class Petalinux(Basebuild): """This Petalinux class contains api's for all common petalinux options""" configs_dir = "project-spec/configs" meta_user = "******" recipes_apps = f"{meta_user}/recipes-apps" recipes_bsp = f"{meta_user}/recipes-bsp" project_config = f"{configs_dir}/config" rootfs_config = f"{configs_dir}/rootfs_config" user_rootfs_config = f"{meta_user}/conf/user-rootfsconfig" plnxbspconf_file = f"{meta_user}/conf/petalinuxbsp.conf" devicetree_dir = f"{recipes_bsp}/device-tree" fsbl_dir = f"{recipes_bsp}/fsbl" pmufw_dir = f"{recipes_bsp}/pmu-firmware" plm_dir = f"{recipes_bsp}/plm" psmfw_dir = f"{recipes_bsp}/psm-firmware" system_user_file = f"{devicetree_dir}/files/system-user.dtsi" kernel_dir = f"{meta_user}/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-xlnx" kernel_bbappend = f"{meta_user}/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-xlnx_%.bbappend" devicetree_append = f"{devicetree_dir}/device-tree.bbappend" fsbl_bbappend = f"{fsbl_dir}/fsbl-firmware_%.bbappend" atf_dir = f"{recipes_bsp}/arm-trusted-firmware" atf_bbappend = f"{atf_dir}/arm-trusted-firmware_%.bbappend" uboot_dir = f"{meta_user}/recipes-bsp/u-boot" uboot_bbappend = f"{uboot_dir}/u-boot-xlnx_%.bbappend" pmufw_bbappend = f"{pmufw_dir}/pmu-firmware_%.bbappend" plm_bbappend = f"{plm_dir}/plm-firmware_%.bbappend" psmfw_bbappend = f"{psmfw_dir}/psm-firmware_%.bbappend" openamp_dir = f"{meta_user}/recipes-openamp" libmetal_dir = openamp_dir openamp_bbappend = f"{openamp_dir}/open-amp/open-amp_%.bbappend" libmetal_bbappend = f"{openamp_dir}/libmetal/libmetal_%.bbappend" xen_dir = f"{meta_user}/recipes-extended/xen" xen_bbappend = f"{xen_dir}/xen_%.bbappend" recipesmm_dir = f"{meta_user}/recipes-multimedia/" gst_dir = f"{recipesmm_dir}/gstreamer/" vcu_dir = f"{recipesmm_dir}/vcu/" vcu_firmware_dir = f"{recipesmm_dir}/vcu/vcu-firmware" vcu_firmware_bbappend = f"{vcu_dir}/vcu-firmware.bbappend" vcu_omxil_dir = f"{recipesmm_dir}/vcu/libomxil-xlnx" vcu_omxil_bbappend = f"{vcu_dir}/libomxil-xlnx.bbappend" vcu_ctrlsw_dir = f"{recipesmm_dir}/vcu/libvcu-xlnx" vcu_ctrlsw_bbappend = f"{vcu_dir}/libvcu-xlnx.bbappend" vcu_modules_dir = f"{recipesmm_dir}/vcu/kernel-module-vcu" vcu_modules_bbappend = f"{vcu_dir}/kernel-module-vcu.bbappend" gstreamer_dir = f"{recipesmm_dir}/gstreamer/gstreamer1.0" gstreamer_bbappend = f"{gst_dir}/gstreamer1.0_%.bbappend" gst_plugins_bad_dir = f"{recipesmm_dir}/gstreamer/gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad" gst_plugins_bad_bbappend = f"{gst_dir}/gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad_%.bbappend" gst_plugins_base_dir = f"{recipesmm_dir}/gstreamer/gstreamer1.0-plugins-base" gst_plugins_base_bbappend = f"{gst_dir}/gstreamer1.0-plugins-base_%.bbappend" gst_plugins_good_dir = f"{recipesmm_dir}/gstreamer/gstreamer1.0-plugins-good" gst_plugins_good_bbappend = f"{gst_dir}/gstreamer1.0-plugins-good_%.bbappend" gst_omx_dir = f"{recipesmm_dir}/gstreamer/gstreamer1.0-omx" gst_omx_bbappend = f"{gst_dir}/gstreamer1.0-omx_%.bbappend" def __init__(self, config, setup: bool = True): super().__init__(config, setup) self.plnx_tool = config["PLNX_TOOL"] self.bsp_path = config["BSP_PATH"] self.plnx_pkg = None self.plnx_tmp = config["PLNX_TMP_PATH"] self.plnx_proj = config["plnx_proj"] self.workDir = config["workDir"] self.imagesDir = config["imagesDir"] self.wsDir = config["wsDir"] self.config["platform"] = config["platform"] self.proj_dir = f"{self.workDir}/{self.plnx_proj}" self.petalinux_images = f"{self.proj_dir}/images" self.qemu_boot = False # Acquire bash console. self.runner = Xexpect(log, exit_nzero_ret=True) atexit.register(self.__del__) myconfs = [ "RECIPE_NAME", "RECIPE_NEW_NAME", "FETCHURI", "SOURCE_PATH", "RECIPE_DESTINATION", "IMAGE_RECIPE", "WORKSPACE_LAYERPATH", "EXISTING_RECIPENAME", "RECIPE_UPGRADE", ] for myconf in myconfs: if myconf in config: setattr(self, myconf.lower(), getattr(config, myconf)) def source_tool(self, timeout: int = 120) -> None: """This Function source the petalinux tool. Parameters: PLNX_TOOL - by default set to petalinux daily_latest """ if not is_file(self.plnx_tool): raise Exception(f"Error: ({self.plnx_tool}) is not a file") cmd = f"source {self.plnx_tool}" self.runner.runcmd(cmd=str(cmd), timeout=timeout)"Petalinux Tool : {self.runner.runcmd(f'echo $PETALINUX')}") def create_project(self, timeout: int = 300) -> None: """This Function sources the creates petalinux project based on user configuration, Parameters: PLNX_TOOL : petalinux tool path platform : versal, zynqMP, zynq, microblaze plnx_flow : BSP, template (by default BSP) BSP_PATH : bsp path (default set to petalinux daily_latest) PLNX_BSP : bsp name plnx_proj : project name """ remove(f"{self.proj_dir}") self.source_tool() cmd = f"petalinux-create -t project " if self.config.get("plnx_flow") == "template":"Using templete flow to create petalinux project...") cmd += f"--template {self.config['platform']}" else:"Using bsp flow to create petalinux project...") self.plnx_bsp = self.config["PLNX_BSP"] self.plnx_bsp_path = get_original_path( f"{self.bsp_path}/{self.plnx_bsp}") if not is_file(self.plnx_bsp_path): log.error(f"Petalinux BSP {self.plnx_bsp_path} Not found") assert False, "Petalinux BSP Not found" cmd += f"-s {self.plnx_bsp_path} " if "plnx_proj" in self.config: cmd += f" -n {self.plnx_proj}" self.runner.runcmd(f"cd {self.workDir}") self.runner.runcmd(cmd=str(cmd), timeout=timeout) self.runner.runcmd(f"cd {self.plnx_proj}") os.chdir(self.proj_dir) if self.config.get("plnx_init_cmds"): self.runner.runcmd_list(self.config.plnx_init_cmds) def fetch_project(self): """This Function clones petalinux project from git, Parameters: PLNX_TOOL : petalinux tool path plnx_proj : project name bsp_src : bsp source >>> git.bsp.url : "" git.bsp.branch : "master" """ self.source_tool() if "git.bsp.url" in self.config: url = self.config.git.bsp.url if "git.bsp.branch" not in self.config: self.config.git.bsp.branch = "master" clone( self.config.git.bsp, self.proj_dir, recurse_submodules=self.config.git.bsp.recurse_submodules, ) os.chdir(self.proj_dir) self.runner.runcmd(f"cd {self.proj_dir}") else: err_msg = "git.bsp.url not found in config" assert False, err_msg def create_apps(self, timeout: int = 300) -> None: """This Function creates user applications in petalinux project, Parameters: user_apps : it is dictionary >>> Usage: 1. user_apps = { 'appname' : [ 'app files1', 'app file2' ] } 2. user_apps = { 'appname' : [ 'app files' ], 'appname_bbfile' : 'userspecfic bbfile path'} """ plnx_apps = self.config["user_apps"] if plnx_apps: for app_name, files in plnx_apps.items(): app_name = app_name.lower() if "bbfile" not in app_name: files = convert_list(files) if self.config.get("plnx_flow") == "template": create_apps_cmd = f"petalinux-create -t apps --template install -n {app_name.strip()} --enable" self.runner.runcmd(cmd=str(create_apps_cmd), timeout=timeout) remove_all_files( f"{self.recipes_apps}/{app_name}/files/") else: create_apps_cmd = ( f"petalinux-create -t apps -n {app_name.strip()} --enable" ) self.runner.runcmd(cmd=str(create_apps_cmd), timeout=timeout) for data in files: data = parse_config(self.config, data) if is_dir(data): copyDirectory( data, f"{self.proj_dir}/{self.recipes_apps}/{app_name}/files/", ) else: copy_file( data, f"{self.proj_dir}/{self.recipes_apps}/{app_name}/files/", ) for app_name, files in plnx_apps.items(): app_name = app_name.lower() if "bbfile" in app_name: files = parse_config(self.config, files) app_name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(files))[0] copy_file( files, f"{self.proj_dir}/{self.recipes_apps}/{app_name}/") else: log.warning("No user apps to create ") def set_tmp_path(self): """This Function to set temp path for petalinux project Parameters: PLNX_TMP_PATH : Default it set to '/tmp/petalinux' """ if self.plnx_tmp: tmp_dir = (self.plnx_proj + "-" +"%Y.%m.%d-%H.%M.%S")) if os.getenv("JOB_NAME"): tmp_dir = f"{os.getenv('JOB_NAME')}/{tmp_dir}" self.plnx_tmp = os.path.join(self.plnx_tmp, tmp_dir) mkdir(self.plnx_tmp) os.chmod(self.plnx_tmp, 0o777) add_newline(f"{self.project_config}", f'CONFIG_TMP_DIR_LOCATION="{self.plnx_tmp}"') if is_filesystem_nfs(self.proj_dir): self.plnx_tmp = self.get_tmp_path() def get_tmp_path(self): with open(f"{self.proj_dir}/{self.project_config}", "r") as read_obj: for line in read_obj: if "CONFIG_TMP_DIR_LOCATION" in line: matchObj ='CONFIG_TMP_DIR_LOCATION="(.