Example #1
    def update(self):
        if self.agent.me.location[2] < 600:
            if self.agent.onSurface or self.agent.me.location[2] < 100:
                self.active = False
            controller_state = SimpleControllerState()

            if self.agent.me.rotation[2] > 0:
                controller_state.roll = -1

            elif self.agent.me.rotation[2] < 0:
                controller_state.roll = 1

            if self.agent.me.rotation[0] > self.agent.velAngle:
                controller_state.yaw = -1

            elif self.agent.me.rotation[0] < self.agent.velAngle:
                controller_state.yaw = 1

            if self.active:
                controller_state.throttle = 1
                controller_state.throttle = 0
            controller_state = SimpleControllerState()

        return controller_state
Example #2
    def exec(self, bot) -> SimpleControllerState:
        ct = time.time() - self._start_time
        controls = SimpleControllerState()
        controls.throttle = 1

        car = bot.data.my_car

        # Target is allowed to be a function that takes bot as a parameter. Check what it is
        if callable(self.target):
            target = self.target(bot)
            target = self.target

        # To boost or not to boost, that is the question
        car_to_target = target - car.pos
        vel_p = proj_onto_size(car.vel, car_to_target)
        angle = angle_between(car_to_target, car.forward())
        controls.boost = self.boost and angle < self._boost_ang_req and vel_p < self._max_speed

        # States of dodge (note reversed order)
        # Land on ground
        if ct >= self._t_finishing:
            self._almost_finished = True
            if car.on_ground:
                self.done = True
                bot.maneuver = RecoveryManeuver(bot)
                self.done = True
            return controls
        elif ct >= self._t_second_unjump:
            # Stop pressing jump and rotate and wait for flip is done
        elif ct >= self._t_aim:
            if ct >= self._t_second_jump:
                controls.jump = 1

            # Direction, yaw, pitch, roll
            if self.target is None:
                controls.roll = 0
                controls.pitch = -1
                controls.yaw = 0
                target_local = dot(car_to_target, car.rot)
                target_local.z = 0

                direction = normalize(target_local)

                controls.roll = 0
                controls.pitch = -direction.x
                controls.yaw = sign(car.rot.get(2, 2)) * direction.y

        # Stop pressing jump
        elif ct >= self._t_first_unjump:

        # First jump
            controls.jump = 1

        return controls
Example #3
    def controller(self, agent):
        controller_state = SimpleControllerState()

        controller_state.pitch = 1
        controller_state.throttle = -1

        self.time_difference = agent.game_info.seconds_elapsed - self.start

        if self.time_difference <= 0.1:
            controller_state.jump = True
        elif 0.1 <= self.time_difference <= 0.15:
            controller_state.jump = False
        elif 0.15 <= self.time_difference <= 0.35:
            controller_state.jump = True
        elif 0.4 <= self.time_difference <= 1.75:
            controller_state.pitch = -1

        if 1.2 <= self.time_difference:
            controller_state.throttle = 1

        if 0.575 <= self.time_difference <= 1.2:
            controller_state.boost = True
            controller_state.roll = 1

        if 0.7 <= self.time_difference <= 1.5:
            controller_state.yaw = .5

        return controller_state
Example #4
def fix_orientation(data: Data, point=None):
    controller = SimpleControllerState()

    strength = 0.22
    ori = data.car.orientation

    if point is None and data.car.velocity.flat().length2() != 0:
        point = data.car.location + data.car.velocity.flat().rescale(500)

    pitch_error = -ori.pitch * strength
    controller.pitch = data.agent.pid_pitch.calc(pitch_error)

    roll_error = -ori.roll * strength
    controller.roll = data.agent.pid_roll.calc(roll_error)

    if point is not None:
        # yaw rotation can f up the other's so we scale it down until we are more confident about landing on the wheels
        car_to_point = point - data.car.location
        yaw_error = ori.front.ang_to_flat(car_to_point) * strength * 1.5
        land_on_wheels01 = 1 - ori.up.ang_to(UP) / (math.pi * 2)
        controller.yaw = data.agent.pid_yaw.calc(yaw_error) * (land_on_wheels01

    # !
    controller.throttle = 1
    return controller
Example #5
    def get_output(self, packet: GameTickPacket) -> Optional[SimpleControllerState]:
        controller = SimpleControllerState()
        bot = PhysicsObject(packet.game_cars[self.agent.index].physics)

        if packet.game_info.seconds_elapsed > self.next_dodge_time:
            controller.jump = True

