def prepare_index(self, courses, organizations=None): """ Not a test. This method is doing the heavy lifting for the tests in this class: preparing the Elasticsearch index so that individual tests just have to execute the query. """ organizations = organizations or [] self.create_filter_pages() # Delete any existing indices so we get a clean slate ES_INDICES_CLIENT.delete(index="_all") # Create an index for our organizations ES_INDICES_CLIENT.create(index="richie_organizations") ES_INDICES_CLIENT.close(index="richie_organizations") ES_INDICES_CLIENT.put_settings(body=ANALYSIS_SETTINGS, index="richie_organizations")"richie_organizations") # Use the default organizations mapping from the Indexer ES_INDICES_CLIENT.put_mapping(body=OrganizationsIndexer.mapping, index="richie_organizations") # Set up empty indices for categories & persons. They need to exist to avoid errors # but we do not use results from them in our tests. ES_INDICES_CLIENT.create(index="richie_categories") ES_INDICES_CLIENT.create(index="richie_persons") # Create an index we'll use to test the ES features ES_INDICES_CLIENT.create(index="test_courses") ES_INDICES_CLIENT.close(index="test_courses") ES_INDICES_CLIENT.put_settings(body=ANALYSIS_SETTINGS, index="test_courses")"test_courses") # Use the default courses mapping from the Indexer ES_INDICES_CLIENT.put_mapping(body=CoursesIndexer.mapping, index="test_courses") # Add the sorting script ES_CLIENT.put_script(id="score", body=CoursesIndexer.scripts["score"]) ES_CLIENT.put_script(id="state_field", body=CoursesIndexer.scripts["state_field"]) # Prepare actions to insert our courses and organizations in their indices actions = [ OrganizationsIndexer.get_es_document_for_organization( organization.public_extension) for organization in organizations ] + [{ "_id": course["id"], "_index": "test_courses", "_op_type": "create", **course, } for course in courses] bulk_compat(actions=actions, chunk_size=500, client=ES_CLIENT) ES_INDICES_CLIENT.refresh()
def execute_query(self, courses, querystring="", **extra): """ Not a test. Prepare the ElasticSearch index and execute the query in it. """ # Delete any existing indices so we get a clean slate ES_INDICES_CLIENT.delete(index="_all") # Create an index we'll use to test the ES features ES_INDICES_CLIENT.create(index=COURSES_INDEX) # The index needs to be closed before we set an analyzer ES_INDICES_CLIENT.close(index=COURSES_INDEX) ES_INDICES_CLIENT.put_settings(body=ANALYSIS_SETTINGS, index=COURSES_INDEX) # Use the default courses mapping from the Indexer ES_INDICES_CLIENT.put_mapping(body=CoursesIndexer.mapping, index=COURSES_INDEX) # Add the sorting script ES_CLIENT.put_script(id="score", body=CoursesIndexer.scripts["score"]) ES_CLIENT.put_script( id="state_field", body=CoursesIndexer.scripts["state_field"] ) # Actually insert our courses in the index actions = [ { "_id": course["id"], "_index": COURSES_INDEX, "_op_type": "create", "absolute_url": {"en": "en/url", "fr": "fr/url"}, "categories": ["1", "2", "3"], "cover_image": {"en": "en/image", "fr": "fr/image"}, "is_meta": False, "logo": {"en": "/en/some/img.png", "fr": "/fr/some/img.png"}, "nb_children": 0, "organizations": ["11", "12", "13"], **course, } for course in courses ] bulk_compat(actions=actions, chunk_size=500, client=ES_CLIENT) ES_INDICES_CLIENT.refresh() results = self.client.get( f"/api/v1.0/courses/autocomplete/?{querystring:s}", **extra ) self.assertEqual(results.status_code, 200) return json.loads(results.content)
