Example #1
def retrieveResourceFromStorage(uri, only_public=False, is_partial=False):
    Return the details about a stored resource (partial or otherwise).
    The resource is identified via its URI.
    @param uri:         Identifies a resource via its URI.
    @type  uri:         string
    @param only_public: Flag indicating whether we only want to see the
                        public information about this resource.
    @type only_public:  boolean

    @param is_partial:  Indicate whether we are loading a partial resource.
    @type is_partial:   boolean
    @return:            Dictionary or None if not found.
    @rtype:             dict
    # Need to take the resource URI prefix off to get the resource_name.
    if is_partial:
        resource_name = uri[len(settings.PREFIX_SPECIALIZED)+1:]
        resource_name = uri[len(settings.PREFIX_RESOURCE)+1:]
    obj = None
        obj = STORAGE_OBJECT.loadResourceFromStorage(resource_name, is_partial)
        if not obj:
            raise Exception("Unknown resource: " + resource_name)
        if type(obj) is not dict  or  'public' not in obj:
            obj = None
            raise Exception("Missing top-level element 'public' or malformed resource.")
        public_obj = obj['public']
        # Do some sanity checking on the resource. Needs to contain
        # a few key elements at least.
        for mandatory_key in [ 'uri', 'desc', 'name' ]:
            if mandatory_key not in public_obj:
                public_obj = None
                raise Exception("Mandatory key '%s' missing in stored resource '%s'" % \
                                (mandatory_key, resource_name))
        if only_public:
            obj = public_obj
    except Exception, e:
        log("Malformed storage for resource '%s': %s" % (resource_name, str(e)), facility=LOGF_RESOURCES)
Example #2
def retrieveResourceFromStorage(uri, only_public=False):
    Return the details about a stored resource.
    The resource is identified via its URI.
    @param uri:         Identifies a resource via its URI.
    @type  uri:         string
    @param only_public: Flag indicating whether we only want to see the
                        public information about this resource.
    @type only_public:  boolean
    @return:            Dictionary or None if not found.
    @rtype:             dict
    # Need to take the resource URI prefix off to get the resource_name.
    resource_name = uri[len(settings.PREFIX_RESOURCE) + 1:]
    obj = None
        obj = STORAGE_OBJECT.loadResourceFromStorage(resource_name)
        if not obj:
            raise Exception("Unknown resource: " + resource_name)
        if type(obj) is not dict or 'public' not in obj:
            obj = None
            raise Exception(
                "Missing top-level element 'public' or malformed resource.")
        public_obj = obj['public']
        # Do some sanity checking on the resource. Needs to contain
        # a few key elements at least.
        for mandatory_key in ['uri', 'desc', 'name']:
            if mandatory_key not in public_obj:
                public_obj = None
                raise Exception("Mandatory key '%s' missing in stored resource '%s'" % \
                                (mandatory_key, resource_name))
        if only_public:
            obj = public_obj

    except Exception, e:
        log("Malformed storage for resource '%s': %s" %
            (resource_name, str(e)),
    def form(self, method, input, component_name, message="", specialized=False):
        Display a resource creation form for a specified component.
        @param method:          The HTTP request method.
        @type method:           string
        @param input:           Any data that came in the body of the request.
        @type input:            string

        @param component_name:  Name of the component for which to create the resource.
        @type component_name:   string

        @param message:         An error message to be displayed above the form.
        @type message:          string