*)"', line) tmp_path = return tmp_path def silent_config(self, timeout: int = 600) -> None: """This Function apply the user configuration to petalinux project Parameter: plnx_config_component (optional) """ plnx_silent_cmd = "yes | petalinux-config" if "plnx_config_component" in self.config: plnx_silent_cmd += f" -c {self.config['plnx_config_component']}" plnx_silent_cmd += " --silentconfig" self.runner.runcmd(cmd=str(plnx_silent_cmd), timeout=timeout) def get_hwdesign(self, timeout: int = 600) -> None: """This Function apply hardware design file(.xsa) on petalinux project Parameter: hw_design_path : .xsa file path """ hw_design = get_original_path(self.config["hw_design_path"]) hwdesign_cmd = ( f"yes | petalinux-config --get-hw-description={hw_design} --silentconfig" ) self.runner.runcmd(cmd=str(hwdesign_cmd), timeout=timeout) def plnx_build(self, timeout: int = 3600) -> None: """This Function runs petalinux build command on project Parameter: None """ build_cmd = "petalinux-build" if self.config.get("plnx_build_timeout", ""): timeout = self.config.plnx_build_timeout self.runner.runcmd(cmd=str(build_cmd), timeout=timeout) def set_config(self): """This Function apply the user configs on petalinux project >>> Usage: plnx_configs = { rootfs : [ 'CONFIG_xen=y', 'CONFIG_open-amp_demo is not set' ], project : [ 'CONFIG_ROOTFS_INITRD=y' ], kernel : [ 'CONFIG_XILINX_ETHERNET=y'], user-rootfs : ['CONFIG_kernel-module-hdmi'], bspconf : ['IMAGE_INSTALL_append = "iperf3"'] } """ component_map = { "user-rootfs": { "conf": f"{self.user_rootfs_config}" }, "rootfs": { "conf": f"{self.rootfs_config}" }, "project": { "conf": f"{self.project_config}" }, "kernel": { "conf": f"{self.kernel_dir}/bsp.cfg", "conf_dir": f"{self.kernel_dir}", "bbappend": [ 'FILESEXTRAPATHS_prepend := "${THISDIR}/${PN}:"', 'SRC_URI += "file://bsp.cfg"', ], }, "uboot": { "conf": f"{self.uboot_dir}/files/bsp.cfg", "conf_dir": f"{self.uboot_dir}", "bbappend": ['SRC_URI += "file://bsp.cfg"'], }, "bspconf": { "conf": f"{self.plnxbspconf_file}" }, } components = ("plm", "pmufw", "fsbl", "psmfw") for key, value in self.config["plnx_configs"].items(): value = convert_list(value) if key in component_map: if "conf_dir" in component_map[key].keys(): mkdir(str(component_map[key]["conf_dir"])) if "bbappend" in component_map[key].keys(): append_list = convert_list(component_map[key]["bbappend"]) for val in append_list: add_newline(getattr(self, f"{key}_bbappend"), str(val)) for itr in value: itr = parse_config(self.config, itr) add_newline(str(component_map[key]["conf"]), str(itr)) elif key in components: mkdir(getattr(self, f"{key}_dir")) for itr in value: itr = parse_config(self.config, itr) add_newline(getattr(self, f"{key}_bbappend"), str(itr)) else: err_msg = f"Invalid arg {key} in plnx_configs" assert False, err_msg def apply_patch(self): components = ("atf", "pmufw", "fsbl", "uboot") for key, value in self.config["apply_patches"].items(): value = convert_list(value) component_dir = f"{key}_dir" mycomponent_dir = getattr(self, component_dir) append_file = f"{key}_bbappend" myappend_file = getattr(self, append_file) mkdir(mycomponent_dir) if "kernel" in key: add_newline(f"{self.kernel_bbappend}", 'SRC_URI += "file://bsp.cfg"') add_newline( myappend_file, 'FILESEXTRAPATHS_prepend := "${THISDIR}/${PN}:"', ) if key in components: add_newline( myappend_file, 'FILESEXTRAPATHS_prepend := "${THISDIR}:"', ) else: add_newline( myappend_file, 'FILESEXTRAPATHS_prepend := "${THISDIR}/${PN}:"', ) for itr in value: if itr.endswith(".patch"): if is_file(f"{itr}"): copy_file(f"{itr}", mycomponent_dir) itr = os.path.basename(f"{itr}") add_newline(myappend_file, f'SRC_URI += "file://{itr}"') else: copy_file(f"{self.config['workDir']}/{itr}", mycomponent_dir) add_newline(myappend_file, f'SRC_URI += "file://{itr}"') else:"Invalid patch...") def apply_external_component(self): """This function adds support to apply external src on petalinux project for kernel, uboot, atf, fsbl, xen, openamp components Parameters: url - component git url externalsrc - local src path srcrev - commid id/tag branch - git branch checksum - source checksum >>> Usage: plnx.component.uboot.url = "<git url>" plnx.component.uboot.branch = "master" plnx.component.uboot.srcrev = "12223434222" plnx.component.uboot.checksum = "<checksum>" plnx.component.xen.externalsrc= "<external source path>" plnx.component.openamp.url= "<source url>" """ def _external_repo_setup(self, key): if key == "openamp": key = "open-amp" component = re.sub("-", "", key) comp = f"{component}_bbappend" comp_dir = f"{component}_dir" mycomp_dir = getattr(self, comp_dir) mkdir(f"{mycomp_dir}/{key}") bbappend = getattr(self, comp) return bbappend def _component_map(self): component_map = {} component_map["atf"] = "ARM__TRUSTED__FIRMWARE" component_map["uboot"] = "U__BOOT" component_map["kernel"] = "LINUX__KERNEL" return component_map for key, value in self.config.plnx.component.items(): if key in ["kernel", "uboot", "atf"]: component_map = _component_map(self) if value["url"]: add_newline( f"{self.project_config}", f"CONFIG_SUBSYSTEM_COMPONENT_{component_map[key]}_NAME_REMOTE=y", ) add_newline( f"{self.project_config}", f"# CONFIG_SUBSYSTEM_COMPONENT_{component_map[key]}_NAME_EXT__LOCAL__SRC is not set", ) add_newline( f"{self.project_config}", f"CONFIG_SUBSYSTEM_COMPONENT_{component_map[key]}_NAME_REMOTE_DOWNLOAD_PATH=\"{value['url']};protocol=https\"", ) if value["srcrev"]: add_newline( f"{self.project_config}", f"CONFIG_SUBSYSTEM_COMPONENT_{component_map[key]}_NAME_REMOTE_REFERENCE=\"{value['srcrev']}\"", ) else: add_newline( f"{self.project_config}", f'CONFIG_SUBSYSTEM_COMPONENT_{component_map[key]}_NAME_REMOTE_REFERENCE="${{AUTOREV}}"', ) if value["branch"]: add_newline( f"{self.project_config}", f"CONFIG_SUBSYSTEM_COMPONENT_{component_map[key]}_NAME_REMOTE_BRANCH=\"{value['branch']}\"", ) if value["checksum"]: add_newline( f"{self.project_config}", f"CONFIG_SUBSYSTEM_COMPONENT_{component_map[key]}_LIC_FILES_CHKSUM_REMOTE=\"{value['checksum']}\"", ) else: if value["externalsrc"]: add_newline( f"{self.project_config}", f"# CONFIG_SUBSYSTEM_COMPONENT_{component_map[key]}_NAME_REMOTE is not set", ) add_newline( f"{self.project_config}", f"CONFIG_SUBSYSTEM_COMPONENT_{component_map[key]}_NAME_EXT__LOCAL__SRC=y", ) add_newline( f"{self.project_config}", f"CONFIG_SUBSYSTEM_COMPONENT_{component_map[key]}_NAME_EXT__LOCAL__SRC_PATH=\"{value['externalsrc']}\"", ) else: bbappend = _external_repo_setup(self, key) if value["externalsrc"]: repo_name = get_base_name(value["externalsrc"]) self.runner.runcmd( cmd= f"rsync -av --exclude '.git*' {value['externalsrc']} {self.workDir}", timeout=120, ) add_newline(bbappend, f"inherit externalsrc") add_newline(bbappend, f'EXTERNALSRC = "{self.workDir}/{repo_name}"') add_newline( bbappend, f'EXTERNALSRC_BUILD = "{self.workDir}/{repo_name}"') if value["checksum"]: add_newline( bbappend, f"LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = \"file://license.txt;md5={value['checksum']}\"", ) elif value["url"]: if value["checksum"]: add_newline( bbappend, f"LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = \"file://license.txt;md5={value['checksum']}\"", ) add_newline(bbappend, f"REPO = \"{value['url']};protocol=https\"") if value["srcrev"]: if value["srcrev"] == "AUTOREV": add_newline(bbappend, 'SRCREV = "{AUTOREV}"') else: add_newline(bbappend, f"SRCREV = \"{value['srcrev']}\"") if value["branch"]: add_newline(bbappend, f"BRANCH = \"{value['branch']}\"") # Add build dependency using this var, for the component being built if value["depends"]: add_newline(bbappend, f"DEPENDS += \"{value['depends']}\"") else: "Invalid external component src option.... using default petalinux sources" ) def update_dtsi_file(self): """This function adds user dtsi file to petalinux project Parameter: plnx_user_dtsi_files : user .dtsi file >>> Usage: plnx_user_dtsi_files = ['<path to dtsi file>'] """ mkdir(self.devicetree_dir) if "plnx_user_dtsi_files" in self.config: dt_files = convert_list(self.config["plnx_user_dtsi_files"]) for file in dt_files: copy_file(file, f"{self.devicetree_dir}/files/") dt_file = os.path.basename(file) if dt_file.endswith(".dtsi"): add_newline(f"{self.system_user_file}", f'/include/ "{dt_file}"') add_newline(f"{self.devicetree_append}", f'SRC_URI += "file://{dt_file}"') else: log.error("Invalid dtsi input") def link_dtsi_file(self): """This function softlink system-user.dtsi file with user provided dtsi file Parameter: plnx_user_dtsi_file : user .dtsi file >>> Usage: plnx_user_dtsi_file = 'path to user dtsi file' """ if "plnx_user_dtsi_file" in self.config: plnx_user_dtsi_file = self.config["plnx_user_dtsi_file"] system_dt_file = os.path.basename(self.system_user_file) user_dt_file = os.path.basename(plnx_user_dtsi_file) if