def teamcomparison_chart_get(logger, ctitle, csubtitle, ismobile, data_dic): """ team comparison heatmap chart """ logger.debug('teamcomparison_chart_get()') variable_dic = variables_get(ismobile) chart_options = { 'chart': { 'type': 'heatmap', 'height': '110%', 'inverted': 1, 'style': chartstyle() }, 'exporting': exporting(filename=ctitle, allowhtml=0), 'title': title(ctitle, variable_dic['title_size'], decoration=True), 'subtitle': subtitle(csubtitle, variable_dic['subtitle_size']), 'credits': credit(), 'xAxis': { 'categories': data_dic['x_category'], 'type': 'category', 'labels': {'useHTML': 1, 'align': 'center'} }, 'yAxis': { 'categories': data_dic['y_category'], 'title': '', 'opposite':1, }, 'tooltip': { 'headerFormat': '', 'pointFormat': '<b>{point.y_name}</b>: {point.ovalue}', 'split': 1, }, 'legend': { 'align': 'center', 'layout': 'horizontal', 'verticalAlign': 'bottom', 'useHTML': 0, 'itemStyle': {'color': text_color, 'font-size': font_size}, }, 'colorAxis': color_axis(showinlegend=0), 'series': [{ 'marker': {'symbol': 'square'}, 'borderWidth': variable_dic['border_width'], 'borderColor': '#ffffff', 'data': data_dic['data'], 'showInLegend': 0, 'dataLabels': {'enabled': 0} }], } return chart_options
def faceoff_overview_chart(logger, ctitle, ismobile, data_dic): """ create chart 5v5 pace """ # pylint: disable=E0602 logger.debug('faceoff_overview_chart()') variable_dic = variables_get(ismobile) chart_options = { 'chart': { 'type': 'scatter', 'height': '80%', 'style': chartstyle() }, 'exporting': exporting(filename=ctitle), 'title': title(ctitle, variable_dic['title_size'], decoration=True), 'credits': credit(), 'legend': legend(enabled=1), 'responsive': responsive_y1(), 'tooltip': { 'useHTML': 1, 'headerFormat': '', 'pointFormat': '<span><b>{point.team_name}</b></span></br><span style="font-size: %s">%s: {point.sum_faceoffswon}</span><br><span style="font-size: %s">%s: {point.sum_faceoffslost}</span><br/><span style="font-size: %s">%s: {point.y}</span><br/>' % (font_size, _('Faceoffs won'), font_size, _('Faceoffs lost'), font_size, _('Faceoffs win percentage')) }, 'xAxis': { 'labels': { 'enabled': 0 }, 'tickInterval': 0, }, 'yAxis': { 'title': title(ctitle, font_size), # 'tickInterval': 1, 'maxPadding': 0.1, 'min': data_dic['y_min_minmax'] - 2, 'max': data_dic['y_max_minmax'] + 2, 'labels': {'style': {'fontSize': font_size},}, 'gridLineWidth': 1, 'plotBands': [{'from': data_dic['y_avg'] - data_dic['y_deviation']/2, 'to': data_dic['y_avg'] + data_dic['y_deviation']/2, 'color': chart_color6}], 'plotLines': [{'zIndex': 3, 'color': plotlines_color, 'width': 2, 'value': data_dic['y_avg']}], }, 'series': [{'zIndex': 1, 'name': _('Standard Deviation'), 'color': plotlines_color, 'data': data_dic['data']}] } return chart_options
def shiftsupdates_get(logger, subtitle, ismobile, chart_data): """ get updates for shiftchart """ logger.debug('shiftsupdates_get()') # pylint: disable=E0602 variable_dic = variables_get(ismobile) # this is a dictionary containing period names periodname_dic = {1: '1st', 2: '2nd', 3: '3rd', 4: 'OT', 5: 'Full Game'} updates_dic = {} for period in chart_data: # create structure to store the updates updates_dic[period] = {'name': periodname_dic[period], 'data': {}} # update chart-title updates_dic[period]['data']['subtitle'] = {'text': '{0} - {1}'.format(subtitle, periodname_dic[period])} # update series updates_dic[period]['data']['series'] = [{'name': ('Even Strength'), 'data': chart_data[period]['shifts_list'], 'color': '#404040', 'marker': {'symbol': 'square'}}] updates_dic[period]['data']['xAxis'] = [{ 'title': title(_('Game Time'), variable_dic['font_size']), 'labels': {'align': 'center', 'style': {'fontSize': variable_dic['font_size']}}, #'categories': chart_data[period]['x_list'], 'type': 'datetime', 'tickInterval': 300000, #'tickPositions': chart_data[period]['xtickposition_list'], 'tickWidth': 1, 'grid': {'enabled': 0}, 'opposite': 0, }, { 'title': title(_('Goals'), variable_dic['font_size'], offset=15), 'labels': {'useHTML': 1, 'align': 'center'}, 'tickPositions': [], 'plotLines': chart_data[period]['x2_plotlines_list'], 'plotBands': chart_data[period]['plotbands_list'], 'tickWidth': 0, 'grid': {'enabled': 0}, 'opposite': 1, }] # default checked value in chart updates_dic[5]['checked'] = True return updates_dic