            # Calculate pitch and roll based on target and bot position

            # Correct yaw from (0 to pi to -pi to 0), to (0 to 2pi).
            # Then rotate circle by pi/2 degrees. Then flip circle vertically.
            yaw = bot.rotation.z
            if yaw < 0:
                yaw += 2 * math.pi
            yaw -= math.pi / 2
            if yaw < 0:
                yaw += 2 * math.pi
            yaw = 2 * math.pi - yaw

            direction_to_target = (self.target - bot.location).normalised()
            angle_to_target = math.atan2(direction_to_target.y, direction_to_target.x)
            angle = angle_to_target - yaw

            controller.pitch = -math.cos(angle)
            controller.roll = math.sin(angle)

            if self.on_second_jump:
                return None
                self.on_second_jump = True
                self.next_dodge_time = packet.game_info.seconds_elapsed + self.dodge_time
            controller.jump = False

        return controller
Example #6
    def setHalfFlip(self):
        #_time = self.time
        #if _time - self.flipTimer >= 1.9:
        controls = []
        timers = []

        control_1 = SimpleControllerState()
        control_1.throttle = -1
        control_1.jump = True


        timers.append(self.fakeDeltaTime * 4)

        control_3 = SimpleControllerState()
        control_3.throttle = -1
        control_3.pitch = 1
        control_3.jump = True
        timers.append(self.fakeDeltaTime * 4)

        control_4 = SimpleControllerState()
        control_4.throttle = -1
        control_4.pitch = -1
        control_4.roll = -.1
        #control_4.jump = True


        self.activeState = Divine_Mandate(self, controls, timers)

        self.flipTimer = self.time
Example #7
 def get_controller_state_from_actions(
         action: np.ndarray) -> SimpleControllerState:
     controls = action.clip(-1, 1)
     controller_state = SimpleControllerState()
     controller_state.pitch = controls[0]
     controller_state.yaw = controls[1]
     controller_state.roll = controls[2]
     controller_state.boost = bool(controls[3] >= 0)
     return controller_state
Example #8
    def update(self):
        controller_state = SimpleControllerState()
        if not self.firstJump:
            controller_state.throttle = -1
            controller_state.jump = True
            controller_state.pitch = 1
            self.firstJump = True
            self.jumpStart = time.time()
            return controller_state

        elif self.firstJump and not self.secondJump:
            jumpTimer = time.time() - self.jumpStart
            controller_state.throttle = -1
            controller_state.pitch = 1
            controller_state.jump = False
            if jumpTimer < 0.12:
                controller_state.jump = True
            if jumpTimer > 0.15:
                controller_state.jump = True
                self.jumpStart = time.time()
                self.secondJump = True
            return controller_state

        elif self.firstJump and self.secondJump:
            timer = time.time() - self.jumpStart
            if timer < 0.15:
                controller_state.throttle = -1
                controller_state.pitch = 1

                controller_state.pitch = -1
                controller_state.throttle = 1
                controller_state.roll = 1

            if timer > .8:
                controller_state.roll = 0
            if timer > 1.15:
                self.active = False
            return controller_state

                "halfFlip else conditional called in update. This should not be happening"
Example #9
    def update(self):
        if self.agent.onSurface or self.agent.me.location[2] < 100:
            self.active = False
        controller_state = SimpleControllerState()
        # if self.agent.me.rotation[1] > 0:
        #     controller_state.pitch = 1
        # elif self.agent.me.rotation[1] < 0:
        #     controller_state.pitch = -1

        if self.agent.me.rotation[2] > 0:
            controller_state.roll = -1

        elif self.agent.me.rotation[2] < 0:
            controller_state.roll = 1

        if self.agent.me.rotation[0] > self.agent.velAngle:
            controller_state.yaw = -1

        elif self.agent.me.rotation[0] < self.agent.velAngle:
            controller_state.yaw = 1

        # if self.agent.me.avelocity[0] > 2:
        #     controller_state.yaw = -1
        # elif self.agent.me.avelocity[0] < 2:
        #     controller_state.yaw = 1
        # if self.agent.me.avelocity[1] > 2:
        #     controller_state.pitch= 1
        # elif self.agent.me.avelocity[1] < 2:
        #     controller_state.pitch = -1
        # if self.agent.me.avelocity[2] > 2:
        #     controller_state.roll = -1
        # elif self.agent.me.avelocity[2] < 2:
        #     controller_state.roll = 1

        if self.active:
            controller_state.throttle = 1
            controller_state.throttle = 0

        return controller_state
Example #10
def turtle_controller(agent, target_object, target_speed):
    location = return_local_location(target_object, agent.me)
    controller_state = SimpleControllerState()
    angle_to_ball = math.atan2(location.data[1], location.data[0])

    current_speed = velocity_2d(agent.me)

    if abs(agent.bot_roll) < math.pi / 2.5:
        controller_state.jump = True
        if agent.bot_roll >= 0:
            controller_state.roll = 1
            controller_state.roll = -1
    # steering
    controller_state.steer = steer(angle_to_ball)

    # throttle
    if target_speed > current_speed:
        controller_state.throttle = 1.0
        if target_speed > 1400 and agent.start > 2.2 and current_speed < 2250:
            controller_state.boost = True
    elif target_speed < current_speed:
        controller_state.throttle = 0

