def runCreator(self): # Set up Tkinter & pygame root = Tkinter.Tk() root.withdraw() self.tkon = True pg.init() sc = pg.display.set_mode(self.dims) sc.blit(self.draw(), (0, 0)) pg.display.flip() self.curs = RGCursor() while True: for e in pg.event.get(): act = None if e.type == QUIT: self.quit() elif e.type == MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: act = self.doclick(pg.mouse.get_pos()) elif e.type == KEYDOWN: act = self.dokey() if act: if act == 'resize': sc = pg.display.set_mode(self.dims) sc.blit(self.draw(), (0, 0)) pg.display.flip()
def runCreator(self): # Set up Tkinter & pygame root = Tkinter.Tk() root.withdraw() self.tkon = True pg.init() sc = pg.display.set_mode(self.dims) sc.blit(self.draw(), (0,0)) pg.display.flip() self.curs = RGCursor() while True: for e in pg.event.get(): act = None if e.type == QUIT: self.quit() elif e.type == MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: act = self.doclick(pg.mouse.get_pos()) elif e.type == KEYDOWN: act = self.dokey() if act: if act == 'resize': sc = pg.display.set_mode(self.dims) sc.blit(self.draw(), (0,0)) pg.display.flip()
class RGCreator(object): def __init__(self, tbdims, quitonquit=True): self.sizeScreen(tbdims) = 'Untitled' self.qonq = quitonquit # Set up object lists self.ball = None self.rgoal = None self.ggoal = None self.walls = dict() self.occs = dict() self.wct = 0 self.oct = 0 self.curaction = None self.changed = False # Tests if change since last save self.curs = None self.clk = pg.time.Clock() self.deffl = None self.selectedobj = None # To add later self.undostack = [] self.redostack = [] self.tkon = False # Runs the creator from scratch def runCreator(self): # Set up Tkinter & pygame root = Tkinter.Tk() root.withdraw() self.tkon = True pg.init() sc = pg.display.set_mode(self.dims) sc.blit(self.draw(), (0, 0)) pg.display.flip() self.curs = RGCursor() while True: for e in pg.event.get(): act = None if e.type == QUIT: self.quit() elif e.type == MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: act = self.doclick(pg.mouse.get_pos()) elif e.type == KEYDOWN: act = self.dokey() if act: if act == 'resize': sc = pg.display.set_mode(self.dims) sc.blit(self.draw(), (0, 0)) pg.display.flip() # Runs the table forward in its given state def play(self): tr = self.makeTrial(allowInfTime=True) if tr is None: #tkMessageBox.showerror('Trial error!', 'Trial is not a valid red/green trial. Needs the ball, each goal, and no overlaps between ball, goals, and wall') return None tb = tr.makeTable()['play'].setIcon('stop')'play') sc = pg.display.get_surface() sf = self.draw() sf.blit(tb.draw(), self.tbpos) sc.blit(sf, (0, 0)) pg.display.flip() running = True while True: self.clk.tick(FPS) if running: if tb.step(1. / FPS): running = False for e in pg.event.get(): if e.type == QUIT: self.quit() elif e.type == MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: act = if act == 'play':['play'].setIcon('play') if len(self.undostack) == 0:['undo'].disable() if len(self.redostack) == 0:['redo'].disable() return True sf.blit(tb.draw(), self.tbpos) sc.blit(sf, (0, 0)) pg.display.flip() # Safe quitting from anywhere def quit(self): if self.changed: dosave = tkMessageBox.askyesno( 'Save?', 'Would you like to save before quitting?') if dosave: sv = if sv is None: return False pg.quit() if self.qonq: sys.exit(0) # Figure out what action to do based on keyboard press def dokey(self): kp = pg.key.get_pressed() act = None if kp[MODKEYS[0]] or kp[MODKEYS[1]]: if kp[K_q]: self.quit() # Quit if kp[K_z]: # Undo if len(self.undostack) > 0: self.implementAction(self.undostack.pop(), isundo=True) if len(self.undostack) == 0:['undo'].disable() return True if kp[K_y]: # Redo if len(self.redostack) > 0: self.implementAction(self.redostack.pop(), isredo=True) if len(self.redostack) == 0:['redo'].disable() return True if kp[K_s]: return True if kp[K_o]: self.load() return 'resize' # Delete action elif kp[K_BACKSPACE] or kp[K_DELETE]: if self.selectedobj == 'ball': act = BallAction('delete', self.ball) elif self.selectedobj == 'ggoal': act = Action('delete', 'ggoal', 'ggoal', self.ggoal) elif self.selectedobj == 'rgoal': act = Action('delete', 'rgoal', 'rgoal', self.rgoal) elif self.selectedobj[0] == 'w': act = Action('delete', 'wall', self.selectedobj, self.walls[self.selectedobj]) elif self.selectedobj[0] == 'o': act = Action('delete', 'occ', self.selectedobj, self.occs[self.selectedobj]) elif kp[K_UP]: if self.selectedobj == 'ball': act = BallAction('move', ((self.ball[0][0], self.ball[0][1] - 1), self.ball[1], self.ball[0], self.ball[1])) elif self.selectedobj: so = self.getObjRect(self.selectedobj) act = Action('move', objtype(self.selectedobj), self.selectedobj, ((so.left, - 1), so.topleft)) elif kp[K_DOWN]: if self.selectedobj == 'ball': act = BallAction('move', ((self.ball[0][0], self.ball[0][1] + 1), self.ball[1], self.ball[0], self.ball[1])) elif self.selectedobj: so = self.getObjRect(self.selectedobj) act = Action('move', objtype(self.selectedobj), self.selectedobj, ((so.left, + 1), so.topleft)) elif kp[K_RIGHT]: if self.selectedobj == 'ball': act = BallAction('move', ((self.ball[0][0] + 1, self.ball[0][1]), self.ball[1], self.ball[0], self.ball[1])) elif self.selectedobj: so = self.getObjRect(self.selectedobj) act = Action('move', objtype(self.selectedobj), self.selectedobj, ((so.left + 1,, so.topleft)) elif kp[K_LEFT]: if self.selectedobj == 'ball': act = BallAction('move', ((self.ball[0][0] - 1, self.ball[0][1]), self.ball[1], self.ball[0], self.ball[1])) elif self.selectedobj: so = self.getObjRect(self.selectedobj) act = Action('move', objtype(self.selectedobj), self.selectedobj, ((so.left - 1,, so.topleft)) if act: self.implementAction(act) return True else: return False # Performs actions arising from mouse clicks def doclick(self, mpos): # In menu territory if mpos[1] < 50: act = if act == 'load': self.load() return 'resize' elif act == 'save': return True elif act == 'saveas': return True elif act == 'undo': self.implementAction(self.undostack.pop(), isundo=True) if len(self.undostack) == 0:['undo'].disable() return True elif act == 'redo': self.implementAction(self.redostack.pop(), isredo=True) if len(self.redostack) == 0:['redo'].disable() return True elif act == 'play': return True elif act == 'record': self.record() return True elif act in ['cursor', 'ball', 'ggoal', 'rgoal', 'wall', 'occ']: self.curaction = act self.selectedobj = None return True # Otherwise in table territory elif mpos[0] > self.tbpos[0] and mpos[0] < (self.tbpos[0] + self.tbdim[0]): # Adding rectangular objects if self.curaction in ['ggoal', 'rgoal', 'wall', 'occ']: nobj = self.findRect(mpos, defcols[self.curaction]) if self.curaction == 'ggoal': if self.ggoal: act = Action('replace', 'ggoal', 'ggoal', nobj + self.ggoal) else: act = Action('add', 'ggoal', 'ggoal', nobj) elif self.curaction == 'rgoal': if self.rgoal: act = Action('replace', 'rgoal', 'rgoal', nobj + self.rgoal) else: act = Action('add', 'rgoal', 'rgoal', nobj) elif self.curaction == 'wall': nm = 'w' + str(self.wct) self.wct += 1 act = Action('add', 'wall', nm, nobj) elif self.curaction == 'occ': nm = 'o' + str(self.oct) self.oct += 1 act = Action('add', 'occ', nm, nobj) self.implementAction(act) return True # Adding the ball elif self.curaction == 'ball': vel = self.findBall(mpos, DEFBALLRAD) if self.ball: act = BallAction('replace', (self.mouseontab(mpos), vel, DEFBALLRAD) + self.ball) else: act = BallAction('add', (self.mouseontab(mpos), vel, DEFBALLRAD)) self.implementAction(act) return True # Cursor selects then moves elif self.curaction == 'cursor': if self.selectedobj: if self.getObjRect(self.selectedobj).collidepoint( self.mouseontab(mpos)): self.docursor(mpos) return True if self.ball: if self.getObjRect('ball').collidepoint( self.mouseontab(mpos)): self.selectedobj = 'ball' self.docursor(mpos) return True if self.rgoal: if self.getObjRect('rgoal').collidepoint( self.mouseontab(mpos)): self.selectedobj = 'rgoal' self.docursor(mpos) return True if self.ggoal: if self.getObjRect('ggoal').collidepoint( self.mouseontab(mpos)): self.selectedobj = 'ggoal' self.docursor(mpos) return True for wk in self.walls.keys(): if self.getObjRect(wk).collidepoint(self.mouseontab(mpos)): self.selectedobj = wk self.docursor(mpos) return True for ok in self.occs.keys(): if self.getObjRect(ok).collidepoint(self.mouseontab(mpos)): self.selectedobj = ok self.docursor(mpos) return True return None # Runs the movement or resizing of the selected object def docursor(self, mpos): # Make sure the button is held down for more than 200ms before any moving or resizing stime = time.time() while (time.time() - stime) < .2: if not any(pg.mouse.get_pressed()): return False orect = self.getObjRect(self.selectedobj) shr = orect.inflate(-.2 * orect.width, -.2 * orect.height) act = None # Replacing ball velocity if self.selectedobj == 'ball' and pg.mouse.get_pressed()[2]: self.curs.set('none') newvel = self.findBall(self.objonscreen(self.ball[0]), self.ball[2]) act = BallAction( 'move', (self.ball[0], newvel, self.ball[0], self.ball[1])) self.curs.set('default') # Moving objects - placeholder until test for resizing elif shr.collidepoint(mpos): self.curs.set('move') act = self.domove(mpos) self.curs.set('default') else: self.curs.set('resize') # Find the closest corner corn = getCorner(self.mouseontab(mpos), orect) orig = [orect.topleft, orect.bottomright] if corn == 'topleft': act = self.doresize(orect.bottomright, mpos, orig) elif corn == 'topright': act = self.doresize(orect.bottomleft, mpos, orig) elif corn == 'bottomleft': act = self.doresize(orect.topright, mpos, orig) elif corn == 'bottomright': act = self.doresize(orect.topleft, mpos, orig) self.curs.set('default') if act: self.implementAction(act) return True else: return False def doresize(self, ref, mpos, origobj): if self.selectedobj == 'ball': while True: nmpos = self.mouseontab(self.bindmouse(pg.mouse.get_pos())) bpos = self.ball[0] nrad = int(euclidDist(nmpos, bpos)) sc = pg.display.get_surface() sf = self.draw([self.selectedobj]), BLUE, self.objonscreen(bpos), nrad) sc.blit(sf, (0, 0)) pg.display.flip() for e in pg.event.get(): if e.type == QUIT: self.quit() if e.type == MOUSEBUTTONUP: return BallAction('replace', [ self.ball[0], self.ball[1], nrad, self.ball[0], self.ball[1], self.ball[2] ]) self.clk.tick(FPS) else: col = defcols[objtype(self.selectedobj)] while True: nmpos = self.mouseontab(self.bindmouse(pg.mouse.get_pos())) top = min(ref[1], nmpos[1]) bottom = max(ref[1], nmpos[1]) left = min(ref[0], nmpos[0]) right = max(ref[0], nmpos[0]) drect = pg.Rect(left + self.tbpos[0], top + self.tbpos[1], right - left, bottom - top) sc = pg.display.get_surface() sf = self.draw([self.selectedobj]) pg.draw.rect(sf, col, drect, 3) sc.blit(sf, (0, 0)) pg.display.flip() for e in pg.event.get(): if e.type == QUIT: self.quit() if e.type == MOUSEBUTTONUP: return Action('replace', objtype(self.selectedobj), self.selectedobj, [(left, top), (right, bottom)] + origobj) self.clk.tick(FPS) def domove(self, mpos): if self.selectedobj == 'ball': bpos = self.ball[0] brad = self.ball[2] while True: nmpos = pg.mouse.get_pos() mpoff = (nmpos[0] - mpos[0], nmpos[1] - mpos[1]) npos = (min(max(bpos[0] + mpoff[0], brad), self.tbdim[0] - brad), min(max(bpos[1] + mpoff[1], brad), self.tbdim[1] - brad)) sc = pg.display.get_surface() sf = self.draw([self.selectedobj]) sf, BLUE, (npos[0] + self.tbpos[0], npos[1] + self.tbpos[1]), brad) sc.blit(sf, (0, 0)) pg.display.flip() for e in pg.event.get(): if e.type == QUIT: self.quit() if e.type == MOUSEBUTTONUP: return BallAction( 'move', [npos, self.ball[1], self.ball[0], self.ball[1]]) self.clk.tick(FPS) else: sorect = self.getObjRect(self.selectedobj) col = defcols[objtype(self.selectedobj)] while True: nmpos = pg.mouse.get_pos() mpoff = (nmpos[0] - mpos[0], nmpos[1] - mpos[1]) nrect = sorect.move(mpoff) = max(0, nrect.left = max(0, nrect.left) nrect.right = min(self.tbdim[0], nrect.right) nrect.bottom = min(self.tbdim[1], nrect.bottom) sc = pg.display.get_surface() sf = self.draw([self.selectedobj]) pg.draw.rect(sf, col, nrect.move(self.tbpos)) sc.blit(sf, (0, 0)) pg.display.flip() for e in pg.event.get(): if e.type == QUIT: self.quit() if e.type == MOUSEBUTTONUP: return Action('move', objtype(self.selectedobj), self.selectedobj, [nrect.topleft, sorect.topleft]) self.clk.tick(FPS) def getObjRect(self, oname): if oname == 'ball': rad = self.ball[2] r = ((self.ball[0][0] - rad, self.ball[0][1] - rad), (self.ball[0][0] + rad, self.ball[0][1] + rad)) elif oname == 'rgoal': r = self.rgoal elif oname == 'ggoal': r = self.ggoal elif oname[0] == 'w': r = self.walls[oname] elif oname[0] == 'o': r = self.occs[oname] else: print oname return pg.Rect(r[0], (r[1][0] - r[0][0], r[1][1] - r[0][1])) def findRect(self, origpos, col): # Goes until mouse up pg.mouse.set_visible(False) while True: mpos = self.bindmouse(pg.mouse.get_pos()) l = min(mpos[0], origpos[0]) r = max(mpos[0], origpos[0]) u = min(mpos[1], origpos[1]) b = max(mpos[1], origpos[1]) sc = self.draw() pg.draw.rect(sc, col, pg.Rect((l, u), (r - l, b - u)), 3) pg.display.get_surface().blit(sc, (0, 0)) pg.display.flip() for e in pg.event.get(): if e.type == QUIT: self.quit() if e.type == MOUSEBUTTONUP: pg.mouse.set_visible(True) return (self.mouseontab((l, u)), self.mouseontab((r, b))) self.clk.tick(20) # Binds the mouse to within the physics table area def bindmouse(self, mpos): x = min(max(mpos[0], self.tbpos[0]), self.tbpos[0] + self.tbdim[0]) y = min(max(mpos[1], self.tbpos[1]), self.tbpos[1] + self.tbdim[1]) return (x, y) # Finds the velocity of the ball def findBall(self, origpos, rad): pg.mouse.set_visible(False) while True: mpos = self.bindmouse(pg.mouse.get_pos()) sc = self.draw(['ball']), BLUE, origpos, rad, 3) pg.draw.line(sc, BLUE, origpos, mpos, 3) pg.display.get_surface().blit(sc, (0, 0)) pg.display.flip() for e in pg.event.get(): if e.type == QUIT: self.quit() if e.type == MOUSEBUTTONUP: pg.mouse.set_visible(True) return (mpos[0] - origpos[0], mpos[1] - origpos[1]) self.clk.tick(20) # Takes an action object and makes it happen def implementAction(self, action, isundo=False, isredo=False): if action.acttype == 'add': if action.objtype == 'ball': self.ball = action.specifics elif action.objtype == 'rgoal': self.rgoal = action.specifics elif action.objtype == 'ggoal': self.ggoal = action.specifics elif action.objtype == 'wall': self.walls[action.objname] = action.specifics elif action.objtype == 'occ': self.occs[action.objname] = action.specifics elif action.acttype == 'delete': self.selectedobj = None if action.objtype == 'ball': self.ball = None elif action.objtype == 'rgoal': self.rgoal = None elif action.objtype == 'ggoal': self.ggoal = None elif action.objtype == 'wall': del self.walls[action.objname] elif action.objtype == 'occ': del self.occs[action.objname] elif action.acttype == 'replace': if action.objtype == 'ball': self.ball = action.specifics[:3] elif action.objtype == 'rgoal': self.rgoal = action.specifics[:2] elif action.objtype == 'ggoal': self.ggoal = action.specifics[:2] elif action.objtype == 'wall': self.walls[action.objname] = action.specifics[:2] elif action.objtype == 'occ': self.occs[action.objname] = action.specifics[:2] elif action.acttype == 'move': if action.objtype == 'ball': self.ball = (action.specifics[0], action.specifics[1], self.ball[2]) elif action.objtype == 'rgoal': self.rgoal = move(self.rgoal, action.specifics[0]) elif action.objtype == 'ggoal': self.ggoal = move(self.ggoal, action.specifics[0]) elif action.objtype == 'wall': w = self.walls[action.objname] self.walls[action.objname] = move(w, action.specifics[0]) elif action.objtype == 'occ': o = self.occs[action.objname] self.occs[action.objname] = move(o, action.specifics[0]) elif action.acttype == 'resize': if action.objtype == 'ball': self.ball = (self.ball[0], self.ball[1], action.specifics[0]) elif