Example #1
def get_atom_correspondence(pdb, gro):
    # read pdb
    pdbmol = pybel.readfile("pdb", pdb).__next__()
    p_atoms, p_all = get_mol_info(pdbmol)

    # read gro
    gromol = pybel.readfile("gro", gro).__next__()
    q_atoms, q_all = get_mol_info(gromol)

    return rmsd.reorder_hungarian(p_atoms, q_atoms, p_all,
                                  q_all), rmsd.reorder_hungarian(
                                      q_atoms, p_atoms, q_all, p_all)
Example #2
 def per_residue_rms(self, other, rot=None, tran=None, transform=False):
     """Calculates the RMSD of each residue in two superimposed sites.
     If superposition rotation matrix and translation vector are not given,
     RMSD is calculated without transformation. Otherwise, fitting is performed
     automatically, using weighted superposition to compensate for bias caused
     by slightly outlying residues."""
     rmsds = []
     if rot is None or tran is None:
         rot, tran, _, _ = self.fit(other, weighted=True, transform=False)
     for i, (p, q) in enumerate(zip(self, other)):
         if p.is_gap or q.is_gap:
         # Get functional atoms
         p_atoms, p_coords = p.get_func_atoms()
         q_atoms, q_coords = q.get_func_atoms()
         # Mutate if there are mismatches
         for i, (p_atom, q_atom) in enumerate(zip(p_atoms, q_atoms)):
             if p_atom != q_atom:
                 p_atoms[i] = 'MUT'
                 q_atoms[i] = 'MUT'
         # Transform functional atoms
         if transform:
             q_coords = PdbSite._transform(q_coords, rot, tran)
         # Reorder
         q_review = reorder_hungarian(p_atoms, q_atoms, p_coords, q_coords)
         q_coords = q_coords[q_review]
         # Calculate RMSD
         rms = PdbSite._rmsd(p_coords, q_coords)
         rmsds.append(np.round(rms, 3))
     return np.array(rmsds)
Example #3
def test_reorder_qml():

    filename_1 = pathlib.PurePath(RESOURCE_PATH, "CHEMBL3039407.xyz")

    p_atoms, p_coord = rmsd.get_coordinates_xyz(filename_1)

    # Reorder atoms
    n_atoms = len(p_atoms)
    random_reorder = np.arange(n_atoms, dtype=int)

    q_atoms = copy.deepcopy(p_atoms)
    q_coord = copy.deepcopy(p_coord)
    q_atoms = q_atoms[random_reorder]
    q_coord = q_coord[random_reorder]

    # Mess up the distance matrix by rotating the molecule
    theta = 180.0
    rotation_y = np.array(
            [np.cos(theta), 0, np.sin(theta)],
            [0, 1, 0],
            [-np.sin(theta), 0, np.cos(theta)],

    q_coord = np.dot(q_coord, rotation_y)

    # Reorder with standard hungarian, this will fail reorder and give large
    # RMSD
    view_dist = rmsd.reorder_hungarian(p_atoms, q_atoms, p_coord, q_coord)
    q_atoms_dist = q_atoms[view_dist]
    q_coord_dist = q_coord[view_dist]
    _rmsd_dist = rmsd.kabsch_rmsd(p_coord, q_coord_dist)
    assert q_atoms_dist.tolist() == p_atoms.tolist()
    assert _rmsd_dist > 3.0

    # Reorder based in chemical similarity
    view = rmsd.reorder_similarity(p_atoms, q_atoms, p_coord, q_coord)
    q_atoms = q_atoms[view]
    q_coord = q_coord[view]

    # Calculate new RMSD with correct atom order
    _rmsd = rmsd.kabsch_rmsd(p_coord, q_coord)

    # Assert correct atom order
    assert q_atoms.tolist() == p_atoms.tolist()

    # Assert this is the same molecule
    pytest.approx(0.0) == _rmsd
Example #4
    def test_reorder_distance(self):
        N = 5
        atoms = np.array(["H"]*N)
        p_coord = np.arange(N*3)
        p_coord = p_coord.reshape((5,3))
        q_coord = copy.deepcopy(p_coord)


        review = reorder_hungarian(atoms, atoms, p_coord, q_coord)
        self.assertEqual(p_coord.tolist(), q_coord[review].tolist())

Example #5
    def fit(self,
        """Iteratively fits two catalytic sites (self: fixed site, other: mobile site)
        using the Kabsch algorithm from the rmsd module (https://github.com/charnley/rmsd).
        Can also find the optimal atom alignment in each residue, considering
        symmetrical atoms and functionally similar residues, using the
        Hungarian algorithm.

            other: mobile active site to fit
            weighted: to perform weighted superposition in the last iteration
            cycles: Number of fitting iterations to exclude outlying atoms
            transform: Also transforms the mobile site's coordinates
            mutate: If the two active sites do not have the same residues,
                    make pseudo-mutations to the mobile site to facilitate
                    atom correspondence
            reorder: Find the optimal atom correspondence (within a residue)
                     between the two sites, taking into account conservative
                     mutations and symmetrical atoms (optional). See and
                     definitions in residue_definitions.py module.
            allow_symmetrics: Allows flipping of side chains if atoms are
                              equivalent or symmetrical

        Returns: rot, tran, rms, rms_all
            rot: Rotation matrix to transform mobile site into the fixed site
            tran: Translation vector to transform mobile site into the fixed site
            rms: RMSD after fitting, excluding outliers
            rms_all: RMSD over all atoms, including outliers

            Exception: If number of functions atoms in the two sites is not the same (e.g.
                       if there are missing atoms from the parent structure)
        # In case gaps are present, exclude those positions
        gaps = set(self.get_gaps() + other.get_gaps())
        # If we want to exclude residues from fitting
        if exclude is not None:
            if type(exclude) not in (list, tuple, set):
                exclude = [exclude]
            for i in exclude:
        # Get atom identifier strings and coords as numpy arrays
        p_atoms, p_coords = self._get_func_atoms(allow_symmetrics, omit=gaps)
        q_atoms, q_coords = other._get_func_atoms(allow_symmetrics, omit=gaps)
        if p_atoms is None or q_atoms is None:
            return None, None, None, None
        if len(p_atoms) != len(q_atoms):
            raise Exception('Atom number mismatch in sites {} and {}'.format(
                self.id, other.id))
        # Initial crude superposition
        rot, tran, rms, _ = PdbSite._super(p_coords, q_coords, cycles=1)
        q_trans = PdbSite._transform(q_coords, rot, tran)
        # In case of non-conservative mutations, make pseudo-mutations to facilitate superposition
        if mutate:
            for i, (p_atom, q_atom) in enumerate(zip(p_atoms, q_atoms)):
                if p_atom != q_atom:
                    #q_atoms[i] = p_atom
                    q_atoms[i] = '{}.MUT'.format(q_atoms[i].split('.')[0])
                    p_atoms[i] = '{}.MUT'.format(p_atoms[i].split('.')[0])
        # Reorder atoms using the Hungarian algorithm from rmsd package
        if reorder:
            q_review = reorder_hungarian(p_atoms, q_atoms, p_coords, q_trans)
            q_coords = q_coords[q_review]
        # Iterative superposition. Get rotation matrix, translation vector and RMSD
        rot, tran, rms, rms_all = PdbSite._super(p_coords, q_coords, cycles,
                                                 cutoff, weighted,
        if transform:
            other.structure.transform(rot, tran)
        if get_array:
            q_trans = np.dot(q_coords, rot) + tran
            return rot, tran, rms, rms_all, p_coords, q_trans
        return rot, tran, rms, rms_all