    # dodging
    time_difference = time.time() - agent.start
    if time_difference > 2.2 and distance_2d(target_object, agent.me) > (
            velocity_2d(agent.me) * 2.5) and abs(angle_to_ball) < 1.3:
        agent.start = time.time()
    elif time_difference <= 0.1:
        controller_state.jump = True
        controller_state.pitch = -1
    elif time_difference >= 0.1 and time_difference <= 0.15:
        controller_state.jump = False
        controller_state.pitch = -1
    elif time_difference > 0.15 and time_difference < 1:
        controller_state.jump = True
        controller_state.yaw = controller_state.steer
        controller_state.pitch = -1

    return controller_state
Example #11
def getSensible_thingToCONTROL(magicWariable):
    ThisISTHE_controller = SimpleControllerState()
    ThisISTHE_controller.throttle = magicWariable[magicWariable[0][0]]
    ThisISTHE_controller.steer = magicWariable[magicWariable[0][1]]
    ThisISTHE_controller.pitch = magicWariable[magicWariable[0][2]]
    ThisISTHE_controller.yaw = magicWariable[magicWariable[0][3]]
    ThisISTHE_controller.roll = magicWariable[magicWariable[0][4]]
    ThisISTHE_controller.jump = magicWariable[magicWariable[0][5]]
    ThisISTHE_controller.boost = magicWariable[magicWariable[0][6]]
    ThisISTHE_controller.handbrake = magicWariable[magicWariable[0][7]]
    return ThisISTHE_controller
Example #12
def recoveryController(agent, local): #accepts agent, the agent's controller, and a target (in local coordinates)
    controller_state = SimpleControllerState()

    turn = math.atan2(local.data[1],local.data[0])
    up =  toLocal(agent.me.location + Vector3([0,0,100]), agent.me)
    target = [math.atan2(up.data[1],up.data[2]), math.atan2(local.data[2],local.data[0]), turn] #determining angles each axis must turn
    controller_state.steer = steerPD(turn, 0)
    controller_state.yaw = steerPD(target[2],-agent.me.rvelocity.data[2]/5)
    controller_state.pitch = steerPD(target[1],agent.me.rvelocity.data[1]/5)
    controller_state.roll = steerPD(target[0],agent.me.rvelocity.data[0]/5)
    return controller_state
Example #13
 def to_simple_controller_state(self):
     controls = SimpleControllerState()
     controls.throttle = self.throttle
     controls.steer = self.steer
     controls.yaw = self.yaw
     controls.pitch = self.pitch
     controls.roll = self.roll
     controls.boost = self.boost
     controls.jump = self.jump
     controls.handbrake = self.handbrake
     return controls
Example #14
def deltaC(agent, target):
    c = SimpleControllerState()
    target = target  # - agent.me.velocity
    target_local = toLocal(agent.me.location + target, agent.me)
    angle_to_target = math.atan2(target_local.data[1], target_local.data[0])
    pitch_to_target = math.atan2(target_local.data[2], target_local.data[0])

    if agent.me.grounded:
        if agent.jt + 1.5 > time.time():
            c.jump = True
            c.jump = False
            agent.jt = time.time()
        c.yaw = steerPD(angle_to_target, -agent.me.rvelocity.data[1] / 4)
        c.pitch = steerPD(pitch_to_target, agent.me.rvelocity.data[0] / 4)
        if target.magnitude() > 10:
            c.boost = True
        if abs(pitch_to_target) + abs(angle_to_target) > 0.9:
            c.boost = False
            top = toLocal([
                agent.me.location.data[0], agent.me.location.data[1],
                agent.me.location.data[2] + 1000
            ], agent.me)
            roll_to_target = math.atan2(top.data[1], top.data[2])
            c.roll = steerPD(roll_to_target, agent.me.rvelocity.data[2] * 0.5)
        tsj = time.time() - agent.jt
        if tsj < 0.215:
            c.jump = True
        elif tsj < 0.25:
            c.jump = False
        elif tsj >= 0.25 and tsj < 0.27 and target.data[2] > 560:
            c.jump = True
            c.boost = False
            c.yaw = 0
            c.pitch = 0
            c.roll = 0
            c.jump = False
    return c
def finalize_output(output):
    framework_output = SimpleControllerState()
    framework_output.throttle = output.throttle
    framework_output.steer = output.steer
    framework_output.yaw = output.yaw
    framework_output.pitch = output.pitch
    framework_output.roll = output.roll
    framework_output.boost = output.boost
    framework_output.handbrake = output.handbrake
    framework_output.jump = output.jump

