Example #1
def do_magic(connect_db, date):
        So the only way to get this kind of data (unless you manually write it)
        is by using two unofficial official riot apis: Swagger API and ACS
        Swagger is super cool, and is the esports API. THis is how we find all the games
        ACS is basically teh equivalent of the official Riot API, but sadly has
        access to the pro game match histories that we normally can't see.
    esports_api = "http://na.lolesports.com/api/"
    with closing(connect_db) as db:
        # So what we do is grab a week from the Riot site.
        programming = get_acs_info(esports_api + "/programmingWeek/" + date + "/1.json")
        p_blocks = json.loads(programming.read())["programming_block"]
        for p in p_blocks:
            # For each series in that week, we basically grab that series' xml page and
            # Start getting the match data
            block = get_acs_info(esports_api + "programming/" + p + ".xml?expand_matches=1").read()
            block_tree = xml.etree.ElementTree.fromstring(block)
            print block
            league_id = block_tree.find('leagueId').text
            if league_id.isdigit() is False:
            l_id = int(league_id)
            # You have to do these checks because
            # Riot includes unrelated stuff like PTL
            if block_tree.find('matches') is not None:
                block_tree = block_tree.find('matches')
                if block_tree.find('item') is not None:
                    # At this point, we basically get the team names
                    # Because the Blue and Red Side are incorrect on
                    # The other pages, so what's the point of getting
                    # Repetitive info.
                    block_tree = block_tree.find('item')
                    teams = []
                    contestants = block_tree.find('contestants')
                    for contestant in contestants:
                    # Sometimes, this relevant data is still missing
                    # Skip ittttt if so.
                    if block_tree.find('gamesInfo') is not None:
                        games = block_tree.find('gamesInfo')
                        for game in games:
                            game_info = get_acs_info(esports_api + "/game/" + game.find('id').text + ".xml")
                            game_tree = xml.etree.ElementTree.fromstring(game_info.read())
                            acs_url = game_tree.find('legsUrl')
                            game_number = game_tree.find('gameNumber').text
                            # Cant do anything without this.
                            # Means we don't get LPL games. RIP
                            if acs_url.text is not None:
                                add_match(db, acs_url.text, teams, game_number, l_id)
Example #2
def add_match(db, url, teams, game_number, region):
    timeline_url = riot_api.get_timeline_url(url)
    md = json.loads(riot_api.get_acs_info(url).read())
    id = md['gameId']
    date = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(md['gameCreation'] / 1000)
    is_json = json.loads(riot_api.get_acs_info(timeline_url).read())['frames']
    item_sets = json.dumps(build_parser.get_build_steps(is_json))
    participants = md['participants']
    for player in participants:
        info = {}
        if 'masteries' in player:
            del player['masteries']
        if 'runes' in player:
            del player['runes']
        if 'timeline' in player:
            del player['timeline']
        if 'highestAchievedSeasonTier' in player:
            del player['highestAchievedSeasonTier']
        info['win'] = player['stats']['win']
        info['item0'] = player['stats']['item0']
        info['item1'] = player['stats']['item1']
        info['item2'] = player['stats']['item2']
        info['item3'] = player['stats']['item3']
        info['item4'] = player['stats']['item4']
        info['item5'] = player['stats']['item5']
        info['item6'] = player['stats']['item6']
        info['kills'] = player['stats']['kills']
        info['deaths'] = player['stats']['deaths']
        info['assists'] = player['stats']['assists']
        del player['stats']
        player['stats'] = info
    participantIds = json.dumps(md['participantIdentities'])
    participants = json.dumps(participants)
        'insert into matches (id, time_stamp, item_sets, participants, participantIds, game_number, teams, region_id) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?,?)',
            date.isoformat(), item_sets, participants, participantIds,
            json.dumps(teams), region
Example #3
