import rhinoscriptsyntax as rs from compas.geometry import discrete_coons_patch from compas.utilities import geometric_key from compas.datastructures import Mesh from compas_rhino.artists.meshartist import MeshArtist if __name__ == '__main__': div = 15 crvs = rs.GetObjects("Select four curves (in order)", 4) sets_pts = [rs.DivideCurve(crv, div) for crv in crvs] ab, bc, dc, ad = sets_pts points, faces = discrete_coons_patch(ab, bc, dc, ad) mesh = Mesh.from_vertices_and_faces(points, faces) artist = MeshArtist(mesh, layer='coons_mesh') artist.draw()
x, y, z = rs.BrepClosestPoint(srf, mesh.vertex_coordinates(key))[0] attr['x'] = x attr['y'] = y attr['z'] = z conduit.redraw() if __name__ == '__main__': # set the remeshing parameters trg_l = 0.65 kmax = 300 crvs = rs.GetObjects("Select boundary curves", 4) srf = rs.GetObject("Select nurbs srf", 8) sets_pts = [ rs.DivideCurve(crv, round(rs.CurveLength(crv) / trg_l, 0)) for crv in crvs ] sets_pts = sort_pts(sets_pts) # cull duplicate points points = [] for pts in sets_pts: points += pts[1:] # construct delaunay mesh
import math import random #functions #to draw points if necessary def drawPts(PTLIST): rs.EnableRedraw(False) for i in range(len(PTLIST)): for j in range(len(PTLIST[i])): rs.AddPoint(PTLIST[i][j]) rs.EnableRedraw(True) #identify surface srf = rs.GetObject("Select surface", 8+16) #specify surface GUID #identify crvs crvs = rs.GetObjects("Select polylines", 4) #specify curves GUID proj_crvs = rs.ProjectCurveToSurface(crvs, srf, (0,0,1)) crvPts = [] for i in range(len(proj_crvs)): nowCrv = proj_crvs[i] nowCrvPts = rs.CurvePoints(nowCrv) crvPts.append(nowCrvPts) #generate text file DEM_file = open("170131_PATHtest.txt", "w") for i in range(len(crvPts)): newLine = ""
import compas_rhino as rhino from compas_rhino.geometry import RhinoGeometry from compas.datastructures.mesh import Mesh from compas_pattern.datastructures.pseudo_quad_mesh import PseudoQuadMesh from compas_pattern.datastructures.pseudo_quad_mesh import pqm_from_mesh from compas_pattern.cad.rhino.utilities import draw_mesh from compas_pattern.algorithms.editing import editing # mesh selection guid = rs.GetObject('get mesh') mesh = RhinoGeometry.from_guid(guid) vertices, faces = mesh.get_vertices_and_faces() mesh = PseudoQuadMesh.from_vertices_and_faces(vertices, faces) poles = rs.GetObjects('pole points', filter=1) if poles is None: poles = [] poles = [rs.PointCoordinates(pole) for pole in poles] vertices, face_vertices = pqm_from_mesh(mesh, poles) mesh = PseudoQuadMesh.from_vertices_and_faces(vertices, face_vertices) editing(mesh) mesh = mesh.to_mesh() mesh_guid = draw_mesh(mesh)
def objsSetQuickTag(): objs = rs.GetObjects('select objects to tag', preselect=True) tagVal = rs.GetString('Tag Value') map(lambda x: setQuickTag(x, tagVal), objs)
def MultiNestedBoundaryTrimCurves(): msg = "Select closed boundary curves for trimming" TCrvs = rs.GetObjects(msg, 4, preselect=False) if not TCrvs: return cCrvs = [crv for crv in TCrvs if rs.IsCurveClosed(crv)] if len(cCrvs) == 0: print "No closed trim curves found" return rs.LockObjects(cCrvs) origCrvs = rs.GetObjects("Select curves to trim", 4) rs.UnlockObjects(cCrvs) if not origCrvs: return #plane which is active when trim curve is chosen refPlane = rs.ViewCPlane() if sc.sticky.has_key("TrimSideChoice"): oldTSChoice = sc.sticky["TrimSideChoice"] else: oldTSChoice = True choice = [["Trim", "Outside", "Inside"]] res = rs.GetBoolean("Side to trim away?", choice, [oldTSChoice]) if not res: return trimIns = res[0] #False=Outside tol = sc.doc.ModelAbsoluteTolerance bb = rs.BoundingBox(origCrvs, refPlane) #CPlane box, world coords if not bb: return zVec = refPlane.ZAxis rs.EnableRedraw(False) botPlane = Rhino.Geometry.Plane(bb[0] - zVec, zVec) #check xform = rs.XformPlanarProjection(botPlane) cutCrvs = rs.TransformObjects(cCrvs, xform, True) ccc = CheckPlanarCurvesForCollision(cutCrvs) if ccc: msg = "Boundary curves overlap, results may be unpredictable, continue?" res = rs.MessageBox(msg, 1 + 32) if res != 1: return bSrfs = rs.AddPlanarSrf(cutCrvs) rs.DeleteObjects(cutCrvs) if bSrfs == None: return line = rs.AddLine(bb[0] - zVec, bb[4] + zVec) vols = [] for srf in bSrfs: ext = rs.ExtrudeSurface(srf, line, True) if ext != None: vols.append(ext) rs.DeleteObjects(bSrfs) rs.DeleteObject(line) if len(vols) == 0: return exGroup = rs.AddGroup() rs.AddObjectsToGroup(vols, exGroup) rs.Prompt("Splitting curves...") rs.SelectObjects(origCrvs) rs.Command("_Split _-SelGroup " + exGroup + " _Enter", False) splitRes = rs.LastCreatedObjects() rs.DeleteGroup(exGroup) rs.Prompt("Classifying trims...") noSplit = [] for crv in origCrvs: #add curve to list if it has not been split (still exists in doc) id = sc.doc.Objects.Find(crv) if id != None: noSplit.append(crv) errors = 0 if splitRes: if len(noSplit) > 0: splitRes.extend(noSplit) for crv in splitRes: inside = MultiTestInOrOut(crv, vols) if inside != None: if (inside and trimIns) or (not inside and not trimIns): rs.DeleteObject(crv) else: errors += 1 rs.DeleteObjects(vols) if errors > 0: print "Problems with {} curves".format(errors) sc.sticky["TrimSideChoice"] = trimIns
import rhinoscriptsyntax as rs import trkRhinoPy as trp objs = rs.GetObjects("Select surfaces", rs.filter.surface, preselect=True) rs.EnableRedraw(False) def calcArea(srfs): areas = [] for srf in srfs: areas.append(rs.SurfaceArea(srf)[0]) totalArea = sum(areas) # totalAreaPy = totalArea/3.3058 # print(area, areapy) # txt = rs.ClipboardText(area) return totalArea siteKeys = ("site area", "legal scr", "legal far") def getSiteCoverage(objs): designCoverageArea = calcArea(objs) return designCoverageArea def runTest(): areas = (createCoverage(objs), createFloors(objs)) sitearea = float(rs.GetDocumentUserText("site area")) legalscr = float(rs.GetDocumentUserText("legal scr")) legalfar = float(rs.GetDocumentUserText("legal far"))
import rhinoscriptsyntax as rs import math import codecs crvs = rs.GetObjects("Select curves", 4) distance_x = rs.GetReal("Vertical Distance", 0.4) filament = rs.GetReal("Filament Diameter", 1.75) Layerheight = rs.GetReal("Layer Height", 0.2) extrude_temp = rs.GetReal("Extrude temperture", 205) bed_temp = rs.GetReal("Bed temperture", 60) printspeed = rs.GetReal("Print speed", 2500) multi = rs.GetReal("Extrude multiply", 1.0) line_number = (len(crvs)) filename = rs.SaveFileName("Save", "G-code (*.gcode)|*.gcode||") f =, 'w', 'utf-8') f.write('G90\n') f.write('M83\n') f.write('M106 S0\n') f.write('M140 S{0}\n'.format(bed_temp)) f.write('M104 S{0} T0\n'.format(extrude_temp)) f.write('M109 S{0} T0\n'.format(extrude_temp)) f.write('G28\n') f.write('G92 E0\n') f.write('G1 E-1.0000 F1800\n') f.write("G1 Z6.475 F1000\n") f.write(";first z = 0.18\n") for l in range(line_number): startPoint = rs.CurveStartPoint(crvs[l]) endPoint = rs.CurveEndPoint(crvs[l])
