Example #1
 def test_add_basic(self):
     """Simple tests for reactions."""
     api.add_reaction(self.neti, 'AB', [0], [1])
     reactions = api.get_reactions(self.neti)
     self.assertEqual(1, len(reactions))
     self.assertEqual(1, len(reactions[0].sources))
     self.assertEqual(1, len(reactions[0].targets))
     self.assertEqual(0, reactions[0].sources[0])
     self.assertEqual(1, reactions[0].targets[0])
Example #2
    def test_reverse(self):
        api.add_reaction(self.neti, 'AB', [0], [1])
        self.assertTrue(api.is_reactant(self.neti, 0, 0))
        self.assertFalse(api.is_reactant(self.neti, 1, 0))
        self.assertFalse(api.is_product(self.neti, 0, 0))
        self.assertTrue(api.is_product(self.neti, 1, 0))
        self.assertFalse(api.is_reactant(self.neti, 2, 0))
        self.assertFalse(api.is_product(self.neti, 2, 0))

        api.add_reaction(self.neti, 'AC', [0], [2])
        self.assertEqual(api.get_reactions_as_reactant(self.neti, 0), {0, 1})
        self.assertEqual(api.get_reactions_as_product(self.neti, 0), set())
        self.assertEqual(api.get_reactions_as_product(self.neti, 2), {1})
Example #3
    def test_delete_items(self):
        api.add_reaction(self.neti, 'AB', [0], [1])

        with self.assertRaises(NodeNotFreeError):
            api.delete_node(self.neti, 0)
        with self.assertRaises(NodeNotFreeError):
            api.delete_node(self.neti, 1)

        api.delete_reaction(self.neti, 0)
        api.delete_node(self.neti, 0)
        api.delete_node(self.neti, 1)
        api.delete_node(self.neti, 2)

        self.assertEqual(list(), api.get_reactions(self.neti))
        self.assertEqual(list(), api.get_nodes(self.neti))
Example #4
 def addReaction (self, src, dest):
    # THis method is callde for all reactions
    names = []
    # Get a unique reaction name
    for r in api.get_reactions (0):
       names.append (r.id)          
    reactionId = self.getUniqueName('reaction', names)
    r_idx = api.add_reaction(0, reactionId, src, dest, fill_color=api.Color(129, 123, 255))
Example #5
    def test_simple_handles(self):
        """Simple tests for Bezier handles."""
        api.add_reaction(self.neti, 'AB', [0], [1])
        api.set_reaction_center_handle(0, 0, Vec2(-10, 30))
        self.assertEqual(api.get_reaction_center_handle(0, 0), Vec2(-10, 30))

        api.set_reaction_node_handle(0, 0, 0, True, Vec2(40, 50))
        self.assertEqual(api.get_reaction_node_handle(0, 0, 0, True),
                         Vec2(40, 50))

        with self.assertRaises(NodeIndexError):
            api.get_reaction_node_handle(0, 0, 12, True)

        # test for the case where node exists but not reactant/product
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
            api.get_reaction_node_handle(0, 0, 1, True)

        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
            api.get_reaction_node_handle(0, 0, 0, False)

        with self.assertRaises(ReactionIndexError):
            api.get_reaction_node_handle(0, 2, 0, True)
Example #6
    def test_exceptional_reactions(self):
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
            api.add_reaction(self.neti, 'circular', [2], [2])

        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
            api.add_reaction(self.neti, 'empty_reactants', [], [2])

        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
            api.add_reaction(self.neti, 'empty_products', [2], [])
Example #7
    def Visualize(self, evt):
        Handler for the "Visualize" button.
        Visualize the SBML string to a network shown on the canvas.

        def hex_to_rgb(value):
            value = value.lstrip('#')
            return tuple(int(value[i:i+2], 16) for i in (0, 2, 4))      

        if len(self.sbmlStr) == 0:
            wx.MessageBox("Please import an SBML file.", "Message", wx.OK | wx.ICON_INFORMATION)

            net_index = 0
            comp_id_list = []
            comp_dimension_list = []
            comp_position_list = []
            spec_id_list =[]
            spec_dimension_list =[]
            spec_position_list = []

