Example #1
    def Load(self, rdk=None):  #, stream_data=b''):
        """Save the class attributes as a RoboDK binary parameter"""
        # Use a dictionary and the str/eval buit-in conversion
        attribs_list = self._getAttribsSave()
        #if len(attribs_list) == 0:
        #    print("Load settings: No attributes to load")
        #    return False

        print("Loading data from RoboDK station...")
        if rdk is None:
            from robolink import Robolink
            rdk = Robolink()

        param_backup = self._SETTINGS_PARAM
        param_backup += "-Backup"

        bytes_data = rdk.getParam(param_backup, False)
        if len(bytes_data) > 0:
            import robodk
            result = robodk.ShowMessageYesNoCancel(
                "Something went wrong with the last test.\nRecover lost data?",
                "Auto recover")
            if result is None:
                return False

            elif not result:
                bytes_data = b''

            # Clear backup data
            rdk.setParam(param_backup, b'', False)

        if len(bytes_data) <= 0:
            bytes_data = rdk.getParam(self._SETTINGS_PARAM, False)

        if len(bytes_data) <= 0:
            print("Load settings: No data for " + self._SETTINGS_PARAM)
            return False

        import pickle
        saved_dict = pickle.loads(bytes_data)
        for key in saved_dict.keys():
            # if we have a list of attributes that we want, load it only if it is in the list
            if len(attribs_list) > 0 and not key in attribs_list:
                print("Obsolete variable saved (will be deleted): " + key)

                value = saved_dict[key]
                setattr(self, key, value)

        return True
Example #2
class RunApplication:
    """Class to detect when the terminate signal is emited to stop an action.

    .. code-block:: python

        run = RunApplication()
        while run.Run():
            # your main loop to run until the terminate signal is detected

    time_last = -1
    param_name = None
    RDK = None

    def __init__(self, rdk=None):
        if rdk is None:
            from robolink import Robolink
            self.RDK = Robolink()
            self.RDK = rdk

        self.time_last = time.time()
        if len(sys.argv) > 0:
            path = sys.argv[0]
            folder = os.path.basename(os.path.dirname(path))
            file = os.path.basename(path)
            if file.endswith(".py"):
                file = file[:-3]
            elif file.endswith(".exe"):
                file = file[:-4]

            self.param_name = file + "_" + folder
                "1")  # makes sure we can run the file separately in debug mode

    def Run(self):
        time_now = time.time()
        if time_now - self.time_last < 0.25:
            return True
        self.time_last = time_now
        if self.param_name is None:
            # Unknown start
            return True

        keep_running = not (self.RDK.getParam(self.param_name) == 0)
        return keep_running
def removeParameters(RDK=None):
    if RDK is None:
        RDK = Robolink()

    RDK.setParam(PARAM_BOX_X, b'')
    RDK.setParam(PARAM_BOX_Y, b'')
    RDK.setParam(PARAM_BOX_Z, b'')
    RDK.setParam(PARAM_UNITS, b'')
    RDK.setParam(PARAM_PARENT_NAME, b'')
Example #4
    def Save(self, rdk=None, autorecover=False):
        # Save the class attributes as a string
        # Use a dictionary and the str/eval buit-in conversion
        attribs_list = self._getAttribsSave()
        if len(attribs_list) <= 0:
            print("Saving skipped")

        print("Saving data to RoboDK station...")
        dict_data = {}

        # Important! We must save this but not show it in the UI
        dict_data['_FIELDS_UI'] = self._FIELDS_UI
        for key in attribs_list:
            dict_data[key] = getattr(self, key)

        #Protocol tips: https://docs.python.org/3/library/pickle.html
        import pickle
        bytes_data = pickle.dumps(
            dict_data, protocol=2
        )  # protocol=2: bynary, compatible with python 2.3 and later
        if rdk is None:
            from robolink import Robolink
            rdk = Robolink()

        param_val = self._SETTINGS_PARAM
        param_backup = param_val + "-Backup"

        if autorecover:
            rdk.setParam(param_backup, bytes_data)

            rdk.setParam(param_val, bytes_data)
            rdk.setParam(param_backup, b'')
Example #5
def setParameters(RDK=None):
    if RDK is None:
        RDK = Robolink()

    global RADIUS
    global PARENT


    if PARENT is not None:
        RDK.setParam(PARAM_PARENT_NAME, PARENT.Name())
        RDK.setParam(PARAM_PARENT_NAME, '')
Example #6
def removeParameters(RDK=None):
    if RDK is None:
        RDK = Robolink()