def pppk_chart_get(logger, ctitle, csubtitle, ismobile, pppk_data): # pylint: disable=E0602 """ pdo breakdown """ logger.debug('pdo_breakdown_chart()') variable_dic = variables_get(ismobile) # dirty hack if pppk_data['x_min'] == 0: pppk_data['x_min'] = 1 if pppk_data['y_min'] == 0: pppk_data['y_min'] = 1 if pppk_data['x_max'] == 100: pppk_data['x_max'] = 99 if pppk_data['y_max'] == 100: pppk_data['y_max'] = 99 minmax_dic = { 'x_min': pppk_data['x_min'] - 1, 'y_min': pppk_data['y_min'] - 1, 'x_max': pppk_data['x_max'] + 1, 'y_max': pppk_data['y_max'] + 1 } chart_options = { 'chart': { 'type': 'scatter', 'height': '120%', 'style': chartstyle() }, 'exporting': exporting(filename=ctitle), 'title': title(ctitle, variable_dic['title_size'], decoration=True), 'subtitle': subtitle(csubtitle, variable_dic['subtitle_size']), 'credits': credit(), 'legend': { 'enabled': 1 }, 'responsive': responsive_y1(), 'tooltip': { 'useHTML': 1, 'headerFormat': '', 'pointFormat': '<span><b>{point.team_name}</b></span></br><span style="font-size: %s">%s: {point.x}%s</span><br><span style="font-size: %s">%s: {point.y}%s</span><br/>' % (font_size, _('Shooting percentage (Sh%)'), '%', font_size, _('Save percentage (Sv%)'), '%s') }, 'xAxis': { 'title': title(_('Powerplay percentage (Pp%)'), font_size), 'labels': { 'style': { 'fontSize': font_size }, }, 'min': minmax_dic['x_min'], 'max': minmax_dic['x_max'], 'tickInterval': 1, 'showFirstLabel': 1, 'showLastLabel': 1, 'gridLineWidth': 1, 'plotBands': [{ 'from': pppk_data['x_avg'] - pppk_data['x_deviation'] / 2, 'to': pppk_data['x_avg'] + pppk_data['x_deviation'] / 2, 'color': chart_color6 }], 'plotLines': [{ 'zIndex': 3, 'color': plotlines_color, 'width': 2, 'value': pppk_data['x_avg'] }], }, 'yAxis': { 'title': title(_('Penalty Kill percentage (Pk%)'), font_size), 'maxPadding': 0.1, 'min': minmax_dic['y_min'], 'max': minmax_dic['y_max'], 'tickInterval': 1, 'labels': { 'style': { 'fontSize': font_size }, }, 'gridLineWidth': 1, 'plotBands': [{ 'from': pppk_data['y_avg'] - pppk_data['y_deviation'] / 2, 'to': pppk_data['y_avg'] + pppk_data['y_deviation'] / 2, 'color': chart_color6 }], 'plotLines': [{ 'zIndex': 3, 'color': plotlines_color, 'width': 2, 'value': pppk_data['y_avg'] }], }, 'series': [{ 'zIndex': 1, 'name': _('Standard Deviation'), 'color': plotlines_color, 'marker': { 'symbol': 'square' }, 'data': pppk_data['data'] }], 'annotations': corner_annotations(ismobile, minmax_dic, _('Defensive'), _('Overstrained'), _('Agressive'), _('Offensive')), } return chart_options
def scoreenchart_get(logger, ctitle, csubtitle, ismobile, data_dic): # pylint: disable=E0602, R0914 """ create time-on-ice chart """ logger.debug('gametoichart_create()') variable_dic = variables_get(ismobile) chart_options = { 'chart': { 'type': 'column', 'height': '80%', 'alignTicks': 0, 'style': chartstyle() }, 'exporting': exporting(filename=ctitle), 'title': title(ctitle, variable_dic['title_size'], decoration=True), 'subtitle': subtitle(csubtitle, variable_dic['subtitle_size']), 'credits': credit(), 'legend': legend(), 'responsive': responsive_y1(), 'tooltip': { 'sharted': 1, 'useHTML': 1, 'headerFormat': '', 'pointFormat': '<span> <b>{point.team_name}</b></span></br><span style="font-size: %s">%s: {point.goalie_other_pull}</span><br><span style="font-size: %s">%s: {point.goals_en_for}</span><br/><span style="font-size: %s">%s: {point.goals_en_for_pctg}%s </span><br/>' % (font_size, _('Empty net changes'), font_size, _('Empty net goals'), font_size, _('Scoring percentage'), '%') }, 'plotOptions': { 'series': { 'states': { 'inactive': { 'opacity': 1 } }, 'dataLabels': { 'enabled': 1, 'style': { 'fontSize': font_size, 'textOutline': 0, 'color': '#000000', 'fontWeight': 0 }, } } }, 'xAxis': { 'categories': data_dic['team_list'], 'title': title('', font_size), 'labels': { 'useHTML': 1, 'align': 'center' }, # 'labels': {'style': {'fontSize': font_size}}, }, 'yAxis': [{ # pylint: disable=E0602 'title': title('', font_size), 'reversedStacks': 0, 'labels': { 'enabled': 1, 'style': { 'fontSize': font_size } }, 'min': 0, 'plotLines': [{ 'color': plotlines_color, 'width': 2, 'value': 100 }], }], 'series': [ # pylint: disable=E0602 { 'name': _('Empty net changes'), 'data': data_dic['goalie_other_pull_list'], 'color': chart_color2 }, { 'name': _('Empty net goals'), 'data': data_dic['goals_en_list'], 'color': chart_color3 }, ] } return chart_options