import rhinoscriptsyntax as rs import os def AutoExport(objs): appData = os.getenv('APPDATA') targetFolder = appData + r"\PCPA\temp.dwg" rs.SelectObjects(objs) rs.Command( '-_Export ' + '"' + targetFolder + '"' + ' s "2007 Natural" Enter ', True) objs = rs.GetObjects() AutoExport(objs)
from compas_3gs.rhino import rhino_vertex_modify_fixity from compas_3gs.rhino import rhino_volmesh_vertex_lift from compas_3gs.rhino import draw_vertex_fixities try: import rhinoscriptsyntax as rs except ImportError: compas.raise_if_ironpython() # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # 1. make vomesh from rhino polysurfaces # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ layer_force = 'force_volmesh' guids = rs.GetObjects("select polysurfaces", filter=rs.filter.polysurface) rs.HideObjects(guids) forcediagram = ForceVolMesh() forcediagram = volmesh_from_polysurfaces(forcediagram, guids) forcediagram.layer = layer_force forcediagram.attributes['name'] = layer_force forcediagram.draw_faces() forcediagram.draw_edges() forcediagram.draw_vertices() # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # 2. modify volmesh vertices # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
vkeys.append(vkey) for i, key in enumerate(face_vkeys): try: index = keys.index(key) face_vkeys[i] = vkeys[index] except: pass mesh.add_face(face_vkeys) del mesh.face[fkey] mesh_unify_cycle_directions(mesh) #create mesh from polylines polylines = rs.GetObjects("Select Polylines", 4) polys = get_polyline_points(polylines) points = get_points_from_polylines(polys) polys = get_faces_from_polylines(polys, points) mesh_faces = [polys[key]['indices'] for key in polys] mesh_vertices = points mesh_obj = RhinoMesh.from_vertices_and_faces(mesh_vertices, mesh_faces) mesh_unify_cycle_directions(mesh_obj) #get fixed nodes fixed = [] fixed_objs = rs.ObjectsByLayer("SD_fixed") fixed_coords = [rs.PointCoordinates(obj) for obj in fixed_objs] if fixed_objs: for i, vertex in enumerate(mesh_vertices):
import rhinoscriptsyntax as rs objs = rs.GetObjects('select objs', rs.filter.surface | rs.filter.curve | rs.filter.point, preselect=True) grade = rs.GetString("toggle grade") def boolToggle(grade): if len(grade) == 0: return False else: return True def srfPtZPair(srf): domainU = rs.SurfaceDomain(srf, 0) domainV = rs.SurfaceDomain(srf, 1) u = domainU[1] / 2.0 v = domainV[1] / 2.0 point = rs.EvaluateSurface(srf, u, v) el = round(point.Z, 3) return [srf, el] def crvPtZpair(crv): domain = rs.CurveDomain(crv) t = domain[1] / 2.0 point = rs.EvaluateCurve(crv, t) el = round(point.Z, 3) return [crv, el]
def exportToRenderSKP(): #try: #Get Objects objs = rs.GetObjects("Select objects to export", preselect = True) if objs is None: return #Default Name if 'exportToRenderSKP-prevName' in sc.sticky: prevName = sc.sticky['exportToRenderSKP-prevName'] defaultFilename = utils.UpdateString(prevName) else: defaultFilename = utils.GetDatePrefix() + '_OPTION_01' #Default Folder if 'exportToRenderSKP-path' in sc.sticky: defaultFolder = sc.sticky['exportToRenderSKP-path'] elif utils.IsSavedInProjectFolder(): origPath = rs.DocumentPath() path = os.path.normpath(origPath) pathParts = path.split(os.sep) projectFolder = os.path.join(pathParts[0],'\\' ,pathParts[1]) referenceFolder = os.path.join(projectFolder, r'03 DRAWINGS\02 RENDERING\0_copy 3d folder structure\Reference') if os.path.isdir(referenceFolder): print "Reference folder exists" defaultFolder = referenceFolder else: print "Reference folder not found" defaultFolder = rs.DocumentPath() else: defaultFolder = rs.DocumentPath() fileName = rs.SaveFileName("Export to render", "Sketchup 2015 (*.skp)|*.skp||", folder = defaultFolder, filename = defaultFilename) if fileName is None: return sc.sticky['exportToRenderSKP-prevName'] = os.path.splitext(fileName)[0] sc.sticky['exportToRenderSKP-path'] = os.path.dirname(fileName) tempLayers = [] copiedObjs = [] seperator = ' > ' baseName = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(fileName))[0] #Copy all objects to export rs.StatusBarProgressMeterShow('Exporting to SKP', 0, len(objs)) for i, obj in enumerate(objs): tempCopy = rs.CopyObject(obj) if rs.IsBlockInstance(tempCopy): explodedObjs = list(rs.ExplodeBlockInstance(obj, True)) copiedObjs += explodedObjs else: copiedObjs.append(tempCopy) rs.StatusBarProgressMeterUpdate(i) #Move all copies to a different layer for i, obj in enumerate(copiedObjs): layerFullName = rs.ObjectLayer(obj) shortName = layerFullName.replace('::', seperator) layerName = baseName + seperator + shortName if rs.IsLayer(layerName): rs.ObjectLayer(obj, layerName) else: matIndex = rs.LayerMaterialIndex(rs.ObjectLayer(obj)) newLayer = rs.AddLayer(layerName, rs.LayerColor(rs.ObjectLayer(obj))) rs.LayerMaterialIndex(newLayer, matIndex) tempLayers.append(newLayer) rs.ObjectLayer(obj, newLayer) rs.StatusBarProgressMeterHide() try: rs.SelectObjects(copiedObjs) rs.Command('-_Export ' + '"' + fileName + '"' + ' s SketchUp2015 Enter ', False) #CLEANUP rs.UnselectAllObjects() try: rs.DeleteObjects(copiedObjs) except: rs.DeleteObject(copiedObjs) for layer in tempLayers: rs.DeleteLayer(layer) except: print "export failed" result = True #except: # result = False try: pass #utils.SaveFunctionData('IO-Export to Render[SKP]', [fileName, baseName, os.path.getsize(fileName),len(objs), result]) except: print "Failed to save function data" return result
def exportToRenderDWG(): try: fileLocations = config.GetDict() print "Exporting to 3ds max" objs = rs.GetObjects("Select objects to export", preselect=True) if objs is None: return #SAVE FILE NAME defaultFolder = rs.DocumentPath() defaultFilename = utils.GetDatePrefix() + '_OPTION_01' fileName = rs.SaveFileName("Export to render", "Autocad (*.dwg)|*.dwg||", defaultFolder, defaultFilename) if fileName is None: return base=os.path.basename(fileName) cadName = os.path.splitext(base)[0] #SUPER EXPLODE #EXPLODE SELECTED BLOCKS (CHECKLIST) #blockNames = rs.BlockNames(True) #print blockNames #results = rs.CheckListBox(blockNames, "Select blocks to explode", "Explode for render") #CHECK BACKFACES #CHECK GEOMETRY #EXPORT EACH LAYER AS SAT FILE. #CHECK ORIGIN #INSERT ORIGIN #CHECK SCALE (Units) if rs.UnitSystem() == 8: print "Units checked" else: print "This model is in {}, it should be in Inches".format(rs.UnitSystemName(singular=False)) #UNIFY MESH NORMALS #MERGE ALL EDGES #MERGE ALL FACES #DELETE DUPS #rs.UnselectAllObjects() #rs.Command('-_Seldup ', echo=False) #dupObjs = rs.SelectedObjects() #if len(dupObjs) > 0: # rs.DeleteObjects(dupObjs) # print "{} duplicate objects deleted".format(len(dupObjs)) #JOIN BY LAYER #PLACE UNDER A PARENT LAYER W/ DATESTAMP AddMasterRootLayer(cadName) #CHANGE LAYER NAMES? #IMPORT ACAD SCHEME standards.LoadAcadSchemes(fileLocations['ACAD Scheme Folder']) #SET DEFAULT FOLDER TO REFERENCE FOLDER UNDER RENDERING #EXPORT TO DWG rs.SelectObjects(objs) exportScheme = 'PCPA_MaxSolids' rs.Command('-_Export ' + '"' + fileName + '" S ' + '"' + exportScheme + '"' + ' Enter P 100 Enter', False) #REMOVE MASTER ROOT LAYER RemoveMasterRootLayer(cadName) return True except: return False
def FilamentCalculator(): """3D Printing filament length, weight, volume calculator.""" input_obj = rs.SelectedObjects() if not input_obj: input_obj = rs.GetObjects("Select objects") if not input_obj: return volume = 0.0 for o in input_obj: if rs.IsMesh(o): a, b, c = rs.MeshVolume(o) volume += b elif rs.IsObjectSolid(o): a, b = rs.SurfaceVolume(o) volume += a if volume == 0.0: return filaments = { "PLA": 1.24, "ABS": 1.05, "ASA": 1.07, "PETG": 1.27, "PETT": 1.45, "HIPS": 1.07, "TPU": 1.30, "PMMA": 1.18, "Nylon": 1.08, "Polycarbonate": 1.20, "Copperfill": 3.90 } filament = rs.GetString("Material:", "PLA", [a for a in filaments]) density = filaments[filament] volume = volume / rs.UnitScale(rs.UnitSystem(), 3)**3 weight = volume * filaments[filament] l1 = volume / (math.pi * (0.175 / 2)**2) / 100 l2 = volume / (math.pi * (0.285 / 2)**2) / 100 l3 = volume / (math.pi * (0.3 / 2)**2) / 100 volume = round(volume, 3) weight = round(weight, 3) l1 = round(l1, 2) l2 = round(l2, 2) l3 = round(l3, 2) message = """{f}: Density = {d} grams / cubic centimeter Volume = {v} cubic centimeters Weight ~ {w} grams 1.75 mm filament length ~ {l1} meters 2.85 mm filament length ~ {l2} meters 3.00 mm filament length ~ {l3} meters""" message = message.format(f=filament, d=density, v=volume, w=weight, l1=l1, l2=l2, l3=l3) rs.MessageBox(message, buttons=0, title="FilamentCalculator:") print(message)
import rhinoscriptsyntax as rs import trkRhinoPy as trp import scriptcontext as sc import Rhino objs = rs.GetObjects('select objects', preselect=True) reverse = rs.GetString("reverse") isreverse = trp.boolToggle(reverse) lvlpts = sc.sticky["lvlptdict"] planpts = sc.sticky['planptdict'] levelkeys = lvlpts.keys() vecs = dict([(key, lvlpts[key] - planpts[key]) for key in levelkeys]) def lvlxform(obj): lvlkey = rs.GetUserText(obj, 'level') vec = vecs[lvlkey] if isreverse: vec = rs.VectorReverse(vec) rs.MoveObject(obj, vec) if lvlpts and planpts and objs: map(lvlxform, objs) # sc.doc = Rhino.RhinoDoc.ActiveDoc
rs.AddLayer("_t") rs.CurrentLayer("_t") Layers = [] CurObjLayNames=[] CurObjLayParentNames=[] for layer in rs.LayerNames(): if rs.IsLayerVisible(layer): Layers.extend([layer]) Layers = list(dict.fromkeys(Layers)) CurObjs = rs.GetObjects("select object to keep layers on") for CurObj in CurObjs: CurObjLayId = rs.ObjectLayer(CurObj) CurObjLayName = rs.LayerName(CurObjLayId, fullpath=True) CurObjLayNames.extend([CurObjLayName]) CurObjLayNames = list(dict.fromkeys(CurObjLayNames)) for name in CurObjLayNames: for layer in Layers: if rs.IsLayerParentOf(name,layer): CurObjLayParentNames.extend([layer]) CurObjLayParentNames = list(dict.fromkeys(CurObjLayParentNames))
