Example #1
#!/usr/bin/env python
This script shows how to download docx transcripts and transform them to plain text files.
Results will be stored in /examples/transcripts/
To run this script, make sure the settings.ini file at the root of the project is properly filled.

import os
import pprint
from rev.client import RevClient
from rev.models.order import Order
pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=4)

client = RevClient()

order_client_ids = [

print "%i orders to download" % len(order_client_ids)
nb_downloaded = 0

for client_ref in order_client_ids:
    # Get the path to the transcript
    transcript_id = Order.transcript_path(client=client, client_ref=client_ref)
    local_file_path = "%s%s.txt" % (client.settings.get(
        "base", "local_path"), client_ref)

    print "Downloading match %s -- (%i of %i)" % (
        transcript_id, nb_downloaded + 1, len(order_client_ids))
    client.save_transcript(transcript_id=transcript_id, path=local_file_path)