def move_orient(self, env, q1):

        q0 = env.observation_spec()['eef_quat']
        x_target = env.observation_spec()['eef_pos']

        fraction_size = 50
        for i in range(fraction_size):
            q_target = T.quat_slerp(q0, q1, fraction=(i + 1) / fraction_size)
            steps = 0
            lamda = 0.01

            current = env._right_hand_orn
            target_rotation = T.quat2mat(q_target)
            drotation =

            while (np.linalg.norm(T.mat2euler(drotation)) > 0.01):

                current = env._right_hand_orn
                target_rotation = T.quat2mat(q_target)
                drotation =
                dquat = T.mat2quat(drotation)
                x_current = env.observation_spec()['eef_pos']
                d_pos = np.clip((x_target - x_current) * lamda, -0.05, 0.05)
                d_pos = [0, 0, 0]

                action = np.concatenate((d_pos, dquat, [self.grasp]))
                steps += 1

                if (steps > 20):
Example #2
    def run_controller(self):
        Calculates the torques required to reach the desired setpoint

             np.array: Command torques
        # Update state

        # Update interpolated action if necessary
        desired_pos = None
        rotation = None
        update_velocity_goal = False

        # Update interpolated goals if active
        if self.interpolator_pos is not None:
            # Linear case
            if self.interpolator_pos.order == 1:
                desired_pos = self.interpolator_pos.get_interpolated_goal()
                # Nonlinear case not currently supported
            update_velocity_goal = True
            desired_pos = self.reference_target_pos

        if self.interpolator_ori is not None:
            # Linear case
            if self.interpolator_ori.order == 1:
                # relative orientation based on difference between current ori and ref
                self.relative_ori = orientation_error(self.ee_ori_mat, self.ori_ref)
                ori_error = self.interpolator_ori.get_interpolated_goal()
                rotation = T.quat2mat(ori_error)
                # Nonlinear case not currently supported
            update_velocity_goal = True
            rotation = T.quat2mat(self.reference_target_orn)

        # Only update the velocity goals if we're interpolating
        if update_velocity_goal:
            velocities = self.get_control(dpos=(desired_pos - self.ee_pos), rotation=rotation)

        # Run controller with given action
        return super().run_controller()
Example #3
    def rotate_camera(self, point, axis, angle):
        Rotate the camera view about a direction (in the camera frame).

            point (None or 3-array): (x,y,z) cartesian coordinates about which to rotate camera in camera frame. If None,
                assumes the point is the current location of the camera
            axis (3-array): (ax,ay,az) axis about which to rotate camera in camera frame
            angle (float): how much to rotate about that direction

                pos: (x,y,z) updated camera position
                quat: (x,y,z,w) updated camera quaternion orientation
        # current camera rotation + pos
        camera_pos = np.array(
        camera_rot = T.quat2mat(T.convert_quat(, to="xyzw"))

        # rotate by angle and direction to get new camera rotation
        rad = np.pi * angle / 180.0
        R = T.rotation_matrix(rad, axis, point=point)
        camera_pose = np.zeros((4, 4))
        camera_pose[:3, :3] = camera_rot
        camera_pose[:3, 3] = camera_pos
        camera_pose = camera_pose @ R

        # Update camera pose
        pos, quat = camera_pose[:3, 3], T.mat2quat(camera_pose[:3, :3])
        self.set_camera_pose(pos=pos, quat=quat)

        return pos, quat
Example #4
    def ik_robot_eef_joint_cartesian_pose(self):
        Calculates the current cartesian pose of the last joint of the ik robot with respect to the base frame as
        a (pos, orn) tuple where orn is a x-y-z-w quaternion


                - (np.array) position
                - (np.array) orientation
        eef_pos_in_world = np.array(p.getLinkState(self.ik_robot, self.bullet_ee_idx,
        eef_orn_in_world = np.array(p.getLinkState(self.ik_robot, self.bullet_ee_idx,
        eef_pose_in_world = T.pose2mat((eef_pos_in_world, eef_orn_in_world))

        base_pos_in_world = np.array(p.getBasePositionAndOrientation(self.ik_robot,
        base_orn_in_world = np.array(p.getBasePositionAndOrientation(self.ik_robot,
        base_pose_in_world = T.pose2mat((base_pos_in_world, base_orn_in_world))
        world_pose_in_base = T.pose_inv(base_pose_in_world)