os.path.isabs(plnx_user_dtsi_file): if is_file(plnx_user_dtsi_file): copy_file(plnx_user_dtsi_file, f"{self.devicetree_dir}/files/") else: err_msg = "ERROR: No {plnx_user_dtsi_file} exists" assert False, err_msg os.chdir(f"{self.devicetree_dir}/files/") symlink(system_dt_file, user_dt_file) os.chdir(self.proj_dir) def pack_bsp(self, timeout: int = 300) -> None: """This Function packages the petalinux project into BSP""" self.plnx_pkg = self.config["plnx_pkg"] if not self.plnx_pkg.split(): self.plnx_pkg = self.plnx_bsp pack_cmd = f"petalinux-package --bsp -p ./ -o {self.workDir}/{self.plnx_pkg}" self.runner.runcmd(cmd=str(pack_cmd), timeout=timeout) def run_user_script(self, timeout: int = 600) -> None: """This Function can be useful to run any user script after petalinux project creation. Parameters: user_script : supports .sh and .py >>> Usage: user_script = { "file_name" : "", "args" : "<script args if any>", "expected" : "<any script to match to know the script execution complete>" } """ userSuite = self.config["user_script"] script = userSuite["file_name"] args = userSuite["args"] expected = userSuite["expected"] if is_file(f"{self.workDir}/{script}") == True: if script.endswith(".sh"): config_cmd = f"sh {self.workDir}/{script} {args}" elif script.endswith(".py"): config_cmd = f"python {self.workDir}/{script} {args}" else: log.error(f"{script} not supported to execute") else: raise Exception(f"ERROR: {self.workDir}/{script} not exist") self.runner.runcmd(cmd=str(config_cmd), expected=expected, timeout=timeout) def plnx_package_boot(self, timeout: int = 600) -> None: """This Function creates BOOT.BIN""" if self.config["platform"].strip().lower() == "zynqmp": plnx_bin_cmd = "petalinux-package --boot %s %s %s %s" % ( "--fsbl images/linux/zynqmp_fsbl.elf", "--u-boot images/linux/u-boot.elf", "--pmufw images/linux/pmufw.elf", "--fpga images/linux/system.bit --force", ) elif self.config["platform"].strip().lower() == "zynq": plnx_bin_cmd = "petalinux-package --boot %s %s %s" % ( "--fsbl images/linux/zynq_fsbl.elf", "--u-boot images/linux/u-boot.elf", "--fpga images/linux/system.bit --force", ) elif self.config["platform"].strip().lower() == "versal": plnx_bin_cmd = "petalinux-package --boot --force --u-boot" elif self.config["platform"].strip().lower() == "microblaze": plnx_bin_cmd = "" else: log.error(f"{(self.config['platform'])} not supported") raise Exception( f"Error: {(self.config['platform'])} not supported") self.runner.runcmd(cmd=str(plnx_bin_cmd), timeout=timeout) def build_sdk(self, timeout: int = 3600) -> None: """This Function runs petalinux sdk command on project""" build_sdk_cmd = "petalinux-build --sdk" self.runner.runcmd(cmd=str(build_sdk_cmd), timeout=timeout) def extract_sdk(self, timeout: int = 3600) -> None: """This Function extracts the sdk on project""" extract_sdk_cmd = "petalinux-package --sysroot" self.runner.runcmd(cmd=str(extract_sdk_cmd), timeout=timeout) # Fix me def plnx_package_wic(self, wic_args=None, timeout=600): """This Function can be useful to generate wic image to prepare sd card. Parameters: wic_args : None (or) --bootfiles "BOOT.BIN boot.scr system.dtb image.ub" """ wic_cmd = "petalinux-package --wic" if wic_args: wic_cmd += f" {wic_args}" self.runner.runcmd(cmd=str(wic_cmd), timeout=timeout) def deploy(self): """This Function deploy the generated petalinux build images to specfic location Parameters: plnx_artifacts - to copy any specific files deploy_dir : to copy images to specific location >>> Usage: plnx_artifacts = ['image.ub', 'BOOT.BIN', 'Image', 'system.xsa' ] deploy_dir = "<path>" """ ret = True if "deploy_dir" in self.config: deploy_dir = self.config["deploy_dir"] if not is_dir(deploy_dir): mkdir(deploy_dir)"Checking petalinux artifacts in {self.proj_dir}") if "plnx_artifacts" in self.config: for image in self.config["plnx_artifacts"]: image_file = find_file(image, f"{self.proj_dir}/images/linux") if image_file: if is_file(image_file): copy_file(image_file, deploy_dir) elif is_dir(image_file): copyDirectory(image_file, f"{deploy_dir}/{image}", symlinks=True) else: log.error(f"{image} does not exist in {self.workDir}") ret = False copyDirectory(f"{self.proj_dir}/images/linux", self.imagesDir, symlinks=True) return ret def deploy_bsp(self): """This Function deploys the petalinux bsp to specified location Parameter: deploy_dir : <path> """ deploy_dir = self.config["deploy_dir"] if deploy_dir: if is_dir(deploy_dir) == False: mkdir(deploy_dir) else: remove(deploy_dir) mkdir(deploy_dir)"Copying plnx packed bsp to {deploy_dir}") shutil.copy(f"{self.workDir}/{self.plnx_pkg}", deploy_dir) shutil.copy(f"{self.workDir}/{self.plnx_pkg}", self.imagesDir) def _run_boot( self, cmd: str, proj_path: Optional[str] = None, hwserver: Optional[str] = None, bitfile: Optional[str] = None, rootfs: Optional[str] = None, ) -> None: """This function create petalinux boot command""" if proj_path: self.proj_dir = proj_path if not bitfile: bitfile = f"{self.proj_dir}/pre-built/linux/images/system.bit" if bitfile.endswith(".bit"): if self.config.get("platform") != "versal": if self.config.get("plnx_no_rev_check"): cmd += f' --after-connect "fpga -no-revision-check {bitfile}"' else: cmd += f" --bitstream {bitfile}" if rootfs: cmd += f" --rootfs {rootfs}" if hwserver: cmd += f" --hw_server-url {hwserver}:3121" if not is_dir(self.proj_dir): log.error(f"Petalinux Project Directory {self.proj_dir} not found") assert False, "Petalinux project directory not found" self.runner.runcmd(f"cd {self.proj_dir}") self.runner.runcmd(cmd=str(cmd), timeout=3600) def _run_qemu_boot(self, cmd, proj_path=None, qemu_args=None, rootfs=None): """This function create petalinux qemu boot command""" if proj_path: self.proj_dir = proj_path if rootfs: cmd += f" --rootfs {rootfs}" if qemu_args: cmd += f" {qemu_args}" if not is_dir(self.proj_dir): log.error(f"Petalinux Project Directory {self.proj_dir} not found") assert False, "Petalinux project directory not found" self.runner.runcmd(f"cd {self.proj_dir}") self.qemu_boot = True self.runner.sendline(cmd=str(cmd)) def plnx_boot( self, boottype=None, proj_path=None, hwserver=None, bitfile=None, qemu_args=None, rootfs=None, ): if boottype not in ("prebuilt 2", "prebuilt 3", "kernel", "uboot"): raise Exception("""Invalid petalinux boot type selected support types are: prebuilt 2, prebuilt 3, kernel, uboot""") if hwserver: cmd = f"petalinux-boot --jtag -v --{boottype}" self._run_boot(cmd, proj_path, hwserver, bitfile, rootfs) else: cmd = f"petalinux-boot --qemu --{boottype}" self._run_qemu_boot(cmd, proj_path, qemu_args, rootfs) def __del__(self): """This function deletes the petalinux project created under TEMP path. Parameters: PLNX_TMP_PATH : tmp path to to build petalinux project skip_clean_temp : to skip temp clean >>> skip_clean_temp = true """ if self.config.get("skip_clean_temp"):"Skipped petaliux project temp clean...") else: if self.plnx_tmp: f"Petaliunx project temp clean successful on path : {self.plnx_tmp} ..." ) remove(self.plnx_tmp) if self.qemu_boot: self.runner.sendcontrol("a") self.runner.sendline("x") def devtool(self, operation, timeout=12000): """This function performs petalinux-devtool options""" self.source_tool() self.create_project() if operation == "add": self.runner.runcmd( cmd= f" petalinux-devtool {operation} {self.recipe_name} {self.fetchuri}", timeout=2000, ) elif operation == "modify": self.runner.runcmd( cmd= f" petalinux-devtool {operation} {self.existing_recipename} ", timeout=1000, ) elif operation == "upgrade": self.runner.runcmd( cmd=f" petalinux-devtool {operation} {self.recipe_upgrade}", timeout=2000, ) elif operation in ("status", "export"): self.runner.runcmd_list( cmd_list=[ f"petalinux-devtool add {self.recipe_name} {self.fetchuri}", f"petalinux-devtool {operation}", ], timeout=600, ) elif operation in ( "latest-version", "check-upgrade-status", "search", "build", "find-recipe", "configure-help", "update-recipe", "configure", ): self.runner.runcmd_list( cmd_list=[ f"petalinux-devtool add {self.recipe_name} {self.fetchuri}", f"petalinux-devtool {operation} {self.recipe_name}", ], timeout=2000, ) elif operation == "rename": self.runner.runcmd_list( cmd_list=[ f"petalinux-devtool add {self.recipe_name} {self.fetchuri}", f"petalinux-devtool {operation} {self.recipe_name} {self.recipe_new_name}", f"petalinux-devtool search {self.recipe_new_name}", ], timeout=2000, ) elif operation == "reset": self.runner.runcmd_list( cmd_list=[ f"petalinux-devtool add {self.recipe_name} {self.fetchuri}", f" petalinux-devtool {operation} {self.recipe_name} ", f"cd {self.source_path} && rm -rf {self.recipe_name}", f"cd && cd {self.workDir}/{self.plnx_proj}", ], timeout=2000, ) elif operation == "finish": self.runner.runcmd_list( cmd_list=[ f"petalinux-devtool add {self.recipe_name} {self.fetchuri}", f" petalinux-devtool {operation} {self.recipe_name} {self.workDir}/{self.plnx_proj}/{self.recipe_destination}", f"cd {self.source_path} && rm -rf {self.recipe_name}", f"petalinux-devtool find-recipe {self.recipe_name}", f"cd && cd {self.workDir}/{self.plnx_proj}", ], timeout=2000, ) elif operation == "build-image": self.runner.runcmd( cmd=f" petalinux-devtool {operation} {self.image_recipe}", timeout=2000) elif operation == "create-workspace": self.runner.runcmd( cmd= f" petalinux-devtool {operation} {self.workspace_layerpath}", timeout=600, ) elif operation == "import": self.plnx_bsp = self.config["PLNX_BSP"] self.runner.runcmd_list( cmd_list=[ f"petalinux-devtool add {self.recipe_name} {self.fetchuri}", f" petalinux-devtool export && cd ..", f"yes | petalinux-create -t project -s {self.bsp_path}{self.plnx_bsp}", f"cd {self.plnx_proj} && petalinux-devtool {operation} {self.workDir}/{self.plnx_proj}.old/build/workspace-export-*tar.gz -o", ], timeout=600, ) elif operation == "extract": self.runner.runcmd( cmd= f"petalinux-devtool {operation} {self.existing_recipename} {self.workspace_layerpath}", timeout=2000, ) elif operation == "--help": self.runner.runcmd(cmd=f"petalinux-devtool {operation} ")
class Ethernet(BaseLinux): def __init__(self, console, config, eth_interface): super().__init__(console, config) self.platform = None self.client_ip = "" self.client_mac = "2c:2b:59:cf:7c:00" self.board_ip = "" self.ping_intervel = "1" self.ping_size = "45" self.ping_count = "10" self.file_size = "4096" self.pktgen_size = "200" self.pktgen_count = "1" self.pktgen_burst = "1" self.pktgen_delay = "0" self.pktgen_frags = "4" self.pktgen_vlan_id = "0" self.eth_interface = "eth0" self.host_interface = "enp9s0" self.updown_count = "3" self.mtu = "1500" self.udp_mtu = "1500" self.iperf3_binary = "iperf3" self.extra_iperf3_args = "" self.timeout = "60" self.client_user = None self.client_password = None self.client_sudo_login = None self.server_user = "******" self.server_password = "******" self.config = config self.terminal = console self.log = log self.eth_interface = eth_interface self.terminal.prompt = r"root(.*?)# " if self.config.get("client_user"): self.client_user = self.config.client_user if self.config.get("client_password"): self.client_password = self.config.client_password if self.config.get("client_sudo_login"): self.client_sudo_login = self.config.client_sudo_login if self.config.get("target_ip"): self.client_ip = self.config.target_ip if self.config.get("board_ip"): self.board_ip = self.config.board_ip if self.config.get("client_mac"): self.client_mac = self.config.client_mac def _setip_config(self, config): self.config = config def ping_test(self): cmd = f"ping {self.client_ip} -s {self.ping_size} -c {self.ping_count}" self.terminal.runcmd(cmd=str(cmd), timeout=60, expected=" 0% packet loss") def ping_flood(self): self.get_client_console() self.client_console.runcmd( cmd=f"ping -f {self.board_ip} -i 5 -c 5", timeout=60, expected=" 0% packet loss", ) self.terminal.runcmd(cmd=f"ping {self.client_ip} -c 5", timeout=30, expected=" 0% packet loss") def ifupdown(self): for count in self.updown_count: self.terminal.runcmd(cmd=f"ifconfig {self.eth_interface} down", timeout=15) self.terminal.runcmd( cmd=f"ifconfig {self.eth_interface} up;sleep 5", timeout=15, expected_failures="link is not ready", ) self.ping_test() def eth_pktgen(self): commands = [ "echo 'stop' > /proc/net/pktgen/pgctrl", "echo 'rem_device_all' > /proc/net/pktgen/kpktgend_0", f"echo 'add_device {self.eth_interface}' > /proc/net/pktgen/kpktgend_0", f"echo 'count {self.pktgen_count}' > /proc/net/pktgen/{self.eth_interface}", f"echo 'clone_skb 100' > /proc/net/pktgen/{self.eth_interface}", f"echo 'pkt_size {self.pktgen_size}' > /proc/net/pktgen/{self.eth_interface}", f"echo 'burst {self.pktgen_burst}' > /proc/net/pktgen/{self.eth_interface}", f"echo 'delay {self.pktgen_delay}' > /proc/net/pktgen/{self.eth_interface}", f"echo 'vlan_id {self.pktgen_vlan_id}' > /proc/net/pktgen/{self.eth_interface}", f"echo 'vlan_p 0' > /proc/net/pktgen/{self.eth_interface}", f"echo 'vlan_cfi 0' > /proc/net/pktgen/{self.eth_interface}", f"echo 'frags {self.pktgen_frags}' > /proc/net/pktgen/{self.eth_interface}", f"echo 'dst {self.client_ip}' > /proc/net/pktgen/{self.eth_interface}", f"echo 'dst_mac {self.client_mac}' > /proc/net/pktgen/{self.eth_interface}", "echo 'start' > /proc/net/pktgen/pgctrl", f"cat /proc/net/pktgen/{self.eth_interface}", "paramsCount=$(grep -E 'Params: count' /proc/net/pktgen/eth0 | awk '{print substr($3,1)}')", "pktSofar=$(grep -E 'pkts-sofar' /proc/net/pktgen/eth0 | awk '{print substr($2,1)}')", '[ "$paramsCount" -eq "$pktSofar" ]', ] self.terminal.runcmd_list(cmd_list=commands, timeout=60) def eth_scp(self): self.terminal.runcmd(cmd="scp_file=$(mktemp scp.XXXXXXXXX)") self.terminal.runcmd( cmd= f"dd if=/dev/zero of=$scp_file bs=1 count=0 seek={self.file_size}") scp_cmd = f"scp -q -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -r $scp_file {self.client_user}@{self.client_ip}:/home/{self.client_user}" index = self.terminal.runcmd( cmd=scp_cmd, expected=["(y/n)", "password"], wait_for_prompt=False, timeout=120, ) if index == "1": self.terminal.runcmd(cmd=f"{self.client_password}", timeout=120) else: self.terminal.runcmd(cmd="y", expected="password", wait_for_prompt=False, timeout=300) self.terminal.runcmd(cmd=f"{self.client_password}") self.terminal.runcmd(cmd="rm $scp_file") def iperf_tcp_host_client(self):"Starting an iperf3 server on the client...") self.get_client_console() cmd = f"{self.iperf3_binary} -s &" self.client_console.runcmd(cmd=cmd, expected="Server listening", wait_for_prompt=False, timeout=60)"Measuring {self.iperf3_binary} TCP throughput...") cmd = f"{self.iperf3_binary} -c {self.client_ip} -f m {self.extra_iperf3_args}" self.terminal.runcmd(cmd=cmd, timeout=60) time.sleep(5) self.client_console.runcmd(cmd=f"pkill {self.iperf3_binary}", timeout=60) def iperf_tcp_client_host(self): self.get_client_console()"Starting an iperf3 server on the board...") self.terminal.runcmd(cmd=f"{self.iperf3_binary} -s &", timeout=60) time.sleep(15)"Starting an iperf3 client...") self.client_console.runcmd( cmd= f"{self.iperf3_binary} -c {self.board_ip} -f m {self.extra_iperf3_args}", timeout=60, ) time.sleep(5) self.terminal.runcmd(cmd=f"pkill {self.iperf3_binary}", timeout=60) def iperf_udp_host_client(self):"Starting an iperf3 server on the client...") self.get_client_console() cmd = f"{self.iperf3_binary} -s &" self.client_console.runcmd(cmd=cmd, expected="Server listening", wait_for_prompt=False, timeout=60) time.sleep(15)"Measuring {self.iperf3_binary} UDP throughput...") cmd = ( f"{self.iperf3_binary} -c {self.client_ip} -f m -u {self.extra_iperf3_args}" ) self.terminal.runcmd(cmd=cmd, timeout=60) time.sleep(5) self.client_console.runcmd(cmd=f"pkill {self.iperf3_binary}", timeout=60) def iperf_udp_client_host(self): self.get_client_console()"Starting an iperf3 server on the board...") self.terminal.runcmd(cmd=f"{self.iperf3_binary} -s &", timeout=60) time.sleep(15)"Starting an iperf3 client...") self.client_console.runcmd( cmd= f"{self.iperf3_binary} -c {self.board_ip} -f m -u {self.extra_iperf3_args}", timeout=60, ) time.sleep(5) self.terminal.runcmd(cmd=f"pkill {self.iperf3_binary}", timeout=60) def netperf_tcp_host_client(self):"Starting an netperf server on the client...") self.get_client_console() cmd = f"ps -ef | grep netserver || netserver -D -4 &" self.client_console.runcmd(cmd=cmd, timeout=20) if self.mtu != "1500": time.sleep(2) f"Updating MTU size on host and device... : {self.mtu}") self.terminal.runcmd( cmd= f"ifconfig {self.eth_interface} down; ifconfig {self.eth_interface} mtu {self.mtu} up; ifconfig" ) time.sleep(5) self.client_console.runcmd( cmd= f"ifconfig {self.eth_interface} down; ifconfig {self.eth_interface} mtu {self.mtu} up; ifconfig" ) time.sleep(5) self.udp_mtu = f"{self.mtu} - 28" time.sleep(5) f"Device Netperf Output for TCP(Tx Mode) with MTU size {self.mtu}") time.sleep(1) cmd = f"netperf -c -C -H {self.client_ip} -t TCP_STREAM" failures = ["No space left on device", "recv_response:"] self.terminal.runcmd(cmd=cmd, expected_failures=failures, timeout=60) time.sleep(5) def netperf_udp_host_client(self):"Starting an netperf server on the client...") self.get_client_console() cmd = f"ps -ef | grep netserver || netserver -D -4 &" self.client_console.runcmd(cmd=cmd, timeout=20) if