        @return:                The output data of this service.
        @rtype:                 Result

        input_params = dict()
        input_rctp   = dict()
        if input  and  HttpMethod.POST:
            flag, msg, input = self.__create(input, component_name, specialized)
            if not flag:
                message = msg
                return Result.created(msg['uri'], msg)

        if input:
            if type(input) is dict:
                # We receive a dict of values if the 'create' method discovered an
                # error. In that case, the values should be used to pre-populate
                # the fields when the form is re-displayed (with the error messsage
                # on top).
                input_rctp   = input.get('resource_creation_params', dict())   # Resource creation time parameters
                input_params = input.get('params', dict())                     # Other parameters

        if specialized:
            # Need to read the definition of the partial resource and get the
            # component name from there.
            specialized_code_name = component_name
            specialized_def       = STORAGE_OBJECT.loadResourceFromStorage(specialized_code_name, True)
            component_uri         = specialized_def['private']['code_uri']
            elems                 = component_uri.split("/")
            component_name        = elems[len(elems)-1]

        # Take the parameter map from the component
        comp = restx.components.make_component(component_name)
        if not comp:
            return Result.notFound("Cannot find component '%s'" % component_name)
        header = settings.HTML_HEADER

        # Assemble the form elements for the parameters
        params = dict()
        params.update(comp.getParams())  # In case this is a Java component, we get a Python dict this way

        if specialized:
            fname = specialized_def['public']['name']
            fdesc = specialized_def['public']['desc']
            # Remove all parameters that have been specified in the specialized component resource
            # definition already
            spec_params = specialized_def['private'].get('params')
            if spec_params:
                for name in spec_params:
                    if name in params:
                        del params[name]
            fname = comp.getName()
            fdesc = comp.getDesc()

        param_fields_html = ""
        if params:
            param_field_names = params.keys()
            for pname in param_field_names:
                pdef = params[pname]
                if not pdef.required:
                    opt_str = "<br>optional, default: %s" % pdef.getDefaultVal()
                    opt_str = ""
                values = input_params.get(pname)
                if type(values) is not list  and  pdef.isList():
                    if values is None:
                        values = []
                        values = [ values ]
                param_fields_html += \
    <td valign=top id="%s_name">%s<br><small>(%s%s)</small></td>
    <td valign=top>%s</td>
</tr>""" % (pname, pname, pdef.desc, opt_str, pdef.html_type("params__"+pname, values))

        if message:
            msg = "<b><i><font color=red>%s</font></i></b><br><p>" % message
            msg = ""

        body = """
<h3>Resource creation form for: %s</h3>

Please enter the resource configuration...<br><p>
<form id="resource_form" name="input" action="%s" method="POST">
    <table>""" % (fname, fdesc, msg, "%s%s/form/%s%s" % (settings.DOCUMENT_ROOT, self.getMyResourceUri(),
                                                           component_name if not specialized else specialized_code_name, "?specialized=y" if specialized else ""))
        # Gather any initial values of the resource creation time form fields
        suggested_name_value = input_rctp.get("suggested_name", "")
        if suggested_name_value:
            suggested_name_value = 'value="%s" ' % suggested_name_value
        desc_value           = input_rctp.get("desc", "")
        if desc_value:
            desc_value = 'value="%s" ' % desc_value
        specialized_value    = "checked " if input_rctp.get("specialized") in [ "on", "ON" ] else " "
        if not specialized:
            body += """
            <td id="Make_this_a_specialized_component_name">Make this a specialized component:</td>
            <td><input type="checkbox" %s id="resource_creation_params__specialized" name="resource_creation_params__specialized" /><label for=resource_creation_params__specialized><small>Can only be used as basis for other resources</small></label></td>
            """ % specialized_value
        body += """
            <td id="Resource_name_name">Resource name:</td>
            <td><input type="text" %sname="resource_creation_params__suggested_name" id="resource_creation_params__suggested_name" /></td>
            <td id="Description_name">Description:<br><small>(optional)</small></td>
            <td><input type="text" %sname="resource_creation_params__desc" id="resource_creation_params__desc" /></td>
        <tr><td colspan=2 align=center><input id="submit_button" type="submit" value="Submit" /></tr>
</form>""" % (suggested_name_value, desc_value, param_fields_html)

        footer = settings.HTML_FOOTER

        return Result.ok(header + body + footer).addHeader("Content-type", "text/html; charset=UTF-8")