        # Update reference to inverse orientation offset from pybullet base frame to world frame
        self.base_orn_offset_inv = T.quat2mat(T.quat_inverse(base_orn_in_world))

        # Update reference target orientation
        self.reference_target_orn = T.quat_multiply(self.reference_target_orn, base_orn_in_world)

        eef_pose_in_base = T.pose_in_A_to_pose_in_B(
            pose_A=eef_pose_in_world, pose_A_in_B=world_pose_in_base

        return T.mat2pose(eef_pose_in_base)
Example #5
    def _post_action(self, action):
        Run any necessary visualization after running the action

            action (np.array): Action being passed during this timestep


                - (float) reward from the environment
                - (bool) whether the current episode is completed or not
                - (dict) empty dict to be filled with information by subclassed method

        reward, done, info = super()._post_action(action)
        chassis_body_id = self.sim.model.body_name2id(
        body_pos_z =[chassis_body_id][2]
        quat = np.array([
            for x in self.robots[0]._ref_chassis_pos_indexes
        mat = quat2mat(quat)
        euler = mat2euler(mat)
        roll, pitch = euler[:2]
        if abs(roll > 0.785) or abs(pitch > 0.785) or body_pos_z < 0.20:
            done = True
            reward = -10
        return reward, done, info
    def _get_initial_qpos(self):
        Calculates the initial joint position for the robot based on the initial desired pose (self.traj_pt, self.goal_quat).


            (np.array): n joint positions 
        pos = self._convert_robosuite_to_toolbox_xpos(self.traj_pt)
        ori_euler = mat2euler(quat2mat(self.goal_quat))

        # desired pose
        T = SE3(pos) * SE3.RPY(ori_euler)

        # find initial joint positions
        if self.robots[0].name == "UR5e":
            robot = rtb.models.DH.UR5()
            sol = robot.ikine_min(T, q0=self.robots[0].init_qpos)

            # flip last joint around (pi)
            sol.q[-1] -= np.pi
            return sol.q

        elif self.robots[0].name == "Panda":
            robot = rtb.models.DH.Panda()
            sol = robot.ikine_min(T, q0=self.robots[0].init_qpos)
            return sol.q
Example #7
    def get_pose(self):
        offset_mat = np.eye(4)
        q_wxyz = np.concatenate((self.offset_ori[3:], self.offset_ori[:3]))
        offset_mat[:3, :3] = T.quat2mat(q_wxyz)
        offset_mat[:3, -1] = self.offset_pos

        if self.camera_link_name != "worldbody":

            pos_body_in_world =
            rot_body_in_world =
                self.camera_link_name).reshape((3, 3))
            pose_body_in_world = T.make_pose(pos_body_in_world,

            total_pose = np.array(pose_body_in_world).dot(np.array(offset_mat))

            position = total_pose[:3, -1]

            rot = total_pose[:3, :3]
            wxyz = T.mat2quat(rot)
            xyzw = np.concatenate((wxyz[1:], wxyz[:1]))

            position = np.array(self.offset_pos)
            xyzw = self.offset_ori

        return np.concatenate((position, xyzw))
    def cons_1(self, x):
        # First pose: constrain peg further than lPeg in z direction relative to hole
        p_peg = x[0:3]
        p_hole = x[3:6]
        q_hole = x[10:14]
        p_peg_in_hole_frame = np.matmul(T.quat2mat(T.quat_inverse(q_hole)),
                                        p_peg - p_hole)

        return p_peg_in_hole_frame[2]
Example #9
    def _randomize_rotation(self, name):
        Helper function to randomize orientation of a specific camera

            name (str): Name of the camera to randomize for
        # sample a small, random axis-angle delta rotation
        random_axis, random_angle = trans.random_axis_angle(angle_limit=self.rotation_perturbation_size, random_state=self.random_state)
        random_delta_rot = trans.quat2mat(trans.axisangle2quat(random_axis * random_angle))
        # compute new rotation and set it
        base_rot = trans.quat2mat(trans.convert_quat(self._defaults[name]['quat'], to='xyzw'))
        new_rot =
        new_quat = trans.convert_quat(trans.mat2quat(new_rot), to='wxyz')
Example #10
    def _hammer_angle(self):
        Calculate the angle of hammer with the ground, relative to it resting horizontally

