def __init__(self, state_space, action_space, discount=0.98, preprocessing_spec=None, network_spec=None, internal_states_space=None, policy_spec=None, value_function_spec=None, exploration_spec=None, execution_spec=None, optimizer_spec=None, value_function_optimizer_spec=None, observe_spec=None, update_spec=None, summary_spec=None, saver_spec=None, auto_build=True, name="agent"): """ Args: state_space (Union[dict,Space]): Spec dict for the state Space or a direct Space object. action_space (Union[dict,Space]): Spec dict for the action Space or a direct Space object. preprocessing_spec (Optional[list,PreprocessorStack]): The spec list for the different necessary states preprocessing steps or a PreprocessorStack object itself. discount (float): The discount factor (gamma). network_spec (Optional[list,NeuralNetwork]): Spec list for a NeuralNetwork Component or the NeuralNetwork object itself. internal_states_space (Optional[Union[dict,Space]]): Spec dict for the internal-states Space or a direct Space object for the Space(s) of the internal (RNN) states. policy_spec (Optional[dict]): An optional dict for further kwargs passing into the Policy c'tor. value_function_spec (list): Neural network specification for baseline. exploration_spec (Optional[dict]): The spec-dict to create the Exploration Component. execution_spec (Optional[dict,Execution]): The spec-dict specifying execution settings. optimizer_spec (Optional[dict,Optimizer]): The spec-dict to create the Optimizer for this Agent. value_function_optimizer_spec (dict): Optimizer config for value function otpimizer. If None, the optimizer spec for the policy is used (same learning rate and optimizer type). observe_spec (Optional[dict]): Spec-dict to specify `Agent.observe()` settings. update_spec (Optional[dict]): Spec-dict to specify `Agent.update()` settings. summary_spec (Optional[dict]): Spec-dict to specify summary settings. saver_spec (Optional[dict]): Spec-dict to specify saver settings. auto_build (Optional[bool]): If True (default), immediately builds the graph using the agent's graph builder. If false, users must separately call Useful for debugging or analyzing components before building. name (str): Some name for this Agent object. """ super(Agent, self).__init__() = name self.auto_build = auto_build self.graph_built = False self.logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) self.state_space = Space.from_spec(state_space).with_batch_rank(False) self.flat_state_space = self.state_space.flatten() if isinstance( self.state_space, ContainerSpace) else None"Parsed state space definition: {}".format( self.state_space)) self.action_space = Space.from_spec(action_space).with_batch_rank( False) self.flat_action_space = self.action_space.flatten() if isinstance( self.action_space, ContainerSpace) else None"Parsed action space definition: {}".format( self.action_space)) = discount self.build_options = {} # The agent's root-Component. self.root_component = Component(, nesting_level=0) # Define the input-Spaces: # Tag the input-Space to `self.set_weights` as equal to whatever the variables-Space will be for # the Agent's policy Component. self.input_spaces = dict(states=self.state_space.with_batch_rank(), ) # Construct the Preprocessor. self.preprocessor = PreprocessorStack.from_spec(preprocessing_spec) self.preprocessed_state_space = self.preprocessor.get_preprocessed_space( self.state_space) self.preprocessing_required = preprocessing_spec is not None and len( preprocessing_spec) > 0 if self.preprocessing_required:"Preprocessing required.") "Parsed preprocessed-state space definition: {}".format( self.preprocessed_state_space)) else:"No preprocessing required.") # Construct the Policy network. policy_spec = policy_spec or dict() if "network_spec" not in policy_spec: policy_spec["network_spec"] = network_spec if "action_space" not in policy_spec: policy_spec["action_space"] = self.action_space self.policy_spec = policy_spec # The behavioral policy of the algorithm. Also the one that gets updated. self.policy = Policy.from_spec(self.policy_spec) # Done by default. self.policy.add_components(Synchronizable(), expose_apis="sync") # Create non-shared baseline network. self.value_function = None if value_function_spec is not None: self.value_function = ValueFunction( network_spec=value_function_spec) self.value_function.add_components(Synchronizable(), expose_apis="sync") self.vars_merger = ContainerMerger("policy", "vf", scope="variable-dict-merger") self.vars_splitter = ContainerSplitter( "policy", "vf", scope="variable-container-splitter") else: self.vars_merger = ContainerMerger("policy", scope="variable-dict-merger") self.vars_splitter = ContainerSplitter( "policy", scope="variable-container-splitter") self.internal_states_space = Space.from_spec(internal_states_space) # An object implementing the loss function interface is only strictly needed # if automatic device strategies like multi-gpu are enabled. This is because # the device strategy needs to know the name of the loss function to infer the appropriate # operations. self.loss_function = None self.exploration = Exploration.from_spec(exploration_spec) self.execution_spec = parse_execution_spec(execution_spec) # Python-side experience buffer for better performance (may be disabled). self.default_env = "env_0" def factory_(i): if i < 2: return [] return tuple([[] for _ in range(i)]) self.states_buffer = defaultdict( list) # partial(fact_, len(self.flat_state_space))) self.actions_buffer = defaultdict( partial(factory_, len(self.flat_action_space or []))) self.internals_buffer = defaultdict(list) self.rewards_buffer = defaultdict(list) self.next_states_buffer = defaultdict( list) # partial(fact_, len(self.flat_state_space))) self.terminals_buffer = defaultdict(list) self.observe_spec = parse_observe_spec(observe_spec) # Global time step counter. self.timesteps = 0 # Create the Agent's optimizer based on optimizer_spec and execution strategy. self.optimizer = None if optimizer_spec is not None: # Save spec in case agent needs to create more optimizers e.g. for baseline. self.optimizer_spec = optimizer_spec self.optimizer = Optimizer.from_spec(optimizer_spec) self.value_function_optimizer = None if self.value_function is not None: if value_function_optimizer_spec is None: vf_optimizer_spec = self.optimizer_spec else: vf_optimizer_spec = value_function_optimizer_spec vf_optimizer_spec["scope"] = "value-function-optimizer" self.value_function_optimizer = Optimizer.from_spec( vf_optimizer_spec) # Update-spec dict tells the Agent how to update (e.g. memory batch size). self.update_spec = parse_update_spec(update_spec) # Create our GraphBuilder and -Executor. self.graph_builder = GraphBuilder(action_space=self.action_space, summary_spec=summary_spec) self.graph_executor = GraphExecutor.from_spec( get_backend(), graph_builder=self.graph_builder, execution_spec=self.execution_spec, saver_spec=saver_spec) # type: GraphExecutor
def __init__( self, component, input_spaces=None, action_space=None, seed=10, logging_level=None, execution_spec=None, # TODO: Move all the below into execution_spec just like for Agent class. enable_profiler=False, disable_monitoring=False, device_strategy="default", device_map=None, backend=None, auto_build=True, build_kwargs=None): """ Args: component (Component): The Component to be tested (may contain sub-components). input_spaces (Optional[dict]): Dict with component's API input-parameter' names as keys and Space objects or Space specs as values. Describes the input Spaces for the component. None, if the Component to be tested has no API methods with input parameters. action_space (Optional[Space]): The action space to pass into the GraphBuilder. seed (Optional[int]): The seed to use for random-seeding the Model object. If None, do not seed the Graph (things may behave non-deterministically). logging_level (Optional[int]): When provided, sets RLGraph's root_logger's logging level to this value. execution_spec (Optional[dict]): Specification dict for execution settings. enable_profiler (bool): When enabled, activates backend profiling. Default: False. disable_monitoring (bool): When True, will not use a monitored session. Default: False. device_strategy (str): Optional device-strategy to be passed into GraphExecutor. device_map (Optional[Dict[str,str]]): Optional device-map to be passed into GraphExecutor. backend (Optional[str]): Override global backend settings for a test by passing in a specific backend, convenience method. auto_build (Optional[bool]): If false, build has to be triggered manually to eval build stats. build_kwargs (Optional[dict]): Dict to be passed as **kwargs to the call to ``. """ self.seed = seed np.random.seed(seed) random.seed(seed) if logging_level is not None: root_logger.setLevel(logging_level) # Create a GraphBuilder. self.graph_builder = GraphBuilder(action_space=action_space) self.component = component self.component.nesting_level = 0 self.input_spaces = input_spaces self.build_kwargs = build_kwargs or dict() # Build the model. execution_spec = parse_execution_spec( execution_spec or dict(seed=self.seed, enable_profiler=enable_profiler, profiler_frequency=1, device_strategy=device_strategy, disable_monitoring=disable_monitoring, device_map=device_map)) use_backend = backend if backend is not None else get_backend() self.graph_executor = GraphExecutor.from_spec( use_backend, graph_builder=self.graph_builder, execution_spec=execution_spec) if auto_build: else: print("Auto-build false, did not build. Waiting for manual build.")
