Example #1
def generate_sesskey(user_id, node_id=None):
    if node_id:
        node_id_part = '%08x' % node_id
        node_id_part = 'XXXXXXXX'

    return '%08x%s%s' % (user_id, random_string(8), node_id_part)
Example #2
def generate_report_2( batchcode, querytext, marker_ids,
                allele_absolute_threshold, allele_relative_threshold,
                sample_quality_threshold, marker_quality_threshold,
                location_level, spatial_differentiation, temporal_differentiation,
                template_file, fmt = 'PDF' ):

    report = ReportResult()

    # prepare the query
    fullquery = ''
    if batchcode:
        fullquery += ' | '.join( '%s[batch]' % batch for batch in batchcode.split() )
    if querytext:
        fullquery += querytext

    if not fullquery:
        raise RuntimeError( 'Please provide batch code or querytext' )

    sample_ids = parse_querycmd( fullquery )

    tmp_dir = get_temp_path( random_string(8) )
    os.mkdir( tmp_dir )
    tmp_dir += '/'

    result = generate_comprehensive_summary_2( 
                sample_ids = sample_ids, querysets = None, marker_ids = marker_ids,
                location_level = location_level,
                spatial_differentiation = spatial_differentiation,
                temporal_differentiation = temporal_differentiation,
                allele_absolute_threshold = allele_absolute_threshold,
                allele_relative_threshold = allele_relative_threshold,
                sample_quality_threshold = sample_quality_threshold,
                marker_quality_threshold = marker_quality_threshold,
                tmp_dir = tmp_dir )

    # format the TeX file

    tex_filename = tmp_dir + 'report.tex'

    #template = open( template_file ).read()

    template = format_tex_report( template_file, result, tmp_dir )

    with open(tex_filename, 'w') as f:
        f.write( template )

    if fmt == 'PDF':
        # run pdflatex here
        ok = call([   'pdflatex',
                    '-output-directory', tmp_dir,
        if ok != 0:
            raise SysError('pdflatex returned error code: %d, produced with TeX source at %s'
                    % (ok, tex_filename))
        report.fullpath = tmp_dir + 'report.pdf'
        return report

    raise SysError('should not be here!')
Example #3
def nj_distance( names, m, tempdir ):
    """ run R's ape to create NJ and display tree """

    # prepare a file for the matrix

    file_id = random_string(3)
    matrix_file = tempdir + 'matrix-distance-%s.txt' % file_id
    script_file = tempdir + 'njtree-%s.r' % file_id
    njtree_file = tempdir + 'njtree-%s.pdf' % file_id

    with open(matrix_file, 'w') as out:
        out.write( '\t'.join( names ) )
        out.write( '\n')
        for name, vals in zip( names, m ):
            out.write( '%s\t%s\n' % (name, '\t'.join( ['%2.3f' % x for x in vals] ) ))

    with open(script_file, 'w') as scriptout:
M <- as.matrix( read.table("%s", sep='\t', header=T) )
tree <- nj( M )
plot(tree, "fan", font=1, cex=0.5)
""" % (matrix_file, njtree_file) )

    ok = call( ['Rscript', script_file] )

    if ok != 0:
        raise RuntimeError("Rscript run unsucessfully")

    return njtree_file
Example #4
    def submit(self, uid, wd, func, *args, **kwargs):

        # submit a process
        # func at least has ns and cerr, ie: f(ns=None, cerr=None)

        with self.lock:  # can use with self.lock.acquire() ???
            if self.queue >= self.max_queue:
                raise MaxQueueError(
                    "Queue reached maximum number. Please try again in few moments"

            while True:
                procid = random_string(16)
                if procid not in self.procs:

            procunit = ProcUnit(taskid=procid, uid=uid, wd=wd)
            procunit.ns = self.prepare_namespace()
            procunit.cerr = self.manager().list()
            kwargs['ns'] = procunit.ns
            kwargs['cerr'] = procunit.cerr
            proc = self.pool.submit(func, *args, **kwargs)
            procunit.proc = proc
            self.procs[procid] = procunit
            self.queue += 1
            proc.add_done_callback(lambda x: self.callback(x, procid))

        return procunit
Example #5
def run_arlequin( genotype_sets, recode = False, tmp_dir = None ):
    """ genotype_sets: ( AnalyticalSet, ...) """

