basinRast = grassMetadata['basin_rast']
result = grassLib.script.run_command('r.mask', flags='o', input=basinRast, maskcats='1')
if result != 0:
    sys.exit("r.mask failed to set mask to basin, returning %s" % (result,))

## 1. Determine legal simulation start and date from climate data 
# Read first climate station from worldfile
headerZeroPath = os.path.join(context.projectDir, headerZero)
stations = getClimateBaseStationFilenames(headerZeroPath)
assert( len(stations) )
firstStationPath = os.path.normpath( os.path.join(paths.RHESSYS_DIR, stations[0]) )
if args.verbose:
    sys.stdout.write("First climate station in worldfile: %s\n" % (firstStationPath,) )

# Read climate timeseries for start and end date, write to metadata
(startDate, endDate) = getStartAndEndDateForClimateStation(firstStationPath, paths)
if args.verbose:
    sys.stdout.write("\tstart date: %s, end date: %s\n" % ( str(startDate), str(endDate) ) )
fourDays = datetime.timedelta(days=4)
if endDate - startDate < fourDays:
    sys.exit("Climate time-series defined by station %s is too short to run lairead (less than four-days long)" %
             (firstStationPath,) )

## 2. Run LAI read to generate redefine worldfile
tecDurRedef = datetime.timedelta(days=1)
tecRedef = startDate + tecDurRedef
laireadPath = os.path.join(context.projectDir, metadata['lairead_bin'])
oldWorldPath = os.path.join(context.projectDir, worldfileZero)
redefWorldName = "%s.Y%dM%dD%dH%d" % \
    (worldfileZero, tecRedef.year, tecRedef.month,, tecRedef.hour)
redefWorldPath = os.path.join(context.projectDir, redefWorldName)
Example #2
 def run(self, *args, **kwargs):
     """ Run lairead for multiple worldfiles 
     topmodel -- boolean   Whether to run RHESSys in TOPMODEL model. Default: False.
     verbose -- boolean    Produce verbose output. Default: False.
     verbose = kwargs.get('verbose', False)
     topmodel = kwargs.get('topmodel', False)
     rhessysDir = self.metadata['rhessys_dir']
     self.paths = RHESSysPaths(self.context.projectDir, rhessysDir)
     rhessysBinPath = os.path.join(self.context.projectDir, self.metadata['rhessys_bin'])
     # Make sure region is properly set
     demRast = self.grassMetadata['dem_rast']
     result = self.grassLib.script.run_command('g.region', rast=demRast)
     if result != 0:
         raise RunException("g.region failed to set region to DEM, returning {0}".format(result))
     # Run lairead for each worldfile
     lairead_tecfiles = []
     final_worldfiles = []
     worldfiles = self.metadata['worldfiles_init'].split(RHESSysMetadata.VALUE_DELIM)
     masks = self.metadata['subbasin_masks'].split(RHESSysMetadata.VALUE_DELIM)
     surfaceFlowtables = subsurfaceFlowtables = None
     if not topmodel:
         surfaceFlowtables = self.metadata['surface_flowtables'].split(RHESSysMetadata.VALUE_DELIM)
         subsurfaceFlowtables = self.metadata['subsurface_flowtables'].split(RHESSysMetadata.VALUE_DELIM)
     for (i, worldfile) in enumerate(worldfiles):
         worldfilePath = os.path.join(self.context.projectDir, worldfile)
         worldfileDir = os.path.dirname(worldfilePath)
         surfaceFlowtable = subsurfaceFlowtable = None
         if not topmodel:
             surfaceFlowtable = surfaceFlowtables[i] # Assumption: worldfiles and flowtables lists are in the same order
             subsurfaceFlowtable = subsurfaceFlowtables[i] # Assumption: worldfiles and flowtables lists are in the same order
         # Mask to correct mask
         mask = masks[i] # Assumption: worldfiles and masks lists are in the same order
         result = self.grassLib.script.run_command('r.mask', flags='o', input=mask, maskcats='1',
         if result != 0:
             raise RunException("r.mask failed to set mask to sub-basin {0}, returning {1}".format(mask,
         ## 1. Determine legal simulation start and date from climate data 
         # Read first climate station from worldfile
         header = "{0}.hdr".format(worldfile)
         headerPath = os.path.join(self.context.projectDir, header)
         stations = getClimateBaseStationFilenames(headerPath)
         if not len(stations) > 0:
             raise RunException("No climate stations found in worldfile header {0}".format(headerPath))
         firstStationPath = os.path.normpath( os.path.join(self.paths.RHESSYS_DIR, stations[0]) )
         if verbose:
             self.outfp.write("First climate station in worldfile: %s\n" % (firstStationPath,) )
         # Read climate timeseries for start and end date, write to metadata
         (startDate, endDate) = getStartAndEndDateForClimateStation(firstStationPath, self.paths)
         if verbose:
             self.outfp.write("start date: %s, end date: %s\n" % ( str(startDate), str(endDate) ) )
         fourDays = datetime.timedelta(days=4)
         if endDate - startDate < fourDays:
             raise RunException("Climate time-series defined by station %s is too short to run lairead (less than four-days long)" %
                                (firstStationPath,) )
         ## 2. Run LAI read to generate redefine worldfile
         tecDurRedef = datetime.timedelta(days=1)
         tecRedef = startDate + tecDurRedef
         laireadPath = os.path.join(self.context.projectDir, self.metadata['lairead_bin'])
         oldWorldPath = os.path.join(self.context.projectDir, worldfile)
         redefWorldName = "%s.Y%dM%dD%dH%d" % \
             (worldfile, tecRedef.year, tecRedef.month,, tecRedef.hour)
         redefWorldPath = os.path.join(self.context.projectDir, redefWorldName)
         allomPath = os.path.join(self.context.projectDir, self.metadata['allometric_table'])
         if verbose:
             self.outfp.write("\nRunning lairead for subbasin {0}...".format(mask))
         p = self.grassLib.script.pipe_command(laireadPath, old=oldWorldPath, redef=redefWorldPath,
                                               allom=allomPath, lai=self.grassMetadata['lai_rast'],
         (stdoutStr, stderrStr) = p.communicate() 
         result = p.returncode
         if result != 0:
             raise RunException("\nlairead failed, returning %s" % (result,))
         if verbose:
         ## 3. Write TEC file for redefining the initial flow table
         ##    Redefine on the second day of the simulation, write output
         ##    on the third day
         tecName = "tec.lairead_{0}".format(mask)
         tecPath = os.path.join(self.paths.RHESSYS_TEC, tecName)
         tecDurOutput = datetime.timedelta(days=2)
         tecOutput = startDate + tecDurOutput
         f = open(tecPath, 'w')
         f.write("%s redefine_world%s" % 
                 (datetimeToString(tecRedef), os.linesep) )
         f.write("%s output_current_state%s" %
                 (datetimeToString(tecOutput), os.linesep) )
         ## 4. Run RHESSys for the first 4 legal days with redefine TEC
         rhessysStart = startDate
         rhessysDur = datetime.timedelta(days=3)
         rhessysEnd = startDate + rhessysDur
         surfaceFlowtablePath = subSurfaceFlowtablePath = None
         if not topmodel:
             surfaceFlowtablePath = os.path.join(self.context.projectDir, surfaceFlowtable)
             subsurfaceFlowtablePath = os.path.join(self.context.projectDir, subsurfaceFlowtable)
         rhessysCmd = generateCommandString(rhessysBinPath, None,
                                            rhessysStart, rhessysEnd,
                                            tecPath, oldWorldPath,
                                            surfaceFlowtablePath, subsurfaceFlowtablePath)
         if verbose:
             self.outfp.write('\nRunning RHESSys to redefine worldfile with vegetation carbon stores...\n')
         cmdArgs = rhessysCmd.split()
         process = Popen(cmdArgs, cwd=self.paths.RHESSYS_DIR, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
         (process_stdout, process_stderr) = process.communicate()
         if verbose:
         if process.returncode != 0:
             raise RunException("\n\nRHESSys failed, returning %s" % (process.returncode,) )
         if verbose:    
         ## 5. Rename redefine worldfile, write to metadata
         outputWorldName = "%s.Y%dM%dD%dH%d.state" % \
             (worldfile, tecOutput.year, tecOutput.month,, tecOutput.hour)
         outputWorldPath = os.path.join(self.context.projectDir, outputWorldName)
         if not os.access(outputWorldPath, os.W_OK):
             raise RunException("Unable to find redefined worldfile %s" % (outputWorldPath,) )
         newWorldName = "world_{0}".format(mask)
         newWorldPath = os.path.join(self.paths.RHESSYS_WORLD, newWorldName)
         shutil.move(outputWorldPath, newWorldPath)
         if not os.path.exists(newWorldPath):
             raise RunException("Failed to copy redefined worldfile %s to %s" % (outputWorldPath, newWorldPath) )
         # Copy world file header from init worldfile to final world file
         newHeader = "%s.hdr" % (newWorldName,)
         newHeaderPath = os.path.join(self.paths.RHESSYS_WORLD, newHeader)
         shutil.copyfile(headerPath, newHeaderPath)
     if verbose:    
         sys.stdout.write('\n\nSuccessfully used lairead to initialize vegetation carbon stores.\n')
     # Write metadata    
     RHESSysMetadata.writeRHESSysEntry(self.context, 'worldfiles',
                                       RHESSysMetadata.VALUE_DELIM.join([self.paths.relpath(w) for w in final_worldfiles]))
     RHESSysMetadata.writeRHESSysEntry(self.context, 'lairead_tecfiles', 
                                       RHESSysMetadata.VALUE_DELIM.join([self.paths.relpath(t) for t in lairead_tecfiles]))
     RHESSysMetadata.writeRHESSysEntry(self.context, 'lairead_mode_topmodel', str(topmodel))
     # Write processing history
     RHESSysMetadata.appendProcessingHistoryItem(self.context, RHESSysMetadata.getCommandLine())
Example #3
    sys.exit("r.mask failed to set mask to basin, returning %s" % (result, ))

