/", status_code=404)
            request2 = httpx_mock.post("https://foo.bar/", status_code=201)

            await client.get("https://foo.bar/1/")
            if do_post:
                await client.post("https://foo.bar/")

            assert request1.called is True
            assert request2.called is do_post
Example #12
async def test_json_content(client, content, headers, expected_headers):
    async with respx.HTTPXMock() as httpx_mock:
        url = "https://foo.bar/"
        request = httpx_mock.get(url, content=content, headers=headers)

        async_response = await client.get(url)
        assert request.called is True
        assert async_response.headers == httpx.Headers(expected_headers or headers)
        assert async_response.json() == content

        sync_response = httpx.get(url)
        assert request.called is True
        assert sync_response.headers == httpx.Headers(expected_headers or headers)
        assert sync_response.json() == content
Example #13
async def test_http_methods(client):
    async with respx.HTTPXMock() as httpx_mock:
        url = "https://foo.bar/"
        m = httpx_mock.get(url, status_code=404)
        httpx_mock.post(url, status_code=201)
        httpx_mock.put(url, status_code=202)
        httpx_mock.patch(url, status_code=500)
        httpx_mock.delete(url, status_code=204)
        httpx_mock.head(url, status_code=405)
        httpx_mock.options(url, status_code=501)

        response = httpx.get(url)
        assert response.status_code == 404
        response = await client.get(url)
        assert response.status_code == 404

        response = httpx.post(url)
        assert response.status_code == 201
        response = await client.post(url)
        assert response.status_code == 201

        response = httpx.put(url)
        assert response.status_code == 202
        response = await client.put(url)
        assert response.status_code == 202

        response = httpx.patch(url)
        assert response.status_code == 500
        response = await client.patch(url)
        assert response.status_code == 500

        response = httpx.delete(url)
        assert response.status_code == 204
        response = await client.delete(url)
        assert response.status_code == 204

        response = httpx.head(url)
        assert response.status_code == 405
        response = await client.head(url)
        assert response.status_code == 405

        response = httpx.options(url)
        assert response.status_code == 501
        response = await client.options(url)
        assert response.status_code == 501

        assert m.called is True
        assert httpx_mock.stats.call_count == 7 * 2
Example #14
async def test_httpx_exception_handling(client):
    async with respx.HTTPXMock() as httpx_mock:
        with asynctest.mock.patch(
            url = "https://foo.bar/"
            request = httpx_mock.get(url)
            with pytest.raises(ValueError):
                await client.get(url)

        assert request.called is True
        assert httpx_mock.stats.call_count == 1
        _request, _response = httpx_mock.calls[-1]
        assert _request is not None
        assert _response is None
Example #15
async def test_callable_content(client):
    async with respx.HTTPXMock() as httpx_mock:
        url_pattern = re.compile(r"https://foo.bar/(?P<slug>\w+)/")
        content = lambda request, slug: f"hello {slug}"
        request = httpx_mock.get(url_pattern, content=content)

        async_response = await client.get("https://foo.bar/world/")
        assert request.called is True
        assert async_response.status_code == 200
        assert async_response.text == "hello world"

        sync_response = httpx.get("https://foo.bar/world/")
        assert request.called is True
        assert sync_response.status_code == 200
        assert sync_response.text == "hello world"
Example #16
async def test_repeated_pattern(client):
    async with respx.HTTPXMock() as httpx_mock:
        url = "https://foo/bar/baz/"
        one = httpx_mock.post(url, status_code=201)
        two = httpx_mock.post(url, status_code=409)
        response1 = await client.post(url, json={})
        response2 = await client.post(url, json={})
        response3 = await client.post(url, json={})

        assert response1.status_code == 201
        assert response2.status_code == 409
        assert response3.status_code == 409
        assert httpx_mock.stats.call_count == 3

        assert one.called is True
        assert one.call_count == 1
        statuses = [response.status_code for _, response in one.calls]
        assert statuses == [201]

        assert two.called is True
        assert two.call_count == 2
        statuses = [response.status_code for _, response in two.calls]
        assert statuses == [409, 409]
Example #17
def httpx_mock():
    """respx mock object"""
    with respx.HTTPXMock(base_url='http://example.com') as _httpx_mock:
        yield _httpx_mock
Example #18
async def test_invalid_url_pattern():
    async with respx.HTTPXMock() as httpx_mock:
        with pytest.raises(ValueError):