def load_object_or_run_script(self, key, script_path): o = self.load_object(key) if o is not None: return o timestamp(f'Object not in cache: running script \'{script_path}\'.') run_other_script(script_path) o = self.load_object(key) if o is None: raise ScriptCacheError(f'Cache expected object with name {key} to be created by script "{script_path}", but object not created by script.') return o
def save_wobble_waveform(waveform, motor='ANY', date=None, database='../data/.database.db'): if date is None: today = date = float(today.strftime('%Y%m%d.%H%M%S')) waveform = [[float(b) for b in a] for a in waveform] assert len(waveform) == 2 and len(waveform[0]) == len(waveform[1]) timestamp(f'Saving wobble waveform ({len(waveform[0])} points) to database, date={date}') waveform_blob = pickle.dumps(waveform) insert_with_blob( 'WOBBLE', (date, motor, 'waveform', waveform_blob), ('DATE', 'MOTOR', 'TYPE', 'DATA'), database)
def save_wobble_frequencies(frequencies, motor='ANY', date=None, database='../data/.database.db'): if date is None: today = date = float(today.strftime('%Y%m%d.%H%M%S')) frequencies = [f for f in frequencies if f == f] frequencies = list(sorted(set(frequencies))) timestamp(f'Saving wobble frequencies ({frequencies}) to database, date={date}') frequencies_blob = pickle.dumps(tuple(frequencies)) insert_with_blob( 'WOBBLE', (date, motor, 'frequencies', frequencies_blob), ('DATE', 'MOTOR', 'TYPE', 'DATA'), database)
def run(self): with socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) as s: s.bind(('', PORT)) s.listen() timestamp(f'Listening on {PORT}') self.running = True while self.running: try: self.conn, self.addr = s.accept() self.handle_connection() self.conn.close() self.conn = None except KeyboardInterrupt: break except Exception: pass
def get_plot_name(subplot_name=None, ext='.pdf'): n = inspect.stack()[1].filename d = os.path.dirname(n) loc = '.' if not d else os.path.relpath(d, '.') n = os.path.basename(n).replace('.py', '') if subplot_name: name = f'../img/{loc}/{n}-{subplot_name}{ext}' else: name = f'../img/{loc}/{n}{ext}' loc = os.path.dirname(name) if not os.path.isdir(loc): timestamp(f'Creating previously absent directory "{loc}"') os.mkdir(loc) timestamp(f'Plotting "{name}"') return name
def subtract_standard_wobble(pos, lc, motor, exceptions=False): try: waveform = load_wobble_waveform(motor) except Exception as e: warning(f'Could not load waveform: {e}') if exceptions: raise else: return lc standard_pos, standard_lc = waveform standard_pos, standard_lc = stretch(pos, standard_pos, standard_lc) nlc = norm(lc) phase = match_phase(pos, nlc, standard_pos, standard_lc) standard_lc = np.interp(pos, np.subtract(standard_pos, phase), standard_lc) subtracted_normalised = np.subtract(nlc, standard_lc) subtracted = unnorm(subtracted_normalised, np.mean(lc), np.max(lc) - np.min(lc)) timestamp(f'standard wobble subtracted.') return subtracted
def filter_standard_wobble(pos, lc, motor, exceptions=False): try: frequencies = load_wobble_frequencies(motor) except Exception as e: warning(f'Could not load frequencies: {e}') if exceptions: raise else: return lc maxfreq = 1/np.nanmean(np.diff(pos)) filtered = lc w = 0.2 for freq in frequencies: band = [freq-w, freq+w] try: sos = signal.butter(3, band, btype='bandstop', output='sos', fs=maxfreq) filtered = signal.sosfiltfilt(sos, filtered) except Exception as e: raise WobbleError('Error when filtering frequencies') from e timestamp(f'standard wobble filtered.') return filtered
def save_object(self, key, obj, depends_on=None, expires=None, expires_in_seconds=None, expires_in_days=None): name, hsh = self.get_hashed_name(key) if key not in self.index: obj_data = CachedObjectData(path=name) obj_data.path = name if depends_on: if isinstance(depends_on, str): depends_on = [depends_on] obj_data.depends_on = depends_on if expires is not None: obj_data.expires = expires elif expires_in_seconds is not None: obj_data.expires = time.time() + expires_in_seconds elif expires_in_days is not None: obj_data.expires = time.time() + (expires_in_days * 60. * 60. * 24.) self.index[key] = obj_data.as_dict() timestamp(f'Saving object {hsh[:3]}...{hsh[-3:]} to cache.') with open(name, 'wb') as pf: pickle.dump(obj, pf, protocol=4)