## 1. Determine legal simulation start and date from climate data
# Read first climate station from worldfile
headerZeroPath = os.path.join(context.projectDir, headerZero)
stations = getClimateBaseStationFilenames(headerZeroPath)
assert (len(stations))
firstStationPath = os.path.normpath(
    os.path.join(paths.RHESSYS_DIR, stations[0]))
if args.verbose:
    sys.stdout.write("First climate station in worldfile: %s\n" %
                     (firstStationPath, ))

# Read climate timeseries for start and end date, write to metadata
 endDate) = getStartAndEndDateForClimateStation(firstStationPath, paths)
if args.verbose:
    sys.stdout.write("start date: %s, end date: %s\n" %
                     (str(startDate), str(endDate)))
fourDays = datetime.timedelta(days=4)
if endDate - startDate < fourDays:
        "Climate time-series defined by station %s is too short to run lairead (less than four-days long)"
        % (firstStationPath, ))

## 2. Run LAI read to generate redefine worldfile
tecDurRedef = datetime.timedelta(days=1)
tecRedef = startDate + tecDurRedef
laireadPath = os.path.join(context.projectDir, metadata['lairead_bin'])
oldWorldPath = os.path.join(context.projectDir, worldfileZero)
redefWorldName = "%s.Y%dM%dD%dH%d" % \