            float: angle in radians
        mat = T.quat2mat(self._hammer_quat)
        z_unit = [0, 0, 1]
        z_rotated = np.matmul(mat, z_unit)
        return np.pi / 2 - np.arccos(, z_rotated))
Example #11
 def _make_input(self, action, old_quat):
     Helper function that returns a dictionary with keys dpos, rotation from a raw input
     array. The first three elements are taken to be displacement in position, and a
     quaternion indicating the change in rotation with respect to @old_quat.
     return {
         "dpos": action[:3],
         # IK controller takes an absolute orientation in robot base frame
         "rotation": T.quat2mat(T.quat_multiply(old_quat, action[3:7])),
    def cons_2(self, x):
        # Second  pose: constrain peg further than lPeg in z direction relative to hole
        # also constrain peg x and y in hole frame to be below a tolerance
        # also constrain rotation error
        ind_offset = 14  # ind at which to start looking for pose 2 info
        p_peg = x[ind_offset + 0:ind_offset + 3]
        p_hole = x[ind_offset + 3:ind_offset + 6]
        q_peg = x[ind_offset + 6:ind_offset + 10]
        q_hole = x[ind_offset + 10:ind_offset + 14]
        p_peg_in_hole_frame = np.matmul(T.quat2mat(T.quat_inverse(q_hole)),
                                        p_peg - p_hole)

        z_hole = np.matmul(T.quat2mat(q_hole),
                           np.array([0, 0, 1]))  # hole z in world frame
        z_peg = np.matmul(T.quat2mat(q_peg),
                          np.array([0, 0, 1]))  # peg z in world frames

        # Want the z axes to be antiparallel
        z_defect = np.linalg.norm(z_hole + z_peg)

        return np.hstack((p_peg_in_hole_frame, z_defect))
    def cons_3(self, x):
        # Third  pose: constrain peg less than lPeg/2 in z direction relative to hole
        # also constrain peg x and y in hole frame to be below a tolerance
        # also constrain same orientations as in pose 2
        last_ind_offset = 14  # ind at which to start looking for pose 2 info
        ind_offset = 28  # ind at which to start looking for pose 3 info
        p_peg = x[ind_offset + 0:ind_offset + 3]
        p_hole = x[ind_offset + 3:ind_offset + 6]
        # Using the quats from pose 2 because assuming they will stay the same
        q_hole = x[last_ind_offset + 10:ind_offset + 14]
        p_peg_in_hole_frame = np.matmul(T.quat2mat(T.quat_inverse(q_hole)),
                                        p_peg - p_hole)

        return np.hstack(p_peg_in_hole_frame)
Example #14
 def update_obs(self, obs, F_int):
     # Update Observed value
     self.eef_pos = obs['robot0_eef_pos']  # array 1x3
     self.eef_quat = obs['robot0_eef_quat']  # array 1x4
     self.eef_quat[0] = self.eef_quat[1]
     self.eef_quat[1] = self.eef_quat[0]
     self.eef_quat[2] = -self.eef_quat[2]
     self.eef_vel = obs['robot0_gripper_qvel'][0:3]
     self.peg_pos = obs['peg_pos'] + quat2mat(obs['peg_quat']) @ np.array(
         [0, 0, 0.025])  # array 1x3
     self.peg_quat = obs['peg_quat']  # array 1X4
     self.eef_to_peg_pos = self.peg_pos - self.eef_pos  # array 1x3
     self.eef_to_peg_quat = self.peg_quat - self.eef_quat  # array 1x3
     self.hole_pos = obs['plate_pos'] + quat2mat(
         obs['plate_quat']) @ np.array([0.155636, 0.1507, 0.1])  # array 1x3
     self.eef_to_hole_pos = self.hole_pos - self.eef_pos  # array 1x3
     self.F_int = F_int
     # decide status based on the observation
     record = self.action_status
     if record != self.action_status or record != self.init:
         self.init = 0
Example #15
    def update(self, force=False):
        Updates the state of the robot arm, including end effector pose / orientation / velocity, joint pos/vel,
        jacobian, and mass matrix. By default, since this is a non-negligible computation, multiple redundant calls
        will be ignored via the self.new_update attribute flag. However, if the @force flag is set, the update will
        occur regardless of that state of self.new_update. This base class method of @run_controller resets the
        self.new_update flag

            force (bool): Whether to force an update to occur or not
        # TODO (chongyi zheng): update controller state with ROS
        # Only run update if self.new_update or force flag is set
        if self.new_update or force:
            # self.sim.forward()

