def __init__(self, hdf, decoder, task='point_mass', drives_neurons = 0): try: self.cursor_pos = hdf.root.task[:]['cursor_pos'] except: self.cursor_pos = hdf.root.task[:]['cursor'] try: self.cursor_vel = hdf.root.task[:]['cursor_vel'] except: self.cursor_vel = hdf.root.task[:]['internal_decoder_state'][:,[3,4,5]] = hdf.root.task[:]['target'] self.target_rad = hdf.root.task.attrs.target_radius self.cursor_rad = hdf.root.task.attrs.cursor_radius try: spike_counts = hdf.root.task[:]['spike_counts'] except: spike_counts = hdf.root.task[:]['all'] self.spike_counts = np.array(spike_counts, dtype=np.float64) self.internal_state = hdf.root.task[:]['internal_decoder_state'] self.dec = decoder self.drives_neurons = self.dec.drives_neurons; self.drives_neurons_ix0 = np.nonzero(self.drives_neurons)[0][0] self.update_bmi_ix = np.nonzero(np.diff(np.squeeze(self.internal_state[:, self.drives_neurons_ix0, 0])))[0]+1 if task=='point_mass': self.plant = CursorPlantWithMass(endpt_bounds=(-14, 14, 0., 0., -14, 14)) self.move_plant = self.move_mass_plant elif task == 'bmi_multi': self.plant = CursorPlant(endpt_bounds=(-25, 25, 0., 0., -14, 14)) self.move_plant = self.move_vel_plant self.task_msgs = hdf.root.task_msgs elif task == 'bmi_resetting': self.plant = CursorPlant(endpt_bounds=(-25, 25, 0., 0., -14, 14)) self.move_plant = self.move_vel_plant self.task_msgs = hdf.root.task_msgs self.task = task self.assist = hdf.root.task[:]['assist_level'] self.hdf = hdf
import unittest import numpy as np import plantlist from tasks import bmi_recon_tasks import dbfunctions as dbfn idx = 849 te = dbfn.TaskEntry(idx, dbname='testing') n_iter = len(te.hdf.root.task) cls = bmi_recon_tasks.LFPBMIReconstruction gen = [] task = cls(te, n_iter) from riglib.plants import CursorPlant task.plant = CursorPlant(endpt_bounds=[-10, 10, -10, 10, -10, 10], vel_wall=False) task.init() error = task.calc_recon_error(verbose=False, n_iter_betw_fb=1000) abs_max_error = np.max(np.abs(error)) print abs_max_error
class RerunDecoding(object): def __init__(self, hdf, decoder, task='point_mass', drives_neurons = 0): try: self.cursor_pos = hdf.root.task[:]['cursor_pos'] except: self.cursor_pos = hdf.root.task[:]['cursor'] try: self.cursor_vel = hdf.root.task[:]['cursor_vel'] except: self.cursor_vel = hdf.root.task[:]['internal_decoder_state'][:,[3,4,5]] = hdf.root.task[:]['target'] self.target_rad = hdf.root.task.attrs.target_radius self.cursor_rad = hdf.root.task.attrs.cursor_radius try: spike_counts = hdf.root.task[:]['spike_counts'] except: spike_counts = hdf.root.task[:]['all'] self.spike_counts = np.array(spike_counts, dtype=np.float64) self.internal_state = hdf.root.task[:]['internal_decoder_state'] self.dec = decoder self.drives_neurons = self.dec.drives_neurons; self.drives_neurons_ix0 = np.nonzero(self.drives_neurons)[0][0] self.update_bmi_ix = np.nonzero(np.diff(np.squeeze(self.internal_state[:, self.drives_neurons_ix0, 0])))[0]+1 if task=='point_mass': self.plant = CursorPlantWithMass(endpt_bounds=(-14, 14, 0., 0., -14, 14)) self.move_plant = self.move_mass_plant elif task == 'bmi_multi': self.plant = CursorPlant(endpt_bounds=(-25, 25, 0., 0., -14, 14)) self.move_plant = self.move_vel_plant self.task_msgs = hdf.root.task_msgs elif task == 'bmi_resetting': self.plant = CursorPlant(endpt_bounds=(-25, 25, 0., 0., -14, 14)) self.move_plant = self.move_vel_plant self.task_msgs = hdf.root.task_msgs self.task = task self.assist = hdf.root.task[:]['assist_level'] self.hdf = hdf def run_decoder(self, spike_counts, input_type = 'all', cutoff=None): ''' Summary: method to use the 'predict' function in the decoder object Input param: spike_counts: unbinned spike counts in iter x units x 1 Input param: cutoff: cutoff in iterations ''' T = spike_counts.shape[0] if not (cutoff is None): T = np.min([T, cutoff]) decoded_state = [] spike_accum = np.zeros_like(spike_counts[0,:]) dec_last = np.zeros_like(self.dec.predict(spike_counts[0,:])) tot_spike_accum = np.zeros_like(spike_counts[0,:])-1 if self.task == 'point_mass': self.dec.filt.state.mean = np.zeros_like(self.dec.filt.state.mean) elif (self.task == 'bmi_multi' or self.task == 'bmi_resetting'): self.dec.filt._init_state() self.state = self.task_msgs[0]['msg'] for t in range(T): spike_accum = spike_accum+spike_counts[t,:] if t in self.task_msgs[:]['time']: ix = np.nonzero(self.task_msgs[:]['time']==t)[0] self.state = self.task_msgs[ix[0]]['msg'] if t in self.update_bmi_ix: dec_new = self.dec.predict(spike_accum) if self.task == 'bmi_multi': pos = dec_new[[0,1,2]] vel = dec_new[[3,4,5]] pos1, vel1 = self.plant._bound(pos, vel) dec_new[[0,1,2]] = pos1 dec_new[[3,4,5]] = vel1 self.dec.filt.state.mean = np.array([np.hstack((pos1, vel1, np.array([1.])))]).T if self.task == 'bmi_resetting': if self.state == 'premove': self.plant.set_endpoint_pos(np.array([0., 0., 0.])) self.dec['q'] = self.plant.get_intrinsic_coordinates() pos1 = np.array([0., 0., 0.]) vel1 = dec_new[[3,4,5]] else: pos = dec_new[[0,1,2]] vel = dec_new[[3,4,5]] pos1, vel1 = self.plant._bound(pos, vel) dec_new[[0,1,2]] = pos1 dec_new[[3,4,5]] = vel1 self.dec.filt.state.mean = np.array([np.hstack((pos1, vel1, np.array([1.])))]).T tot_spike_accum = np.hstack((tot_spike_accum, spike_accum)) decoded_state.append(dec_new) dec_last = dec_new spike_accum = np.zeros_like(spike_counts[0,:]) else: decoded_state.append(dec_last) spk_cnt = np.array(tot_spike_accum) if not hasattr(self, 'dec_spk_cnt_bin'): self.dec_spk_cnt_bin = dict() self.dec_state_mn = dict() print 'input_type: ', input_type self.dec_spk_cnt_bin[input_type] = spk_cnt[:,1:] self.dec_state_mn[input_type] = np.vstack((decoded_state)) def move_vel_plant(self, reset_ix, dt=1/60.): pass def move_mass_plant(self, reset_ix = [], dt = 1/60., input_type='all'): go_res = 0 p0 = self.cursor_pos[0,:].copy() v0 = self.cursor_vel[0,:].copy() pos_arr = [] vel_arr = [] for i in range(1, self.dec_state_mn[input_type].shape[0]): force = self.dec_state_mn[input_type][i-1,[9, 10, 11]] vel = v0 + dt*force pos = p0 + dt*vel + 0.5*dt**2*force pos, vel = self.plant._bound(pos,vel) #Check if next index is the start of a trial if i+1 in reset_ix: p0 = self.cursor_pos[i,:] v0 = self.cursor_vel[i,:] go_res += 1 print go_res else: p0 = pos.copy() v0 = vel.copy() pos_arr.append(pos) vel_arr.append(vel) self.decoded_pos[input_type] = np.array(pos_arr) self.decoded_vel[input_type] = np.array(vel_arr) def add_input(self, spike_counts, input_type): self.run_decoder(spike_counts, input_type=input_type) self.main_move_plant(input_type=input_type) def main_move_plant(self, input_type): #For Vel BMI: if not hasattr(self, 'decoded_pos'): self.decoded_pos = dict() self.decoded_vel = dict() if self.task == 'bmi_multi': go_ix = np.array([self.hdf.root.task_msgs[it-3][1] for it, t in enumerate(self.hdf.root.task_msgs[:]) if t[0] == 'reward']) self.decoded_pos[input_type] = self.dec_state_mn[input_type][:,[0,1,2]] self.decoded_vel[input_type] = self.dec_state_mn[input_type][:,[3,4,5]] for g in go_ix: if g < self.decoded_pos[input_type].shape[0]: p0 = self.cursor_pos[g,:] dp = p0 - self.decoded_pos[input_type][g,:] self.decoded_pos[input_type][g:,:] = self.decoded_pos[input_type][g:,:] + np.tile(np.array([dp]), [ self.decoded_pos[input_type][g:,:].shape[0],1]) elif self.task == 'bmi_resetting': self.decoded_pos[input_type] = self.dec_state_mn[input_type][:,[0,1,2]] self.decoded_vel[input_type] = self.dec_state_mn[input_type][:, [3,4,5]] else: go_ix = np.array([self.hdf.root.task_msgs[it-3][1] for it, t in enumerate(self.hdf.root.task_msgs[:]) if t[0] == 'reward']) self.move_plant(reset_ix = list(go_ix)) #