    RDK.setParam(PARAM_RADIUS, b'')
    RDK.setParam(PARAM_PARENT_NAME, b'')
Example #7
class robodk_api(driver):
    This driver uses the RoboDK API to connect to a robot controller. It is based on the Robodk API (https://robodk.com/offline-programming).
    The driver will always provide access to the robot axis through the variable called "Axis" (float[6]).
    Optional variable definitions are used to access Station Parameters in RobotDK to be read or written by the driver.

    controller: str
        Robot name in RoboDK. Default = '', will take the first that founds.

    def __init__(self, name: str, pipe: Optional[Pipe] = None):
        :param name: (optional) Name for the driver
        :param pipe: (optional) Pipe used to communicate with the driver thread. See gateway.py
        # Inherit
        driver.__init__(self, name, pipe)

        # Parameters
        self.controller = ''

    def connect(self) -> bool:
        """ Connect driver.
        : returns: True if connection stablished False if not
            #assert ROBODK_API_FOUND, "RoboDK API is not available."
            self._connection = Robolink()
            if self._connection:
                self.robot = self._connection.Item(self.controller)
                if self.robot:
                    if self.robot.Valid() and self.robot.Type() == ITEM_TYPE_ROBOT:
                        self.sendDebugInfo(f'Driver RoboDK Connected to {self.controller}...')
                        return True
                        self.sendDebugInfo(f'Item {self.controller} not found!')
                    self.sendDebugInfo(f'Controler not found!')
                self.sendDebugInfo(f'Connection with Robolink not possible.')

        except Exception as e:
            self.sendDebugInfo('Exception '+str(e))
        return False

    def disconnect(self):
        """ Disconnect driver.

    def addVariables(self, variables: dict):
        """ Add variables to the driver. Correctly added variables will be added to internal dictionary 'variables'.
        Any error adding a variable should be communicated to the server using sendDebugInfo() method.

        : param variables: Variables to add in a dict following the setup format. (See documentation) 
        for var_id, var_data in variables.items():
                if var_id == 'Axis':
                    var_data['value'] = [None for i in range(var_data['size'])]
                    self.variables[var_id] = var_data
                    value = self._connection.getParam(var_id)
                    if value is not None:
                        var_data['value'] = None # Force first update
                        self.variables[var_id] = var_data
                        self.sendDebugVarInfo((f'SETUP: Variable found {var_id}', var_id))
            self.sendDebugVarInfo((f'SETUP: Variable not found {var_id}', var_id))

    def readVariables(self, variables: list) -> list:
        """ Read given variable values. In case that the read is not possible or generates an error BAD quality should be returned.
        : param variables: List of variable ids to be read. 

        : returns: list of tupples including (var_id, var_value, VariableQuality)
        res = []
        for var_id in variables:
                if var_id == 'Axis':
                    new_value = self.robot.Joints().tr().rows[0] # robot joint rotations [Rax_1, Rax_2, Rax_3, Rax_4, Rax_5, Rax_6]
                    new_value = [round(x,3) for x in new_value]
                    res.append((var_id, new_value, VariableQuality.GOOD))
                    new_value = self._connection.getParam(var_id)
                    if new_value is not None:
                        new_value = self.getValueFromString(self.variables[var_id]['datatype'], new_value)
                        res.append((var_id, new_value, VariableQuality.GOOD))
                res.append((var_id, self.variables[var_id]['value'], VariableQuality.BAD))
        return res

    def writeVariables(self, variables: list) -> list:
        """ Write given variable values. In case that the write is not possible or generates an error BAD quality should be returned.
        : param variables: List of tupples with variable ids and the values to be written (var_id, var_value). 

        : returns: list of tupples including (var_id, var_value, VariableQuality)
        res = []
        # TODO: Possible improvement can be to send multiple at once
        for (var_id, new_value) in variables:
                self._connection.setParam(var_id, new_value)
                res.append((var_id, new_value, VariableQuality.GOOD))
                res.append((var_id, new_value, VariableQuality.BAD))
        return res
def setParameters(RDK=None):
    if RDK is None:
        RDK = Robolink()

    global BOX_SIZE_XYZ
    global USE_METRIC
    global PARENT
    global CONV_PARENT

    RDK.setParam(PARAM_BOX_X, BOX_SIZE_XYZ[0])
    RDK.setParam(PARAM_BOX_Y, BOX_SIZE_XYZ[1])
    RDK.setParam(PARAM_BOX_Z, BOX_SIZE_XYZ[2])

    if PARENT is not None:
        RDK.setParam(PARAM_PARENT_NAME, PARENT.Name())
        RDK.setParam(PARAM_PARENT_NAME, '')

    if CONV_PARENT is not None:
        RDK.setParam(PARAM_CONV_PARENT_NAME, '')