def execute_query(self, kind, categories=None, querystring=""): """ Not a test. This method is doing the heavy lifting for the tests in this class: create and fill the index with our categories so we can run our queries and check the results. It also executes the query and returns the result from the API. """ # Delete any existing indices so we get a clean slate ES_INDICES_CLIENT.delete(index="_all") # Create an index we'll use to test the ES features ES_INDICES_CLIENT.create(index="test_categories") ES_INDICES_CLIENT.close(index="test_categories") ES_INDICES_CLIENT.put_settings(body=ANALYSIS_SETTINGS, index="test_categories")"test_categories") # Use the default categories mapping from the Indexer ES_INDICES_CLIENT.put_mapping(body=CategoriesIndexer.mapping, index="test_categories") # Actually insert our categories in the index actions = [{ "_id": category["id"], "_index": "test_categories", "_op_type": "create", "absolute_url": { "en": "en/url" }, "description": { "en": "en/description" }, "icon": { "en": "en/icon" }, "is_meta": False, "logo": { "en": "en/logo" }, "nb_children": 0, "path": category["id"], "title_raw": category["title"], **category, } for category in categories or CATEGORIES] bulk_compat(actions=actions, chunk_size=500, client=ES_CLIENT) ES_INDICES_CLIENT.refresh() response = self.client.get(f"/api/v1.0/{kind:s}/?{querystring:s}") self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200) return json.loads(response.content)
def execute_query(self, querystring="", **extra): """ Not a test. Prepare the ElasticSearch index and execute the query in it. """ licences = [ {"id": "1", "title": {"en": "CC-BY-SA"}}, {"id": "2", "title": {"en": "CC-BY-NC"}}, {"id": "3", "title": {"en": "All Rights Résërvés"}}, ] # Delete any existing indices so we get a clean slate ES_INDICES_CLIENT.delete(index="_all") # Create an index we'll use to test the ES features ES_INDICES_CLIENT.create(index=LICENCES_INDEX) # The index needs to be closed before we set an analyzer ES_INDICES_CLIENT.close(index=LICENCES_INDEX) ES_INDICES_CLIENT.put_settings(body=ANALYSIS_SETTINGS, index=LICENCES_INDEX) # Use the default licences mapping from the Indexer ES_INDICES_CLIENT.put_mapping( body=LicencesIndexer.mapping, index=LICENCES_INDEX ) # Actually insert our licences in the index actions = [ { "_id": licence["id"], "_index": LICENCES_INDEX, "_op_type": "create", "complete": {"en": slice_string_for_completion(licence["title"]["en"])}, **licence, } for licence in licences ] bulk_compat(actions=actions, chunk_size=500, client=ES_CLIENT) ES_INDICES_CLIENT.refresh() response = self.client.get( f"/api/v1.0/licences/autocomplete/?{querystring:s}", **extra ) self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200) return licences, json.loads(response.content)
def execute_query(self, persons=None, querystring=""): """ Not a test. This method is doing the heavy lifting for the tests in this class: create and fill the index with our persons so we can run our queries and check the results. It also executes the query and returns the result from the API. """ # Delete any existing indices so we get a clean slate ES_INDICES_CLIENT.delete(index="_all") # Create an index we'll use to test the ES features ES_INDICES_CLIENT.create(index="test_persons") ES_INDICES_CLIENT.close(index="test_persons") ES_INDICES_CLIENT.put_settings(body=ANALYSIS_SETTINGS, index="test_persons")"test_persons") # Use the default persons mapping from the Indexer ES_INDICES_CLIENT.put_mapping(body=PersonsIndexer.mapping, index="test_persons") # Actually insert our persons in the index actions = [{ "_id": person["id"], "_index": "test_persons", "_op_type": "create", "absolute_url": { "en": "en/url" }, "bio": { "en": "en/bio" }, "portrait": { "en": "en/image" }, "title_raw": person["title"], **person, } for person in persons or PERSONS] bulk_compat(actions=actions, chunk_size=500, client=ES_CLIENT) ES_INDICES_CLIENT.refresh() response = self.client.get(f"/api/v1.0/persons/?{querystring:s}") self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200) return json.loads(response.content)
