Example #1
def NAMES(*args, config, op=None):
    if type(args[0]) == list:
        initial_list = [resolve_value(arg, config=config)
                        for arg in flatten(args)]
        initial_list = [args[0]]

    names = list([" ".join(filter(remove_empty, names))
                  for names in generate_names(initial_list)])
    logger.debug("Generated list of names: {}".format(names))
    new_op = ExtendedOp(op)
    new_op.case_sensitive_override = True
    return "any_of", names, new_op
Example #2
def PLURALIZE(*args, config, op=None):
    For a noun or a list of nouns, it will match any singular or plural word
    Usage for a single word, e.g.:
    Usage for lists, e.g.:
    vehicles = {"car", "bicycle", "ship"}
    Will work even for regex or if the lemmatizer of spaCy is making an error
    Has dependency to the Python inflect package https://pypi.org/project/inflect/
    if type(args[0]) == list:
        initial_list = [
            resolve_value(arg, config=config) for arg in flatten(args)
        initial_list = [args[0]]
    return "any_of", pluralizing(initial_list), op
Example #3
def nested_parse(values, config: "SessionConfig",
                 op: ExtendedOp) -> SpacyPattern:
    from rita.macros import resolve_value
    results = rules_to_patterns(
        "", [resolve_value(v, config=config) for v in values], config=config)
    return results["pattern"]
Example #4
def nested_parse(values, config, op=None):
    from rita.macros import resolve_value
    results = rules_to_patterns(
        "", [resolve_value(v, config=config) for v in values], config=config)
    return results["pattern"]
Example #5
def TAG(name, config, op=None):
    For generating POS/TAG patterns based on a Regex
    e.g. TAG("^NN|^JJ") for nouns or adjectives
    return "tag", resolve_value(name, config=config), op
def nested_parse(values, config, op=None):
    from rita.macros import resolve_value
    (_, patterns) = rules_to_patterns(
        "", [resolve_value(v, config=config) for v in values], config=config)
    return r"(?P<g{}>{})".format(config.new_nested_group_id(),
Example #7
def nested_parse(values, config: "SessionConfig", op: ExtendedOp) -> str:
    from rita.macros import resolve_value
    (_, patterns) = rules_to_patterns("", [resolve_value(v, config=config)
                                           for v in values], config=config)
    return r"(?P<g{}>{})".format(config.new_nested_group_id(), "".join(patterns))
Example #8
def FUZZY(name, config, op=None):
    initial = resolve_value(name, config=config)
    return ("fuzzy", list(premutations(initial.lower())), op)