            #set the default values without render info:
            comp_fill_color = (158, 169, 255)
            comp_border_color = (0, 29, 255)
            comp_border_width = 2.0
            spec_fill_color = (255, 204, 153)
            spec_border_color = (255, 108, 9)
            spec_border_width = 2.0
            reaction_line_color = (129, 123, 255)
            reaction_line_width = 3.0

            ### from here for layout ###
            document = readSBMLFromString(self.sbmlStr)
            model_layout = document.getModel()
            mplugin = (model_layout.getPlugin("layout"))

            if mplugin is None:
                wx.MessageBox("There is no layout information, so positions are randomly assigned.", "Message", wx.OK | wx.ICON_INFORMATION)

            # Get the first Layout object via LayoutModelPlugin object.
                layout = mplugin.getLayout(0)
                if layout is None:
                    wx.MessageBox("There is no layout information, so positions are randomly assigned.", "Message", wx.OK | wx.ICON_INFORMATION)
                    numCompGlyphs = layout.getNumCompartmentGlyphs()
                    numSpecGlyphs = layout.getNumSpeciesGlyphs()

                    for i in range(numCompGlyphs):
                        compGlyph = layout.getCompartmentGlyph(i)
                        temp_id = compGlyph.getCompartmentId()
                        boundingbox = compGlyph.getBoundingBox()
                        height = boundingbox.getHeight()
                        width = boundingbox.getWidth()
                        pos_x = boundingbox.getX()
                        pos_y = boundingbox.getY()

                    for i in range(numSpecGlyphs):
                        specGlyph = layout.getSpeciesGlyph(i)
                        spec_id = specGlyph.getSpeciesId()
                        boundingbox = specGlyph.getBoundingBox()
                        height = boundingbox.getHeight()
                        width = boundingbox.getWidth()
                        pos_x = boundingbox.getX()
                        pos_y = boundingbox.getY()

                    rPlugin = layout.getPlugin("render")
                    if (rPlugin != None and rPlugin.getNumLocalRenderInformationObjects() > 0):
                        info = rPlugin.getRenderInformation(0)
                        color_list = []
                        for  j in range ( 0, info.getNumColorDefinitions()):
                            color = info.getColorDefinition(j)			  
                        for j in range (0, info.getNumStyles()):
                            style = info.getStyle(j)
                            group = style.getGroup()
                            typeList = style.createTypeString()
                            if 'COMPARTMENTGLYPH' in typeList:
                                for k in range(len(color_list)):
                                    if color_list[k][0] == group.getFill():
                                        comp_fill_color = hex_to_rgb(color_list[k][1])
                                    if color_list[k][0] == group.getStroke():
                                        comp_border_color = hex_to_rgb(color_list[k][1])
                                comp_border_width = group.getStrokeWidth()
                            elif 'SPECIESGLYPH' in typeList:
                                for k in range(len(color_list)):
                                    if color_list[k][0] == group.getFill():
                                        spec_fill_color = hex_to_rgb(color_list[k][1])
                                    if color_list[k][0] == group.getStroke():
                                        spec_border_color = hex_to_rgb(color_list[k][1])
                                spec_border_width = group.getStrokeWidth()
                            elif 'REACTIONGLYPH' in typeList:
                                for k in range(len(color_list)):
                                    if color_list[k][0] == group.getStroke():
                                        reaction_line_color = hex_to_rgb(color_list[k][1])
                                reaction_line_width = group.getStrokeWidth()

            model = simplesbml.loadSBMLStr(self.sbmlStr)
            numFloatingNodes  = model.getNumFloatingSpecies()
            FloatingNodes_ids = model.getListOfFloatingSpecies()
            numBoundaryNodes  = model.getNumBoundarySpecies()
            BoundaryNodes_ids = model.getListOfBoundarySpecies() 
            numRxns   = model.getNumReactions()
            Rxns_ids  = model.getListOfReactionIds()
            numComps  = model.getNumCompartments()
            Comps_ids = model.getListOfCompartmentIds()
            numNodes = numFloatingNodes + numBoundaryNodes

            for i in range(numComps):
                temp_id = Comps_ids[i]
                vol= model.getCompartmentVolume(i)
                if len(comp_id_list) != 0:
                #if mplugin is not None:
                    for j in range(numComps):
                        if comp_id_list[j] == temp_id:
                            dimension = comp_dimension_list[j]
                            position = comp_position_list[j]
                else:# no layout info about compartment,
                     # then the whole size of the canvas is the compartment size
                    dimension = [4000,2500]
                    position = [0,0] 

