def test_rnnslu(): s = {'fold': 3, # 5 folds 0,1,2,3,4 'data': 'atis', 'lr': 0.0970806646812754, 'verbose': 1, 'decay': True, # decay on the learning rate if improvement stops 'win': 7, # number of words in the context window 'nhidden': 200, # number of hidden units 'seed': 345, 'emb_dimension': 50, # dimension of word embedding 'nepochs': 1, # CHANGED 'savemodel': False} rnnslu.main(s)
def test_rnnslu(): s = { "fold": 3, # 5 folds 0,1,2,3,4 "data": "atis", "lr": 0.0970806646812754, "verbose": 1, "decay": True, # decay on the learning rate if improvement stops "win": 7, # number of words in the context window "nhidden": 200, # number of hidden units "seed": 345, "emb_dimension": 50, # dimension of word embedding "nepochs": 1, # CHANGED "savemodel": False, } rnnslu.main(s)
def test_rnnslu(): rnnslu.main()