def get_user(self, telnet, uid, silent=False): """Gets a single users data silent supresses Http404 exception if user not found""" telnet.sendline('user -s ' + uid) matched_index = telnet.expect([ r'.+Unknown User:.*' + STANDARD_PROMPT, r'.+Usage: user.*' + STANDARD_PROMPT, r'(.+)\n' + STANDARD_PROMPT, ]) if matched_index != 2: if silent: return else: raise ObjectNotFoundError('Unknown user: %s' % uid) result = user = {} for line in [l for l in result.splitlines() if l][1:]: d = [x for x in line.split() if x] if len(d) == 2: user[d[0]] = d[1] elif len(d) == 4: # Not DRY, could be more elegant if not d[0] in user: user[d[0]] = {} if not d[1] in user[d[0]]: user[d[0]][d[1]] = {} if not d[2] in user[d[0]][d[1]]: user[d[0]][d[1]][d[2]] = {} user[d[0]][d[1]][d[2]] = d[3] # each line has two or four lines so above exhaustive return user
def get_filter(self, telnet, fid): "Return data for one filter as Python dict" filters = self._list(telnet)['filters'] try: return {'filter': next((m for m in filters if m['fid'] == fid), None) } except StopIteration: raise ObjectNotFoundError('No Filter with fid: %s' % fid)
def get_router(self, telnet, order): "Return data for one mtrouter as Python dict" routers = self._list(telnet)['mtrouters'] try: return {'mtrouter': next((m for m in routers if m['order'] == order), None) } except StopIteration: raise ObjectNotFoundError('No MTRouter with order: %s' % order)
def simple_group_action(self, telnet, action, gid): telnet.sendline('group -%s %s' % (action, gid)) matched_index = telnet.expect([ r'.+Successfully(.+)' + STANDARD_PROMPT, r'.+Unknown Group: (.+)' + STANDARD_PROMPT, r'.+(.*)' + STANDARD_PROMPT, ]) if matched_index == 0: telnet.sendline('persist\n') return JsonResponse({'name': gid}) elif matched_index == 1: raise ObjectNotFoundError('Unknown group: %s' % gid) else: raise ActionFailed(
def simple_smppccm_action(self, telnet, action, cid): telnet.sendline('smppccm -%s %s' % (action, cid)) matched_index = telnet.expect([ r'.+Successfully(.+)' + STANDARD_PROMPT, r'.+Unknown connector: (.+)' + STANDARD_PROMPT, r'(.*)' + STANDARD_PROMPT, ]) if matched_index == 0: telnet.sendline('persist\n') return JsonResponse({'name': cid}) elif matched_index == 1: raise ObjectNotFoundError('Unknown SMPP Connector: %s' % cid) else: raise ActionFailed(
def retrieve(self, request, cid): """Retreive data for one connector Required parameter: cid (connector id)""" telnet = request.telnet_list[0] connector = self.get_httpccm(telnet, cid, silent=False) connector_list = self.get_connector_list(telnet) list_data = next( (raw_data for raw_data in connector_list if raw_data[0] == '#' + cid), None) if not list_data: raise ObjectNotFoundError('Unknown connector: %s' % cid) connector.update(cid=cid, type=list_data[1], method=list_data[2], url=list_data[3]) return JsonResponse({'connector': connector})
def simple_httpccm_action(self, telnet, telnet_list, action, cid): telnet.sendline('httpccm -%s %s' % (action, cid)) matched_index = telnet.expect([ r'.+Successfully(.+)' + STANDARD_PROMPT, r'.+Unknown connector: (.+)' + STANDARD_PROMPT, r'(.*)' + STANDARD_PROMPT, ]) if matched_index == 0: telnet.sendline('persist\n') if settings.JASMIN_DOCKER or settings.JASMIN_K8S: sync_conf_instances(telnet_list) return JsonResponse({'name': cid}) elif matched_index == 1: raise ObjectNotFoundError('Unknown HTTP Connector: %s' % cid) else: raise ActionFailed(
def get_smppccm(self, telnet, cid, silent=False): # Some of this could be abstracted out - similar pattern in telnet.sendline('smppccm -s ' + cid) matched_index = telnet.expect([ r'.+Unknown connector:.*' + STANDARD_PROMPT, r'.+Usage:.*' + STANDARD_PROMPT, r'(.+)\n' + STANDARD_PROMPT, ]) if matched_index != 2: if silent: return else: raise ObjectNotFoundError('Unknown connector: %s' % cid) result = smppccm = {} for line in result.splitlines(): d = [x for x in line.split() if x] if len(d) == 2: smppccm[d[0]] = d[1] return smppccm