def go_initialize_stimulus(stimulus_xml, optics, extra): """ returns fsee.Observer.Observer """ try: # stimulus_xml can be a filename if stimulus_xml[0] == "/": pass else: # otherwise it's a string # pass it like a string stimulus_xml = StringIO(stimulus_xml) stim_xml = xml_stimulus.xml_stimulus_from_filename(stimulus_xml) stim_xml_osg = xml_stimulus_osg.StimulusWithOSG(stim_xml.get_root()) with stim_xml_osg.OSG_model_path(extra=extra) as osg_model_path: # sys.stderr.write('osg_model_path = \n %s' % open(osg_model_path).read()) hz = 60.0 # fps vision = fsee.Observer.Observer( model_path=osg_model_path, # scale=1000.0, # from meters to mm hz=hz, skybox_basename=None, full_spectrum=True, optics=optics, do_luminance_adaptation=False, ) positive_answer({}, ("Model loaded, path = %s" % osg_model_path)) return vision except IOError, ex: exit_with_error("Could not load file %s: %s" % (stimulus_xml, ex))
def main(): try: # XXX Add timestamp sys.stderr.write(" started\n") # State config = {"compute_mu": 0, "write_binary": 1, "optics": "buchner71", "osg_params": {"white_arena": False}} vision = None while True: line = sys.stdin.readline() if not line: break try: json = decode(line) method = json["method"] del (json["method"]) if method == "render": if vision is None: exit_with_error("Before rendering, configure the vision.") go_render(vision, json, config["compute_mu"], config["write_binary"]) elif method == "get": key = json["key"] if not config.has_key(key): exit_with_error('You asked for key "%s", but I only know %s' % (key, config.keys())) value = config[key] positive_answer({"key": key, "value": value}, "Here is the results you requested") elif method == "config": for key in json.keys(): if key == "stimulus_xml": # sys.stderr.write('Using params: %s\n' % config['osg_params']) vision = go_initialize_stimulus(json[key], config["optics"], config["osg_params"]) dirs = vision.cvs.precomputed_optics_module.receptor_dirs dirs = map(lambda x: [x[0], x[1], x[2]], dirs) dirs = [] # sys.stderr.write("Type of dirs : %s " % type(dirs[0])) config["receptors_dirs"] = dirs else: if not (config.has_key(key)): exit_with_error( 'Trying to set config key "%s", but I only know %s' % (key, config.keys()) ) else: old_value = config[key] config[key] = json[key] positive_answer( {}, "Changed %s from %s to %s" % (str(key), str(old_value), str(json[key])) ) elif method == "bye": positive_answer({}, "Goodbye, good sir.") else: exit_with_error("Unknown method '%s'.\n" % method) except KeyError: exit_with_error("Got incomplete values in request: '%s'\n" % str(line)) except DecodeError, ex: exit_with_error("Cannot decode json: '%s' \n\t %s\n" % (line, str(ex))) except EncodeError, ex: exit_with_error("Cannot encode json. \n\t %s\n" % (str(ex)))
old_value = config[key] config[key] = json[key] positive_answer( {}, "Changed %s from %s to %s" % (str(key), str(old_value), str(json[key])) ) elif method == "bye": positive_answer({}, "Goodbye, good sir.") else: exit_with_error("Unknown method '%s'.\n" % method) except KeyError: exit_with_error("Got incomplete values in request: '%s'\n" % str(line)) except DecodeError, ex: exit_with_error("Cannot decode json: '%s' \n\t %s\n" % (line, str(ex))) except EncodeError, ex: exit_with_error("Cannot encode json. \n\t %s\n" % (str(ex))) sys.stderr.write(" ended naturally \n") except SystemExit: pass except IOError as e: # import traceback # s = "\n".join(traceback.format_tb(sys.exc_info()[2])); # sys.stderr.write(s) exit_with_error("Communication error: %s" % s) if __name__ == "__main__": main()