                api.add_compartment(net_index, id=temp_id, volume = vol,
                fill_color = api.Color(comp_fill_color[0],comp_fill_color[1],comp_fill_color[2]),
                border_color = api.Color(comp_border_color[0],comp_border_color[1],comp_border_color[2]),
                border_width = comp_border_width)

            comp_node_list = [0]*numComps

            for i in range(numComps):
                comp_node_list[i] = []

            if len(comp_id_list) != 0:
            #if mplugin is not None:
                for i in range (numFloatingNodes):
                    temp_id = FloatingNodes_ids[i]
                    comp_id = model.getCompartmentIdSpeciesIsIn(temp_id)
                    for j in range(numNodes):
                        if temp_id == spec_id_list[j]:
                            dimension = spec_dimension_list[j]
                            position = spec_position_list[j] 
                    nodeIdx_temp = api.add_node(net_index, id=temp_id, floatingNode = True, 
                    size=Vec2(dimension[0],dimension[1]), position=Vec2(position[0],position[1]), 
                    for j in range(numComps):
                        if comp_id == comp_id_list[j]:

                for i in range (numBoundaryNodes):
                    temp_id = BoundaryNodes_ids[i]
                    comp_id = model.getCompartmentIdSpeciesIsIn(temp_id)
                    for j in range(numNodes):
                        if temp_id == spec_id_list[j]:
                            dimension = spec_dimension_list[j]
                            position = spec_position_list[j] 
                    nodeIdx_temp = api.add_node(net_index, id=temp_id, floatingNode = False, 
                    size=Vec2(dimension[0],dimension[1]), position=Vec2(position[0],position[1]), 
                    for j in range(numComps):
                        if comp_id == comp_id_list[j]:

            else: # there is no layout information, assign position randomly and size as default
                comp_id_list = Comps_ids

                for i in range (numFloatingNodes):
                    temp_id = FloatingNodes_ids[i]
                    comp_id = model.getCompartmentIdSpeciesIsIn(temp_id)
                    nodeIdx_temp = api.add_node(net_index, id=temp_id, size=Vec2(60,40), floatingNode = True, 
                    position=Vec2(40 + math.trunc (_random.random()*800), 40 + math.trunc (_random.random()*800)),
                    for j in range(numComps):
                        if comp_id == comp_id_list[j]:

                for i in range (numBoundaryNodes):
                    temp_id = BoundaryNodes_ids[i]
                    comp_id = model.getCompartmentIdSpeciesIsIn(temp_id)
                    nodeIdx_temp = api.add_node(net_index, id=temp_id, size=Vec2(60,40), floatingNode = False, 
                    position=Vec2(40 + math.trunc (_random.random()*800), 40 + math.trunc (_random.random()*800)),
                    for j in range(numComps):
                        if comp_id == comp_id_list[j]:

            for i in range(numComps):
                temp_id = Comps_ids[i]
                for j in range(numComps):
                    if comp_id_list[j] == temp_id:
                        node_list_temp = comp_node_list[j]
                for j in range(len(node_list_temp)):
                    api.set_compartment_of_node(net_index=net_index, node_index=node_list_temp[j], comp_index=i)

            #handle_positions, center_pos was set as the default

            numNodes = api.node_count(net_index)
            allNodes = api.get_nodes(net_index)

            for i in range (numRxns):
                src = []
                dst = []
                temp_id = Rxns_ids[i]
                kinetics = model.getRateLaw(i)
                rct_num = model.getNumReactants(i)
                prd_num = model.getNumProducts(i)

                for j in range(rct_num):
                    rct_id = model.getReactant(temp_id,j)
                    for k in range(numNodes):
                        if allNodes[k].id == rct_id:

                for j in range(prd_num):
                    prd_id = model.getProduct(temp_id,j)
                    for k in range(numNodes):
                        if allNodes[k].id == prd_id:

                api.add_reaction(net_index, id=temp_id, reactants=src, products=dst, rate_law = kinetics,