def goaliepullchart_get(logger, ctitle, csubtitle, ismobile, data_dic): # pylint: disable=E0602, R0914 """ create time-on-ice chart """ logger.debug('gametoichart_create()') variable_dic = variables_get(ismobile) chart_options = { 'chart': { 'type': 'column', 'height': '80%', 'alignTicks': 0, 'style': chartstyle() }, 'exporting': exporting(filename=ctitle), 'title': title(ctitle, variable_dic['title_size'], decoration=True), 'subtitle': subtitle(csubtitle, variable_dic['subtitle_size']), 'credits': credit(), 'legend': legend(), 'responsive': responsive_y1_nolabel(), 'tooltip': { 'sharted': 1, 'useHTML': 1, 'headerFormat': '', 'pointFormat': '<span><b>{point.team_name}</b></span></br><span style="font-size: %s">%s: {point.goalie_own_pull}</span><br><span style="font-size: %s">%s: {point.goals_wogoalie_for}</span><br/><span style="font-size: %s">%s: {point.goals_en_against}</span><br/>' % (font_size, _('Goalie pulls'), font_size, _('Goals after pulling goalie'), font_size, _('Empty net goals taken')) }, 'plotOptions': { 'series': { 'states': { 'inactive': { 'opacity': 1 } }, 'stacking': 'normal', 'dataLabels': { 'enabled': 1, 'inside': 1, 'style': { 'fontSize': font_size, 'textOutline': 0, 'color': '#ffffff', 'fontWeight': 0 }, 'format': '{point.label}' } } }, 'xAxis': { 'categories': data_dic['team_list'], 'title': title('', font_size), 'labels': { 'useHTML': 1, 'align': 'center' }, # 'labels': {'style': {'fontSize': font_size}}, }, 'yAxis': { # pylint: disable=E0602 'title': title('', font_size), 'reversedStacks': 0, 'tickInterval': 1, 'labels': { 'enabled': 0, 'style': { 'fontSize': font_size } }, 'plotLines': [{ 'color': plotlines_color, 'width': 2, 'value': 100 }], }, 'series': [ # pylint: disable=E0602 { 'name': _('Goals after pulling goalie'), 'marker': { 'symbol': 'square' }, 'data': data_dic['goals_wogoalie_for_list'], 'color': chart_color3 }, { 'name': _('Emptynet goals taken'), 'marker': { 'symbol': 'square' }, 'data': data_dic['goals_en_against_list'], 'color': chart_color1 }, ] } return chart_options
def discipline_chart_get(logger, ctitle, csubtitle, ismobile, pppk_data): # pylint: disable=E0602 """ pdo breakdown """ logger.debug('discipline_chart_get()') variable_dic = variables_get(ismobile) # dirty hack if pppk_data['x_min'] == 0: pppk_data['x_min'] = 1 if pppk_data['y_min'] == 0: pppk_data['y_min'] = 1 if pppk_data['x_max'] == 100: pppk_data['x_max'] = 99 if pppk_data['y_max'] == 100: pppk_data['y_max'] = 99 minmax_dic = { 'x_min': pppk_data['x_min'] - 0.2, 'y_min': pppk_data['y_min'] - 0.2, 'x_max': pppk_data['x_max'] + 0.2, 'y_max': pppk_data['y_max'] + 0.2 } chart_options = { 'chart': { 'type': 'scatter', 'height': '110%', 'style': chartstyle() }, 'exporting': exporting(filename=ctitle), 'title': title(ctitle, variable_dic['title_size'], decoration=True), 'subtitle': subtitle(csubtitle, variable_dic['subtitle_size']), 'credits': credit(), 'legend': { 'enabled': 1 }, 'responsive': responsive_y1(), 'tooltip': { 'useHTML': 1, 'headerFormat': '', 'pointFormat': '<span><b>{point.team_name}</b></span></br><span style="font-size: %s">%s: {point.penaltyminutes_drawn}min</span><br><span style="font-size: %s">%s: {point.penaltyminutes_taken}min</span><br/>' % (font_size, _('Penaltyminutes drawn'), font_size, _('Penaltyminutes taken')) }, 'xAxis': { 'title': title(_('Penaltyminutes drawn (avg per game)'), font_size), 'labels': { 'style': { 'fontSize': font_size }, }, 'min': minmax_dic['x_min'], 'max': minmax_dic['x_max'], 'tickInterval': 0.5, 'showFirstLabel': 1, 'showLastLabel': 1, 'gridLineWidth': 1, 'plotBands': [{ 'from': pppk_data['x_avg'] - pppk_data['x_deviation'] / 2, 'to': pppk_data['x_avg'] + pppk_data['x_deviation'] / 2, 'color': chart_color6 }], 'plotLines': [{ 'zIndex': 3, 'color': plotlines_color, 'width': 2, 'value': pppk_data['x_avg'] }], }, 'yAxis': { 'title': title(_('Penaltyminutes taken (avg per game)'), font_size), 'maxPadding': 0.1, 'min': minmax_dic['y_min'], 'max': minmax_dic['y_max'], 'tickInterval': 0.5, 'labels': { 'style': { 'fontSize': font_size }, }, 'gridLineWidth': 1, 'plotBands': [{ 'from': pppk_data['y_avg'] - pppk_data['x_deviation'] / 2, 'to': pppk_data['y_avg'] + pppk_data['x_deviation'] / 2, 'color': chart_color6 }], 'plotLines': [{ 'zIndex': 3, 'color': plotlines_color, 'width': 2, 'value': pppk_data['y_avg'] }], }, 'series': [{ 'zIndex': 1, 'name': _('Standard Deviation'), 'color': plotlines_color, 'marker': { 'symbol': 'square' }, 'data': pppk_data['data'] }], 'annotations': corner_annotations(ismobile, minmax_dic, _('Undisciplined'), _('Friendly'), _('Chippy'), _('Disciplined'), 1) } return chart_options