action.objtype == 'rgoal': self.rgoal = resize(self.rgoal, action.specifics[0]) elif action.objtype == 'ggoal': self.ggoal = resize(self.ggoal, action.specifics[0]) elif action.objtype == 'wall': w = self.walls[action.objname] self.walls[action.objname] = resize(w, action.specifics[0]) elif action.objtype == 'occ': o = self.occs[action.objname] self.occs[action.objname] = resize(o, action.specifics[0]) if isundo: self.redostack.append(action.reverse()) if len(self.redostack) > 100: self.redostack = self.redostack[1:]['redo'].enable() else: self.undostack.append(action.reverse()) if len(self.undostack) > 100: self.undostack = self.undostack[1:]['undo'].enable() if not isredo: self.redostack = []['redo'].disable() self.changed = True # Sets the dimensions of the screen based on object size def sizeScreen(self, tbdims): self.tbdim = tbdims self.dims = (max(self.tbdim[0] + 4, 600), self.tbdim[1] + 52) = RGMenu(self.dims[0]) self.tbpos = (int((self.dims[0] - self.tbdim[0]) / 2), 50) # Offset mouse clicks or objects def mouseontab(self, mpos): return (mpos[0] - self.tbpos[0], mpos[1] - self.tbpos[1]) def objonscreen(self, pos): return (pos[0] + self.tbpos[0], pos[1] + self.tbpos[1]) # Helper function for drawing rectangular items in native form def drawRectThing(self, sc, obj, color): ul = obj[0] lr = obj[1] w = lr[0] - ul[0] h = lr[1] - ul[1] pg.draw.rect(sc, color, pg.Rect(ul, (w, h))) def draw(self, excludeobjs=[]): surf = pg.Surface(self.dims) surf.blit(, (0, 0)) # Draw the table tabsurf = pg.Surface(self.tbdim) tabsurf.fill(WHITE) if self.ball and 'ball' not in excludeobjs:, BLUE, self.ball[0], self.ball[2]) for k in self.occs.keys(): if k not in excludeobjs: self.drawRectThing(tabsurf, self.occs[k], GREY) for k in self.walls.keys(): if k not in excludeobjs: self.drawRectThing(tabsurf, self.walls[k], BLACK) if self.rgoal and 'rgoal' not in excludeobjs: self.drawRectThing(tabsurf, self.rgoal, RED) if self.ggoal and 'ggoal' not in excludeobjs: self.drawRectThing(tabsurf, self.ggoal, GREEN) if self.selectedobj and self.selectedobj not in excludeobjs: rct = self.getObjRect(self.selectedobj) pg.draw.rect(tabsurf, PURPLE, rct.inflate(4, 4), 2) surf.blit(tabsurf, self.tbpos) return surf def record(self, movfl=None): tr = self.makeTrial() if tr is None: return None if movfl is None: movfl = tkFileDialog.asksaveasfilename(defaultextension='.mov', + '.mov') if movfl == '': return None movpath = os.path.dirname(movfl) movnm = os.path.basename(movfl) tb = tr.makeTable() with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w: warnings.simplefilter('always') isgood = tb.makeMovie(movnm, movpath) if not isgood: tkMessageBox.showerror('Cannot make movie!', str(w[0].message)) return None else: tkMessageBox.showinfo('Done!', 'Your movie has been created') return True def load(self, trpath=None): if trpath is None: if self.tkon: trpath = tkFileDialog.askopenfilename( filetypes=[('PhysicsTrials', '*.ptr')]) if trpath == '': return False else: return False try: tr = loadTrial(trpath) except: if self.tkon: tkMessageBox.showerror('File not found!', 'File not found!') else: warnings.warn("File not found!") return False if tr.__class__.__name__ != "RedGreenTrial": if self.tkon: tkMessageBox.showerror('Incorrect file type', 'File is not a RedGreenTrial type') else: warnings.warn("File is not a RedGreenTrial type") return False for g in tr.goals: if g[2] not in [REDGOAL, GREENGOAL]: if self.tkon: tkMessageBox.showerror( 'Goal error', 'Goal that is not red or green found') else: warnings.warn("Goal that is not red or green found") return False self.sizeScreen(tr.dims) = self.ball = (tr.ball[0], tr.ball[1], tr.ball[2]) self.walls = dict() self.occs = dict() for g in tr.goals: if g[2] == REDGOAL: self.rgoal = g[0:2] elif g[2] == GREENGOAL: self.ggoal = g[0:2] self.wct = 0 for w in tr.normwalls: self.walls['w' + str(self.wct)] = w[0:2] self.wct += 1 self.oct = 0 for o in tr.occs: self.occs['o' + str(self.oct)] = o[0:2] self.oct += 1 if len(tr.abnormwalls) > 0: if self.tkon: tkMessageBox.showwarning( 'Feature not implemented yet!', "Abnormal walls (polygons) not supported yet and will not be loaded" ) else: warnings.warn( "Abnormal walls (polygons) not supported yet and will not be loaded" ) self.changed = False self.deffl = trpath return True def makeTrial(self, bvel=300, allowInfTime=False): if self.ball is None or self.rgoal is None or self.ggoal is None: tkMessageBox.showerror( 'Missing object', 'Cannot do this until you have a ball, red goal, and green goal' ) return None tr = RedGreenTrial(, self.tbdim, def_ball_vel=bvel) tr.addBall(self.ball[0], self.ball[1], self.ball[2]) tr.addGoal(self.rgoal[0], self.rgoal[1], REDGOAL, RED) tr.addGoal(self.ggoal[0], self.ggoal[1], GREENGOAL, GREEN) for w in self.walls.values(): tr.addWall(w[0], w[1]) for o in self.occs.values(): tr.addOcc(o[0], o[1]) tr.normalizeVel() with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w: warnings.simplefilter('always') consist = tr.checkConsistency(nochecktime=allowInfTime) if len(w) > 1: msg = "Multiple trial errors:" for wm in w: msg += '\n' + str(wm.message) tkMessageBox.showerror('Trial consistency error!', msg) elif len(w) == 1: tkMessageBox.showerror('Trial consistency error!', str(w[0].message)) if not consist: return None return tr def save(self, flnm=None, saveas=False): tr = self.makeTrial() if tr is None: #tkMessageBox.showerror('Trial error!', 'Trial is not a valid red/green trial. See console for details on what must be changed.') return None if flnm is None and (self.deffl is None or saveas): if self.deffl is None: nm = + '.ptr' else: nm = os.path.basename(self.deffl) flnm = tkFileDialog.asksaveasfilename(defaultextension='.ptr', initialfile=nm) if flnm == '': return False else: flnm = self.deffl, askoverwrite=False) self.deffl = flnm = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(flnm))[0] self.changed = False return True