import rhinoscriptsyntax as rs objs = rs.GetObjects("Select Objects") if objs: names = [] for obj in objs: name = rs.ObjectName(obj) if name is None: name = "" names.append(name) results = rs.PropertyListBox(objs, names, "Modify object name(s)") if results: rs.ObjectName(objs[i], results[i])
basic_2 = cen_a - rs.SurfaceAreaCentroid(exp_a[4])[0] basic_2 /= sqrt_length(basic_2[0], basic_2[1], basic_2[2]) # create tranformation matrix M = create_matrix(basic_0, basic_1, basic_2, [0, 0, 0]) # scale rs.ScaleObjects([block_a] + model_inside, cen_a, [200 / L, 200 / L, 200 / L]) # move to [0,0,0] rs.MoveObjects([block_a] + model_inside, -cen_a) # rotate rs.TransformObjects([block_a] + model_inside, M) # move to object rs.MoveObjects([block_a] + model_inside, cen_b) rs.DeleteObjects(exp_a) rs.DeleteObjects(exp_b) rs.DeleteObjects(c) if __name__ == "__main__": box_a = rs.GetObject("Pick box a") model_inside = rs.GetObjects("Align box a") box_b = rs.GetObject("Pick box to align to") alingBlock(box_a, box_b, model_inside)
import rhinoscriptsyntax as rs from compas_pattern.algorithms.decomposition.algorithm import surface_decomposition from compas_pattern.algorithms.decomposition.algorithm import decomposition_curves from compas_pattern.algorithms.decomposition.algorithm import decomposition_mesh from compas_rhino.artists import MeshArtist guids = rs.GetObjects('get surfaces', filter=8) crv_guids = rs.GetObjects('get curves', filter=4) or [] pt_guids = rs.GetObjects('get points', filter=1) or [] discretisation = rs.GetReal('discretisation value', 1, 0) box = rs.BoundingBox(guids) scale = rs.Distance(box[0], box[2]) #discretisation = 0.005 * scale rs.EnableRedraw(False) for srf_guid in guids: decomposition, outer_boundary, inner_boundaries, polyline_features, point_features = surface_decomposition( srf_guid, discretisation, crv_guids=crv_guids, pt_guids=pt_guids) mesh = decomposition_mesh(srf_guid, decomposition, point_features) rs.EnableRedraw(False) MeshArtist(mesh).draw_mesh() #for u, v in mesh.edges(): # rs.AddLine(mesh.vertex_coordinates(u), mesh.vertex_coordinates(v))
import rhinoscriptsyntax as rs import trkRhinoPy as trp objs = rs.GetObjects('select objects', rs.filter.surface|rs.filter.polysurface, preselect=True) rs.EnableRedraw(False) if objs: map(trp.setObjAreaValue, objs) rs.EnableRedraw(True)
import rhinoscriptsyntax as rs from compas.datastructures import Mesh from compas_rhino.artists.meshartist import MeshArtist from compas_rhino.utilities import get_line_coordinates from compas.geometry import mesh_smooth_centroid if __name__ == '__main__': edge_crvs = rs.GetObjects("Select edges", 4) lines = get_line_coordinates(edge_crvs) mesh = Mesh.from_lines(lines, delete_boundary_face=True) fixed = set(mesh.vertices_on_boundary()) mesh_smooth_centroid(mesh, fixed=fixed, kmax=1, damping=0.5) # draw edges for selection artist = MeshArtist(mesh, layer='edges_hex') artist.draw_edges() artist.redraw()