def xgfa_chart_get(logger, ctitle, csubtitle, ismobile, xgfa_data): # pylint: disable=E0602 """ pdo breakdown """ logger.debug('pdo_breakdown_chart()') variable_dic = variables_get(ismobile) # dirty hack if xgfa_data['x_min'] == 0: xgfa_data['x_min'] = 1 if xgfa_data['y_min'] == 0: xgfa_data['y_min'] = 1 minmax_dic = { 'x_min': xgfa_data['x_min'] - 0.2, 'y_min': xgfa_data['y_min'] - 0.2, 'x_max': xgfa_data['x_max'] + 0.2, 'y_max': xgfa_data['y_max'] + 0.2 } chart_options = { 'chart': { 'type': 'scatter', 'height': '100%', 'style': chartstyle() }, 'exporting': exporting(filename=ctitle), 'title': title(ctitle, variable_dic['title_size'], decoration=True), 'subtitle': subtitle(csubtitle, variable_dic['subtitle_size']), 'credits': credit(), 'legend': { 'enabled': 1 }, 'responsive': responsive_y1(), 'tooltip': { 'useHTML': 1, 'headerFormat': '', 'pointFormat': '<span><b>{point.team_name}</b></span></br><span style="font-size: %s">%s: {point.x}</span><br><span style="font-size: %s">%s: {point.y}</span><br/>' % (font_size, _('xGF60'), font_size, _('xGA60')) }, 'xAxis': { 'title': title(_('Expected Goals "For" per 60min (xGF60)'), font_size), 'labels': { 'style': { 'fontSize': font_size }, }, 'min': minmax_dic['x_min'], 'max': minmax_dic['x_max'], 'tickInterval': 0.25, 'showFirstLabel': 1, 'showLastLabel': 1, 'gridLineWidth': 1, 'plotBands': [{ 'from': xgfa_data['x_avg'] - xgfa_data['x_deviation'] / 2, 'to': xgfa_data['x_avg'] + xgfa_data['x_deviation'] / 2, 'color': chart_color6 }], 'plotLines': [{ 'zIndex': 3, 'color': plotlines_color, 'width': 2, 'value': xgfa_data['x_avg'] }], }, 'yAxis': { 'title': title(_('Expected Goals "Against" per 60min (xGA60)'), font_size), 'maxPadding': 0.1, 'min': minmax_dic['y_min'], 'max': minmax_dic['y_max'], 'tickInterval': 0.25, 'reversed': 1, 'labels': { 'style': { 'fontSize': font_size }, }, 'gridLineWidth': 1, 'plotBands': [{ 'from': xgfa_data['y_avg'] - xgfa_data['y_deviation'] / 2, 'to': xgfa_data['y_avg'] + xgfa_data['y_deviation'] / 2, 'color': chart_color6 }], 'plotLines': [{ 'zIndex': 3, 'color': plotlines_color, 'width': 2, 'value': xgfa_data['y_avg'] }], }, 'series': [{ 'zIndex': 1, 'name': _('Standard Deviation'), 'color': plotlines_color, 'marker': { 'symbol': 'square' }, 'data': xgfa_data['data'] }], 'annotations': corner_annotations(ismobile, minmax_dic, _('Headless'), _('Boring'), _('Exciting'), _('Coolly')), } return chart_options
def dgf_chart_get(logger, ctitle, csubtitle, ismobile, data_dic): # pylint: disable=E0602 """ pdo overview """ logger.debug('pdo_overview_chart()') variable_dic = variables_get(ismobile) if ismobile: chart_height = '100%' legent_title_size = font_size_mobile else: chart_height = '80%' legent_title_size = font_size chart_options = { 'chart': { 'type': 'column', 'height': chart_height, 'alignTicks': 0, 'style': chartstyle() }, 'exporting': exporting(filename=ctitle), 'title': title(ctitle, variable_dic['title_size'], decoration=True), 'subtitle': subtitle(csubtitle, variable_dic['subtitle_size']), 'credits': credit(), 'legend': legend(1, { 'title': { 'text': 'GF%', 'style': { 'fontSize': legent_title_size } } }), 'responsive': responsive_y1(), 'tooltip': { 'useHTML': 1, 'headerFormat': '', 'pointFormat': '<span><b>{point.shortcut}</b></span></br><span style="font-size: %s">%s: {point.gf_pctg}</span><br><span style="font-size: %s">%s: {point.y}</span><br/>' % (font_size, _('GF%'), font_size, _('dGF%')) }, 'plotOptions': { 'series': { 'dataLabels': { 'enabled': 1, 'useHTML': 0, 'style': { 'fontSize': font_size, 'textOutline': 0, 'color': '#ffffff', 'fontWeight': 0 } } } }, 'xAxis': { 'categories': data_dic['data']['team_list'], 'title': title('', font_size), 'labels': { 'useHTML': 1, 'align': 'center' }, }, 'colorAxis': color_axis(showinlegend=1, minimum=data_dic['gf_5v5_pctg_min']), 'yAxis': { # pylint: disable=E0602 'title': title(_('Difference of GF% and xGF% (dGF%)'), font_size), 'labels': { 'style': { 'fontSize': font_size } }, 'plotLines': [{ 'color': plotlines_color, 'width': 2, 'value': 100 }], }, 'series': [ # pylint: disable=E0602 { 'name': _('dGF%'), 'marker': { 'symbol': 'square' }, 'data': data_dic['data']['dgf_list'] }, ] } return chart_options