class RGCreator(object): def __init__(self, tbdims, quitonquit = True): self.sizeScreen(tbdims) = 'Untitled' self.qonq = quitonquit # Set up object lists self.ball = None self.rgoal = None self.ggoal = None self.walls = dict() self.occs = dict() self.wct = 0 self.oct = 0 self.curaction = None self.changed = False # Tests if change since last save self.curs = None self.clk = pg.time.Clock() self.deffl = None self.selectedobj = None # To add later self.undostack = [] self.redostack = [] self.tkon = False # Runs the creator from scratch def runCreator(self): # Set up Tkinter & pygame root = Tkinter.Tk() root.withdraw() self.tkon = True pg.init() sc = pg.display.set_mode(self.dims) sc.blit(self.draw(), (0,0)) pg.display.flip() self.curs = RGCursor() while True: for e in pg.event.get(): act = None if e.type == QUIT: self.quit() elif e.type == MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: act = self.doclick(pg.mouse.get_pos()) elif e.type == KEYDOWN: act = self.dokey() if act: if act == 'resize': sc = pg.display.set_mode(self.dims) sc.blit(self.draw(), (0,0)) pg.display.flip() # Runs the table forward in its given state def play(self): tr = self.makeTrial(allowInfTime=True) if tr is None: #tkMessageBox.showerror('Trial error!', 'Trial is not a valid red/green trial. Needs the ball, each goal, and no overlaps between ball, goals, and wall') return None tb = tr.makeTable()['play'].setIcon('stop')'play') sc = pg.display.get_surface() sf = self.draw() sf.blit(tb.draw(), self.tbpos) sc.blit(sf, (0,0)) pg.display.flip() running = True while True: self.clk.tick(FPS) if running: if tb.step( 1. / FPS ): running = False for e in pg.event.get(): if e.type == QUIT: self.quit() elif e.type == MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: act = if act == 'play':['play'].setIcon('play') if len(self.undostack) == 0:['undo'].disable() if len(self.redostack) == 0:['redo'].disable() return True sf.blit(tb.draw(), self.tbpos) sc.blit(sf, (0,0)) pg.display.flip() # Safe quitting from anywhere def quit(self): if self.changed: dosave = tkMessageBox.askyesno('Save?', 'Would you like to save before quitting?') if dosave: sv = if sv is None: return False pg.quit() if self.qonq: sys.exit(0) # Figure out what action to do based on keyboard press def dokey(self): kp = pg.key.get_pressed() act = None if kp[MODKEYS[0]] or kp[MODKEYS[1]]: if kp[K_q]: self.quit() # Quit if kp[K_z]: # Undo if len(self.undostack) > 0: self.implementAction(self.undostack.pop(),isundo=True) if len(self.undostack) == 0:['undo'].disable() return True if kp[K_y]: # Redo if len (self.redostack) > 0: self.implementAction(self.redostack.pop(),isredo = True) if len(self.redostack) == 0:['redo'].disable() return True if kp[K_s]:; return True if kp[K_o]: self.load(); return 'resize' # Delete action elif kp[K_BACKSPACE] or kp[K_DELETE]: if self.selectedobj == 'ball': act = BallAction('delete', self.ball) elif self.selectedobj == 'ggoal': act = Action('delete','ggoal','ggoal',self.ggoal) elif self.selectedobj == 'rgoal': act = Action('delete','rgoal','rgoal',self.rgoal) elif self.selectedobj[0] == 'w': act = Action('delete','wall',self.selectedobj,self.walls[self.selectedobj]) elif self.selectedobj[0] == 'o': act = Action('delete','occ',self.selectedobj,self.occs[self.selectedobj]) elif kp[K_UP]: if self.selectedobj == 'ball': act = BallAction('move', ((self.ball[0][0],self.ball[0][1]-1), self.ball[1], self.ball[0], self.ball[1])) elif self.selectedobj: so = self.getObjRect(self.selectedobj) act = Action('move',objtype(self.selectedobj),self.selectedobj, ((so.left,, so.topleft)) elif kp[K_DOWN]: if self.selectedobj == 'ball': act = BallAction('move', ((self.ball[0][0],self.ball[0][1]+1), self.ball[1], self.ball[0], self.ball[1])) elif self.selectedobj: so = self.getObjRect(self.selectedobj) act = Action('move',objtype(self.selectedobj),self.selectedobj, ((so.left,, so.topleft)) elif kp[K_RIGHT]: if self.selectedobj == 'ball': act = BallAction('move', ((self.ball[0][0]+1,self.ball[0][1]), self.ball[1], self.ball[0], self.ball[1])) elif self.selectedobj: so = self.getObjRect(self.selectedobj) act = Action('move',objtype(self.selectedobj),self.selectedobj, ((so.left+1,, so.topleft)) elif kp[K_LEFT]: if self.selectedobj == 'ball': act = BallAction('move', ((self.ball[0][0]-1,self.ball[0][1]), self.ball[1], self.ball[0], self.ball[1])) elif self.selectedobj: so = self.getObjRect(self.selectedobj) act = Action('move',objtype(self.selectedobj),self.selectedobj, ((so.left-1,, so.topleft)) if act: self.implementAction(act) return True else: return False # Performs actions arising from mouse clicks def doclick(self, mpos): # In