Example #1
    def complete(self):
        Call this when you're all done
        assert self.state != self.COMPLETE

        self.log.info("Request %s completed with error=%s (%s)" % (self.id, self.error, self.error_message))
        self.state = self.COMPLETE
        self.completed_at = now()
    def complete(self):
        Call this when you're all done
        assert self.state != self.COMPLETE

        self.log.info("Request %s completed with error=%s (%s)" %
                      (self.id, self.error, self.error_message))
        self.state = self.COMPLETE
        self.completed_at = now()
    def _submit(self, commands=None):
        if commands is None:
            commands = self._commands
            commands = commands + [["osd stat", {"format": "json-pretty"}]]
            self.rados_commands = RadosCommands(self.id, commands)


        self.log.info("Request %s started" % (self.id, ))
        self.alive_at = now()

        return self.id
Example #4
    def _submit(self, commands=None):
        if commands is None:
            commands = self._commands
            commands = commands + [["osd stat", {"format": "json-pretty"}]]
            self.rados_commands = RadosCommands(self.id, commands)


        self.log.info("Request %s started" % (self.id,))
        self.alive_at = now()

        return self.id
    def __init__(self):
        Requiring cluster_name and fsid is redundant (ideally everything would
        speak in terms of fsid) but convenient, because the librados interface
        wants a cluster name when you create a client, and otherwise we would
        have to look up via ceph.conf.
        # getChild isn't in 2.6
        logname = '.'.join((log.name, self.__class__.__name__))
        self.log = logging.getLogger(logname)
        self.requested_at = now()
        self.completed_at = None

        # This is actually kind of overkill compared with having a counter,
        # somewhere but it's easy.
        self.id = uuid.uuid4().__str__()

        self.state = self.NEW
        self.result = None
        self.error = False
        self.error_message = ""

        # Time at which we last believed the current JID to be really running
        self.alive_at = None
Example #6
    def __init__(self):
        Requiring cluster_name and fsid is redundant (ideally everything would
        speak in terms of fsid) but convenient, because the librados interface
        wants a cluster name when you create a client, and otherwise we would
        have to look up via ceph.conf.
        # getChild isn't in 2.6
        logname = '.'.join((log.name, self.__class__.__name__))
        self.log = logging.getLogger(logname)
        self.requested_at = now()
        self.completed_at = None

        # This is actually kind of overkill compared with having a counter,
        # somewhere but it's easy.
        self.id = uuid.uuid4().__str__()

        self.state = self.NEW
        self.result = None
        self.error = False
        self.error_message = ""

        # Time at which we last believed the current JID to be really running
        self.alive_at = None