def gfxgf_chart_get(logger, ctitle, csubtitle, ismobile, gfxgf_data): # pylint: disable=E0602 """ pdo breakdown """ logger.debug('pdo_breakdown_chart()') variable_dic = variables_get(ismobile) # dirty hack if gfxgf_data['x_min'] == 0: gfxgf_data['x_min'] = 1 if gfxgf_data['y_min'] == 0: gfxgf_data['y_min'] = 1 if gfxgf_data['x_max'] == 100: gfxgf_data['x_max'] = 99 if gfxgf_data['y_max'] == 100: gfxgf_data['y_max'] = 99 minmax_dic = { 'x_min': int(round(gfxgf_data['x_min'], 0)) - 5, 'y_min': int(round(gfxgf_data['y_min'], 0)) - 2.5, 'x_max': int(round(gfxgf_data['x_max'], 0)) + 5, 'y_max': int(round(gfxgf_data['y_max'], 0)) + 5, } chart_options = { 'chart': { 'type': 'scatter', 'height': '110%', 'style': chartstyle() }, 'exporting': exporting(filename=ctitle), 'title': title(ctitle, variable_dic['title_size'], decoration=True), 'subtitle': subtitle(csubtitle, variable_dic['subtitle_size']), 'credits': credit(), 'legend': { 'enabled': 1 }, 'responsive': responsive_y1(), 'tooltip': { 'useHTML': 1, 'headerFormat': '', 'pointFormat': '<span><b>{point.team_name}</b></span></br><span style="font-size: %s">%s: {point.x}</span><br><span style="font-size: %s">%s: {point.y}</span><br/>' % (font_size, _('GF%'), font_size, _('xGF%')) }, 'xAxis': { 'title': title(_('Goals percentage on 5v5 (Gf%)'), font_size), 'labels': { 'style': { 'fontSize': font_size }, }, 'min': minmax_dic['x_min'], 'max': minmax_dic['x_max'], #'tickInterval': 2, 'showFirstLabel': 1, 'showLastLabel': 1, 'gridLineWidth': 1, 'plotBands': [{ 'from': gfxgf_data['x_avg'] - gfxgf_data['x_deviation'] / 2, 'to': gfxgf_data['x_avg'] + gfxgf_data['x_deviation'] / 2, 'color': chart_color6 }], 'plotLines': [{ 'zIndex': 3, 'color': plotlines_color, 'width': 2, 'value': gfxgf_data['x_avg'] }], }, 'yAxis': { 'title': title(_('expected Goals percentage on 5v5 (xGf%)'), font_size), 'maxPadding': 0.1, 'min': minmax_dic['y_min'], 'max': minmax_dic['y_max'], #'tickInterval': 2, 'labels': { 'style': { 'fontSize': font_size }, }, 'gridLineWidth': 1, 'plotBands': [{ 'from': gfxgf_data['y_avg'] - gfxgf_data['y_deviation'] / 2, 'to': gfxgf_data['y_avg'] + gfxgf_data['y_deviation'] / 2, 'color': chart_color6 }], 'plotLines': [{ 'zIndex': 3, 'color': plotlines_color, 'width': 2, 'value': gfxgf_data['y_avg'] }], }, 'series': [{ 'zIndex': 1, 'name': _('Standard Deviation'), 'color': plotlines_color, 'marker': { 'symbol': 'square' }, 'data': gfxgf_data['data'] }], 'annotations': corner_annotations(ismobile, minmax_dic, _('Underperforming'), _('Bad'), _('Good'), _('Overperforming')), } return chart_options
def chatterchart_create(logger, ctitle, csubtitle, ismobile, events_dic, plotband_list): """ create chatter chart """ logger.debug('chatterchart_create()') variable_dic = variables_get(ismobile) data_list = [] x_list = [] cnt = 0 for _uts, event in sorted(events_dic.items()): # we need to count the amount of tweets to calculate the chartsize cnt += 1 # on the fly timestamp for x-axis timestamp = uts_to_date_utc(date_to_uts_utc(event['created_at']), '%H:%M') if 'text_raw' in event: timestamp = uts_to_date_utc( int(date_to_uts_utc(event['created_at']) + 3600), '%H:%M') # this is a regular event text_shorten = textwrap.shorten( event['text_raw'], variable_dic['timeline_wrap_length']) data_list.append({ 'x': cnt, 'name': timestamp, 'aname': '@{0}'.format(event['name_alternate']), 'scolor': twitter_color, 'label': text_shorten, 'description': event['text_raw'], 'dataLabels': { 'style': { 'fontSize': variable_dic['timeline_font_size'] } } }) else: # this is a goal data_list.append({ 'x': cnt, 'name': timestamp, 'aname': '#bot1337', 'scolor': chart_color3, 'color': event['color'], 'label': event['name_alternate'], 'dataLabels': { 'color': event['color'], 'style': { 'fontSize': variable_dic['timeline_font_size'], 'fontWeight': 'bold' } } }) x_list.append({'x': cnt, 'name': timestamp}) # charthight depends on number of tweets - need to be calculated chart_height = variable_dic['ticker_startval'] + ( cnt * variable_dic['ticker_multiplier']) chart_options = { 'chart': { 'type': 'timeline', 'height': '{0}%'.format(chart_height), 'inverted': 1, 'zoomType': 'x', #'alignTicks': 0, 'style': chartstyle() }, 'exporting': exporting(filename=ctitle), 