Example #1
 def if_match(self, item):
     header = self.headers.get("If-Match", item.etag)
     header = rfc822.unquote(header)
     if header == item.etag:
         return True
     quoted = '"' + item.etag + '"'
     if header == quoted:
         return True
     extraquoted = rfc822.quote(quoted)
     if header == extraquoted:
         return True
     return False
Example #2
 def if_match(self, item):
     header = self.headers.get("If-Match", item.etag)
     header = rfc822.unquote(header)
     if header == item.etag:
         return True
     quoted = '"' + item.etag + '"'
     if header == quoted:
         return True
     extraquoted = rfc822.quote(quoted)
     if header == extraquoted:
         return True
     return False
Example #3
 def test_quote_unquote(self):
     eq = self.assertEqual
     eq(rfc822.quote('foo\\wacky"name'), 'foo\\\\wacky\\"name')
     eq(rfc822.unquote('"foo\\\\wacky\\"name"'), 'foo\\wacky"name')
Example #4
 def test_quote_unquote(self):
     eq = self.assertEqual
     eq(rfc822.quote('foo\\wacky"name'), 'foo\\\\wacky\\"name')
     eq(rfc822.unquote('"foo\\\\wacky\\"name"'), 'foo\\wacky"name')
 def _checklogin(request, *args, **kwargs):
     if test_func(request.user):
         return view_func(request, *args, **kwargs)
     elif not request.user.is_authenticated():
         return HttpResponseRedirect('%s?%s=%s' % (login_url, REDIRECT_FIELD_NAME, quote(request.get_full_path())))
         resp = render_to_response('403.html', context_instance=RequestContext(request))
         resp.status_code = 403
         return resp
Example #6
def send_email(recipients, subject, body='', html_body='', headers=None, author=None):
    Sends an email with defined parameters from the .ini files.

    :param recipients: list of recipients, if this is None, the defined email
        address from field 'email_to' and all admins is used instead
    :param subject: subject of the mail
    :param body: body of the mail
    :param html_body: html version of body
    :param headers: dictionary of prepopulated e-mail headers
    :param author: User object of the author of this mail, if known and relevant
    log = get_logger(send_email)
    assert isinstance(recipients, list), recipients
    if headers is None:
        headers = {}
        # do not modify the original headers object passed by the caller
        headers = headers.copy()

    email_config = config
    email_prefix = email_config.get('email_prefix', '')
    if email_prefix:
        subject = "%s %s" % (email_prefix, subject)

    if not recipients:
        # if recipients are not defined we send to email_config + all admins
        recipients = [u.email for u in User.query()
                      .filter(User.admin == True).all()]
        if email_config.get('email_to') is not None:
            recipients += [email_config.get('email_to')]

        # If there are still no recipients, there are no admins and no address
        # configured in email_to, so return.
        if not recipients:
            log.error("No recipients specified and no fallback available.")
            return False

        log.warning("No recipients specified for '%s' - sending to admins %s", subject, ' '.join(recipients))

    # SMTP sender
    envelope_from = email_config.get('app_email_from', 'Kallithea')
    # 'From' header
    if author is not None:
        # set From header based on author but with a generic e-mail address
        # In case app_email_from is in "Some Name <e-mail>" format, we first
        # extract the e-mail address.
        envelope_addr = author_email(envelope_from)
        headers['From'] = '"%s" <%s>' % (
            rfc822.quote('%s (no-reply)' % author.full_name_or_username),

    user = email_config.get('smtp_username')
    passwd = email_config.get('smtp_password')
    mail_server = email_config.get('smtp_server')
    mail_port = email_config.get('smtp_port')
    tls = str2bool(email_config.get('smtp_use_tls'))
    ssl = str2bool(email_config.get('smtp_use_ssl'))
    debug = str2bool(email_config.get('debug'))
    smtp_auth = email_config.get('smtp_auth')

    logmsg = ("Mail details:\n"
              "recipients: %s\n"
              "headers: %s\n"
              "subject: %s\n"
              % (' '.join(recipients), headers, subject, body, html_body))

    if mail_server:
        log.debug("Sending e-mail. " + logmsg)
        log.error("SMTP mail server not configured - cannot send e-mail.")
        return False

        m = SmtpMailer(envelope_from, user, passwd, mail_server, smtp_auth,
                       mail_port, ssl, tls, debug=debug)
        m.send(recipients, subject, body, html_body, headers=headers)
        log.error('Mail sending failed')
        return False
    return True