def __init__( self, state_space, action_space, discount=0.98, preprocessing_spec=None, network_spec=None, internal_states_space=None, action_adapter_spec=None, exploration_spec=None, execution_spec=None, optimizer_spec=None, observe_spec=None, update_spec=None, summary_spec=None, saver_spec=None, auto_build=True, name="agent" ): """ Args: state_space (Union[dict,Space]): Spec dict for the state Space or a direct Space object. action_space (Union[dict,Space]): Spec dict for the action Space or a direct Space object. preprocessing_spec (Optional[list,PreprocessorStack]): The spec list for the different necessary states preprocessing steps or a PreprocessorStack object itself. discount (float): The discount factor (gamma). network_spec (Optional[list,NeuralNetwork]): Spec list for a NeuralNetwork Component or the NeuralNetwork object itself. internal_states_space (Optional[Union[dict,Space]]): Spec dict for the internal-states Space or a direct Space object for the Space(s) of the internal (RNN) states. action_adapter_spec (Optional[dict,ActionAdapter]): The spec-dict for the ActionAdapter Component or the ActionAdapter object itself. exploration_spec (Optional[dict]): The spec-dict to create the Exploration Component. execution_spec (Optional[dict,Execution]): The spec-dict specifying execution settings. optimizer_spec (Optional[dict,Optimizer]): The spec-dict to create the Optimizer for this Agent. observe_spec (Optional[dict]): Spec-dict to specify `Agent.observe()` settings. update_spec (Optional[dict]): Spec-dict to specify `Agent.update()` settings. summary_spec (Optional[dict]): Spec-dict to specify summary settings. saver_spec (Optional[dict]): Spec-dict to specify saver settings. auto_build (Optional[bool]): If True (default), immediately builds the graph using the agent's graph builder. If false, users must separately call Useful for debugging or analyzing components before building. name (str): Some name for this Agent object. """ super(Agent, self).__init__() = name self.auto_build = auto_build self.graph_built = False self.logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) self.state_space = Space.from_spec(state_space).with_batch_rank(False)"Parsed state space definition: {}".format(self.state_space)) self.action_space = Space.from_spec(action_space).with_batch_rank(False)"Parsed action space definition: {}".format(self.action_space)) = discount # The agent's root-Component. self.root_component = Component( # Define the input-Spaces: # Tag the input-Space to `self.set_policy_weights` as equal to whatever the variables-Space will be for # the Agent's policy Component. self.input_spaces = dict( states=self.state_space.with_batch_rank(), ) # Construct the Preprocessor. self.preprocessor = PreprocessorStack.from_spec(preprocessing_spec) self.preprocessed_state_space = self.preprocessor.get_preprocessed_space(self.state_space) self.preprocessing_required = preprocessing_spec is not None and len(preprocessing_spec) > 1 if self.preprocessing_required:"Preprocessing required.")"Parsed preprocessed-state space definition: {}".format(self.preprocessed_state_space)) else:"No preprocessing required.") # Construct the Policy network. self.neural_network = None if network_spec is not None: self.neural_network = NeuralNetwork.from_spec(network_spec) self.action_adapter_spec = action_adapter_spec self.internal_states_space = internal_states_space # An object implementing the loss function interface is only strictly needed # if automatic device strategies like multi-gpu are enabled. This is because # the device strategy needs to know the name of the loss function to infer the appropriate # operations. self.loss_function = None # The action adapter mapping raw NN output to (shaped) actions. action_adapter_dict = dict(action_space=self.action_space) if self.action_adapter_spec is None: self.action_adapter_spec = action_adapter_dict else: self.action_adapter_spec.update(action_adapter_dict) # The behavioral policy of the algorithm. Also the one that gets updated. self.policy = Policy( network_spec=self.neural_network, action_adapter_spec=self.action_adapter_spec ) self.exploration = Exploration.from_spec(exploration_spec) self.execution_spec = parse_execution_spec(execution_spec) # Python-side experience buffer for better performance (may be disabled). self.default_env = "env_0" self.states_buffer = defaultdict(list) self.actions_buffer = defaultdict(list) self.internals_buffer = defaultdict(list) self.rewards_buffer = defaultdict(list) self.next_states_buffer = defaultdict(list) self.terminals_buffer = defaultdict(list) self.observe_spec = parse_observe_spec(observe_spec) if self.observe_spec["buffer_enabled"]: self.reset_env_buffers() # Global time step counter. self.timesteps = 0 # Create the Agent's optimizer based on optimizer_spec and execution strategy. self.optimizer = None if optimizer_spec is not None: self.optimizer = Optimizer.from_spec(optimizer_spec) #get_optimizer_from_device_strategy( #optimizer_spec, self.execution_spec.get("device_strategy", 'default') # Update-spec dict tells the Agent how to update (e.g. memory batch size). self.update_spec = parse_update_spec(update_spec) # Create our GraphBuilder and -Executor. self.graph_builder = GraphBuilder(action_space=self.action_space, summary_spec=summary_spec) self.graph_executor = GraphExecutor.from_spec( get_backend(), graph_builder=self.graph_builder, execution_spec=self.execution_spec, saver_spec=saver_spec ) # type: GraphExecutor