def execute_query(self, querystring="", **extra): """ Not a test. Prepare the ElasticSearch index and execute the query in it. """ persons = [ { "complete": { "en": slice_string_for_completion("Éponine Thénardier") }, "id": "25", "title": { "en": "Éponine Thénardier" }, }, { "complete": { "en": slice_string_for_completion("Monseigneur Bienvenu Myriel") }, "id": "34", "title": { "en": "Monseigneur Bienvenu Myriel" }, }, { "complete": { "en": slice_string_for_completion("Fantine") }, "id": "52", "title": { "en": "Fantine" }, }, ] # Delete any existing indices so we get a clean slate ES_INDICES_CLIENT.delete(index="_all") # Create an index we'll use to test the ES features ES_INDICES_CLIENT.create(index=PERSONS_INDEX) # The index needs to be closed before we set an analyzer ES_INDICES_CLIENT.close(index=PERSONS_INDEX) ES_INDICES_CLIENT.put_settings(body=ANALYSIS_SETTINGS, index=PERSONS_INDEX) # Use the default persons mapping from the Indexer ES_INDICES_CLIENT.put_mapping(body=PersonsIndexer.mapping, index=PERSONS_INDEX) # Actually insert our persons in the index actions = [{ "_id": person["id"], "_index": PERSONS_INDEX, "_op_type": "create", "absolute_url": { "en": "url" }, "logo": { "en": "/some/img.png" }, **person, } for person in persons] bulk_compat(actions=actions, chunk_size=500, client=ES_CLIENT) ES_INDICES_CLIENT.refresh() response = self.client.get( f"/api/v1.0/persons/autocomplete/?{querystring:s}", **extra) self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200) return persons, json.loads(response.content)
def test_cache_version_information(self, *_): """ Make sure we only ever make the info() call once by instance even if we use more than one ElasticSearch API endpoint. """ # - Use a fresh ES client instance to be sure that __es_version__ has # not been called yet es_client = ElasticsearchClientCompat7to6( getattr(settings, "RICHIE_ES_HOST", ["elasticsearch"])) es_indices_client = ElasticsearchIndicesClientCompat7to6(es_client) with mock.patch("", as mock_es_info: with mock.patch("", es_client): with mock.patch("", es_indices_client): # Perform a bunch of ES actions, from index management all the way to searches es_indices_client.delete(index="_all") es_indices_client.create(index="test_categories") es_indices_client.close(index="test_categories") es_indices_client.put_settings(body=ANALYSIS_SETTINGS, index="test_categories")"test_categories") es_indices_client.put_mapping( body=CategoriesIndexer.mapping, index="test_categories") actions = [{ "_id": category["id"], "_index": "test_categories", "_op_type": "create", "absolute_url": { "en": "en/url" }, "description": { "en": "en/description" }, "icon": { "en": "en/icon" }, "is_meta": False, "logo": { "en": "en/logo" }, "nb_children": 0, "path": category["id"], "title_raw": category["title"], **category, } for category in CATEGORIES] bulk_compat(actions=actions, chunk_size=500, client=es_client) es_indices_client.refresh() self.client.get("/api/v1.0/subjets/") self.client.get("/api/v1.0/levels/") self.client.get("/api/v1.0/subjets/8312") mock_es_info.assert_called_once() mock_es_info.reset_mock() # - Autocomplete checks the es_version, # info() should not be triggered again self.client.get( "/api/v1.0/subjects/autocomplete/?query=Lit") self.client.get( "/api/v1.0/levels/autocomplete/?query=Expert") self.client.get( "/api/v1.0/subjects/autocomplete/?query=Sci") self.client.get("/api/v1.0/levels/autocomplete/?query=Bég") mock_es_info.assert_not_called()
def test_indexable_filters_internationalization(self): """ Indexable filters (such as categories and organizations by default) should have their names localized in the filter definitions in course search responses. """ # Create the meta categories, each with a child category that should appear in facets subjects_meta = CategoryFactory(page_reverse_id="subjects", should_publish=True) subject = CategoryFactory(page_parent=subjects_meta.extended_object, should_publish=True) levels_meta = CategoryFactory(page_reverse_id="levels", should_publish=True) level = CategoryFactory(page_parent=levels_meta.extended_object, should_publish=True) # Create 2 organizations that should appear in facets org_meta = OrganizationFactory(page_reverse_id="organizations", should_publish=True) org_1 = OrganizationFactory( page_parent=org_meta.extended_object, page_title="First organization", should_publish=True, ) org_2 = OrganizationFactory( page_parent=org_meta.extended_object, page_title="Second organization", should_publish=True, ) # Create a course