    return framework_output
Example #16
 def get(self, data):
     c = SimpleControllerState()
     c.throttle = max(min(data[0], 1), -1)
     c.steer = max(min(data[1], 1), -1)
     c.pitch = max(min(data[2], 1), -1)
     c.yaw = max(min(data[3], 1), -1)
     c.roll = max(min(data[4], 1), -1)
     c.jump = data[5]
     c.boost = data[6]
     c.handbrake = data[7]
     c.use_item = data[8]
     return c
Example #17
def copy_controls(obj_to: SimpleControllerState,
                  obj_from: SimpleControllerState):
    """Copies the attribute of one SimpleControlerStates to another"""
    obj_to.steer = obj_from.steer
    obj_to.throttle = obj_from.throttle
    obj_to.pitch = obj_from.pitch
    obj_to.yaw = obj_from.yaw
    obj_to.roll = obj_from.roll
    obj_to.jump = obj_from.jump
    obj_to.boost = obj_from.boost
    obj_to.handbrake = obj_from.handbrake
    obj_to.use_item = obj_from.use_item
Example #18
def array_to_scs(a):
    scs = SimpleControllerState()

    scs.throttle = a[0]
    scs.steer = a[1]
    scs.pitch = a[2]
    scs.yaw = a[3]
    scs.roll = a[4]
    scs.jump = a[5]
    scs.boost = a[6]
    scs.handbrake = a[7]

    return scs
Example #19
    def get_output(self):
        output = SimpleControllerState()

        output.throttle = self.throttle
        output.steer = self.steer
        output.pitch = self.pitch
        output.yaw = self.yaw
        output.roll = self.roll
        output.jump = self.jump
        output.boost = self.boost
        output.handbrake = self.handbrake

        return output
Example #20
def nn_to_rlbot_controls(nn_controls):
    controller_state = SimpleControllerState()
    # steering
    if nn_controls[0] == 1:
        controller_state.steer = -1.0
    elif nn_controls[1] == 1:
        controller_state.steer = 1.0
        controller_state.steer = 0.0

    # pitch
    if nn_controls[2] == 1:
        controller_state.pitch = -1.0
    elif nn_controls[3] == 1:
        controller_state.pitch = 1.0
        controller_state.pitch = 0.0

    # throttle
    if nn_controls[4] == 1:
        controller_state.throttle = 1.0
    elif nn_controls[5] == 1:
        controller_state.throttle = -1.0
        controller_state.throttle = 0.0

    controller_state.jump = (nn_controls[6] == 1)
    controller_state.boost = (nn_controls[7] == 1)
    controller_state.handbrake = (nn_controls[8] == 1)

    if controller_state.handbrake:
        controller_state.roll = controller_state.steer
        controller_state.yaw = 0.0
        controller_state.roll = 0.0
        controller_state.yaw = controller_state.steer

    return controller_state
Example #21
 def act(self, action):
     controller_state = SimpleControllerState()
     controller_state.throttle = action[0]
     # controller_state.steer = action[1]
     # controller_state.pitch = action[2]
     # controller_state.yaw = action[3]
     # controller_state.roll = action[4]
     # controller_state.jump = True if action[5] > 0.5 else False
     # controller_state.boost = True if action[6] > 0.5 else False
     # controller_state.handbrake = True if action[7] > 0.5 else False
     controller_state.steer = 0
     controller_state.pitch = 0
     controller_state.yaw = 0
     controller_state.roll = 0
     controller_state.jump = 0
     controller_state.boost = 0
     controller_state.handbrake = 0
Example #22
    def exec(self, bot):

        controls = SimpleControllerState()
        dt = bot.info.dt
        car = bot.info.my_car

        relative_rotation = dot(transpose(car.rot), self.target)
        geodesic_local = rotation_to_axis(relative_rotation)

        # figure out the axis of minimal rotation to target
        geodesic_world = dot(car.rot, geodesic_local)

        # get the angular acceleration
        alpha = Vec3(
            self.controller(geodesic_world.x, car.ang_vel.x, dt),
            self.controller(geodesic_world.y, car.ang_vel.y, dt),
            self.controller(geodesic_world.z, car.ang_vel.z, dt)

        # reduce the corrections for when the solution is nearly converged
        alpha.x = self.q(abs(geodesic_world.x) + abs(car.ang_vel.x)) * alpha.x
        alpha.y = self.q(abs(geodesic_world.y) + abs(car.ang_vel.y)) * alpha.y
        alpha.z = self.q(abs(geodesic_world.z) + abs(car.ang_vel.z)) * alpha.z

        # set the desired next angular velocity
        ang_vel_next = car.ang_vel + alpha * dt

        # determine the controls that produce that angular velocity
        roll_pitch_yaw = AerialTurnManeuver.aerial_rpy(car.ang_vel, ang_vel_next, car.rot, dt)
        controls.roll = roll_pitch_yaw.x
        controls.pitch = roll_pitch_yaw.y
        controls.yaw = roll_pitch_yaw.z

        self._timer += dt

        if ((norm(car.ang_vel) < self.epsilon_ang_vel and
             norm(geodesic_world) < self.epsilon_rotation) or
                self._timer >= self.timeout or car.on_ground):
            self.done = True

        controls.throttle = 1.0

        return controls
Example #23
    def exec(self, bot) -> SimpleControllerState:
        man_ct = bot.info.time - self.maneuver_start_time
        controls = SimpleControllerState()

        car = bot.info.my_car
        vel_f = proj_onto_size(car.vel, car.forward)