'title': title(ctitle, variable_dic['title_size'], decoration=True), 'subtitle': subtitle(csubtitle, variable_dic['subtitle_size']), 'credits': credit(), 'plotOptions': { 'timeline': { 'dataLabels': { 'align': 'left', 'distance': variable_dic['timeline_distance'], 'alternate': 0 } } }, 'tooltip': { 'useHTML': 1, 'headerFormat': '', 'pointFormat': '<span style="color: {point.scolor}"><b>{point.aname}</b></span><br>{point.description}', }, 'xAxis': { 'categories': x_list, 'visible': 1, 'tickWidth': 0, 'tickInterval': 3, 'showFirstLabel': 1, 'showLastLabel': 1, 'lineWidth': 0, 'labels': { 'enabled': 1, 'style': { 'fontSize': variable_dic['timeline_font_size'] } }, 'plotBands': plotband_list, }, 'yAxis': { 'gridLineWidth': 3, 'title': '', 'startOnTick': 0, 'endOnTick': 0, 'labels': { 'enabled': 0 }, 'width': 50 }, 'colors': [chart_color6], 'series': [{ 'dataLabels': { 'allowOverlap': 1, 'format': '{point.label}', 'borderWidth': 0 }, 'data': data_list }] } return chart_options
def shiftsperplayerchart_create(logger, ctitle, csubtitle, ismobile, data_dic): # pylint: disable=E0602, R0914 """ create shift per player chart """ logger.debug('shiftsperplayerchart_create()') variable_dic = variables_get(ismobile) chart_options = { 'ctype': 'gantt', 'chart': { 'height': '110%', 'alignTicks': 0, 'style': chartstyle() }, 'title': title(ctitle, variable_dic['title_size'], decoration=True), 'subtitle': subtitle(csubtitle, variable_dic['subtitle_size']), 'credits': credit(), 'legend': { 'enabled': 0 }, 'exporting': exporting(filename=ctitle), 'responsive': responsive_y1(), 'plotOptions': { 'series': { 'states': { 'inactive': { 'opacity': 1 } } } }, 'tooltip': { 'useHTML': 0, 'headerFormat': '', 'pointFormat': '<b>{point.playername}</b><br>#{point.cnt} - {point.type}: {point.start_human}m - {point.end_human}m', 'followPointer': 1, }, 'xAxis': [{ 'title': title(_('Game Time'), variable_dic['font_size']), 'labels': { 'align': 'center', 'style': { 'fontSize': variable_dic['font_size'] } }, 'tickInterval': 300000, 'type': 'datetime', 'tickWidth': 1, 'grid': { 'enabled': 0 }, 'opposite': 0, }, { 'title': title(_('Goals'), variable_dic['font_size'], offset=15), 'tickPositions': [], 'plotLines': data_dic['x2_plotlines_list'], 'plotBands': data_dic['plotbands_list'], 'tickWidth': 0, 'grid': { 'enabled': 0 }, 'opposite': 1 }], 'yAxis': { 'title': title('', font_size), 'categories': data_dic['playername_list'], 'labels': { 'useHTML': 1, 'align': 'right', 'style': { 'fontSize': variable_dic['font_size'] } }, 'grid': { 'enabled': 0 }, 'plotLines': data_dic['y_plotlines_list'] }, 'series': [ { 'name': ('Even Strength'), 'data': data_dic['shifts_list'], 'color': '#404040', 'marker': { 'symbol': 'square' } }, ] } return chart_options
def gamematchupchart_create(logger, ctitle, csubtitle, ismobile, lineup_dic, matchup_matrix, plotline_dic, matchinfo_dic): """ create matchup heatmeap """ # pylint: disable=E0602, R0914 logger.debug('gamematchupchart_create()') variable_dic = variables_get(ismobile) data_list = [] for hpid in matchup_matrix: for vpid in matchup_matrix[hpid]: # data_list.append([hpid, vpid, round(matchup_matrix[hpid][vpid]/60, 0)]) tmp_dic = { 'x': hpid, 'y': vpid, 'value': round(matchup_matrix[hpid][vpid]['seconds']/60, 3), 'minsec': '{0:02d}:{1:02d}'.format(*divmod(matchup_matrix[hpid][vpid]['seconds'], 60)), 'home_name': '{0} {1}'.format(lineup_dic['home_team'][hpid]['name'], lineup_dic['home_team'][hpid]['surname']), 'visitor_name': '{0} {1}'.format(lineup_dic['visitor_team'][vpid]['name'], lineup_dic['visitor_team'][vpid]['surname']), 'home_shots': matchup_matrix[hpid][vpid]['home_shots'], 'visitor_shots': matchup_matrix[hpid][vpid]['visitor_shots'], } # deside how to set label if matchup_matrix[hpid][vpid]['home_shots'] - matchup_matrix[hpid][vpid]['visitor_shots'] > 0: # arrow up tmp_dic['delta'] = '{0}{1}'.format('\u2BC5', matchup_matrix[hpid][vpid]['home_shots'] - matchup_matrix[hpid][vpid]['visitor_shots']) tmp_dic['dataLabels'] = {'format': '{0}{1}'.format('\u2BC5', matchup_matrix[hpid][vpid]['home_shots'] - matchup_matrix[hpid][vpid]['visitor_shots'])} elif matchup_matrix[hpid][vpid]['home_shots'] - matchup_matrix[hpid][vpid]['visitor_shots'] == 0: # no arrow tmp_dic['delta'] = '{0}'.format(matchup_matrix[hpid][vpid]['home_shots'] - matchup_matrix[hpid][vpid]['visitor_shots']) tmp_dic['dataLabels'] = {'format': '{0}'.format(matchup_matrix[hpid][vpid]['home_shots'] - matchup_matrix[hpid][vpid]['visitor_shots'])} else: # left arrow tmp_dic['delta'] = '{0}{1}'.format('\u2BC7', matchup_matrix[hpid][vpid]['visitor_shots'] - matchup_matrix[hpid][vpid]['home_shots']) tmp_dic['dataLabels'] = {'format': '{0}{1}'.format('\u2BC7', matchup_matrix[hpid][vpid]['visitor_shots'] - matchup_matrix[hpid][vpid]['home_shots'])} data_list.append(tmp_dic) x_list = [] x_list_mobile = [] for player in lineup_dic['home_team']: x_list.append('{0} {1}'.format(lineup_dic['home_team'][player]['name'], lineup_dic['home_team'][player]['surname'])) x_list_mobile.append('{0}. {1}'.format(lineup_dic['home_team'][player]['name'][0], lineup_dic['home_team'][player]['surname'])) y_list = [] y_list_mobile = [] for player in lineup_dic['visitor_team']: y_list.append('{0} {1}'.format(lineup_dic['visitor_team'][player]['name'], lineup_dic['visitor_team'][player]['surname'])) y_list_mobile.append('{0}. {1}'.format(lineup_dic['visitor_team'][player]['name'][0], lineup_dic['visitor_team'][player]['surname'])) # x_plotlines x_plotlines = [] for plot in plotline_dic['home_team']: x_plotlines.append({'color': '#ffffff', 'width': 4, 'value': plot - .5, 'zIndex': 4}) # y_plotlines y_plotlines = [] for plot in plotline_dic['visitor_team']: y_plotlines.append({'color': '#ffffff', 'width': 4, 'value': plot - .5, 'zIndex': 4}) chart_options = { 'chart': { 'type': 'heatmap', 'height': variable_dic['shotmap_height_pctg'], 'style': chartstyle() }, 'exporting': exporting(filename=ctitle, allowhtml=0), 'title': title(ctitle, variable_dic['title_size'], decoration=True), 'subtitle': subtitle(csubtitle, variable_dic['subtitle_size']), 'credits': credit(), 'tooltip': { 'useHTML': 0, 'headerFormat': None, 'pointFormat': '<span><b>{point.home_name} vs, {point.visitor_name}</b></span><br/> <span style="font-size: %(fontsize)s"> {}: {point.minsec} %(min)s</span><br /><span style="font-size: %(fontsize)s"><b>%(headline)s:</b><br /><span style="font-size: %(fontsize)s"> %(homeshots)s: {point.home_shots}</span><br/> <span style="font-size: %(fontsize)s"> %(visitorshots)s: {point.visitor_shots}</span><br/><span style="font-size: %(fontsize)s"> delta: {}<br />' % {'fontsize': font_size, 'min': 'min', 'headline': _('Shots while players on Ice'), 'homeshots': matchinfo_dic['home_team__shortcut'], 'visitorshots': matchinfo_dic['visitor_team__shortcut']}, }, 'xAxis': { 'categories': x_list, 'opposite':1, 'plotLines': x_plotlines, 'labels': {'step': 1, 'rotation': -45} }, 'yAxis': { 'categories': y_list, 'title': '', 'reversed': True, 'plotLines': y_plotlines, 'labels': {'step': 1} }, 'legend': { 'title': {'text': _('Time on Ice'), 'style': {'fontStyle': 'lighter','fontSize': font_size}}, 'align': 'center', 'layout': 'horizontal', 'verticalAlign': 'bottom', 'itemStyle': {'color': text_color, 'fontWeight': 'lighter', 'fontSize': font_size}, }, 'colorAxis': { 'min': 0, 'minColor': '#FFFFFF', 'maxColor': chart_color1, 'labels': {'style': {'color': text_color, 'fontSize': font_size}}, }, 'series': [{ 'name': _('Time on Ice'), 'borderWidth': 1, 'data': data_list, 'dataLabels': { 'enabled': 1, 'useHTML': 0, # 'color': text_color, 'style': {'fontSize': '8px', 'textOutline': 0, 'color': text_color} } }], 'responsive': { 'rules': [{ 'condition': {'maxWidth': 500}, 'chartOptions': { 'legend': {'title': {'text': _('Time on Ice'), 'style': {'fontStyle': 'lighter','fontSize': font_size_mobile}}}, 'xAxis': {'categories': x_list_mobile, 'labels': {'style': {'fontSize': font_size_mobile}}}, 'yAxis': {'categories': y_list_mobile, 'labels': {'style': {'fontSize': font_size_mobile}}}, 'colorAxis': {'labels': {'style': {'color': text_color, 'fontSize': font_size_mobile}}}, } }] } } return chart_options
