Example #1
def genChordalCell(length, prev_note = 0, first_note = None, cord = [], durs = [], key = 0):
    pitches = []
    def strToNum(string):
        return [int(i) for i in string.split()]
    if cord == []:
        cord = strToNum(ph.probDictToChoice({'0 2 4':0.5, '4 6 8':0.3, '3 5 7':0.2}))
    if durs == []:
        durs = rhy.randomDuration(length)
    if first_note != None:
        pitches = [first_note]
    elif prev_note % 7 == 6 and cord == [0,2,4]:
        pitches = [prev_note + 1]
    elif prev_note % 7 == 3 and cord == [0,2,4]:
        pitches = [prev_note - 1]
        pitches = [sc.closestNoteDegreeInChord(prev_note, cord, 1, False)]
    for i in range(1, len(durs)):
        pitches.append(randomChordNote(pitches[-1], cord, durs[i] == 0.25))
    return Chunk(pits=pitches, durs=durs, chord=cord, key = key)
Example #2
def genUsualCell(length, prev_note = 0, first_note = None, cord = [], durs = [], key=0):
    pitches = []
    def strToNum(string):
        return [int(i) for i in string.split()]
    if cord == []:
        cord = strToNum(ph.probDictToChoice({'0 2 4':0.5, '4 6 8':0.3, '3 5 7':0.2}))
    if durs == []:
        durs = rhy.randomDuration(length)
    if first_note != None:
        pitches = [first_note]
    elif prev_note % 7 == 6 and cord == [0,2,4]:
        pitches = [prev_note + 1]
    elif prev_note % 7 == 3 and cord == [0,2,4]:
        pitches = [prev_note - 1]
        pitches = [sc.closestNoteDegreeInChord(prev_note, cord, 1, False)]
    if durs[0] < 0:
        pitches.append(sc.closestNoteDegreeInChord(prev_note, cord, 1, False))
        i_continue = 2
        i_continue = 1
    tot_durs = [sum(durs[:i]) for i in range(0, len(durs))]
    for i in range(i_continue, len(durs)):
        if tot_durs[i] % 1.0 == 0:
            if prev_note not in cord:
                pitches.append(sc.closestNoteDegreeInChord(prev_note, cord, True))
                pitches.append(randomChordNote(prev_note, cord))
        elif random.uniform(0,1) < 0.5:
            if prev_note not in cord:
                pitches.append(sc.closestNoteDegreeInChord(prev_note, cord, True))
                pitches.append(randomChordNote(prev_note, cord))
            pitches.append(randomNextDegree(prev_note, 1))
        prev_note = pitches[-1]
    return_val = Chunk(pitches, durs, chord=cord, key=key)
    if pref.goodCell(return_val) or random.uniform(0,1) < 0.05:
        return return_val
        return genUsualCell(length, prev_note, first_note, cord, durs)
Example #3
def genScalewiseCell(length, prev_note = 0, first_note = None, chord = [], durs = [], key = 0):
    if durs == []:
        rhythm = rhy.randomDuration(length)
        rhythm = durs
    direction = 1
    if first_note != None:
        pitches = [first_note]
    elif prev_note % 7 == 6 and chord == [0,2,4]:
        pitches = [prev_note + 1]
    elif prev_note % 7 == 3 and chord == [0,2,4]:
        pitches = [prev_note - 1]
        if chord == []:
            pitches = [prev_note + random.choice([1,-1])]
            pitches = [sc.closestNoteDegreeInChord(prev_note, chord, True, 0)]
    if rhythm[0] < 0:
        pitches.append(sc.closestNoteDegreeInChord(prev_note, chord, True, 0))
        i_continue = 2
        i_continue = 1
    for i in range(i_continue, len(rhythm)):
        if pitches[-1] % 7 == 6 and chord == [0,2,4]:
            pitches.append(pitches[-1] + 1)
        elif pitches[-1] % 7 == 3 and chord == [0,2,4]:
            pitches.append(pitches[-1] - 1)
            direction = direction if random.uniform(0,1) < 0.7 else direction * -1
            if pitches[i - 1] > 14:
                direction = -1
            elif pitches[i - 1] < 0:
                direction = 1
            pitches.append(pitches[i - 1] + direction)
    return_val = Chunk(pits=pitches, durs=rhythm, chord=chord, key=key)
    if pref.goodCell(return_val) or random.uniform(0,1) < 0.05:
        return return_val
        return genScalewiseCell(length, prev_note, first_note, chord, durs)