        # Reverse a bit
        if vel_f > -50 and man_ct < 0.3:
            controls.throttle = -1
            self.halfflip_start_time = bot.info.time
            return controls

        ct = bot.info.time - self.halfflip_start_time

        # States of jump
        if ct >= self._t_finishing:
            self._almost_finished = True
            controls.throttle = 1
            controls.boost = self.boost
            if car.on_ground:
                self.done = True
                bot.maneuver = RecoveryManeuver()
                self.done = True
        elif ct >= self._t_roll_begin:
            controls.pitch = -1
            controls.roll = 1
        elif ct >= self._t_second_jump_end:
            controls.pitch = -1
        elif ct >= self._t_second_jump_begin:
            controls.jump = 1
            controls.pitch = 1
        elif ct >= self._t_first_jump_end:
            controls.pitch = 1
            controls.jump = 1
            controls.throttle = -1
            controls.pitch = 1

        return controls
Example #24
def sevenC(agent, target, speed):
    c = SimpleControllerState()

    #target.data[2] = target.data[2]-90#futureZ(target.data[2],agent.ball.velocity.data[2], 0.2)

    angle = angle2(target, agent.me.location)
    x_speed = (math.cos(angle) * speed * 1.1) - (agent.me.velocity.data[0])
    y_speed = (math.sin(angle) * speed * 1.1) - (agent.me.velocity.data[1])

    correction_vector = Vector3([x_speed / 2300, y_speed / 2300, speed / 2300])

    target_local = toLocal(agent.me.location + correction_vector, agent.me)
    angle_to_target = math.atan2(target_local.data[1], target_local.data[0])
    pitch_to_target = math.atan2(target_local.data[2], target_local.data[0])

    if agent.me.grounded:
        if agent.jt + 1.5 > time.time():
            c.jump = True
            c.jump = False
            agent.jt = time.time()
        if agent.jt > time.time() - 1.5:
            c.jump = True
            c.jump = False
        c.throttle, c.boost = altPD(target.data[2] - agent.me.location.data[2],
        c.yaw = steerPD(angle_to_target, -agent.me.rvelocity.data[1] / 5)
        c.pitch = steerPD(pitch_to_target, agent.me.rvelocity.data[0] / 4)
        if abs(pitch_to_target) + abs(angle_to_target) < 0.5:
            two = target
            loctwo = toLocal(two, agent.me)
            to_two = math.atan2(loctwo.data[1], loctwo.data[2])
            c.roll = steerPD(to_two, agent.me.rvelocity.data[2] / 3)
        if abs(pitch_to_target) + abs(angle_to_target) > 0.45:
            c.boost = False

    return c
Example #25
def sixC(agent, target, speed):
    controller_state = SimpleControllerState()
    target_relative = target.location - agent.me.location
    target_vel_relative = target.velocity - agent.me.velocity
    target_local = toLocal(target, agent.me)
    agent_local = toLocal(agent.me.velocity, agent.me)
    angle_to_target = math.atan2(target_local.data[1], target_local.data[0])
    now = time.time()
    if agent.me.grounded:
        agent_speed = velocity2D(agent.me)
        controller_state.steer = steer(angle_to_target)
        controller_state.throttle, controller_state.boost = throttle(
            speed, agent_speed)
        if target_local.data[
                2] > target_local.data[0] * 3 and now > agent.jt + 1:
            controller_state.jump = True
            agent.jt = now
        return controller_state
        agent_speed = velocity2D(agent.me)
        pitch_to_target = math.atan2(target_local.data[2],
        controller_state.jump = False
        controller_state.yaw = steerPD(angle_to_target,
                                       -agent.me.rvelocity.data[1] / 5)
        controller_state.pitch = steerPD(pitch_to_target,
                                         agent.me.rvelocity.data[0] / 4)
        controller_state.throttle, controller_state.boost = altPD(
            target_relative.data[2], agent.me.velocity.data[2])
        if abs(pitch_to_target) > 0.4:
            controller_state.boost = False
        if abs(pitch_to_target) + abs(angle_to_target) < 0.5:
            two = agent.ball.location
            loctwo = toLocal(two, agent.me)
            to_two = math.atan2(loctwo.data[1], loctwo.data[2])
            controller_state.roll = steerPD(to_two,
                                            agent.me.rvelocity.data[2] / 4)