            # self.ee_pos = np.array([self.sim.model.site_name2id(self.eef_name)])
            # self.ee_ori_mat = np.array([self.sim.model.site_name2id(self.eef_name)].reshape([3, 3]))
            # self.ee_pos_vel = np.array([self.sim.model.site_name2id(self.eef_name)])
            # self.ee_ori_vel = np.array([self.sim.model.site_name2id(self.eef_name)])
            # TODO (chongyi zheng): Do we need this?
            eef_pose = self.sim.get_eef_pose(self.eef_name)
            self.ee_pos = np.array(eef_pose[0])
            self.ee_ori_mat = T.quat2mat(np.array(eef_pose[1]))
            ee_vel = self.sim.get_eef_vel(self.eef_name, self.joint_index)
            self.ee_pos_vel = np.array(ee_vel[0])
            self.ee_ori_vel = np.array(ee_vel[1])

            self.joint_pos = np.array(self.sim.get_joint_pos(joint_index=self.joint_index))
            self.joint_vel = np.array(self.sim.get_joint_vel(joint_index=self.joint_index))

            # self.J_pos = np.array(, -1))[:, self.qvel_index])
            # self.J_ori = np.array(, -1))[:, self.qvel_index])
            # self.J_full = np.array(np.vstack([self.J_pos, self.J_ori]))
            jac = self.sim.get_jacobian(self.eef_name, raw=True)
            self.J_pos = np.array(jac[0][:, self.qvel_index])
            self.J_ori = np.array(jac[1][:, self.qvel_index])
            self.J_full = np.array(jac[2][:, self.qvel_index])

            # mass_matrix = np.ndarray(shape=(len( ** 2,), dtype=np.float64, order='C')
            # mujoco_py.cymj._mj_fullM(self.sim.model, mass_matrix,
            # mass_matrix = np.reshape(mass_matrix, (len(, len(
            # self.mass_matrix = mass_matrix[self.qvel_index, :][:, self.qvel_index]
            self.mass_matrix = np.array(self.sim.get_mass_matrix())[self.qvel_index, :][:, self.qvel_index]

            # Clear self.new_update
            self.new_update = False
Example #16
    def _randomize_direction(self, name):
        Helper function to randomize direction of a specific light source

            name (str): Name of the lighting source to randomize for
        # sample a small, random axis-angle delta rotation
        random_axis, random_angle = trans.random_axis_angle(angle_limit=self.direction_perturbation_size, random_state=self.random_state)
        random_delta_rot = trans.quat2mat(trans.axisangle2quat(random_axis * random_angle))
        # rotate direction by this delta rotation and set the new direction
        new_dir =[name]['dir'])
def move_camera(env, direction, scale, camera_id):
    Move the camera view along a direction (in the camera frame).
    :param direction: a 3-dim numpy array for where to move camera in camera frame
    :param scale: a float for how much to move along that direction
    :param camera_id: which camera to modify

    # current camera pose
    camera_pos = np.array("cameramover"))
    camera_rot = T.quat2mat(
        T.convert_quat("cameramover"), to='xyzw'))

    # move along camera frame axis and set new position
    camera_pos += scale *"cameramover", camera_pos)
Example #18
    def reward(self, action=None):
        Reward function for the task.

        Sparse un-normalized reward:

            - a discrete reward of 2.25 is provided if the cube is lifted

        Un-normalized summed components if using reward shaping:

            - Reaching: in [0, 1], to encourage the arm to reach the cube
            - Grasping: in {0, 0.25}, non-zero if arm is grasping the cube
            - Lifting: in {0, 1}, non-zero if arm has lifted the cube

        The sparse reward only consists of the lifting component.

        Note that the final reward is normalized and scaled by
        reward_scale / 2.25 as well so that the max score is equal to reward_scale

            action (np array): [NOT USED]

            float: reward value
        chassis_body_id = self.sim.model.body_name2id(
        body_pos =[chassis_body_id]
        quat = np.array([
            for x in self.robots[0]._ref_chassis_pos_indexes
        mat = quat2mat(quat)
        euler = mat2euler(mat)
        pitch = euler[1]
        ctrl_norm = np.linalg.norm([
        reward = -1*((10*(body_pos[2]-0.37))**2)-0.03*(ctrl_norm**2)-3*abs(pitch) \
                 - 0.2*((10*body_pos[0])**2+(10*body_pos[1])**2)

        # Scale reward if requested
        if self.reward_scale is not None:
            reward *= self.reward_scale

        return reward
Example #19
def move_camera(env, direction, scale, cam_body_id):
    Move the camera view along a direction (in the camera frame).