from groupMove import GroupMove rectOutlineList = [] # Outline list of bounding box for nesting objects = [] # objects selected manually for nesting rotatedAngle = [] # rotated angle for each object to fit in bounding box objCenter = [] # object center for later group rotation and transformation count = 0 # Count for number of objects include in nesting operation movingCenter = [] # center of movement from object's original position val = True # dummy for for-loop termination nestingComplete = True # create boards needed for nesting (default: 1220 (mm)*2440 (mm) boards with 20 (mm) safety (x50)) boards = CreateBoard(1220, 2440, 50, 20) while val: count += 1 temp = rs.GetObjects("Select objects needed to nest (Current obj count: %d)" % count, 0, True) if temp: objects.append(temp) else: break # Ask user for safety distance between objects (I put 22 here not 20 for a reason) objectSpacing = rs.GetReal("Please enter safety distance between objects (default 22 (mm)): ", 22, 0, 200) objectSpacing /= 2 # find external contour for nesting operations listOfObjOutlines = ReturnObjectOutline(objects) # get min bounding box list (returned) and rotated angle for fitting rectOutlineList = GetAllRectOutline(listOfObjOutlines,rotatedAngle,objCenter,movingCenter,objectSpacing) # Nesting operation (core heuristic) (return true if objects to nest is more then boards) nestingComplete = RectNestingOperation(boards, rectOutlineList) # nesting completion validation if (not nestingComplete):
def custom_constraints(mesh, surface): from compas_pattern.cad.rhino.utilities import surface_borders #surface_boundaries = surface_borders(surface, border_type = 0) rs.EnableRedraw(True) surface_boundaries = rs.GetObjects('surface boundaries', filter=4) rs.EnableRedraw(False) constraints = {} artist = rhino_artist.MeshArtist(mesh, layer='mesh_artist') artist.clear_layer() vertex_points = { rs.AddPoint(mesh.vertex_coordinates(vkey)): vkey for vkey in mesh.vertices() } rs.EnableRedraw(True) fixed_vertices = rs.GetObjects('fixed vertices', filter=1) if fixed_vertices is None: fixed_vertices = [] vkeys = [vertex_points[vkey] for vkey in fixed_vertices] rs.DeleteObjects(vertex_points) rs.EnableRedraw(False) #artist.draw_vertexlabels() #artist.redraw() #vkeys = rhino.mesh_select_vertices(mesh, message = 'fixed vertices') #artist.clear_layer() #artist.redraw() for vkey in vkeys: if vkey not in constraints: constraints[vkey] = ('fixed', mesh.vertex_coordinates(vkey)) # collect boundayr polylines with splits from compas_pattern.topology.polyline_extraction import mesh_boundaries mesh_boundaries = mesh_boundaries(mesh) split_vertices = [ vkey for vkey, constraint in constraints.items() if constraint[0] == 'fixed' ] # add one vertex per mesh boundary element that has no split vertices yet, i.e. that has no corner vertices (2-valency) for boundary in mesh_boundaries: to_add = True for vkey in boundary: if vkey in split_vertices: to_add = False break if to_add: split_vertices.append(boundary[0]) split_mesh_boundaries = [] while len(split_vertices) > 0: start = split_vertices.pop() # exception if split vertex corresponds to a non-boundary point feature if not mesh.is_vertex_on_boundary(start): continue polyline = [start] while 1: for nbr, fkey in iter(mesh.halfedge[polyline[-1]].items()): if fkey is None: polyline.append(nbr) break # end of boundary element if start == polyline[-1]: split_mesh_boundaries.append(polyline) break # end of boundary subelement elif polyline[-1] in split_vertices: split_mesh_boundaries.append(polyline) split_vertices.remove(polyline[-1]) polyline = polyline[-1:] srf_dots = { rs.AddTextDot('srf_boundary', rs.CurveMidPoint(srf_bdry)): srf_bdry