self.mtu != "1500": time.sleep(2) f"Updating MTU size on host and device... : {self.mtu}") self.terminal.runcmd( cmd= f"ifconfig {self.eth_interface} down; ifconfig {self.eth_interface} mtu {self.mtu} up; ifconfig" ) time.sleep(5) self.client_console.runcmd( cmd= f"ifconfig {self.eth_interface} down; ifconfig {self.eth_interface} mtu {self.mtu} up; ifconfig" ) time.sleep(5) self.udp_mtu = f"{self.mtu} - 28" time.sleep(5) f"Device Netperf Output for UDP(Tx Mode) with MTU Size: {self.mtu}" ) time.sleep(1) cmd = f"netperf -c -C -H {self.client_ip} -t UDP_STREAM" failures = ["No space left on device", "recv_response:"] self.terminal.runcmd(cmd=cmd, expected_failures=failures, timeout=60) time.sleep(5) def netperf_tcp_client_host(self): self.get_client_console() failures = ["No space left on device", "recv_response:"] cmd = f"ps -ef | grep netserver || netserver -D -4 &" self.terminal.runcmd(cmd=cmd, timeout=20) time.sleep(5) cmd = f"netperf -c -C -H {self.board_ip} -t TCP_STREAM -- -m {self.mtu} -M {self.mtu}" self.client_console.runcmd(cmd=cmd, expected_failures=failures, timeout=50) def netperf_udp_client_host(self): self.get_client_console() failures = ["No space left on device", "recv_response:"] cmd = f"ps -ef | grep netserver || netserver -D -4 &" self.terminal.runcmd(cmd=cmd, timeout=20) time.sleep(5) f"Host Netperf Output for UDP(Rx Mode) with MTU Size: {self.udp_mtu}" ) cmd = f"netperf -c -C -H {self.board_ip} -t UDP_STREAM -- -m {self.mtu} -M {self.udp_mtu}" self.client_console.runcmd(cmd=cmd, timeout=50) time.sleep(5) def eth_dhcp(self): cmd = f"udhcpc -i {self.eth_interface}" self.terminal.runcmd(cmd=cmd, timeout=30, expected_failures=["not found"]) self.ping_test() def eth_speed(self): for speed in [1000, 10, 100]: cmd = f"ethtool -s {self.eth_interface} speed {speed} duplex full; sleep 15" self.terminal.runcmd(cmd=cmd) self.terminal.sendline("\r\n") self.terminal.runcmd(cmd=f"ethtool {self.eth_interface}") self.ping_test() cmd = f"ethtool -s {self.eth_interface} autoneg on; sleep 15" self.terminal.runcmd(cmd=cmd) self.terminal.sendline("\r\n") self.terminal.runcmd(cmd=f"ethtool {self.eth_interface}") self.ping_test() def eth_tftp(self): failures = [ "server error:", "(2) Access violation", "No such file or directory", "ERROR", ] tftp_file = "system.bit" cmdd = f"tftp -g -r {tftp_file} {self.client_ip}" self.terminal.runcmd(cmd=cmdd, timeout=300, expected_failures=failures) def eth_telnet(self): self.terminal.runcmd(cmd="telnetd", timeout=20) self.get_client_console() self.client_console.runcmd( cmd=f"telnet {self.board_ip}", timeout=20, expected="Peta", wait_for_prompt=False, ) self.client_console.sendline("root") self.client_console.sendline("root") time.sleep(1) self.client_console.sendline("root") self.client_console.runcmd(cmd=f"ls", timeout=20, expected=":~# ", wait_for_prompt=False) def eth_gravcat(self, **kwargs): self.get_client_console() cmd = f"gravecat -l 9999 &" self.terminal.sync() self.terminal.runcmd(cmd=cmd, timeout=20, expected_failures=["ommand", "failed"]) self.client_console.runcmd( f"/usr/bin/gravecat_x86_64 -s {self.boardIp} 9999 4 1000 500", expected="using", timeout=10, wait_for_prompt=False, ) time.sleep(600) self.client_console.sendline("\x03") self.client_console.runcmd( cmd="if pgrep gravecat;then kill -9 `pgrep -f gravecat`; fi") self.terminal.sync() self.ifupdown() def suspend_resume_eth_wkp(self, platform): eth_nodes = ["ff0b0000", "ff0c0000", "ff0d0000", "ff0e0000"]"Starting an netperf server on the client...") self.terminal.runcmd("cat /proc/cpuinfo") self.terminal.runcmd("ifconfig -a") self.terminal.runcmd("echo 8 > /proc/sys/kernel/printk") self.terminal.runcmd( "echo 0 > /sys/module/printk/parameters/console_suspend") if platform == "versal": self.terminal.runcmd( f"echo disabled > {self.sys_axi}/ff000000.serial/tty/ttyAMA0/power/wakeup" ) self.terminal.runcmd( f"echo enabled > {self.sys_axi}/ff0c0000.ethernet/net/eth0/power/wakeup" ) self.terminal.runcmd( "echo mem > /sys/power/state", expected="CPU1 killed", wait_for_prompt=False, ) else: self.terminal.runcmd( f"echo disabled > {self.sys_axi}/ff000000.serial/tty/ttyPS0/power/wakeup" ) for node in eth_nodes: self.terminal.runcmd( f"cat /proc/device-tree/axi/ethernet\@{node}/status", expected="\r\n", ) node_status = self.terminal.output() if node_status == "okay": ethernet_node = node self.terminal.runcmd( f"echo enabled > {self.sys_axi}/{ethernet_node}.ethernet/net/eth0/power/wakeup" ) self.terminal.runcmd( "echo mem > /sys/power/state", expected="CPU3 killed", wait_for_prompt=False, ) self.get_client_console() self.client_console.runcmd(cmd=f"ping {self.board_ip} -c 5", expected_failures="0 received", retries=2) time.sleep(15) is_linux_cons(self.terminal) self.terminal.runcmd("pwd") if platform == "versal": self.terminal.runcmd( f"echo enabled > {self.sys_axi}/ff000000.serial/tty/ttyAMA0/power/wakeup" ) self.terminal.runcmd('bootmode="sd_boot"') else: self.terminal.runcmd( f"echo enabled > {self.sys_axi}/ff000000.serial/tty/ttyPS0/power/wakeup" ) def get_client_console(self): if self.config["eth_host_name"]: self.client_console = Xexpect( hostname=self.config["eth_host_name"], hostip=None, userid=None, password=None, non_interactive=False, log=log, ) elif self.config["board_interface"] == "systest": client_ip = self.config["systest_host"] self.client_console = Xexpect(hostname=client_ip, non_interactive=False, log=log) else: client_ip = self.client_ip self.client_console = Xexpect( hostip=client_ip, userid=self.client_user, password=self.client_password, non_interactive=False, log=log, ) self.client_console.prompt = "bash-" self.client_console.runcmd("/bin/bash --norc") def _sudo_login(): self.client_console.prompt = r"root(.*?)# " self.client_console.sendline(cmd="sudo su -") index = self.client_console.expect( expected=["password", "root"], expected_failures="Permission denied", err_msg="fail to login with sudo", wait_for_prompt=False, ) if index == 1: self.client_console.runcmd( cmd=self.client_password, expected="root", expected_failures=[ "Permission denied", "Sorry", "not allowed" ], err_msg="fail to login with sudo", wait_for_prompt=False, ) def _set_status_init(): self.client_console.sync() self.client_console._setup_init() self.client_console.exit_nzero_ret = True if self.client_sudo_login: _sudo_login() _set_status_init() def ifplugd(self): self.terminal.runcmd(cmd="ifplugd") cmd = f'pgrep -f ifplugd >/dev/null || echo "ifplugd demon not running"' self.terminal.runcmd(cmd=cmd, timeout=30, expected_failures=["ifplugd demon not running"]) self.ifupdown() cmd = f"ifconfig {self.eth_interface} {self.board_ip} netmask" self.terminal.runcmd(cmd=cmd, timeout=self.timeout) def eth_nfs(self):"Output test files and clean up..") cmd_list = [ "out_dir=/tmp/nfs_temp_output", "mkdir -p ${out_dir} > /dev/null 2>&1", "out_prefix=${out_dir}/nfs_test", "out_mount=${out_prefix}.mount", "out_mount_prefix=${out_mount}/nfs_test", "unmount ${out_mount} && rm -rf ${out_prefix}*", ] self.terminal.runcmd_list(cmd_list=cmd_list, timeout=60)"Mounting NFS...") cmd_list = [ "mkdir -p ${out_mount}", f'rpcinfo "{self.client_ip}" | grep "nfs"', f"mount -o port=2049,nolock,proto=tcp,vers=2 {self.client_ip}:/exports/root $out_mount", ] self.terminal.runcmd_list(cmd_list=cmd_list, timeout=200)"Creating large pattern data files..") cmd_list = [ " [ -c /dev/urandom ] || mknod -m 777 /dev/urandom c 1 9 > /dev/null 2>&1;", "dd if=/dev/urandom of=${out_prefix}.r2m-pattern.bin bs=1024 count=4096;", "dd if=/dev/urandom of=${out_mount_prefix}.m2r-pattern.bin bs=1024 count=4096;", "cp ${out_mount_prefix}.m2r-pattern.bin ${out_prefix}.m2r-pattern.bin;", "cp ${out_prefix}.r2m-pattern.bin ${out_mount_prefix}.r2m-pattern.bin;", ] self.terminal.runcmd_list(cmd_list=cmd_list, timeout=200)"Re-mounting the NFS.. Verifying the read back data...") cmd_list = [ "umount ${out_mount};", f"mount -o port=2049,nolock,proto=tcp,vers=2 {self.client_ip}:/exports/root $out_mount;" "diff -q ${out_prefix}.m2r-pattern.bin ${out_mount_prefix}.m2r-pattern.bin", "diff -q ${out_mount_prefix}.r2m-pattern.bin ${out_prefix}.r2m-pattern.bin", ] self.terminal.runcmd_list(cmd_list=cmd_list, timeout=200) def vlan_test(self): cmd = "board_mac=$(ifconfig eth0 | awk '/HWaddr/ {print substr($5,1)}')" self.terminal.runcmd(cmd=cmd, timeout=60) self.BoardMac = self.terminal.output() time.sleep(2)"Board HWaddr : {self.BoardMac}... ") cmd = 'tcpdump -i {self.eth_interface} "vlan and icmp" and ip host and ether host "$board_mac" -n -ev &' self.terminal.runcmd(cmd=cmd, timeout=60) time.sleep(2) cmd_list = [ "ip link set dev eth2.5 down &", "ip link del eth2.5 &", "modprobe 8021q &", "ip link add link eth2 name eth2.5 type vlan id 5 &", "ip addr add brd dev eth2.5 &", "ip link set dev eth2.5 up &", f"arp -s {self.client_ip} $board_mac dev eth2.5 &", f"{self.client_ip} -I eth2.5 -c 3 &", ] self.get_client_console() self.client_console.runcmd(cmd=cmd_list, timeout=120) time.sleep(10)"=================== rx output ===================") self.terminal.runcmd(cmd="killall -s INT tcpdump &", timeout=60) time.sleep(2) cmd_list = [ "ip link set dev eth2.5 down &", "ip link del eth2.5 &", f"route del {self.client_ip} &", f"route add {self.client_ip} dev eth2 &", f"tcpdump -n -i eth2 dst port 9 and ip host {self.client_ip} -e -v > ~/tx_tcpdump_vlan.txt &", ] self.client_console.runcmd(cmd=cmd_list, timeout=120) time.sleep(10) self.client_console.runcmd(cmd="gettest_hostmac", timeout=20) time.sleep(1) commands = [ "echo 'stop' > /proc/net/pktgen/pgctrl", "echo 'rem_device_all' > /proc/net/pktgen/kpktgend_0", "echo 'add_device eth0' > /proc/net/pktgen/kpktgend_0", "echo 'count 1' > /proc/net/pktgen/eth0", "echo 'clone_skb 0' > /proc/net/pktgen/eth0", "echo 'pkt_size 200' > /proc/net/pktgen/eth0", "echo 'delay 0' > /proc/net/pktgen/eth0", "echo 'frags 4' > /proc/net/pktgen/eth0", "echo 'vlan_id 0' > /proc/net/pktgen/eth0", "echo 'vlan_p 0' > /proc/net/pktgen/eth0", "echo 'vlan_cfi 0' > /proc/net/pktgen/eth0", f"echo 'dst {self.board_ip}' > /proc/net/pktgen/eth0", f"echo 'dst_mac {self.client_mac}' > /proc/net/pktgen/eth0", "echo 'start' > /proc/net/pktgen/pgctrl", ] self.terminal.runcmd_list(cmd_list=commands, timeout=60) time.sleep(4)"=================== tx output ===================") cmd_list = [ "killall -s INT tcpdump &", "cat ~/tx_tcpdump_vlan.txt", "rm ~/tx_tcpdump_vlan.txt", ] self.client_console.runcmd(cmd=cmd_list, timeout=120) time.sleep(10) def update_mtu(self, **kwargs): self.get_client_console()"Updating MTU size on host and device... : {self.mtu}") self.terminal.runcmd_list(cmd_list=[ f"ifconfig {self.eth_interface} down", "sleep 10", f"ifconfig {self.eth_interface} mtu {self.mtu} {self.boardIp} up", "sleep 5", "ifconfig", ]) time.sleep(5) self.client_console.runcmd_list(cmd_list=[ f"sudo ifconfig {self.host_interface} down", "sleep 10", f"sudo ifconfig {self.host_interface} mtu {self.mtu} {self.clientIp} up", "sleep 5", "sudo ifconfig", ]) time.sleep(5) self.terminal.sync() def ping_jumbo_frame(self, **kwargs): self.get_client_console() for mtu in [1500, 2048, 4096, 8192]:"Updating MTU size on device... : {mtu}") self.mtu = mtu self.update_mtu() self.terminal.sync() time.sleep(3) self.terminal.runcmd( cmd=f"ping {self.clientIp} -s {mtu-28} -c 5", timeout=30, expected=" 0% packet loss", ) time.sleep(2) self.mtu = 1500 self.update_mtu() def mii_test(self, **kwargs): self.terminal.runcmd(cmd=f"mii-tool -v {self.eth_interface}", expected="link ok") self.terminal.runcmd( cmd=f"mii-tool --force 10baseT-FD {self.eth_interface}", expected=" ") self.terminal.runcmd(cmd=f"mii-tool {self.eth_interface}", expected=": 10 Mbit") self.terminal.runcmd(cmd=f"mii-tool --restart {self.eth_interface}", expected=" ") self.terminal.sync() time.sleep(10) self.ping_test() self.terminal.sync() def eth_pqueue(self): self.client_console.runcmd(cmd="gettest_hostmac", timeout=20) self.client_console.runcmd(cmd="killall -s INT tcpdump &", timeout=20) self.client_console.runcmd(cmd="rm ~/priority.txt &", timeout=20) self.client_console.runcmd( cmd= f"tcpdump -n -i {self.host_interface} ip host {self.board_ip} -ev > ~/priority.txt &", timeout=20, ) time.sleep(5)"targetMac = {self.client_mac}") commands = [ "echo 'stop' > /proc/net/pktgen/pgctrl", "echo 'rem_device_all' > /proc/net/pktgen/kpktgend_0", "echo 'add_device eth0@0' > /proc/net/pktgen/kpktgend_0", "echo 'count 500' > /proc/net/pktgen/eth0@0", "echo 'burst 50' > /proc/net/pktgen/eth0@0", "echo 'clone_skb 0' > /proc/net/pktgen/eth0@0", "echo 'pkt_size 1500' > /proc/net/pktgen/eth0@0", "echo 'delay 0' > /proc/net/pktgen/eth0@0", "echo 'frags 0' > /proc/net/pktgen/eth0@0", f"echo 'dst {self.board_ip}' > /proc/net/pktgen/eth0@0", f"echo 'dst_mac {self.client_mac}' > /proc/net/pktgen/eth0@0", "echo 'skb_priority 1' > /proc/net/pktgen/eth0@0", "echo 'queue_map_min 0' > /proc/net/pktgen/eth0@0", "echo 'queue_map_max 0' > /proc/net/pktgen/eth0@0", ] self.terminal.runcmd_list(cmd_list=commands, timeout=60) time.sleep(5) commands = [ "echo 'rem_device_all' > /proc/net/pktgen/kpktgend_1", "echo 'add_device eth0@1' > /proc/net/pktgen/kpktgend_1", "echo 'count 20' > /proc/net/pktgen/eth0@1", "echo 'burst 20' > /proc/net/pktgen/eth0@1", "echo 'clone_skb 0' > /proc/net/pktgen/eth0@1", "echo 'pkt_size 1400' > /proc/net/pktgen/eth0@1", "echo 'delay 0' > /proc/net/pktgen/eth0@1", "echo 'frags 0' > /proc/net/pktgen/eth0@1", f"echo 'dst {self.board_ip}' > /proc/net/pktgen/eth0@1", f"echo 'dst_mac {self.client_mac}' > /proc/net/pktgen/eth0@1", "echo 'skb_priority 1' > /proc/net/pktgen/eth0@1", "echo 'queue_map_min 1' > /proc/net/pktgen/eth0@1", "echo 'queue_map_max 1' > /proc/net/pktgen/eth0@1", ] self.terminal.runcmd_list(cmd_list=commands, timeout=60) time.sleep(5) commands = [ "echo 'rem_device_all' > /proc/net/pktgen/kpktgend_2", "echo 'add_device eth0@2' > /proc/net/pktgen/kpktgend_2", "echo 'count 500' > /proc/net/pktgen/eth0@2", "echo 'burst 50' > /proc/net/pktgen/eth0@2", "echo 'clone_skb 0' > /proc/net/pktgen/eth0@2", "echo 'pkt_size 1200' > /proc/net/pktgen/eth0@2", "echo 'delay 0' > /proc/net/pktgen/eth0@2", "echo 'frags 0' > /proc/net/pktgen/eth0@2", f"echo 'dst {self.board_ip}' > /proc/net/pktgen/eth0@2", f"echo 'dst_mac {self.client_mac}' > /proc/net/pktgen/eth0@2", "echo 'skb_priority 1' > /proc/net/pktgen/eth0@2", "echo 'queue_map_min 0' > /proc/net/pktgen/eth0@2", "echo 'queue_map_max 0' > /proc/net/pktgen/eth0@2", ] self.terminal.runcmd_list(cmd_list=commands, timeout=60) time.sleep(5) commands = [ "echo 'rem_device_all' > /proc/net/pktgen/kpktgend_3", "echo 'add_device eth0@3' > /proc/net/pktgen/kpktgend_3", "echo 'count 20' > /proc/net/pktgen/eth0@3", "echo 'burst 20' > /proc/net/pktgen/eth0@3", "echo 'clone_skb 0' > /proc/net/pktgen/eth0@3", "echo 'pkt_size 1100' > /proc/net/pktgen/eth0@3", "echo 'delay 0' > /proc/net/pktgen/eth0@3", "echo 'frags 0' > /proc/net/pktgen/eth0@3", f"echo 'dst {self.board_ip}' > /proc/net/pktgen/eth0@3", f"echo 'dst_mac {self.client_mac}' > /proc/net/pktgen/eth0@3", "echo 'skb_priority 1' > /proc/net/pktgen/eth0@3", "echo 'queue_map_min 1' > /proc/net/pktgen/eth0@3", "echo 'queue_map_max 1' > /proc/net/pktgen/eth0@3", "echo 'start' > /proc/net/pktgen/pgctrl &", ] self.terminal.runcmd_list(cmd_list=commands, timeout=60) time.sleep(5) self.client_console.runcmd(cmd="killall -s INT tcpdump &", timeout=20) self.client_console.runcmd(cmd="cat ~/priority.txt &", timeout=20)
class Ethernet: attributes = [ "hostIp", "targetIp", "ping_intervel", "ping_size", "ping_count", "file_size", "pktgen_size", "pktgen_count", "pktgen_burst", "pktgen_delay", "pktgen_frags", "pktgen_vlan_id", "host_interface", "ifupdwn_count", "mtu", "eth_interface", "user", "password", "iperf_binary", "extra_iperf_args", ] targetIp = "" hostIp = "" ping_intervel = "1" ping_size = "45" ping_count = "10" file_size = "4096" pktgen_size = "200" pktgen_count = "1" pktgen_burst = "1" pktgen_delay = "0" pktgen_frags = "4" pktgen_vlan_id = "0" eth_interface = "eth0" host_interface = "enp9s0" updown_count = "3" mtu = "1500" udp_mtu = "1500" iperf_binary = "iperf" extra_iperf_args = "" timeout = "60" user = "" password = "" def __init__(self, config, terminal, eth_interface): self.config = config self.terminal = terminal self.log = log self.eth_interface = eth_interface self.terminal.prompt = "~# " self.terminal._setup_init() if config["user"]: self.user = config["user"] if config["password"]: self.password = config["password"] def _setip_config(self, config): self.config = config def eth_default_runner(func): @functools.wraps(func) def override_defaults(self, **kwargs): ts = time.time()"Start ethernet test {func.__name__} ...") for attr, value in kwargs.items(): if attr not in self.attributes: raise ValueError( "Attribute [{}] not supported.".format(attr)) else: setattr(self, attr, value)"key: {attr}, value: {value}") func(self, **kwargs) te = time.time() f"Ethernet test {func.__name__} end .. Total time taken:{round((te -ts),1)}, sec" ) self.