class SimpleWriterTest(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        self.structure = "...((..((..))....)).."
        self.parser = Parser(self.structure)
        self.formatter = Writer()

    def test_format(self):
        val = self.formatter.format(self.parser)
        self.assertEqual(val, self.structure)
class SimpleWriterTest(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        self.structure = "...((..((..))....)).."
        self.parser = Parser(self.structure)
        self.formatter = Writer()

    def test_format(self):
        val = self.formatter.format(self.parser)
        self.assertEqual(val, self.structure)
rfam_pseudoknots = "<<<<<..AA..>>>>>aa"
rfam_sequence = "CCCCCAAGGUUGGGGGCC"

# Create a dot-bracket parser that can handle rfam's format.
parser = DotParser(rfam_pseudoknots, dialect="rfam")
parser.sequence = rfam_sequence

Note that RemovePseudoknots needs to have an enviroment variable DATAPATH set.
This must lead to the data tables provided with RNAstructure. Below is where
mine are, change as needed.
os.putenv('DATAPATH', '/Users/blake/lab/programs/RNAstructure/data_tables')

# Remove all pseudoknots and return a new parser for the new structure.
remover = RemovePseudoknots()
stripped = remover(parser)

# Show the indices
# => {'external': [([16, 17],)], 'hairpin': [([5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10],)]}

# Create a new dot-bracket string without pseudoknots - This does not support
# dialects at the moment, maybe later.
writer = DotWriter()
# => (((((......)))))..
from rnastructure.secondary.dot_bracket import Parser as DotParser
from rnastructure.secondary.dot_bracket import Writer as DotWriter

rfam_pseudoknots = '<<<<<..AA..>>>>>aa'
rfam_sequence = 'CCCCCAAGGUUGGGGGCC'

# Create a dot-bracket parser that can handle rfam's format.
parser = DotParser(rfam_pseudoknots, dialect='rfam')
parser.sequence = rfam_sequence

Note that RemovePseudoknots needs to have an enviroment variable DATAPATH set.
This must lead to the data tables provided with RNAstructure. Below is where
mine are, change as needed.
os.putenv('DATAPATH', '/Users/blake/lab/programs/RNAstructure/data_tables')

# Remove all pseudoknots and return a new parser for the new structure.
remover = RemovePseudoknots()
stripped = remover(parser)

# Show the indices
# => {'external': [([16, 17],)], 'hairpin': [([5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10],)]}

# Create a new dot-bracket string without pseudoknots - This does not support
# dialects at the moment, maybe later.
writer = DotWriter()
# => (((((......)))))..