def Revolve(self):
     curve = self.curves[0]
     surface = rs.AddRevSrf(curve, self.axis)
     self.curves = []
     return surface
def a():
    a = (1, 0, 0)
    b = (5, 0, 5)
    c = (2, 0, 10)
    d = (10, 0, 15)
    curve = rs.AddCurve((a, b, c, d), 5)
    axis = ((0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 10))
    rs.AddRevSrf(curve, axis, 0, 360)
    rs.AddSphere((0, 0, 12), 3)
Example #3
 def revol(r):
     if rh.IsCurve(r):
         return native_ref(rh.AddRevSrf(r, axis, start, end))
     elif rh.IsSurface(r) or rh.IsPolysurface(r):
         out_refs = revolve_borders(r, axis, start, end, True)
         in_refs = revolve_borders(r, axis, start, end, False)
         return subtract_refs(single_ref_or_union(out_refs),
                              [native_ref(r) for r in in_refs], shape)
         raise RuntimeError("Can't revolve the shape")
 def RevolveSolid(self, first=True, last=True):
     surfaces = []
     curve = self.curves[0]
     surfaces.append(rs.AddRevSrf(curve, self.axis))
     self.curves = []
     if first:
     if last:
     return rs.JoinSurfaces(surfaces, True)
Example #5
def sweepVolume(crv, tool_id, z_pos):

    tangent = rs.CurveTangent(crv, rs.CurveParameter(crv, 0))
    origin = rs.CurveStartPoint(crv)
    block = rs.InsertBlock( tool_id, (0,0,0), scale=(1,1,1) )

    # rs.DeleteObjects(objs)
    # pt2 = [origin.X, origin.Y + perp.XAxis[1], origin.Z]
    pt2 = [origin.X, origin.Y , origin.Z + 1]
    pt3 = [origin.X + tangent.X, origin.Y + tangent.Y , origin.Z + tangent.Z]

    ref     = [(0,0,0),(0,1,0),(0,0,1)] 
    target  = [origin, pt2 ,pt3]
    block = rs.OrientObject(block, ref, target)
    objs = rs.ExplodeBlockInstance(block)
    profile = None
    for item in objs:
        if rs.ObjectLayer(item) == 'HULP::C_Toolcontours' or rs.ObjectLayer(item) == 'Hulp::C_Toolcontours':
            profile = rs.CopyObject(item)

    if not profile:
        rs.MessageBox('there is no layer named "C_Toolcontours" in block %s' % rs.BlockInstanceName(block))
        return False
    profile = rs.OffsetCurve(profile, rs.CurveAreaCentroid(profile)[0], 0.001, style=1)
    # rs.MoveObject(profile, (0,0,z_pos))
    # rail = obj
    # rail_crv = rs.coercecurve(rail)
    # if not rail_crv: return
    # cross_sections = [profile]
    # if not cross_sections: return
    # cross_sections = [rs.coercecurve(crv) for crv in cross_sections]
    # sweep = Rhino.Geometry.SweepOneRail()
    # sweep.AngleToleranceRadians = scriptcontext.doc.ModelAngleToleranceRadians
    # sweep.ClosedSweep = True
    # # sweep.MiterType  = 2
    # sweep.SweepTolerance = scriptcontext.doc.ModelAbsoluteTolerance
    # sweep.SetToRoadlikeTop()
    # breps = sweep.PerformSweep(rail_crv, cross_sections)
    # for brep in breps: scriptcontext.doc.Objects.AddBrep(brep)
    # scriptcontext.doc.Views.Redraw()
    # # surface_id = rs.LastCreatedObjects()

    # METHOD1
    surface_id = rs.AddSweep1( crv, profile, True )    

    pt = rs.CurveAreaCentroid(profile)[0]
    pt2 = (pt.X, pt.Y, pt.Z+1)
    rev = rs.AddRevSrf( profile, (pt, pt2) )
    rs.MoveObject(surface_id, (0,0,z_pos))
    rs.MoveObject(rev, (0,0,z_pos))
    return [surface_id, rev]        

    rs.SelectObjects([crv, profile])
    result = rs.Command("_-Sweep1 _Enter Style=RoadlikeTop _Enter", False)
    if result: 
        surface_id = rs.LastCreatedObjects()

        rs.MoveObject(surface_id, (0,0,z_pos))

        return surface_id        
    def CreateClip(self):
        milling = False

        y0 = 0
        y1 = self.coreShellHeight
        y2 = self.coreShellHeight + self.clipLipHeight
        x0 = self.coreInnerRadius - self.coreSpacerLedgeWidth
        x1 = self.coreInnerRadius + self.coreShellWidth + self.tolerance
        x2 = x1 + self.GetDraftDistance(y0, y1)
        x4 = x2 + self.clipLipThickness
        x3 = x4 - self.GetDraftDistance(y0, y2)
        path = Path()
        path.MoveTo(x0, y1)
        path.LineTo(x1, y1)
        path.LineTo(x2, y0)
        path.LineTo(x4, y0)
        path.LineTo(x3, y2)
        path.LineTo(x0, y2)
        polysurface = path.Revolve()