Example #8
    def Apply(self, evt):
        Handler for the "apply" button. apply the random network.
        if self.randomSeedValue != 0:

        class _TReactionType:
            UNIUNI = 0
            BIUNI = 1
            UNIBI = 2
            BIBI = 3

        def _pickReactionType():

            rt = _random.random()
            if rt < self.probUniUniValue:
                return _TReactionType.UNIUNI
            elif rt < self.probUniUniValue + self.probBiUniValue:
                return _TReactionType.BIUNI
            elif rt < self.probUniUniValue + self.probBiUniValue + self.probUniBiValue:
                return _TReactionType.UNIBI
                return _TReactionType.BIBI

        # Generates a reaction network in the form of a reaction list
        # reactionList = [nSpecies, reaction, reaction, ....]
        # reaction = [reactionType, [list of reactants], [list of products], rateConsta>
        # Disallowed reactions:
        # S1 -> S1
        # S1 + S2 -> S2  # Can't have the same reactant and product
        # S1 + S1 -> S1
        def _generateReactionList (nSpecies, nReactions):

            reactionList = []
            for r in range(nReactions):
                rateConstant = _random.random()
                rt = _pickReactionType()
                if rt ==  _TReactionType.UNIUNI:
                    # UniUni
                    reactant = _random.randint (0, nSpecies-1)
                    product = _random.randint (0, nSpecies-1)
                    # Disallow S1 -> S1 type of reaction
                    while product == reactant:
                        product = _random.randint (0, nSpecies-1)
                    reactionList.append ([rt, [reactant], [product], rateConstant])
                if rt ==  _TReactionType.BIUNI:
                    # BiUni
                    # Pick two reactants
                    reactant1 = _random.randint (0, nSpecies-1)
                    reactant2 = _random.randint (0, nSpecies-1)
                    # pick a product but only products that don't include the reactants
                    species = range (nSpecies)
                    # Remove reactant1 and 2 from the species list
                    species = _np.delete (species, [reactant1, reactant2], axis=0)
                    # Then pick a product from the reactants that are left
                    product = species[_random.randint (0, len (species)-1)]
                    reactionList.append ([rt, [reactant1, reactant2], [product], rateConstant])

                if rt ==  _TReactionType.UNIBI:
                    # UniBi
                    reactant1 = _random.randint (0, nSpecies-1)
                    # pick a product but only products that don't include the reactant
                    species = range (nSpecies)
                    # Remove reactant1 from the species list
                    species = _np.delete (species, [reactant1], axis=0)
                    # Then pick a product from the reactants that are left
                    product1 = species[_random.randint (0, len (species)-1)]
                    product2 = species[_random.randint (0, len (species)-1)]
                    reactionList.append ([rt, [reactant1], [product1, product2], rateConstant])

                if rt ==  _TReactionType.BIBI:
                    # BiBi
                    reactant1 = _random.randint (0, nSpecies-1)
                    reactant2= _random.randint (0, nSpecies-1)
                    # pick a product but only products that don't include the reactant
                    species = range (nSpecies)
                    # Remove reactant1 and 2 from the species list
                    species = _np.delete (species, [reactant1, reactant2], axis=0)
                    # Then pick a product from the reactants that are left
                    product1 = species[_random.randint (0, len (species)-1)]
                    product2 = species[_random.randint (0, len (species)-1)]
                    element = [rt, [reactant1, reactant2], [product1, product2], rateConstant]
                    reactionList.append (element)            

            reactionList.insert (0, nSpecies)
            return reactionList

        # Includes boundary and floating species
        # Returns a list:
        # [New Stoichiometry matrix, list of floatingIds, list of boundaryIds]
        def _getFullStoichiometryMatrix (reactionList):
            nSpecies = reactionList[0]
            reactionListCopy = _copy.deepcopy (reactionList)
            reactionListCopy.pop (0)
            st = _np.zeros ((nSpecies, len(reactionListCopy)))
            for index, r in enumerate (reactionListCopy):
                if r[0] ==  _TReactionType.UNIUNI:
                    # UniUni
                    reactant = reactionListCopy[index][1][0]
                    st[reactant, index] = -1
                    product = reactionListCopy[index][2][0]
                    st[product, index] = 1
                if r[0] ==  _TReactionType.BIUNI:
                    # BiUni
                    reactant1 = reactionListCopy[index][1][0]
                    st[reactant1, index] = -1
                    reactant2 = reactionListCopy[index][1][1]
                    st[reactant2, index] = -1
                    product = reactionListCopy[index][2][0]
                    st[product, index] = 1

