Example #1
 def __init__(self, ip='', user='', pwd='', lab_name=''):
     self.ip, self.user, self.pwd, self.lab_name = ip, user, pwd, lab_name
     if os.environ.get('UNL_IP'):
         self.ip = os.environ.get('UNL_IP')
     self.unl = UnlServer(self.ip)
     self.unl.login(self.user, self.pwd)
     self.lab = None
     self.nodes = dict()
Example #2
def app_1():
    unl = UnlServer('')
    unl.login('admin', 'unl')
    print("*** CONNECTED TO UNL")
    lab = unl.create_lab(LAB_NAME)
    print("*** CREATED LAB")
    node_1 = lab.create_node(Router('R1'))
    print("*** CREATED NODE")
Example #3
def app():
        unl = UnlServer('')
        unl.login('admin', 'eve')
        print("*** CONNECTED TO UNL")
        lab = unl.create_lab(LAB_NAME)
        print("*** CREATED LAB")
        # Creating topology in UnetLab
        nodes = dict()
        for (a_name, a_intf), (b_name, b_intf) in TOPOLOGY.items():
            # Create a mapping between a Node's name and an object
            if not a_name in nodes:

                nodes[a_name] = lab.create_node(Router(a_name))

                print("*** NODE {} CREATED".format(a_name))

            if not b_name in nodes:
                nodes[b_name] = lab.create_node(Router(b_name))
                print("*** NODE {} CREATED".format(b_name))

            # Extract Node objects using their names and connect them
            node_a = nodes[a_name]
            node_b = nodes[b_name]

            node_a.connect_node(a_intf, node_b, b_intf)
            print("*** NODES {0} and {1} ARE CONNECTED".format(a_name, b_name))
        print("*** TOPOLOGY IS BUILT")
        print("*** NODES STARTED")
        # Reading and pushing configuration
        for node_name in nodes:
            conf = read_file('..\\config\\{}.txt'.format(node_name))
            print("*** NODE {} CONFIGURED".format(node_name))
            input('PRESS ANY KEY TO STOP THE LAB')
    except Exception as e:
        print("*** APP FAILED : {}".format(e))
        print("*** CLEANING UP THE LAB")
Example #4
 def __init__(self, ip='', user='', pwd='', lab_name=''):
     self.ip, self.user, self.pwd, self.lab_name = ip, user, pwd, lab_name
     self.unl = UnlServer(self.ip)
     self.unl.login(self.user, self.pwd)
     self.lab = None
     self.nodes = dict()