        return controller_state
Example #26
    def step(self, dt) -> SimpleControllerState:
        ct = self.bot.info.time - self._start_time
        controls = SimpleControllerState()
        controls.throttle = 1
        car = self.bot.info.my_car

        corner_debug = "ct: {}\n".format(ct)
        corner_debug += "_start_time: {}\n".format(self._start_time)
        corner_debug += "_t_finishing: {}\n".format(type(self._t_finishing))
        self.bot.renderer.draw_string_2d(10, 200, 1, 1, corner_debug,

        if ct >= self._t_finishing:
            self._almost_finished = True
            if car.on_ground:
                self.finished = True
            # else:
            # self.bot.maneuver = RecoveryManeuver(self.bot)
            # self.done = True
            return controls
        elif ct >= self._t_second_unjump:
            # Stop pressing jump and rotate and wait for flip is done
        elif ct >= 0.08:
            if ct >= self._t_second_jump:
                controls.jump = 1

            controls.roll = 0
            controls.pitch = -1
            controls.yaw = 0
        # Stop pressing jump
        elif ct >= self._t_first_unjump:

        # First jump
            controls.jump = 1

        return controls
Example #27
    def tick(self, packet: GameTickPacket) -> StepResult:

        if self.game_info is None:
            self.game_info = GameInfo(self.index,

        if self.aerial is None:
            self.aerial = Aerial(
                vec3(self.target.x, self.target.y, self.target.z),

        controls = SimpleControllerState()
        controls.boost = self.aerial.controls.boost
        controls.pitch = self.aerial.controls.pitch
        controls.yaw = self.aerial.controls.yaw
        controls.roll = self.aerial.controls.roll
        controls.jump = self.aerial.controls.jump

        return StepResult(controls,
                          packet.game_info.seconds_elapsed > self.arrival_time)
def pathController(agent, path):
        path.lines[0].start, path.lines[0].end,
        agent.renderer.create_color(255, 255, 255, 255))
        path.lines[1].start, path.lines[1].end,
        agent.renderer.create_color(255, 255, 255, 255))
    c = SimpleControllerState()
    #this massive chain of if/elif handles all events that could have been triggered along the path
    if isinstance(path.Event, Event):
        event = path.Event
        if event.type == "drift":
            local = toLocal(path.lines[-1].end, agent.me)
            angle = math.atan2(local[1], local[0])
            c.yaw = steerPD(angle, -agent.me.rvelocity.data[1] / 5)
            c.throttle = 1.0
            c.handbrake = True
            if abs(angle) < 0.1:
                c.handbrake = False
                path.Event.done = True
                path.Event = None
            return c
        elif event.type == "dodge":
            elapsed = agent.current_time - agent.jump_time
            local = toLocal(event.target, agent.me).normalize()
            if elapsed > 2.2 and agent.me.grounded:
                agent.jump_time = agent.current_time
                c.jump = True
            elif elapsed <= 0.1:
                c.jump = True
                c.pitch = -local[1]
                c.yaw = -local[0]
            elif elapsed > 0.1 and elapsed <= 0.15:
                c.jump = False
                c.pitch = -local[1]
                c.yaw = -local[0]
            elif elapsed > 0.15 and elapsed <= 1:
                c.jump = True
                c.pitch = -local[1]
                c.yaw = -local[0]
                c.jump = False
                path.Event.done = True
                path.Event = None
            return c
        elif event.type == "aerial":
            elapsed = agent.current_time - agent.jump_time
            if elapsed > 2.2 and agent.me.grounded:
                agent.jump_time = agent.current_time
                c.jump = True
            elif elapsed < 0.25:
                c.jump = True
            time_left = event.time - agent.current_time
            target = backsolveFuture(agent.me.location, agent.me.velocity,
                                     path.lines[-1].end, time_left)
            if target.magnitude() < 100:
                local = tolocal(path.lines[-1].end, agent.me)
                local = toLocal(agent.me.location + target, agent.me)
                c.boost = True
            yaw_to = math.atan2(local[1], local[0])
            pitch_to = math.atan2(local[2], local[0])
            c.yaw = steerPD(yaw_to, -agent.me.rvelocity[1] / 4)
            c.pitch = steerPD(pitch_to, agent.me.rvelocity[0] / 4)
            if abs(pitch_to) + abs(angle_to) > 0.9:
                c.boost = False
                top = toLocal(agent.me.location + Vector3(0, 0, 500))
                roll_to = math.atan2(top[1], top[2])
                c.roll = steerPD(roll_to, agent.me.rvelocity[2] * 0.5)
            if time_left <= 0.1:
                event.done = True
                path.Event = None
            return c

    turnRate = 1.5
    v = velocity1D(agent.me)[1]
    r = turn_radius(v)