menu territory if mpos[1] < 50: act = if act == 'load': self.load(); return 'resize' elif act == 'save':; return True elif act == 'saveas': = True); return True elif act == 'undo': self.implementAction(self.undostack.pop(),isundo=True) if len(self.undostack) == 0:['undo'].disable() return True elif act == 'redo': self.implementAction(self.redostack.pop(),isredo = True) if len(self.redostack) == 0:['redo'].disable() return True elif act == 'play': return True elif act == 'record': self.record() return True elif act in ['cursor','ball','ggoal','rgoal','wall','occ']: self.curaction = act self.selectedobj = None return True # Otherwise in table territory elif mpos[0] > self.tbpos[0] and mpos[0] < (self.tbpos[0] + self.tbdim[0]): # Adding rectangular objects if self.curaction in ['ggoal','rgoal','wall','occ']: nobj = self.findRect(mpos, defcols[self.curaction]) if self.curaction == 'ggoal': if self.ggoal: act = Action('replace','ggoal','ggoal',nobj + self.ggoal) else: act = Action('add','ggoal','ggoal',nobj) elif self.curaction == 'rgoal': if self.rgoal: act = Action('replace','rgoal','rgoal',nobj + self.rgoal) else: act = Action('add','rgoal','rgoal',nobj) elif self.curaction == 'wall': nm = 'w'+str(self.wct) self.wct += 1 act = Action('add','wall',nm,nobj) elif self.curaction == 'occ': nm = 'o' + str(self.oct) self.oct += 1 act = Action('add','occ',nm, nobj) self.implementAction(act) return True # Adding the ball elif self.curaction == 'ball': vel = self.findBall(mpos, DEFBALLRAD) if self.ball: act = BallAction('replace', (self.mouseontab(mpos),vel,DEFBALLRAD) + self.ball) else: act = BallAction('add', (self.mouseontab(mpos), vel, DEFBALLRAD) ) self.implementAction(act) return True # Cursor selects then moves elif self.curaction == 'cursor': if self.selectedobj: if self.getObjRect(self.selectedobj).collidepoint(self.mouseontab(mpos)): self.docursor(mpos) return True if self.ball: if self.getObjRect('ball').collidepoint(self.mouseontab(mpos)): self.selectedobj = 'ball' self.docursor(mpos) return True if self.rgoal: if self.getObjRect('rgoal').collidepoint(self.mouseontab(mpos)): self.selectedobj = 'rgoal' self.docursor(mpos) return True if self.ggoal: if self.getObjRect('ggoal').collidepoint(self.mouseontab(mpos)): self.selectedobj = 'ggoal' self.docursor(mpos) return True for wk in self.walls.keys(): if self.getObjRect(wk).collidepoint(self.mouseontab(mpos)): self.selectedobj = wk self.docursor(mpos) return True for ok in self.occs.keys(): if self.getObjRect(ok).collidepoint(self.mouseontab(mpos)): self.selectedobj = ok self.docursor(mpos) return True return None # Runs the movement or resizing of the selected object def docursor(self, mpos): # Make sure the button is held down for more than 200ms before any moving or resizing stime = time.time() while (time.time() - stime) < .2: if not any(pg.mouse.get_pressed()): return False orect = self.getObjRect(self.selectedobj) shr = orect.inflate(-.2*orect.width, -.2*orect.height) act = None # Replacing ball velocity if self.selectedobj == 'ball' and pg.mouse.get_pressed()[2]: self.curs.set('none') newvel = self.findBall(self.objonscreen(self.ball[0]),self.ball[2]) act = BallAction('move',(self.ball[0],newvel,self.ball[0],self.ball[1])) self.curs.set('default') # Moving objects - placeholder until test for resizing elif shr.collidepoint(mpos): self.curs.set('move') act = self.domove(mpos) self.curs.set('default') else: self.curs.set('resize') # Find the closest corner corn = getCorner(self.mouseontab(mpos), orect) orig = [orect.topleft,orect.bottomright] if corn == 'topleft': act = self.doresize(orect.bottomright,mpos,orig) elif corn == 'topright': act = self.doresize(orect.bottomleft,mpos,orig) elif corn == 'bottomleft': act = self.doresize(orect.topright,mpos,orig) elif corn == 'bottomright': act = self.doresize(orect.topleft,mpos,orig) self.curs.set('default') if act: self.implementAction(act); return True else: return False def doresize(self, ref, mpos,origobj): if self.selectedobj == 'ball': while True: nmpos = self.mouseontab(self.bindmouse(pg.mouse.get_pos())) bpos = self.ball[0] nrad = int(euclidDist(nmpos,bpos)) sc = pg.display.get_surface() sf = self.draw([self.selectedobj]),BLUE,self.objonscreen(bpos),nrad) sc.blit(sf,(0,0)) pg.display.flip() for e in pg.event.get(): if e.type == QUIT: self.quit() if e.type == MOUSEBUTTONUP: return BallAction('replace',[self.ball[0],self.ball[1],nrad,self.ball[0],self.ball[1],self.ball[2]]) self.clk.tick(FPS) else: col = defcols[objtype(self.selectedobj)] while True: nmpos = self.mouseontab(self.bindmouse(pg.mouse.get_pos())) top = min(ref[1],nmpos[1]) bottom = max(ref[1],nmpos[1]) left = min(ref[0],nmpos[0]) right = max(ref[0],nmpos[0]) drect = pg.Rect(left + self.tbpos[0],top + self.tbpos[1],right-left,bottom-top) sc = pg.display.get_surface() sf = self.draw([self.selectedobj]) pg.draw.rect(sf,col,drect,3) sc.blit(sf,(0,0)) pg.display.flip() for e in pg.event.get(): if e.type == QUIT: self.quit() if e.type == MOUSEBUTTONUP: return Action('replace',objtype(self.selectedobj),self.selectedobj,[(left,top),(right,bottom)]+origobj) self.clk.tick(FPS) def domove(self, mpos): if self.selectedobj == 'ball': bpos = self.ball[0] brad = self.ball[2] while True: nmpos = pg.mouse.get_pos() mpoff = (nmpos[0] - mpos[0], nmpos[1] - mpos[1]) npos = (min(max(bpos[0]+mpoff[0],brad),self.tbdim[0]-brad), min(max(bpos[1]+mpoff[1],brad),self.tbdim[1]-brad)) sc = pg.display.get_surface() sf = self.draw([self.selectedobj]),BLUE,(npos[0] + self.tbpos[0], npos[1]+self.tbpos[1]),brad) sc.blit(sf,(0,0)) pg.display.flip() for e in pg.event.get(): if e.type == QUIT: self.quit() if e.type == MOUSEBUTTONUP: return BallAction('move',[npos, self.ball[1],self.ball[0],self.ball[1]]) self.clk.tick(FPS) else: sorect = self.getObjRect(self.selectedobj) col = defcols[objtype(self.selectedobj)] while True: nmpos = pg.mouse.get_pos() mpoff = (nmpos[0] - mpos[0], nmpos[1] - mpos[1]) nrect = sorect.move(mpoff) = max(0, nrect.left = max(0,nrect.left) nrect.right = min(self.tbdim[0],nrect.right) nrect.bottom = min(self.tbdim[1],nrect.bottom) sc = pg.display.get_surface() sf = self.draw([self.selectedobj]) pg.draw.rect(sf,col, nrect.move(self.tbpos)) sc.blit(sf,(0,0)) pg.display.flip() for e in pg.event.get(): if e.type == QUIT: self.quit() if e.type == MOUSEBUTTONUP: return Action('move',objtype(self.selectedobj),self.selectedobj,[nrect.topleft, sorect.topleft]) self.clk.tick(FPS) def getObjRect(self, oname): if oname == 'ball': rad = self.ball[2] r = ( (self.ball[0][0] - rad, self.ball[0][1] - rad), (self.ball[0][0] + rad, self.ball[0][1] + rad) ) elif oname == 'rgoal': r = self.rgoal elif oname == 'ggoal': r = self.ggoal elif oname[0] == 'w': r = self.walls[oname] elif oname[0] == 'o': r = self.occs[oname] else: print oname return pg.Rect(r[0], (r[1][0] - r[0][0], r[1][1] - r[0][1]) ) def findRect(self, origpos, col): # Goes until mouse up pg.mouse.set_visible(False) while True: mpos = self.bindmouse(pg.mouse.get_pos()) l = min(mpos[0], origpos[0]) r = max(mpos[0], origpos[0]) u = min(mpos[1], origpos[1]) b = max(mpos[1], origpos[1]) sc = self.draw() pg.draw.rect(sc, col, pg.Rect((l,u), (r - l, b - u)), 3) pg.display.get_surface().blit(sc,(0,0)) pg.display.flip() for e in pg.event.get(): if e.type == QUIT: self.quit() if e.type == MOUSEBUTTONUP: pg.mouse.set_visible(True) return ( self.mouseontab( (l,u) ), self.mouseontab( (r,b) ) ) self.clk.tick(20) # Binds the mouse to within the physics table area def bindmouse(self, mpos): x = min(max(mpos[0], self.tbpos[0]), self.tbpos[0] + self.tbdim[0]) y = min(max(mpos[1], self.tbpos[1]), self.tbpos[1] + self.tbdim[1]) return (x,y) # Finds the velocity of the ball def findBall(self, origpos, rad): pg.mouse.set_visible(False) while True: mpos = self.bindmouse(pg.mouse.get_pos()) sc = self.draw(['ball']), BLUE, origpos, rad, 3) pg.draw.line(sc, BLUE, origpos, mpos, 3) pg.display.get_surface().blit(sc,(0,0)) pg.display.flip() for e in pg.event.get(): if e.type == QUIT: self.quit() if e.type == MOUSEBUTTONUP: pg.mouse.set_visible(True) return ( mpos[0] - origpos[0], mpos[1] - origpos[1] ) self.clk.tick(20) # Takes an action object and makes it happen def implementAction(self, action, isundo = False, isredo = False): if action.acttype == 'add': if action.objtype == 'ball': self.ball = action.specifics elif action.objtype == 'rgoal': self.rgoal = action.specifics elif action.objtype == 'ggoal': self.ggoal = action.specifics elif action.objtype == 'wall': self.walls[action.objname] = action.specifics elif action.objtype == 'occ': self.occs[action.objname] = action.specifics elif action.acttype == 'delete': self.selectedobj = None if action.objtype == 'ball': self.ball = None elif action.objtype == 'rgoal': self.rgoal = None elif action.objtype == 'ggoal': self.ggoal = None elif action.objtype == 'wall': del self.walls[action.objname] elif action.objtype == 'occ': del self.occs[action.objname] elif action.acttype == 'replace': if action.objtype == 'ball': self.ball = action.specifics[:3] elif action.objtype == 'rgoal': self.rgoal = action.specifics[:2] elif action.objtype == 'ggoal': self.ggoal = action.specifics[:2] elif action.objtype == 'wall': self.walls[action.objname] = action.specifics[:2] elif action.objtype == 'occ': self.occs[action.objname] = action.specifics[:2] elif action.acttype == 'move': if action.objtype == 'ball': self.ball = (action.specifics[0], action.specifics[1], self.ball[2]) elif action.objtype == 'rgoal': self.rgoal = move(self.rgoal, action.specifics[0]) elif action.objtype == 'ggoal': self.ggoal = move(self.ggoal, action.specifics[0]) elif action.objtype == 'wall': w = self.walls[action.objname] self.walls[action.objname] = move(w,action.specifics[0]) elif action.objtype == 'occ': o = self.occs[action.objname] self.occs[action.objname] = move(o, action.specifics[0]) elif action.acttype == 'resize': if action.objtype == 'ball': self.ball = (self.ball[0], self.ball[1], action.specifics[0]) elif action.objtype == 'rgoal': self.rgoal = resize(self.rgoal, action.specifics[0]) elif action.objtype == 'ggoal': self.ggoal = resize(self.ggoal, action.specifics[0]) elif action.objtype == 'wall': w = self.walls[action.objname] self.walls[action.objname] = resize(w, action.specifics[0]) elif action.objtype == 'occ': o = self.occs[action.objname] self.occs[action.objname] = resize(o, action.specifics[0]) if isundo: self.redostack.append(action.reverse()) if len(self.redostack) > 100: self.redostack = self.redostack[1:]['redo'].enable() else: self.undostack.append(action.reverse()) if