def gametoichart_create(logger, ctitle, csubtitle, ismobile, toi_dic, bar_color1, bar_color2, bar_color3, bar_color4): # pylint: disable=E0602 """ create time-on-ice chart """ logger.debug('gametoichart_create()') variable_dic = variables_get(ismobile) # create x axis with player names x_list = [] y_dic = {1: [], 2: [], 3: [], 4: []} # we need two iterations of the dictionary # first one is to create the list of playernames for period in toi_dic: for player_name in toi_dic[period]: if player_name not in x_list: x_list.append(player_name) # 2nd one to add toi per player for period in toi_dic: for player_name in sorted(x_list): if player_name in toi_dic[period]: # y_dic[period].append('{0:02d}:{1:02d}'.format(*divmod(shifts_dic['ebb'][period][player_name], 60))) y_dic[period].append({ 'y': round(toi_dic[period][player_name] / 60, 3), 'label': '{0:02d}:{1:02d}'.format( *divmod(toi_dic[period][player_name], 60)) }) else: y_dic[period].append(0) chart_options = { 'chart': { 'type': 'bar', 'height': '120%', 'alignTicks': 0, 'style': chartstyle() }, 'exporting': exporting(filename=ctitle), 'title': title(ctitle, variable_dic['title_size'], decoration=True), 'subtitle': subtitle(csubtitle, variable_dic['subtitle_size']), 'credits': credit(), 'legend': legend(), 'responsive': responsive_y1(), 'plotOptions': { 'series': { 'stacking': 'normal' } }, 'tooltip': { 'shared': 1, 'useHTML': 1, 'headerFormat': '<span style="font-size: %s"><b>{point.x}</b></span><br/>' % font_size, 'pointFormat': '<span style="color:{point.color}">\u25CF</span> <span style="font-size: %s">{}: {point.label} %s</span><br/>' % (font_size, _('min')) }, 'xAxis': { 'categories': sorted(x_list), 'title': title('', font_size), 'labels': { 'style': { 'fontSize': font_size }, }, 'tickInterval': 1, 'showFirstLabel': 1, 'showLastLabel': 1, }, 'yAxis': { 'title': title(_('Time on Ice'), font_size), 'reversedStacks': 0, 'tickInterval': 1, 'maxPadding': 0.1, 'labels': { 'style': { 'fontSize': font_size }, }, }, 'series': [{ 'name': _('1st Period'), 'data': y_dic[1], 'color': bar_color1 }, { 'name': _('2nd Period'), 'data': y_dic[2], 'color': bar_color2 }, { 'name': _('3rd Period'), 'data': y_dic[3], 'color': bar_color3 }, { 'name': _('OT'), 'data': y_dic[4], 'color': bar_color4 }] } return chart_options
def gametoipppkchart_create(logger, ctitle, csubtitle, ismobile, toi_dic, color_primary, color_secondary): # pylint: disable=E0602, R0914 """ create time-on-ice chart """ logger.debug('gametoipppkchart_create()') variable_dic = variables_get(ismobile) # create x axis with player names x_list = [] pp_list = [] pk_list = [] # this one is to create the list of playernames for player_name in toi_dic: if player_name not in x_list: x_list.append(player_name) # add toi per player pp_max = 0 pk_min = 0 for player_name in sorted(x_list): if player_name in toi_dic: # y_dic[period].append('{0:02d}:{1:02d}'.format(*divmod(shifts_dic['ebb'][period][player_name], 60))) pp_value = round(toi_dic[player_name]['pp'] / 60, 3) pk_value = round(toi_dic[player_name]['pk'] / 60, 3) * -1 # check min max values to adjust chart if pp_max <= pp_value: pp_max = pp_value if pk_value <= pk_min: pk_min = pk_value pp_list.append({ 'y': pp_value, 'label': '{0:02d}:{1:02d}'.format( *divmod(toi_dic[player_name]['pp'], 60)) }) pk_list.append({ 'y': pk_value, 'label': '{0:02d}:{1:02d}'.format( *divmod(toi_dic[player_name]['pk'], 60)) }) else: pp_list.append(0) pk_list.append(0) chart_options = { 'chart': { 'type': 'bar', 'height': '100%', 'alignTicks': 0, 'style': chartstyle() }, 'exporting': exporting(filename=ctitle), 'title': title(ctitle, variable_dic['title_size'], decoration=True), 'subtitle': subtitle(csubtitle, variable_dic['subtitle_size']), 'credits': credit(), 'legend': legend(additional_parameters={'reversed': 1}), 'responsive': responsive_y1_nolabel(), 'plotOptions': { 'series': { 'stacking': 'normal', 'dataLabels': { 'enabled': 1, 'inside': 0, 'style': { 'fontSize': font_size, 'textOutline': 0, 'color': '#000000', 'fontWeight': 0 }, 'format': '{point.label}' } } }, 'tooltip': { 'shared': 1, 'useHTML': 1, 'headerFormat': '<span style="font-size: %s"><b>{point.x}</b></span><br/>' % font_size, 'pointFormat': '<span style="color:{point.color}">\u25CF</span> <span style="font-size: %s">{}: {point.label} %s</span><br/>' % (font_size, _('min')) }, 'xAxis': { 'categories': sorted(x_list), 'title': title('', font_size), 'labels': { 'style': { 'fontSize': font_size }, }, 'tickInterval': 1, 'showFirstLabel': 1, 'showLastLabel': 1, }, 'yAxis': { 'title': title(_('Time on Ice in min'), font_size), 'reversedStacks': 0, 'tickInterval': 1, 'maxPadding': 0.1, 'min': pk_min - 1, 'max': pp_max + 1, 'labels': { 'enabled': 0, 'style': { 'fontSize': font_size }, }, }, 'series': [ { 'name': _('Time in Powerplay'), 'data': pp_list, 'color': color_primary }, { 'name': _('Time in Penalty killing'), 'data': pk_list, 'color': color_secondary }, ] } return chart_options