        cx1 = x1
        cx2 = x2
        cy0 = y0
        cy1 = y1

        armWidth = 8
        # cut entry side
        r = x4
        d = x2 - math.sqrt(x2 * x2 - (armWidth / 2) * (armWidth / 2))
        e = x2 - d
        path = PathXZ()
        path.y = -r
        path.MoveTo(-12, 0)
        path.LineTo(-10, 0)
        path.LineTo(-5, 5)
        path.LineTo(r, 5)
        curve = path.curves[0]
        extrusion = rs.ExtrudeCurveStraight(curve, (0, -r, 0), (0, r, 0))
        extrusion = self.SplitAndKeep(extrusion, polysurface, 1, 0)
        polysurface = self.SplitAndKeepLargest(polysurface, extrusion)
        polysurface = rs.JoinSurfaces([polysurface, extrusion], True)

        # arm
        flatThickness = 2.5
        armInset = 2.5
        if milling:
            flatThickness = 1.5
        x2 = -e
        x0 = x2 - 3.2
        x1 = x2 - 2
        x3 = x2 + 7
        x4 = x2 + 10
        x8 = self.coreInnerRadius - armInset
        x7 = x8 - 2
        x6 = x7 - 2
        x5 = x6 - 0.1
        y0 = -2 - flatThickness
        y1 = -2
        y2 = -2
        y3 = -1
        y4 = 2
        y5 = 0
        y6 = 2
        y7 = 7
        path = PathXZ()
        path.y = -4
        path.MoveTo(x0, y0)
        path.LineTo(x4, y0)
        path.LineTo(x8, y3)
        path.LineTo(x7, y4)
        #        path.CutInFillet(0.2)
        path.LineTo(x6, y4 - 0.2)
        path.LineTo(x5, y4 - 1.5)
        path.LineTo(x3, y2)
        path.LineTo(x2, y2)
        path.LineTo(x2, y7)
        path.LineTo(x0, y7)
        curve = path.curves[0]
        extrusion = rs.ExtrudeCurveStraight(curve, (0, 0, 0), (0, 8, 0))
        end0 = rs.AddPlanarSrf([curve])
        end1 = rs.AddPlanarSrf([curve])
        rs.MoveObject(end1, (0, 8, 0))
        spring = rs.JoinSurfaces([end0, extrusion, end1], True)

        polysurface = self.Fuse(polysurface, spring)

        # cut milling slot
        y0 = -0.2
        y2 = self.coreShellHeight + self.clipLipHeight
        x1 = self.coreInnerRadius + self.coreShellWidth + self.tolerance
        x2 = x1 + self.GetDraftDistance(0, self.coreShellHeight)
        curve = rs.AddLine((x2, 0, y0), (x2, 0, y2))
        cut = rs.AddRevSrf(curve, ((0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 1)), 180 - 16, 180 + 16)
        box = rs.BoundingBox(cut)
        xa = box[0][0]
        ya = box[0][1]
        xb = box[3][0]
        yb = box[3][1]
        side1 = self.CreateRect([(xa, ya, y0), (xa, ya, y2), (-xa, ya, y2),
                                 (-xa, ya, y0)])
        side1 = self.SplitAndKeep(side1, polysurface, 0, 0)
        side1 = self.SplitAndKeep(side1, cut, 1, 0)
        side2 = self.CreateRect([(xb, yb, y0), (xb, yb, y2), (-xb, yb, y2),
                                 (-xb, yb, y0)])
        side2 = self.SplitAndKeep(side2, polysurface, 0, 0)
        side2 = self.SplitAndKeep(side2, cut, 1, 0)
        bottom = self.CreateRect([(xa, ya, y0), (xa, yb, y0), (-15, yb, y0),
                                  (-15, ya, y0)])
        bottom = self.SplitAndKeep(bottom, cut, 2, 0)
        cut = rs.JoinSurfaces([cut, side1, side2, bottom], True)
        cut = self.SplitAndKeepLargest(cut, polysurface)
        polysurface = self.SplitAndKeepLargest(polysurface, cut)
        polysurface = rs.JoinSurfaces([polysurface, cut], True)

        self.clip = polysurface
        self.CreateLayer("clip", 0xff00ff, polysurface)
    def CreateCoreShell(self):
        x1 = self.coreInnerRadius
        x0 = x1 - self.coreSpacerLedgeWidth
        x2 = x1 + self.corePressDepth
        x3 = x1 + self.coreCoverSlopeDepth
        x4 = x1 + self.coreShellWidth
        y0 = 0
        y1 = y0 + self.coreCoverSlopeHeight
        y2 = y1 + self.coreCoverSpace
        y3 = y2 + self.corePressHeight
        y5 = y0 + self.coreShellHeight
        y4 = y5 - self.coreSpacerLedgeHeight
        path = Path()
        path.MoveTo(x3, y0)
        path.LineTo(x4, y0)
        path.LineTo(x4 - self.GetDraftDistance(y0, y5), y5)
        path.LineTo(x0, y5)
        path.LineTo(x0, y4)
        path.LineTo(x1, y4)
        path.LineTo(x1, y3)
        path.LineTo(x2, y3)
        path.LineTo(x2, y2)
        path.LineTo(x1, y2)
        path.LineTo(x1, y1)
        polysurface = path.Revolve()