__init__(self.config, self.terminal, self.eth_interface) return True return override_defaults @eth_default_runner def ping_test(self, **kwargs): cmd = f"ping {self.targetIp} -s {self.ping_size} -c {self.ping_count}" self.terminal.runcmd(cmd=str(cmd), timeout=20, expected=" 0% packet loss") @eth_default_runner def eth_speed(self, **kwargs): import random for speed in [1000, 10, 100]: cmd = f"ethtool -s {self.eth_interface} speed {speed} duplex full" self.terminal.runcmd(cmd=cmd, timeout=30, expected="link") self.terminal.sendline("\r\n") self.terminal.runcmd(cmd=f"ethtool {self.eth_interface}") self.ping_test() cmd = f"ethtool -s {self.eth_interface} autoneg on" self.terminal.runcmd(cmd=cmd, timeout=30, expected="link") self.terminal.sendline("\r\n") self.terminal.runcmd(cmd=f"ethtool {self.eth_interface}") self.ping_test() @eth_default_runner def ifupdown(self, **kwargs): for count in self.updown_count: self.terminal.runcmd(cmd=f"ifconfig {self.eth_interface} down", timeout=15, expected="root") self.terminal.runcmd( cmd=f"ifconfig {self.eth_interface} up;sleep 3", timeout=15, expected="root", expected_failures="link is not ready", ) self.ping_test() @eth_default_runner def ifplugd(self, **kwargs): cmd = f'pgrep -f ifplugd >/dev/null || echo "ifplugd demon not running"' self.terminal.runcmd(cmd=cmd, timeout=30, expected_failures=["ifplugd demon not running"]) self.ifupdown() cmd = f"ifconfig {self.eth_interface} {self.hostIp} netmask" self.terminal.runcmd(cmd=cmd, timeout=self.timeout) @eth_default_runner def eth_tftp(self, **kwargs): failures = [ "server error:", "(2) Access violation", "No such file or directory", "ERROR", ] cmd_list = [ "tftp_file=$(mktemp tftp.XXXXXX)", f"dd if=/dev/zero of=$tftp_file bs=1 count=0 seek={self.file_size}", ] self.terminal.runcmd_list(cmd_list=cmd_list, timeout=30, expected_failures=failures) self.run_on_host(cmd="chmod 777 -R /tftpboot/") cmd_list = [ f"tftp -p -r $tftp_file {self.targetIp}", "file1=$(md5sum $tftp_file | awk '{print $1}')", "rm $tftp_file", ] self.terminal.runcmd_list(cmd_list=cmd_list, timeout=300, expected_failures=failures) self.run_on_host(cmd="chmod 777 -R /tftpboot/") cmd_list = [ f"tftp -g -r $tftp_file {self.targetIp}", "file2=$(md5sum $tftp_file | awk '{print $1}')", "[ $file1 == $file2 ] || return 1", ] self.terminal.runcmd_list(cmd_list=cmd_list, timeout=300, expected_failures=failures) self.run_on_host(cmd="rm -rf /tftpboot/tftp*") @eth_default_runner def eth_nfs(self, **kwargs):"Output test files and clean up..") cmd_list = [ "out_dir=/tmp/nfs_temp_output", "mkdir -p ${out_dir} > /dev/null 2>&1", "out_prefix=${out_dir}/nfs_test", "out_mount=${out_prefix}.mount", "out_mount_prefix=${out_mount}/nfs_test", "unmount ${out_mount} && rm -rf ${out_prefix}*", ] self.terminal.runcmd_list(cmd_list=cmd_list, timeout=60)"Mounting NFS...") cmd_list = [ "mkdir -p ${out_mount}", f'rpcinfo "{self.targetIp}" | grep "nfs"', f"mount -o port=2049,nolock,proto=tcp,vers=2 {self.targetIp}:/exports/root $out_mount", ] self.terminal.runcmd_list(cmd_list=cmd_list, timeout=200)"Creating large pattern data files..") cmd_list = [ " [ -c /dev/urandom ] || mknod -m 777 /dev/urandom c 1 9 > /dev/null 2>&1;", "dd if=/dev/urandom of=${out_prefix}.r2m-pattern.bin bs=1024 count=4096;", "dd if=/dev/urandom of=${out_mount_prefix}.m2r-pattern.bin bs=1024 count=4096;", "cp ${out_mount_prefix}.m2r-pattern.bin ${out_prefix}.m2r-pattern.bin;", "cp ${out_prefix}.r2m-pattern.bin ${out_mount_prefix}.r2m-pattern.bin;", ] self.terminal.runcmd_list(cmd_list=cmd_list, timeout=200)"Re-mounting the NFS.. Verifying the read back data...") cmd_list = [ "umount ${out_mount};", f"mount -o port=2049,nolock,proto=tcp,vers=2 {self.targetIp}:/exports/root $out_mount;" "diff -q ${out_prefix}.m2r-pattern.bin ${out_mount_prefix}.m2r-pattern.bin", "diff -q ${out_mount_prefix}.r2m-pattern.bin ${out_prefix}.r2m-pattern.bin", ] self.terminal.runcmd_list(cmd_list=cmd_list, timeout=200) @eth_default_runner def eth_scp(self, **kwargs): cmd_list = [ "scp_file=$(mktemp scp.XXXXXXXXX)", f"dd if=/dev/zero of=$scp_file bs=1 count=0 seek={self.file_size}", f'expect -c "spawn scp -r $scp_file {self.user}@{self.targetIp}:/home/{self.user}/;expect "password"; send "{self.password}"; interact"', "file1=$(md5sum $scp_file | awk '{print $1}') && rm $scp_file", f'expect -c "spawn scp {self.user}@{self.targetIp}:/home/{self.user}/$scp_file ./;expect "password:"******"{self.password}"; interact"', "file2=$(md5sum $scp_file | awk '{print $1})'", "[ $file1 == $file2 ] || echo 'scp test failed'", ] self.terminal.runcmd_list(cmd_list=cmd_list, timeout=120, expected_failure=["scp test failed"]) @eth_default_runner def eth_telnet(self, **kwargs): self.terminal.runcmd(cmd="telnetd", timeout=20) self.test_host_console = Xexpect( hostname=self.config["eth_host_name"], non_interactive=False, log=log, ) self.test_host_console.runcmd( cmd=f"telnet {self.hostIp}", timeout=20, expected="Peta", wait_for_prompt=False, ) self.test_host_console.sendline("root") self.test_host_console.sendline("root") time.sleep(1) self.test_host_console.sendline("root") self.test_host_console.runcmd(cmd=f"ls", timeout=20, expected=":~# ", wait_for_prompt=False) @eth_default_runner def eth_dhcp(self, **kwargs): cmd = f"udhcp -i {self.eth_interface}" self.terminal.runcmd(cmd=cmd, timeout=30, expected_failures=["not found"]) self.ping_test() @eth_default_runner def iperf_test(self, **kwargs):"Starting an iperf server on the host...") cmd = f"{self.iperf_binary} -s &" self.run_on_host(cmd=cmd, timeout=50) time.sleep(3) self.terminal.runcmd( cmd=f"tftp -g -r {self.iperf_binary} {self.targetIp}", timeout=60) self.terminal.runcmd( cmd= f"chmod 777 {self.iperf_binary}; mv {self.iperf_binary} /usr/sbin/", timeout=60, ) time.sleep(3)"Measuring {self.iperf_binary} TCP throughput...") cmd = f"{self.iperf_binary} -c {self.targetIp} -f m {self.extra_iperf_args}" self.terminal.runcmd(cmd=cmd, timeout=60) time.sleep(3)"Measuring {self.iperf_binary} UDP throughput...") cmd = f"{self.iperf_binary} -c {self.targetIp} -f m -u {self.extra_iperf_args}" self.terminal.runcmd(cmd=cmd, timeout=60) f"Running {self.iperf_binary} with option -d | --dualtest ....") cmd = f"{self.iperf_binary} -c {self.targetIp} -f m -d {self.extra_iperf_args}" self.terminal.runcmd(cmd=cmd, timeout=60) time.sleep(3) self.run_on_host(cmd=f"pkill {self.iperf_binary}", timeout=50) f"Starting an {self.iperf_binary} server on the target...") # self.terminal.runcmd(cmd="tftp -g -r {self.iperf_binary} {self.targetIp}",timeout=60) self.terminal.runcmd(cmd=f"{self.iperf_binary} -s &", timeout=60) time.sleep(3)"Starting an iperf client on the host...") self.run_on_host( cmd= f"{self.iperf_binary} -c {self.hostIp} -f m {self.extra_iperf_args}", timeout=50, ) time.sleep(3) def run_on_host(self, cmd, expected="root", timeout=60, expected_failures=None, **kwargs): self.test_host_console = Xexpect( hostname=self.config["eth_host_name"], non_interactive=False, log=log, ) if cmd == "gettest_hostmac": self.test_host_console.runcmd( cmd="ifconfig enp9s0 | awk '/HWaddr {print substr($5,1)}'", timeout=30) self.targetMac = self.test_host_console.output() self.test_host_console.runcmd(cmd="sudo su -", timeout=timeout, expected="root") if type(cmd) is list: self.test_host_console.runcmd_list( cmd_list=f"{cmd}", expected_failures=expected_failures, timeout=timeout, expected=expected, ) else: self.test_host_console.runcmd( cmd=f"{cmd}", expected=expected, timeout=timeout, expected_failures=expected_failures, ) @eth_default_runner def netperf(self, **kwargs): failures = ["No space left on device", "recv_response:"] cmd = f"ps -ef | grep netserver || netserver -D -4 &" self.terminal.runcmd(cmd=cmd, timeout=20) if self.mtu != "1500": time.sleep(2) f"Updating MTU size on host and device... : {self.mtu}") self.terminal.runcmd( cmd= f"ifconfig {self.eth_interface} down; ifconfig {self.eth_interface} mtu {self.mtu} up; ifconfig" ) time.sleep(3) self.run_on_host( cmd= f"ifconfig {self.host_interface} down; ifconfig {self.host_interface} mtu {self.mtu} up; ifconfig" ) self.udp_mtu = f"{self.mtu} - 28" time.sleep(3) f"Device Netperf Output for TCP(Tx Mode) with MTU size {self.mtu}") time.sleep(1) cmd = f"netperf -c -C -H {self.targetIp} -t TCP_STREAM" self.terminal.runcmd(cmd=cmd, expected_failures=failures, timeout=50) time.sleep(3) f"Device Netperf Output for UDP(Tx Mode) with MTU Size: {self.mtu}" ) time.sleep(1) cmd = f"netperf -c -C -H {self.targetIp} -t UDP_STREAM" self.terminal.runcmd(cmd=cmd, timeout=50) time.sleep(3) cmd = f"ps -ef | grep netserver" self.run_on_host(cmd=cmd, timeout=50) time.sleep(1) f"Host Netperf Output for TCP(Rx Mode) with MTU size: {self.mtu}") cmd = f"netperf -c -C -H {self.hostIp} -t TCP_STREAM -- -m {self.mtu} -M {self.mtu}" self.run_on_host(cmd=cmd, expected_failures=failures, timeout=50) time.sleep(3) f"Host