for srf_bdry in surface_boundaries } for mesh_bdry in split_mesh_boundaries: if len(mesh_bdry) == 2: xyz = mesh.edge_midpoint(mesh_bdry[0], mesh_bdry[1]) else: idx = int(math.floor(len(mesh_bdry) / 2)) xyz = mesh.vertex_coordinates(mesh_bdry[idx]) mesh_dot = rs.AddTextDot('?', xyz) rs.EnableRedraw(True) crv_cstr = srf_dots[rs.GetObject('boundary constraint', filter=8192)] rs.EnableRedraw(False) for vkey in mesh_bdry: if vkey not in constraints: constraints[vkey] = ('curve', crv_cstr) rs.DeleteObject(mesh_dot) rs.EnableRedraw(True) rs.DeleteObjects(srf_dots) rs.EnableRedraw(False) for vkey in mesh.vertices(): if vkey not in constraints: constraints[vkey] = ('surface', surface) return constraints, surface_boundaries
def main(): pts = rs.GetObjects("select points you want to add sphere to: ", 1,True,True); rad = rs.GetReal("radius of spheres"); for pt in pts: rs.AddSphere(pt,rad);
import Rhino import rhinoscriptsyntax as rs import scriptcontext as sc txt = rs.GetObject(message='select text', filter=512, preselect=True) if rs.IsText(txt): text = rs.TextObjectText(txt) color = rs.ObjectColor(txt) objs = rs.GetObjects(message='select objs', preselect=True) def AddTag(obj, text, color): box = rs.BoundingBox(obj) mid = (box[0] + box[-2])/2 tag = rs.AddTextDot(text, mid) rs.SetUserText(obj, 'tag', text) rs.ObjectColor(obj, color) group = rs.AddGroup() rs.AddObjectsToGroup([obj, tag], group) if objs: map(lambda x: AddTag(x, text, color), objs)
def main(): crvs = rs.GetObjects("Select curves to connect:", 4, True) connectEndpoints(crvs) print("Script is incomplete. Please selDup and delete extra curves")
import rhinoscriptsyntax as rs import random pickedCurves = rs.GetObjects("pick some curves", 4) desiredArea = 1000.0 for curve in pickedCurves: length = rs.CurveLength(curve) extrudeAmt = desiredArea / length direcitonalVector = (random.uniform(-10, 10), random.uniform(-10, 10), random.uniform(-10, 10)) #how we have a vector with random x, y and z components #to give it the precise amplitude we want, we will normalize it, meaning it will keep the direction, but have a length of one unit #then, we'll scale the vector to the desired amplitude unitVect = rs.VectorUnitize(direcitonalVector) scaledVect = rs.VectorScale(unitVect, extrudeAmt) startPoint = rs.CurveMidPoint(curve) endPoint = rs.VectorAdd(startPoint, scaledVect) pathCurve = rs.AddLine(startPoint, endPoint) rs.ExtrudeCurve(curve, pathCurve) rs.DeleteObject(pathCurve) #further example: how to put the surface on a new layer
import rhinoscriptsyntax as rs #pick an object objects = rs.GetObjects("Select components") #Loop between my objects for id in objects: name = rs.ObjectName(id) print "component:", name rc = rs.OffsetCurve(id, [0, 0, 0], 10, normal=None, style=1)
__author__ = "dfmd" __version__ = "2019.07.12" import rhinoscriptsyntax as rs base_curve = rs.GetObject("Reference curve", rs.filter.curve, True, True) curves = rs.GetObjects("Curves") tol = rs.GetReal("Tolerance", .005) if base_curve and curves: try: base_lenght = rs.CurveLength(base_curve) lenght_curves = [] for curve in curves: if abs(rs.CurveLength(curve) - base_lenght) < tol: lenght_curves.append(curve) rs.SelectObjects(lenght_curves) print "%s equal length objects found." % len(lenght_curves) except Exception as e: print('Error: %s' % e)