        # cut the press fit slots required for making molds
        curve = rs.AddLine((x2, 0, y0), (x2, 0, y2))
        cut1 = rs.AddRevSrf(curve, ((0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 1)), -15, 15)
        box = rs.BoundingBox(cut1)
        xa = box[0][0]
        ya = box[0][1]
        xb = box[3][0]
        yb = box[3][1]
        cut2 = rs.MirrorObject(cut1, (0, -1, 0), (0, 1, 0), True)
        side1 = self.CreateRect([(xa, ya, y0), (xa, ya, y2), (-xa, ya, y2),
                                 (-xa, ya, y0)])
        side1s = self.SplitAndKeep(side1, polysurface, [0, 2], 0)
        side2 = self.CreateRect([(xb, yb, y0), (xb, yb, y2), (-xb, yb, y2),
                                 (-xb, yb, y0)])
        side2s = self.SplitAndKeep(side2, polysurface, [0, 2], 0)
        cut1 = rs.JoinSurfaces([cut1, side1s[1], side2s[1]], True)
        cut2 = rs.JoinSurfaces([cut2, side1s[0], side2s[0]], True)
        polysurface = self.SplitAndKeep(polysurface, cut1, 0, 0)
        polysurface = self.SplitAndKeep(polysurface, cut2, 1, 0)
        polysurface = rs.JoinSurfaces([polysurface, cut1, cut2], True)

        # cut the USB opening
        zb = self.coreShellHeight - self.coreSpacerLedgeHeight - self.pcbTopClearance - self.pcbThickness
        usb = self.ImportObject("usb-opening")
        rs.MoveObject(usb, (0, 0, zb - 1.3))
        usb = self.SplitAndKeep(usb, polysurface, 1)
        polysurface = self.Cut(polysurface, [usb])

        # add "keyed" areas to shell for aligning spacer
        for a in self.alignmentAngles:
            key = self.CreateKey(y4 - self.coreSpacerInnerHeight, y4)
            rs.RotateObject(key, (0, 0, 0), a)
            polysurface = self.SplitAndKeepLargest(polysurface, key)
            polysurface = rs.JoinSurfaces([key, polysurface], True)

        self.coreShell = polysurface
        self.CreateLayer("shell", 0xff0000, self.coreShell)
fCurves = []
bCurves = []
cylCurves = []
cylsrf = []
_ax = rs.AddLine((-D, 0, 0), (D, 0, 0))
for i in range(0, 9):
    fCurves.append(rs.AddInterpCurve(fPoints[i], 3))
    fCurves[i] = rs.RotateObject(fCurves[i], cPoint, 90)
    fCurves[i] = rs.MoveObject(fCurves[i], (0, dab[i], zr[i]))
    fCurves[i] = rs.RotateObject(fCurves[i], cPoint, rangle[i])
    bCurves.append(rs.AddInterpCurve(bPoints[i], 3))
    bCurves[i] = rs.RotateObject(bCurves[i], cPoint, 90)
    bCurves[i] = rs.MoveObject(bCurves[i], (0, dab[i], zr[i]))
    bCurves[i] = rs.RotateObject(bCurves[i], cPoint, rangle[i])
    cylCurves.append(rs.AddLine((-D, 0, zr[i]), (D, 0, zr[i])))
    cylsrf.append(rs.AddRevSrf(cylCurves[i], _ax, -90, 90))

#Projection of the curve surface

pfCurves = []
pbCurves = []

for i in range(9):
    pfCurves.append(rs.ProjectCurveToSurface(fCurves[i], cylsrf[i],
                                             (0, 0, -1)))
    pbCurves.append(rs.ProjectCurveToSurface(bCurves[i], cylsrf[i],
                                             (0, 0, -1)))
"""for i in range(9):
    pfCurves.append(rc.Geometry.Curve.ProjectToBrep(fCurves[i], cylsrf[i],(0,0,-1),1))
    pbCurves.append(rc.Geometry.Curve.ProjectToBrep(bCurves[i], cylsrf[i],(0,0,-1),1))"""
Example #9
def revolve_border(border, axis, start, end):
    res = rh.AddRevSrf(border, axis, start, end)
    return res
Example #10
import rhinoscriptsyntax as rs

curve = rs.GetObjects("Select curves", 4)
axis = ((0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 1))
rs.AddRevSrf(curve, axis, 0, 360)