    # write to a file, similar to how Lian works

    if len(genotype_sets) == 0:
        return None

    buf, used_sets = export_arlequin( genotype_sets, recode = recode )
    tmp_dir = tmp_dir or get_temp_path( random_string(8) + '-arlequin')
    os.mkdir( tmp_dir )
    tmp_dir += '/'
    arp_file = tmp_dir + 'msaf.arp'
    ars_file = tmp_dir + 'msaf.ars'
    with open(arp_file, 'wt') as f:
        f.write( buf.read() )
    with open(ars_file, 'wt') as f:
        f.write( ars )

    print('Running arlequin in: %s' % tmp_dir)
    call([get_libexec_path('arlecore'), arp_file, ars_file],
        cwd = tmp_dir)

    result = ArlequinResult( output = open( tmp_dir + 'msaf.res/msaf.htm' ).read(),
                sets = used_sets )

    return result
Example #6
def verify(request, dictfmt = msaf_dictfmt):
    # perform consistency check, sanity check
    # dictfmt -> module for dictionary format functions

    if not request.POST:
        return Response("ERROR: not a valid operation [upload:100]")        

    input_file = request.POST.get('input_file', None)
    #opt_replace_existing = request.POST.get('replace_existing', None)

    name, ext = os.path.splitext( input_file.filename )

    if ext in [ '.csv', '.tab', '.tsv' ]:
        # convert to JSON first
        # consistency checks
        if ext == '.csv':
            delim = ','
            delim = '\t'

            dict_samples, report_log = dictfmt.csv2dict(
                            delimiter = delim )
        except ValueError as err:
            return error_page( 'ValueError: {0}'.format(err) )
        if dict_samples is None:
            return render_to_response( "msaf:templates/upload/error.mako",
                { 'report_log': report_log.getvalue() }, request = request )

        dict_text = yaml.dump( dict_samples )
        ext = '.yaml'

    elif ext in ['.json', '.yaml']:
        dict_text = input_file.file.read().decode('UTF-8')
        report_log = StringIO()


        return error_page('Unrecognized format')

    # sanity check
    # data integrity check (flush to database, but no commit yet)

    temppath = get_temp_path( random_string(8) + ext )
    with open(temppath, 'w') as f:
        f.write( dict_text )

    ticket = request.get_ticket( { 'dict.path': temppath } )
    #                'replace_allele': opt_replace_existing } )

    return render_to_response( "msaf:templates/upload/verify.mako",
            { 'report_log': report_log.getvalue(), 'ticket': ticket,
                'filename': input_file.filename },
            request = request )
Example #7
def add_assay_info(assayinfo_file, assaydata_file):

    assayinfo_name, assayinfo_ext = os.path.splitext( ifile.filename )
    assaydata_name, assaydata_ext = os.path.splitext( assaydata_file.filename )

    pathname = random_string(16) + '.yaml'

    temppath = get_temp_path( pathname )
    os.mkdir( temppath )
    with open( '%s/%s.%s' % (temppath, assaydata_name, assaydata_ext)) as f:
Example #8
def add_assay_info(assayinfo_file, assaydata_file):

    assayinfo_name, assayinfo_ext = os.path.splitext( ifile.filename )
    assaydata_name, assaydata_ext = os.path.splitext( assaydata_file.filename )

    pathname = random_string(16) + '.yaml'

    temppath = get_temp_path( pathname )
    os.mkdir( temppath )
    with open( '%s/%s.%s' % (temppath, assaydata_name, assaydata_ext)) as f:
Example #9
def generate_report_3( baseparams, location_level,
                spatial_differentiation, temporal_differentiation,
                template_file, fmt = 'PDF' ):

    report = ReportResult()