        direction (np.arry): 3-array for where to move camera in camera frame
        scale (float): how much to move along that direction
        cam_body_id (int): id corresponding to parent body of camera element

    # current camera pose
    camera_pos = np.array(env.sim.model.body_pos[cam_body_id])
    camera_rot = T.quat2mat(T.convert_quat(env.sim.model.body_quat[cam_body_id], to='xyzw'))

    # move along camera frame axis and set new position
    camera_pos += scale *
    env.sim.model.body_pos[cam_body_id] = camera_pos
Example #20
    def move_camera(self, direction, scale):
        Move the camera view along a direction (in the camera frame).

            direction (3-array): direction vector for where to move camera in camera frame
            scale (float): how much to move along that direction
        # current camera rotation + pos
        camera_pos = np.array(
        camera_quat =
        camera_rot = T.quat2mat(T.convert_quat(camera_quat, to="xyzw"))

        # move along camera frame axis and set new position
        camera_pos += scale *

        return camera_pos, camera_quat
 def update_obs(self, obs):
     # Update Observed value
     self.eef_pos = obs['robot0_eef_pos']  # array 1x3
     self.eef_quat = obs['robot0_eef_quat']  # array 1x4
     self.eef_quat[0] = self.eef_quat[1]
     self.eef_quat[1] = self.eef_quat[0]
     self.eef_quat[2] = -self.eef_quat[2]
     self.eef_vel = obs['robot0_gripper_qvel'][0:3]
     self.peg_pos = obs['peg_pos'] + quat2mat(obs['peg_quat']) @ np.array(
         [0, 0, 0.015])  # array 1x3
     self.peg_quat = obs['peg_quat']  # array 1X4
     self.eef_to_peg_pos = self.peg_pos - self.eef_pos  # array 1x3
     self.eef_to_peg_quat = self.peg_quat - self.eef_quat  # array 1x3
     self.hole_pos = obs[
         'plate_pos']  #+ quat2mat(obs['plate_quat']) @ np.array([0.155636,0.1507,0.1])	# array 1x3
     self.eef_to_hole_pos = self.hole_pos - self.eef_pos  # array 1x3
     self.hole_to_peg_pos = self.peg_pos - self.hole_pos  # array 1x3
     # decide status based on the observation
Example #22
    def _make_input(self, action, old_quat):
        Helper function that returns a dictionary with keys dpos, rotation from a raw input
        array. The first three elements are taken to be displacement in position, and a
        quaternion indicating the change in rotation with respect to @old_quat. Additionally clips @action as well

            action (np.array) should have form: [dx, dy, dz, ax, ay, az] (orientation in
                scaled axis-angle form)
            old_quat (np.array) the old target quaternion that will be updated with the relative change in @action
        # Clip action appropriately
        dpos, rotation = self._clip_ik_input(action[:3], action[3:])

        # Update reference targets
        self.reference_target_pos += dpos * self.user_sensitivity
        self.reference_target_orn = T.quat_multiply(old_quat, rotation)

        return {"dpos": dpos * self.user_sensitivity, "rotation": T.quat2mat(rotation)}
def rotate_camera(env, direction, angle, camera_id):
    Rotate the camera view about a direction (in the camera frame).
    :param direction: a 3-dim numpy array for where to move camera in camera frame
    :param angle: a float for how much to rotate about that direction
    :param camera_id: which camera to modify

    # current camera rotation
    camera_rot = T.quat2mat(
        T.convert_quat("cameramover"), to='xyzw'))

    # rotate by angle and direction to get new camera rotation
    rad = np.pi * angle / 180.0
    R = T.rotation_matrix(rad, direction, point=None)
    camera_rot =[:3, :3])

    # set new rotation
        "cameramover", T.convert_quat(T.mat2quat(camera_rot), to='wxyz'))
Example #24
def rotate_camera(env, direction, angle, cam_body_id):
    Rotate the camera view about a direction (in the camera frame).

        direction (np.array): 3-array for where to move camera in camera frame
        angle (float): how much to rotate about that direction
        cam_body_id (int): id corresponding to parent body of camera element

    # current camera rotation
    camera_pos = np.array(env.sim.model.body_pos[cam_body_id])
    camera_rot = T.quat2mat(T.convert_quat(env.sim.model.body_quat[cam_body_id], to='xyzw'))

    # rotate by angle and direction to get new camera rotation
    rad = np.pi * angle / 180.0
    R = T.rotation_matrix(rad, direction, point=None)
    camera_rot =[:3, :3])

    # set new rotation
    env.sim.model.body_quat[cam_body_id] = T.convert_quat(T.mat2quat(camera_rot), to='wxyz')
Example #25
    def get_interpolated_goal(self):
        Provides the next step in interpolation given the remaining steps.

