def main(): # All agents use a tabular model will initial values of 0 # Updates are done via TD learning with a fixed learning rate # Action_FA of discrete max means the agent chooses the action with the highest utility from a discrete array base_agent = Agent(model=TabularModel(mean=0, std=0), action_fa=DiscreteMaxFA(), optimiser=TemporalDifference(learning_rate=FixedDecay(0.2))) # Randomly select the next action random_agent = copy.deepcopy(base_agent) random_agent.exploration = RandomExploration() # Always select the best action seen so far (is default behaviour for agents) greedy_agent = copy.deepcopy(base_agent) # Always select the best action seen so far with optimistic starting values optimistic_greedy_agent = copy.deepcopy(base_agent) optimistic_greedy_agent.model = TabularModel(mean=1, std=0) # Select a random action with decaying likelihood egreedy_agent = copy.deepcopy(base_agent) egreedy_agent.exploration = EpsilonGreedy(FixedDecay(1, 0.995, 0.01)) # Select a random action with fixed likelihood fixed_egreedy_agent = copy.deepcopy(base_agent) fixed_egreedy_agent.exploration = EpsilonGreedy(FixedDecay(0.2)) # Explores using softmax boltzmann_agent = copy.deepcopy(base_agent) boltzmann_agent.exploration = Softmax(FixedDecay(2, 0.995, 0.1)) agents = [random_agent, greedy_agent, optimistic_greedy_agent, egreedy_agent, fixed_egreedy_agent, boltzmann_agent] labels = ['Random', 'Greedy', 'Optimistic Greedy', 'E-Greedy Decay', 'E-Greedy Fixed', 'Boltzmann'] agent_reward = [] max_reward = [] episodes = 100 for agent in agents: path = "/tmp/rlagents/" am = AgentManager(agent=agent) em = EnvManager('BanditTenArmedUniformDistributedReward-v0', am), print_stats=False, path=path, video_callable=False) max_reward.append(max(em.env.r_dist)) results = load_results(path) agent_reward.append(results['episode_rewards']) for i, ar in enumerate(agent_reward): percent_correct = [agent_reward[i][:j].count(max_reward[i])/float(j) for j in range(1, episodes)] plt.plot(range(1, episodes), percent_correct, label=labels[i]) plt.xlabel('Steps') plt.ylabel('% Optimal Arm Pulls') plt.ylim(-0.2, 1.5) plt.legend(loc=2)
def shift(self, s): if s is None: s = FixedDecay(1, decay=0.995, minimum=0.01) if not isinstance(s, DecayBase): raise TypeError("Shift must be of type DecayBase") self._shift = s
def temperature(self, t): if t is None: t = FixedDecay(10, decay=0.997, minimum=0.1) if not isinstance(t, DecayBase): raise TypeError("Temperature must be of type DecayBase") self._temperature = t
def spread(self, s): if s is None: s = FixedDecay(0.05, 0, 0) if not isinstance(s, DecayBase): raise TypeError("Spread not a valid DecayBase") self._spread = s
def learning_rate(self, lr): if not isinstance(lr, DecayBase): lr = FixedDecay(1, decay=0.995, minimum=0.05) warnings.warn('Learning Rate type invalid, using default. ({0})'.format(lr)) self._learning_rate = lr
def decay(self, d): if not isinstance(d, DecayBase): d = FixedDecay(0.1, 1, 0.1) warnings.warn("Decay type invalid, using default. {0}".format(d)) self._decay = d
def test_update(self): exploration = EpsilonGreedy(FixedDecay(1, 0.95, 0.1)) exploration.update() self.assertEqual(exploration.value, 0.95)
def test_epsilon_property(self): exploration = EpsilonGreedy(FixedDecay(0.2, 0.95, 0.1)) self.assertEqual(0.2, exploration.value)