def add_match(db, url, teams, game_number, winner_id, players, series_id):            
    timeline_url = riot_api.get_timeline_url(url)
    md = json.loads(riot_api.get_acs_info(url).read())
    id = md['gameId']
    date = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(md['gameCreation']/1000)
    is_json = json.loads(riot_api.get_acs_info(timeline_url).read())['frames']
    item_sets = build_parser.get_build_steps(is_json)
    participants = md['participants']
    p_ids = {str(p['stats']['goldEarned']) + " " + str(p['championId']):p['participantId'] for p in participants}
    for player in players:
        p = players[player]
        index = str(p['totalGold']) + " " + str(p['championId'])
        add_player_info(db, p['id'], p['name'], p['photoURL'])
        add_match_participant(db, int(id), p['id'], p_ids[index],
                                p['teamId'], p['kills'], p['deaths'], p['assists'],
                                p['championId'], p['spell0'], p['spell1'],
    participantIds = json.dumps(md['participantIdentities'])
    participants = json.dumps(participants)
    db.execute('insert into matches (match_id, time_stamp, game_number,'
               'series_id, winning_team_id) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)',
             [id, date.isoformat(), int(game_number), series_id, winner_id])
Example #4
def add_match(db, url, teams, game_number, region):            
    timeline_url = riot_api.get_timeline_url(url)
    md = json.loads(riot_api.get_acs_info(url).read())
    id = md['gameId']
    date = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(md['gameCreation']/1000)
    is_json = json.loads(riot_api.get_acs_info(timeline_url).read())['frames']
    item_sets = json.dumps(build_parser.get_build_steps(is_json))
    participants = md['participants']
    for player in participants:
        info = {}
        if 'masteries' in player:
            del player['masteries']
        if 'runes' in player:
            del player['runes']
        if 'timeline' in player:
            del player['timeline']
        if 'highestAchievedSeasonTier' in player:
            del player['highestAchievedSeasonTier']
        info['win'] = player['stats']['win']
        info['item0'] = player['stats']['item0']
        info['item1'] = player['stats']['item1']
        info['item2'] = player['stats']['item2']
        info['item3'] = player['stats']['item3']
        info['item4'] = player['stats']['item4']
        info['item5'] = player['stats']['item5']
        info['item6'] = player['stats']['item6']
        info['kills'] = player['stats']['kills']
        info['deaths'] = player['stats']['deaths']
        info['assists'] = player['stats']['assists']
        del player['stats']
        player['stats'] = info  
    participantIds = json.dumps(md['participantIdentities'])
    participants = json.dumps(participants)
    db.execute('insert into matches (id, time_stamp, item_sets, participants, participantIds, game_number, teams, region_id) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?,?)',
             [id, date.isoformat(), item_sets, participants, participantIds, int(game_number), json.dumps(teams), region])
Example #5
def do_magic(connect_db, date):
        So the only way to get this kind of data (unless you manually write it)
        is by using two unofficial official riot apis: Swagger API and ACS
        Swagger is super cool, and is the esports API. THis is how we find all the games
        ACS is basically teh equivalent of the official Riot API, but sadly has
        access to the pro game match histories that we normally can't see.
    esports_api = "http://na.lolesports.com/api/"
    with closing(connect_db) as db:
        # So what we do is grab a week from the Riot site.
        programming = get_acs_info(esports_api + "/programmingWeek/" + date +
        p_blocks = json.loads(programming.read())["programming_block"]
        for p in p_blocks:
            # For each series in that week, we basically grab that series' xml page and
            # Start getting the match data
            block = get_acs_info(esports_api + "programming/" + p +
            block_tree = xml.etree.ElementTree.fromstring(block)
            print block
            league_id = block_tree.find('leagueId').text
            if league_id.isdigit() is False:
            l_id = int(league_id)

            # You have to do these checks because
            # Riot includes unrelated stuff like PTL
            if block_tree.find('matches') is not None:
                block_tree = block_tree.find('matches')
                if block_tree.find('item') is not None:
                    # At this point, we basically get the team names
                    # Because the Blue and Red Side are incorrect on
                    # The other pages, so what's the point of getting
                    # Repetitive info.
                    block_tree = block_tree.find('item')
                    teams = []
                    contestants = block_tree.find('contestants')
                    for contestant in contestants:
                    # Sometimes, this relevant data is still missing
                    # Skip ittttt if so.
                    if block_tree.find('gamesInfo') is not None:
                        games = block_tree.find('gamesInfo')
                        for game in games:
                            game_info = get_acs_info(esports_api + "/game/" +
                                                     game.find('id').text +
                            game_tree = xml.etree.ElementTree.fromstring(
                            acs_url = game_tree.find('legsUrl')
                            game_number = game_tree.find('gameNumber').text
                            # Cant do anything without this.
                            # Means we don't get LPL games. RIP
                            if acs_url.text is not None:
                                add_match(db, acs_url.text, teams, game_number,
Example #6
def do_magic(connect_db, date):
        So the only way to get this kind of data (unless you manually write it)
        is by using two unofficial official riot apis: Swagger API and ACS
        Swagger is super cool, and is the esports API. THis is how we find all the games
        ACS is basically teh equivalent of the official Riot API, but sadly has
        access to the pro game match histories that we normally can't see.
    esports_api = "http://na.lolesports.com/api/"
    with closing(connect_db) as db:
        # So what we do is grab a week from the Riot site.
        programming = get_acs_info(esports_api + "/programmingWeek/" + date + "/1.json")
        programming_json = json.loads(programming.read())
        if "programming_block" not in programming_json:
        p_blocks = programming_json["programming_block"]
        for p in p_blocks:
            print "Trying out " + str(p)
            # For each series in that week, we basically grab that series' xml page and
            # Start getting the match data
            block = get_acs_info(esports_api + "programming/" + p + ".json?expand_matches=1")
            block_tree = json.loads(block.read())
            if "leagueId" in block_tree:
                league_id =  block_tree["leagueId"]
                if league_id.isdigit is False or len(league_id) == 0:
                    print 'League ID isn\'t a digit'
            region_id = 0
                region_id = int(block_tree["leagueId"])
            print 'Got a real id! Region id is ' + str(region_id)

            if 'week' not in block_tree:
            league_week = block_tree['week']
            # You have to do these checks because
            # Riot includes unrelated stuff like PTL
            if 'matches' in block_tree:
                block_tree = block_tree['matches'][0]
                # At this point, we basically get the team names
                # Because the Blue and Red Side are incorrect on
                # The other pages, so what's the point of getting
                # Repetitive info.
                teams = []
                if 'contestants' not in block_tree:
                contestants = block_tree['contestants']
                for contestant in contestants:
                # Sometimes, this relevant data is still missing
                # Skip ittttt if so.
                added_match = False
                if 'gamesInfo' in block_tree:
                    games = block_tree['gamesInfo']
                    print 'We are working on some games!'
                    for game in games:
                        print game
                        game_info = get_acs_info(esports_api + "/game/" + games[game]['id'] + ".json")
                        game_tree = json.loads(game_info.read())
                        acs_url = game_tree['legsUrl']
                        game_number = game_tree['gameNumber']
                        winner_id = int(game_tree['winnerId'])
                        players = game_tree['players']
                        # Cant do anything without this.
                        # Means we don't get LPL games. RIP
                        if acs_url is not None and type(acs_url) is not bool:
                            added_match = True
                            add_match(db, acs_url, teams, game_number, winner_id, players, p)
                            print "No ACS URL"
                    if added_match is True:
                        add_match_details(db, int(p), teams[0], teams[1], league_week, region_id)
                        for i in range(0, 2):
                            add_team(db, teams[i]['id'], teams[i]['name'],  teams[i]['logoURL'])
                    print 'gamesInfo not in block_tree'
                print 'matches not in block_tree'