        NOTE: If this interpolator is for orientation, it is assumed to be receiving either euler angles or quaternions

            np.array: Next position in the interpolated trajectory
        # Grab start position
        x = np.array(self.start)
        # Calculate the desired next step based on remaining interpolation steps
        if self.ori_interpolate is not None:
            # This is an orientation interpolation, so we interpolate linearly around a sphere instead
            goal = np.array(self.goal)
            if self.ori_interpolate == "euler":
                # this is assumed to be euler angles (x,y,z), so we need to first map to quat
                x = T.mat2quat(T.euler2mat(x))
                goal = T.mat2quat(T.euler2mat(self.goal))

            # Interpolate to the next sequence
            x_current = T.quat_slerp(x,
                                     fraction=(self.step + 1) /
            if self.ori_interpolate == "euler":
                # Map back to euler
                x_current = T.mat2euler(T.quat2mat(x_current))
            # This is a normal interpolation
            dx = (self.goal - x) / (self.total_steps - self.step)
            x_current = x + dx

        # Increment step if there's still steps remaining based on ramp ratio
        if self.step < self.total_steps - 1:
            self.step += 1

        # Return the new interpolated step
        return x_current
Example #26
    def reset(self, deterministic=False):
        Sets initial pose of arm and grippers. Overrides robot joint configuration if we're using a
        deterministic reset (e.g.: hard reset from xml file)

            deterministic (bool): If true, will not randomize initializations within the sim

            ValueError: [Invalid noise type]
        init_qpos = np.array(self.init_qpos)
        if not deterministic:
            # Determine noise
            if self.initialization_noise["type"] == "gaussian":
                noise = np.random.randn(len(self.init_qpos)) * self.initialization_noise["magnitude"]
            elif self.initialization_noise["type"] == "uniform":
                noise = np.random.uniform(-1.0, 1.0, len(self.init_qpos)) * self.initialization_noise["magnitude"]
                raise ValueError("Error: Invalid noise type specified. Options are 'gaussian' or 'uniform'.")
            init_qpos += noise
        # TODO (chongyi zheng): move to initial position with moveit_commander!
        # Set initial position in sim
        #[self._ref_joint_pos_indexes] = init_qpos
        # init_joint_positions = dict(zip(self.robot_joints, init_qpos))
        # self.sim.goto_arm_positions(init_joint_positions, wait=True)
        self.sim.set_joint_qpos(self.robot_joints, init_qpos)

        # Load controllers

        # TODO (chongyi zheng): Do we need this?
        # Update base pos / ori references
        # self.base_pos =
        # self.base_ori = T.mat2quat(, 3)))
        base_pose = self.sim.get_body_pose(self.robot_model.robot_base)
        self.base_pos = np.array(base_pose[0])
        self.base_ori = T.quat2mat(base_pose[1])
Example #27
    def set_goal(self, action, set_pos=None, set_ori=None):
        Sets goal based on input @action. If self.impedance_mode is not "fixed", then the input will be parsed into the
        delta values to update the goal position / pose and the kp and/or damping_ratio values to be immediately updated
        internally before executing the proceeding control loop.

        Note that @action expected to be in the following format, based on impedance mode!

            :Mode `'fixed'`: [joint pos command]
            :Mode `'variable'`: [damping_ratio values, kp values, joint pos command]
            :Mode `'variable_kp'`: [kp values, joint pos command]

            action (Iterable): Desired relative joint position goal state
            set_pos (Iterable): If set, overrides @action and sets the desired absolute eef position goal state
            set_ori (Iterable): IF set, overrides @action and sets the desired absolute eef orientation goal state
        # Update state

        # Parse action based on the impedance mode, and update kp / kd as necessary
        if self.impedance_mode == "variable":
            damping_ratio, kp, delta = action[:6], action[6:12], action[12:]
   = np.clip(kp, self.kp_min, self.kp_max)
            self.kd = 2 * np.sqrt( * np.clip(
                damping_ratio, self.damping_ratio_min, self.damping_ratio_max)
        elif self.impedance_mode == "variable_kp":
            kp, delta = action[:6], action[6:]
   = np.clip(kp, self.kp_min, self.kp_max)
            self.kd = 2 * np.sqrt(  # critically damped
        else:  # This is case "fixed"
            delta = action

