Example #1
    def get(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
        path = request.path
        path = path[:request.path.find('/api-docs')]
        apis = self.get_apis(path)
        generator = DocumentationGenerator(for_user=request.user)

        info = copy.deepcopy(rfs.SWAGGER_SETTINGS.get('info', {
            'contact': {},
            'description': '',
            'license': {'name': ''},
            'termsOfService': '',
            'title': '',
            'version': '',

        if 'version' not in info or info['version'] == '':
            matches = version_re.search(path)
            if matches is not None:
                info['version'] = matches.groups()[0]

        return Response({
            'swagger': '2.0',
            'basePath': path,
            'paths': generator.generate(apis),
            'definitions': generator.get_models(apis),
            'info': info,
            'tags': rfs.SWAGGER_SETTINGS.get('tags', [])
    def get(self, request, path):
        apis = self.get_api_for_resource(path)
        generator = DocumentationGenerator()

        return Response({
            'apis': generator.generate(apis),
            'models': generator.get_models(apis),
            'basePath': self.api_full_uri,
Example #3
    def get(self, request, path):
        apis = self.get_api_for_resource(path)
        generator = DocumentationGenerator()

        return Response({
            'apis': generator.generate(apis),
            'models': generator.get_models(apis),
            'basePath': self.api_full_uri.rstrip('/'),
Example #4
 def get(self, request, path, *args, **kwargs):
     apis = self.get_apis_for_resource(path)
     generator = DocumentationGenerator(for_user=request.user)
     return Response({
         'apiVersion': rfs.SWAGGER_SETTINGS.get('api_version', ''),
         'swaggerVersion': '1.2',
         'basePath': self.api_full_uri.rstrip('/'),
         'resourcePath': '/' + path,
         'apis': generator.generate(apis),
         'models': generator.get_models(apis),
Example #5
    def get(self, request, path):
        apis = self.get_api_for_resource(path)
        generator = DocumentationGenerator()

        return Response({
            'apiVersion': SWAGGER_SETTINGS.get('api_version', ''),
            'swaggerVersion': '1.2',
            "resourcePath": "/{}".format(path),
            'apis': generator.generate(apis),
            'models': generator.get_models(apis),
            'basePath': self.api_full_uri.rstrip('/'),
Example #6
    def get(self, request, path):
        apis = self.get_api_for_resource(path)
        generator = DocumentationGenerator()

        return Response({
            'apiVersion': SWAGGER_SETTINGS.get('api_version', ''),
            'swaggerVersion': '1.2',
            'basePath': get_full_base_path(request),
            'resourcePath': path,
            'apis': generator.generate(apis),
            'models': generator.get_models(apis),
Example #7
    def get(self, request, path):
        apis = self.get_api_for_resource(path)
        generator = DocumentationGenerator()

        return Response({
            'apiVersion': SWAGGER_SETTINGS.get('api_version', ''),
            'swaggerVersion': '1.2',
            "resourcePath": "/{}".format(path),
            'apis': generator.generate(apis),
            'models': generator.get_models(apis),
            'basePath': self.api_full_uri.rstrip('/'),
    def get(self, request, path):
        apis = self.get_api_for_resource(path)
        generator = DocumentationGenerator()

        return Response({
            'apiVersion': rfs.SWAGGER_SETTINGS.get('api_version', ''),
            'swaggerVersion': '1.2',
            'basePath': self.api_full_uri.rstrip('/'),
            'resourcePath': '/' + path,
            'apiCustomHeaders': rfs.SWAGGER_SETTINGS.get('custom_headers', {}),
            'apis': generator.generate(apis),
            'models': generator.get_models(apis),
Example #9
 def get(self, request, path, *args, **kwargs):
     apis = self.get_apis_for_resource(path)
     generator = DocumentationGenerator(for_user=request.user)
     return Response(
             "apiVersion": rfs.SWAGGER_SETTINGS.get("api_version", ""),
             "swaggerVersion": "1.2",
             "basePath": self.api_full_uri.rstrip("/"),
             "resourcePath": "/" + path,
             "apis": generator.generate(apis),
             "models": generator.get_models(apis),
Example #10
    def get_api_declaration(self, path, urlconf):
        api_full_uri = SWAGGER_SETTINGS.get('api_full_uri')

        apis = self.get_api_for_resource(path, urlconf=urlconf)
        generator = DocumentationGenerator()

        return {
            'apiVersion': SWAGGER_SETTINGS.get('api_version', ''),
            'swaggerVersion': '1.2',
            'basePath': api_full_uri.rstrip('/'),
            'resourcePath': '/' + path,
            'apis': generator.generate(apis),
            'models': generator.get_models(apis),
    def get_api_declaration(self, path):
        api_full_uri = SWAGGER_SETTINGS.get('api_full_uri')

        apis = self.get_api_for_resource(path)
        generator = DocumentationGenerator()

        return {
            'apiVersion': SWAGGER_SETTINGS.get('api_version', ''),
            'swaggerVersion': '1.2',
            'basePath': api_full_uri.rstrip('/'),
            'resourcePath': '/' + path,
            'apis': generator.generate(apis),
            'models': generator.get_models(apis),
    def get(self, request, path):
        apis = self.get_api_for_resource(path)