def get_from_server(server_addr, *args, timeout=10, **kwargs): data = (args, kwargs) data_encoded = pickle.dumps(data) with socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) as s: s.settimeout(timeout) s.connect((server_addr, PORT)) timestamp(f'Querying rheoproc server at {server_addr}:{PORT}') s.sendall(data_encoded) BUFFLEN = 4096 size = -1 while True: msg = read_message(s) if msg['type'] == 'exception': raise Exception(msg['exception']) elif msg['type'] == 'status': timestamp('remote:', msg['status']) elif msg['type'] == 'preamble': size = msg['size'] break unit = 'b' div = 1 size_b = int(size) if size > 1024: size /= 1024 div *= 1024 unit = 'kb' if size > 1024: size /= 1024 div *= 1024 unit = 'Mb' if size > 1024: size /= 1024 div *= 1024 unit = 'Gb' timestamp(f'Downloading {size:.1f} {unit}') data = bytearray() ds = DownloadSpeedo() pb = ProgressBar(size_b + 1, i = 0 while part := s.recv(BUFFLEN): data.extend(part) i += 1 if i > 1000: i = 0 npos = len(data) if npos != pb.pos: pb.update(npos) pb.update(pb.length)
def query_db(query, *args, database='../data/.database.db', server=None, returns='data', **kwargs): args = (query, *args) kwargs['database'] = database kwargs['returns'] = returns if not query.startswith("SELECT * FROM"): raise QueryError(f'SQL query to database must be in the form "SELECT * FROM <TABLE> [WHERE ...];"\n Troublesome query: {query}') global table table = query.replace(';', '').split(' ')[3] if not table in ACCEPTED_TABLES: raise QueryError(f'SQL queries can only be used to access data-containing tables in the database: \n Troublesome table: {table}') cache_key = f'QUERY: {query}, KWARGS: {kwargs}' cache = Cache() obj = cache.load_object(cache_key) if obj is not None: try: n = len(obj) # very unlikely, but may raise TypeError if obj is not Iterable. timestamp(f'Loaded {n} logs from cache.') except TypeError: timestamp(f'Loaded {type(obj)} from cache.') if returns == 'cache_path': return cache.get_path_in_cache_of(cache_key) else: return obj processed_results = get_from_local(*args, **kwargs) if not server else get_from_server(server, *args, **kwargs) timestamp('Caching') depends_on = [log.path for log in processed_results] depends_on.append(database) cache.save_object(cache_key, processed_results, depends_on) if returns == 'data': return processed_results elif returns == 'cache_path': return cache.get_path_in_cache_of(cache_key)
def status(self, status_msg): timestamp(status_msg) self.send_message(m_type='status', status=status_msg)
def __init__(self): self.running = False timestamp('Procserver started') self.conn = None self.addr = None
types = list({GuessLogType(row, table) for row in results}) rv = list() pb = ProgressBar(len(results)) processed_results = dict() order = [r['ID'] for r in results] processes = get_n_processes() if '--max-proc' in sys.argv: max_processes = int(sys.argv[sys.argv.index('--max-proc')+1]) processes = min([processes, max_processes]) timestamp(f'processing {len(results)} logs over {processes} processes.') data_dir = '/'.join(database.split('/')[:-1]) if processes > 1: mp.set_start_method('fork', True) m = mp.Manager() q = m.Queue() printer_thread = threading.Thread(target=printer, args=(q,pb), daemon=True) printer_thread.start() else: q = None list_of_args_kwargs = [(q, (dict(res), data_dir), kwargs) for res in results] if processes == 1: warning('Only using one core: this could take a while.') for a_kw in list_of_args_kwargs:
size /= 1024 div *= 1024 unit = 'Gb' timestamp(f'Downloading {size:.1f} {unit}') data = bytearray() ds = DownloadSpeedo() pb = ProgressBar(size_b + 1, i = 0 while part := s.recv(BUFFLEN): data.extend(part) i += 1 if i > 1000: i = 0 npos = len(data) if npos != pb.pos: pb.update(npos) pb.update(pb.length) try: timestamp('Decompressing data') data = decompress(data) except Exception as e: timestamp(f'Error while decompressing: {e}') pass data = pickle.loads(data) if isinstance(data, str): raise Exception(data) return data
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.check_paths() self.index = CacheIndex(*args, **kwargs) self.clean() timestamp(f'Cache at \'{self.path}\' initialised.')
import atexit def closing_message(): from rheoproc.error import timestamp timestamp(f'done!') atexit.register(closing_message) del atexit del args_check del version_check del modules_check del sys import rheoproc.plot as plot import rheoproc.query as query import rheoproc.nansafemath as nansafemath import rheoproc.util as util import rheoproc.fft as fft from rheoproc.plot import plot_init, get_plot_name, MultiPagePlot, pyplot from import get_data from rheoproc.query import get_log, get_logs, get_group, query_db from rheoproc.error import timestamp, warning from rheoproc.version import version timestamp(f'rheoproc {version} initialised')
def closing_message(): from rheoproc.error import timestamp timestamp(f'done!')
def timestamp(self, *args, **kwargs): if not self.quiet: timestamp(f'[{self.ID}]', *args, **kwargs)