        # If we're using deltas, interpret actions as such
        if self.use_delta:
            if delta is not None:
                scaled_delta = self.scale_action(delta)
                if not self.use_ori:
                    # Set default control for ori since user isn't actively controlling ori
                    set_ori = np.array([[-1., 0., 0.], [0., 1., 0.],
                                        [0., 0., -1.]])
                scaled_delta = []
        # Else, interpret actions as absolute values
            set_pos = delta[:3]
            # Set default control for ori if we're only using position control
            set_ori = T.quat2mat(T.axisangle2quat(delta[3:6])) if self.use_ori else \
                np.array([[-1., 0., 0.], [0., 1., 0.], [0., 0., -1.]])
            scaled_delta = []

        # We only want to update goal orientation if there is a valid delta ori value
        # use math.isclose instead of numpy because numpy is slow
        bools = [
            0. if math.isclose(elem, 0.) else 1. for elem in scaled_delta[3:]
        if sum(bools) > 0.:
            self.goal_ori = set_goal_orientation(
        self.goal_pos = set_goal_position(scaled_delta[:3],

        if self.interpolator_pos is not None:

        if self.interpolator_ori is not None:
            self.ori_ref = np.array(
            )  # reference is the current orientation at start
                    self.ori_ref))  # goal is the total orientation error
            self.relative_ori = np.zeros(
                3)  # relative orientation always starts at 0
Example #28
    def reward(self, action=None):
        Reward function for the task.

        Sparse un-normalized reward:

            - a discrete reward of 3.0 is provided if the pot is lifted and is parallel within 30 deg to the table

        Un-normalized summed components if using reward shaping:

            - Reaching: in [0, 0.5], per-arm component that is proportional to the distance between each arm and its
              respective pot handle, and exactly 0.5 when grasping the handle
              - Note that the agent only gets the lifting reward when flipping no more than 30 degrees.
            - Grasping: in {0, 0.25}, binary per-arm component awarded if the gripper is grasping its correct handle
            - Lifting: in [0, 1.5], proportional to the pot's height above the table, and capped at a certain threshold

        Note that the final reward is normalized and scaled by reward_scale / 3.0 as
        well so that the max score is equal to reward_scale

            action (np array): [NOT USED]

            float: reward value
        reward = 0

        # check if the pot is tilted more than 30 degrees
        mat = T.quat2mat(self._pot_quat)
        z_unit = [0, 0, 1]
        z_rotated = np.matmul(mat, z_unit)
        cos_z =, z_rotated)
        cos_30 = np.cos(np.pi / 6)
        direction_coef = 1 if cos_z >= cos_30 else 0

        # check for goal completion: cube is higher than the table top above a margin
        if self._check_success():
            reward = 3.0 * direction_coef

        # use a shaping reward
        elif self.reward_shaping:
            # lifting reward
            pot_bottom_height =[self.pot_center_id][2] - self.pot.top_offset[2]
            table_height =[self.table_top_id][2]
            elevation = pot_bottom_height - table_height
            r_lift = min(max(elevation - 0.05, 0), 0.15)
            reward += 10. * direction_coef * r_lift

            _gripper0_to_handle0 = self._gripper0_to_handle0
            _gripper1_to_handle1 = self._gripper1_to_handle1

            # gh stands for gripper-handle
            # When grippers are far away, tell them to be closer

            # Get contacts
            (g0, g1) = (self.robots[0].gripper["right"], self.robots[0].gripper["left"]) if \
                self.env_configuration == "bimanual" else (self.robots[0].gripper, self.robots[1].gripper)

            _g0h_dist = np.linalg.norm(_gripper0_to_handle0)
            _g1h_dist = np.linalg.norm(_gripper1_to_handle1)

            # Grasping reward
            if self._check_grasp(gripper=g0, object_geoms=self.pot.handle0_geoms):
                reward += 0.25
            # Reaching reward
            reward += 0.5 * (1 - np.tanh(10.0 * _g0h_dist))