        apis = [api for api in apis
                if self.handle_resource_access(request, api['pattern'])]

        generator = DocumentationGenerator()

        return Response({
            'apiVersion': rfs.SWAGGER_SETTINGS.get('api_version', ''),
            'swaggerVersion': '1.2',
            'basePath': self.api_full_uri.rstrip('/'),
            'resourcePath': '/' + path,
            'apis': generator.generate(apis),
            'models': generator.get_models(apis),
Example #13
    def get(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
        apis = []
        resources = self.get_resources()

        for path in resources:

        generator = DocumentationGenerator()

        tags = {}

        paths = {}
        # TODO: reformat the contents that come from generator, don't
        # post-process it here.
        for path in generator.generate(apis):
            mypath = {}

                tag = path['path'].split('/')[2]
            except IndexError:
                tag = None

            for operation in path.get('operations', []):
                method = operation['method'].lower()
                mypath[method] = {
                    'description': operation['notes'],
                    'summary': operation['summary'],
                    'produces': [
                    'responses': {
                        'default': {
                            'description': 'Unknown',
                            # 'schema': {
                            #     '$ref': "#/definitions/ErrorModel"
                            # }
                        200: {
                            'description': 'Success'

                if tag:
                    mypath[method]["tags"] = [tag]

            if tag and tag not in tags:
                tags[tag] = {
                    'name': tag,
                    'description': tag

            paths[path['path']] = mypath

        tag_list = []
        for tag in tags:

        definitions = {}
        parameters = {}
        responses = {}
        securityDefinitions = {}
        security = []
        tags = []
        externalDocs = {}

        full_uri = self.api_full_uri.rstrip('/').split('/')
        scheme = full_uri[0].rstrip(':')
        host = '/'.join(full_uri[2:3])
        basePath = "/" + '/'.join(full_uri[3:])

        return Response({
            'swagger': '2.0',
            'info': rfs.SWAGGER_SETTINGS['info'],
            'host': host,
            'basePath': basePath,
            'schemes': [scheme],
            'consumes': ['application/json'],
            'produces': ['application/json'],

            'paths': paths,
            'definitions': definitions,
            'parameters': parameters,
            'responses': responses,
            'securityDefinitions': securityDefinitions,
            'security': security,
            'tags': tag_list,
            'externalDocs': externalDocs

            # 'apiVersion': rfs.SWAGGER_SETTINGS.get('api_version', ''),
            # 'swaggerVersion': '2.0',

            # 'apis': generator.generate(apis),
            # 'models': generator.get_models(apis),
Example #14
    def get(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
        apis = []
        resources = self.get_resources()

        for path in resources:

        generator = DocumentationGenerator()

        #parameters = generator.get_models(apis)

        tags = {}
        paths = {}
        # TODO: reformat the contents that come from generator, don't
        # post-process it here.
        for path in generator.generate(apis):
            mypath = {}

                tag = path['path'].split('/')[2]
            except IndexError:
                tag = None

            for operation in path.get('operations', []):

                # {
                #     'parameters': [
                #         {'name': 'cigar', 'paramType': 'form', 'required': True, 'type': 'string', 'description': ''},
                #         {'name': 'jambalaya', 'paramType': 'form', 'required': True, 'type': 'string', 'description': ''}
                #     ],
                #     'nickname': u'Drop_Cigar_In_Jambalaya_POST',
                #     'notes': u'<p>Make a cigar jambalaya</p>',
                #     'summary': u'Make a cigar jambalaya',
                #     'type': 'CigarJambalayaSerializer',
                #     'method': 'POST'
                # }",
                responses = {}

                response_messages = operation.get('responseMessages', [])
                if len(response_messages) == 0:
                    responses['default'] = {'description': 'Unknown'}

                for response in response_messages:
                    responses[response['code']] = {
                        'description': response['message']

                    # TODO : this is almost certainly wrong
                    if response['responseModel']:
                        response[response['code']]['schema'] = {
                            "$ref": response['responseModel']

                method = operation['method'].lower()
                mypath[method] = {
                    #'debug': operation,
                    'description': operation['notes'],
                    'summary': operation['summary'],
                    'operationId': operation['nickname'],
                    'produces': [
                    'parameters': operation.get('parameters', []),
                    'responses': responses

                if tag:
                    mypath[method]["tags"] = [tag]

            if tag and tag not in tags:
                tags[tag] = {
                    'name': tag,
                    'description': tag

            paths[path['path']] = mypath

        tag_list = []
        for tag in tags:

        definitions = {}
        securityDefinitions = {}
        security = []
        externalDocs = {}

        full_uri = self.api_full_uri.rstrip('/').split('/')
        scheme = full_uri[0].rstrip(':')
        host = '/'.join(full_uri[2:3])
        basePath = "/" + '/'.join(full_uri[3:])

        return Response({
            'swagger': '2.0',
            'info': rfs.SWAGGER_SETTINGS['info'],
            'host': host,
            'basePath': basePath,
            'schemes': [scheme],
            'consumes': ['application/json'],
            'produces': ['application/json'],

            'paths': paths,
            'definitions': definitions,
            #'parameters': parameters,
            'responses': {},
            'securityDefinitions': securityDefinitions,
            'security': security