    # prepare the query
    sample_sets = parse_advquerycmd( baseparams.queryset )

    tmp_dir = get_temp_path( random_string(8) )
    os.mkdir( tmp_dir )
    tmp_dir += '/'

    result = generate_comprehensive_summary_3( 
                sample_sets = sample_sets,
                baseparams = baseparams,
                location_level = location_level,
                spatial_differentiation = spatial_differentiation,
                temporal_differentiation = temporal_differentiation,
                detection_differentiation = detection_differentiation,
                tmp_dir = tmp_dir )

    # format the TeX file

    tex_filename = tmp_dir + 'report.tex'

    #template = open( template_file ).read()

    template = format_tex_report( template_file, result, tmp_dir )

    with open(tex_filename, 'w') as f:
        f.write( template )

    if fmt == 'PDF':
        # run pdflatex here
        ok = call([   'pdflatex',
                    '-output-directory', tmp_dir,
        if ok != 0:
            raise SysError('pdflatex returned error code: %d, produced with TeX source at %s'
                    % (ok, tex_filename))
        report.fullpath = tmp_dir + 'report.pdf'
        return report

    raise SysError('should not be here!')
Example #10
def xxx_generate_report(batchcode, querytext, location_level = 4,
            threshold = '100 | 33%', fmt='PDF',
            template_file = None):
    report = ReportResult()

    # prepare the query
    fullquery = ''
    if batchcode:
        fullquery += '%s[batch]' % batchcode
    if querytext:
        fullquery += querytext

    if not fullquery:
        raise RuntimeError( 'Please provide batch code or querytext' )

    sample_ids = parse_querycmd( fullquery )

    result = generate_comprehensive_summary( sample_ids, location_level )

    # format the TeX file

    tmp_dir = get_temp_path( random_string(8) )
    os.mkdir( tmp_dir )
    tmp_dir += '/'
    tex_filename = tmp_dir + 'report.tex'

    template = open( template_file ).read()

    template = format_report( template, result, tmp_dir )

    with open(tex_filename, 'w') as f:
        f.write( template )

    if fmt == 'PDF':
        # run pdflatex here
        ok = call([   'pdflatex',
                    '-output-directory', tmp_dir,
        if ok != 0:
            raise SysError('pdflatex returned error code: %d' % ok)
        report.fullpath = tmp_dir + 'report.pdf'
        return report

    raise SysError('should not be here!')
Example #11
def add_sample_info( batch, ifile, request):
    """ parse file and save it to temporary file as YAML file """

    name, ext = os.path.splitext( ifile.filename )

    if ext in [ '.csv', '.tab', '.tsv', '.txt' ]:
        # convert to JSON first
        # consistency checks
        #if ext == '.csv':
        #    delim = ','
        #    delim = '\t'

        buf, delim = detect_buffer( ifile.file.read().decode('UTF-8') )

            ## the csv2dict function has to be sample-specific method
            ## use batch.Sample.csv2dict() ??
            dict_samples, errlog, sample_codes = batch.get_sample_class().csv2dict(
                            delimiter = delim )
        except ValueError as err:
            return error_page(request,  'ValueError: {0}'.format(err) )

        if dict_samples is None:
            return render_to_response( "msaf:templates/upload/error.mako",
                { 'report_log': '<br/>'.join(errlog) }, request = request )

        dict_text = yaml.dump( dict(codes = sample_codes, samples = dict_samples) )

    elif ext in ['.json', '.yaml']:
        dict_text = yaml.dump( yaml.load( ifile.file.read().decode('UTF-8') ) )
        errlog = ''


        return error_page(request, 'Unrecognized format')

    pathname = random_string(16) + '.yaml'

    temppath = get_temp_path( pathname )
    with open(temppath, 'w') as f:
        f.write( dict_text )

    return (pathname, errlog)
Example #12
def add_sample_info( batch, ifile, request):
    """ parse file and save it to temporary file as YAML file """

    name, ext = os.path.splitext( ifile.filename )

    if ext in [ '.csv', '.tab', '.tsv', '.txt' ]:
        # convert to JSON first
        # consistency checks
        if ext == '.csv':
            delim = ','
            delim = '\t'