    if path.line == 0:
        line = path.lines[0]
        nextLine = path.lines[1]
        firstProjection = line.project_distance(agent.me.location)
        secProjection = nextLine.project_distance(agent.me.location)
        if (agent.me.location -
            (line.start + line.direction * firstProjection)).magnitude() > (
                agent.me.location -
                (nextLine.start +
                 nextLine.direction * secProjection)).magnitude():
            path.line = 1
        td = firstProjection + r
        for event in line.events:
            if event.type == "drift" and event.done == False:
                local = toLocal(nextLine.end, agent.me)
                angle = abs(math.atan2(local[1], local[0]))
                if angle / turnRate > (line.length - firstProjection) / (v +
                    path.Event = event
        if td > line.length:
            target = nextLine.start + (nextLine.direction * (td - line.length))
            target = line.start + (line.direction * td)

        speed = ((line.length - firstProjection) + nextLine.length) / cap(
            path.game_time - agent.current_time, 0.01, 10)
        line = path.lines[-1]
        projection = line.project_distance(agent.me.location)
        td = projection + r

        for event in line.events:
            if event.type == "aerial" and event.done == False:
                time_2D = (line.end.flatten() -
                           agent.me.location.flatten()).magnitude() / (v + 1)
                time_3D = (line.end[2] - 100) / 1000
                if time_2D - 1 < time_3D:
                    path.Event = event
            elif event.type == "dodge" and event.done == False:
                time_2D = (line.end.flatten() -
                           agent.me.location.flatten()).magnitude() / (v + 1)
                if time_2D <= 1.1:
                    path.Event = event

        target = line.start + (line.direction * td)
        speed = (line.length - projection) / cap(
            path.game_time - agent.current_time, 0.01, 10)
    local = toLocal(target, agent.me)
    angle = math.atan2(local.data[1], local.data[0])
    c.steer = steer(angle)
    c.throttle, c.boost = throttle(speed, v)
    return c
Example #29
    def get_output(self, packet: GameTickPacket) -> SimpleControllerState:

        #Startup and frame info

        #Initialization info
        if self.is_init:
            self.is_init = False
            self.field_info = self.get_field_info()

            #Find teammates and opponents
            self.teammate_indices = []
            self.opponent_indices = []

            for i in range(packet.num_cars):
                if i == self.index:
                elif packet.game_cars[i].team == self.team:

            self.utils_game = utils.simulation.Game(self.index, self.team)

        if TESTING or DEBUGGING:
            EvilGlobals.renderer = self.renderer

        self.prediction = PredictionPath(

        #Game state info
        self.game_info = GameState(packet=packet,


        #For now everything is a 1v1.  I'll fix team code again in the future.
        #if self.game_info.team_mode == "1v1":
        self.plan, self.persistent = OnesPlanning.make_plan(
            self.game_info, self.plan.old_plan, self.plan.path,
        '''        else:
            self.plan, self.persistent = TeamPlanning.make_plan(self.game_info,

        #Check if it's a kickoff.  If so, we'll run kickoff code later on.
        self.kickoff_position = update_kickoff_position(
            self.game_info, self.kickoff_position)

        #If we're in the first frame of an RLU mechanic, start up the object.
        #If we're finished with it, reset it to None
        if self.persistent.aerial_turn.initialize:
            self.persistent.aerial_turn.initialize = False
            self.persistent.aerial_turn.action = AerialTurn(
            self.persistent.aerial_turn.action.target = rot_to_mat3(
        elif not self.persistent.aerial_turn.check:
            self.persistent.aerial_turn.action = None
        self.persistent.aerial_turn.check = False
        if self.persistent.aerial.initialize:
            self.persistent.aerial.initialize = False
            self.persistent.aerial.action = Aerial(
            self.persistent.aerial.action.target = Vec3_to_vec3(
            self.persistent.aerial.action.arrival_time = self.persistent.aerial.target_time
            self.persistent.aerial.action.up = Vec3_to_vec3(
                self.persistent.aerial.target_up, self.game_info.team_sign)
        elif not self.persistent.aerial.check:
            self.persistent.aerial.action = None
        self.persistent.aerial.check = False


        if TESTING:

            #Copy-paste from a testing file here
            controller_input = SimpleControllerState()
            return controller_input

        #Run either Kickoff or Cowculate

        if self.plan.layers[0] == "Kickoff":
            if self.old_kickoff_data != None:
                self.kickoff_data = Kickoff(self.game_info,
                self.kickoff_data = Kickoff(self.game_info,
                                            self.kickoff_position, None,

            output, self.persistent = self.kickoff_data.input()

            output, self.persistent = Cowculate(self.plan, self.game_info,

        #Update previous frame variables.
        self.old_kickoff_data = self.kickoff_data
        self.old_inputs = output

        #Make sure we don't get stuck turtling. Not sure how effective this is.
        if output.throttle == 0:
            output.throttle = 0.01

