Example #1
def _get_box(latlon0, azimuth, length, width=_LARGE_BOX_WIDTH, offset=0):
    """Create a single box."""
    from shapely.geometry import Polygon
    start = direct_geodetic(latlon0, azimuth, offset)
    azis = ((azimuth - 90) % 360, azimuth,
            (azimuth + 90) % 360, (azimuth + 180) % 360)
    dists = (width/2, length, width, length)
    latlon = start
    corners = []
    for a, d in zip(azis, dists):
        latlon = direct_geodetic(latlon, a, d)
    box = {'poly': Polygon(corners),
           'length': length,
           'pos': offset + length/2,
           'latlon': direct_geodetic(start, azimuth, length/2)}
    return box
Example #2
def _get_box(latlon0, azimuth, length, width=_LARGE_BOX_WIDTH, offset=0):
    """Create a single box."""
    from shapely.geometry import Polygon
    start = direct_geodetic(latlon0, azimuth, offset)
    azis = ((azimuth - 90) % 360, azimuth,
            (azimuth + 90) % 360, (azimuth + 180) % 360)
    dists = (width/2, length, width, length)
    latlon = start
    corners = []
    for a, d in zip(azis, dists):
        latlon = direct_geodetic(latlon, a, d)
    box = {'poly': Polygon(corners),
           'length': length,
           'pos': offset + length/2,
           'latlon': direct_geodetic(start, azimuth, length/2)}
    return box
Example #3
    def ppoint(self, stats, depth, phase='S'):
        Calculate latitude and longitude of piercing point.

        Piercing point coordinates and depth are saved in the pp_latitude,
        pp_longitude and pp_depth entries of the stats object or dictionary.

        :param stats: Stats object or dictionary with entries
            slowness, back_azimuth, station_latitude and station_longitude
        :param depth: depth of interface in km
        :param phase: 'P' for piercing point of P wave, 'S' for piercing
            point of S wave. Multiples are possible, too.
        :return: latitude and longitude of piercing point
        dr = self.ppoint_distance(depth, stats['slowness'], phase=phase)
        lat = stats['station_latitude']
        lon = stats['station_longitude']
        az = stats['back_azimuth']
        plat, plon = direct_geodetic((lat, lon), az, dr)
        stats['pp_depth'] = depth
        stats['pp_latitude'] = plat
        stats['pp_longitude'] = plon
        return plat, plon
Example #4
    def ppoint(self, stats, depth, phase='S'):
        Calculate latitude and longitude of piercing point.

        Piercing point coordinates and depth are saved in the pp_latitude,
        pp_longitude and pp_depth entries of the stats object or dictionary.

        :param stats: Stats object or dictionary with entries
            slowness, back_azimuth, station_latitude and station_longitude
        :param depth: depth of interface in km
        :param phase: 'P' for piercing point of P wave, 'S' for piercing
            point of S wave. Multiples are possible, too.
        :return: latitude and longitude of piercing point
        dr = self.ppoint_distance(depth, stats['slowness'], phase=phase)
        lat = stats['station_latitude']
        lon = stats['station_longitude']
        az = stats['back_azimuth']
        plat, plon = direct_geodetic((lat, lon), az, dr)
        stats['pp_depth'] = depth
        stats['pp_latitude'] = plat
        stats['pp_longitude'] = plon
        return plat, plon
Example #5
    def generateGrids(self):
        # Start mesh generation==============================================
        sll = self._start_lat_lon

        result = []
        resultCart = []
        dx = self._length / float(self._nx - 1)
        dy = self._width / float(self._ny - 1)
        dz = self._depth / float(self._nz - 1)

        runLengthll = sll
        runWidthll = sll
        # cx = cy = cz = 0
        for ix in range(self._nx):
            runWidthll = runLengthll
            for iy in range(self._ny):
                for iz in range(self._nz):
                    result.append([runWidthll[1], runWidthll[0], iz * dz])
                    resultCart.append([ix * dx, iy * dy, iz * dz])
                # end for
                runWidthll = direct_geodetic(runLengthll, self._ortho, iy * dy)
            # end for
            runLengthll = direct_geodetic(runLengthll, self._azimuth, dx)
        # end for
        result = np.array(result).reshape(self._nx, self._ny, self._nz, 3)
        resultCart = np.array(resultCart).reshape(self._nx, self._ny, self._nz,

        glon = result[:, :, :, 0].reshape(self._nx, self._ny, self._nz)
        glat = result[:, :, :, 1].reshape(self._nx, self._ny, self._nz)

        # Create local cartesian axis-aligned grids
        # Naming convention (Grid [XYZ] Axis-Aligned)
        gxaa = resultCart[:, :, :, 0].reshape(self._nx, self._ny, self._nz)
        gyaa = resultCart[:, :, :, 1].reshape(self._nx, self._ny, self._nz)
        gzaa = resultCart[:, :, :, 2].reshape(self._nx, self._ny, self._nz)

        # Create cartesian mesh with spherical curvature
        # Naming convention (Grid [XYZ] Spherical)
        ts = (90 - glat.flatten()) / 180. * np.pi
        ps = glon.flatten() / 180. * np.pi
        rs = (self._earth_radius - gzaa.flatten()) * np.ones(ts.shape)
        rtps = np.array([rs, ts, ps]).T
        xyzs = rtp2xyz(rtps[:, 0], rtps[:, 1], rtps[:, 2])
        xyzs = np.array(xyzs).reshape(self._nx, self._ny, self._nz, 3)
        gxs = xyzs[:, :, :, 0].reshape(self._nx, self._ny, self._nz)
        gys = xyzs[:, :, :, 1].reshape(self._nx, self._ny, self._nz)
        gzs = xyzs[:, :, :, 2].reshape(self._nx, self._ny, self._nz)

        if (self._debug):
            print(np.min(gxs.flatten()), np.max(gxs.flatten()))
            print(np.min(gys.flatten()), np.max(gys.flatten()))
            print(np.min(gzs.flatten()), np.max(gzs.flatten()))

        # Compute cell-centre coordinates
        # Naming convention (Grid [XYZ] Spherical Centre)
        gxsc = (gxs[:-1, :-1, :-1] + gxs[1:, 1:, 1:]) / 2.
        gysc = (gys[:-1, :-1, :-1] + gys[1:, 1:, 1:]) / 2.
        gzsc = (gzs[:-1, :-1, :-1] + gzs[1:, 1:, 1:]) / 2.

        if (self._debug):
            print(np.min(gxsc.flatten()), np.max(gxsc.flatten()))
            print(np.min(gysc.flatten()), np.max(gysc.flatten()))
            print(np.min(gzsc.flatten()), np.max(gzsc.flatten()))

        return glon, glat, gzaa, gxaa, gyaa, gzaa, gxs, gys, gzs, gxsc, gysc, gzsc