            # Grasping reward
            if self._check_grasp(gripper=g1, object_geoms=self.pot.handle1_geoms):
                reward += 0.25
            # Reaching reward
            reward += 0.5 * (1 - np.tanh(10.0 * _g1h_dist))

        if self.reward_scale is not None:
            reward *= self.reward_scale / 3.0

        return reward
Example #29
def set_goal_orientation(delta,
    Calculates and returns the desired goal orientation, clipping the result accordingly to @orientation_limits.
    @delta and @current_orientation must be specified if a relative goal is requested, else @set_ori must be
    an orientation matrix specified to define a global orientation

        delta (np.array): Desired relative change in orientation, in axis-angle form [ax, ay, az]
        current_orientation (np.array): Current orientation, in rotation matrix form
        orientation_limit (None or np.array): 2d array defining the (min, max) limits of permissible orientation goal commands
        set_ori (None or np.array): If set, will ignore @delta and set the goal orientation to this value

        np.array: calculated goal orientation in absolute coordinates

        ValueError: [Invalid orientation_limit shape]
    # directly set orientation
    if set_ori is not None:
        goal_orientation = set_ori

    # otherwise use delta to set goal orientation
        # convert axis-angle value to rotation matrix
        quat_error = trans.axisangle2quat(delta)
        rotation_mat_error = trans.quat2mat(quat_error)
        goal_orientation =, current_orientation)

    # check for orientation limits
    if np.array(orientation_limit).any():
        if orientation_limit.shape != (2, 3):
            raise ValueError("Orientation limit should be shaped (2,3) "
                             "but is instead: {}".format(

        # Convert to euler angles for clipping
        euler = trans.mat2euler(goal_orientation)

        # Clip euler angles according to specified limits
        limited = False
        for idx in range(3):
            if orientation_limit[0][idx] < orientation_limit[1][
                    idx]:  # Normal angle sector meaning
                if orientation_limit[0][idx] < euler[idx] < orientation_limit[
                    limited = True
                    dist_to_lower = euler[idx] - orientation_limit[0][idx]
                    if dist_to_lower > np.pi:
                        dist_to_lower -= 2 * np.pi
                    elif dist_to_lower < -np.pi:
                        dist_to_lower += 2 * np.pi

                    dist_to_higher = euler[idx] - orientation_limit[1][idx]
                    if dist_to_lower > np.pi:
                        dist_to_higher -= 2 * np.pi
                    elif dist_to_lower < -np.pi:
                        dist_to_higher += 2 * np.pi

                    if dist_to_lower < dist_to_higher:
                        euler[idx] = orientation_limit[0][idx]
                        euler[idx] = orientation_limit[1][idx]
            else:  # Inverted angle sector meaning
                if orientation_limit[0][idx] < euler[idx] or euler[
                        idx] < orientation_limit[1][idx]:
                    limited = True
                    dist_to_lower = euler[idx] - orientation_limit[0][idx]
                    if dist_to_lower > np.pi:
                        dist_to_lower -= 2 * np.pi
                    elif dist_to_lower < -np.pi:
                        dist_to_lower += 2 * np.pi

                    dist_to_higher = euler[idx] - orientation_limit[1][idx]
                    if dist_to_lower > np.pi:
                        dist_to_higher -= 2 * np.pi
                    elif dist_to_lower < -np.pi:
                        dist_to_higher += 2 * np.pi

                    if dist_to_lower < dist_to_higher:
                        euler[idx] = orientation_limit[0][idx]
                        euler[idx] = orientation_limit[1][idx]
        if limited:
            goal_orientation = trans.euler2mat(
                np.array([euler[0], euler[1], euler[2]]))
    return goal_orientation
Example #30
    camera_name='agentview',  # use "agentview" camera
    use_object_obs=True,  # no object feature when training on pixels
env = IKWrapper(env)

# reset the environment

f, cx, cy = env._get_cam_K(CAM_ID)
K = np.array([[f, 0, cx], [0, f, cy], [0, 0, 1]])

# Get original camera location
cam_pos, cam_quat = env._get_cam_pos(CAM_ID)
cam_rot = T.quat2mat(cam_quat)
cam_pose = np.eye(4)
cam_pose[:3, :3] = cam_rot
cam_pose[:3, 3] = cam_pos

# Set new camera location
table_pos, table_quat = env._get_body_pos("table")
print("table:", table_pos)
cam_pose_new = T.rotation_matrix(math.pi / 2, np.array([0, 0, 1]), table_pos)
cam_pose_new = np.matmul(cam_pose_new, cam_pose)
cam_quat_new = T.mat2quat(cam_pose_new[:3, :3])
cam_pos_new = cam_pose_new[:3, 3]
env._set_cam_pos(CAM_ID, cam_pos_new, cam_quat_new)