        #Making sure that RLU output is interpreted properly as an input for RLBot
        framework_output = SimpleControllerState()
        framework_output.throttle = output.throttle
        framework_output.steer = output.steer
        framework_output.yaw = output.yaw
        framework_output.pitch = output.pitch
        framework_output.roll = output.roll
        framework_output.boost = output.boost
        framework_output.handbrake = output.handbrake
        framework_output.jump = output.jump
        return framework_output
Example #30
    def exec(self, bot):

        if not self.announced_in_quick_chat:
            self.announced_in_quick_chat = True
            bot.send_quick_chat(QuickChats.CHAT_EVERYONE, QuickChats.Information_IGotIt)

        ct = bot.info.time
        car = bot.info.my_car
        up = car.up
        controls = SimpleControllerState()

        # Time remaining till intercept time
        T = self.intercept_time - bot.info.time
        # Expected future position
        xf = car.pos + car.vel * T + 0.5 * GRAVITY * T ** 2
        # Expected future velocity
        vf = car.vel + GRAVITY * T

        # Is set to false while jumping to avoid FeelsBackFlipMan
        rotate = True

        if self.jumping:
            if self.jump_begin_time == -1:
                jump_elapsed = 0
                self.jump_begin_time = ct
                jump_elapsed = ct - self.jump_begin_time

            # How much longer we can press jump and still gain upward force
            tau = JUMP_MAX_DUR - jump_elapsed

            # Add jump pulse
            if jump_elapsed == 0:
                vf += up * JUMP_SPEED
                xf += up * JUMP_SPEED * T
                rotate = False

            # Acceleration from holding jump
            vf += up * JUMP_SPEED * tau
            xf += up * JUMP_SPEED * tau * (T - 0.5 * tau)

            if self.do_second_jump:
                # Impulse from the second jump
                vf += up * JUMP_SPEED
                xf += up * JUMP_SPEED * (T - tau)

            if jump_elapsed < JUMP_MAX_DUR:
                controls.jump = True
                controls.jump = False
                if self.do_second_jump:
                    if self.jump_pause_counter < 4:
                        # Do a 4-tick pause between jumps
                        self.jump_pause_counter += 1
                        # Time to start second jump
                        # we do this by resetting our jump counter and pretend and our aerial started in the air
                        self.jump_begin_time = -1
                        self.jumping = True
                        self.do_second_jump = False
                    # We are done jumping
                    self.jumping = False
            controls.jump = False

        delta_pos = self.hit_pos - xf
        direction = normalize(delta_pos)
        car_to_hit_pos = self.hit_pos - car.pos

        dodging = self.dodge_begin_time != -1
        if dodging:
            controls.jump = True

        # We are not pressing jump, so let's align the car
        if rotate and not dodging:

            if self.do_dodge and norm(car_to_hit_pos) < Ball.RADIUS + 80:
                # Start dodge

                self.dodge_begin_time = ct

                hit_local = dot(car_to_hit_pos, car.rot)
                hit_local.z = 0

                dodge_direction = normalize(hit_local)

                controls.roll = 0
                controls.pitch = -dodge_direction.x
                controls.yaw = sign(car.rot.get(2, 2)) * direction.y
                controls.jump = True

                # Adjust orientation
                if norm(delta_pos) > 50:
                    pd = bot.fly.align(bot, looking_in_dir(delta_pos))
                    if self.target_rot is not None:
                        pd = bot.fly.align(bot, self.target_rot)
                        pd = bot.fly.align(bot, looking_in_dir(self.hit_pos - car.pos))

                controls.roll = pd.roll
                controls.pitch = pd.pitch
                controls.yaw = pd.yaw

        if not dodging and angle_between(car.forward, direction) < 0.3:
            if norm(delta_pos) > 40:
                controls.boost = 1
                controls.throttle = 0
                controls.boost = 0
                controls.throttle = clip01(0.5 * THROTTLE_AIR_ACCEL * T ** 2)
            controls.boost = 0
            controls.throttle = 0

        prediction = predict.ball_predict(bot, T)
        self.done = T < 0
        if norm(self.hit_pos - prediction.pos) > 50:
            # Jump shot failed
            self.done = True
            bot.send_quick_chat(QuickChats.CHAT_EVERYONE, QuickChats.Apologies_Cursing)

        if bot.do_rendering:
            car_to_hit_dir = normalize(self.hit_pos - car.pos)
            color = bot.renderer.pink()
            rendering.draw_cross(bot, self.hit_pos, color, arm_length=100)
            rendering.draw_circle(bot, lerp(car.pos, self.hit_pos, 0.25), car_to_hit_dir, 40, 12, color)
            rendering.draw_circle(bot, lerp(car.pos, self.hit_pos, 0.5), car_to_hit_dir, 40, 12, color)
            rendering.draw_circle(bot, lerp(car.pos, self.hit_pos, 0.75), car_to_hit_dir, 40, 12, color)
            bot.renderer.draw_line_3d(car.pos, self.hit_pos, color)

        return controls