                if r[0] ==  _TReactionType.UNIBI:
                    # UniBi
                    reactant1 = reactionListCopy[index][1][0]
                    st[reactant1, index] = -1
                    product1 = reactionListCopy[index][2][0]
                    st[product1, index] = 1
                    product2 = reactionListCopy[index][2][1]
                    st[product2, index] = 1
                if r[0] ==  _TReactionType.BIBI:
                    # BiBi
                    reactant1 = reactionListCopy[index][1][0]
                    st[reactant1, index] = -1
                    reactant2 = reactionListCopy[index][1][1]
                    st[reactant2, index] = -1
                    product1 = reactionListCopy[index][2][0]
                    st[product1, index] = 1
                    product2 = reactionListCopy[index][2][1]
                    st[product2, index] = 1

            return st

        def _getRateLaw (floatingIds, boundaryIds, reactionList, isReversible):
            nSpecies = reactionList[0]
            # Remove the first element which is the nSpecies
            reactionListCopy = _copy.deepcopy (reactionList)
            reactionListCopy.pop (0)

            antStr_tot = []

            for index, r in enumerate (reactionListCopy):
                antStr= ''
                antStr = antStr + 'J' + str (index) + ': '
                if r[0] == _TReactionType.UNIUNI:
                    # UniUni
                    antStr = antStr + '(k' + str (index) + '*S' + str (reactionListCopy[index][1][0])
                    if isReversible:
                        antStr = antStr + ' - k' + str (index) + 'r' + '*S' + str (reactionListCopy[index][2][0])
                    antStr = antStr + ')'
                if r[0] == _TReactionType.BIUNI:
                    # BiUni
                    antStr = antStr + '(k' + str (index) + '*S' + str (reactionListCopy[index][1][0]) + '*S' + str (reactionListCopy[index][1][1])
                    if isReversible:
                        antStr = antStr + ' - k' + str (index) + 'r' + '*S' + str (reactionListCopy[index][2][0])
                    antStr = antStr + ')'
                if r[0] == _TReactionType.UNIBI:
                    # UniBi
                    antStr = antStr + '(k' + str (index) + '*S' + str (reactionListCopy[index][1][0])
                    if isReversible:
                        antStr = antStr + ' - k' + str (index) + 'r' + '*S' + str (reactionListCopy[index][2][0]) + '*S' + str (reactionListCopy[index][2][1])
                    antStr = antStr + ')'
                if r[0] == _TReactionType.BIBI:
                    # BiBi
                    antStr = antStr + '(k' + str (index) + '*S' + str (reactionListCopy[index][1][0]) + '*S' + str (reactionListCopy[index][1][1])
                    if isReversible:
                        antStr = antStr + ' - k' + str (index) + 'r' + '*S' + str (reactionListCopy[index][2][0]) + '*S' + str (reactionListCopy[index][2][1])
                    antStr = antStr + ')'

            return antStr_tot      

        test_prob = self.probUniUniValue + self.probBiUniValue + self.probUniBiValue + self.probBiBiValue
        if test_prob != 1:
            wx.MessageBox("The sum of probabilities should be one!", "Message", wx.OK | wx.ICON_INFORMATION)

            net_index = 0

            rl = _generateReactionList (self.numSpecsValue, self.numRxnsValue)
            st = _getFullStoichiometryMatrix (rl)
            antStr = _getRateLaw (st[1], st[2], rl, isReversible=True)
            numNodes = st.shape[0]
            numRxns = st.shape[1]

            nodeIdx = []
            for i in range (numNodes):
                nodeIdx.append (api.add_node(net_index, 'node_{}'.format(i), size=Vec2(60,40), fill_color=api.Color(255, 204, 153),
                        border_color=api.Color(255, 108, 9),
                        position=Vec2(40 + math.trunc (_random.random()*800), 40 + math.trunc (_random.random()*800))))
            for i in range (numRxns):
                src = []
                dest = []
                for j in range(numNodes):
                    if (st.item(j,i) == -1):
                    if (st.item(j,i) == 1):
                r_idx = api.add_reaction(net_index, 'reaction_{}'.format(i), src, dest, fill_color=api.Color(91, 176, 253))
            # Need to remove orphan nodes
            for i in range (numNodes):
                if _np.array_equal(st[i,:], _np.zeros(numRxns)):
                    api.delete_node(net_index, nodeIdx[i])