Netperf Output for UDP(Rx Mode) with MTU Size: {self.udp_mtu}" ) cmd = f"netperf -c -C -H {self.hostIp} -t UDP_STREAM -- -m {self.mtu} -M {self.udp_mtu}" self.run_on_host(cmd=cmd, timeout=50) time.sleep(2) @eth_default_runner def vlan_test(self, **kwargs): cmd = "board_mac=$(ifconfig eth0 | awk '/HWaddr {print substr($5,1)}')" self.terminal.runcmd(cmd=cmd, timeout=60) self.BoardMac = self.terminal.output() time.sleep(2)"Board HWaddr : {self.BoardMac}... ") cmd = 'tcpdump -i {self.eth_interface} "vlan and icmp" and ip host and ether host "$board_mac" -n -ev &' self.terminal.runcmd(cmd=cmd, timeout=60) time.sleep(2) cmd_list = [ "ip link set dev eth2.5 down &", "ip link del eth2.5 &", "modprobe 8021q &", "ip link add link eth2 name eth2.5 type vlan id 5 &", "ip addr add brd dev eth2.5 &", "ip link set dev eth2.5 up &", f"arp -s {self.hostIp} $board_mac dev eth2.5 &", f"{self.hostIp} -I eth2.5 -c 3 &", ] self.run_on_host(cmd=cmd_list, timeout=120) time.sleep(10)"=================== rx output ===================") self.terminal.runcmd(cmd="killall -s INT tcpdump &", timeout=60) time.sleep(2) cmd_list = [ "ip link set dev eth2.5 down &", "ip link del eth2.5 &", f"route del {self.hostIp} &", f"route add {self.hostIp} dev eth2 &", f"tcpdump -n -i eth2 dst port 9 and ip host {self.hostIp} -e -v > ~/tx_tcpdump_vlan.txt &", ] self.run_on_host(cmd=cmd_list, timeout=120) time.sleep(10) self.run_on_host(cmd="gettest_hostmac", timeout=20) time.sleep(1) commands = [ "echo 'stop' > /proc/net/pktgen/pgctrl", "echo 'rem_device_all' > /proc/net/pktgen/kpktgend_0", "echo 'add_device eth0' > /proc/net/pktgen/kpktgend_0", "echo 'count 1' > /proc/net/pktgen/eth0", "echo 'clone_skb 0' > /proc/net/pktgen/eth0", "echo 'pkt_size 200' > /proc/net/pktgen/eth0", "echo 'delay 0' > /proc/net/pktgen/eth0", "echo 'frags 4' > /proc/net/pktgen/eth0", "echo 'vlan_id 0' > /proc/net/pktgen/eth0", "echo 'vlan_p 0' > /proc/net/pktgen/eth0", "echo 'vlan_cfi 0' > /proc/net/pktgen/eth0", f"echo 'dst {self.targetIp}' > /proc/net/pktgen/eth0", f"echo 'dst_mac {self.targetMac}' > /proc/net/pktgen/eth0", "echo 'start' > /proc/net/pktgen/pgctrl", ] self.terminal.runcmd_list(cmd_list=commands, timeout=60) time.sleep(4)"=================== tx output ===================") cmd_list = [ "killall -s INT tcpdump &", "cat ~/tx_tcpdump_vlan.txt", "rm ~/tx_tcpdump_vlan.txt", ] self.run_on_host(cmd=cmd_list, timeout=120) time.sleep(10) @eth_default_runner def ping_flood(self, **kwargs): self.terminal.runcmd( cmd=f"tftp -g -r ping; chmod 777 ping") self.terminal.runcmd( cmd=f"./ping -f {self.hostIp} -i 5 -c 5", timeout=60, expected=" 0% packet loss", ) self.terminal.runcmd(cmd=f"ping {self.targetIp} -c 5", timeout=30, expected=" 0% packet loss") @eth_default_runner def ping_jumbo_frame(self, **kwargs): for mtu in [2048, 4096, 8192]:"Updating MTU size on device... : {mtu}") self.terminal.runcmd( cmd= f"ifconfig {self.eth_interface} down; ifconfig {self.eth_interface} mtu {mtu} up; ifconfig" ) time.sleep(2)"Updating MTU size on test host... : {mtu}") self.run_on_host( cmd= f"ifconfig {self.host_interface} down; ifconfig {self.host_interface} mtu {mtu} up; ifconfig" ) time.sleep(2) self.run_on_host( cmd=f"ping {self.hostIp} -l {mtu-28} -c 5", timeout=30, expected=" 0% packet loss", ) time.sleep(2) self.terminal.runcmd( cmd= f"ifconfig {self.eth_interface} down; ifconfig {self.eth_interface} mtu 1500 up; ifconfig" ) time.sleep(3) self.run_on_host( cmd= f"ifconfig {self.host_interface} down; ifconfig {self.host_interface} mtu {mtu} up; ifconfig" ) @eth_default_runner def eth_pktgen(self, **kwargs): self.run_on_host(cmd="gettest_hostmac", timeout=20) commands = [ "echo 'stop' > /proc/net/pktgen/pgctrl", "echo 'rem_device_all' > /proc/net/pktgen/kpktgend_0", f"echo 'add_device {self.eth_interface}' > /proc/net/pktgen/kpktgend_0", f"echo 'count {self.pktgen_count}' > /proc/net/pktgen/{self.eth_interface}", f"echo 'clone_skb 100' > /proc/net/pktgen/{self.eth_interface}", f"echo 'pkt_size {self.pktgen_size}' > /proc/net/pktgen/{self.eth_interface}", f"echo 'burst {self.pktgen_burst} > /proc/net/pktgen/{self.eth_interface}", f"echo 'delay {self.pktgen_delay}' > /proc/net/pktgen/{self.eth_interface}", f"echo 'vlan_id {self.pktgen_vlan_id}' > /proc/net/pktgen/{self.eth_interface}", f"echo 'vlan_p 0' > /proc/net/pktgen/{self.eth_interface}", f"echo 'vlan_cfi 0' > /proc/net/pktgen/{self.eth_interface}", f"echo 'frags {self.pktgen_frags}' > /proc/net/pktgen/{self.eth_interface}", f"echo 'dst {self.targetIp}' > /proc/net/pktgen/{self.eth_interface}", f"echo 'dst_mac {self.targetMac}' > /proc/net/pktgen/{self.eth_interface}", "echo 'start' > /proc/net/pktgen/pgctrl", f"cat /proc/net/pktgen/{self.eth_interface}", "paramsCount=$(grep -E 'Params: count' /proc/net/pktgen/eth0 | awk '{print substr($3,1)}')", "pktSofar=$(grep -E 'pkts-sofar' /proc/net/pktgen/eth0 | awk '{print substr($2,1)}')", '[ "$paramsCount" -eq "$pktSofar" ] || echo "fail"', ] self.terminal.runcmd_list(cmd_list=commands, timeout=60) @eth_default_runner def eth_pqueue(self, **kwargs): self.run_on_host(cmd="gettest_hostmac", timeout=20) self.run_on_host(cmd="killall -s INT tcpdump &", timeout=20) self.run_on_host(cmd="rm ~/priority.txt &", timeout=20) self.run_on_host( cmd= f"tcpdump -n -i {self.host_interface} ip host {self.targetIp} -ev > ~/priority.txt &", timeout=20, ) time.sleep(5)"targetMac = {self.targetMac}") commands = [ "echo 'stop' > /proc/net/pktgen/pgctrl", "echo 'rem_device_all' > /proc/net/pktgen/kpktgend_0", "echo 'add_device eth0@0' > /proc/net/pktgen/kpktgend_0", "echo 'count 500' > /proc/net/pktgen/eth0@0", "echo 'burst 50' > /proc/net/pktgen/eth0@0", "echo 'clone_skb 0' > /proc/net/pktgen/eth0@0", "echo 'pkt_size 1500' > /proc/net/pktgen/eth0@0", "echo 'delay 0' > /proc/net/pktgen/eth0@0", "echo 'frags 0' > /proc/net/pktgen/eth0@0", f"echo 'dst {self.targetIp}' > /proc/net/pktgen/eth0@0", f"echo 'dst_mac {self.targetMac}' > /proc/net/pktgen/eth0@0", "echo 'skb_priority 1' > /proc/net/pktgen/eth0@0", "echo 'queue_map_min 0' > /proc/net/pktgen/eth0@0", "echo 'queue_map_max 0' > /proc/net/pktgen/eth0@0", ] self.terminal.runcmd_list(cmd_list=commands, timeout=60) time.sleep(5) commands = [ "echo 'rem_device_all' > /proc/net/pktgen/kpktgend_1", "echo 'add_device eth0@1' > /proc/net/pktgen/kpktgend_1", "echo 'count 20' > /proc/net/pktgen/eth0@1", "echo 'burst 20' > /proc/net/pktgen/eth0@1", "echo 'clone_skb 0' > /proc/net/pktgen/eth0@1", "echo 'pkt_size 1400' > /proc/net/pktgen/eth0@1", "echo 'delay 0' > /proc/net/pktgen/eth0@1", "echo 'frags 0' > /proc/net/pktgen/eth0@1", f"echo 'dst {self.targetIp}' > /proc/net/pktgen/eth0@1", f"echo 'dst_mac {self.targetMac}' > /proc/net/pktgen/eth0@1", "echo 'skb_priority 1' > /proc/net/pktgen/eth0@1", "echo 'queue_map_min 1' > /proc/net/pktgen/eth0@1", "echo 'queue_map_max 1' > /proc/net/pktgen/eth0@1", ] self.terminal.runcmd_list(cmd_list=commands, timeout=60) time.sleep(5) commands = [ "echo 'rem_device_all' > /proc/net/pktgen/kpktgend_2", "echo 'add_device eth0@2' > /proc/net/pktgen/kpktgend_2", "echo 'count 500' > /proc/net/pktgen/eth0@2", "echo 'burst 50' > /proc/net/pktgen/eth0@2", "echo 'clone_skb 0' > /proc/net/pktgen/eth0@2", "echo 'pkt_size 1200' > /proc/net/pktgen/eth0@2", "echo 'delay 0' > /proc/net/pktgen/eth0@2", "echo 'frags 0' > /proc/net/pktgen/eth0@2", f"echo 'dst {self.targetIp}' > /proc/net/pktgen/eth0@2", f"echo 'dst_mac {self.targetMac}' > /proc/net/pktgen/eth0@2", "echo 'skb_priority 1' > /proc/net/pktgen/eth0@2", "echo 'queue_map_min 0' > /proc/net/pktgen/eth0@2", "echo 'queue_map_max 0' > /proc/net/pktgen/eth0@2", ] self.terminal.runcmd_list(cmd_list=commands, timeout=60) time.sleep(5) commands = [ "echo 'rem_device_all' > /proc/net/pktgen/kpktgend_3", "echo 'add_device eth0@3' > /proc/net/pktgen/kpktgend_3", "echo 'count 20' > /proc/net/pktgen/eth0@3", "echo 'burst 20' > /proc/net/pktgen/eth0@3", "echo 'clone_skb 0' > /proc/net/pktgen/eth0@3", "echo 'pkt_size 1100' > /proc/net/pktgen/eth0@3", "echo 'delay 0' > /proc/net/pktgen/eth0@3", "echo 'frags 0' > /proc/net/pktgen/eth0@3", f"echo 'dst {self.targetIp}' > /proc/net/pktgen/eth0@3", f"echo 'dst_mac {self.targetMac}' > /proc/net/pktgen/eth0@3", "echo 'skb_priority 1' > /proc/net/pktgen/eth0@3", "echo 'queue_map_min 1' > /proc/net/pktgen/eth0@3", "echo 'queue_map_max 1' > /proc/net/pktgen/eth0@3", "echo 'start' > /proc/net/pktgen/pgctrl &", ] self.terminal.runcmd_list(cmd_list=commands, timeout=60) time.sleep(5) self.run_on_host(cmd="killall -s INT tcpdump &", timeout=20) self.run_on_host(cmd="cat ~/priority.txt &", timeout=20)