            ## the csv2dict function has to be sample-specific method
            ## use batch.Sample.csv2dict() ??
            dict_samples, errlog, sample_codes = batch.get_sample_class().csv2dict(
                            delimiter = delim )
        except ValueError as err:
            return error_page(request,  'ValueError: {0}'.format(err) )

        if dict_samples is None:
            return render_to_response( "msaf:templates/upload/error.mako",
                { 'report_log': '<br/>'.join(errlog) }, request = request )

        dict_text = yaml.dump( dict(codes = sample_codes, samples = dict_samples) )

    elif ext in ['.json', '.yaml']:
        dict_text = yaml.dump( yaml.load( ifile.file.read().decode('UTF-8') ) )
        errlog = ''


        return error_page(request, 'Unrecognized format')

    pathname = random_string(16) + '.yaml'

    temppath = get_temp_path( pathname )
    with open(temppath, 'w') as f:
        f.write( dict_text )

    return (pathname, errlog)
Example #13
def nj_tree( aDistanceMatrix, tempdir = None, fmt='pdf' ):

    file_id = random_string(3)

    matrix_file = tempdir + 'matrix-distance-%s.txt' % file_id
    colors_file = tempdir + 'colors-distance-%s.txt' % file_id
    script_file = tempdir + 'njtree-%s.r' % file_id
    njtree_file = tempdir + 'njtree-%s.%s' % (file_id, fmt)
    with open(matrix_file, 'w') as out_m, open(colors_file, 'w') as out_c:

        out_m.write( '\t'.join( aDistanceMatrix.L ) )
        out_m.write( '\n')
        for name, vals in zip( aDistanceMatrix.L, aDistanceMatrix.M ):
            out_m.write( '%s\t%s\n' % (name, '\t'.join( ['%2.3f' % x for x in vals] ) ))

        out_c.write('\n'.join( aDistanceMatrix.C ) )

    with open(script_file, 'w') as scriptout:
        if fmt == 'pdf':
            cmd = 'pdf("%s", width = 11.2, height=7)' % njtree_file
        elif fmt == 'png':
            cmd = 'png("%s", width = 1024, height = 640)' % njtree_file
M <- as.matrix( read.table("%s", sep='\t', header=T) )
C <- as.vector( read.table("%s", sep='\t', header=F)[,1] )
tree <- nj( M )
plot(tree, "fan", tip.color = C, font=1, cex=0.7, label.offset = 0.009)
legend('topright', inset=c(0,0), c(%s), col = c(%s), lty=1, cex=0.85, xpd=T)
""" % (matrix_file, colors_file, cmd,
        ",".join( '"%s"' % e.get_label() for e in aDistanceMatrix.genotype_sets),
        ",".join( '"%s"' % e.get_colour() for e in aDistanceMatrix.genotype_sets) )

    ok = call( ['Rscript', script_file] )

    if ok != 0:
        raise RuntimeError("Rscript run unsucessfully")

    return njtree_file
Example #14
    def submit(self, uid, wd, func, *args, **kwargs):
        with self.lock:  # can use with self.lock.acquire() ???
            if self.queue >= self.max_queue:
                raise MaxQueueError(
                    "Queue reached maximum number. Please try again in few moments")

            while True:
                procid = random_string(16)
                if procid not in self.procs:

            procunit = ProcUnit(None, uid, wd)
            procunit.ns = self.prepare_namespace()
            kwargs['ns'] = procunit.ns
            proc = self.pool.submit( func, *args, **kwargs )
            procunit.proc = proc
            self.procs[procid] = procunit
            self.queue += 1
            proc.add_done_callback( lambda x: self.callback(x, procid) )