len(self.undostack) > 100: self.undostack = self.undostack[1:]['undo'].enable() if not isredo: self.redostack = [];['redo'].disable() self.changed = True # Sets the dimensions of the screen based on object size def sizeScreen(self, tbdims): self.tbdim = tbdims self.dims = (max(self.tbdim[0] + 4, 600), self.tbdim[1] + 52) = RGMenu(self.dims[0]) self.tbpos = ( int((self.dims[0] - self.tbdim[0])/2) , 50) # Offset mouse clicks or objects def mouseontab(self, mpos): return (mpos[0] - self.tbpos[0], mpos[1] - self.tbpos[1]) def objonscreen(self, pos): return(pos[0] + self.tbpos[0], pos[1] + self.tbpos[1]) # Helper function for drawing rectangular items in native form def drawRectThing(self, sc, obj, color): ul = obj[0] lr = obj[1] w = lr[0] - ul[0] h = lr[1] - ul[1] pg.draw.rect(sc, color, pg.Rect(ul, (w,h) )) def draw(self, excludeobjs = []): surf = pg.Surface(self.dims) surf.blit(, (0,0)) # Draw the table tabsurf = pg.Surface(self.tbdim) tabsurf.fill(WHITE) if self.ball and 'ball' not in excludeobjs:, BLUE, self.ball[0], self.ball[2]) for k in self.occs.keys(): if k not in excludeobjs: self.drawRectThing(tabsurf, self.occs[k], GREY) for k in self.walls.keys(): if k not in excludeobjs: self.drawRectThing(tabsurf, self.walls[k], BLACK) if self.rgoal and 'rgoal' not in excludeobjs: self.drawRectThing(tabsurf, self.rgoal, RED) if self.ggoal and 'ggoal' not in excludeobjs: self.drawRectThing(tabsurf, self.ggoal, GREEN) if self.selectedobj and self.selectedobj not in excludeobjs: rct = self.getObjRect(self.selectedobj) pg.draw.rect(tabsurf, PURPLE, rct.inflate(4,4),2) surf.blit(tabsurf, self.tbpos) return surf def record(self, movfl = None): tr = self.makeTrial() if tr is None: return None if movfl is None: movfl = tkFileDialog.asksaveasfilename(defaultextension='.mov', initialfile ='.mov') if movfl == '': return None movpath = os.path.dirname(movfl) movnm = os.path.basename(movfl) tb = tr.makeTable() with warnings.catch_warnings(record = True) as w: warnings.simplefilter('always') isgood = tb.makeMovie(movnm, movpath) if not isgood: tkMessageBox.showerror('Cannot make movie!', str(w[0].message)) return None else: tkMessageBox.showinfo('Done!','Your movie has been created') return True def load(self, trpath = None): if trpath is None: if self.tkon: trpath = tkFileDialog.askopenfilename(filetypes = [('PhysicsTrials','*.ptr')]) if trpath == '': return False else: return False try: tr = loadTrial(trpath) except: if self.tkon: tkMessageBox.showerror('File not found!','File not found!') else: warnings.warn( "File not found!") return False if tr.__class__.__name__ != "RedGreenTrial": if self.tkon: tkMessageBox.showerror('Incorrect file type','File is not a RedGreenTrial type') else: warnings.warn( "File is not a RedGreenTrial type") return False for g in tr.goals: if g[2] not in [REDGOAL, GREENGOAL]: if self.tkon: tkMessageBox.showerror('Goal error','Goal that is not red or green found') else: warnings.warn( "Goal that is not red or green found") return False self.sizeScreen(tr.dims) = self.ball = (tr.ball[0], tr.ball[1], tr.ball[2]) self.walls = dict() self.occs = dict() for g in tr.goals: if g[2] == REDGOAL: self.rgoal = g[0:2] elif g[2] == GREENGOAL: self.ggoal = g[0:2] self.wct = 0 for w in tr.normwalls: self.walls['w'+str(self.wct)] = w[0:2] self.wct += 1 self.oct = 0 for o in tr.occs: self.occs['o'+str(self.oct)] = o[0:2] self.oct += 1 if len(tr.abnormwalls) > 0: if self.tkon: tkMessageBox.showwarning('Feature not implemented yet!', "Abnormal walls (polygons) not supported yet and will not be loaded" ) else: warnings.warn( "Abnormal walls (polygons) not supported yet and will not be loaded" ) self.changed = False self.deffl = trpath return True def makeTrial(self, bvel = 300, allowInfTime = False): if self.ball is None or self.rgoal is None or self.ggoal is None: tkMessageBox.showerror('Missing object','Cannot do this until you have a ball, red goal, and green goal') return None tr = RedGreenTrial(, self.tbdim, def_ball_vel=bvel) tr.addBall(self.ball[0],self.ball[1],self.ball[2]) tr.addGoal(self.rgoal[0],self.rgoal[1],REDGOAL,RED) tr.addGoal(self.ggoal[0],self.ggoal[1],GREENGOAL,GREEN) for w in self.walls.values(): tr.addWall(w[0],w[1]) for o in self.occs.values(): tr.addOcc(o[0],o[1]) tr.normalizeVel() with warnings.catch_warnings(record = True) as w: warnings.simplefilter('always') consist = tr.checkConsistency(nochecktime =allowInfTime) if len(w) > 1: msg = "Multiple trial errors:" for wm in w: msg += '\n' + str(wm.message) tkMessageBox.showerror('Trial consistency error!',msg) elif len(w) == 1: tkMessageBox.showerror('Trial consistency error!',str(w[0].message)) if not consist: return None return tr def save(self, flnm = None, saveas = False): tr = self.makeTrial() if tr is None: #tkMessageBox.showerror('Trial error!', 'Trial is not a valid red/green trial. See console for details on what must be changed.') return None if flnm is None and (self.deffl is None or saveas): if self.deffl is None: nm = + '.ptr' else: nm = os.path.basename(self.deffl) flnm = tkFileDialog.asksaveasfilename(defaultextension='.ptr', initialfile = nm) if flnm == '': return False else: flnm = self.deffl, askoverwrite = False) self.deffl = flnm = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(flnm))[0] self.changed = False return True