def plot_sparkline_discrete(results, args, longlines=False): """The source data is a list of values between 0 and 100 (or 'limits' if given). Values greater than 95 (or 'upper' if given) are displayed in red, otherwise they are displayed in green""" width = int(args.get('width', '2')) height = int(args.get('height', '14')) upper = int(args.get('upper', '50')) below_color = args.get('below-color', 'dark gray') above_color = args.get('above-color', 'red') gap = 4 if longlines: gap = 0 im = PNGCanvas(len(results)*width-1, height) im.color = rgb.colors('white') im.filledRectangle(0, 0, im.width-1, im.height-1) (dmin, dmax) = [int(x) for x in args.get('limits', '0,100').split(',')] if dmax < dmin: dmax = dmin zero = im.height - 1 if dmin < 0 and dmax > 0: zero = im.height - (0 - dmin) / (float(dmax - dmin + 1) / (height - gap)) for (r, i) in zip(results, range(0, len(results)*width, width)): color = (r >= upper) and above_color or below_color if r < 0: y_coord = im.height - (r - dmin) / (float(dmax - dmin + 1) / (height - gap)) else: y_coord = im.height - (r - dmin) / (float(dmax - dmin + 1) / (height - gap)) im.color = rgb.colors(color) if longlines: im.filledRectangle(i, zero, i+width-2, y_coord) else: im.filledRectangle(i, y_coord - gap, i+width-2, y_coord) return im.dump()
def plot_sparkline_smooth(results, args): step = int(args.get('step', '2')) height = int(args.get('height', '20')) (dmin, dmax) = [int(x) for x in args.get('limits', '0,100').split(',')] im = PNGCanvas((len(results)-1)*step+4, height) im.color = rgb.colors('white') im.filledRectangle(0, 0, im.width-1, im.height-1) coords = zip(range(1,len(results)*step+1, step), [height - 3 - (y-dmin)/(float(dmax - dmin +1)/(height-4)) for y in results]) im.color = rgb.colors('gray53') lastx, lasty = coords[0] for x0, y0, in coords: im.line(lastx, lasty, x0, y0) lastx, lasty = x0, y0 min_color = rgb.colors(args.get('min-color', 'green')) max_color = rgb.colors(args.get('max-color', 'red')) last_color = rgb.colors(args.get('last-color', 'blue')) has_min = args.get('min-m', 'false') has_max = args.get('max-m', 'false') has_last = args.get('last-m', 'false') if has_min == 'true': min_pt = coords[results.index(min(results))] im.color = min_color im.filledRectangle(min_pt[0]-1, min_pt[1]-1, min_pt[0]+1, min_pt[1]+1) if has_max == 'true': im.color = max_color max_pt = coords[results.index(max(results))] im.filledRectangle(max_pt[0]-1, max_pt[1]-1, max_pt[0]+1, max_pt[1]+1) if has_last == 'true': im.color = last_color end = coords[-1] im.filledRectangle(end[0]-1, end[1]-1, end[0]+1, end[1]+1) return im.dump()
def plot_error(results, args): im = PNGCanvas(40, 15) im.color = rgb.colors('red') im.line(0, 0, im.width-1, im.height-1) im.line(0, im.height-1, im.width-1, 0) return im.dump()