        return (procid, "Task submitted to queue")
Example #15
def get_proc_path( path = None ):
    if path is None:
        path = random_string(8)
    return "%s/%s" % (PROC_DIR, path)
Example #16
    def update(self, obj):

        if type(obj) == dict:
            if obj.get('storage') is not None:
                self.storage = obj.get('storage')   # blood storage
            if obj.get('method') is not None:
                self.method = obj.get('method')     # blood withdrawal method
            if obj.get('pcr_method') is not None:
                self.pcr_method_id = EK._id(obj.get('pcr_method'), grp = '@PCR_METHOD',
                                    dbsession = object_session(self), auto=True)
            if obj.get('pcr') is not None:
                self.pcr = obj.get('pcr')
            if obj.get('microscopy') is not None:
                self.microscopy = obj.get('microscopy')
            if obj.get('type') is not None:
                self.type = obj.get('type')
            if obj.get('day') is not None:
                self.day = int(obj.get('day'))
            if self.day == 0 and self.type == '':
                self.type = 'P'

            if obj.get('case_detection') is not None:
                self.passive_case_detection = obj.get('case_detection').lower().startswith('y')

            if obj.get('symptomatic_status') is not None:
                self.symptomatic_status = obj.get('symptomatic_status').lower().startswith('y')

            if obj.get('nationality_status') is not None:
                self.nationality_status = obj.get('nationality_status').lower().startswith('y')

            if obj.get('imported_case') is not None:
                self.imported_case = obj.get('imported_case').lower().startswith('y')

            if obj.get('parasite_density') is not None:
                self.parasitemia = int(obj.get('parasite_density', -1))

            # deals with subject
            subject_code = obj.get('subject_code', None)
            related_sample = obj.get('related_sample', None)

            session = object_session(self)

            if subject_code:
                # find subject
                subject = Subject.search(code=subject_code, dbsession = session)
                self.subject_id = subject.id
            elif related_sample:
                # find sample
                sample = self.batch.search_sample(related_sample)
                if sample is None:
                    raise RuntimeError('ERROR for sample code %s: related sample code %s does not exist' % (self.code, related_sample))
                self.subject_id = sample.subject_id
            elif not self.subject:
                # create new subject
                while True:
                    code = '#' + random_string(8)
                    # we need to check subject code first !
                    if Subject.query(session).filter(Subject.code == code).count() == 0:
                subject = Subject( code = code, gender = obj['gender'],
                                    yearofbirth = obj['yearofbirth'] )
                subject.update( obj )
                cerr('subject %s nationality_id %d' % (subject.code, subject.nationality_id))
                self.subject = subject

            #self.subject_id = 0

            # now if subject_code &


            raise NotImplementedError('PROG/ERR - not implemented yet')

        super().update( obj )

        if obj.passive_case_detection is not None:
            self.passive_case_detection = obj.passive_case_detection
        if obj.storage_id is not None:
            self.storage_id = 0 #obj.storage_id
        if obj.method_id is not None:
            self.method_id = 0  #obj.method_id
        if obj.pcr_method_id is not None:
            self.pcr_method_id = 0  #obj.pcr_method_id
        if obj.pcr_id is not None:
            self.pcr_id = 0 #obj.pcr_id
        if obj.microscopy_id is not None:
            self.microscopy_id = 0  #obj.microscopy_id
        if obj.recurent is not None:
            self.recurrent = obj.recurrent
        if obj.subject_is:
            self.subject_id = obj.subject_id
Example #17
def mkranddir(parent_directory, userid):
    d = FileOverlay(abspath="%s/%s/" % (parent_directory, random_string(12)), type="dir")
    return d
Example #18
    dbsession = dbh.session()

