Example #1
    def test_get_legal_actions_when_cannot_put_same_suit_nor_beat(self):
        num_players = 3
        np_random = np.random.RandomState()
        cur_round = Round(num_players, np_random)
        player = Player(0, np_random)
        cards = {
            Card(Spades, Ten),
            Card(Diamonds, Nine),
            Card(Spades, Queen),
        player.hand = cards
        stock = [(2, Card(Clubs, Ace))]
        active_marriage = Hearts
        expected = cards

        result = cur_round.get_legal_actions(stock, active_marriage, player)

        self.assertSetEqual(expected, result)
Example #2
    def test_get_legal_actions_when_stock_empty(self):
        num_players = 3
        np_random = np.random.RandomState()
        cur_round = Round(num_players, np_random)
        player = Player(0, np_random)
        cards = {
            Card(Spades, Ten),
            Card(Diamonds, Nine),
            Card(Hearts, Queen),
            Card(Spades, King),
            Card(Clubs, Ace),
        player.hand = cards
        stock = []
        active_marriage = None
        expected = cards

        result = cur_round.get_legal_actions(stock, active_marriage, player)

        self.assertSetEqual(expected, result)
    def test_deal_cards(self):
        np_random = np.random.RandomState()
        players = [Player(player_id, np_random) for player_id in range(3)]
        dealer = Dealer(np_random)

        for player_id in range(3):
            dealer.deal_cards(players[player_id], 8)
            self.assertEqual(8, len(players[player_id].hand))

                          lambda: dealer.deal_cards(players[0], 8))
    def init_game(self) -> Tuple[Dict, int]:
        """ Initialize the game of Thousand Schnapsen
        This version supports three-player and four-players Thousand Schnapsen game
        (in four-player version dealer sits)
            (tuple): Tuple containing:
                (dict): The first state of the game
                (int): Current player's id
        # Initialize a dealer that can deal cards
        self.dealer = Dealer(self.np_random)

        # Initialize three players to play the game
        self.players = [
            Player(player_id, self.np_random)
            for player_id in range(self.num_players)

        # Initialize a judger class which will decide who wins in the end
        self.judger = Judger(self.np_random)

        # Shuffle and deal cards
        for player in self.players:
            self.dealer.deal_cards(player, CARDS_PER_PLAYER_COUNT)
        # Init game state (we assume for now that player with id 0 always starts)
        self.game_pointer = 0
        self.stock = []
        self.active_marriage = None
        self.used_marriages = set()

        # Initialize a round
        self.round = Round(self.num_players, self.np_random)

        # Count the round. There are 8 rounds in each game.
        self.round_counter = 1

        # Save the history of actions for stepping back to the last state.
        self.history = []

        player_state = self.get_state(self.game_pointer)

        return player_state, self.game_pointer
Example #5
    def test_proceed_round(self):
        num_players = 3
        np_random = np.random.RandomState()
        cur_round = Round(num_players, np_random)
        game_pointer = 0
        players = [
            Player(player_id, np_random) for player_id in range(num_players)
        stock = [(2, Card(Diamonds, Ten))]
        used_marriages = set()
        card = Card(Diamonds, Queen)
        players[game_pointer].hand = [card]
        expected = (1, None)

        result = cur_round.proceed_round(game_pointer, players, stock,
                                         used_marriages, card)

        self.assertEqual(expected, result)
        self.assertEqual((game_pointer, card), stock[1])
        self.assertEqual(0, len(players[game_pointer].hand))
Example #6
    def test_proceed_round_when_marriage_activated(self):
        num_players = 3
        np_random = np.random.RandomState()
        cur_round = Round(num_players, np_random)
        game_pointer = 0
        players = [
            Player(player_id, np_random) for player_id in range(num_players)
        stock = []
        used_marriages = set()
        card = Card(Diamonds, Queen)
        players[game_pointer].hand = [card, Card(Diamonds, King)]
        players[game_pointer].points = 0
        expected = (1, Diamonds)

        result = cur_round.proceed_round(game_pointer, players, stock,
                                         used_marriages, card)

        self.assertEqual(expected, result)
        self.assertEqual((game_pointer, card), stock[0])
        self.assertEqual(80, players[game_pointer].points)
        self.assertEqual(1, len(players[game_pointer].hand))