linked to our categories and organizations CourseFactory( fill_categories=[subject, level], fill_organizations=[org_1, org_2], should_publish=True, ) # Index our objects into ES bulk_compat( actions=[ *ES_INDICES.categories.get_es_documents(), *ES_INDICES.organizations.get_es_documents(), *, ], chunk_size=500, client=ES_CLIENT, ) ES_INDICES_CLIENT.refresh() response = self.client.get("/api/v1.0/courses/?scope=filters") self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200) self.assertEqual( response.json()["filters"]["subjects"], { "base_path": "0001", "human_name": "Subjects", "is_autocompletable": True, "is_drilldown": False, "is_searchable": True, "name": "subjects", "position": 2, "has_more_values": False, "values": [{ "count": 1, "human_name": subject.extended_object.get_title(), "key": subject.get_es_id(), }], }, ) self.assertEqual( response.json()["filters"]["levels"], { "base_path": "0002", "human_name": "Levels", "is_autocompletable": True, "is_drilldown": False, "is_searchable": True, "name": "levels", "position": 3, "has_more_values": False, "values": [{ "count": 1, "human_name": level.extended_object.get_title(), "key": level.get_es_id(), }], }, ) self.assertEqual( response.json()["filters"]["organizations"], { "base_path": "0003", "human_name": "Organizations", "is_autocompletable": True, "is_drilldown": False, "is_searchable": True, "name": "organizations", "position": 4, "has_more_values": False, "values": [ { "count": 1, "human_name": org_1.extended_object.get_title(), "key": org_1.get_es_id(), }, { "count": 1, "human_name": org_2.extended_object.get_title(), "key": org_2.get_es_id(), }, ], }, )
def execute_query(self, querystring="", **extra): """ Not a test. Prepare the ElasticSearch index and execute the query in it. """ categories = [ { "complete": { "en": slice_string_for_completion("Electric Birdwatching"), "fr": slice_string_for_completion( "Observation des oiseaux électriques" ), }, "id": "24", "kind": "subjects", "path": "001000", "title": { "en": "Electric Birdwatching", "fr": "Observation des oiseaux électriques", }, }, { "complete": { "en": slice_string_for_completion("Ocean biking"), "fr": slice_string_for_completion("Cyclisme océanique"), }, "id": "33", "kind": "subjects", "path": "001001", "title": {"en": "Ocean biking", "fr": "Cyclisme océanique"}, }, { "complete": { "en": slice_string_for_completion("Elegiac bikeshedding"), "fr": slice_string_for_completion("Élégie de l'abri à vélos"), }, "id": "51", "kind": "subjects", "path": "001002", "title": { "en": "Elegiac bikeshedding", "fr": "Élégie de l'abri à vélos", }, }, { "complete": { "en": slice_string_for_completion("Electric Decoys"), "fr": slice_string_for_completion("Leurres électriques"), }, "id": "44", "kind": "not_subjects", "path": "001003", "title": {"en": "Electric Decoys", "fr": "Leurres électriques"}, }, ] # Delete any existing indices so we get a clean slate ES_INDICES_CLIENT.delete(index="_all") # Create an index we'll use to test the ES features ES_INDICES_CLIENT.create(index=CATEGORIES_INDEX) # The index needs to be closed before we set an analyzer ES_INDICES_CLIENT.close(index=CATEGORIES_INDEX) ES_INDICES_CLIENT.put_settings(body=ANALYSIS_SETTINGS, index=CATEGORIES_INDEX) # Use the default categories mapping from the Indexer ES_INDICES_CLIENT.put_mapping( body=CategoriesIndexer.mapping, index=CATEGORIES_INDEX ) # Actually insert our categories in the index actions = [ { "_id": category["id"], "_index": CATEGORIES_INDEX, "_op_type": "create", "absolute_url": {"en": "en/url", "fr": "fr/url"}, "cover_image": {"en": "en/image", "fr": "fr/image"}, "is_meta": False, "logo": {"en": "en/some/img.png", "fr": "fr/some/img.png"}, "nb_children": 0, **category, } for category in categories ] bulk_compat(actions=actions, chunk_size=500, client=ES_CLIENT) ES_INDICES_CLIENT.refresh() response = self.client.get( f"/api/v1.0/subjects/autocomplete/?{querystring:s}", **extra ) self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200) return categories, json.loads(response.content)