    EK.bulk_update( ek_initlist, dbsession=dbsession )
    Group.bulk_insert( essential_groups, dbsession=dbsession )
    UserClass.bulk_insert( system_userclass, dbsession=dbsession )

    group_id = Group._id('_SysAdm_', dbsession)
    file = File( path='/', group_id = group_id, permanent = True )
    dbsession.add( file )
    file.type = 'file/folder'
    file.mimetype = 'application/x-directory'

    cerr('INFO: root password is %s\n' % root_password)

root_password = random_string(16)
system_userclass = ( '_SYSTEM_', 'Rhombus System', None, {},
                        [   ('system', '', '', 'root@localhost', '_SysAdm_', root_password, [] ),
                            ('dataadm', '', '', 'root@localhost', '_DataAdm_', '{X}', [] ),
                        ] )

essential_groups = [
            ( '__default__', [ PUBLIC ] ),
            ( '_SysAdm_', [SYSADM, SYSVIEW] ),
            ( '_EKMgr_', [ EK_CREATE, EK_MODIFY, EK_DELETE ] ),
            ( '_UserMgr_', [ USER_CREATE, USER_MODIFY, USER_DELETE ] ),
            ( '_GroupMgr_', [ GROUP_CREATE, GROUP_MODIFY, GROUP_DELETE,
                                GROUP_ADDUSER, GROUP_DELUSER ] ),
            ( '_DataAdm_', [DATAADM, DATAVIEW] ),
Example #19
    def update(self, obj):

        if type(obj) == dict:
            if obj.get('storage') is not None:
                self.storage = obj.get('storage')   # blood storage
            if obj.get('method') is not None:
                self.method = obj.get('method')     # blood withdrawal method
            if obj.get('pcr_method') is not None:
                self.pcr_method_id = EK._id(obj.get('pcr_method'), grp = '@PCR_METHOD',
                                    dbsession = object_session(self), auto=True)
            if obj.get('pcr') is not None:
                self.pcr = obj.get('pcr')
            if obj.get('microscopy') is not None:
                self.microscopy = obj.get('microscopy')
            if obj.get('type') is not None:
                self.type = obj.get('type')
            if obj.get('day') is not None:
                self.day = int(obj.get('day'))
            if self.day == 0 and self.type == '':
                self.type = 'P'

            if obj.get('case_detection') is not None:
                self.passive_case_detection = obj.get('case_detection').lower().startswith('y')

            if obj.get('symptomatic_status') is not None:
                self.symptomatic_status = obj.get('symptomatic_status').lower().startswith('y')

            if obj.get('nationality_status') is not None:
                self.nationality_status = obj.get('nationality_status').lower().startswith('y')

            if obj.get('imported_case') is not None:
                self.imported_case = obj.get('imported_case').lower().startswith('y')

            if obj.get('parasite_density') is not None:
                self.parasitemia = int(obj.get('parasite_density', -1))

            # deals with subject
            subject_code = obj.get('subject_code', None)
            related_sample = obj.get('related_sample', None)

            session = object_session(self)

            if subject_code:
                # find subject
                subject = Subject.search(code=subject_code, dbsession = session)
                self.subject_id = subject.id
            elif related_sample:
                # find sample
                sample = self.batch.search_sample(related_sample)
                if sample is None:
                    raise RuntimeError('ERROR for sample code %s: related sample code %s does not exist' % (self.code, related_sample))
                self.subject_id = sample.subject_id
            elif not self.subject:
                # create new subject
                while True:
                    code = '#' + random_string(8)
                    # we need to check subject code first !
                    if Subject.query(session).filter(Subject.code == code).count() == 0:
                subject = Subject( code = code, gender = obj['gender'],
                                    yearofbirth = obj['yearofbirth'] )
                subject.update( obj )
                cerr('subject %s nationality_id %d' % (subject.code, subject.nationality_id))
                self.subject = subject

            #self.subject_id = 0

            # now if subject_code &


            raise NotImplementedError('PROG/ERR - not implemented yet')

        super().update( obj )
Example #20
def get_proc_path( path = None ):
    if path is None:
        path = random_string(8)
    return "%s/%s" % (PROC_DIR, path)